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    Vol. 6 No.4 September 2004

    By Graham Bell

    Director, Graham Bell and Associates [email protected]

    A colleague once said "to solvechemical sensing problems,think likean ant" .In this issue we welcome a reviewfrom one of Australia's foremost insectneuroethologists, Judith Reinhard, onhow insects process chemicalinformation, if not how they actuallythink. Insects are exquisite users ofchemical senses. Insects have solvedmany problems - can we learnfrom them?New Ze aland wines are reachingnew levels of excellence, assisted byprograms on the sensory quality oftheir best styles, such as the projectstarting on understanding aroma andflavour of Sauvignon blanc, describedin this issue ofWine Sense , byWendy Parr. New Zealand's investmentin sensory research on wine willleave competitor countries "eatingtheir must".The 7th Annual Scientific Meeting ofthe Australasian Association forChemoSensory Science(AACSS) takesplace at Noosa, Queensland, from 1-3October 2004 (see The meeting after thatwill be held from 2-6 December 2005at Heron Island. Plan your trips now

    "Think Like an Ant"

    E-Nose Pty Ltd

    Insect ChemicalCommunication

    cont. pg 2

    Graham Bell and Associates Pty LtdCentre for ChemoSensory ResearchISSN 1442-9098

    Judith Reinhard

    Research School of Biological Sciences,The Australian National University,Canberra, ACT, Australia 2601

    [email protected]



    Communication, signalling, and sensory perception among insects probably invokes inmost of us the image of chemical messages and chemical senses that operate throughthe nervous system. By various accounts, this is accurate: Whether measured by thepercentage of insect species that rely on chemical messages, insect behaviours that aremodulated by chemical senses, or the complexity of structures responsible for chemicalsignalling and perception, the chemical communication channel is a predominantfeature of insects (Greenfield, 2002). The chemical channel arose quite early in theevolution of life and has been exploited for communication by many organisms from

    bacteria to humans. In insects it serves a variety of communicative functions, includingkin and predator recognition, defence, orientation, recruitment, and mate attraction.

    The small to minute body sizes of insects may belargely responsible for their general reliance onchemical senses. Typically, the opportunities foreffective communication over long distances alongthe mechanical and visual channels are limited bythe physical dimensions of insects, and theirmorphological and physiological constraints(Greenfield, 2002). Chemical signalling andperception, however, may not suffer suchdebilitating effects of scale. Considering insect

    body sizes and levels of structural complexity,chemical communication can offer several

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    New Zealand wine study

    Flavour Perception

    Heron Is: 2-6 Dec 2005




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    advantages over alternative modalities, notleast because of its potential for very highspecificity. An organism may transmit avariety of chemical signals acrossconsiderable ranges and around barriers,regulate their emission, and perceive anddiscriminate these compounds with a highlevel of sensitivity. Drawbacks are thatchemical signals cannot be sent rapidly anda signaller's control over the direction in

    which it transmits its messages is quitelimited. Additionally, it may be difficult for areceiver to localize the source of a distantchemical signal (Greenfield, 2002).Nonetheless, insects have evolved someamazingly effective mechanisms ofchemical communication.

    This article reviews major types of chemicalcommunication signals with examples fromthe insect world. It then briefly describesthe sensory mechanisms involved in insectchemoreception and concludes with some

    of the recent advances and progress madein the field.


    A broad term for chemicals involved inanimal communication is semiochemical,from the Greek semeion sign (Law andRegnier, 1971). Semiochemicals are usuallydivided into two subclasses: pheromones ,used for communication within the species(intraspecific signals), andallelochemicals ,used for communication between species(interspecific signals).

    Pheromones were originally defined as'substances secreted to the outside by anindividual and received by a secondindividual of the same species in which theyrelease a specific reaction, for instance adefinite behaviour [releaser pheromone] ordevelopmental process [ primer

    pheromone ]' (Karlson and Lscher, 1959).While releaser pheromones, such as trail oralarm pheromones (see below), have animmediate effect on the behaviour of thereceiver, primer pheromones have longerterm physiological effects on the receiver,in the original definition by 'stimulatingolfactory sensory neurons that send signalsto the brain to release the hormones of the

    endocrine system' (Wilson and Bossert,1963). Examples of primer pheromonesinclude caste determination in social insectssuch as termites, ants, bees, and wasps,and locust development rates (Wyatt,2003). The most famous example of aprimer pheromone is the honey bee queenmandibular pheromone (a mixture of twofatty acids: 9-ODA and 9-HDA) whichsuppresses ovary development in worker

    bees (Free, 1987).Releaser pheromones are often divided byfunction. The most commonly known are

    sex pheromones , which are highly species-specific and serve to attract mates forreproduction. The first sex pheromone wasidentified in 1959 from the silk mothBombyx mori (Butenandt et al., 1959).Many further insect sex pheromones havebeen identified to date and a number arecommercially used in pheromone traps forpest control (Bell, 2004). Another important

    group are trail pheromones , employed bysocial insects for orientation and to recruitnest mates to a suitable food source. Theyare produced by a variety of glands and canbe composed of numerous different, mostly

    volatile compounds. When navigating theirterritory, ants and termites deposit thesepheromones on the ground thus developingan extensive net of chemical routes(Hlldobler and Wilson, 1990; Pasteels andBordereau, 1998; Kaib, 1999). Other socialinsects use airborneorientation

    pheromones . For example, the honeybeereleases a mixture of geraniol, citral,farnesol and other minor compounds from

    her Nasonov gland into the air in a numberof orienting situations, including nestentrance finding, forage marking, andswarming (Free, 1987; Winston, 1987).

    Alarm pheromones are another type ofpheromone most highly developed in socialinsects. They are often multi-component,usually composed of small and highlyvolatile compounds, such as mono- andsesquiterpenes or acetates, and many ofthem also have a defensive function(Winston, 1987; Hlldobler and Wilson,

    1990; Schmidt, 1998; Quintana et al.,2003). Depending on species, alarmpheromones can trigger a panic and escaperesponse, or simultaneously alert, attractand evoke aggression. The most famous

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    Insect Chemical Communication continued

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    Fig. 1: Schematic profile drawings of the commonly found exocrine glands in wasps, bees, ants, and termites, Glandswith a pheromonal function are given capital lettering. Figure reproduced with acknowledgement to Wyatt, 2003;original figure from Billen and Morgan, 1998.

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    example is the so-called killer bee, where thealarm pheromone from a single bee canwithin seconds alert the entire hive to attackand kill a potential predator (Winston, 1992).Kin recognition pheromones , as used forsocial recognition in social insects do not fitthe original pheromone criterion of a 'definedchemical mixture eliciting particular behaviouror other response'. The cues used for socialrecognition of kin, clans, colony membersand the like are complex, greatly variedmixtures of many compounds, mostly longchain hydrocarbons on the insect cuticle(Vander Meer et al., 1998). The differencesbetween the odour mixtures in quantity andquality of compound composition are theactual message.

    The best example foraggregation pheromones are bark beetles. The firstbeetles arriving on a suitable tree start tobore into the bark and release a long-rangeaggregation pheromone, a mixture of

    terpenoids some of which are synthesized denovo, others produced by symbiotic bacteriain the beetle gut or sequestered from hosttree compounds (Greenfield, 2002; Wyatt,2003). The pheromone attracts conspecificsof both sexes in great numbers, leading to amass attack and often killing of the host tree.

    Allelochemicals , the second subclass ofsemiochemicals, deal with interspecificcommunication. They are further divideddepending on the costs and benefits tosignaller and receiver (Nordlund, 1981).

    Chemical signals can be eavesdropped('overheard') by unintended recipients: forexample, specialist predatory beetles use thepheromones of their bark beetle prey askairomones to locate them (Wyatt, 2003).Other signals are emitted in order to benefitthe signaller at the cost of the receivingspecies. Chemical signals used in such deceitare termed allomones : for example, bolasspiders synthesise particular mothpheromones to lure male moths of thosespecies into range for capture. (Wyatt, 2003).Semiochemicals benefiting both signaller andreceiver in mutualisms are termed

    synomones . An example of such mutual butunintended benefit is hydroquinone, aphagostimulant secreted by many different

    termite species from their labial glands(Reinhard et al., 2002). This chemical signalacts as pheromone when perceived by nestmates (=same species), however could beused as synomone when perceived by adifferent termite species which happens toshare the same foraging territory.

    The independent and multiple evolution ofsemiochemicals is illustrated not only by thediversity of compounds produced but also bythe enormous variety of specialised secretoryglands (Fig. 1). Importantly, mostsemiochemicals are multi-component blends,where not only the qualitative compositionbut also the ratio of compounds is crucial,contributing to the high specificity ofchemical communication signals. Specificitycan also be gained by using differentstereoisomers or enantionmers of the samecompound; for example, among sympatricscarab beetles in Japan (Leal, 1999), one uses(S)-japonilure as its female sex pheromone,

    whereas the other uses (R)-japonilure.As this brief overview demonstrates,classification of semiochemicals rapidlybecomes complicated, not least because thesame chemical may be used as a pheromonewithin a species but may be exploited askairomone or synomone by another. The

    above definitions should therefore be usedwith caution, always keeping in mind that theinsect chemical world is much more complex

    and intertwined than we might be aware of.


    The insect antennae are the major organs forcont. pg 4

    Insect Chemical Communication continued

    Vol. 6 No.4 September 2004

    Fig. 2: (a) Male silk moth (Bomby x m or i) showing thenumerous side branches and sensillary hairs of theantennae which form an effective olfactory sieve. (b)

    Scanning electron micrograph close-up of theantennae. (c) Two segments of a moth antennaedrawn in schematic detail. Figure reproduced andmodified with acknowledgement to Wyatt, 2003,original figures from Kaissling, 1987, Steinbrecht,1999, photo/micrographs (a), (b) by R.A. Steinbrecht.

    Fig. 3: Schematic outline of the different types ofolfactory sensilla. All cells except chemosensoryneurons omitted for clarity. (a) Sensilla trichoidea, (b)S. basiconica, (c) S. coeloconica, (d) S. ampullacea, (e)S. placodea, (f) sensilla field on antenna of th e flySar c o pha ga ar gyr ost oma . Scale in (a) - (d): 10m, in(e): 1m. Figure reproduced and modified withacknowledgement to Kaib, 1999; original figure fromKaissling, 1971.


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    Insect Chemical Communication continued

    vivo on an insect brain, they also shed lighton synaptic plasticity, that is how the odourrepresentation in the brain changes overtime, covering phenomena such asadaptation, habituation and memoryformation. Combined with the brand newneuroanatomical method of microtomography - currently only in use inSwitzerland - imaging studies might help usunravel the mystery of learning andmemory.

    With the completion of the Drosophilamelanogaster genome project and morerecently the sequencing of the mosquito,honeybee, and silk moth genomes, a newera of research in insect chemicalcommunication has begun. Numerousstudies on odorant- and pheromonebinding proteins have been published andthe discovery of the first olfactory receptorproteins in Drosophila (Clyne et al, 1999;Vosshall et al, 1999) has led to many newstudies on ORs and the chemical signal

    transduction pathways in insects. Thediscoveries from molecular genetics arelikely to greatly expand our knowledgeconcerning the role and evolution of thesereceptor proteins in chemicalcommunication systems. The recent rapidprogress in understanding chemoreceptionwill continue as powerful new technologiesin genomics, molecular genetics,neuroanatomy and imaging are combinedwith classical methods from chemistry andanimal behaviour. For perhaps the firsttime, we can now investigate questions ofchemical causality at every level: molecular,neurobiological, behavioural, ecological,and evolutionary.


    Charles Claudianos, RSBS, ANU providedcomments on an earlier draft of themanuscript. I especially thank the authorsM. D. Greenfield (2002) and T. D. Wyatt(2003) for their excellent and informativebooks, which were of great help in

    preparing this review.

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    ol. 6 No.4 September 2004

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