Page 1: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

“Intelligent Life” Part 9“Freedom of Movement”

Page 2: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

ROMANS 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

Page 3: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

ROMANS 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

ROMANS 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Page 4: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

EPHESIANS 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

EPHESIANS 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

Page 5: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

EPHESIANS 4:16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Page 6: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

As we enjoy the series on "Intelligent Life" I found an expression while reading that really describes the diversity and specialization of the Mind working the body. The skeletal structures of the body receive the commands from the Mind and work in this manner every moment. It's such a glorious thing.

Page 7: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

TENSEGRITY: [ten-seg-ri-tee]

[Property of skeleton structures that employs continuous tension members and discontinuous compression members in such a way that each member operates with the maximum efficiency and economy.]

Page 8: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

We are the members of the Body of Jesus Christ today working in maximum efficiency and economy. Each of us has a purpose and function in the make up of the body and some are tension members while others are discontinuous compression members. As I studied this expression I found that the members are ambiguous in nature and can be either expression at any given time; shifting. The body employs continuous of each function. Diversity and specialization in action.

Page 9: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

Don't think that because you are different that you are not needed. Always think that your diversity, your difference, makes up the functional body of Jesus Christ. It is leadership and submission, conquer and surrender, law and grace, fleshman and wordman, and on and on. (dkp)The body is operating in a continual duality of functions in this dimensional mix.

Page 10: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…
Page 11: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

Many look at the “Commandments” and view something that limits us in our freedom. They are essentially a description of reality by the creator. The commandments govern human behavior – guidelines meant to enable us to live the very best, most fulfilling life in earth. Obedience is better than sacrifice. A nature change will accomplish freedom from law, not freedom by law.

Page 12: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

If I declare with the loudest voice and speak with the clearest exposition all the truth of the Word, except precisely that little part that the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not the Christ no matter how boldly I may be professing Christ.

Page 13: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

When the Body is young 100% of the bone is replaced annually and growth occurs so that there is actually a more excellent structure.

Adapting to this young growth is essential to the life of the Body. Remix – time and time again until it matures and solidifies the functional structure for the life of the body.

Page 14: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

For Instance: Think of the jawbone, as a one year old. Now think of it as a two year old. And then three and four and five and on up to the twenties. Every year it is remixed, restructured, and replaced by the intelligence of growth. How would you feel at 50 years old with a three year old jawbone? This adaptation and growth has to happen in the Body.

Page 15: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

When the body accomplishes a mature state then the structure averages about 17% replacement, repair, and renewal. It uses osteoblasts and osteoclasts to make this happen and it is a very sensitive process. If this didn’t happen we wouldn’t maintain freedom of movement.

Page 16: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

Osteoblast: When the bones receive a spurt of growth and large amounts of blood & minerals are formed to give rapid growth and replacement of the skeletal structure. This happens to young bodies regularly to replace and expand the bone yearly.

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Osteoclast: This occurs when the Body is mature and the bone holds a hardness for the health of the body to carry its weight. This is a cluster of blood and mineral that rips holes and pits into bad bone and then mends the area stronger than it was before. These are the repair cells of the body. Like the white blood cells remove radical cells these remove the dying parts of the bone.

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The Intelligence is continually directing the young body in its growth to keep freedom of movement. The Holy Spirit is doing us the same way. In the young years we are receiving, changing, growing, replacing, shifting, and fighting to continually keep the freedom of movement when Christ speaks.

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As the body matures there will be less of that taking place within the body. We can see ourselves now stabilizing in the movement of the Holy Spirit. The changes were quick accumulating at a high rate in the earlier years. Now it takes osteoblasts and osteoclasts to make the needed changes as we have matured. It hurts more but is still needed.

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We are submitting to “adapting activity” in the Body of Christ and that is how we have come through the change of the universe in a formidable shape of Christ for our day and age. The Inside man, being our guide, taught us the supernatural adjustments of the Word for our day and we made them.

Page 21: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

Behind the adaptation activity in the divine law of Christ is a supernatural principle that unveils itself every time.

“Respect and love of life is cherished”.

If this principle is missing it is because Christ is missing.

Page 22: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

~Bro Kit Gomez~ Gasoline ignited by a spark causes an explosion and changes the chemistry of its fusion but that only happens once. To keep the engine rolling a continuous flow of air is needed to convert that change into energy and that is called Combustion (this is what makes the automobile run ). Once the airflow is suppressed, the engine stops and you will need to restart it again.

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When we are writing things the content of the writers mind can sometimes not come forward in the words due to choice of words, a sentence structure or a language barrier. I know that happens with me sometimes because someone will write something about what I wrote and I know immediately that they have missed the content that I was trying to put forth. It is a fourth dimensional way of communicating. The attitude, the love and care, the influence and understanding are real, but remains veiled at times.

Page 24: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

We need to know our Word Body, the Saints that hold the understanding in love. If we will take the time to do this we will all be the better. As for me, I know when this very important principle is lacking because the mind of the writing doesn't match with my heart, soul and mind. I don't worry much about the syntax or sentence structure. I perceive the spirit. I am Spirit and I view everything as spirit. I have the Mind of Christ. There are only two minds manifesting in this world. They are the Mind of Christ and the mind of Satan. As John said there are only two lines of children in this world, the children of God and the children of the devil.

Page 25: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

The Mind of Christ is "The Theophany". The mind of Satan is the carnal mind. The Body that both minds use here is the second dimensional flesh body. That is the only way I can call this second dimensional flesh body the corporal body of the Lord. This is His Body. There is not another flesh body somewhere else in the dimensions. If it were so then we cannot truthfully call this body the "Corporal Body" of the Lord.

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The Holy Ghost is in this one. The Theophany" is the Holy Ghost and It's Body is the second dimensional body of the Lord that He is occupying in this earth. Since this is "Our" time in the earth it is our position to use "This Body" to fulfill the move of the Holy Ghost for this day.

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We cannot untie this connection until every Seed from the Cloud has made their journey here and experienced the creations. We need the flesh and blood of the second dimension to carry the life and accomplish this purpose. They cannot come to the earth by the Spoken Word and put on a Body at this time. That program was bypassed for the tree of knowledge experience, but it didn't stop the Spoken Word program of the Lord.

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They pass through the tree of knowledge to get to the Spoken Word Body by the second birth. Both conditions are marvelous to me and I'll gladly learn from them both all the days of my second dimensional life. I only have a few short years in this body. My Theophany is eternal. I'm in no hurry to break away from this body and discard it. I only come this way once for a few moments. Love one another.

Page 29: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…
Page 30: “Intelligent Life” Part 9 “Freedom of Movement”. ROMANS 8:15For ye have not received the spirit…

A child’s bones are extremely soft and almost impossible to break. The osteoblast does this for the child and decreases with age to solidify the strength of the body. The blast changes to osteoclast which is a much stronger form that actually pits out bad areas and fills them with new bone to heal. Then growth is no longer the issue but it is strength, stamina and fortitude.

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It is not naturally selective for the youth to rip and cut and cluster into “clasts” for repairing of the body. The strength of the body, the elders, the strong ministry have the staying power and fortitude to cleanse the body in such a manner. The “blasts” of the youth are not for that purpose. The youth hold the ministry of growth and unification, rejoicing and thanksgiving.

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Now the truth of the matter is the word 'elder' signifies who the person is, while the word 'bishop' signifies the office of the same man. The elder is the man. Bishop is the office of the man. 'Elder' always has and always will refer simply to a man's chronological age in the Lord. He is an elder, not because he is elected or ordained, etc., but because he IS OLDER. He is more seasoned, trained, not a novice, reliable because of experience and long standing proof of his Christian experience. ~William Branham~

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I TIMOTHY 5:1 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;

I TIMOTHY 5:2 The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.

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I TIMOTHY 3:1 This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.

I TIMOTHY 3:6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

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