
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church 135 Livingston Ave, Grimsby

November 20th, 2017 � Live Music, Food and Drinks 6:00 - to 7:00 p.m. � Guest Speakers 7:00 - to 8:00 p.m.

“Building Resiliency: The Art of Raising Emotionally

Healthy and Resilient Children, while Staying

Connected with your Child”

Anxiety is one of the most common reasons why

children and their families seek help from their

physicians and other health care providers.

This talk will cover practical strategies for helping

children to develop psychological and emotional

resiliency, particularly in face of worries, anxiety, and


Attendees with leave with an understanding of the role

that anxiety plays in our emotional functioning, and

with tools that they can use to help their child deal with

both big life stresses and day-to-day worries.

Guest Speakers

Dr. Katie Hildyard, Co-Director of BPCS

A registered clinical psychologist with

the Ontario College of Psychologists.

Dr. Hildyard provides assessment and

treatment services for children,

adolescents, and adults.

Dr. Carly Shecter

A registered clinical psychologist with

the Ontario College of Psychologists.

Dr. Shecter provides evidence-based

therapy and psychological assessments

to support children and adolescents with

various challenges.

In Support of


[email protected]

Please support Contact Niagara with a donation.

Cash or cheque will be accepted at the event or prior to the

evening by Trail Ridge Montessori (Junior or Main School)


And Open to the


Donations are



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