Page 1: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



• Chinese geodesist and educator;

• President of Duke Kunshan University from 2012.

• Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering since 1999;

• Former president of Wuhan University from 2003 to 2008;

• Have developed the first GPS satellite positioning data processing system in China;

• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network;

Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan

Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles


Page 2: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



Historic evolution of using maps in the car

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1. Background and demands

2. Compared with traditional map

3. Main elements and layers

4. Outlook of technologies and standards

5. Summary and thoughts

Page 3: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



� ./0123 4560758029 :58/;;08/ :<=8/>?.1:@

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• .1: 0= 5C238 82 =/J6/ ./;8 59D M25D 8B0= </5J

1.1 Advancement of GNSS technology

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Zbmi\X] g\ks_[\ tak XZs_mZ]_aX q_]Y i\]\k ]a [\X]_i\]\k

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9560758029 9//D= w2J L38292>23= 1J06097

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]a i\\] ]Y\ l_s\kg\ X\\lg _X ]Y\ _X]\nn_m\X] \kZ

x'�yz{ �)z{|y x*'y ,{�}'|�z| �(*'}

1.1 Advancement of GNSS technology

Page 4: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



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J25D ;/6/;�C38 5;=2 ;59/ ;/6/; H08B >/8/J ;/6/;

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w2J 6/B0K;/ 5KK0D/98=

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1.2 Accurate and intelligent trends of traffic management

1.2 Accurate and intelligent trends of traffic management

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]kZXgrak]Z]_aX k\gabk[\g� gb[Y Zg ]kZXgrak]Z]_aX _XtkZg]kb[]bk\�

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• rkas_l\ na[Z]_aX g\ks_[\ q_]Y rk\[_g\ ]_i\ ZXl rag_]_aX _X q_l\ Zk\Z

Page 5: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



� ������� �������� ��������

Intelligent High-Precision Map(IHPM) is the carrier of high-

precision environment perception and the foundation of real-time

road control for autonomous/unmanned driving

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1.3 Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Driving

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1. Background and demands

2. Compared with traditional map

3. Main elements and layers

4. Outlook of technologies and standards

5. Summary and thoughts

Page 6: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



2.1 Definition and classification of Intelligent High-Precision Map(IPHM)

� IPHM is an intelligent map that meet the following constraints:

• B5= 5C=2;38/ 5KK3J5K< 2w 8B/ K22JD0958/= C/88/J 8B59 PUR>

• K298509= 8H2 Ç09D= 2w 09w2J>58029G 29/ 0= =8580K 09w2J>58029 =3KB 5= =B5I/ 2w J25D= 59D ;59/=G

8J5ww0K K29=8J5098= 59D =3JJ239D097 8J5ww0K /960J29>/98G 5928B/J 0= =/>0ED<95>0K 2J D<95>0K

09w2J>58029 =3KB 5= J/5;E80>/ 8J5ww0K 59D 2C=85K;/=

• 5C;/ 82 IJ2K/== 09w2J>58029 H08B K2;;5C2J58029 2w K;23D K2>I38097 59D 8B/ �2Q

• 5C;/ 82 =/J6/ >3;80I;/ 5J/5= =3KB 5= D/;0K5K< >5957/>/98 2w 098/;;07/98 8J59=I2J858029 G

L38292>23= 1J06097 59D M2C28 9560758029 /8KU

2.1 Definition and classification of Intelligent High-precision Maps(IPHM)

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�According to Application Scenarios,it can be divided into four

categories:high precision maps for vehicle, for control center, for

robots, and for cloud

Page 7: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



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� Information load and expression(What is the information?)

2.2 Theory development of high-precision map for vehicles

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� Information transmission (Where is the information from?)

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2.2 Theory development of high-precision map for vehicles

Page 8: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



2.2 Theory development of high-precision map for vehicles

Traditional Maps

• QB/ 5==0=8/D D/K0=029E>5Ç097 5C0;08< ?;0Ç/ I;599097@ 2w

>5I= 0= C5=/D 29 3=/J=æ 39D/J=859D097 2w 8B/ /960J29>/98

• v3>59 0= 8B/ =3Cç/K8 09 8B/ IJ2K/== 2w >5I 3=097U .5=/D

29 8B/0J 2H9 60=35; I/JK/I8029 59D ;270K5; 8B09Ç097 5C0;08<G

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/èIJ/==/D >5I= 82 K2>I;/8/ =I/K0w0K 85=Ç

� The use of information (How to use the information?)

2.2 Theory development of high-precision map for vehicles

� The use of information (How to use the information?)

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l\]Z_n\l ZXl lhXZi_[ \Xs_kaXi\X]Zn _XtakiZ]_aX

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g\nton\ZkX_Xm� g\ntoZlZr]Z]_aX ZXl g\nto\sZnbZ]_aX

Page 9: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation




1. Background and demands

2. Compared with traditional map

3. Main elements and layers

4. Outlook of technologies and standards

5. Summary and thoughts

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1. Static layer

• Road model

• Traffic infrastructure

• Position information

3.1 Layers for Intelligent High-precision Maps

3. Dynamic layer

• Vehicles

• Pedestrian

4. User layer

• Vehicle configuration

• Scene information

• Behavior monitoring

• Cognitive characteristics

2. Real-time layer

• Road Construction

• Traffic jam

• Traffic management

• Weather prediction

Page 10: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



3.2 Examples of representative elements

Light pole


Lane line


Road boundar

y line

Lane connection

Traffic jam


occupancy grid

Vehicle perception

Trajectory record

þ��Ð ä��Ï��×Ñ���� Reversible lanes

Road sign

Traffic management


Traffic accident

Traffic sign


1. Background and demands

2. Compared with traditional map

3. Main elements and layers

4. Outlook of technologies and standards

5. Summary and thoughts

Page 11: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



Data collection and updating

• Centralized professional collection

• Crowdsourcing

• Integration of professional collection

and crowdsourcing

Dynamic data interaction

• Machine vision and target detection

• Multi-source sensor collaboration

• V2X

Computing Pattern

• Cloud computing

• Edge calculation (cloud and terminal

collaboration )

Application and usage

• Lane level map matching

• Map-assisted perception and position

• planning and obstacle avoidance

Autonomous intelligent control

• Accurate match between traffic signs and

dynamic position of vehicles

• Real-time driving control through

information in Internet of Vehicle

• Environmental and behavioral monitoring

• ������� ������ �� ������ �������

Map production and data processing

• Multi-semantic segmentation

• Computer vision

• Geometric rendering and topology

4.1 Several technical problems that need to be solved

4.2 Standards development

� ISO TC204/WG3—Database construction and data exchange standards for intelligent traffic maps

� OpenDRIVE (standardize the logical road description to facilitate the data exchange between

different driving simulators)——OpenDRIVE® V 1.4 Format Specification, Revision H

� ADASIS(Define a interface specifications)——ADASIS v1�ADASIS v2�ADASIS v3

� ETSI——ETSI TR 102 863 V1.1.1 (2011-06)

� NDS Steering Committee put HD map on standardization agenda in 2013 by installing dedicated

Working Group 3,then in 2017 NDS standard is ready for 2020 autonomous cars

� Open AutoDrive Forum is the cross-domain platform driving standardizations in the area of

autonomous driving

� DMP (Dynamic Map Planning Co., Ltd. )——Study the methodologies of developing and

maintaining high-precision 3D map data for Automated Driving

� Lead by Wuhan University—— “Data Specifications of Road High-precision Electronic Navigation Map”

� Lead by Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture—— “Production Technology Specifications of

Road High-precision Electronic Navigation Map”

� China ITS Industry Alliance(C-ITS) ——”Digital Map for Intelligent Vehicle Data Model & Exchange Format


� CAICV HD MAP WG—— 3 subjects: ”Research on Automated Driving Map Standard System”(Lead by

NavInfo)�” Research on Map deflection and Communication between mapping management departments”(Lead by

Amap)�”Research on Autopilot Map Technology and Application Roadmap” (Lead by Wuhan KOTEI Informatics

Co., Ltd.�� Baidu—— Apollo OpenDrive specifcations

International standards Standards in China

� 2018-20190 Ministry of Natural Resources 1National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation of China2entrusts Wuhan

University, Tongji University, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, etc. to set standard related to Surveying, Mapping and

Geoinformation Industry, and release the draft of “Data Specifications of Road High-precision Electronic Navigation Map "

Page 12: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



4.3 Roadmap

:���������Roadmap of Intelligent high-precision maps � “The intelligent vehicle innovation and

development strategy” released by the national

development and reform commission of China

specifies the national intelligent vehicle

innovation and development strategy: the

framework of road network facilities,

regulations and standards for standard

intelligent vehicles will be basically formed by

2020, and be fully formed by 2025, by that time ,

"human-vehicle-road-cloud" could be highly


� The European Union plans to develop

intelligent transport from the two aspects of

Internet road environmental resource

aggregation and intelligent network vehicles,

and aims to achieve that goal by 2050.

� Japan conducted a static data survey of autono

mous driving in 2015; Conduct dynamic data re

search in 2016, and establish dynamic map pla-

tform to discuss dynamic map data use cases an

d element contents. Japan will achieve full cove

rage of high-precision maps by 2020

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n maps

� Establish basic map system for vehicles

covering whole country, complete the

standard and uniform basic maps for


� High precision maps realize autonomous

intelligent control, with self-adaptive, self-

evaluation and self-learning

� Optimize global control of the entire

network, provide comfortable, convenient, ,

green, civilized trip and dynamic, real-time,

intelligent, ubiquitous service



ÝYZg\]qa '

� Complete the static data survey and

formulation of related standard

� Establish data acquisition system with high

precision and update ecological chain

� Carry out dynamic data survey and determine

types, contents, and definitions of dynamic map




� High precision map related standard syst-

em will be formed in an all-round way

� ”human-vehicle-road-cloud

” will achieve highly collaborative

� Wireless communication network for

vehicles will basically meet the demand



1. Background and demands

2. Compared with traditional map

3. Main elements and layers

4. Outlook of technologies and standards

5. Summary and thoughts

Page 13: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



� �v~N 5J/ 09D0=I/9=5C;/ 09wJ5=8J3K83J/= w2J 098/;;07/98 K299/K8/D 6/B0K;/=U QB/0J D585C5=/ K59

C/ /=85C;0=B/D 59D 3ID58/D D<95>0K5;;<G 5KK2JD097 82 D0ww/J/98 D/>59D= 59D J3;/=

� �9 �v~NG ;59/ ;09/=G F1 K22JD0958/= 2w 8J5ww0K =079= 59D J/;58/D I5J5>/8/J= ?=3KB 5=G 83J9097

J5D03= G 7J5D0/98@G B56/ DJ06097 K298J2; K5I5C0;08<U QB/< 5J/ 8B/ 3;80>58/ K298J2; C5=0= HB0;/

8B/ /960J29>/985; I/JK/I8029 =<=8/> =3KB 5= 60=029 2J J5D5J w50;=

Page 14: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



� :859D5JD= w2J �v~N 5J/ DJ06/9 C< 8/KB92;270/= 59D D/>59D=U :09K/ =5w/8< J/�30J/>/98=

5J/ /è8J/>/;< D/>59D097G >59< =859D5JD= 9//D 82 C/ =/8 =0>3;859/23=;< H08B ;5H=

� AJ2HD=23JK097 H0;; C/ 5 9/K/==5J< D585 =23JK/ 82 /9=3J/ J/5;E

80>/ 09 �v~NU D9=3J097 D585 5650;5C0;08<G J/;05C0;08<G J/5D5C0;08<G D/8/J>09097 D585 65;0D08<

59D w0;8/J097G 59D 8B/ D585 098/J5K8029 IJ02J08< 5= H/;; 5= D585 D/;5< J3;/= 5J/ Ç/< I2098= 59D

>5ç2J D0ww0K3;80/=

Page 15: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



� .5=/D 29 /960J29>/985; I/JK/I8029 59D >5I >58KB097 8/KB92;270/=G �v~N B56/ 8B/

5C0;08< 82 K298J2; L38292>23= 1J06097 H08B =I/K0w0K58029= =3KB 5= 8J5ww0K J3;/= 59D >5I

D585 K29=8J5098=G HB0KB 8J5D080295; >5I= K59 928 D2

� �v~N 5J/ B/;Iw3; 82 5KB0/6/ /ww0K0/98 >2C0;08< H08B B07B �35;08<G 8B3= 8B/ 60=029 2w

EN2C0;08<E5=E5E=/J60K/FK59 C/ J/5;0//D

Page 16: Intelligent Transportation and Autonomous Vehicles• Participating the design of National High Precision GPS Network; Introduction to Pro. Liu Jiangnan Intelligent Transportation



4.1 Several technical problems that need to be solved



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