
Imagine, it is the 6th of May 1950. Just a normal Saturday, the sun is shining, but it is quite cold for May. You and your brother are at the local fen, a peat bog, known as the Tollund fen. You are digging up peat, to use on the fires at home. People in Denmark and the area often do this. You chat with your brother as you dig. About 2 and half meters down you see something in the peat and continue to dig, both of you wonder what you have found, so keep digging, you dig carefully though and then jump down to take a closer look where you see………

With the person next to you, come up with some questions that would help

you to find out what happened.

What makes a good question?

Learning Objective: To understand the mystery of the Tollund Man

Learning Outcome: To develop historical skills of research, enquiry and source analysis


With your group you need to look through the sources (evidence) to try and find out happened to the Tollund Man

Make notes in the back of your book with all your ideas.

What do you think?

Presenting your theories

Each group now needs to pull together all your learning on the Tollund Man and come up with your own theory of what happened

TARGET: Your theory needs to be well explained and supported with evidence (from the sources) Ensure that you link your evidence to form a story!

Plenary- what have you learnt and understood?

What do you think?




Place yourself next to the theory that you most agree


You will be asked to support your


Lesson Two: The Tollund Man

Learning Objective: To develop skills of written communication

Learning Outcome: To describe (L5) and explain (L6) what happened to the Tollund


What can you remember about the Tollund man

You have three minutes to look in your book to see what you can remember about the Tollund man.

You will then have 30 seconds to write as much as you know, and then we will snowball it around the classroomAdd something new to the information from the last person.

Looking at the evidence

Look through the sources and use your own knowledge. Can you find evidence for:

• Murder?

• Sacrifice?

• Traitor?

Source 1

• Image of the body.

• What can you infer from this piece of evidence about what’shappened?

I.e. What does it tell you?


What does this evidence tell me?

Evidence from the source

Source 1 This source suggests that the Tolland man has been killed, either by murder or suicide.

We can see in the source that the body has a noose around his neck.

Scientific Report

This source suggests that the victim was an adult.

The source also suggests that he was killed in the spring.

The source also suggests that he was killed 2000 years ago.

He had “wisdom teeth”

The contents of his stomach had seeds which could only come in the spring.

Plants underneath the body were 2000 years old.

Source 3 This source suggests ….

TASKTo create a detailed and informative police report explaining what happened to the Tollund Man explaining your own theory

• Who was he, when was he killed?• Where was he found?• What was he found with?• Evidence• Your own theory (suicide, sacrifice, murder)

which is supported by evidence

Police ReportTop Secret

A body has been found in Denmark in 1950. (Stating the facts will get you L4)

I think that he was killed because…. (then use the evidence to support why you think this)(Using the facts to make inferences L5/6)

Police Report September 1950

Top Secret. Investigating Officer Mrs Brown.Dear Sir/Madam,I am presenting this report to inform you of the discovery of a body which was unearthed by 2 people in Denmark while they were digging their garden. The body was discovered with a noose around his neck and next to a statue of the Goddess of Spring. (Level 4)

I believe that the man discovered was murdered by German tribesmen as a sacrifice to the Goddess of Spring. (Level 5c)

I believe this because in the iron ages, German tribesmen used to sacrifice slaves by hanging them from trees and this victim had apparently been hung as photographic evidence taken from the scene shows that he was found with a noose around his neck. He also had injuries that are associated with hanging. The autopsy report reveals that the victims tongue was swollen which is common among people who have been hung. (Level 5a/6c)

Assessment Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

I have identified key pieces of knowledge and included them in my work

I have used key dates and terms

I have identified information from some sources

Most of my sentences are short and are not really developed

I have identified key knowledge about the Tolland Man

I have described my knowledge using key terms and dates

I have described information from the sources

I have made my own conclusion (judgement)

I have described and started to explain what happened to the Tolland Man giving reasons, using the evidence.

I have made my own judgement and given reasons to support it

I have selected information from sources to support my ideas and explained them

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