Page 1: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update

Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Page 2: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE - Connecting standards to care

• Care providers work with vendors to coordinate the implementation of standards to meet their needs– Care providers identify the key interoperability

problems they face– Drive industry to develop and make available

standards-based solutions– Implementers follow common guidelines in

purchasing and integrating systems that deliver these solutions

Page 3: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IT Infrastructure Domain (ITI)

• Supports profiles which supply necessary infrastructure for sharing healthcare information.

• IT Infrastructure domain began in 2003 and now has 21 profiles that it supports.

• Key ITI profiles demonstrated today:– Information Exchange: XDS (XDS.a & XDS.b), XDM,

XDR, XDS-SD, RFD– Security: ATNA, CT, XUA, BPPC– Identity Management: PIX, PDQ (HL7 V2 & V3)

Page 4: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

An Infrastructure Interoperability Component Is…

• An infrastructure Interoperability component…– Represents a common IT function or service that is

used as a building block for a variety of use cases– May be imbedded in an application, but is often

deployed as a shared resource within a RHIO or Health Information Exchange

– Is a necessary ingredient, but is rarely visible to the end user

Page 5: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Document Content and Modes of Document Exchange

Document Exchange Integration ProfilesDocument Exchange Integration Profiles

DocumentDocument SharingSharing






Doc Content ProfilesDoc Content ProfilesConsentConsent





Scanned DocScanned Doc






Discharge &Discharge &ReferralsReferrals




XDS StoredQuery & Patient Identity Merge



Page 6: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

New/updated in 2007

• Information Exchange– Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing - b (XDS.b) ☼– Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents (XDS-SD) ☼– XDS Stored Query Transaction (addition to XDS) ☼– XDS Patient Identity Merge (addition to XDS)– Cross Community Access (XCA) ☼

– Retrieve Form for Data Capture (RFD) ☼– Cross-Enterprise Document Media Exchange (XDM) ☼– Cross-Enterprise Document Reliable Interchange (XDR)– HL7 V3 based PIX and PDQ transactions ☼

• Security/Privacy– Cross-Enterprise User Assertion (XUA) ☼– Basic Patient Privacy Consents (BPPC) ☼

▀ colored text designates 2006 profiles which were updated this year☼ Designates profiles being demonstrated at HIMSS Interoperability Showcase 2007

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• Information Exchange– Retrieve Information for Display (RID)– Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing (PIX)☼– Patient Synchronized Applications (PSA) – Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.a) ☼– Patient Demographics Query (PDQ) ☼– Notification of Document Availability (NAV)– Patient Administration Management (PAM)

• Security/Privacy– Enterprise User Authentication (EUA)– Consistent Time (CT) ☼– Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) ☼– Personnel White Pages (PWP)– Document Digital Signature (DSG)

▀ colored text designates profiles still in Trial Implementation☼ Designates profiles being demonstrated at HIMSS Interoperability Showcase 2007

Page 8: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Categories of Healthcare Communication Services



Patient and Provider ID Mgt




Source persisted and attested health


Specific info snapshot

provided on demand

2 or more entitiessynchronize

a task

e.g. access to last 6 months historical

labs and encounter summaries

e.g. order a lab test, track status and receive results

e.g. get a current list of allergies or med list from a source

HospitalsHIEs and RHIOs

Page 9: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Health Information Exchanges Interoperability: Cross-enterprise Document Sharing

• Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing simplifies clinical data management by defining interoperable infrastructure. Transparency = Ease of Evolution

• Patients have guaranteed portability and providers may share information without concerns of aggregation errors.Digital Documents = Patients and providers empowerment

• Supports both centralized and decentralized repository architectures. Ease of federation nationally. Flexible privacy, Flexibility of configurations

• Addresses the need for a longitudinal healthcare data and its intend is for support of archival data. It does not address workflow or dynamic data access.

• Workflows addressed in a second step in a much simpler manner.Point-to-Point messages best suited for workflows mgt

Page 10: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) Standards Used

HealthcareContent Standards



Internet StandardsHTML, HTTP,


Electronic BusinessStandards

ebXML Registry, SOAP, Web Services …

• Implemented world-wide by more than 30 vendors/open source. Final text published December 2006.

• Adopted in several national & regional projects (Italy, France, Canada, Austria, USA, etc.)

• IHE XDS: 42,300 “Google” references (Feb’ 07)

Page 11: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Why is IHE-XDS a breakthrough ?

• It based on an International Standards; ebXML registry: OASIS and ISO standard, Web Service/Soap/XML.

• Sharing of digital documents as “attested by the source”, meets the most urgent needs. A proven healthcare community data-sharing paradigm (Message feeding a central web server hinders use of EHRs).

• Efficient to support all types of Health IT Systems (IDNs, Hospitals, Ambulatory, Pharmacy, Diagnostics Centers, etc.) and all types of information (summaries, meds, images, lab reports, ECGs, etc.), structured and unstructured.

• Meets both the needs of point-to-point push communication and on-demand pull in a variety of centralized or distributed architectures.

Offer a consistent, standards-based and functional Offer a consistent, standards-based and functional record sharing for EHRs, PHRs & other IT Systemsrecord sharing for EHRs, PHRs & other IT Systems

Page 12: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XDS.a and XDS.b

• XDS.a– Original XDS profile, pre 2007– Based on ebXML Reg/Rep 2.1– SOAP with attachments based Provide and Register– Retrieve is HTTP GET

• XDS.b– Based on a use of the Web Services and ebXML Reg/Reg

standards that is consistent with the current developments and best practices in the industry

– Based on ebXML Reg/Rep 3.0– MTOM based Provide and Register– MTOM based retrieve– HL7 V3 Patient Identity Feed

• Actors are the same in both XDS.a and XDS.b• Metadata is the same in both XDS.a and XDS.b

Page 13: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XDS.a Transactions Diagram

Document Consumer

Retrieve Document

Registry Stored Query

Patient Identity Source

Patient Identity Feed

Document Source

Document Registry

Document Repository

Provide&Register Document Set

Register Document Set

Query Registry

Page 14: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XDS.b Transactions Diagram

Document Consumer

Retrieve Document Set

Registry Stored Query

Patient Identity Source

Patient Identity Feed

Document Source

Document Registry

Document Repository

Provide&Register Document Set - b

Register Document Set - b

Patient Identity Feed HL7v3

Page 15: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Community Clinic

Lab Info. System


Teaching Hospital


ED Application

EHR System

Physician Office

EHR System

XDS Scenario + use of ATNA & CT


Retrieve DocumentRetrieve Document

Register DocumentRegister DocumentQuery DocumentQuery Document

XDS Document Registry

ATNA Audit record repository CT Time server

Record AuditRecord AuditEventEvent


MaintainMaintainTimeTimeRecord AuditRecord Audit


Maintain TimeMaintain TimeProvide & Register Docs

Record AuditRecord AuditEventEvent

XDS Document Repository


t Reposito

rySecured MessagingSecured Messaging

Page 16: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Community Clinic

Lab Info. System


Teaching Hospital


ED Application

EHR System

Physician Office

EHR System

XDS Scenario + use of PIX & PDQ




Affinity Domain Patient Identity Source


Retrieve Document Provide & Register Docs

Register (using Pt ID)Query Document (using Pt Id)

Patient Identity Feed

Document Registry




Patient Identity Feed

PIX Query

PIX Query

Patient Identity Feed

Patient Identity XRef MgrPatient Identity FeedPDQ Query to Acquire Affinity Domain Patient ID




XDS Document Repository



ATNA Audit record repository CT Time server

Page 17: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Cross Community Access (XCA)

• Sharing of documents across communities• Re-use of XDS.b transactions.• Document Consumer consistency

– Requirements of Document Consumer are the same as for local document query and retrieval

• Out of scope:– How to identify which communities to interact with– How to identify the patient id to use when interacting

Page 18: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XCA Transaction Diagramminimum required

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XCA Transaction Diagram

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XCA Transaction Diagram

Page 21: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XCA Transaction Diagram

Page 22: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

Cross Community AccessActors and Transactions

• Initiating Gateway– On behalf of internal actors, initiates all transactions leaving the community– Receives Registry Stored Query and Retrieve Document Set from Document Consumer– Propagates transaction to local Document Registry and Repository, if appropriate– Propagates transaction to other communities by contacting their Responding Gateway

and sending: Cross Gateway Query and Cross Gateway Retrieve• Responding Gateway

– Single contact point for all transactions coming in to the community.– Propagates incoming transactions to local actors

• New Transactions:– Cross Gateway Query: from Initiating Gateway to Receiving Gateway, mimics Registry

Stored Query– Cross Gateway Retrieve: from Initiating Gateway to Receiving Gateway, mimics

Retrieve Document Set• Document Consumer

– Supports Registry Stored query and Retrieve Document Set– New requirement: propagation of the homeCommunityId requirement

• Applies to XDS.a, XDS.b and XCA profiles

Page 23: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

XDS RegistryInitiatingGateway


XCA Process Flow

XDS Registry

XDS Repository


XDS Registry



XDS Repository

XDS Repository

Community A

Community B

Community C






RSQ – Registry Stored QueryXGQ – Cross Gateway QueryRDS – Retrieve Document SetXGR – Cross Gateway Query




Page 24: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE IT Infrastructure – Schedule for 2007

• Development Schedule:Development Schedule:• Planning Committee decision:Planning Committee decision: December 2007December 2007• Issue Public Comment version: Issue Public Comment version: June 2008June 2008• Public Comment Due:Public Comment Due: July 2008July 2008• Issue Trial Implementation version: Issue Trial Implementation version: August 2008August 2008• IHE Connectathon: IHE Connectathon: January 2009January 2009• HIMSS Demo: HIMSS Demo: February 2009February 2009

Page 25: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE IT Infrastructure – Plan for 2008

• New Supplements For 2008 • Sharing of Value Sets• Referral Request• Emergency Contact Registry Query• Asynchronous XDS.b• Extended PDQ

• Significant updates to previous years profiles• XDS-SD conformance to PCC TF

• New White Papers for 2008• Publish/Subscribe Infrastructure for XDS

Page 26: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE IT Infrastructure Roadmap

2008-2009+ Profile Candidates• Continue Prior Profile Work

Web Services and SOA for Healthcare Cross- Community Location Cross-Enterprise User Authentication (Phase 2)

• Advance White Papers to Profiles Aggregate Data Monitoring Configuration Management

And then….

Page 27: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

IHE IT Infrastructure Roadmap

2008-2009+ Profile Candidates• Add New Work

Cross-Enterprise Ordering Cross-Enterprise Workflow Scheduling XDS Affinity Domain Configuration XDS Templates Composite Documents Role-based Access Control Anonymization and Pseudonymization Mobile Security Master File Maintenance Service Discovery SNMP MIBs

Page 28: IHE IT Infrastructure Domain Update Karen Witting – IBM IT Infrastructure Technical Committee co-chair

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