  • Informatika angol nyelven középszint — gyakorlati vizsga 0913

    Név: ........................................................... osztály:......




    2010. május 31. 8:00

    A gyakorlati vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Beadott dokumentumok

    Piszkozati pótlapok száma Beadott fájlok száma

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  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 2 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 3 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    Important information

    You have 180 minutes to solve the practical exercises.

    Devices allowed for the exam: computer assigned to the student, paper, pen, pencil, ruler, sealed notepaper.

    You can take notes on the internal sides of the exercise sheet and the notepaper, these should be submitted at the end of the exam but their content will not be evaluated.

    The exercises can be solved in any order.

    Please pay attention to frequent saving (every 10 minutes); it is suggested that you save your work every time you start a new exercise.

    You should save your exam work in the exam directory that corresponds with your name. Check that this directory is accessible; if it is not accessible, notify the supervising teacher at the beginning of the exam.

    Save your works in the exam directory and at the end of the exam check that every solution is in the given directory because only those solutions can be evaluated. Check that the files to be submitted are readable because files that can not be opened can not be evaluated.

    The source files can be found in the exam directory.

    It is suggested that you read through the exercises first, then solve the individual exercises one by one.

    If your computer has technical problems, indicate it to the supervising teacher. The fact of indication and the observed problem will be recorded. The lost time will be added to the duration of the exam. If the problem is not of computer nature, the examiner should take the description of the case in the record into consideration. (The system administrator can not help the candidate with the solution of the exercises.)

    At the end of the exam you should indicate the number and name of files created and submitted by you and located in the exam directory and its subdirectories on the first page of the exam document. When finishing the exam, do not leave the room until you have done so and have shown it to the supervising teacher.

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 4 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    1. First aid

    In order to increase traffic safety, drivers should learn to provide first aid. The introductory part of the written form of the related teaching material is available in file firstsource.txt, which is ISO 8859-2-encoded, and the image of a warning sign in file attention.png. Create the document according the given example and the description.

    Do not use multiple spaces and empty paragraphs for laying out the text.

    1. Create a document named firstaid in the default format of the word processor, which contains the text from file firstsource.txt.

    2. The default font format of the text is Times New Roman (Nimbus Roman) with size 13 points. Apply a spacing of 6 points after the paragraphs.

    3. In the document set the left and right margins to 2.4 cm, the top margin to 3 cm and the bottom margin to 2 cm.

    4. The font size of the title is 24 points, the font style is bold, aligned centered and the spacing after it is 12 points.

    5. To the left of the title there is a red cross symbol. Create it using the cross and square shapes of the program according to the followings:

    a. the line and the filling colour of the cross are red b. its height and width are both 1.8 cm c. it is surrounded by a red square whose line width is 1.5 points d. the sides of the square are 2.2 cm and the red cross is located inside it e. the two shapes are aligned centered relative to each other in each direction f. the whole drawing is rotated to the left through 15º

    6. Three paragraphs of the text should be highlighted by being placed into a text box of width 100% (16.2 cm) and light grey shading.

    7. Set the style of the paragraph in the first text box to bold and italics and the spacings before and after it to 12 points.

    8. Regarding the content, the text can be divided into four chapters. The font format of the chapter titles should be small caps.

    9. The chapter title “ON A MOTORWAY” should be placed on a new page using a page break. 10. Convert the paragraphs of the first chapter into a numbered list, the paragraphs of the third

    and fourth chapters into a bulleted one.

    11. Type in the text of the second and third text boxes. Apply Courier New (Courier) font type of size 13 points and bold font style. Place picture attention.png before the text and resize it proportionally so that its height becomes 4 cm. Align the content of the text boxes according to the example. The spacings before and after the paragraphs should be 0 points.

    12. In the footer of the document text “Instructions to drivers” should appear on each page on the right with a font size of 8 points, Courier New (Courier) font type and underlined font style. 40 marks

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 5 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 6 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    2A. Greeting card

    Thanks to the spread of digital photography and image editing programs even we can create our own greeting cards. In the following exercise you will have to create an A4-sized greeting card. You will have to work with the following photos: v1.jpg, v2.jpg, v3.jpg, v4.jpg and v5.jpg. The size of the photos varies but each has a ratio that corresponds to an image size of 10×15 cm. Use file base.png to create the greeting card. Save your work as card.png.

    1. To create the greeting card you have to modify the pictures first. Cut out the flower close to the centre of the picture from file v5.jpg keeping the aspect ratio. Upon cutting out pay attention to having the flower fully visible in the new picture. Save the picture as vk5.jpg.

    2. Resize pictures v1.jpg, v2.jpg and v3.jpg to 200×300 pixels. Save the resized pictures as vm1.jpg, vm2.jpg and vm3.jpg, respectively.

    3. Resize pictures v4.jpg and vk5.jpg to 450×300 pixels. Save the resized pictures as vm4.jpg and vm5.jpg, respectively.

    4. Open file base.png. The rectangles in the file mark the insertion position of the pictures. From here onwards you will have to create the greeting card in this file.

    5. Insert pictures vm1.jpg, vm2.jpg, vm3.jpg, vm4.jpg and vm5.jpg into file base.png so that the pictures fit onto the given rectangles fully. (If you could not modify the pictures, work on with pictures p1.jpg and p2.jpg.)

    6. Type the following quote into the remaining blank space according to the example: “Only with you can I walk the land of mystic fullness, with you, by you, from you can I be myself, only you can come close to me, as close as possible: you are my desired part, with you can I become full.” (Vavyan Fable)

    7. The font type should be a Serif type and it should be in italics. Choose its size so that it fills the area according to the example but it should not extend beyond its borders.

    15 marks

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 7 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    Example for the Greeting card exercise:

    base.png card.png

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 8 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    2B. Pepper

    Create a web page to introduce pepper and its characteristics according to the following description and example.

    The text of the page can be found in file a source.txt, which is ISO 8859-2-encoded. The pictures required for the solution of the exercise are many.jpg and colourful.jpg. 1. Create a file with name index.html.

    2. The background colour of the page is papayawhip (colour code #FFEFD5) and the text colour is saddlebrown (colour code #8B4513).

    3. Copy the text from file source.txt and lay out the text according to the example.

    4. The style of the title (“Do you know the hottest?”) is Heading1, the style of the three subtitles is Heading2.

    5. Insert picture colourful.jpg before the title, into the same line. Set a border of 1 point and a distance of 10 points from the text for the picture.

    6. The title appearing in the header of the browser should be “Pepper”. 7. Set a bulleted list for the five pepper species. 8. Convert the first pepper species of the list, “Capsicum annuum” into a link that leads to

    picture many.jpg.

    9. At the end of the page arrange the data giving the spicy heat into a table according to the example.

    a. The width of the table should be 300 points, its border should be 1 point and it should be aligned centered.

    b. The table should consist of two columns. The width of the right column should be 120 points.

    c. In the second column, express the spicy heat of the pepper species with the background colour of the cells as well. Apply light shades for good readability. From the 2nd cell downwards the background colour of the cells should be green, yellow, red and violet, respectively.

    15 marks

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 9 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    Example for the Pepper exercise:


  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 10 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    3. Europe

    Europe has more than forty countries. Among these there are countries for which only a part of their area belongs to Europe. File europebase.txt, which is ISO 8859-2-encoded and tagged by tabs, contains the area (km2), the population (capita), the economic state ($) of the countries of Europe and the European Union arranged into alphabetical order according to the names of the countries. During the solution take the followings into consideration.

    • Whenever possible, use a formula, function or reference in the solution so that the results remain correct even if the source data are modified.

    • There are parts in the exercise that use the results from a previous question. If you could not solve the previous part completely, use its solution as it is, or instead of a formula resulting in a number use an arbitrary value and work on with it. This way you can receive marks for these exercise parts as well.

    • If required, you can perform auxiliary calculations from Row 65 downwards or to the right of Column K.

    1. Open data file europebase.txt tagged by tabs using a worksheet processing program. Save the table in the default format of the worksheet processor as europe.

    2. In column Population density calculate the population density of the individual countries (capita/km2) using the data in columns B and C. Display the results rounded to two decimal digits using a function.

    3. Create the following auxiliary table starting from cell A52. In the second column of the auxiliary table calculate the total area and the total population of Europe. Use the area and population values that geographically belong to Europe in your calculations. Upon determining the average population per country take only the countries that have population belonging to Europe into consideration.

    4. Create the following auxiliary table starting from cell A56. In the second column of the

    table calculate the total area and the total population of the countries of the European Union and finally the number of the members of the Union. (The member states are indicated by “1” in column G.)

    5. In column J determine which countries do not belong to Europe with their full area.

    Display text “not fully” for these countries. Do not display anything in the cell for countries that belong to Europe with their full area.

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 11 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    6. The GNI value is the Gross National Income, which is given in US dollars and is an important economic indicator of the countries. Based on the GNI values, the countries are ranked into four categories. The following table gives the limits of these categories. Based on these, determine in column F the category which the individual countries belong into. Do not display anything for countries where the GNI data is not given. If you perform auxiliary calculations, pay attention to performing these only in the designated range.

    Below $735 A $736-$2935 B $2936-$9075 C Above $9076 D

    7. Format the table according to the example and the following descriptions. a. Set the units. Population is measured in “capita”, GNI values are measured in

    “$”. (The “$” mark may appear either before or after the numbers.)

    b. Set thousands separation for the number formats. c. Format the first row and the row containing the data of Hungary according to

    the example.

    d. Border the table according to the example. Use double line below the first row and a line thicker than the default line around the whole table.

    8. In the page setup set landscape orientation and top and bottom margins of 1.5 cm. During printing only the table (A1:J49) should be visible, but it should fit on one page.


    30 marks

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 12 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    4. Buffet

    The operation of school buffets is supervised regularly by the maintainers. This time they are interested in the buying habits of boys studying in grades 9 and 11. The survey is carried out at the Oscar’s Hat School as well. The school decided to include every customer on the given day in the survey rather than only the target group. Distinguishing between the customers was important, therefore everybody who entered the school that morning drew a code card corresponding to his/her group. This card was used in the buffet during the purchase. The customers are distinguished on this basis in the database. At the school the bell indicating the start of the lesson is sounded in the 15th minute of every hour and the bell indicating the end of the lesson is sounded at every hour sharp. (So 9:15:00 already belongs to the lesson and 10:00:00 to the break).

    1. Create a new database with name buffet. Import the two attached files (customer.txt, purchase.txt) with a table name that corresponds to the file name (customer, purchase). The files are text files tagged by semicolons, the first lines contain the field names. Upon creation set the suitable types in each table. In table customer choose the field that is a suitable key and add a unique key named id to table purchase.

    Tables: customer (code, group, male)

    code The customer’s identifier (number), this is the key group The group the customer belongs into (text), which is the grade for

    students and T for teachers male The customer’s gender (boolean), its value is true for males and false

    for females

    purchase (id, customercode, sum, ptime) id The identifier of the purchase (autonumber), this is the key customercode The customer’s identifier (number) sum The sum paid by the given customer (number) ptime The time of issuing the receipt belonging the purchase (time)

    When solving the following exercises, save the queries and the report with the name given

    in brackets. Display exactly the required fields and expressions and do not display unnecessary fields.

    2. Create a query that lists the data of purchases below 500 HUF in chronological order. Display the customer’s identifier, the time of the purchase and the paid sum. (2below500)

    3. Create a query that gives the identifier of the teacher(s) who purchased something in the buffet in the break that started at 11 o’clock. (3break11)

    4. Create a query that gives the total sum spent by the students in the buffet. (4student) 5. Create a query that gives the person who paid the greatest sum in the buffet and the time

    of the purchase. If the sum belongs to several purchases of the same value, you can display each of them, but it is enough to display only one. (5greatest)

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 13 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

    6. The company requesting the survey gives the school a cake as a small present. The buffet-keeper decides about the cake by checking the number of purchases in each category. Create a report that gives the number of purchases for each category. If required, you can create an auxiliary query or a temporary table for the creation of the report. (6cake)

    7. The company carrying out the survey is interested only in the data of the boys studying in grades 9 and 11. Using a query, create a new table named survey that contains the data of the purchases of the students concerned (customercode, ptime, sum, group). It is not necessary to run the query. (7survey)

    20 marks

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 14 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


    2B Pepper

    Source of the picture:

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 15 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

  • gyakorlati vizsga 0913 16 / 16 2010. május 31.

    Informatika angol nyelven — középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......


    mark achieved

    mark Word processing 1. First aid 40

    Presentation, graphics and web page creation 30 2A. Greeting card 15 marks

    2B. Pepper 15 marks Worksheet processing 3. Europe 30

    Database management 4. Buffet 20

    Mark of the practical exam part 120 examiner

    Date: ………………………. __________________________________________________________________________

    elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve / achieved mark rounded

    to an integer

    programba beírt egész pontszám / mark written

    into program as an integer

    Szövegszerkesztés / Word processing Prezentáció, grafika és weblapkészítés/ Presentation, graphics and web page creation Táblázatkezelés / Worksheet processing Adatbázis-kezelés / Database management

    javító tanár / examiner

    jegyző / registrar of the Board of Examiners

    Dátum / Date: ………………………. Dátum / Date: ……………………….

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