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 Your performance during the Battle for the Katana Fleet was exemplary, evenheroic. You defeated a total of 33 starfighters, and even attempted to save the

Peremptory despite the massive damage your ship sustained. Your efforts, and the

efforts of soldiers like you has allowed our Engineers to capture 178 Katana-Class

dreadnoughts, and even with our losses, and our retreat, we still did not lose. In

fact, when the New republic looks on the field of battle, they will see that only about

a dozen of the remaining dreadnoughts are salvageable, and their losses far

outweigh the small gains they made.

As such, I award you, and the rest of your crew with the Distinguished Medal of 

Imperial Honor, the highest medal offered by our Armed Forces for extreme heroism

under duress, for extreme selfless action when under extreme circumstances, and

for acting as a hand of the admiral on the field of battle. As such, you are now a

Hero of the Galactic Empire, a name that will be known around the Galaxy, except

for the secretive nature of your team. As such, your status as a hero shall be held

until peace is achieved. With this award comes a one-time payment of ten

thousand republic credits.

Due to your efforts, we will be able to directly progress into the invasion fo the

Republic. Currently, the dreadnoughts are being deslaved and outfitted with

improved weapon and shield systems, as well as enhanced life support systems to

allow for larger planetary invasions. Your loyalty has proven that you can be

trusted to do the most covert of operations as well as intense combat situations.

 Your versatility has shown that you are worthy of earning the title of Hands of the

Emperor, and you shall be ordained as such.

Now, from Yaga Minor, we will move into the inner core, capturing major worlds

and use them as stepping stones for our eventual assault on Coruscant itself. The

coming months will be filled with victories, victories which will usher in a new era of 

history, one written by us. The lessons of the rebellion Era shall be replaced with

the lessons of the Thrawn Era, and none shall challenge the stability of this Empire

ever again. Now, go and relax, and contemplate what I shall ask of you. You are

now more than qualified to choose your own missions, so on the next page, I shallattach several objectives that I need accomplished. You can tackle them in any

order, and in any means necessary to you. Some you may need to be covert,

others require a steady blaster shot or expert piloting to ensure success.

Regardless, I believe that you will accomplish them all. Good luck, Captain, and

welcome to your new life amongst the Hands of the Emperor.

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CURRENT INFORMATION: The Minister is making a heavily publicized trip to

Kashyyyk to garner support for a universal bill of rights that has been held up by

Kerrithrarr, the Inner Council Member from Kashyyyk. She will be bringing her

husband and children with her, and this would most likely be the best opportunity to

seize her. If enough time passes, she will return to Coruscant, or, if other events

conspire against you, to some place that may require significant investigation to



CURRENT INFORMATION: The cloaking mechanism that we found at Mount Tantiss

has been reverse engineered, and now there is an ambitious plan to sabotage the

New Republic. We have loaded several large cloaked asteroids in our star

destroyers and if we deploy them above Coruscant, they will effectively keep most

incoming and outgoing traffic at bay, which will lead to starvation and other

epidemics as Coruscant’s vast supply lines suddenly cease because massive stones

physically destroy any incoming ships. However, for this to work, they have to bedeployed below the planetary shield, just high enough to stay in perpetual orbit but

low enough to be inside the shield that would otherwise destroy them. As such, I

need for you to figure out a way to disable the massive planetary shield generator.


CURRENT INFORMATION: This painting was once presumed lost once Alderaan was

destroyed. Originally part of the royal family’s personal collection of paintings, they

have no idea what it is actually worth. You see, there is an old Shadowcast keycode

embedded somewhere in the painting, and it would allow us to decrypt all of the

Republic’s communications, all the way to the personal communications made bythe Minister of State. With it, information becomes a weapon, because we can sent

legitimate looking orders to any Republic Unit, and the Shadowcast keycode would

add that legitimacy. Currently it is coming up on auction on Tatooine. Purchase it

quickly, as I expect it to be a very hot item. Funds will be made available to you,

and most likely it would cover all the costs. However, if the painting is taken before

you arrive, you will have to find out who has it and where they took it.

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Upon completion of these objectives, more shall be assigned. No hurry Captain,

determine which ones have precedence over others.



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