
IST541  Interactive  Media  


Image Maps and Hot Spot Activities

As  you  have  learned  from  this  week’s  resources,  an  “Image  Map”  makes  it  possible  to  define  multiple  clickable  areas  within  an  image.  The  most  common  use  of  image  maps  is  to  associate  each  clickable  area  with  a  web  address,  which  opens  up  in  a  new  window  when  clicking  on  it.  However,  it  is  also  possible  to  execute  a  JavaScript  or  jQuery  function  when  clicking  on  each  area,  creating  in  this  way  a  hot  spot  activity.    In  this  tutorial,  we  will  create  a  web  page  that  includes  a  hot  spot  activity  using  an  image  map.  A  demo  of  this  web  page  is  located  at: (Notice  that  the  mouse  cursor  changes  automatically  to  a  pointer  when  hovering  over  the  USA,  China,  and  India.  Also,  notice  that  a  tooltip  displaying  the  country  name  shows  up  for  a  few  seconds  when  hovering  over  these  countries.)    Section  1:  Preparing  the  Folder  Structure    1. In  your  local  computer,  create  a  folder  called  “hotspot”  

2. Inside  this  folder,  create  the  folders:    css,  js,  and  img    

3. Download  the  world  map  from  the  following  link  and  save  it  within  the  “img”  folder:  

4.    Create  a  new  HTML  file  called  hotspot.html  and  save  it  within  the  “hotspot”  folder.  


Section  2:  Writing  the  HTML  Content    

1. Copy  and  paste  the  following  code  within  the  <body>  tag  of  the  hotspot.html  file    <div id="wrapper">

<h2>What is the country with the largest population?</h2>

<h3> Click on it! </h3>

<img src="img/world_map.png" width="650" height="420"

alt="World Map"/>

<div id="feedback"><br /></div>

<br /><br />

<div style="font-size:10px">Image Courtesy of the University of

Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.</div><br />


IST541  Interactive  Media  


 Observe  that  we  have  included  an  empty  div  container  with  the  id  “feedback”.  We  will  use  it  to  display  there  the  feedback  based  on  the  image  areas  clicked.    

2. Save  the  file  and  open  it  in  a  web  browser.  You  should  be  able  to  see  the  headings  and  the  image;  however,  they  are  not  centered  yet.  We’ll  center  the  content  using  CSS.    

Section  3:  Creating  the  CSS  file    

1. Create  a  new  file  named  “hotpost.css”  and  save  it  within  the  css  folder.    

2. Copy  and  paste  the  following  CSS  code:    

body { background: black; /* background color */ color: red; /* text color */ font-size: 12px; font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; } #wrapper { width:900px; margin:0 auto; /* centers wrapper */ background: white; /* background color */ text-align:center; /* centers wrapper content */ }  3. Link  the  external  CSS  file  to  the  HTML  file  by  entering  the  following  line  right  

above  the  closing  </head>  tag:    

<link href="css/hotspot.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

</head>  <!-­‐  -­‐  You  don’t  need  to  copy  this  line,  it  just  shows  where  to  copy  the  above  line-­‐-­‐>    

4. Save  the  file  and  open  it  in  a  web  browser.  The  content  should  be  displayed  centered  now.    


IST541  Interactive  Media  


 Section  4:  Adding  the  Image  Map  Areas  Now,  we  will  outline  three  clickable  areas  in  the  world  map  using  Dreamweaver.  Make  sure  you  have  watched  the  following  video,  which  explains  how  to  create  image  maps  in  Dreamweaver,  before  moving  on:    

1. Add  three  polygon  areas  around  the  USA,  India,  and  China.  Do  not  enter  anything  in  the  Link  text  entry.  In  the  Alt  (alternative  text)  entry,  enter  the  name  of  the  country  (see  image  below).


2. Since  we  will  need  to  identify  which  area  is  being  clicked,  we  need  to  add  an  “id”  to  each  <area>  tag.  Add  an  id  using  the  country  as  the  identifier.  For  instance,  for  China  the  updated  area  tag  will  be:  <area id="China" shape="poly" coords= "514,91,507,108,500,118,513,129,549,152,567,149,575,154,574,164,595,160,610,165,624,155,623,138,608,118,626,110,632,100,618,84,592,75,596,90,587,105,572,108,546,104,530,90" href="#" alt="China">

3. Add  a  “title”  attribute  to  each  area.  The  title  allows  displaying  the  tooltip  when  hovering  over  the  clickable  areas.  The  updated  area  tag  for  China  will  be:  <area id="China" shape="poly" coords= "514,91,507,108,500,118,513,129,549,152,567,149,575,154,574,164,595,160,610,165,624,155,623,138,608,118,626,110,632,100,618,84,592,75,596,90,587,105,572,108,546,104,530,90" href="#" alt="China" title="China" >

IST541  Interactive  Media  


4. Save  the  file  and  open  it  in  a  browser.  Hover  over  the  three  different  clickable  areas  to  confirm  that  the  tooltip  appears  for  a  few  seconds.    So  far,  nothing  will  happen  when  clicking  on  any  of  the  three  areas.  We  need  to  add  a  jQuery  function  that  will  check  and  evaluate  which  area  was  clicked  on  and  then  display  the  appropriate  feedback.  

 Section  4:  Writing  the  jQuery  Code  to  Handle  Clicking  on  the  Image  Map  Areas  In  previous  labs,  we  have  written  the  jQuery  code  within  the  HTML  file  itself.  While  this  is  possible,  a  more  appropriate  way  is  to  have  all  the  jQuery  code  in  an  external  file  and  then  link  to  it  from  the  HTML  file  (similar  to  the  CSS  files).    

1. Create  a  new  file  called  “hotspot.js”  and  save  it  within  the  js  folder  (In  Dreamweaver,  go  to  “File”  then  “New”  and  select  “JavaScript”  as  the  file  type).    

2. Add  the  following  code  to  the  hotspot.js  file    //  JavaScript  Document  $( function() { $("map area").click( function(){ if ($(this).attr("id") == "USA") { $("#feedback").css("color","red"); $("#feedback").html("No, USA is the third one"); } if ($(this).attr("id") == "China") { $("#feedback").css("color","green"); $("#feedback").html("Yes, China has the largest population: 1,343,239,923"); } if ($(this).attr("id") == "India") { $("#feedback").css("color","red"); $("#feedback").html("No,India is the second one"); } }); }); //end main jQuery function  

IST541  Interactive  Media  



Let’s  analyze  the  jQuery  code:    

         The  code  is  surrounded  by  the  main  jQuery  function  -­‐  $(function() {

The  second  line  (highlighted  in  yellow)  indicates  that  the  code  will  be  executed  when  clicking  on  a  “map  area”,  that  is,  any  <area>  tag  included  within  a  <map>  tag.    The  code  surrounded  by  the  highlighted  lines  includes  three  conditions  that  check  the  id  of  the  map  area  that  was  clicked  on.  If  the  id  is  not  the  right  answer  (“China”),  then  we  are  changing  to  red  the  font  color  of  the  “feedback”  div  container:   $("#feedback").css("color","red");    We  are  also  updating  the  content  of  the  “feedback”  div  container:    

$("#feedback").html("No, USA is the third one");  

 3. Add  a  link  to  the  jQuery  library  and  also  a  link  to  the  hotspot.js  file.  To  do  this,  

copy  and  paste  the  following  two  lines  right  above  the  closing  </head>  tag:  

<script src=""></script> <script src="js/hotspot.js"></script>


4. Save  the  files  and  open  the  hotspot.html  file  in  a  web  browser.  When  clicking  on  any  of  the  map  areas,  the  corresponding  feedback  should  be  displayed.  

If  nothing  is  happening  when  clicking  on  the  world  map:    

1) Make  sure  you  have  saved  the  “hotspot.js”  file  within  the  js  folder  and  that  you’re  linking  it  properly  as  indicated  on  step  3  above  (the  file  name  is  case  sensitive).  

2) Confirm  that  you  have  added  an  “id”  to  each  map  area  in  the  HTML  code  (see  the  highlighted  sections  in  the  following  HTML  code)  

IST541  Interactive  Media  



<!doctype html>



<meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>Countries with Largest Population</title>


<script src=""></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/hotspot.css">

<script src="js/hotspot.js"></script>

<body> <div id="wrapper">

<br />

<h2> What is the country with the largest population? </h2>

<h3> Click on it! </h3>

<img src="img/world_map.png" usemap="#Map" width="650" height="420" alt="World Map"/>

<map name="Map">

<area id="USA" shape="rect" coords="9,87,156,143" href="#" alt="USA" title="USA">

<area id="India" shape="poly" coords="497,149,491,163,500,174,517,213,527,204,539,177,550,165,534,148,515,134,510,129" href="#" alt="India" title="India">

<area id="China" shape="poly" coords="514,91,507,108,500,118,513,129,549,152,567,149,575,154,574,164,595,160,610,165,624,155,623,138,608,118,626,110,632,100,618,84,592,75,596,90,587,105,572,108,546,104,530,90" href="#" alt="China" title="China">


<div id="feedback"><br /></div>

<br /><br />

<div style="font-size:10px">

Image Courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.

</div><br />

</div> </body>


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