
Pray For...

Our children: Protection, wisdom,

insight and understanding of what

God has for their future.

Grant, Katie, and their family, as

Grant completes his last year of

medical school.

Grace and Luke, as Luke works as

a contractor and leads his family.

Claire, as she seeks out what

God has for her future, and

pursues piano study and other

coursework this year.

For Tim and Carol: Strength,

wisdom, safety and discernment as

we minister together with MAF, at

our church, and as we lead our



“Abort! Abort! Abort!” During take off, the wind suddenly whooshes from behind, airspeed indicator reads 0 knots. Pull power to idle. Pump the brakes. Breathe as the Cessna 206 calmly stops long before the end of the 1500’ grass runway at Wilson Bar. My flight instructor, Tim Imbrock, and I patiently wait for the weather to change.

I enjoy flying with Tim, who has an incredible aptitude as a pilot. Frequently, conversations about technical topics flow into spiritual aspects of how God is working. While we were walking the runway to calculate length, takeoff performance, abort points, and speed checks, we think about the importance of our job as missionary pilots.

What is ministry? Is it limited to transporting pastors and Bibles, or does it include groceries, fuel, and mail?

When you start to separate what is ministry and what isn’t, then your attitude changes. And at this point, pilots either adjust their hearts or abort their ministry and leave the field.

Attitude checks along the runway of ministry include abiding in Christ, gratitude, humility, flexibility, and finding value.

We are here to help and support others to bring the gospel to the nations. In the end, everything we do is ministry.

Worship through Aviation

Wilson Bar, Idaho

“The heart of a man

plans his way, but

the LORD establishes

his steps.”

Proverbs 16:9 ESV

Cory in Owyhee Bend, Oregon

Alvord Desert, Oregon Imbrock Insights

Dear Family and Friends,

Cory Woodsum, the first MAF intern I worked with here in Nampa,

has given me permission to share his article with you. It captures

my heart for ministry with MAF. Thank you for the privilege and

honor to mentor pilots like Cory.

Mission Aviation Fellowship

PO Box 47

Nampa, Idaho 83653


[email protected]

Tim & Carol

Imbrock Family Focus

My thanks to all of you, our faithful partners in ministry. The spring and summer have been very full. We’ve been witnesses of God’s marvelous and miraculous work in the lives of people who He is calling into service with MAF. As we pour ourselves into this training and mentoring work, we look forward to what God is going to do in the future. We thank God for each of you and recognize that it is an honor to represent you serving with MAF. Your partnership and participation touches lives all over the world.

As we see God providing for our financial needs through each of you, our faith grows. Thanks for your partnership and sacrificial giving.

Claire graduated from high school the 16th of May and took part in the Idaho State

Homeschool Graduation! What a fun celebration. We are proud homeschooling parents of a diligent student and an accomplished daughter. Everyone wants to know what she is doing next. We’ll keep you posted. Claire only turned 17 on the 8th of June and for now is planning to focus on her piano performance studies and some other individual courses of study that interest her.

Claire’s graduation request... A long

backpacking trip together! We settled on a hike in the White Cloud Wilderness in east central Idaho. Hiking on and off trail for 7 days allowed us to circumnavigate Castle Peak (11,814’). Tough steep

climbs over 10,000’ passes, beautiful vistas, alpine lakes and even some fly fishing and catching of wild trout, made for a memorable trip for all of us. Lunchtime naps in the sun on 9,000’ mountain slopes, struggling up steep slopes and bedtime books with a dessert of hot custard with chocolate chips are fond memories of our trip together. At times “heart cry prayers” were uttered for God’s leading as we encountered difficulties, searched for the trail or were running out of water. Claire continually encouraged us…“You can do it!” she would say… and we did together!

Grace and Luke helped paint our house. Another great blessing was to have our daughter

Grace, Luke and their 5 children visit and attend Claire’s graduation and celebrate with us. They extended their visit and helped us prepare and paint our house. What a great blessing to have all of them under our roof for that time. Needless to say our home was a “beehive” of activity. It was a sweet time for us grandparents. We are so blessed by Grace and Luke’s hard work and effort combined with an anonymous gift to us from one of you supporters earmarked for house, home or car maintenance. It was a timely gift from the Lord. Thank you very much! You know who you are and God knows, and we are very grateful. A job seemingly impossible in God’s timing and provision is done!

Grant completed his 3rd year of medical school. Grant and Katie are doing well in Dallas,

Texas. Grant is preparing for the electives he has this coming year. Eleanor and Redding continue to charm us as they grow, learn and talk. Their antics keep their parents on their toes and make us laugh till we are in tears.

Carol’s the glue that keeps us together. Coordinating things at home, responsibilities at church, MAF, and engagements

among our circle of friends here in Nampa, ID, keeps Carol’s days filled to overflowing. She treasures her ladies Bible study course work and personal Bible study and prayer time, and on Sunday evenings you’ll find her at AWANA helping children with Bible study and memorization. At this very moment, she’s the harvester and as this is being written she is canning tomatoes. We had a bumper crop from our garden this year. A late crop of beans for winter meals is also doing well.

The Aviation Adventure Camp that MAF sponsors in July has become a highlight

and focus for us as a family over the 7 years we’ve been involved. We think this year’s camp was one of the best camps we have had so far. Tim coordinates all the aviation activities, and Carol takes care of meals for 25 people for 7 days. It is a wonderful week spent with a dozen young people introducing them to missions, immersing them in aviation, and teaching them to fly actual airplanes. Adventurous activities—from flying, whitewater rafting to canoeing and compass navigation competitions—place these young people in challenging circumstances and help foster team building. Our goal is to expose these young people to missions and mission aviation and to demonstrate that God is at the controls. With His leading and provision, hard work, skill building, study and personal growth, what seems impossible humanly is possible with God.

Graduation day

Four Lakes Basin camp 9,000’

Grace & Luke painting

Tim instructing Noah in the Luscombe

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