  • 7/27/2019 Integrating Environmental and Energy Aspects in Urban Planning and Urban Transport Planning



    Integrating environmental and energy aspects in

    Urban planning and Urban Transport Planning

    examples of AFDs approach in Asian emerging



    AFD Bangkok

    Feb. 2009

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    1/ The AFD group

    2/ The Urban transport sector in the framework of AFDs strategy ofintervention in Asian emerging economies: rationale, supportedapproaches, levels of interventions and tools

    3/A few recent examples of TA in Asia: China, Thailand

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    French ODA Agency: State-owned ; follows banking regulations AfD PROPARCO : financing of the private sector French GEF secretariat

    Present in 60+ countries, in Asian emerging countries since 2004 (China)

    EUR 3 billionannual commitments Asia region = average of 20-25% of commitments

    Wide range of financing tools Grants (projects, studyfunds) Sovereign loans

    (from concessional to market conditions)

    Non sovereign loans(concessional or market conditions)

    Private sector loans Partial risk guarantees, loan guarantees Guarantees on loans in local currency Equity financing

    Untied aid

    The AFD group

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    The urban sector has always represented a sizable part of AFDs port fol io

    worldwide: support to urban infrastructure projects, to urban planning and

    city development strategy, decentralization, etc. along varied rationales:

    poverty alleviation, economic development, strengthening local authori ties,

    local governance, the environment

    In Asian Emerging Countries,AFD intervent ions in al l sectors are drivenby a global environment rationale (including Climate change, Biodiversity):

    The Urban Transport sector has an important place in AFDs strategy inAsian emerging countr ies

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries

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    economic growthurbanization process


    urban de-densification

    decrease of public transport


    Adequate urban development and urban transport policies can help

    curb emissions of GHG while providing economic benefits and

    contributing to reducing local air pollution .

    accelerated growth of energy demand in

    transport and associated CO2 emissions

    Opportunity in time as urban infrastructure being fast developed,

    structuring role of transport infrastructure

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries

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    Policies/strategies supported

    technological approaches (vehicles, fuel, traffic management tools, etc..)

    Incentives, regulatory, fiscal-based approaches

    development of public transport (increasing share of publ ic transport in modal split)

    land-use, location efficiency,

    long-term transport policies linked to land use development polic ies

    Quantitative aspects: validity of strategies towards CO2 emissions reductionin urban transport

    CO2 reduction analyses and strategies in urban transport are complex and context-specific

    Important parameters include:. energy mix of country. load factor: passengers/ (optimization of operations, frequency/load;attractivity-quality/tariffs-)

    . cost of tCO2 spared

    . reliable transport demand data/projections

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries

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    Adapted strategies can yield important CO2 reduction and energy consumption reduction

    compared to base case (up to 20% compared to basis case scenario in Wright &Fulton studies).

    Amounts can be substantial (600 000t/year in Bogota 8Mhab, 350 km BRT+ system)

    Strong impact of modal switch to performing Public Transport modes (with good load factor andenergy efficient traction). 1% reduction in private car modal share implies a 1 MtCO2 reduct ion

    over 20 years in 10 M trips/day reference case

    Very dis tinct advantage of comprehensive/integrated package type solutions with multimodal

    public transport system (from facilities for pedestrians, bicyc le, to bus, BRT, LRT, MRT),

    integrated, and accompanied by other measures (fuel conversion, fiscal incentives, traffic

    management, road use charging) as opposed to stand-alone projects/solutions

    High potential oflocation efficiency policies (implementation diff icult however)

    Cost of spared tCO2 can be modest (USD 30 in case of package BRT+ soft modes, with 20 years

    amortization period) contrary to common perception

    BRT and LRT can be comparable in terms of CO2 emissions (in coal-based energy mix context),

    but generally not in terms of costs; MRT systems can induce heavy upstream emissions during


    Most often consistency of CO2 reduction/energy efficiency strategies

    with project/program economic return objectives

    social and local environmental objectives

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries

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    Energy / CO2 assessments can constitute an interesting anglewithin overall appraisal of projects/programs

    Land-use/urban transport integrated approaches as much as


    Intervention at planning /mobility plan /programming level essential

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries

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    Direct funding of projects by AFD loan (AFD appraisal based on economic, financial, technicalviability of projects and including energy-climate change impact)

    Support at pre-feasibil ity or feasibi lity stage (through grant financing mobilized by AFD andFrench financial authorities)

    . support to energy /climate evaluation, economic, travel studies:- validation of technical arrangements (e.g. modal choices, implementation of ITS, traffic

    management systems)- validation of operational/institutional arrangements (phasing, development, operations,

    technical financial viability )

    . leading to or accompanying loan financing

    Support to formulation of long-term policies, plans, upstream of projects, through grant


    . mobility plan, transport planning exercises, urban development plans

    . long term partnership developed over time, leading to energy-friendly policies, urban ortransport plans.

    . leading to loan financing of projects.

    AFDs approach to Urban Transport in Asian emerging countries,

    Financing tools and levels of intervention

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    Example :Guiyang Transport project, AFD TA support

    - Population 3.5 M- Greater Guiyang development st rategy

    speed up the urbanization process

    - Up-dating process of the 2020 Urban Master

    Plan and Comprehensive Transport Plan

    - WB-supported Guiyang Transport Project(2007)

    -Support to environmental management andtransport planning capacities needed

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    Objective : assist Guiyang establish a comprehensiveTransport plan, covering the Greater Guiyang area

    and comprising all transportation modes, which wi ll

    take into account environmental and energy

    consumption aspects


    . Transport demand model for Greater Guiyang (transport network and travel demandanalysis capabili ties; all modes, traffic-related air pollu tant and energy consumption

    estimations derived from the model)

    . Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (focused on energy aspects; overallassessment of the urban development policies and specific assessment of the

    Transport Plan; using a mix of qualitative assessment and quantitative data;

    recommendations integrated in transport plan)

    . Support to Transport Planning Process (facilitating integrated approach from an

    institutional point of view)

    Example :Guiyang Transport project, TA support

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    . Integration in formal planning exercise:

    - appropriate timing- methodological integration

    - inter-departmental collaboration

    . Polit ical interest and wil l at munic ipal level

    . Legal f ramework + guidelines?

    Benefits and Co-benefits.Global Environmental, local environment, political, social, economic (economic

    benefits of better-dimensioned integrated system, city attractiveness, etc). SEA a

    comprehensive tool to program appraisal and analysis

    .Long term partnership with development partners related to future investment

    .Field open to city-city international cooperation Contents

    Example :Guiyang Transport project, TA support

    Lessons learned

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    under the Urban Transport Development Partnership -ADB,

    WB, JBIC, AfD-) evaluate tools and methodologies for

    Strategic Environmental Assessment of Urban Transport

    system in Bangkok

    TA provides to central author ities (Ministry of Transport,

    Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning)

    - references to international best practices; transport

    planning/ global environment

    - institutional recommendations as to integration of SEAexercises in the decision-making process for the

    development of the Transport System in the BMA

    - technical recommendations for the improvement of the

    existing Transport Demand Model

    Bangkok, ThailandAFD TA support

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    support the implementation of the climate change

    action plan of BMA

    TA provided towards identification of cl imate/economic

    meaningful activi ties and climate changegovernance

    All sectors (Urban transport (half of Bangkok GHG

    emissions) energy efficiency in buildings, waste

    management, renewable energy, urban planning and

    green areas)Eventual financing of investments (a direct soft loan to

    BMA is considered to finance a part of the

    investments costs related to the climate change

    action plan)

    Bangkok, BMA ThailandAFD TA support and investment financing (under


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    Thank You

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  • 7/27/2019 Integrating Environmental and Energy Aspects in Urban Planning and Urban Transport Planning



    Scenarios CO2 Reduct. 20 years cost t CO2 CO2 reduction B/C

    x1000t USD rank

    BRT+5% 1 906 66 7 High


    BRT+10% 4 228 59 6 High

    250 MUSD

    Walking 20-25% 3 427 17 3 Very High

    58 MUSD

    Bicyc le 1-5% 1 922 15 2 Very High

    28 MUSD

    Bicyc le 1-10% 4 161 14 1 Very High

    58 MUSD

    Package BRT 10%, walking facilities, cycle ways 12 398 30 5 High

    372 MUSD

    Fuel efficiency 2 134 1 Very High

    15% over 20 years

    Road Use charges 2% incr.speed 349 28 4 High


    ERP 5% increased speed 2 007 99 10 High200MUSD

    Elevated rail MRT 5%, no BRT 2 320 517 11 low-medium

    1250 MUSD

    Underground rail MRT +5%, no BRT 1 236 2007 12 low


    ERP+BRT 10% 5 041 89 High


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