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Page 1: IELTS for Arab

IELTS atheer almosawiالتحضر لل

الدراسة تكون بالتسلسل االت:

1- WRITING :0للتاسك 02و 1للتاسك02ساعة متواصلة وجب تقسمها ال االمتحان

فما خصtask1 02 قراءة >كلمة 152دق Target Band 7 مع اعادة كتابة 50الى ص 02من ص

االمثلة ف سجل خاص.

فماtask2 < قراءة

مالحظات عامة

ختلف الكثر ف تسمة نوع المقالة ...الحل ه من نوع discussion او argument نوع المقالة اسم ال تركز على

3.1 الحظ بدون مناقشة جانب الموضوع ....ما الحل موافقة او عدمهاهنا أالسؤال فقط عندما قول وافق اوقول ارفض

ف الكتاب المذكور اعاله

اما اذا كان السؤال فه موافقة او عدمها بنسبة بمعنى "الى اي مدى " فمعناه استخدام المناقشة

Page 2: IELTS for Arab

ف الكتاب اعاله ستحدث عن :

" لنوع المقالة "موافقة كلة او عدمها تماما" Introductionوه موجودة ف "المقدمة Thesisجملة ال-@

.…… It is disagreed/agreed that* تكون:

" لنوع المقالة "المناقشة" Introductionوه موجودة اضا ف "المقدمة statement3جملة -@

نستخدم مثل "التكنلوجا ستستبدل المعلم ف الصف" *اذا كان السؤال عن فكرة بجانب واحد

The argument that ………is a subject that is supported and refuted by many.

اذا كان السؤال عن مقارنة مثل "اهم لعب دور الفنانون ام العلماء" نستخدم *

It is a controversial question whether the …….are more or less……. than the ……

"نستخدملكن هناك من قول العكس التكنلوجا ستستبدل المعلم ف الصف فكرة بجانبن مثل "اذا كان السؤال عن *

Some people discuss/argue that ………is a good (idea) and useful, while the others want to

(completely prevent/ completely banned/change) this idea.

والنتجة " نستخدمالسبب "هناك نوع غر شائع وهو

وهناك اضا فورمات جاهزة ممكن االستفادة منها


Page 3: IELTS for Arab

Nowadays, all over the world, there is an existing phenomenon of ( +ing noun

That +s +v,,,,). Due to the situation I will present some advantages and disadvantages on this


There are many benefits coming from ( ) . Firstly,( general idea positive ) for

example,,, فكرة . Moreover,secondly ( general idea … فكرة ) For instance,…. . Finaly, it is also

crucial -(important) to mention that ( last positive idea ……) .

However, besides all the positive, there is also a great number of drawbacks. Most

importantly,( general negative idea ………….. ). A typical example could be the fact that ( s +v

…. ) example further more, (s+v snd general idea . It is clearly seen that ( s+v+example


Over all. It is obvious that this is a quite controversial subject. There are people who value

the advantages more. On the other hand, others tend to notice the negatives only. I strongly

believe that the benefits are more significant than the drawbacks after all.


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Page 5: IELTS for Arab

برطانمن قبل مصحح مالحظات عامة :

دق 3-0خالل )قبل الحل حاول وضع خرطة للمقدمة واالفكار باللغة العربة كرؤوس اقالم ولس جمل

( وعند الحل ال تذهب خارج الموضوع وحاول ان تغط كل ما رده 0دق للتاسك 2-0( او )1للتاسك


0دق للتاسك02وضمن ال نه زودك بالمفردات وعزز ثقتك باإلجابة 0قبل تاسك 1حاول اجابة تاسك

عند الحل التقف حائر عن كلمة اومفردة اترك لها فراغ وارجع لها فما بعد

حاول ان تغط التغرات الملحوظة فقط وبصورة عامة وشاملة دون الغوص ف التفاصل الت 1التاسك

ر االستثناء ضع بسببها الوقت واعطاء صوره عن مول وطبعة المخطط هل ه زادة او نقصان مع ذك

ان وجد بصورة مختصرة ف االخالصة.

ال تتردد من الفكرة وال تهتم ان كانت الفكرة عظمة ام ال اهم ش القواعد ومكونات المقالة من 0التاسك

Intro. ,Body and conclusion وعدد الكلمات لو اقل من المطلوب غالبا تم حذف درجة

حسن مزاج المصحح ..ممكن ..لكن ممكن الدرجاتالخط الغر من

التستخدم الكلمات المختصرة مثلdon't اكتبdo not

رسم سهم فوق الجملة وكتابة ما وجد فراغ لوضعها داخل جملة سابقة مكنك وال واكثرعند تذكرك لكلمة

ؤثر على الحل لكن ال تكررها كثراترد ان تضفه وال

عند الخطا مكنك وضع خط على الخطا وتكتب ماهو صحح

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IELTSالتحضر لل

السالم علكم

تحمل جمع مقاطع الفدو من هذا الرابط من الوتوب فما خص امتحان االلتس اصغاء ومحادثة


2- READING :3 سهلة بمفردات كثرة 3سهلة 2سهلة جدا 1قطع.

ساعة وانت تقسم الوقت الوقت

حسبدق لكل قطعة 22الى

وتستخدم قلم ساعتك الدوة

رصاص ذو الممحاة

واالجابة مباشرة لورقة


قطع متنوعة اربعقراءة

بالكامل من الموضوع ومتفرقة

كتب كامبرج التسعة

عن الحوانات حاتة االولى

خالا اوحواسالو اوالحشرات

عن الغابات او النباتات نباتة الثانة

او االدغال او المحاصل

علمة عن التكنلوجا اواللزر الثالثة

او الفضاء

االهرامات اواالنسان القدم او تارخ الساعات اوتارخ السارات نع تارخة الرابعة

وحل جمع االسئلة ومناقشتها دون التقد بالوقت وتدون المالحظات وكل كلمة جددة ومعناها ف سجل خاص هذا

زودك بمفردات جددة سوف تتكرر علك ف االمتحان

واما طرقة القراءة كما ل: مع التركز على االمثلة والتمارن متابعة المقاطع التابعة للرابط اعاله

:تاكد انك تستخدم وجه الصفحةعلى ورقة الجواب ولس السؤال و مباشرالحل االمتحان


( بالكامل مع الفهم ,وقراءة وغالبا حتوي على راي الكاتب قراءة المقدمة )اول مقطع( والخاتمة )اخر مقطع *

الجملة االولى من كل المقاطع البقة مع كتابة مالحظة سرعة جنب كل مقطع لمعرفة عن اي ش تحدث

قطع وان تحصل على المعلومة اقرأ الجملة الثانةالم

وه الكلمات keywordبعد القراءة نتجه لألسئلة ونقرأ السؤال ماذا رد كلمة او اكثر ونضع خط تحت ال *

وما حولها ف keyword هذا السؤال والبحث عن نفس او مرادف البالممزة ومعرفة عن اي مقطع ختص


واذا كانت خارات فاختار اطول جواب 9سئلة الصعبة جدا والغامضة النها وضعت للباند*التضع وقتك باأل

وتكون سنة او رقم او *بالنسبة للمخططات ,الرسوم ,والجداول حاول ان تعرف ماذا رد صفة او اسم او فعل

,وحاول ان تطبق التنقط حسب موقع الفراغ ولس نسخ لصق حصرا من القطعة ولس مرادفة

>>>>>>and the boys are playing football>>>>>

Q1: 1…..need to 2…

Page 7: IELTS for Arab

ylap-he boys ,2T-1الحل

% 122واثق انها واحدة ستخدم :اجاد نقطة او لس لده الوقت الكاف *الصح والخطا لمن رد فقط النجاح

وه جملة NOTGIVENعود للبحث عن تالتالة ةعللقطختارهن خطا وقبل االنتقال تصححة والباق الكل

وبذلك NOTGIVEN واذا لم تتعرف علها فال تختارممكن صححة او ممكن خاطئة وغر مذكورة بالقطعة

كثر من االجابات الصححةاتضمن نصف او

: جب ان تجد اثنن لهم نفس االجابةعن هناك خار ممكن ان تكرر NB*اذا قال

ولم تعرف اي واحد منهن NBولم ذكر (A,B,C) لكل سؤالخارات 3*اذا كان هناك ثالث اسئلة ولهن

3من 1وهذا ضمن Aفاضعف االمان ان تختار حرف مكرر لكل االسئلة مثال

المالحظات ضمن المقاطعوهناك الكثر من

سوف تحسن لدك االصغاء تلقائاجمعها عند متابعتك للمقاطع

atheer almosawi

Page 8: IELTS for Arab

IELTS التحضير لل

السلم عليكم

تحميل جميع مقاطع الفيديو من هذا الرابط من اليوتيوب فيما يخص امتحان اليلتس اصغاء ومحادثة

3-LISTENING : دق لنقل الجابة من ورقة السئلة الى10دق اجابة و30اربع مقاطع

.الورقة الجابة باستخدام قلم رصاص ذو الممحاة

• متابعة المقاطع اعله بدقة

• التمرين على المتحان في البيت حيث يكون اول اختبار دون التقيد بالوقت اي ايقاف

المقطع الصوتي واعادته ل كثر من مرة حتى تجيب جميع السئلة والتأكد منها في

.نهاية كتب كامبردج

:عند المتحان

دق من الوقت الكلي لل30 دق شرح عن الية الختبار وهو من ضمن 2:45سوف تسمع LISTENING

بالتسلسل على قدر استطاعتك وتمييز نوع السئلة4و3 الذهاب مباشرة لقراء اسئلة السكشن يفضل

النتباه للتسجيل الصوتي عندما يصل للمثال الذيلكن, بالسرعة الممكنة key wordمع تاشير ال

وتابع الحل1 عندها ارجع مباشرة للسكشن 1:30سوف يوضحه لك عند دق

لتحاول ان تستخدمها ال ان تتمرن لكن 4و3هذه افضل طريقة لضمان تسهيل وفهم السكشن

.عليها في البيت لختبارين مختلفين من سلسلة كامبردج على القل

Page 9: IELTS for Arab

غالبا شخصين يتحدثون عن حجز او انضمام لجهة معينة وهذا يحتاج مليء المقطع الول:

استمارة و النقاش على الموضوع

هنا يجب معرفة كيفية كتابة السماء والرقام والتواريخ حسب قواعد اللغة النكليزية وتميز*

اصوات الحروف والرقام

* وحسب مراتبها عندما تلفظ8,9,2يجب التمرن على العداد التي تحتوي على

8 2 9 9 8 2 وليس 2,89,928مثل

(أو) Oعادة يلفظ الصفر كما يلفظ حرف ال*

تربل(Triple3)دبل و(Double2) التمييز بين*

السماء التي تحتوي على حروف وارقام تكتب بالحرف الكبيرة*post. Code: HX78DGF

لكن عناوين المكان مثل السكن تكتب بالشكل التالي

Address: 13 Edward Street


: يعني ممكن تكتب الرقام بالرموز او بالحروف

8 weeks او eight weeks كلهما صحيح ويفضل الكتابة بالرموز لتقليل الخطاء

ستكون عبارة عن شخص يتحدث عن موضوع معين ومن ثم عدة اشخاص المقاطع الخرى

واخيرا محاضرة لستاذ/ة عن موضوع علمي او غيرذلك

: ملحظات عامة

والتي ذكرت READINGاسئلة الصح والخطأ والخيارات وغيرها عادة نفس الية حل في ال


يجب ان تعرف ماذا يرد منك السؤال صفة, اسم ,رقم ,سنة قبل الجابة*

a ان* an او تعتبر كلمة1او toاو

فهذا خطا eight بدل من8في السؤال وكتبت AND/OR A NUMBER اذا لم يذكر*

.يجب النتباه الى موقع الكلمة قواعديا التي سوف تجيب عنها*

Page 10: IELTS for Arab

* على راي وخيار المتحدث وخصوصا كلمةركز But اثناء سماعك للتسجيل لن اكثر الراء

والرغبات للمتحدث تتغير

مثل في احد السئلة التي مررت بها انه سالت الموظفة الزبون عن اي الشياء تريد

الخيار مدحفالزبون A رايه الى غيرثم Cواختار B ثم D !!

ركز على بداية ونهاية اجزاء السكشن الواحد اي الحد الفاصل مثل *

4 و3وخصوصا في السكشن Questions yy-zz و بين Questions ww-xx بين

.... فتكون واضحة جدا من التسجيل3و2 او 2 و1اما عن نهاية وبداية السكشن الواحد

وهي طريقة سهلة ولطيفة لتعليم Spellingيوجد في المتجر للجهزة الحديثة برامج ال*

. الملء وضبط الرقام وحروف الكلمات

وهناك الكثير من الملحظات ضمن مقاطع الفيديو في الرابط اعله

عند متابعتك للمقاطع جميعها سوف يتحسن لديك الصغاء تلقائيا

روابط تهمك

من افضل مواقع التعليم اللغة بكل مفاصلها

ورقة المتحان

atheer almosawi

Page 11: IELTS for Arab

4- Speaking: 11-14 دقيقة وثلث اقسام وهنا مطلوب البتسامة والثقة التامة بالنفس على طول فترة .الختبار .يتم تسجيل المحادثة لستخدامه عند حالة العتراض على الدرجة من قبل الطالب فيما بعد


@يرجى مشاهدة العديد من مقاطع الفيديو لختبار المحادثة عبر اليوتيوب @

Part1 : 4-5 دق interview & introduction

• حاول ان تكون ملم بالعديد من المواضيع:(التسوق,الصداقة,الفلم والسينما,الموسيقى,عطلة نهاية.السبوع,الطبخ,الرياضة,استخدام النترنيت,السفر,التدريس,المطالعة وغيرها من الهوايات والعادات

• .لتحاول الطالة بالجابة ,جاوب باختصار

• .يمكنك التنفس بعمق لكسب ثواني للتفكير بالسؤال

Part2: 1-2 دق Mini-presentation

• حاول ان تتمرن على التكلم لمدة دقيقتين في البيت عن موضوع معين (يفضل موضوع"Model " القدوة او مثلك العلى والموجود في السئلة والجوبة) مع تسجيل المرئي او الصوتي .ومن ثم اعادة التسجيل وفهم الخطاء ومعرفة المشاكل التي تواجهها اثناء المحادثة والتخلص منها

• خلل الختبار سوف تستلم المسودة (انت حر عن طريقة الكتابة فيها) وورقة السئلة المتعلقة خلل الدقيقة حاول ان تكتب رؤوس اقلم لجواب كل,Speakingبالقسم الثاني من اختبار ال

سؤال عن الموضوع مع التركيز على السؤال الخير ,بعد دقيقة التحضير يعطيك الشارة لتبدأ بالتحدث وترتيب اجابات السئلة المتعلقة بالموضوع وحاول ان تذكر اجابات جميع السئلة بقواعد

تتوقف ال ان يعطيك الكزامنر الشارة بالتوقف عند للغة مضبوطة قدر المكان وحاول ان .انتهاء الوقت

• الكزامنراحياناهنا الكزامنر ل يسألك اي سؤال فقط في حالة انك لم تغطي سؤال من السئلة .يسالك السؤال الذي لم تذكر اجابته اثناء حديثك

Part3: 3-5 Discussion دق

مناقشة موضوع القسم الثاني وغالبا تستخدم المقارنة بين الماضي والحاضر ,يجب التركيز على.قواعد اللغة ككيفية استخدام الزمنة بالشكل الصحيح مثل

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الوسوياثي الهندس[email protected]

رابط مهم لكل المصادر والكتب ومايتعلق بالختبار


Page 13: IELTS for Arab


Part 1 Introduction and interview

[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or

herself and checking the candidate’s identification. It then continues as

an interview.]

Transcript Hello. Could you show me your identification card please?

Hello. Sure, here you are.

Could you tell me your full name please?

My full name is Alaa Sulaiman Alwaisy.

How old are you?

I am 25 years old. In other words, I was born in 1987. On the eight of April

1987, to be exact.

Does your name have any special meaning?

Yes, my name does have some special meaning. My family name means

peace, and my first name means strong one or something like the high.

Is your name important to you?

No. I don't think it can do anything for me. I believe a person has to work out

his own life. I am planning to do this as well as I can.

Present Situation (Student):

Are you a student or do you have a job?

I am a student at the computer science department. I completed my Bachelor

and master degree in computer science. Now I looking forward to complete

my PhD.

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What do you like most about your studies?

Well, In general the computer science is an excellent department.

Specifically, I think the patterns recognition is excellent part. Please, allow

me to explain. really I liked this part in my study because is an interesting

part and it is associated with the daily applications such as person

authentication, access control to buildings, law enforcement and so on. This

includes personal verification and identification from biometrics such as face

recognition, fingerprint recognition.

What is your major?

As I have been studying on a full-time basis at Al-Anbar university, we have

many subjects to study and I interested in the image processing and computer

vision specially in the patterns recognition. In addition I interested in some

programming languages such as C++.

Which is the best university in your country?

That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal view by

shortly mentioning the following briefly: I believe that the Bagdad

University is the best University in the country. Because it has the highest

percentage of students passing their courses of all the universities in my


Describe your study habits?

I have well established study habits. For example, I always start exactly at

eight in the evenings. I study for two hours, have a ten-minute break, and then

study for another two hours. I follow this habit from Sundays to Fridays, but

over the weekends I put in more hours. For example, I study in the mornings

and afternoons, and then take the evenings off to relax with my family or my


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Do you think your present subjects are relevant?

Yes, of course my subjects are relevant to the daily applications for example

the internet which is used as an information resource, and patterns

recognition which are used in law enforcement and access control to the

buildings and other security systems.

What kind of job would you prefer after graduation?

I would like to become lecturer in the computer science department. I would

like to render my services in my society. For example, by teaching some

materials in this field such as image processing, computer vision or web


(Town/ Village):

Now, in this first part, I’d like to ask you some more questions about

yourself, OK? Let’s talk about your home town or village. What kind of

place is it?

I live in Al-Ramadi city. It's quite a big city and it's located in the western

part of Iraq. Al- Ramadi city is the center of Al-Anbar province and away

from west Baghdad, about 110 Kilometers.

Where do you come from?

I come from Al-Anbar province specifically from Al-Ramadi city. And it's

located in the western part of Iraq.

How long have you lived in your hometown?

Well, My parents have been living here for the past thirty years or so. I grew

up here and I attended a well-known school named after Al-Shaheed School.

We live in a respectable area with many shops, restaurants, and a variety of

other businesses. The people in my city are generally friendly and

collaborators, which makes it a pleasure to live there.

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Where do you live?

I live with my parents in Al-Ramadi city at the moment. To be more exact,

we live in an big house in the city center. I have my own room and enjoy the

privacy that it brings, but I am looking forward to the day that I can have my

own house. Allow me to explain: they are good parents, and I love them very

much, but I would like to be more independent soon.

Can you tell me something about your hometown/ village/ town?

Yes, certainly, It's quite a big village and it's a located in the western Iraq. Al-

Ramadi city is a center of Al-Anbar province and away from west Baghdad,

about 110 Kilometers. We have some farmers in my village as well as people

who work in Al-Ramadi as bankers or journalists, teachers, doctors, engineers

and some workers.

What’s the most interesting part of this place/ village?

Can you tell me about some famous landscapes in your hometown?

Can you tell me about some famous scenic spots in your hometown?

What are the main places of interest in your hometown? Why?

What places should foreigners visit in your hometown? Why?

Sure. Firstly, I could mention Al-Anbar university in which I am completed

my study during the master degree, Secondly, Al-Maarf University College

which is the place of my work. Because both have some image galleries as

well as beautiful landscapes. In addition, to having a large library in the

university center. Lastly, some of the beautiful landscapes and the new

shopping malls in the city center.

What kind of jobs do people in the village do?

We have some farmers in the village as well as people who work in Al-

Ramadi as bankers, journalists, teachers, doctors, engineers and some


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Would you say it’s a good place to live?

Yes. Of course, it's population are friendly and collaborators, and what I

mean to say is that it is a good place to live there, yes.

What places in your hometown do you like best?

There are many places that I like in my hometown. If I had to choose one

place, I would like to tell you about parks or cafes, it is a large open space

where one can see the sky clearly, and feel free.

What are the main crops in your region/ town?

In my region many crops are grown. For example, one would find all kinds of

vegetables in this region. In addition, many farmers have orchards. They

grow many kinds of fruit like apples, Orange and so on.

What is the difference between your hometown and other cities(such as


The main difference between my hometown and other cities like Bagdad is

the climate. For example, there they have a tropical climate. What I mean to

say is that it is very hot. Here in my hometown we have cold winters and hot

summers. Secondly, My hometown is an industrial city, whereas Bagdad is

more a financial center. What I mean to say is that, here we have many

factory workers.

What are the people like in your hometown?

Can you tell me something about the character of the people in your


Well, they aren't any different from the people in any other large city in my

country. In other words, in my hometown you will find many good old-

traditional people who have strong principles and values about many aspects

of the life.

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Okay, let's talk about sports. What kind of sports do you enjoy playing?

Well, a sport I love to play is football. Because it's competitive and it keeps

me active and healthy. I also enjoy playing the other sports like basketball

and running when the weather is warmer.

What are some sports you are never played, an why?

One sport I have never played is handball. Some of my friends love it, they

play it in a league and watch it on television, but I find it very dull and boring.

I prefer other sports like football.

Do you prefer team sports or individual sports, and why?

Of course, I prefer the team sports because I enjoy the social part of it. Team

sport also help me to learn teamwork, which is important skill in the life.

Why do you think people play sports?

That is an odd question, Allow me to explain my personal views by

mentioning the following points. First, I think sports have lots of fun and

excitement. Secondly, many sports are great exercise. Because it keeps the

body active and healthy and in the same time sports are much more enjoyable

than going to the gym.

What is the most popular sport in your country? Why do people like this


In Iraq, I think football is the most popular, although basketball is very

popular as well. Both sports are very fast moving with lots of excitement,

which makes them appealing many people in my country.

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Present Situation (Employee):

Do you have a degree? If so, when and where did you graduate?

Yes. I have a Master Degree in computer science. I graduated in 2011 from

AL-Anbar University. It is one of the best universities in my country.

What impressed you most when you were at university / college?

I was most impressed by the knowledge and skills of my lecturers. For

example, they had experience in the working environment. Secondly, I was

impressed by the facilities. For example, we had a large library, well-

equipped labs, and sporting facilities in my university.

Do you still remember your school days?

Yes, Of course! Those were some of the best times in my life. Allow me to

explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, they were

carefree days. What I mean to say is that I had no or very few worries. My

parents provided in my day-to-day needs, and all I had to do was get good

grades. Secondly, I had many friends in school. For instance, some of my

best friends today were people that I met them in school.

Why do people in your country traditionally want to have a son/ child?

That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by

shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe that fathers all over

the world want someone to carry their name into the future. A second reason

that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them

after they had retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able

to help them in the future.

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Who does most of the shopping in your family?

I could say that my father does most of the shopping, but my mother and I

will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my

own needs such as clothes and any something else by myself.

Who does most of the cooking in your family?

Of course, My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I do some

cooking from time to time. For example, sometimes my mother may be out

the house.

How does your family feel about you going abroad?

They are very happy about me going abroad. I believe my parents will be

very proud if I achieved a degree at a university abroad. In addition, they

would do anything in their power to allow me to have the opportunity.

Family (Married Person):

Are you married, and if so when did you get married?

Yes, I am married. I got married about six months ago. I have a good wife,

and we are very happy together.

Do you have any children?

No, I don't have any children yet. We are planning to start with a family as

soon as when we have our own apartment.

What does your wife do?

My wife is a lecturer in the computer science department at Al-Maarf

university college.

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Did you have a honeymoon, and if so where did you go?

Unfortunately, we don't have a honeymoon for several reasons one of them

job Commitment for my wife.

Do you think couples should live with their parent or on their own?

There are several reasons as for why I think couples should life on their own.

Firstly, I believe couples should become independent as soon as possible. For

example, they should learn how to deal with the money at their disposal.

Secondly, I believe they should be alone as soon as possible. For example,

they should have the ability to solve the problem by themselves.

What responsibilities should a couple take?

There are several responsibilities that couples should take. Allow me to

explain by mentioning some of them briefly. In the first place, I believe they

should be responsible for their own finances. For example, young couples

usually do not have a lot of money, and find it difficult to make ends meet.

Secondly, I believe that later they have to look after their children. For

example, they have to feed and clothe them, and ensure that they get a good


Family (Children):

Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your region?

Yes, there are quite a few. For example, after the baby is born, the husband

will give his wife some flowers, and take photographs of the baby and her and

so on.

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What kind of parent do you intend to be?

First of all, I would love my child unconditionally. What I mean to say is that

I will still love him even if he has made a mistake. Secondly, I would like to

be known as a strict but fair parent. For example, I will not allow my child

too many freedoms, but I will also try to understand his needs.

What hopes or fears do you have concerning your children?

That's an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views

by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I fear that my children

will have a very hard life. For example, I wonder if they will have work to do.

Secondly, I hope that they will be happy. For example, that they will find a

good spouse, have children, and live together in peace and love.

What type of culture do you want your child to grow up in?

Firstly, I would like my child to grow up in a culture of love. What I mean to

say is that I hope the circumstances in our home will full of love and

understanding. Secondly, I hope my child will grow up in a culture where the

finer things in life are important. For example, things like music, art, and

studying should be part of his life from the beginning.

Describe the position of woman in your country/ Iraq?

One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that there is

some discrimination against woman in my country. For example, woman who

are doing exactly the same job as men, are getting smaller salaries. Secondly,

women are not considered for certain high level positions, for example, in

government. In addition, in many communities, women are still regarded as

inferior to men.

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Should housewives be paid a salary by the government? Why?

Yes, I believe housewives should be paid a salary by the government. Firstly,

to be a housewife is a job just as any other, and one should be paid for what

you are doing. Secondly, the more housewives there are, the better. For

example, housewives can spend more time with their babies.

Preferences (Spare Time):

What do you usually do in your spare time? What are your spare time


Well, these days, I surf on the Internet in my spare time. and love to look for

exciting web sites like Facebook and any sites related to the my interest. And

in some times I have to enjoy with my friends by going to shopping or

playing football and some other activities.

Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program?

Yes, I often watch TV. My favorite program which is related to sport news

specially the soccer. As to why it is my favorite, I would like to mention the

following. I like playing football every time with my friends and watching it

on the TV for example, by watching the Spanish league.

Do you think watching TV is a waste of time?

No, I do not think watching TV is a waste of time. Firstly, every one can

learn a lot from watching TV, and secondly, it is a good way to relax. For

example, hearing the music help me to relax. Lastly, I believe that TV has

become the best source of information these days. For example, it is a fast

and convenient way to find out about the latest news from all over the world.

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Preferences (Friends):

What does friendship mean to you?

One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that friendship

is very important to me. For example, I believe that friendship should be the

basis for many of our relationships. Husbands and wives, for example, should

be friends. In addition, I need friends to help me when I am in trouble. On the

other hand, my friends know that I will always be available when any one of

them get into some trouble.

Do you have a lot of friends?

Yes, I have a lot of friends. I have some best friends. For example, I have

some friends who I have known for many years. I will do anything to help

them when they need me, and I know they would do the same for me.

Do you prefer to be alone or to be with friends?

Some times, I prefer to be alone. Please allow me to explain. I like reading,

which takes a lot of my time. Reading to me is a way of studying, so I have to

do it alone. On the other hand, sometimes I want to be with my friends. For

example, over weekends we listen to our favorite music, or playing football.

What do you usually do with your friends?

Firstly, we often visit the nearest internet cafes for a number of reasons. For

example, to play computer games or to surf the net. Sometimes we chat to

young people abroad. We often spend hours there. Secondly, we like to play

football. For example, we would challenge another group to play against us.

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What do you usually do on weekdays and on weekends?

On weekdays I go to school. On weekends I like to go out with my friends.

For example, we have to go and visit new shopping malls in the city.

Sometimes, I can easily spend a weekend watching TV and just relaxing.

What do you usually do when you go out?

I usually go to the nearest internet cafes with some of my friends. We spend

many hours playing games or surfing the net. Some times, we go to shopping

to see the new shopping malls in the city or we go to watching football game.

Preferences (Reading):

Do you like reading?

Yes. I like reading very much. I believe that all of us should read a lot. For

example, when you read you acquire new knowledge and information about

every things in the life.

What kinds of books do you like best?

I like scientific books. Which are related to my interest. For example, I like

read the books which are interesting in the image processing, computer vision

and pattern recognition and some times I read the novels for example, many

love stories have characters who are involved in all kinds of conflicts. One of

them so-called love triangle

Describe a book that you have read recently?

Recently, I have read some books. One of them a book about the pattern

recognition so-called the Biometrics Systems.

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Do you often read the newspapers?

No, I never read a newspaper. I watch TV or use the internet if I want to

know what is happening in Iraq and the world. Newspapers take much time to


Preferences (Hobbies):

Do you have a hobby?

Yes. My hobby is the reading. For example I have read some of scientific

books which are interesting in the image processing, computer vision and

patterns recognition. In addition, I like to play football with my friends.

Why have you chosen this hobby?

First of all, I like reading very much. I believe that all of us should read a lot.

For example, when you read you acquire new knowledge and information

about every things in the life. Secondly, I like the football because it is fairly

competitive and keeps me active and healthy.

What are good hobbies, and what are bad hobbies?

In my opinion, good hobbies are those ones that give you the opportunity to

develop a new skills. For example, Reading when you read you acquire new

knowledge and information to develop your skills. Bad hobbies, on the other

hand, may result in you acquiring bad habits. For example, Watching TV and

playing computer games a lots will result in you neglecting your studies.

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Preferences (Colors):

What color do you like? Why?

Yellow is my favorite color. For several reasons. Firstly, to me, yellow

symbolizes the sun. What I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and

warmth. Secondly, yellow is a bright color unlike to dull colors such as

brown and gray. For instance, brown and gray usually make me feel upset and


Do colors have some symbolic meaning in your country?

Yes, colors certainly have a lot of meaning in my country. Please allow me to

explain. It is significant that the national flag of my country has a four

colors which are red, green, black and white color. And I know some of these

color meanings. For example, The green color points to the our gardens and

the white color refers to the our peace and the black color refers to the

people's angry.

Preferences (Shopping And Movies):

Do you like / enjoy shopping?

Yes, I love shopping. Please allow me to explain. Firstly, I usually buy

clothes for myself. I like to go to the shops and see what they have to offer. I

browse around and compare the prices before a buy something. Secondly, I

like to see a new shopping malls in my city. Lastly, I love to find out about

any new products in the market.

Do you often go to the cinema or theater?

No, I have never been go to the cinema or the theater. In fact, there is no

cinema or theater in my city, and I don't like go to the cinema because I am

always very busy. I spent all my time either reading some things or watching


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What kinds of movies do you like best?

I like comedies movies, because comedies are great fun. What I mean to say

is that I have a good laugh while watching it. The comedies movies often

contain excellent acting by famous stars. For example, Adel Imam And

Mohamed Saad.

Who is your favorite movie star? Describe him / her?

My favorite movie star is Mohamed Saad. He is handsome, and very funny.

He always has a smile on his face.

Preferences (Music And Traveling):

Do you like music? Do you think music is important?

Yes, I like music very much. And, I believe music plays an important part in

our life. For example, we can use it to sooth our minds after a hard day at


What kind of music do you enjoy most?

I like Arabic music very much. Allow me to explain. Firstly, Arabic music is

lively, and suits me at my age. What I mean to say is that I like to listen to

music that fits with the way I feel. Secondly, it is suitable for us to dance on

it. Lastly, Arabic music is simple to understand. It helps me to relax after I

have been studying hard for some time.

How long do you listen to music everyday?

Oh, I think I listen to music for about half hour every day. For example, listen

when I get home from school, or in the evenings before I go to bed. On

weekends, however, I listen to music much more. Some times, I would invite

my friends to my place, and we would listen to our favorite CDs for a few


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Do you like traveling?

Yes, I like traveling. Firstly, I believe that traveling is always educational.

What I mean to say is that the people that you meet along the way are usually

interesting. Secondly, I wish I were able to travel more. For example, I have

not traveled to any foreign country yet.

How do you usually travel?

I like to travel by car. Allow me to explain. Firstly, when I travel by car I am

able to see more of my country. In addition, the car in my country are

convenient and comfortable to travel. For example, I can travel to any city by

using the car.

Where have you traveled to lately?

I traveled to Bagdad last month with my friends by using the car. We went to

see other friend who has been sick lately.

What kind of places do you like to visit?

I like to visit places where there is a lot of entertainment. For example, I don't

like it when we go and visit my grandparents in my country because they live

on a farm and there is not a lot of entertainment. I like to visit the cities where

there are movies to watch and nightclubs to visit.

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Part 3:

We’ve been talking about things we own. I’d like to discuss with you one

or two more general questions relating to this topic. First, let’s consider

values and the way they can change. In Iraq, what kind of possessions do

you think give status to people?

The first thing which comes in my mind is the car. Yes, because a lots of

people like to have posh cars or expensive cars to show their status, their

place in the society.

Is that a new development?

No, I think it isn’t a new development.

People have thought like that for quite a long time?

Yes, Another thing is probably the clothing. It starts already when you are

young. When the children go to school they want to have posh labels on their

jumpers or good shoes.

What do you think of this way of thinking, that I need to have a car or

certain clothes to show my status?

Probably, it’s sometimes a replacement for something you don’t have, so if

your wife has left you or your girlfriend, you just buy some new, I don’t

know, new watches or new clothes to make you satisfied again.

You don’t think of it as a healthy way of thinking?

It’s probably not honest to yourself. You can understand what I mean?

Yes, And do you think this will change? In the future, will cars and

designer clothes be status symbols in the same way?

I’m sure that clothes will be the same. But I’m not so sure about the cars

because cars cause a lots of environmental problems and probably in a few

years, this will change because it’s not reasonable to drive a car anymore.

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Part 2:

Describe a role model you have had in your life. You should say:

-Who the person is?

-His or her relation to you?

-What impact this person has had on your life?

-What makes them a role model?

Okay, the one minute is up, please begin speaking.

I have had a number of role models in my life. Perhaps my greatest role

model is my father. My dad is an absolutely wonderful man. Who inspired me

to become the person I am today. He is a very tall man and his face is old and

friendly. He worked in a glass factory for the past thirty years. It is an honest

job and I think he is always happy, but he wanted more for his children. His

leadership, honestly, integrity, and honor are what made him a great role


When I was eleven, and our family was going through some hard times

with money, my father found a wallet on the road loaded with each. The

wallet was contain about two months of my dad's salary. He brought it home

and immediately attempted to get in contact with the person who it belonged

to. Keeping the wallet was never a consideration for him. Years later I asked

him why. He told me that it was always wrong to take what does not belong

to you. And just because our family could have benefitted from the money. It

was still wrong. This morality is what I have learned. My father is still my

inspiration and that is what makes him my greatest role model.

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Part 3:

Why are role models important in a person's life?

Role models are important because they act as life teacher. Allow me to

explain. For academics, we have school teachers. For sports, we have

coaches. For life in general, we have role models. They are the instructors of

important life skills such as honesty and integrity.

Have you been a role model to anyone in the past?

Yes, I have been a role model to my younger brother. He is seven years

younger than me, so I have experienced many events which he comes across

and I try to teach him these lessons.

What responsibilities does a role model have?

The main responsibility a role model has in my opinion is to live in a positive

way which reflects his beliefs. For example, a role model who teaches

honesty and kindness must be honest and kind in his life. It is not enough for

a role model to say things he must do them as well.

Can having role models be a bad thing? Why and why not?

Hmmm that is an interesting question. I am need a second to think about this.

Hmmm well, I support having role model could be a bad thing, if those role

models did not live as they taught. In addition, a person who taught bad

attributes such as dishonesty, cheating or lying, would be a bad role model.

Having a person like this in anyone's life would be terrible. Having bad role

model would be worse than having no role model. However, having a good

role model is the best case.

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