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Inês ReisPoRtfolIo 2014

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

logotypesSince 2000.

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[Sr. Manel, o mesmoedições]

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

Boots.CoMDesign of fragrance’s page with Valentine’s 2012 look and feel.Boots, UK.

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Boots.CoMDesign of offer’s page with Summer 2012 look and feel.Boots, UK.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

Advertising CAMpAignIn-store communication.Worten, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

Worten gAMer CoMMuniCAtion MAteriAlstop to bottom: packaging, lCD frame decoration, and hoarding ad.Worten Gamer, Portugal.

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Worten gAMer CoMMuniCAtion MAteriAlstop to bottom: in-store advertising and product brochure.Worten Gamer, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

BrAnd identityfinal project for my MA degree in Design. Graphic proposal for Portuguese image rebranding. IADE - Creative University, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

BrAnd identityfinal project for my MA degree in Design. Graphic proposal for Portuguese image rebranding. IADE - Creative University, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

iMAge identity redesign final project for my Postgraduate degree in Design and Comunication. Proposal for the rebrading of Design Museum. IADE - Creative University, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

roll up BAnnerPoster for Maastricht University’s conference, USA, 2009.freelancer, the Netherlands.

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posterPoster for de event “feria de San Isidro” (bullfight).Studio Quim larrea, Spain.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

puBliCAtion“Marcas Pt” a book with logotypes created in Portugal between 2000-2005, co-authored with Quim larrea and published by GG.Portugal and Spain.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

proMotionAl flyere-Christmas email invitation.freelancer, the Netherlands.

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neWslettere-Christmas email newsletter.freelancer, the Netherlands.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

BrAnd identityHostel.freelancer, Portugal.

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proMotionAl flyersHostel.freelancer, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

proMotionAl flyerstourism.freelancer, Portugal.

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ginger pAi yogAPromotional flyer.freelancer, UK.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

BABy’s food pACkAgingPackaging design.Design Studio RBA, Portugal.

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sWAtCh ContestProposal for a Swatch design. the Netherlands.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

AdvertiseMent 7UPCreative Agency BBDo, Portugal.

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AdvertiseMentSheba, food for cats.Creative Agency BBDo, Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

illustrAtionsWork for the MA course “Art Direction”.IADE - Creative University Portugal.

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illustrAtionsWork for the MA course “History of Illustration”.IADE - Creative University Portugal.

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]

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Inês Reis | 07 424 042 369 | [email protected]


This is a short selection of my portfolio.If you would like to see more of my work,

feel free to contact me.

t. 07 424 042 369 m. [email protected]

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