
. II~IIC. PI~I [ERSO 1m CO llEG [E M ~ [Q]R£1n1GlE



Table Of Contents





.d~~\ SPORTS 108 -...... ADVERTISEMENTS 136


Picnic Featured

Durong a sp1rot week wh1ch In­

cluded "Sock 11 to 'em Day," "Hats off to the Bulldo~ Day" and "Overall Sp1rot Day," stu­dents were treated to an even­Ing meal in the park.

Lou Kelly had h1s staff brought the cafeteroa to the park. and students liked eat1ng hamburgers and strawberry shortcake outside on a pleas­ant fall even1ng. Afterward. many enjoyed play1ng catch or frosbee. wh1le others headed back to school to h1t the books.

1 Lou Kelly shows h•s o;p•nt on ··sock •t to 'em Day " 2 The deswrt table came complete w1th cake strawbernes ;md plenty of wh1pped cream 3 Sandy Sharp and John Hoftm;m '<'¥ere among mJny who enJOyed the e~o~en•ng pecnte



1 Students ate anyth•n& and every­th•ng offered 2 Joan Cunn ck sneaks a ntbbtc ~h1le others play fnsbee 3 Joanne Mason and Ann Wagoner en JOY the chance for a pnvate conver$a lion



'The Best Is Yet To Come'

"Where's Charlie?", a mus1cal comedy set m England m the late 1800s. h1ghhghted Homecom1ng ac· t1v1t1es for the 1978·79 academ1c year O.rected by R1ck Tyler. assis· tant professor of speech and drama. and Ken Forsyth. ass1tant profes· sor of mus1c. the production com· bmed the trad1t1onal com1c dev1ce of m1staken 1dent1ty w1th ongmal cho· reography and mus1c by a large cho· rus .

The Homecom1ng parade brought the day's actiVIties to the attention of Ma1n Street shoppers and bus1· ness persons. ent1c1ng them w1th the theme of "The Best 1s Yet to Come ... Other actiVIties. mclud1ng the Sports Fan Sandw1ch supper and numerous alumn1 reumons. surrounded the Homecom1ng football game - a battle between the Bulldogs and the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes


I 1 l

1 Lynda Atherton and Bnan Cordel are crowned k•ng and queen dunng halft1me feshvlttes

2 K1m Royer ahas Bulldog. watches the game

3 The cheerleaders and mascot parade down E\Jcltd street

4 Knsten Goodfellow and Jeff Cr•st were voted homecom•ng attendants

5 Alan Gumm and Melody Sweeney were also homecom· tng atendants

6 Becky Ba•le Intently watches the act1on on the fteld

7 The sophomore class exh•btts ItS fru•ts of labor dunng the pa­rade



Many Enjoy Live Band

Homecommg weekend 1s one of several t1mes durmg the year when students danced to the mus1c of a hve band. The cafe lena was decorated for the occas1on w1th green plants. a fountam and crepe paper

A 50's Dance. the Christmas Formal and Prom also featured hve bands.

1 Sandy Lang moves w1th the rhythm of the mus•c 2 St.Jrb•rd. from Lancoln Nebr per· formed at the Homecom,ng Dance 3 Many students turned out and ap­peared to en,oy the danre

Talent Shines Homecommg weekend was a t1me

for talent of all ktnd and the " N1ght of Stars" was a reflect1on of th1s tal­ent. Groups and 1nd1v1duals present­ed both senous and humorous acts to an aud1ence of students. relat1ves and fnends The acts were well re­Ceived and at the end of the even1ng the 1udges chose the wmners

l Member$ of StuCo demonstrate the r bal3nc•ng abd ty as they form a four layer pyramid 2 M Ke 8.1ker Dana~ rec•tes a senous read ng 3 A group of Fanny resid~n t s ~ow the•r wide range of talems



Curtain Goes Up On Varied Season

A Children's theater produc tion and a com­bined mus1cal effort w1th the McPherson Theater Guild were two new add1t1ons to the regular dra­ma fare Under the d1rect1on of Prof R1ck Tyler. the drama department presented " Allee m Won­derland, " a spec1alty for younger aud1ences. and worked w1th the local theater gUild on " The WIZ­ard Of Oz" wh1ch starred McPherson College freshman Patt1 Lusk of Rocky Ford. Colo

The drama season opened 1n the L1ttle Theater w1th a student-directed product1on of Samuel Beckett's " Wa1tmg for Godot" wh1ch was direct­ed by semor drama mator Debra Stong of Ankeny. Iowa. " Where's Chalrey? " added a humorous and mus1cal touch to homecommg and featured Jeff Gumm. Jr . McPherson. m the lead role

" The World of Carl Sandburg" was the first production of the second semester and revolved around the wntmgs adn WittiCISms of Carl Sand­burg. " The Lady from Max1m's," a French bed­room farce. was performed dunng the Reg1onal Youth Conference of the Church of the Brethren



1 led by Pa\lle lusk the mem~rs ttf the c J~t of Tt'll~ W nrd of Ot enterta•n parade watchers as the)' parl•c•pate 1n M< Phe-rsor ~ annual All, Schools Day Parade 2 Grace Dester fr, add'i ye.:tro; 10 R1Ck P1tton fr lS !.he prepare<» h•m for h1S role '" 'Where's Charley' 3 l1sa lrle. fr .-md Kyle Rob•nson. •;r s.trup,,f.IC 1n thiS 5C"ene from • WJ•t•ng for Godot • 4 Harold Bnscoe, soph M.1ry Beth Snyder sr md P.Jthe Lust... fr t.1ke part 1n

the mus•cal farce. ·where's Ch.)rley' •

I Kyle Robtnson sr • Jnd LIS<~ Ide fr g1'Ve Jo.Jn Cunn1ck sr a l1tt1e ~upport 1n Wa t1ng for Go dot · 2 Ga1l Ensman,Jr ;)nd Prot ken For~yth p.'lrt c• pate 1n the McPherson The,JHe Gu•ld's produc t1on of ·Godspelt 3 Jeff Gumm. J' and Pat11t lusk fr stl;:ue a tender moment m Where·s Ch.arlry' 4 These young women spreJd the li\lest gos~p '" a powder room scene from WF:lcre s Char ley''


S.A.B. Sponsers Food-Filled Nights

P1zza N1ghts and Sundae N1ghts were two events sponsered by the Student ActiVIties Board that were enJoyed by students several t1mes each semester For a small charge students could fill up on the1r custom-bu1ll. deluxe p1zzas and sundaes Usually g1ven dunng the m1ddle of the week these nghts pro­VIded a break from the rout1ne and a chance to catch up on the latest news w1th fnends

1 Doug Gayer, Buhler KS. and Aaron Gragg. Quenemo KS know how they l•ke the1r p•zzas and P•le 1t on 2 Memo Zavala Rocky Ford. CO and Norman Grosbach Enders, NE anx•ously look over the tray to f•nd the•r p•uas 3 Denny Porter. Qu•nter. KS chooses from the many toppmgs avad able for mak•ng h1s p•zza 4 M•ke Beach Waukesha. WI, Joe Ke1r. Brookv1lle KS and Scotty Foust RO<ky OK . enJOy all the mouth watenng good·e~ before them to bu•ld the•r •te cream sundaes

Roller Disco Comes To Mac

Roller skatong. a grow1ng nat1onal fad. was also enjoyed by Mac students at Student Activities Board sponsored skat1ng n1ghts Nov1ces and experts alike donned skates and rolled along w1th the beat of the mus1c. An occa­Sional sp1ll here and there kept skaters on the1r toes. but a good t1me was en­JOyed by all

) P.trn Q;~;ley Hutch n~on KS. and Jont Redmond Qutnter KS put on thetr skates and get ready to JOIO

the others 2 Chert Mtller McPher· ~on KS. Ktrk Htggtns Albuquerque, NM und Kay Ann Porter. Qu•nter. KS. are a part of th•s skat•ng Tracy Ikenberry Qu•nter KS Oav•d Moll­hagen lorra•ne KS. and lynda • Munch· Atherton. Ma•ze. KS. work on ba! mce dunng a reverse ~k.ate song 4 lynda Munch Atherton Ma•1e KS and Tom Ct~st McPher· son KS t.tke a tumble. but manage to get up 'aughmg 5 Tom Neher Qumter KS and leda Gard New· ton KS help Scotty Foust RocKy OK as he f•nds f't. s feet on skates



Students Enjoy Warm Weather

As warm weather returned. SAGA Food Servoce helped stu­dents overcome sprong fever by govong a pocnoc at Lakesode Park. Musocal entertaonment was pro­voded by the college stage band and Opus. An "all you can eat" spread whoch oncluded froed chock­en and strawberry shortcake was offered and a fun evenong out­doors remonded everyone sum­mer was near.


1 Anne Ward l.ncoln NE catches. Guy Bourke New York. NY at an awkw<Jrd moment 2 K•m E•Sele l•ntoln NE. and Tern Enos. Manon KS enJOY each oth~r, company dunng the concert 3 Tracy Ikenberry Qu•nter KS Carrg Holman MtPherson KS and Jeff Cnst Qu•nter KS. go back tor seconds 4 Brenda Brenr'leman. Rocky Ford CO lyt1da Munch Atherton Ma•ze KS. Pam Oxley Hutch•nson. KS Rob Bowman. Pa~nee Rock KS and Bon~ n e K•ng. Pamona KS glad tor a break from study ng hav•ng tun at the park


I.A. Sponsers Olympiad

The first annual lndustroal Arts Olympiad was held durong the sprmg and p1tted floors from the d1fferent dorms com­petmg m not-so-trad1t1ona l olympiC events. Us1ng marsh­mellows, pop bottles. baseball bats and to1let paper. the teams fought the1r way through many tough battled The day was considered a suc­cess and the second annual Olympmd will surely be looked forward to


1 Pam Tucker, McPherson, KS. chugs her way through th1s event 2 Th1s group of gnls were among m3ny at the lndustnal Arts Club spon sered e¥ent 3 Glenda W1lhams Derby KS. un tangles her~elt from p1tes of to let paper 4 Greg Base. Ktngm3n KS coache\ h1s teammate from the s•dehnes 5 Sandy Lang Chapman. KS. Kns ten Goodfellow lyons KS. and K•m E•sele. L1n 4

coin NE ra<e aga•nst the clock dur•ng the to•let paper event



Competition Motivates



1 Ttm Flammtng and Byron Hull pract,ce one on one

2 Rob Rosano drops back to pass wh11e Lindell Cox attacks

3 lntens,ty 15 the name of the game dunng 1ntra · myral basketball


1 M 'ke Beach hus,tled for a tackle

2 l•na Roesch and Karen Brubaker lead cheers for Oack s Happy Serv•ce Intramural Football Team

3 Tom O'Re•lly Tom DeMatteo and Terry Etter relax "With a game ot cards



Seniors Await Commencement

For the sen1ors of the 1979 graduat­Ing class May 20 was an Important day as 11 marked the end of their years at McPherson College and the begmn1ng of new lives and careers The semors listened as they were addressed by T1na Roesch. the class pres1dent and the guest speaker. The day for most was one of m1xed emotions. the great· est perhaps bemg a deep sense of pnde and accomplishment

1 Sm1t~ N1rula New Oehll. lnd•a and Joan Cunn•ck. McPherson. KS. take one last walk Jround campus before the commencement ceremo­mes 2 Students JO•n the tra· d•t•ona1 processton across campus 3 lynda · Munch'• Atherton. Ma1ze KS, ex­pressed her surpr•se as she feels a bobby p•n m the wrong place 4 The march across campus to Brown Aud• •s led by the fac Ult)'



The 1978-79 Student Counc1l was led by an enthusiastic and creat1ve pres1dent. Donald Z1egler. The 22 member council represents the Student Body m areas dealing with campus act1v1-t1es and student welfare. StuCo encouraged stu­dent part1cipat1on and 1deas at the1r weekly meet­mgs.

Council members d1scussed the need for an 1mproved student center. Off campus poss1b1ht1es were cons1dered. but 1t was decided that a shght remodeling of the Student Un1on Basement was the best cho1ce.

I Execut1ve Comm1ttee Kay Ann Porter. secy . Don Z1egler. pres .. Albert Zavala. treas .. Tracy Ikenberry. v•ce pres 2 Student Counc•l Pres•dent Donald Z•egler 3 The 1978-79 Student Council (front row) Kay Ann Porter. Don Z•egler Albert Zavala, Tracy Ikenberry; (second row) Karla Wilson, Charlotte Hayes. Lynda Atherton. Ttna Roesch, Kenny Cotton. D•ane Mtller . (back row) Or Ed Butler. Ktm E•sele. Wylene Schm1dt, Cra•g Holman. An1ta Grosbach. Peggy Dav1s. Karen Brubaker. Scott Young. Curt Th•ll. Paul Neher Not P1ctured Bnan Cordel, Dave Hodges, Harold Spencer

The students who parttc1pate m Mac Ambassadors work directly w1th the adm1ss1ons off1ce to help recrUit an onent new students They orga­nize vanous overmght v1s1ts. campus VISitation days and contact mterest­ed applicants. The two elected offi­cers th1s year are Jeff Miller, presi­dent and Kathy Cotton. secretary

1 Mac Ambassador adv•!.Or Joe Johnston and pres•dent Jeff Mtla. er 2 The 1978·79 Mac Ambas· sadors (front row) Joe John­ston. Pam H•gg•ns. Kathy De· Vader. Ton•e Atvarado. Kathy Cotton. Lisa lrte . leanne Royer, Sandy Rets.nger, (second row) Kearney Lyk•ns. Alan Gumm. Karlene Tyler. Aaron Gragg. Lyn· da Atherton. Patt oe Lusk. Greg Fenno. Pnsctlla Keltner. (back row) Ralph Hamolton. Jeff Moiler Steve Jackson. Jerry Lmn. Dane Rousseau. Robb•e L•nn. Dave Hodges. J•m Kitson

The Student ActiVIties Board plans and co­ordmates many of the act1v1t1es on campus The Board's chairperson th1s year was Leanne Royer, f1rst semester. and K1m EI­sele. second semester Sue Quay served as faculty adv1sor The Board encouraged stu­dent 1nput and tned to plan events as often as poss1ble Roller skat1ng and midn1ght mov1es were new 1deas that were enjoyed by many.

1 Student Actrvrtres Otrector Sue Quay 2 Student Ac· trvrtres Board ( front row) lor. Chnsty, Sue Quay. Gene Ewert, (back row) Drane Schroeder Chen Mrller. Krm Ersele, Lon Rernoehl Not Pre tured Chns Whrtacre 3 Board Charrman Krm Ersele leads SAB


College Choir

4 )

Thts year's dorm counctls were faced wtth the famtliar prob­lems of ratds and the proper penalttes and fines! They also planned activtlles for dorm restdents and the enttre campus. With Bttltnger Hall agatn open for the men. a new dorm council was created.

Opposrte page- 1 81t1mger Dorm Councrl (front row) Crarg Holman. Albert Zavala. Tracy Ikenberry- (back row) Doug Gayer, lothar Stahl. Dean Mrnns. SerJr Kuwata. Rtck Schlender 2 Ootzour Dorm Council (front row) Celeste Lewallen, Mane Neher. Ch.Jrlotte Hayes. Lon Chnsty, Pnscrlla Keltner, Dee­Dee Ne1ll, Karen M1ller. Kathy Frantz, (second row) Pam Oxley Jon~ Redmond. lynda Atherton. Glona Heyer Drane Masterson. (thrrd row) Rachel Johnson. Cosette Button. Nancy Ba1ley, C'"dY Correll. Karen Lewallen. Kathy Howell. Janet Shaeffer. Karla Marshall. (back row) Chen Mrller Sharon Gumm. Jeff Gumm (dormparents) Thrs page· I Metzler Dorm Councrl (front row) Harold Spencer. Dave Hodges J1m K1tson. Jeff Quay (dormparent). Paul Peterson: (back row) Tom Cnsl , John Hall. Stan Sanger Jerry Sch1ck. Rob Mcin tosh 2 Fahnestock Dorm Council (front row) Ken Hogle. Doug Lengel. Gardell Stucky. Peggy Stucky (dormparents) (back row) Paul Neher. LaMonte Roth· rock. Bob Neill , Doug Burkholder Curt Thill. Rodger Cars..,ell



The lndustnal Arts Club agam opened ti S garages and prepared tts restored cars for the Homecoming and May Day pa­rades. The club also planned a dance and their ftrst annual Olympiad. Teams from each dorm competed in events using pop bottles, toothpicks and marshmellows.

I lndustnal Arts Club: (front row) Rob Mcintosh, Robm Mollhagen; (back row) Alan Gumm. Dale Z•egler Dane Rousseau. Todd Blake. Greg Base Not P1ctured Mark Romano. Kenny M1ller. Homer Guernsey 2 These g~rls were among many who part•ctpated '" the I A Otymp• ad

' I ~

... . '

The Ctrcle K Club was orga­mzed this year. The club is af­filiated wtth the McPherson Kiwanas. Ptctured are. front row: Russ McCaulley. Lyle Grosbach. Gatl Ensman, Deb­bte Lolltng. Hannah Shank. Joe Optyo; back row: Bryan Dent­son, Ktm Etsele. Becky Balle, Martma Odokara. Rachel John­son. The1r sponser ts Rev. Paul Mtller.

Home Ec Club (front row) Con· n•@ N•chols. (advtsor) M•chelle Voth. Deb Lolling. Mar~lyn Woens. O•ane Mtller. Glona Heyer; (back row) Maqean Claassen. C•ndy Bahr. Lynn Hayes. Ktm K•rk­dortfer. Terry Netohcky, Pnsctlla Keltner. OeeDee Neoll. Kathy Thoreen. Jamce Harter. Jeannte Rohrer


The ded1cated students who worked to meet their weekly deadlines were headed by ed1tors K1m Th1essen, f~rst semester. and Becky Baile. second se­mester. The creative writers and pho­tographers made the Spectator mfor­matlve and fun.

1 Spectator Staff (front row) Gaol Eros· man. L1sa lrle. Mane Neher Myra Nye, (back row) Jan Cz1rr, Martina Odokara. Becky Batie. Greg Fenno, Mane Petty. He len Reynolds 2 Mane Neher and Greg Fenno took opposmg s•deS '" the•r weekly Spec columns, but were still fnends when asstgnments were ftmshed

M-Ciub (front row) Tammy Roesch. Kay Ann Porter (second row) M1ke Norns. Terr• Enos. Albert Zavala. Kathy Howell . Jtm K•tson. Butch Jones. (th•rd row) John Hoffman. K~rk Htgg1ns. Tracy Ikenberry Cratg Holman. Brtan Cordel. Tom OeMalleo. Jom Redmond. Lyle Grosbach. £>cell LaFayelle.

J V Cheerleaders Stephan•e Reyes. Leda Gard. Memo Zavala Not P•ciUred Wendy Rayno. Varstt)' Ctleerteaders Franch•el Spenct!r, Rachel Johnson, Becky Ba•le. Ton•e Alvarado, Janet Shaeffer



Administration Dr. Paul Hoffman. m h1s th1rd year as Presi­dent, continued to encourage an open atti­tude on campus and close relat10nsh1ps w1th students. He constantly stnves to 1mprove the academ1c env1ronment and talk with stu­dents on a personal level.

Dr. Edward Butler 1s new to Mac this year. He holds the pos1t1on of Vice Pres1dent for Student Services. He is a graduate of McPherson and earned h1s Ph.D. at the State Un1vers1ty of New York.

Merlin Frantz has been at McPherson smce 1954 and now serves as V1ce Pres1dent of Adm1mstrat1ve Serv1ces and Dean of Faculty.

I ~ I I E. Dean Reynolds has been at McPherson College s1nce 1963 and has served as Busi­ness Manager and Treasurer s1nce 1973. He earned h1s B.S. Degree at Mac

Joe Johnston has been D1rector of Admis­Sions s1nce 197 4. He 1s 1nvolved w1th the recrUiting of new students Mr. Johnston re­ceived h1s BA from Rockmont College.

Norma Tucker came to Mac 1n 1971 and now holds the pos1t1on of Associate Dean of Academ1c Affa1rs. She 1s a McPherson Col­lege graduate and earned her M.l .S. from the Un1vers1ty of Oklahoma.



Chnst1ne L. Beery Ass1stant Reg1strar

Mrs. Beery comes to McPherson College after rece•v•ng a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Manchester College and a Master of Arts Degree from M1am1 Un•vers•ty '" Oxford. Oh10 Her days are full w1th her du­ties as Ass•stant Reg1strar and the responstbflit•es she and her hus­band Stan share of ra•s•ng two young children

Stanley K. Beery Mathematics

Dr Berry holds the pos~oon ol As· sooate Professor here at Mac After graduating from Manchester College woth a B A Degree, he con· ttnued on. receiVIng h1s Master De­gree from Mtam• Un1vers•ty and h•s Ph.D from Floroda State Unoversoty

Before starhng at McPherson. Or Beery taught mathemat•cs at An· drews H1gh School•n Andtews~ lnd•· ana and at Elizabethtown College Jn Pennsylvania He enJOYS a vanety of achv1t ies 1nclud1ng tenn1s. basket· ball. readtng, camptng and mustc.

John A. Burden Behavioral Sc1ence

Mr Burden ts an Asststant Profes­sor tn the Behav1or al Sc•ence De. partment. speciahzmg tn the f•eld of psychology He completed work for hos B A and M A Degrees at West ern Kentucky UniYers•ty. where he taught as a Teacher Ass1stant and Instructor before com•ng to McPherson

Mr Burden has mterests '" pho­tography and readmg As a part of the college hts goal ts .. for the con­tinued excellence of the academ•c atmosphere''


John H Burkholder Btologtcal Sctence

Or Burkholder has been a mt"m ber of the McPher\on College stall .. nee 1956 He ••rned hiS Ph D at the Umvers1ty of Chtcago .. ttcr graduattng from Mac. As the Profes· sor of Btology he •s an tmportant part C!f an outstandtng sc•ence de partment

Dr Burkholder entoys hokmg. gar· dentng readtng and hstemng to mu StC He believes McPherson has a good academtc env~ronment whtch also helps to foster the develop­ment of the " whOrle" tndtvtdual

Jess V. Cooper Conttnumg EducatiOn

As the Otrector of Conhnu•ng EducatK>n. Mr Cooper heads a de partment helpong to meet the needs of adUlts nattonwtde who are seek­tng educatton on a part·t•me ba\ts The program tS offered at hmes and places most conven•ent to the adult sHJdent

Mr Cooper graduated from Otta­wa Umverst ty and completed h•s Master of Arts Degree at the Untver stty of Kansas

Dons E. Coppock Phystcal Educatton

Or Coppock recetved her under­graduate degree from Mc.Pherson and completed her Ph.D at the Uno­vers•ty of Iowa She has been a key factor'" the grow•ng Women·s Ath· lellc Department and es a Professor of Phys•cat Education after com1ng to the College on 1950

Or Coppock hkes 5kung and ten~ ms. and ts acttve 10 her church mu· s1c program She hopes to see McPherson College expand 1ts of· fenngs and 1ncrease enrollment


Lester E. Crook. Jr Art

Art Instructor les Crook came to McPherson th•s year after earmng h•s Bachelor of Ftne Arts Degree at Bethany College. a Master of Degree '" pnntmakmg at Kar •• -~ State Untverstty and a Master of ftne Arts Degree tn ceram•cs at Ne­braska Untverstty

Mr Crook enJoys travel. photog· raphy_ plants and theater and ran a pottery studto m North Carolina be­fore com•ng to Mac. He hopes to help create an Art Department that " wtll attract more students to be· come art ma1ors"

Wesley DeCoursey Physical Sctence

Or DeCoursey, Professor of Chemtstry. ts htmself a McPherson College graduate He has taugnt here stnce 1952 after 6 years at Iowa State Untverstty where he completed work on hts Ph 0 as well as teachtng full time

Or DeCoursey wtshes for every student "the JOY of learmn& ilbout thetr phys•cal envtronment •n wch a way that they see beauty '" na ture and feel an under's tand1ng of the pl'ocesses ot natul'e"

N. Alfred Dutrow Boologtcal Sctence

Ml' Dutrow works as AssiStant Professor' 10 Agncuttul'e He com-­pleted h1s undergraduate wol'k here at McPherson College and has a Master ot Sc1ence Degree fl'om M1Ch1gan State Umvers1ty. He be· gan h1s teachtng career hel'e '" 1973

Mr Outl'ow enJoys travel and studytng the agnculture of dtffel'ent al'eas He stnves to make hts courses mor'e exCittng and tnsptnng to the students mvotved

Robert Fa1rbank Phys1cal Educat1on

Mr Fatrbank IS new to the College \ taft thts year He taught, as As~ts tant Protessor' '" the Physc•al Edu· calion Department and coached the men' s basketball team He holds a Bachelor of Sctence Degree from Bethel College and a Master of c;c,ence Degree from Kansas State Teachers College tn Empona

He. •s •nvolved '" CIVIC and church organ1zattons and enJOYS racketball , bow hunting and woodworktng He hopes to see McPherson College become .. more· a part of the Me Pherson commumty work•ng W<lh Central College and the publtc school system for the educational betterment. of the commun•ty' '

Raymond L. Flory H1story. Poht1cal Sc1ence

Or Flory, Professor of H•story and Pohltcal Sctence. has been at McPherson College s•nce 194 7 He ts an ·alumnus of McPherson and earned h•s M A and Ph 0 at the UntverStty ol Kansas

Or Flory IS an act•ve member of the communtty and enJoys buildmg houses and apartments

Kenneth A Forsyth MUSIC

Mr Forsyth es new to the Mac campus th•s year He comes to us after hn•shlng h•s undergraduate work at SouthY~~estern College and earn•ng hes M M E from W1chtta State Unr;erStty

Mr Forsyth and hts w1fe Joanne. on the college's parH1me staff , spent many en,oyable hours work· 1ng w1th both vocal and ~nstrumen· tal mUSIC.




Donald R Fredenck Busmess Offtce

Mr Fredenck has been on the college staff sonce 1946 and has held the poshhon as asststant to the Bus•ness Manager s•nc.e 1975 He graduated from Manchester Col­lege and recerved a 8 0 from Beth· any Theologtcal Sem•nary and a M M from Northwestern Umverst· ty

Mr Fredenck ts very tnterested tn mustc and dtrects the church chotr

Dale C Goldsmtth Phtlosophy and Rehgton

Dr Goldsm•th came· to McPher son '" 1969 after ~orktng as a pro lessor at the Bapttst Sem•nary of Mex•co and as a socta~ worker '" Chtcago. He completed hts under· graduate work 3\ Pnnceton UnM!r· stty and recetved h•s M A and Ph 0 from the Umverstty of Ch•cJgo

Dr Goldsm•th en1oys h16 fam•ly and has tnterests '" mulitC He hopes to help bnng McPher~on·s academtc program tnto more complete. vttal and cnt •c~l confron tat ton wtth the Chnst1an Fa1th'

John W. Gragg Admtsstons

As welt as h1s duhes as AdmiS­seons Counselor. Mr Gragg was flead Football Coach. Before com­'"8 to McPherson thts year. he held head football coachmg and athlehc d•rector responSJbtht1es at se>~eral htgh schools m Oklahoma and Tex­as He rece1ved h1s 8 S degree from Aushn College

He enJOYS golf, fesh•ng and ar~

cheology and has an tntereshng arrowhead collectton He hopes to bnng Mac College ··a nattonat cah~ ber football and track program"


Bob R Green English

Mr Green came to McPher$on College 1n 1967 and ha• held the posttton of Msoc•ate Prote~c;or of Enghsh stnce 1973 He earned an A A at Central College. a B A at Seattle Pac1ilc Colle~• and a M A at the Kansas State Teachers College

Mr Green hkes to work '" h•s gar . den. enJOYS photography and teaches church school He tS ~hown here, on the left, wtth Marvtn Sell berg

Joanne Hamlin Ass\ Dean of Students

--As well as work•ng as As!.l~tant to

the Dean of Students Me;. Hamhn 1'\

an Instructor 1n the learntng S"ult\ Lab dnd •s act•ve '" the Youth Cen ter Program She completed unde-r graduate work at Ed•nboro State College. She was honored tnts year by the Nat•onal Assooatton of Stu· dent Personnel Adm•n•stratorc;. for outstandmg contnbut•ons m sup­port of m•nonty affa•rs She wtll complete work on her Maste(s De· gree at W•ch•ta State Umvers.ty 1n May

Alice Henson Learnmg Sktlls

As O•rec tor of the Learn•ng Sk1lls Center. Ms Henson helps students become more effiC•ent learners. through •nd•v•duahzed study She has earned an A A Degree •. it North­eastern O~lahoma A & M, a B S at the Un•vers•tY ot OKlahoma and a M Ed at Wtch•ta State Un•vers•tt She has worked tn Learmng Centers on the Fnend~ Un1vers1ty and Vllch­lta State Campuc;es

She hopes. to see the Learmng Sk1IIS Center •·become a more vtt ,jl part ol the college" and to •ee " al· most all students benefit from some aspect of the program"


Gerald J Holrnan Deferred Gtfls

Mr Holman has been at McPher­son s10ce 1968 He now works as Counselor lor Deferred G•fts He 15 also Head Men's Tenns Coach and an act•ve tenn1s player h•ms.eU He and h•s son Cra•g. a sen•or at Mac th•s year, enJOY play•ng together '" many summer tournaments Mr Holman graduated w1th a Bachelor ot Arts Degree from LaVerne Col· lege '" LaVerne. Cahfornta

Connne N Hughbanks Languages. Regtstrar

Added to her busy sc~edule a• Assoc•ate Professor of Languages Mrs Hughbanks also carne~ the re spons•b•htles of Reg•strar She has. been at Mac College ••nee 1966 after earn•ng her undergraduate de· gree at Asbury College and her M S Degree from the Kansas State Teachers College She has taught languages '" h•gh school and spent 8 years 1n MISSIOn<Jry servtee

Mrs Hughbanks feels that McPherson College IS ~ wonderful college to be a part of'' and IS •·very proud of what we do here"

Monroe Hughbanks Education

Dr Hughbanks has been at McPherson SinCe 1964 and has held the pos1t1on of Pr..ofessof of Educahon ••nee 1976 He graduat­ed from Asbury College. rece1ved a M Ed from Kansas State Teachers College and a Ed D from the Unt­vers.ty of Nebraska Before to Mac. Dr . Hughbanks taught tn public and m1SS1on schools •n Ken­tucky, Kansas Texas and Mex•co and worked as a m1SS1onary 1n La11n Amenca

Or Hughbanks 1s Interested'" ge· nealogy research and gardenmg and IS the Pastor of a local church.

G11ford J Ikenberry B1olog1cal Sc1ence

Or IKenberry Professor of B•o.._ ogy. has taught at McPherson s•nce 196 1 He ha• al•o had teach•ng as· s•gnments at Iowa State Untvers•ty. Mtchtgan State Umvers•ty and worked at Yale whtle on leave from Mac Th•s Mac College Alum re turned after earn•ng h•s M S from Oklahoma State Un•verstty and hts Ph 0 from Iowa State Un•verSity

Herbert L. Johnson Learmng Resources

Mr Johnson came to Mac as Ot· rector of the Learn•n& Resources Center after workmg 12 years 1n

Nebraska and Iowa Mr Johnson a graduate of McPherson College earned a Master of Sctence Dttgree at Southern llltno•s Un•verstty

Mr. Johnson enJOYS hunt•ng. f•sh mg and around h•s cab10 tn Colorado He hopes to help '" con· tmuang to butld ··a s trong aud•o·v•· sual communtcat•ons program"

Lou Kelly Food Serv1ce

Mr Kelly (or Lou as he tS kno~n to everyone on campus) and hts. S_A G A Food servtee statf are '" the•r th•rd year of excellent s.eN•ce to Mac College and the comun•ty Along w•th the three square meals they provide each day are such treats as p,zza N•ght. Ice Cream Sundae Ntght. A Hawauan l uau (complete w1th roast ptg! ). lad•es N1ght, Col Kelly's Kansas F"ed Ch1cken Suppers. a Dutch Otnner and ptcntcs '" the park among oth· ers The serv1ce they provtde IS evt· dent every day and ts greatly appre· c•ated


larry K1tzel Music

Mr Kttlel, Asststant Professor of Mus•c. worked t.-..e years tn pubhc school systems .n Nebraska before teturn•ng to McPherson He gradu· ated from Mac and earned hts M.S OegrH from Wechtta State Untvers.· ty

Mr K1tzet enJOYS pholography. btktng and hcense plate collecting and has started a btktng group for tnterested students on campus

Leland L. Lengel H1story. Poht1cal Sc1

Dr Lengel has been at McPher· son College s1nce 1963 •nd ha• held the hUe of Professor s•nc.e 1973 He earned h1s B A Degree from McPherson. hts M A from Duke Untverstty and hts Ph 0 from the UmverStty of Oregon. Whtle '" Oregon he worked as a teachtng as ststant and has worked for the Gen eral Off1ces of the Church of the Brethren m llhno•s

Or Lengel. honored th•s year' as. Professor of the Year. ts an avtd reader. en1oys travel and studytng maps He would hke to try to figure out ways " to get students to want to read more books and more books and more books"

0 Eugene Lichty Alumm D1rector

Mr Ltchty came to McPher'Son a5o Assooate D•rector of Development and Otrector of Alumnt Affa•rs •n 1978 He IS hemseH a McPherson College graduate and compte ted

• work for a M TH from the Bethany Theologtcal Semtnary The annual T~fethon was on~ of the tmportant protects of the Alumm and Develop­ment Othces thts year

Kathleen M. McNamee F1nanc1al A1ds

Mrs McNamee works as lnstruc· tor of Bustness and Economtcs as well as holdtng the responstbthhes of O~reetor of Fenanctal Atds She came to Mac after earntng her 8 S al Manchesler College and her M 8 A al Old Oomonoon Unoversoty. and after worktng tn Washtngton, ln­dtan and Vtrgtnta

S~e hopes 10 see McPherson Col· lege ··pursue and ma.ntatn htgh aca­demtc standards whtle treattng an env~ronment of openness"


Paul E. Miller Campus M1n1ster

Rev Mtller has been at McPher­son as Campus Mtn•ster and Head Men·s Golf Coach s•nce 1974 He prev~ously held pastoral duhes m II· hnots. Iowa and Cahfornta He graduated from Mac. earned a 8 0 from Bethany Theologtcal Semtnary and returned to McPherson to com~ plete hos 0 0 Degree

Rev MtUer beheves ·our college tS a laboratory tn group hvmg and learnmg

Cynthia J M1nes Publlc1 ty

Ms M1nes a recent Mac gra· duate. holds the ofhce of Dlfector of Pubhc•ty She teaches courses 1n 1ournahsm and edlttng and •s the faculty adv•sor for the Spectator and Quadrangle She os also worlong for her Masters Degree at W•ch•ta State Un•vers•ty



Frances C. Moore Behavioral Sc1

Ms Moore has been Asscstant Professor of Sooology at Mac s•nce 1975 She completed work lor a 8 A and a M .A at Southern llhno•s Umver4§1ty and ts a Ph 0 Cand•date at Ball State Untverstty

M• Moore enjoys young people and has often been a foster parent to several chtldren

Constance W N1chols Home Econom1cs

Mrs. Ntchols 15 Ass•SUtnt Profes sor '"the Home Econom•cs Depart· ment She completed undergrad uate work at Mac. rec:erved her M S from Kansas State Untvers•ty and conttnues to work toward her Ph.D there

Mrs Ntchols tnes to ·prepare my students w1th att1tudes and goals whtch wtll enable them to reach the•r max• mum potent tal tn · all ways''

Wesley Pauls lndustnal Art

Mr Pauls. Ass•stant Professor tn lndustnal Educat•on. graduated from Tabor College and earned a Master of Arts Degree at Fresno State Un•verstty _ He came to Mac'" 1978 after hold•ng postttons at HESCO. Bethal College and the lm· manuel Acadamy tn Cahforma

Mr. Pauls behoves that •·school should provtde an atmosphere where each tndiV!dual can accept h1mself as be•ng a person that has worth''·


Mary Ann Robmson Art

Ms Robmson has been teach•ng at Mac sonce 1961 and ha• held the tatle of Assocaate Professor of Art sonce 1969 She graduated from Kansas State Untversaty and has earned M A Degrees from McCor· m tch Theologtcal Semanary and Wochlta State Unoversoty She ha• taught on hogh school and grade school programs an Kansas

Ms. Rob•nson ts very acttve '"the county Humane Socoety and the Kansas Watercolor Socoety She tnes to ··make ar't ·come altve· for the students" and hopes that the•r hves ··would be ennched by be•n& here"

Donald Rommger. Jr Athletoc Dorector

Along w1th h•s dut•es as 01fecto of Athlet•cs. Or Romtnger teaches as Asstst~nt Professor tn Soctal Sc•· ences He has earned a B S Degree from Oklahoma Bapt•st Untversny, a M A. Degree from the un,vers•ty of Oklahoma and a Ph D from Okla· homa State Untverstty

Dr Romtnger enJoys JOggmg. col· lege football and dtfferent fam•ly ac· tPithes He hopes to see McPherson "make a genu1ne 1mpact on 1he held of ocholarshop and ontellectual leadershop"

Marvon E. Sellberg Business. Economocs

Mr. Setlberg. Asststant Professor of Bus•ness and Econom•cs •s new at McPherson College thl$ year He graduated from Central College of McPher$0n w•th an A. A Oegr~ and recetv~ h•s M 8 A from the Un.· ..-ers•ty of Ch•cago.


Paul V Sollengerger Mus•c: Stnngs

M r Sollegberger has been a part of Mac College sonce 1951 He graduated from McPherson Y~~~th a 8 A Degree and v.oent on to earn a M M from W•ch•ta State Un•vers•ty Before com•ng here he taught '" publtc school systems m lf'd•ana

He hopes that many students •·w•ll want to b~ mvolved •n makmg muSIC a vstal part of the•r lives •

Harley Stump English

Or Stump came to McPher~on '" 1957 and became Professor of Eng­hsh on 1962 He graduated from Southwestern State Colleg• . earned a M Otv from Bethany The· olog•cal Semtnary and earned M Ed and Ph 0 Degrees from the Unover· soty of Oklahoma

Or Stump heads the Enghoh De· partment and stresses creat•v•IY and the express'"& of one's own tdeas '" h•s courses.

Rtck W. Tyler . Speech. Theater

Mr Tyler. a Mac graduate. re· turned as AsSistant Professor of Speech and Theater on 1977 He earned hts M A Degree from Empo· na State Umvers•ty where he was also a graduate ass•stant Hts ftne talents are seen throughout the year 1n eM:cellent theater produc· t•ons

He Mtes plants ant1ques. pa•nt· mg. draw1ng and puppets He hopes to see McPherson become a strong sChool tor the ftne arts


Jan Van Asselt German

Or Van Asselt. who came to Mac tn 1965. became Profenor of Ger man and Llngutsttcs 1n 1976 He earned hts B.S .11 McPherson Col lege. hts M S at the Un•ver~•ty of Colorado and h•< Ph D at the Un•· verstty of Cal•forn•a

He enjoys be•ng wtth tm .. w•fe and famtly and ts very act•ve ul the local Boy S~out program He would l•ke to see each student " learn to speak a non-Engltsh language "

K M1chael Warner Econom1cs. Bus1ness

Mr Wart'ler as new on campus thts year as Ass•stant Professor of Eco-­nom•cs and Bus•ness Admtmstr a· t•on H~ rece•ved htli Bachelor ot Arts Degree and h1S Master ol Arts Degree from the Unrwers•ty of Mts~ 'iOUrl at Kansas Ctly

Herbert 0 Zook Industrial Art

Mr Zook IS in htS r.econd year as As,•stant Protenor of lndustt•al Educataon at M cPherson He earned tus A A Degree from He'· stan College hos B S from Fort Hays State College and hiS M A. Ed from Ball State Un•lf'ers•ty

Mr Zook hope< to see the "fur ther development of the lndustnal Educatoon Department ' and feels he has never before worked w1th ··a faculty group as sharp as thos group at McPherson"


Administrative Office Staff

These pages are devoted to the hard worktng offtce staff people and secretanes whose work may somettmes go unrecog­nized. but never unapprecttaed

I Bustness Offtce Susan Ballou, Judy But­ler. Thelma Sheets 2 Regtstrar's Otftce Karen Hoch. Chen Mtller. Marcta Walters 3 Student Servtces Peggte Mason. Cynthta Koehn

l Development Off1ce: Frances Gustafson. Anna Mae Hull. Alyce Repologle. 2 Adm1ss1ons Off1ce Jane McGmty. Steve Jackson. Joseph1ne Stubby. Karlene Tyler 3 Pres1dent's Off1ce: M1nam Dell. Betty Barchesky, Patnc1a Lusk.



Who's Who? Eight Seniors Honoree E1ght McPherson College sen•ors have been chosen to

rank w1th students from across the country who are select­ed each year to appear in the annual ed1tion of "Who's Who Among Students 1n Amencan Un•vers•lles and Colleges" The students are selected on the basis ot academ•c achieve­ment. serv1ce to the commun1ty, leadership and future po­tentiaL

Those named to rece1ve the honor 1n 1979 were: Janell Baldner, a sociology maJor. was an ass1stant m that

department. and 1n the learnmg Skills Center Janell has served on Dotzour Hall Dorm Counc•l. has been a resident ass1stant and has worked on vanous comm1ttees. She was also a member of Stuco and M-Ciub

Mac Ambassadors was an orgamzallon that demanded much lime from Roger Carswell. a h1story maJor Roger was also Involved in numerous Mac College Players product1ons and was busmess manager and reporter for the Spectator_ Roger was president of Ph• Alpha Theta and secretary of "ahnestock Hall.

B•ology major C1ndy Correll was sen1or class vice presi­dent and a res1dent ass1stant in Dotzour Hall. Sl<le served on Stuco for two years and Dotzour Hall Dorm Counc•l for four years She was a lab ass1stant m biology and a member of the educational pollc•es committee

Kenny Cotton has been ed1tor of the Spectator and pho­tographer for the newspaper and yearbook He was act1ve •n •ntramural music and played •ntercolleg1ate golf He was a member of Stuco. the North Central Accred•tat1on team, and a lab ass1stant in biology

Craig Holman was act1ve m tenn1s and secretary of Phi Alpha Theta. He was president of M-Ciub and v1ce pres•dent of B1ttmger Hall. He served as Stuco member. freshman class secretary and JUnior class pres1dent. He was also In­volved m Mac Ambassadors, social comm•ttee. and Fellow­sh•p of Chnstian Athletes.

B•ology maJOr Tracy Ikenberry was Stuco vice president. treasurer of Bittmger Hall. and a member of Ph1 Alpha The­ta He served as sophomore class pres1dent. Stuco repre­sentative and was a two-year letterman 1n tenms

Cheri M1ller. an accountmg major served on Stuco and Dotzour Hall Dorm CoOncil for two years She partiCipated m mtramurals and Mac Ambassadors She was on food com­mittee and was sen1or class treasurer

Special educat1on maJOr Tma Roesch earned degrees 1n speCial educallon and elementary educat•on. She was resi­dent ass1stant and dorm council representallve She worked on the homecommg comm1ttee and adm•ssions comm•ttee for two years. She was senior class pres1dent and partiCipat­ed in the college choir

Janen Batdner

Cr a1g Holman


or Leadership And Scholarship Abilities

Tra k nberry Ttna Roesch


Happy $en•ors gladly part•c•pate '" the commencement ceremo ny •

71 ·'

Dwayne Ames - Engl"h New Cambraa Kansas

Lynda Munch ' Atherton - Elementary Ed Ma•ze. Kansas

Jeff Bach-Education Middletown. Oh10

Robert Q Baoley - Elementary Ed McPherson. Kansas

Janel! Baldner - Soc1ology Dallas Center, Iowa

Terry Banta • Accountmg McPherson Kansas

Kathy Boone • 8u$tness Management McPherson. Kansas

Marguente Bucher - English Arkansas C•ty. Kansas

Kev1n Burkholder- lndustnal Arts Buhler. Kansas

Ruben Carnon • Environmental Sc;1ence La Paz, Bohv•a

Roger Cars'W'ell .. H1story Quenemo. Kansas

Dan Claassen - lndustual Arts Rose H1ll, Kansas

MarJean Claassen • Home Econom~ Gatva. Kansas



Cynlh•a Co"e I - Biology Ab1le'ne Kansas

Kenny Cotton B•ology T ~peka

Kev•n .. H•story Qumter Kansas

Joan Cunn•c k • B1ok>gy McPherson. Kansas

Rdndy l Edwards • Chem•stry McPherson. Kansas

Terry Annese Etter • Ct~m•nal Just•ce Leola, Pennsytvama

w. ham G Evans 11 • Cnm•nal Jusbce McPherson Kansas

T1m F1amang An•mal Sc•ence H•ll:!tboro. Kansas

M.1rgaret G•llock • Account•ng M Pher~n. Kansas

Jana Flory Goenng • English McPherson. Kansas

Norman Grosbach • B•ology Enders. Nebraska

Sharon M Gumm • Etemen1.:1ry Ed Pra•ne Ctty Iowa

Joyce E Hall - MuSic Educat•on M" Pherson Kansas

Mane M Head•ngs - Spec•al Ed Inman. K¥1sas

Joan Cunntck, as oz·s W1cked W1tch of the West, enjoys her part 1n the May Day Parade


I ·~

/ -......_/



Gary Ho&le Philosophy Conrad. Iowa

Crag Holman Hrstory McPherson Kansas

Tracy Ikenberry • Brotogy Qu•nter Kansas

Conme Jones • Home Economrcs Roanoke, Vrrgrn1a

Wrlham ''Butch" Jones· Hrstory Melvern. Kansas

Jauna M Khan • Accounhng lyons. Kansa~

Jana Koehn • Specoal Ed McPherson. Kansa•

D•anna Layton .. Home Economrcs Mulvane Kansas

Bruce lev.allen • Busrness B"be<!· North Dakota

Karen Burkholder Lewallen Educatron Buhler, Kansas

M chael 0 Londblade Busone-. McPherson, Kan~s

Chen Mrller Accountrng McPherson Kansas

Garl Myers MuStc Educatron Holcomb. Kansas

Karen Neher • Rehg on Anna. Ill n01s

Bob NeoU Eoementnry Ed Quenemo Kansas



Smtta N•ruta Aud•c>-Vtsual New Delho lnd>a

Myra Nye • Account•ng Soul/> Hutctun>on. Kansa•

Grand Odokara Boology N•gena. Atnca

Mochael Pholbroc • [nglo>h Garden Ctty Kansas

Kay Ann Porter Phy~cal Educ.Jttan Qu•nter, Kan~3~

Barbara Ramse)' Env ronmcntal Science Wa\hongton DC

John Allen Rolfe• • Physoca' Educatoon Oceoansade, CaJ•fornaa

Jerry Schack • Bus ness Lawrence Kan\as

D•ane Schroeder Aud•o-VISuaJ Cantol"', Kansas

Tom Scofoeld • Musoc: Educatoon Kanus c,ty' MISSOUri

Mary Beth Snyder Philosophy Loberty Nebr a>ka

Randall R Steonmet' AUd <> Vosuat Lakm, Kansas

Judy Tharrongton Stockst II Elemet'tary Ed Caldwell ld3ho



Sen•or class off1cers are Tma Roesch. pres1dent Chen M•ller. treasurer. lynda Ather· ton. secretary: C1ndy Correll, YICe·pres•dent


Mark W1llems - lndustnal Arts McPherson. Kansas

Albert Zavala - Bus•ness Rocky Ford, Colorado

Don Zoegler • lndustroal Arts EhzabethtowrJ, Pennsylvan•a


Debra A. Stong - Enghsh Anke~y. Iowa

Ceha Stover Physocal Education Manhattan. Kansas

Margaret Stucky Elementary Ed Bedford, Pennsylvania

Patrocoa L. Stucky - Med•al Tech. Galva, Kansas

John J Waba - Soc•ology Lassa Uba N•gena

Mahd1 WeiJ•e • Agn-Busmess Oar Es Salaam, Tanzama

Not Pictured

Bour1<e Guy M Brooks. James Arthur Brubaker. Karen E Carroaaa. Adan Chappas. James G Childs. Glenda C. Cones. John Paul Cunnock. Jess Matthew Oarrae=-. Ptuhp Easter. Randy D. Goodroch. Leshe Ellen Hadduck. Carol Ruth Hams, Robert Kent

Koehn, Cynthia Ann Moff1t. Muroal II Newton. Darrell L Rochey, DeWayne Robonson. Kyle Rob1nson Scott Romano, Mark Schrock. Janen Stuc ky Bradford K Suleman. Esmad Swotzer. Debb•e K We1ns Mantyn



Dons Abbott Hutch•nson. Kansas

Leah Awotundum Kwara State. N1ger•a

Nancy Ba11ey Momll. Kansas

Gregory Bauer Genesco, Kansas

Robert Bowman Pawnee Rock, Kansas

Douglas G Burkholder McPherson. Kansas

Davtd Butler Grundy Center. Iowa

Cosette Button Conrad, Iowa

Russell Carswell Quenemo. Kansas

Andreas Chnstoforou Ltmassol, Cy-prus

Lon Chnsty Marshalltown. Iowa

Bnan Cordel Ttpton. Kansas

Mtchael C. Oav•s Baton Rouge. Loutstana

Peggy Oavts Qumter. Kansas

Tom DeMatteo Hoboken, New Jersey

Ga•l Ensman Warrensburg. Mtssoun

Gene Ewert Manon, Kansas

Randall Farres Saltna. Kansas

Hobert G Flory T•pton. Iowa

James Fox Loveland, Colbrado

Jeffrey R Gumm Pra•ne C•ty. Iowa


f::~da W1lhams, Jon. Redmond, Lynda Atherton. and Pam Oxley find the.r own way to get a better


Juntor class oH•cers are Jtm K•tson. vtce·pres Jont Redmond. treas ; Leanne Royer. sec Jerald Legtns. pres

, l V,/


M1chelle Hall McPherson Kansas

Jamce Kay Harter Northndge. Calttornta

Charlotte Hayes l1ttle Rtver Kansas

K1rk H1gg1ns Albuquerque. New M e)(tCO

Dave Hodges Kansas Ctty. Kansas

John Hoffman McPherson, Kansas

Jeff Holderread Evergreen, Colorado

Cyn1h1a Hollman Longmont, Colorado

Kalhy Howell Conway, Kansas

N1ck Ikenberry McPherson, Kansas

Rachel Johnson McPherson, Kansas

Jtm Kttson Haven. Kansas

Roy A Kltewer H•llsboro. Kansas

O.ana S Krol Hutch1nson. Kansas

Dan Leddy Conway Spnngs. Kansas

Jerald C. Legms II Aurora. Colorado

Bob Ltntecum Buhler. Kansas

Deb Lolhng McPherson. Kansas

Joanne Mason Norborne, Mtssoun

Mary Jane Mason Udell, Iowa

D•ane Masterson Mt Morns. llhno•s

Jeff M1ller Rocky Ford, Colorado

Kartn Mtller Macksvtlle Kansas

Paul Neher Grundy Center Iowa


Theresa Netohcky L1sbon. Iowa

Pam Oxley Hutch•nson. Kansas

Mane Petty Essex. M1ssoun

Jom Redmond Qu•nter. Kansas

Jean•e Rohrer Mountain V•ew. Mtssoun

LaMonte Rothrock McPherson. Kansas

leanne Royer l 1ncoln, Nebraska

Stan Sanger Qumter, Kansas

Frednck A Schlender Burrton. Kansas

Steve Schmtdt Inman, Kansas

Wylene Schm•dt Inman. Kansas

Barton Shank Daylon Ohoo

T1m Sm•th Newton. Kansas

F r anchtel A Spencer Kansas Ctty. Kansas

Lolhar Slahl Otllenburg, West Germany

Don Sttnnette Elizabeth, Colorado

Ktm Thtessen Wtch•ta, Kansas

Greg Upshaw Wtch•ta. Kansas

Alan l Vanc•l Norton. Kansas

Chnstopher J Whttacre Golden. Colorado

Glenda Wtlhams Derby. Kansas

Mart•n Wood Panora. Iowa

Doane Wyall lyons. Kansas

Not PICtured

Bamhart. Dave Edward Beck. James A Burr. Rebecca Clough, James Cole, Carolyn Jean Deaton. Eva ftnney. Lester Hadduck, Kevin Harper. Cedroc

Hawkes CfoHord W. Judy Rochard O'Redty. Tom Rosar1o, Rob Shank. Hannah L. Thtessen. Ktm Thtll Curtts Van Asselt, Allan Wagoner. Ann


Otane Mtller enJoys I he umque sounds of her ban· 10

Antoma Alvarado Sublette. Kansa~

Becky Baole Warren~burg. M1~soun

Mary E Bak~r 'W1nd~or Colorado

Mochael D Baker Dallas Texas

James Bened1ct Robms. Iowa

Todd Arthur Blake laPorte, lnd•ana

Harold Bnscoe Kansas C•ty, M ISSO\Jrl

Kev•n R Carmen Hugoton, Kansas

Gayle E Coon Norw•ch. Kansas

Kathy Cotton Topeka Kansas

Jelt Cnst Qumter Kansas

Bamb• Crumpacker McCune Kansas

Kathy OeVader St Marys. Kansas

l1sa O•xon Centerv11te, Iowa

DaVId Douglas Tulsa Oklahoma

K1m E•sele lancoln. Nebraska

Tern Eno~ Marton. Kansas

Tony Fawl Overbrook. Kansas

Jana F1shburn Haven. Kansas

Gayle Frantz W1Ch1ta. Kans..Js

Kathryn Frantz Wmdsor. Colorado

Frank Freeman Belle Glade. Flonda

Doug Gayer Buhler. Kansas

Kosten Goodtellow lyons. Kan!.as


Amta Grosbach Enders. Nebraska

Apnl Harlan Peace Valley. M·ssoun

Glona Heyer Bort1s. Kansas

Ken Hogle Conrad. Iowa

John Holderread Agra. Oklahoma

Ke1th Hunter St LOUIS, MiSSOUri

Greg Jackson Independence. Kansas

Pnsc•lla Keltner Marshfield, MISSOUri

K1m K•rkdorffer Eldora, Iowa

Brent Koehn Galva, Kansas

Se•J• Kuwata Tokyo. Japan

Johnney Leger Orlando. Flonda

Pat Loshbaugh Dallas. Texas

Russ McCaulley Ellsworth. Kansas

Rober t A Mcintosh Lockport , New York

Dan Mason Moulton. Iowa

Tom Mason Udell. Iowa

D1ane M1ller McPherson, Kansas

Bnan R Mollhagen Lorra~ne. Kansas

Robon B Mollhagen Lorra1ne, Kansas

Ken Nagamatsu Anahe1m. Cahforma

Dee Dee Ne•ll Quenemo. Kansas

~Jhke Norns Kansas C1ty Kansas


.· Sophomore class otf•cers Mart1na Odokara .ec .• Otane M1ller treas. Janet Sheaffer. v1ce· pres .• Russ McCaulley, pres



Jo Novotny McPherson. Kansas

Mart1na Odokara N•ger•a. Afnca

Renee S Pettit lola. Wtsconsm

Keesko J Reed Jr Wteh1ta. Kansas

Walter Moe·· Richardson Ooyhne, lou•s•ana

Ph•l Rohrer Peace Valley. MISSOUri

Steve Sawyer Ogallala, Nebraska

Sandra Sharp Enders. Nebraska

Janel Sheaffer Chadron. Nebraska

Cheryl Sleeper Campton. New Hampshtre

Annette Snyder Loberty. Nebraska

Harold E Spencer Kansas C1ty. Kansas

<athy Swank Poplar. Montana

Chr~shne Taylor McPherson. Kansas

Kathy Thoreen Pleasant H11l. Oh1o

Robert S Trocheck St Petersburg, Ffor~da

Donna Turnqutst ltndsborg, Kansas

Charlotte Vancol Haven. Kansas

M•chelle Voth Moundndge. Kansas

Kar~n Wagoner Adel, Iowa

Anne Ward L•ncoln, Nebraska

Yasmtn WeiJ•e Dar Es Salaam. Tanzan•a

Kelhe Wolhngham Qutto. Ecuador

Kev•n W1lson Valley Center. Kansas

Kevin Wood Panora. Iowa

Not Ptctured

Blancken. Russ Carron, James F Den,son. Bryan Funderburk. Kenneth E Goonan. Donna Herbert. Mochael J Hunnocutt. Carl N

Koehn Kenneth D Lans.11w Dondra K Peterson. Douglas Rutledge, John Shepard. Lorette Watte. Bruce

Jill Ackerman Wtchtta. Kansas

Armando Atvarez Orlando. Flonda

LathOn Arch•e Jr Fredenck. Oklahoma

Ctndy Bahr Valley Center. Kansas

George K Batley Oklahoma Ctty, Oklahoma

Greg Base Ktngman. Kansas

Mtchaet Beach Waukesha. Kansa$

FloydS Bell M cPherson, Kansas

Patt• Brenneman Rocky Ford. Colorado

John W Brtll Ft lauderdale Flonda

M tke Brown Commerce, Oklahoma

James Bucher Arkansas Ctty. Kansas

Kathy Burkholder Buhler, Kansas

Beth Burns Adel, Iowa

Paul Catn Palmetta. Georgta

Jtmmy Canfield Maud, Oklahoma

Stan Chtlds Sterhng. Kansas

Suzette Chnsttan Arvada_ Colorado

John Colvtn College Po•nt , New York

Ltndall R Cox Hanston. Kansas

Ttm Cox Udell. Iowa

Odell Crawford Prague Oklahoma


John Weaver has an anx•ous look on h1s face as h•s date Oemse Wolfe. read•es h•m for Prom




Tom Crest McPherson. Kanus

Jan Cz1rr Alma. Kansas

Dallas Darling Little Rtver. Kansas

Kathryn Anne Oe111 Pratne V1llage. Kansas

Bruce Fahnestock Jonestown Pennsylvanta

Steve Fe1ght Clyde. Kansas

Gregory H Fenno W•ch•ta Kansas

Leo F1elds St LOUIS , MISSOUri

Sharolyn Flam•ng Htllsboro. Kansas

P•erre France Oklahoma C1ty, Oklahoma

Leda Gard Newton. Kansas

Rob Garver Henngton. Kansas

Sue Ellen Gebhart Centervtlle. lowo

Greg Gertge lhff. Colorado

Vaughn H Goenng Moundndge. Kansas

Aaron Gragg Quenemo Kansas

Ken Grant•er Parker, Colorado

Lyle Grosbach [nders. Nebraska

Homer L Guernsey Mary Esther, Flonda

Alan Joseph Gumm Pra•ne Ctty, Iowa

John R Hall Clarendon. Texas

Oewayne Hallman Bnstow Oklahoma

Ralph Ham•lton Belott. Kansas

Lynn Hayes Denver. Colorado

Rtchard Henderson Kansas C•ty. Kansas

M1chael T Hengentus North Royalton. Oh•o

Pam H•gg•ns Albuquerque. New Mex•co

J1m HoHman McPherson. Kansas

James Hopper Maud. Oklahoma

Ph•hp Husl•g Great Bend. Kansas

L•sa Ide Warrensburg. M1ssoun

R1chard S James McPherson. Kansas

Phtlltp Jones Tulsa, Oklahoma

Ronald R Jones Dallas. Texas

Mtchael 0 Justus L1ncoln. Nebraska

Joe Ke1r Brookville. Kansas

Bonn•e Ktng Pomona_ Kansas

Jack C. Koehn Galva. Kansas

Jan1ce M Ko•ner Ankeny. Iowa

Jeff Krabbenhoft Omaha, Nebraska

T1m Krehbtel McPherson. Kansas

Excell LaFayette Jr Tulsa, Oklahoma

Sandy Lang Ab1lene, Kansas

laura 01ane lee McPherson, Kansas

Doug Lengel McPherson. Kansas

Celeste Ann Lewallen Cando, North Dakota

Jerry K L1nn Commerce. Oklahoma

Robert A l1nn Commerce. Oklahoma

Steven Lockett St Lou•s. M1ssoun

M1chael Luna McAlester. Oklahoma


Wl1h -

Aaron Gr agg and Suzt!'tte Chnst1an enJOY a spnng day w1th each others company


Rusty Todd John Rutledge Odell CrJwford and W•lham Reed hll the~r plates dur•ng a fall ptcntc at the park


Patt•e lusk Roc~y Ford. Colorado

Kdrney M lyk•n~ Ill Blancheste' Oh+o

D•ane Lyt le McPher son, Kansas

Joe Mc intyre Orlando. Flonda

Sherry M McKelhp Nampa Idaho

Oav+d MCK•m K1nsley Kansas

Sarah McK1t tnck Roc~y Ford. Color•do

Johnny McM111er Wtch•ta Falls TeJ~JS

W1lham McMurry Mt Hope

Kar la Mafshall Adel. Iowa

Kev•n Matthews Bnstow Oklahoma

Kenneth Mellenbfuch McPhe,son. Kansas

Joel M•ller Roc~y Ford. Colorado

Kenneth M+ller Macksv•lle Kansas

James W Moffitt Wash+ngton. Kansas

Oav•d Mollhagen Lorra•ne, Kanu~

Pamela S Moo'e St Lou•s. Mtuoun

Breck Mon•er Lacon llhno•s

Jon Moyer Leoti, Kansas



John·Hermans Mukalazt Kampala Uganda

Mane Neher Grundy Center Iowa

Tom Neher Qu•nter I Kansas

Martin Newton Wray. Colorado

Roya Oboodoyat Tehran. Iran

Barton Thomas o·owyer L1mon. Colorado

Kom Ogden McPherson. Kansas

Joseph Opoyo Conrad, Iowa

Clyde Paddock St LOUIS, MISSOUri

R1chard Patton Tucson. Anzona

Don Peterson Green RIVer. Wyom~ng

Paul Peterson Mounta1n Grove, M1ssoun

Denny Porter QUinter I Kansas

Brenda Pole W1ch1ta Kansas

Barbara S Ratzlotf McPherson. Kansas

Wendy Rayno Mountain Grove, M1ssoun

Darrell Dwoght Reed Mangum_ Oklahoma

Lon Re1noehl Olathe, Kansas

Brenda Reynolds McPherson, Kasnas

Helen K Reynolds Lawrence. Kansas

Renee L R1chards Stanley W1scons1n

Tammy Roesch QUinter_ Kansas

Margaret Rogers Guthne. M1nnesota •

Wendy Rayno and Sandy lang make 1t tough for the compet1t1on dunng the lndustnal Arts Otymp1ad



cPHtRSO,y j

Alan Gumm demonstrates h1s fnsbee sk1lls at the annual Fanny p•cmc


Dane Rousseau Anthony. Kansas

Kimberly Royer Tempe. Anzona

Sam. Rwakoo1o Na•rObi. Kenya

Pedro Mariano Salazar McPherson. Kansas

Mark A Sayler St John, Kansas

Larry Schock Lawrence. Kansas

Tim Schlesener Henngton. Kansas

Jess Schload litttl. Pennsylvania

Joha 0 Schrag McPherson. Kansas

Darcey Schwtndt Qu•nter, Kansas

Jelf Shelton La Porte Coty Iowa

JoAnna Smyres W1ndom. Kansas

Lloyd Snell McFarland. Cahtorn•a

Otto Rene Sotor zano Guatemala Ctty Guatemala

Mall Standafer Worthtngton. M~nnesota

Darren Earl Staton Dallas, Texas

Anna Kns St•nnette Arvada. Colorado

Lynn Stoneback Mtddleburg Pennsylvanta

Joel Strom Read•ng M1nnesota

Carol Swank Poplar. Montana

Melody Sweeney Copper Htll V1rg•n•a

Oenn•s Tedford M•nneola. Kansas



Patti Th•essen W1ch•ta Kansa~

Byron Th1ll Adel. Iowa

Garry Thomas Dallas. Texas

Mary Ann Thompson McPherson, Kansas

Rusty Todd Oklahoma Coly. Oklahoma

Pam Tucker McPherson Kansas

Gary Unruh Sharon Spnngs, Kansas

Randy Voran McPherson. Kansas

T1na Wagner Woley, Colorado

Ron Wash•ngton Kansas Cny. M1ssoun

John Weaver Lans1ng. New York

E•leen Wezdenko Phoen•x. Anzona

Brent W1llems McPherson. Kansas

Karla W1lson Valley Center Kansas

Darrell w,se McPherson. Kansas

Rhonda W1se McPherson, Kansas

Cand1 W1tmer Ml Morns. llhno•s

Oemse Wolfe Mountain Grove, M•ssoun

Jeff Wolle Adams Coly, Colorado

Glen Wrogh l Kansas C•ty. Kansas

Scott N Young Sotanta Kansas

Memo Zavala Rocky Ford. Colorado

Dale Z1egler Elizabethtown. Pennsylvama

I ...

Not P•cture>d

Achllleos. Pan•cos M•chae-1 Black. Qu•nton M Clark l•anne f•shback. Kt•th Gaston Walter F Harshberger Kev•n J Hender5on Dan C Horn, Karen Ann Houston. Patnc•a loanncu Charlalambo'51 S lrfan. SaQu•b Kasadha. Ruth C Kaufman. Cameron Brent Krehb•eL Marlene Lichty. Lyle R

Lubo t Nesonga ~ s, Sandra Nyak31ura Andrt~"> Charlt"S Ow10y Ren~on Pr~~ lr..a Rr~d W1h.Jm Reg~er Rhond J

Re•s•nger S .. mdr 1

Reyes StPph~ln•e E RundQu•st. Barb •ra Snell. Oavod Wh1ted. Arnell W1lc:.on. Kenneth V,I/IIC' l•sa Fern



Johnny McM ller. fr W•ch•ta Fall•. Tex ~eeps a toght grop on h•s opponent as he pulls h•m to the ground

As play progresses on the f•eld. W•lham Reed. fr D<tllas. lex . and Frank Freeman. fr Belle Glade, Fla watch from the stdehne~

3 Darren Staton. fr Dallas Tex does some fancy foot· work to avo1d opponent as he attempts to move the ball down the held

Bulldogs Post Second Winning Season In 20 Years

Beh.nd the strength and speed of a strong group of freshmen. and under the leadership of hrst year coach Johnn1e Gragg, the Bulldogs fin1shed w1th a 5-3 record .n the KCAC. Th1s mark gave them a lie for th1rd place w1th Friends, beh1nd Bethany and Southwestern. The1r 5-4 overall record was the second w.n­ning season .n 20 years at McPherson.

Freshman Darren Staton was named to the All-Conference team. Staton rushed for 303 yards and hn1shed w1th a team h1gh 10 touch-

downs. Four other Bulldogs were chosen for Honorable Ment1on KCAC team. They were sen1or Butch Jones, sophomores Frank Free­man and M1ke Baker and freshman Bart O'D­wyer.

Throughout most of the season the Bulldog's defense against the rush was ranked national­ly. Freeman led the team 1n tackles. Sopho­more Johnme Rutledge was the Bulldogs lead­.ng offens1ve player. f1n1sh1ng w1th 336 yards and 216 yards pass1ng

Excell lafayette. fr . Tulsa_ Okla •s brought to the ground by a group of Coyotes as he struggles to ga•n yardage

Dunng the homecom•ng game aga nst Kansas 'Ires· leyan. Darren Staton. fr , Dallas Te) • stretches to get that hrst down


11 2

Tra1ner Ceha Stover. sr . Manhattan. Kans. tntensely studtes the act1on on the f1eld

Steve Lockett. tr . St Lou•s. Mo. . stands ready to attack h1s op· ponent as the ball 1S h1ked

M1ke Baker soph • Dal­las. Tex ends up on top of a ptle·up as the Bulldogs bnng down thetr opposthon

Wtlh h•gh hopes lhe Bull­dogs come runntng out on the fteld ready to wm an· other one

2 Some defens1ve players take a break on the bench. while the offense goes to work for awh1le



Women Finish 4th In KCAC

The women's tenms team f1n1shed w1th a conference record of 5-5 1n dual meets for fourth place 1n the KCAC. Return1ng semor Karen Burk­holder. a three year letterman. played 1n the number one s1ngles po­Sition and was honored w1th an Ath­lete of the Year award for her out­standing efforts. Other members of the team were Kathy Burkholder. D1anne Wyatt. Gail Coon. D1ana Lay­ton. Karen Brubaker. Mary Rodgers. Pam Oxley and D1ane Miller

Our•ngan afternoon pract•ce. Omnne Wyatt , J' Hutch•n~ son. Kans and Ga•l Coon. soph., Rago. KoJnS work on perfect•ng the1r serves

2 The g1rls hsten as the~r coach Or Dons Coppock g•ves IOS\ fUCt iOOS

~ I

_l _ ~ ~ -.::..:-~~-~,

Jogdogs Finish In Fourth

In the KCAC conference meet to end the season. the McPherson Cross Country team flntshed tn fourth place Jtm Kttson. JUntor. and Lyle Grosbach. freshman. were cho· sen for the All-Conference Team.

Albert Zavala. sr Rocky Ford Colorado ~arks to get a steady pace go•ng

2 J•m Kllson I' Haven Kansas and lyle Grosbach. fr • Enders Nebraska stnve to go that last mtle as they run s1de by s1de

3 Cross Country Front Row Jon Moyer, J,m Kusan, lyle Grosbach Ba< k Row-Albert Zaval3 Coach Don Rom,nger Harold Spencer


Volleyball Squad Battles Tough Competition

Desp1te a strong group of freshmen g1rls and the leadership of several returmng let­termen. the women's volleyball team could manage only three w1ns th1s season. Th1s young group, led by sen1or Kay Ann Porter and 1un1ors Jom Redmond and Peggy Dav1s. was directed by second year coach Gaylord G1llette and fought hard aga1nst tough con­ference competitors.

Sandy Lang. tr • Ab•lene. Kans . leaps up to save a ball as •t sneaks O\fer the net

2 Pam Tucker. fr. McPherson. the ball htgh so that the nearby sp•ker can put t away

3 In hopes ot a potnt , Pam H1ggms fr . Albuquerque, N M serves the ball

Bonn•e K•ng fr • Pomona Koms prepares to block as the balls near the n~t

Jon• Redmond . I' QUinter Kans follows through on her bump wh1le Pam H1ggms. fr , AlbuQuerque. N M stands by to help out

G"rs Volleyball Front Row·Lynda Atherton Jon• Redmond Tern Enos Kay Ann Porter Tammy Roesch Sandy Lang. Wendy Rayno Back Row-Coach Gaylord G•llette. Pam H•gg•ns. Pam Tuc~er. D•ane ly He Bonn•e K•ng. Pe-ggy Oav•S Patt• Brenneman. Rhonda W•se



Semors Ruben Carroon and Grand Odo­kara prov1ded valuable leadership and offen­Sive sconng to help the Bulldog soccer team to two successful seasons Competmg tw1ce. 1n the fall and m the spnng. the team fln1shed h1gh 1n the1r n1ne team Kansas Soc­cer League. 01V1S1on 8 Large. enthus1ast1c crowds were often on hand to cheer the1r team and enJOY a sunny afternoon

Mark Sayler. fr St John Kans qu•ckly gets up after try1ng for a goal

The team huddles at the end ot one held for a pep talk between halves

Ruben Carnon sr , Bol•v•a uses control to gUide one ball down the held



Pan•cos Ach•elles. fr Greece works to take rhe ball away from an opponenr

2 Reuben Carr•on. sr • Bohv•a prepares ro use h•s sk•lls to work the ball away from h•s oppos1t1on



Bulldogs Finish Str.ongly The 1978-79 season f1n1shed strongly for the

Bulldogs With w1ns over Bethel at homeand Tabor on the road The men hn1shed seventh on the K C A C With a 4-12 record and a 6-18 record overall Jun1or transfer Rob Bowman was named to the honorable mention K C.A.C. team. The season was highlighted by play at the Rockhurst lnv1tat1onal Tournament 1n Kansas C1ty and the

Moe R•thardson. soph. Ooyl•ne, lou•s•ana. goes up aga•nst an opponent as he puts 1n a lay-up

2 Rob Bowman. Jr Pawnee Rock. Kansas. works around a Tabor opponent as he drrbbles the ball toward the basket

Bethellnv1tat1onal Tournament on Newton. Direc­tion was proveded by f1rs t year head coach Bob Fa~rbank and ass1stant coach Kent Harns

Jumor transfer M1ke Dav1s was voted by h1s teammates as most valuable player. Walt " Moe" Richardson. soph .. was voted most 1mproved and Rob Bowman. 1r . most 1nsp~rat10nal


I Guy Bourke soph New York. New York. shoots toward the hoop '" hopes of another two po•nts

2 Wh•le try1ng to avotd a Blue1ay player, Doug Gayer, soph Buhler, Kansas looks for a team mate to pass to

3 Mtke Davts. Jr Baton Rouge. Lou•s•ana. cuts '" front of a Ta bor player as hemoves the ball across the court


1 In hopes of putt~ng more po•nts on the board Scott Loom•s, 1r • Gad1eld Ks • goes for a shot

2 Adan Carnage sr Albuquerque. N M leaps ott the floor to get the nght angle for a shot

3 Guy Bourke. sr , New York NY scoots by an oppos•ng player

4 Although Tabor nvals stand close by, Wilham · ·eutch·· Jones 1r . Melvern, Ks • prepares to get th~ rebound

5 M1ke Oav1s 1r Baton Rouge , La • leaves J uatl of fallen players as he manuvers to the basket



A long season ended for the women s team w1th an 0-20 overall record and an 0-16 mark m conference play The women worked hard under the coachmg of Gaylord G1llette and showed marked Improvement as the season progressed Numbers were a problem as only hve women who began the season also ended 1!. Freshman Bonme K1ng was lost to 1n1ury and JUmor Peggy Dav1s stepped 1n to f1ll her place dunng the remammg games. Letter w1nners were Peggy Dav1s, Pam Tucker. Wylene Schm1dt. Tern Enos. Sandy Lang. and Kathy Howell. Jun1or Wylene Schm1dt was also voted honorable mention K.C.A.C.

1 Wylene Schmtdt sharpens up her free throw dunng pract tce

2 Sandy lang toes to add one more po•nt dur1ng her tree throw attempt as Peggy Oav•s and Wylene Schm•dt look on

3 Kathy Howell shoots over defenders 1n an eHort to score two more po•nts for the Bulldogs

4 1978-79 Women·s Basketball Team Tern Enos. Wylene Schm•dt Sandy Lang Pam Tucker. Kathy Ho~A-ell. Bon· n•e Ktng. Janel! Baldner Etleen Wez· denko Pat Loshbaugh



1 Men·s Tenn•s Team Back Row Coach Holman. John Hoff. man Cra1g Holman. Tracy Ikenberry Front Row Doug Gayer Dan Leddy LaMonte Rothrock. Jeff Cflst

Tracy Bufo ' Ikenberry stnves to meet the ball

Steady' Leddy moves to the net



McPherson and Bethany contmued to domi­nate the K.C A C w1th Bethany havmg the edge, hand1ng the Bulldogs the1r only conference loss. The team flmshed the season 7-6 overall after play1ng a strong schedule wh1ch 1ncluded teams such as Nebraska Un1vers1ty, Kansas State, Mls­soun Western, Empona State and Fort Hays State. Semor Cra1g Holman was conference champ1on for the fourth year and was selec ted McPherson College male athlete of 1979. Coach Jerry Holman fm1shed h1s seventh successful sea­son at McPherson

I Intense concentrauon •s sho¥rn on the face of Doug Gayer

2. Exqu•S•te form •s d•splayed by Cra,g Hoi· man

3 John Hoffman keeps hts eye on the ball as he prepares to launch •t across the net


l John Hoffman concentrate-s. on h•s ~le vault1ng 2 J•m K!t$0n enthus.ashcally crossed the f1nt'jh hoe 3 1979 Men·s Tra< k FRONT ROW Charles Ogwang. Lathan Arch•e Walt GMton, Phol Jones BACK ROW Jom K1tson Dave Hodges

hn Hoffman Lester F 1oney Bu.tch Jones John Hall 4 1979

Track Team Finishes Third

A young and talented track team hntshed a successful season wtth a thtrd place K C.A. C. standtng tn the men's dtvtsion and a stxth place limsh for the women. Twenty men and 12 women made up the team under the leadershtp of mtenm coaches Scott Robmson and Larry Lattmer. School records were broken by Butch Jones, wtth a 6' 7" high JUmp leap, and Sandy Sharp. wtth a time of 1127 7 tn the 3000 meter run. Both fin­ished ftrst m the K.C.A.C. meet tn these events. All-Conference honors also went to Charle Og­wang 2nd m the (tnple fUmp). to Lathon Archte, John Hall. Walt Gaston and Phil Jones (3rd tn the 400 meter relay). to John Hoffman (2nd tn the htgh Jump). to Walt Gaston (1st tn the 100 meter), and to John Hall (2nd tn the 200 meter)

Women's Track. FRONT ROW Stephan•e Reyes. Glenda Wli· !tams. Knsten Goodfellow Tern Enos Sandy Sharp BACK ROW Patti Brenneman Jon. Redmond, Pam Tucker, Pam H1gg1ns Sandy Lang 5 SJndy Lang part•Ctpates '" the long JUmp

1 ~9


1 Phil Jones. Wal1 Gaston and John Hall round the track •n good ttme 2 John Hall and Lathon Arch•e pract1ce the~r handoff for the 400 meter spnng relay 3 K•rk H•ggms stretches O~Jer the hurdle 4 Throw•ng the d1scus IS Pam Tucker 5 Sandy Sharp and Terry Enos stnve for the lead 1n the 1500 meter race 6 Dave Hodges throws the d•scus 7 Walt Gaston makes a handoff to Phtl Jones as he an­chors the men's 400 meter relay


Golf Team Finishes Third

Under the leadership of 5th year coach Paul M1ller the golf team f1mshed 3rd in the K.C.A.C. N1ck Ikenberry was conference medal1st and Cliff Hawkes placed fourth 1n the K.C.A.C. tournament to net All -Conference honors.


1 Mac College Golfers enJOY the landscape wh1le mak•ng the rounds

2 Squtnt1ng mto the sun, M>ke Warner follows the path of hos ball

3 Coach Paul M,Uer demonstrates how •t s done

4 Men's Golf Team Back t<ow M·ke Warner J•m Hoffman. Ed Barnhart. T•m Krehb1el Front Row Coach Paul M1Her N1ck Ikenberry Chff Hawkes

5 N1ck Ikenberry pract1ces h•s dnve at the McPher· son Country Club



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1 4~


Abbott . Dons 82 Ackerman. Jtll 94


Alvarado. Ant om a 38. 4 7. 88 Alvarez. Armando 94 Ames, DWayne 72 Archte . Lathon 94. 128. 131 Atherton. Lynda " Munch ' 36 37. 38. 42.

73. 80. 83 Awotundun. Leah 82

8 Bach. Jeff 73 Bahr. C1ndy 45. 94 Batie, Becky 45. 46, 47 , 88 Batley, George 95 Batley. Nancy 42. 82 Batley. Robert 72 Baker, Mary 88 Baker. Mtchael 88 Baldner. Janel! 72 Banta, Terry 72 Base, Greg 44, 95 Bauer. Gregory 83 Beach. Mtchael 95 Bell. Floyd 94 Bened1ct. James 89 Blake, Todd 44. 89 Boone. Kathy 73 Bowman. Robert 82 Brenneman. Patlt 94, 129 Bnll, John 95 Bnscoe. Harold 89 Brown. M1ke 95 Brubaker. Karen 31 . 36. 37 Bucher, James 94 Bucher. Marguente 73 Burkholder. Douglas 43. 82 Burkholder. Kathy 95 Burkholder. Kevtn 72 Burns. Beth 95 Butler. Davtd 82

Button Cosette 42. 83

c Cam. Paul 95 Canf1eld . J1mmy 94 Carman, Kev1n 88 Carnon, Ruben 72 Carswell, Roger 43 , 72 Carswell. Russell 82 Chtlds. Stan 94 Chnst1an. Suzette 94, 99 Chnstoforou. Andreas 82 Chnsty, Lon 39, 42. 82 Claassen, Dan 73 Claassen. Maqean 45. 73 Colv1n. John 94 Coon. Gayle 88 Cordel. Bnan 4 7. 83 Correll. Cynthia 42. 7 4. 80 Cotton. Kathy 38. 88 Cotton. Kenny 36. 7 4 Cox. Ltndall 30. 95 Cox, T1m 95 Crawford. Odell 95, 100 Cnst. Jeff 88. 126 Cnst, Kevtn 75 Cnst. Tom 43. 96

.· Crumpacker. Bamb1 89 Cunn1ck. Joan 20, 75 Cz.rr. Jan 46. 96

D Darling. Dallas 97 Dav1s, Michael 83 Dav1s, Peggy 36, 37 , 83 De1tz. Kathryn 97 DeMatteo. Tom 31 , 47, 82 Denn1son. Bryan 45 Dester. Grace 18 DeVader. Kathy 38. 89 D1xon. L1sa 89 Douglas. Dav1d 88

E Edwards. Randy 74 E1sele. K1m 36. 39. 45, 88 Enos. Tern 47. 89. 129. 131 Ensman. Gall 20. 45, 46. 82

Etter. Terry 31. 74 Evans, W1lham 75 Ewert. Gene 39. 82

F Fahnestock. Bruce 97 Farres. Randall 83 Fawl. Tony 89 Fe1ght. Steve 96 Fenno. Gregory 38. 46. 96 F1elds. leo 97 F1nney. lester 128 F1shburn. Jana 89 Flam1ng. Sharolyn 97 Flam1ng. T1m 30. 75 Flory. Hobert 83 Fox. James 83 France. P1erre 97 Frantz. Gayle 88 Frantz. Kathryn 42. 88 Freeman. Frank 89

G Gard, Led a 47. 96 Garver. Rob 96 Gaston. Walt 128. 130. 131 Gayer. Doug 42. 89, 126, 127 Gebhart . Sue Ellen 96 Gertge, Greg 96 G1llock. Margaret 75 Goenng. Jan a Flory 7 4 Goenng. Vaughn 97 Goodfellow. Knsten 89. 129 Gragg Aaron 38. 97. 99 Grant1er. Ken 97 Grosbach. An1ta 36. 90 Grosbach. Lyle 45. 47. 96 Grosbach. Norman 74 Guernsey. Homer 96 Gumm. Alan 38, 44. 96. 104

Gumm, Sharon 42, 75 Gumm. Jeffrey 21. 42. 83

H Hall, John 43. 96. 128. 130. 131 Hall. Joyce 75 Hall. MIChelle 84 Hallman. Dewayne 97 Ham1lton. Ralph 38. 97 Harlan. Apnl 90 Harter. Jan1ce 45. 84 Hayes. Charlotte 36. 42. 84 Hayes Lynn 45. 97 Head1ngs. Mane 75 Hefer. Glona 42. 45. 90 Hengen1us. M1chael 98 Henderson. R1chard 98 H1gg1ns. K1rk 47 . 84. 129. 130 H1gg1ns. Pam 38. 98 Hodges, Dave 38. 43. 85. 128. 130

Hoffman. J1m 99. 133 Hoffman. John 47 . 85 126. 127. 128 Hogle Gary 76 Hogle. Ken 43. 91 Holderread, Jeff 85 Holderread. John 91 Holman. Cra1g 36. 42. 76. 126. 127. 147 Holtman. Cynth1a 84 Hopper. James 99 Howell. Kathy 42. 47 . 84 Hunter. Ke1th 90 Husllg. Ph1ll1p 99

Ikenberry. N1ck 84, 133 Ikenberry. Tracy 36. 42. 47 . 76. 126 lrle. L1sa 19. 20. 46. 99

Jackson, Greg 90 James. R1chard 98


Johnson, Rachel 42. 45. 47. 84 Jones. Conn1e 77 Jones, Ph1lhp 98. 128. 130. 131 Jones. Ronald 98 Jones. William 47. 77. 128 Justus. M1chael 99

K Keltner. Pnscolla 38. 42. 45, 90 KeJr. Joe 99 Khan. Jauna 76 Kong, Bonnoe 99 Korkdorffer. Kom 45, 91 Kotson. Jom 38. 43. 47. 78. 84. 128 Kloewer. Roy 85 Koehn. Brent 91 Koehn, Jack 99 Koehn. Jana 76 Kooner. Janoce 98 Krabbenhoft. Jeff 98 Krehboel. Tom 98, 133 Krol, Doana 85 Kuwata. SeoJo 42, 91

L LaFayette. Excell 47. 99 Lang. Sandy 99, 103. 129 Layton. Doanna 76 Leddy. Dan 84. 126 Lee, Laura 99 Leger, Johnny 91 Legons. Jerald 84 Lengel. Doug 43. 98 Lewallen. Bruce 77 Lewallen, Celeste 42. 98 Lewallan, Karen 42. 77 Londblade. Mochael 76 Lonn. Jerry 38, 98 Lonn , Robert 38. 99 Lontecum, Bob 85 Lockett, Steven 99 Lollong, Deb 45. 85 Loshbaugh, Pat 90 LoomiS. Scott 30 Luna. Mochael 99 Lusk, Pattoe 18. 19. 21 38. 100 Lykons. Kearney 38. 101.

Lytle, Doane 101

Me McCauley, Russ 45. 90. 91 Mcintosh, Robert 43. 44, 90 Mcintyre. Joe 101 McKellop, Sherry I 00 McKom, Davod 101 McKittnck, Sarah I 0 I McMoller Johnny 101 McMurry, Wolloam 100

M Marshall, Karla 100 Mason. Dan 91 Mason. Joanne 85 Mason. Mary Jane 84 Mason. Tom 91 Masterson, Doane 42. 84 Matthews. Kevon 100 Mellenbruch, Kenneth 101 Moiler. Doane 36, 45. 88, 91 Moiler. Chen 39, 42, 76, 80 Moiler, Jeff 38. 85 Moiler Joel 101 Moiler. Karen 42, 85 Moiler. Kenneth 101 Moffott. James I 00 Moilhagen. Bnan 90 Moilhagen. Davod 100 Moilhagen. Robon 44 90 Monoer, Breck 101 Moore. Pamela 101 Moyer. Jon 101


Mukalazo, John-Hermans I 02 Myers, Gaol 76

N Nagamatsu Ken 90 Neher Karen 77 Neher Maroc 42. 46. 102 Neher. Paul 36. 43. 85 Neher. Tom 102 Neoll. Bob 43. 77 Neoll. DeeDee 42. 45, 9 1 Netolocky, Theresa 45, 86 Newton Marton I 03 Norula. Smola 78 Norros. Moke 4 7 91 Novotny Jo 92 Nye Myra 46. 78

0 Oboodoyat. Roya 103 Odokara Grand 78 Odoara. Martona 45 46. 91. 92 O'Dwyer. Barton 103 Ogden. Kom 102 Ogwang. Charles I 28 Qpoyo, Joseph 45. I 02 O'Reolly. Tom 3 1 Oxley. Pam 42. 83. 86

p Paddock. Clyde 102 Patton. Rochard 18. 103 Peterson. Don I 03 Peterson. Paul 43 I 03 Pettot Renee 92 Petty Maroe 46. 86 Pholbrock Mochael 79 Porter. Denny 103 Porter Kay Ann 36. 47 79 Pote Brenda 102

R Ramsey. Barbara 78 Ratzlofl. Barbara I 02 Rayno. Wendy 102 103 Reed. Darrell 103 Reed. Keesko 93 Reed Wolloam 100 Redmond Jono 42. 47. 83. 84 87 129 Reonoehl. Loro 39 I 03 Reyes. Stephanoe 129 Reynolds. Brenda 102 Reynolds. Helen 46. 102 Rochards. Renee I 02 Rochardson. Walter 93 Robonson. Kyle 20 Roesch. Tammy 47 103 Roesch. Ton a 31. 36. 80 Rogers, Margaret I 03 Rohrer. Jeanoe 45. 87 Rohrer. Phol 93 Rolfes, John 78 Rothrock. LaMonte 43 86. 126 Rousseau. Dane 38. 44. 104 Royer. Kom 104 Royer. Leanne 38. 84. 86 Rutledge. John 100 Rwakoo1o. Sam 104


s Salazar Pedro I 05 Sanger Stan 43. 86 Sawyer Steve 93 Sayler . Mark I 05 Schock. Jerry 43. 78 Schock. Larry I 05 Schlender, Rock 42, 87 Schlesener. Tom 104 Schload Jess I 04 Schmodt. Steve 87 Schmodl. Wylene 36, 87 Schrag. Joloa I 04 Schroeder. Doane 39 79 Schwondl. Darcey I 05 Scofield. Tim 79 Shank. Barton 86 Shank. Hannah 45 Sharp. Sandra 92 129 131 Sheaffer Janet 42 47 , 9 1 92 Shelton Jeff 105 Sleeper Cheryl 92 Smoth. Tom 86 Smyres JoAnna I 05 Snell Lloyd I 04 Snyder Annette 93 Snyder. Mary Beth 18, 78 Solorzano. Otto I 04 Spencer, Franchoel 47 86 Spencer. Harold 43. 93 Stahl. Lothar 43. 87 Standafer . Matt 105 Staton, Darrenn 105 Steonmetz, Randall 79 Stonnette. Anna Kros 105 Stonnette, Don 87 Stoneback, Lynn 104 Stong Debra 80 Stover. Celoa 81 Strom. Joel 104 Stucky Margaret 81 Stucky, Palrocoa 43 80 Swank. Carol 105 Swank. Kathy 93 Sweeney , Melody I 05

T Taylor Chrostone 93 Tedford Dennos I 05 Tharrongton. Judy 79 Thoessen Kom 87 Thoessen. Pallo I 06 Tholl. Byron 30 I 06 Tholl. Curtos 36 43 Thomas. Garry I 06 Thompson. Mary Ann 107 Thoreen, Kathy 45. 92 Todd. Rusty 100. 107 Trocheck. Robert 92 Tucker. Pam 106. 129. 130 Turnquost, Donna 92

u Unruh. Gary I 06 Upshaw, Greg 87

v Vancol Alan 86 Vancol Charlotte 93 Voran. Randy I 06 Voth. Mochele 45 93



w Waba John 81 Wagner Ton a I 07 Wagoner, Karon 93 Ward Anne 92 Washongton. Ron 107 Wea•er. John 96 . 106 Wel)le. Mahdo 81 WeiJoe Yasmon 92 Wezdenko. Eoleen I 06 Whotacre Chnstopher 86 Woens, Manlyn 45 Wollems. Brent 106 Wollems. Mark 80 Wolhams. Glenda 83. 86 129 W1lhngham. Kelhe 92 Wolson, Karla 36. 107 Wolson. Kevon 93 W1se. Darrell I 07 Wose. Rhonda 107 W1tmer Cand1 107 Wolfe. Den•se 96 106 Wolfe . Jeff 106

Wood . Kev•n 93 Wood. Mart•n 87 Wnght, Glen 106 Wyatt, D•ane 87

y Young. Scott 36. I 07

z Zavala Albert 36. 42 47, 80 Zavala Memo 47 107 Zoegler, Dale 44. 107


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