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... a people preparing for the coming King

May 2014May 2014May 2014May 2014 I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army. Ezekiel 37:10

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Last night in Hattersley we were looking at our God-given passions. Recently I preached at MEC about

strawberry plants, I'm dead excited about the blossom on my cherry tree that I planted last year and the other day I found myself having a conversation with my kids over the dinner table about how cool it would be to grow a pepperoni pizza tree! And now I want to write to you about olive trees. I'm beginning to realise that I have a passion for edible gardening! The olive is a wonderful tree and a great food

source. Olives can be eaten by themselves, in salads, on pizzas, etc and their oil is used in

cooking and is a common breakfast in much of the Middle East into which people dip their

bread. But there is so much more to the olive. It is used in healing (e.g. James 5:14), as a

facial ointment (Psalm 104:15), for light (Ex. 27:20, Lev. 24:2) and anointing (Ex. 30:24-25).

God uses the olive tree as a picture of Israel (eg. Jeremiah 11:16) and it symbolises faithfulness

and steadfastness . In Psalm 52 the Psalmist contrasts himself to those who plot evil and

speak deceitfully describing himself like this:

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. Psalm 52:8

Olives are hardy trees. They have the ability to grow in all types of soil, in valleys as well as on

hill tops, and can survive very dry conditions. It's very difficult to kill an olive tree. Even if

you burn the tree new life will shoot up again. I have an olive tree in my back garden that "died"

a few years ago during a very cold winter. A few months later it sprouted two shoots where

once there had been one. Olive trees survive burning, they survive freezing, they even survive

drowning! Remember after the flood when Noah sent out a dove what leaf did it bring back

in its beak? (Look it up yourself - Genesis 8:11). As a result some olive trees have roots believed

to be thousands of years old.

In Romans 11, Paul uses the olive tree as a picture of God's work on earth. It is old and enduring just like

the roots and trunk of an old olive tree but it is

also green and fresh like the evergreen branches that run from the trunk and bear fruit every

season. In the series "The story of the Jews" screened last year on BBC2, there was this

wonderful quote “The Jewish imagination is paranoia, confirmed by history.” The history of

the Jews is one of survival, as nation after nation has sought to destroy them. On

occasions, particularly at the end of World War II, the olive tree had been cut right down to the

stump causing fear amongst some that this was the end. But it wasn't the end and God caused

new shoots to grow.

The same pattern can be found in our own lives and the life of the church. There are times when we feel

not only unfruitful but that we have been

levelled to the stump. But take heart and learn these two lessons from the olive tree.

Don't budge - Galatians 6:9 says "let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up". The olive producer has to wait fifteen years for his first good harvest but can olive trees can live up to

1000 years and will continue to produce fruit. God is patient and we need to be - hang in there

and you will reap a harvest!

Keep your roots healthy - Notice in Psalm 52:8, the olive tree stays green because it is in the

house of God. Jesus spent much time at the Mount of Olives. That was where he liked to go

to get away from life and be in His Father's presence. The secret to the survival of the olive

tree is that it has wonderful roots. Can I urge you to keep growing roots into Jesus in all

seasons of life?

May the Lord give you the grace to remain a green olive tree.


Jim Solomon Pastor, Hattersley Community Church

Mottram Evangelical Church and

Hattersley Community Church are interdependent churches who seek to be evangelical in their understanding and

charismatic in their experience. Together we live to glorify God, serve his church

and reach his world.

Insight is the monthly newsletter, prepared by Margaret and Stephen

Winfield and published in print and on-line

by Mottram Evangelical Church, Stalybridge Road, Mottram, Hyde,

Cheshire. SK14 6NF. Tel. 01457 764113.

Articles for inclusion should be submitted before the deadline indicated on the

’diary dates’ page. Contributions should be sent to 4, Hall Drive, Mottram, or by e-mail


[email protected]

We do ask that contributors submit their name for inclusion with submissions, as

personal contributions are accepted on the understanding that they are not

necessarily the opinions of the Editors or the Church Elders.

Church Child Protection Policy

All church children’s and young people’s

work is carried out by personnel who have undergone disclosures and in accordance

with the Church’s Child Protection Policy. To view this policy please call Jim on

01457 764113.’

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You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight.

I look behind me and you’re there, then ahead and you’re there, too -

Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in!

Psalm 139 v3, 5 & 6 Gwen Taylor

The Message

There is no place where God is not;

Wherever I go, there God is. Now and always he upholds me with his power and keeps me safe in his love.

Anon Gwen Taylor

It’s a week earlier than

usual due to most of Mottram’s Mighty Men

breakfasting at Cloverley, so please set your alarms

for breakfast on

Saturday 3rd May.

We commence at 8 am and conclude by 10 am on each of these occasions.

If you could let Martyn Catterall know you are breakfasting, it will help decide how many eggs to

scramble. Next month—7th June.

Mottram Men May Morning Munch

Our Church Weekend Away will take place from 9th

-11th May at Cloverley Hall in Shropshire. Over 80 people have booked to be part of this event, so do pray that we will encounter God in a powerful way as we share time together in the beautiful surroundings.

Our theme for the weekend is “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches”, a phrase

which appears seven times in Revelation 2-3. As part of your preparation for the time together, it would be helpful to prayerfully read the first three chapters of


We will make time for contributions from all who attend, so if you sense the Spirit speaking to you in any way (eg

through a Bible verse, a prophetic word, a dream/picture or in any other way) do come prepared to share this with us all so that we can test it together and grow in our

understanding of what God might be saying to MEC at this time.

We will also take an offering during the weekend to bless

those who have given time to look after the children and also lead us in worship, and to cover any additional costs incurred. Please come prepared to be generous!

And if you are not able to attend this year, please pray for the event, that we will experience the presence, the

power and the peace of God together and that this will be a pivotal season in the life of the church and the transformation of our community!

Martyn Cloverley Hall, Calverhall, Nr. Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 4PH

MEC Church Weekend Away

Keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks to a tip off from Valerie from HCC and

Message on the Move, these posters will be appearing on the inside of 25 buses running the 201 route from Manchester to Hattersley

for 4 weeks from the end of May.

Texting the number leads you to where you can download literature or chat with someone about Jesus. Please pray that God uses the posters to lead people to Jesus. Jim

Message on the Move

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Holiday Club is back again this summer with the all new theme of Mega Makers! MEC will be home to Boffin, inventor extraordinaire, and his apprentice Brainwave, as they host children from our

local community in a madcap week of invention, adventure and, most importantly, encountering Jesus

through Matthew's gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity for MEC to serve our

community and reach children and families with the life transforming message of the gospel from Monday 4th -

Friday 8th August. The success of previous years has been in large part to the team of volunteers who have helped with the week. So once again, we're inviting

volunteers, both experienced and newbies, to join the team for the week!

If you have a particular skill you think would be helpful or

are happy to simply fit in, we want to hear from you! In addition, we need a prayer team for the week who will be able to pray for the Holiday Club both in the run up to it

and specifically during the week.

Please contact David Preston ([email protected] or 07812 084748) or Debs Fiddler ([email protected] or 07446 893445) for more

information. We look forward to being inundated with requests to sign up!

Boffin and Brainwave

Monday 4th - Friday 8th August

France is one of the most secularised nations in the West, and one of the most resistant to the

Christian gospel. Many involved in church planting and church leadership in France experience real

opposition and discouragement, and so need our support and prayers.

For a little while, we have been thinking about

ways of standing alongside a local church in France as partners with them in the gospel. We are at the

very beginning of forming a relationship with a small church south of Paris (through existing

relationships within MEC), so please pray for this church, and its leaders, that they would know

God’s empowering and encouragement as they seek to be light in a dark location!


Arpajon Evangelical Church

Jenny and I had a very profitable informal discussion with the Pastor, Jamel, and his wife,

Nathalie, along with Christophe and Viviane (Sara’s Dad and Mum) concerning the idea of developing a

mutual partnership.

We would like this to involve the building of friendships and prayer support between our two

churches, maybe with cross-channel visits both ways in the future. This will enable us to

encourage relationships with French Christians in a local church situation and give us the opportunity

to pray into specific situations in the lives of French

Christians as they seek to demonstrate Christ in what is a very Christless neighbouring country to

our own.

A few days after our arrival home I received the

following in an email from Nathalie:

“It was a great joy to meet you, to talk to you and make a better acquaintance with you. We are happy to come into this new exciting experience of exchanging between our two churches. This is all new for us, so I hope and I think you will be patient with us and compassionate towards us. We would be grateful for your help. Hope to see you one day in your country.” Jamel and Nathalie have four children and

hopefully we will have a photograph for a future issue of Insight. It is possible that their eldest

daughter, who is completing pre-further education exams may come to England for a short time.

The church meets in what used to be a Tyre and

Exhaust outlet and in the last year they have restored part of it to make a new meeting room

(see pictures). This was partially funded by the local council who have taken part of the land to

build a new bus station and partially through a loan (which has to be paid back!).

Please pray about this, Jenny and I are

encouraged by our recent visit and expectant about what may be achieved in the extension of

God’s kingdom both here and in France. Alan

La Belle France

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Mottram Evangelical Church has sponsored Merche, an unemployed doctor living in Madrid, to be a trainee on the image training course in Catalonia, Spain. Merche is a key member of the Christian Medical Fellowship in Spain and has had a number of opportunities to talk about abortion on

national television. She wrote after receiving news of sponsorship: “This has really brought good news.”

"Like cold water to a weary soul

is good news from a distant land." Prov. 25:25

"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king;

my tongue is the pen of a skilful writer." Ps 45:1

“Please send my gratitude to Christine and all who have made this possible. I am really very thankful and want the glory to go to the Lord

and may it be for the advance of His works.”

Please pray for all the trainees and for Janet D’Anzi and myself as we complete the teaching of the course in Spain on 9th – 11th of May.

Christine F.

On Saturday 5th April we held our first Big Night Out event at MEC. The church was dressed in its vintage best to greet nearly 70 of our Monday Matinee attendees and volunteers.

After being serenaded by Gordon Gange on the violin throughout the three course meal, we were entertained by Tamesides very own Laurel and Hardy duo 'Ulver Stan and Georgia Babe'. With their friend Stuart on the banjolele they led us in a number of classic songs associated with the comedy duo. The night was rounded off nicely with some nifty foot work on the dance floor as gramophone dj's 'it's a wind up' played out songs from the 1940's and 50's. The feedback from the night has

been quite overwhelming and our Matinee regulars are very enthusiastic for more. One person commented 'it took my breath away when I walked in.. You couldn't recognise the place'. When asked if they would come again, another wrote 'I'd run here!'

So.. Watch this space! A big thank you to all our young people who helped dress the building, served food and drinks and danced with those who came - You were amazing and it was greatly appreciated not just by us, but those you waited on.

The Matinee Team

It was a privilege to host a Country and Gospel evening at the Harehill Tavern in Hattersley on 11th April.

It's a shame that more people didn't turn out as it was a wonderful evening of a mixture of uplifting music and Michael's powerful testimony of how Jesus set him free from alcoholism and addiction to cigarettes. The highlight for me was a lady who is not yet a Christian saying that she felt that as Michael spoke it was like he was just speaking to her. It's wonderful the way that the Holy Spirit moves. Please continue to pray for fruit from the evening and that we get more opportunities to take the gospel into needy places. Pray also for Michael. It was his first outreach in a pub; maybe the Lord is leading him into new areas of ministry. Jim

Country and Gospel

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Articles for Insight—Sorry! We can’t be everywhere! If you have photos or reports on Mottram or Hattersley church events, please send them to us for including in Insight

[email protected] 4 Hall Drive, Mottram, SK14 6LH 01457 764753

See the Diary Dates for the copy deadline. Stephen & Margaret Winfield

Miscellany What, Where, When and Who

What happens in and around our Churches, When it happens,

Where it takes place and Who to contact for more details and to volunteer.

Sundays (see Diary Dates for full

details) 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship MEC, Stalybridge Road

Martyn Cooling 01457 238016 [email protected]

10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship Pinfold Primary School,

Hattersley Jim Solomon 07985 029115

6.30 pm ‘Ish (18-25’s) To 8.00 pm Debs F 07446 893445

Monday 2.00 pm Mottram Monday Matinee To 4.00 pm MEC

Debs F 07446 893445 7.45 pm Tearfund Prayer Meeting (2nd Mon Venue varies.

of Month) Shirley Brierley 01457 764700 Tuesdays 11.15 am Tuesday Café to 12.45 pm MEC School term Linda Winson 01457 764225

4.30 pm The Girlee Crew To 6.00 pm MEC

School Term Louise Lee 01457 762173 6.30 pm to Church Aloud 8.00 pm MEC

Louise Lee 01457 762173

Wednesdays 9.30 am HCC Prayer to 11.00 am 4 Worthington Close, Hattersley.

Sylvia Garry 0161 368 0952

9.30 am to Mum’s Bible Study 11.30 am MEC

Susan Cooling 01457 238016

6.00 pm MEC/HCC Lads Cell to 7.30 pm MEC (13 to 17’s) Simon Davidson 07770 427313

8.00 pm Small Groups to 10.00 pm Various locations. MEC Martyn Cooling

01457 238016 Thursdays 10.00 am MEC Womans Prayer & Bible Group. to 12 noon MEC

School term Alison Fewster 01457 762676 6.30 pm Kids 4 Christ to 8.00 pm MEC (Junior school age) School term Jim Towell 0161 330 9058.

[email protected] 8.00 pm MEC Worship Group MEC

Alan Kendrick 01457 853747 Fridays 7.30 pm Young People’s Group to 9.00 pm MEC (Secondary Age) School Term Debs F 07446 893445 9.30 pm Late Lounge To 11.00 pm MEC (16 to 21 years) Debs F 07446 893445

Simon Davidson 07770 427313

The deadline for the June

issue of Insight is

Sunday 18th May.

Please note that this deadline will be strictly adhered to this month!

Advance Warning! Please note these dates in your diary: Church in the Park 12 -3 pm on Sunday 22nd June In Mottram Park

Under the Influence A four-evening training and equipping event on relational evangelism by Gary Gibbs. These will take place at MEC on Wednesday 22/10, 29/10, 5/11 and 12/11 (small groups will be postponed for these sessions to allow as many as possible to attend). Gary is the National Director of REACH, the evangelism and church planting department of Elim Pentecostal Churches in the UK (and one of MnS’s lecturers at Regents Theological College) and has been active in full-time evangelism/church planting since 1979. Creation Conference Speakers (to be confirmed): Paul Garner, Dr Arthur Jones, Dr Sylvia Baker, Dr David Tyler 17th – 19th October 2014. At MEC (unless otherwise notified). Mega Makers Kids Holiday Club Monday 4th to Friday 8th

I'd like say thanks all the people whose helped

me move house. We had a nice working party

day at the end of Feb.

My new address is: 5 Zetland St, Dukinfield,

SK16 4EJ . Eager

Hi All

I would just like to say a big thank you for all your prayers and messages

as I suffered a slipped disk.

The turnaround in less than a week is nothing short of remarkable (at least

to me anyway) - from having to be taken into hospital by ambulance in

absolute agony and being fed lots of morphine to now - where I am home


I am now off morphine, have virtually no pain and am able to do some light

exercises and take short

walks as directed by

the physio.

Love to you all, Rod

While many at MEC are away at Cloverley Hall, HCC will also be having an ‘away day’

but will only be venturing as far as MEC as they hold a

United Church Service on Sunday 11th May.

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Insight May Diary DatesInsight May Diary DatesInsight May Diary DatesInsight May Diary Dates Sat 3rd MEC 8.00 am Mottram Mighty Men’s Breakfast Sun 4th HCC 9.45 am Hattersley Sunday Prayer MEC 10.10 am Prayer 4 Church MEC 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s Supper HCC 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship followed by A.G.M. (revised date) Wed 7th HCC 7.30 pm HCC Praise Evening Fri 9th to MEC 5.00 pm MEC Cloverley Weekend Away Sun 11th 2.00 pm Sun 11th UTD 9.45 am Sunday Prayer at MEC UTD 10.30 am HCC and MEC Joint Service and Lord’s Supper at MEC Wed 14th MEC 10.00 am Men’s Meeting HCC 7.30 pm HCC Bible Study MEC 8.00 pm MEC Members Meeting and A.G.M. Sun 18th June Insight Deadline UTD 9.45 am Sunday Prayer at Pinfold School UTD 10.30 am MEC and HCC Joint Service at Pinfold School MEC 4.30 pm Prayer 4 Youth Tue 20th MEC 7.45 pm Prayer 4 Prodigals Wed 21st HCC 7.30 pm Jigsaw Sun 25th June Insight HCC 9.45 am Hattersley Sunday Prayer MEC 10.10 am Prayer 4 Church MEC 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship Wed 28th HCC 7.30 pm Jigsaw MEC = Mottram Evangelical Church. HCC = Hattersley Community Church UTD = United Meetings (at MEC unless stated)

Mottram Evangelical Church

It’s on June 22nd!

Church in the Park?

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