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Vegetables and the related microbiology

hazardsGroup Members :

Chong Tian Leong 115522Ho Jan Jhin 115532Juliana Koh Pei Nee 115535Amalia Kahiruddin

115513Siti Nadzirah Md Supar


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Find out the spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms that’s related to vegetables

Physical manifestation of each type of contamination

Conditions that’s conducive to the growth of microbes

Find out the possible steps to increase the safety of vegetables.


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Typical bacteria that infect vegetable Spoilage Fungi

Botrytis cinerea Aspergillus Penicillium Rhizopus spp. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Spoilage bacteria(may due to cross contamination)

Ervinia carotovora Pseudomonas spp. Xanthomonas campestris


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Planting & harvesting

Storage & Transport

Selling & Packaging

Kitchen & Customer Serving

Farm to fork

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Microbes InvolvedIn soil

Bacillus Thuringiensis are produced by spores. Causes contamination of the soil.

In waterEscherichia coli, Vibro cholerae,

Cryptosporidium parvumWater act as a carrier for microorganisms.

Others sources of contaminationInadequately composted manureAnimalsHuman


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Type of Microbes involvedSalmonella spp.

Causing food poisoning and typhoid fever

PathogenicErwinia Carotovora

Spoilage microbe Causes soft rot by destroying plant tissue,

may induce secondary infection by other microbes.


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Product are benefit from Immediate surface sanitationRapid cooling Simultaneously by chilled water plus sanitizing

chemical, such as chlorine.Product integrity is dependent on

Time of harvest Temperature management

More waysProtect fields from wandering animalsUse well-treated manure Irrigation water are ensure safety Good pre and post-harvest processes

Recommendation for Planting & Harvesting

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Damaged CabbageDamaged Chilies

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Condition that induce the growth of microbesImproper refrigerationPoor management of transportation unitsImproper packing of productImproper sanitation of unloading equipmentPoor employee hygienePoor control of waste and hygiene in unloading

dockMicrobes Involved

SalmonellaE.coli O157:H7Pseudomonas spp


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Spoilage that cause by microbesSalmonella and E.coli O157 : H7

Not apparent May cause stomachache, vomit and possible fatality if consumed.

Pseudomonas spp.Causes soft-rod decay on vegetables

such as lettuce, cabbage and etc.

Transport ( cont’d)

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Appropriate temperature controlSanitation

Transportation unitsLoading and unloading facilitites

Appropriate packaging of product

Employee awareness and training.

Safety Recommendation on Transport

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Poor management of transport unit

Employee lack of awareness on hygiene

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1) Microbes involved & spoilage they cause:Fluorescent Psudomonas eg. P.marginalis

Produces catalas,oxidase and pectolytic enzyme

Enzymes produced causes soft rotCondition that induce growth:

Wound on skin Found in frozen and refrigerator foodMinimal temperature of 4CP.tolasii

Produces unsightly blemishes on the caps and stem of Agricus Fruiting body that leads to infection and decay

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P. gingeri Causes sever and lesion in mushroom

P. reactantMild discolouration on infection area

Safety RecommendationStored in suitable storageRemoved field heat right after harvest

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2)Microbes InvolvedErwinia spp.

Gram(-) and associated with fresh cut vegetablesMost microbial spoilage of whole vegetable

Condition that induce MicrobesTemperature of 20C Wound and injuries on vegetable skinFresh cut vegetable such as sliced carrot

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Spoilage caused by MicrobesNecrosis

In a plant, necrosis causes leaves, stems and other parts to darken and wilt.

Progressive tissues maceration also called as soft rotOcculasion of vessel element also called as vascular


Gall or tumor formation of plant tissue

Safety RecommendationThermal processing are used such as hot waterPhysical technologies are used such as high

pressure, irradiation, ultrasound,Chemical technologies are used such as gas-phase

sanitation(ozone and chlorine dioxide) and liquid-phase sanitation (chlorinated water) based on physical state of the chemical used

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3)Microbes InvolvedFungiYeast

Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, R.glutinis, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Z.bisphorus, and Z.rouxii (found in fresh cut vegetables and salad mixed, rarely identified)

Condition that induces growth Acid conditionFresh cut vegetable under refrigeration and


Range of pH 2-11Pathogen; class of Ascomycetes and associated

Fungi Impecfecti

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Spoilage CausedYeast

off –flavor and off-odorquality lossshelf life failure in grated celery under MAP 4C and

shredded chicory endives under high oxygen atmosphere

MoldVisible growth, rots and discoloration such as blue

mold rot, gray mold rot, botrytis rot and brown rot

Safety RecommendationSame as above.

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Erwinia carotova subsp. atroseptica in potato

Penicillium (blue mold), Botrytis cinerea (gray mold) in onion

Erwinia carotova in carrot causes soft rod

Botrytis cinerea in strawberries

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Packaging &


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1) Microbes InvolvedErwinia Pseudomonas species.S. Bacillus.

Spoilage causedDegrading the vegetable polymer, pectinErwinia carotovora is a plant pathogen that causes

cell death through plant cell wall destruction by creating an osmotically fragile cellThe development of sourness and gassing of the packaging was related to extensive growth of these bacteria

Ultimately cause soft rot in plant.Safety Recommendation

Use refrigeration temperature to slow growth of microbes

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2)Microbes InvolvedLeuconostoc, Gram (-)

Condition that induce growthVegetables that’s packaged in vacuum at room


Spoilage CausedProduction of Lactic acidcause slimy spoilage & bulging, buttery off odor

Safety RecommendationReduce storage temperature to 5◦C

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3)Type of Microbes involvedEscherichia coli and Coliforms

Conditions that induce growthCross contamination of dirty wet market’s floor to

vegetablePlastic bags that are under risk of cross-contamination

with other productsPathogenic

Yes and it will cause infection and sickness to human. Eg, dysentery, typhoid fever, viral and bacterial gastroenteritis, and hepatitis A

complications of an E. coli O157:H7 infection can include kidney failure. It will cause infection to human which can make people sick, causing severe stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting.

Safety RecommendationAvoid placing vegetables on the dirty wet floor Floor are cleaned on a daily basis using detergent.Plastic bags are stored in a clean enviroment

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The plastic bag that’s exposed to the surrounding increase the chances of cross- contamination

Figures shows the possible risk of cross-contamination from dirty floor and also from the disposal


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Kitchen work & Customer serving

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1) Microbes involvedEscherichia coli O157 : H7

PathogenicIt is present in contaminated fruits and

vegetables. It is an enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli. are Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria

The route of entry is mainly through oral such as the ingestion of contaminated food, water, or fecal particles.

Safety RecommendationGood sanitation of equipemntsCleaning of vegetables before cook

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2) Microbes InvolvedCollethotrichium Gloeosporiodes

Spoilage causedwill have a superficial leathery appearance,

silver or grey to dark lesions. Tear staining pattern is also common on the surface

of the orange. Under humid conditions, pink tinge, which is the

spore will also be visible.Safety Recommendation

Prune the dead wood that’s in close proximity with the citrus fruits as Collethotrichium Gloeosporiodes often harbours in dead branches.

Field sprays of copper- based fungicides should be applied prior to autumn rains as well.

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3)Microbes InvolvedGeotrichum citri-aurantii

Spoilage causedhave a very soft, watery decay. distinct margin between decayed and healthy tissue. Sour odour The fungus can be spread by physical contact after

packaging them in an enclosed space, creating nests of infected fruit in boxes.

Safety RecommendationPut them in a clean colander and spray them with a kitchen

sink sprayer. Gently turn the produce as you hold it under running water. Guazantine fungicide is applied to the fruits within 24

hours after harvest. If the fungicide is not approved for use, then strong emphasis have to be placed on the sanitation control and low temperature storage, but chilling injury and temperature fluctuation during transport and marketing remain difficult to control.

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