
Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions. 

Off in the distance, the old man noticed a young girl approaching.  As the girl walked, she paused every so often. As she grew closer, the man could see that she was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea.  The girl came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning!  May I ask what it is that you are doing?”

The young girl paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”

The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”

The girl bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she turned, smiled and said, “I made a difference to that one!”

We all have the opportunity to make positive change in the world. Welcome to YOUR Starfish Programme.

- Adapted from The Star Thrower, by Loren Eisley

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


Welcome to your Starfish Programme.

Our aim is to provide you with a range of development opportunities that will help build your confidence and reach your full potential. The programme is all about learning, experiences and fun, of course!

Whilst we have created some structure for the programme, we also recognise that everyone’s capacity and needs are different. We will build in some flexibility to ensure that individual and group’s needs are looked after.

Here’s a little of what your personal journey will look like. As this is your programme, we also want to hear your ideas and feedback on what else you would like to be included!

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


To help young women to achieve their full potential and realise their ambitions in order to live a successful and happy life.

We will achieve this through personal development, team working and word experiences.

When we look back at our legacy, we want everyone to be really proud of the impact we have all made together. We think the best way to achieve our goals is by living the values that are closest to our heart s. Our values reflect who we are, and how we do things and where we want to be in the future.

Be Compassionate - we all deserve compassion, and by being kind to yourself and to others you will enjoy the programme and have a lot f fun learning.

Be Responsible – Stay true to promises and commitments, it means that you will get the best from this journey.

Be Inspiring – when you are inspiring, you feel inspired and energized. And this is contagious, so you leave a positive and lasting impact on those around you

Be Courageous – a journey of learning and exploration will help you to understand yourself better, and how you can achieve your full potential.

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU



Realise your full potential!

1 Using powerful psychometric tools and development to understand your strengths, what motivates and drives you and how these fit with your aspirations.

2 One-to-one mentoring to meet once or twice per month for activities and discussions on personal and career development

3 A series of Masterclasses delivered by authors, business coaches and professionals aiming to provide employability skills including team-working, interview skills, personal image and brand, confidence and resilience

4 Opportunities to attend open days and gain work experience with organisations, supported by CV and interview training

5 Access to on-line tools, inspirational videos and learning

If something isn’t working out for you – don’t panic! Discuss the issue with your mentor/mentee and if the situation doesn’t improve, inform the Inspiring Leadership Trust at [email protected] or speak to

Christina Wells ILT Board Trustee Starfish Project Ambassador Mob: 07768 564768

Leigh Bowman-Perks Founder and CEO of the ILT Starfish Project AmbassadorMob: 07525 007515

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


EVERYONE has talent, we just need to understand and explore what your unique talents are to bring out the best in you!

We will be using a range of psychometric tools and questionnaires throughout the course of your development journey. These will help you to learn about your strengths, motivational drivers, preferred learning styles so that you can make the right choices about your development and career. Also, by being aware of your own personality and behaviours, you will learn more about how to make a positive impact with others.

Mentoring is recognised as one of the most powerful learning interventions that help people realise their full potential in career and life.

Mentoring will support and encourage you to manage your own learning by developing your skills, improve your performance and become the person that you want to be.

It is a partnership between two people (mentor and mentee) and it is a helpful relationship based upon mutual trust and respect.

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU

"The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your

own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves."- Steven





Our mentors are successful females from a wide range of organisatons, including financial services, media and retail. Your mentor is a guide who can help you as the mentee to explore your strengths, find the right career direction and develop ideas and solutions to a variety of options.

A mentor will help you to believe in yourself and boost your confidence to pursue personal goals. They will ask questions and positive challenge, while providing guidance and encouragement. Mentoring allows you to explore new ideas in confidence. It is a chance to look more closely at yourself, your issues, opportunities and what you want in life. Mentoring is about becoming more self aware, taking responsibility for your life and directing your life in the direction you decide, rather than leaving it to chance.


Mentoring includes training, support, encouragement, advice and guidance from successful women who have both 'done it before' and are independent of your current situation

You will feel supported and provides you with the opportunity for working through any problems that exist

Women mentors are uniquely placed to understand the issues faced by you, taking into account the specific issues and challenges experienced

There is mutual benefit to the mentoring, where you and your mentor will gain confidence and leadership skills

You will the benefits of a different perspective and experiences

You are more likely to plan and apply for opportunities Mentors and mentees can gain insights into opportunities

for you to experience different work experiences It will allow you to make useful networking connections,

and have access to role models The mentors and mentees belong to a wider network,

which can bring a whole wealth of other advantages

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


Arrange meeting dates throughout relationship

Drive the relationship

Set the agenda for each meeting

Fill in your Starfish Report to track progress and prepare for meetings


Challenge and offer guidance

Act as a sounding board

Support the mentee to become what she aspires to be

Fill in your Starfish Report to track progress and prepare for meetings


Commit an hour every two weeks

Respect meeting date and time

Be committed, open and honest

Be willing to learn

Encourage, support, empathise

Show enthusiasm, openness and honesty

Respect and value each other’s perspective

Maintain confidentiality and commitment

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


Meet / phone call once per month (or more if needed)

Establish Trust

Agree goals for the sessions

Set ground rules

End on a high note

Setting ground rules helps you establish a framework within which

you can work. Remember to touch upon these points:


Logistics and meeting schedules –we recommend an hour every two weeks, but it’s up to mentor and you to decide how to manage your time

Commitment to openness and honesty

Commitment to giving/receiving feedback

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU



Mentee’s career goals

Mentor’s mentoring goals

When and how to measure progress

How to determine success

At the end of your first meeting it’s important to end on a high note by: 1. Letting the other person know how much you’ve enjoyed meeting them.

2. Reviewing how the meeting has gone.

3. Building your relationship further.

Plan and manage the wrapping up: Review/re-define outstanding objectives

Assess together how you could have done things better

Allow time for moving on to the next level

Look to the future: Practical action plans

What/who will take the place of the mentor?

Is the mentee applying to get a new mentor?

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU

Mentor and mentee have to decide together if they want to keep in touch outside the boundaries of the programme.

Look back at what you have learned: Review the outcomes/ relationship

Celebrate achievements

It’s important to understand each other’s personal and professional commitments. This is pivotal to building trust and to setting the parameters of your relationship.

Tips for getting to know each other and for building trust:

Ask about family

Find out about interests and hobbies

Talk about musical tastes

Share photos of your homes

Share photos of the town you live in

Share photos of your working environment

“Getting to know you” games 1. Find 5 things you have in common.

2. Describe yourself in 5 words.

3. Talk about your earliest memory.

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


4. Try describing yourself with words that start with the first letter of your name.For example: “My name is Sarah and I like sweet things, and scary movies, and snakes”; “My name is Catherine and I like cats, and cakes, and cooking, and celery, and cars”.

5. If you were an animal what animal would you be, and why?

6. If you were a building what building would you be, and why?

7. Tell each other about your three most treasured possessions and explain why they’re important.

8. If you could throw a dinner party with 5 famous people (alive or dead) who would you invite, and why?

Each month for the first 6 months, we will be providing you with a series of Workshops on top topics that you would find helpful for your personal development. They will be delivered by authors, business leaders and subject matter experts and could include some or all of the following:

We would also love to hear your ideas on interesting topics we can cover and throughout the programme will make time to chat with you.

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU

CV Writing & Interview Skills

Confidence Building & Self-Esteem

Personality Traits & Learning Styles

Personal Image & Brand

Resilience & Wellbeing Techniques

Emotional & Social Skills


As we get closer to understanding your ambitions and passions, we will build a variety of helpful work experiences. This will help you to explore the different types of careers and the types of role you might love to do in the future. It will also complement your CV, by showing you have more breadth and awareness of the business world.

Here are just a few of the types of experiences we are currently looking at for you:

Radio Experience – This highly interactive and fun event allows you to get behind the scenes of a local radio station. You will learn about the different types of roles including reporter, radio presenter and news-reader. You will get the chance to play with the equipment, create your own jingles and playlists, and

even run a radio segment discussing topics of interest such as bullying, food health, celebrity culture and more. Don’t worry if you’re an introvert, there are many roles and a great way to build confidence and communication skills.

Goldsmith’s Experience – The Goldsmiths’ Centre is the leading charity for the professional training of goldsmiths. This is an opportunity to receive some initial introductory training and identify those interested in jewellery,

silversmithing and related trades, in a unique community that works and learns together. The experience would include basic bench skills training, drawing exercises and an introduction to clay modelling. Our aim is to create a skilled workforce, boost the economy and promote craftsmanship in the UK.

Jamie Oliver’s Cooking Experience – Known for his passion for great food and health, particularly for younger people, this experience provides an opportunity to learn some skills. These hands-on lessons aren’t your average event. They’re great ice breakers but, more importantly,

they’re light hearted, informal and great fun.

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


We are in the process of building the Inspiring Leadership Academy, an on-line resource in a safe and protected environment, where you can:

Create your own profile

See your mentor’s profile

Read the latest updates regarding the Starfish programme

Access on-line training videos and learning tools

Watch videos from inspiring women share their own life and work lessons

Learn about different careers and apprenticeship schemes

Send messages and set fun tasks for others in a protected space dedicated to the Starfish mentors, mentees and team

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU


Remember, stay in touch and if you need any support along the way then please do contact us. We’re here to support you and get the best from your experiences! Discuss your thoughts, issues and concerns with your mentor/mentee in the first instance. If you still need further help, then contact the Inspiring Leadership Trust at [email protected] or speak to

Christina Wells ILT Board Trustee Starfish Project Ambassador Mob: 07768 564768

Leigh Bowman-Perks Founder and CEO of the ILT Starfish Project AmbassadorMob: 07525 007515

www.inspiringleadershiptrust.comE: [email protected] Registered Charity: 1165616 – 53 London House, 172 Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4HU

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