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Welcome to Peninsula Enterprise

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Customers are at the heart of our service

Customer Satisfaction

We aim to regularly achieve a 90+% rating

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The Business Link Service

Peninsula Enterprise delivers the Business Link service in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon and Somerset

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The Business Link Service

The Regional Development Agency in the South West funds the Business Link service

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The Business Link Service

Providing information, support and guidance to people starting, running or growing businesses

We offer no-obligation support

for any type of small business,

whatever stage it’s at

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The Business Link Service

We support nearly 50,000 of the regions small and medium enterprises each year

3,000 of those have received in depth assistance

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The Business Link Skills Service

The Business Link skills service helps businesses access the training they need to succeed

• Leadership & Management

• Bespoke training

• Higher Education and NVQs

• Apprenticeships

• Skills for Life

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The Business Link Growth Service

Business Link provides a specialist advisory service for high growth businesses and those with aspirations to grow

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Peninsula Enterprise also delivers

Business Link’s Rural Team dedicated to improving the profitability and competivenessof rural businesses

• Team of specialist rural advisers

• Advice on accessing support and funding from the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE)

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Peninsula Enterprise also delivers

Business Link’sResource Efficiency forFarmers (R4F)free professional adviceon how best to manageon farm resources moreefficiently, including –

energy, water, air and non-organic waste

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Peninsula Enterprise also delivers

Business Link’s Environmental Servicehelping South West businesses improve their environmental performance

Specialist advisers providing impartial advice and signposting businesses to the most appropriate environmental business support programmes

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Peninsula Enterprise also delivers

Business Link’s Environmental Service

• Guidance on writing an environmental policy

• Set up, or review and improve your environmental management system within your business

• Create a strategic approach to sustainable development

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Customers are at the heart of our service

Putting businesses in touch with the right

providers for the support they need

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P e n in s u la E n t e r p r is e a ls o d e liv e r s

Facilitating overseas investment

into the South West's vibrant


The UK Trade andInvestment servicehelping local businesses succeed in international markets

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Access to Solutions for Business via Business Link

Starting Up - information on every aspect of starting and running a business

Grow your Business – practical help and advice on growing a business

Finance and Grants - information on sources of finance and access to finance support

Developing People - skills training under the banner of 'Train to Gain'

Environment and Efficiency – how to save money through energy efficiency and support for low carbon energy generating technologies

Exploit your ideas – how to innovate and make the most of new ideas

International Trade – help and support for starting or increasing international sales

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Peninsula Enterprise has achieved


ISO 14001

Investors in People

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Customers are at the heart of our service

Providing in-depth support for people starting,

running or growing businesses

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Building the business support network

We are working with over 500 public and private sector partners to simplify access to a truly effective Business Support network for the South West

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Strengthening the economy of our region

Business Link in 2009/10 ...

helped 7,275 pre-starts and

over 3,000 start up businesses

ran over 250 start up

workshops across 3 counties,

with 2,500 attendees

helped create 722 new


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Strengthening the economy of our region

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