Page 1: Imogen   manipulation of photographs
Page 2: Imogen   manipulation of photographs

This was the original photograph that I decided to edit. I liked the original image

as it was focused clearly on the artists face and the plain

purple background effectively framed the shot without

drawing attention away from the artist. However, I felt that there were certain aspects of the photograph that could be improved upon. Also, certain techniques could be used to

enhance the look of the overall image. Therefore, I decided to edit the image in Photoshop

and make the photograph look more professional.

Page 3: Imogen   manipulation of photographs

The first step that I took in editing the photograph was to smooth out the artists skin to

remove any slight imperfections that may be

present. I did this by creating a Gaussian blur and painting over the artists face with a

layer mask. Next, I decided to edit the artists eyelashes, as in

the original photograph her eyes were still visible. I

darkened the area around the eyelashes and blurred it

slightly to make them look fuller and remove any

indication of an open eye. I also slightly lightened the tone

of the artists hair.

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Next, I decided to alter the colour of the artist’s hair. This was so I could give the artists a quality that deviated from typical fashion’s. This would allow the artist to stand out and become noticeable; a

quality which I feel is important in the music

industry and also in media projections. I experimented with several different hair

colours, but decided on the white hair colour as this was

more unusual than the others.

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My final step in editing the photograph was to give the artist some eye shadow. I decided to do this as I felt that the colour of it could correspond with the hair

colour, and ultimately create a more professional look. I

tested some different colours with varying hair colours, and decided on

using white eye shadow, as again I felt that this colour is more unique and interesting

than the others.

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