
(SEC It&T)


• 2nd Batti:lion,5th Marines 1st Vmrine Division (Re~n) F~~

};PO Son Francisco, Cq.lifprni,a 9660'2

Frain: COllllIlBnding Officer To: Com:nand:ing General,. First. Marine Division

J/t!CJ/gjr 10 Mar 67

Subjs C.inmand Chrono1'gy for period oi FebruE:.fY to 2$ Februb.ry 19.67.

Ref: (a) 1>CO ,5750.2 ~b) Fl'J'PacO 5750.8 .Ie) DivO 5750.2B

~nc1: (l~ 2nd B",ttalion" ~'th Marines. Command Chronology

L. In accorl;iance with theproirisions of rei'e~nces (a), (b) [,nd (c) enclosure {l_ is submi tt.ed, - l



", ~ " ...

n;NCL03Ul:(i.; (1)



2nd Batta1.i~;n, 5th Mar:L"l8S 1st Marine Division (Rein \ FIt!

FPO San Francisco, Californie. 966Q2

C01VJ}iAMJ CJ:!RONOLCGY • • Ol·to_2B.February 1967






In ,


... ;


1. DES IG 1111..'1' I 0111

2nd Battalion. 5th Marines

H&5 C OlIlPa ny Conma,ny E Comnany F Company G Cornm.ny H

"'tl" r.o 2nd PL~ Hit n"'TG1'I!'!!i1!?S· 2nd PLT ()o Bl,s·t Air l3n '3rd 'PLI'fI ,CO k' 3td Ainrt1"~,c Bn 2nd PLT CoB 3'rd: Tk: Bn lmT l~t' Dental IJt'l'f1 HI)"]> io J)Tt1T 'I)tb C.tJ>LT n';:fT1 11.AD tlTJJ:;.A," Rq Bn p .x. rr',TIITI. 110 Bn P0S'J'AL tJ1lTIT, Rq "Bn




LtCol M, C JAClmO~ ~

A~:rACHF.D mTtTs,

r; lTleams Scout Sninet"s Ho Co 5thMat"

~xecutive O~~icet"

~-l S,-2 S~1

S-4 ~ommunication 0~ficer

S'IIOnly C('I R8S Corrroany

en C oTlTt)any E

co Crmrnany F

Ma j J L CO('PRR is tLt J .T r;()jrij\RT

~btKt D A VOGEIES.AFG Vaj J A m!":troHTILL Haj J L cnOPER ~1aj R H F.SAU lstLt H I'] CHRISTIANS Cap J L BE IL:I,Y 2ndLt R B Sl'JICK lstLt P L LUFKIN Cant It J BOCCUTI lstLt VI G EVA.~JS lstLt S M i:iILLVJffi Cant P J BJ.,F,SSDiG Cal't J A GRAHAH




1 .. 28Feb67


" " II

" " " " It

" It"

t .. 2RFeM? 1-28Feb67 1-28Feb6? IFeb67 2-8Feb67 9-28Feb6? 1-28Feb67 lFeb67 2-28Feb6? 1-28Feb67 IFeb67 2-28Feb67 IFeb67 2-28Feb67 1-28Feb67


. .

• CO ComT.)S.nY G

'of,-~ ...

a. Average ~~onth1y Strength



CoG \. .j


lst'.1t M C G~Clr,.O\rf CaT)t R '\'1 HARSnmT

Cant Ii ·iAT LAYER "




6 .. 5





13 2 1

1-24Feb67 25-2RFeb6'l ' 1-28Fe"b6?

318 68 3 5

• .. :. ~. r

" ... :


'., '.".

_,.", Odr .. , 5 .. 231 ;:"

b. Ca.sual ties • I ," ,". ~. ': ',~ . .',

./ .. ; '".' .


&/. :",' Seri0us . Non-Seri~ J?eath

o. 2q o

.. ~

101 ". . : : ',; ~ .

c.' The';:'''otlo1Ain~~, number L nS:r'soT;lTJel joined durine- t.he neril)d cOV'e't"ed;, ,

'7 107

d.. The follow!" number o~ "I).sTeonnel were

11 201 2


. . " .:. . ~'

USN -Q!!. m 1 2

1 22



• SY1CRfilT

Cha~~eable strengths now'are stable due to nrevious increases to offset Feb­'!"1lR.,.y losses. Presently, no critical shorages exist in the en.listed ratLlts. Prese~t critical sho,.tages in the o~ficer ranks are as follows: 1 Cant 0202 2nd 1 Ca~t 0402.

e. P'r.oblero Areas

(1) Ad.miT)ist~tive s1l')...,1if'ls cOl1tinue to b~ in short SUlJ")ly. Certain blank ~o~m such as ~itness "f'lnO~Bt VA in~uran~ ~ormB ~ot SGLI are non-existant. I.D. Ca:r:-n,S and. I .D. rre.~~a.n1(S and chains are also needed •..

(2 1 rf'fice machines, m:rticularl;r t~e"'rlters are in T'Joor to unsatisfactory c(;)TJr'lHion', an~ the time to have these m'lchines 1"emired is excessive .•

f. Disci-nliTle, TAw and Ol'der

(1) COU1"t Ma,rtials 'T''!"ied...:L Pending....1....

(21 Non-Judi~ial Punishment

(a) By nat.talion Comma~der: 10

(b~ By Company Commander: 9

g. M..!rale, PX and Postal Services

(1) Morale is considered excellent.

(2) The Ma1"ine COJ:"")s Exchange located at An Roo. provides excellent service. Su"",lies a,.f\ no'., ~reat;er in quanity due to more frequent resupply. All neces­sities a~e available and some luxury items have been made available.

~ (3) ~ostal se~ice has improved. The weather ~roblem has been non-existant ~ l.Ti th the ann of' t.hA monsoon season. All postal services are available.

~. Cha.~lai""s Activities. Catholic and Protestant services were halO, during the month. ' Sunday Catholic Srrrvices durin,"" the month totaled 4 with a.n at te"ldal)ce of' 110. T,rflek:day Ca.tholi~ sf"''l''Vices totaled J t"ith an attendance of' 43. Pro .. testant services numbered 12 with an attendance of' 1'58. Four Holy Communion sA1"vices had att.endance of' R2. The Chanlain 6 hospital visits to 1st Heo.iO"l,l :Ra.ttalioT1. F011r visits were made to cam-ryanies in the f'ield.


..& 0'1 'M> ...




mTELLIG:13FC~ • A. Routine intelligence 1i!'OC(:~1"sing durjn?- Feb~u:1.:ry "f<>.S ::>ccomplishcd by process­ing iIltelligcnce info:rr,~ption fron tre 9th 11"rine l1c(dJ11entj 2nd Bn, 4th H",rines, 1st CIT, 3rd ITT, Due Due District, 1st H"rinc lc~:ir.lcnt, ~nd 1st l~"rine Division (G-2). :loutine de"riefinr,s of p,,,trol lc",ders were also used.

, . B. 'Pp.trol debriefin,P: foms from 1st 'Recon :An, 1"(;".'C p1so used.

\ C. Dis0rlin,!".tion of intelligence v'u'\s b'· snat ro"orts, d!"Jilv intSlltlS; briefinR:s, tolecon, SICR! s, 8Xld -'1, ltlCekly intelligence SUT11",<\,ry.

, ,

D. l':erhbers of the 8-2 grtve 6 hours of cl"sses to nevi "rriv.')Js in the :Rn. The cl,<).sses included Vietn'ltl Histr-ry,orientp.t;on of the 2nd Bn, 5th Hprines TWli.,

--, handling pt.J! s '1nd c!"J.ptured mnteriD,J-/docW'lcnts, lfle!'1.00nS !"Jnd VC t"ctics. 2J+ hnrrs of clp,s5es lwre given to the S-2 scouts on M.~n ro~dil"g, CO!'11'1 procceiures, conpi",SS, hnmUing of PIJI S. "'nd ID;'1,tcri!'l.l, rc'Orting r1.ilit . .,."ry inf0I'm"'.tion.

E. Lil'!.ison vi~its were r.1r>,de to III E.\F(G-2), 1st If"r Div(G-2) ~nd Due Duc D1s-. trict He n.dau!".rters • ..

F ~ Scout teRms worked ,-rith the rifle COl"m.'1nies. t"renty 0.!WS during Fobru!'!,ry.

G. Kit C"".rson Scouts worked 20 d",ys with the rifle c0!"lp!lI1ies.

H. Psycologic'll o"'c:r..,tions durin£; tho ncnth consisterl. of (1) Le . .,f1ot drop.

1. CneVC: Chieu Hoi turned h\.l'lsolf "Jlei 1'1, 1,m"pon into "1, rifle c0n"-'",ny !l.t tho Fang Son !'l,ro;>,.

2. FmIEFll)'GS-


A. Bricfine:s were hels d"ilY!l,s reouired-. Tho:::c br·icfings T,W-"C gj . .vcn by the IntellieencG ('fficer or the IhtoHipcncG Chiof, rtnd 'c0v?rod intcllircncc M"'ttors received.

A. Spot renorts, d.n,Hy intSUl'1S , Kit C "'TSO!' ,Scc-ut rO'DOrts( D!l,ily ;md ~Jonthly), wcckJY speci<>,l '1J;c.nt 'roTX"rts, psycologich,l w-'rf"'.rc rCDort, c>TId rCM"rds furld rc;-orts were subJ:'J.Ued

B. Tho S-2 submitted" number of NI'l,tion,,1 ,".{!,ency choct::s, bn,ckJ:~r0und :in.vostipa.­tions, nnd CertificA.tes of Clcn.r'ffice.


1. C'\SU ALTIF:S ,'11m GE \It


15 / 1 f,K-47 25 / 3"$.-47 ~hbizinos

6 /1 p[ , 1 / f'cdicd G-o.'1.r

F011 0 fBR.\TIN:·11 nTDEPBl'mnTCE (('Pcor 9th l:Tr~'1IYES)

1. C\,qlT '\1 ,T IES ~JJD GE~.R

KI,\ (C('l.!F) 38/C Arbine H".g 3 KIA (P10B) live Pn.cks ~ T'TH (CC'NF) 21/G;'\s N:~,sks 1 TrIA (PTIDB) 'a/Boots P1ir 1 pr·T's 8/C<>nteon Cover 1 DET.\Ir~'8S 52/'IOCHFTITrS 51 lbs CHiEU Hoi 5/Chicorl Gran 9 l.BFlTGEE:S 293 CIVIL DEPENDENT 2




. OPERATIONS . • . The 2nd Bn, 5th Iltiarines conducted two .an C-) "Named" OJ.erbtions, numereus

GoC-) s:ec~)s and daily Iecon/coh&t p •. trois eLurinG tlie dcnty\ of Pebru~ry. Lith the cdv,.mt of .ry ;eather, Li,")e] ty FLc·&.ci "g"iii beccine 'pa3sLole ;;'l1u St;(;U1~.ty We:>

provicied' for' ell COleVOYS :uGving to the An :106 GO:ilO~ t .:;c.:SB, c ria for '\ ietn~,ll~;"e 0i­vilibn Bngin66rs v.; to of-en the load south to {,ong Son.'

Go,n ... anies of the 3n ., .:ire rot~ t""d on 2 t,,;o week basis betv,een the l:lLttLlions \hree fiAed lositioas 8t Fhu kc (6)/M:! Loc (2), An hoa Base, <,nd ~ong ~on. hS i;, result or' tn~s syste:,ktl.'''; rot~ tion <..11 (;0. D.fil.6S ,,~e nOI" ii.. ... .ii2.o.r

., ~th Ibrge sections of tl.e 9./5 ThOn. lJl;.ring tl1eir reslectiye st. ys c.t ;:,ong Son, both Go G u:d F i,orked on the lacon tl'uction of 8;istl.i1b ii: .. Gilities. 2000 yds 0;' eC:I'th v·:er·e .;:oved in ... he } roject. ..oric on all tnree levels consisted. of the mstruc'~ion Elld reouilG.inL of Dunkel's, im;..Tqv81nelit of fightint-, holes end trench sy~te[as: gl:;nb~",l to rid the are2. of·t;a.ts Uld other rreCi<:,tors, c:~,ci. on the upp~r1.1o!:?t lev<;.;., the e . ension <.nd im, rov6"lerit of c:n Li:.. . ,.' 'On 1 ieb, the 2n( ... ) (ti'.ein; f;&rtici:f-ded in the 9th i·;.c,.rines controlled S & D Opel\tion lnc'''liende·nce·.· The. Aleaof '01<';;ratiOri5 consisted of, thc.t portion 91" the 2/5 '.AOR ~ii~b of the bong 'l'Lu .. ~on. rrha outstDndingrE;sults f..tkined (<.s reported by till 9th NLrines) can b~ 8ttributed to the r~, id insertion of ~lu.merous helibor • . ne el"nen'ts Dnd 6.efective use of bloCkll1b forc0s Lround the ncr~rhcry of the •

...... reL cf Op;3r:::.tions • .-.s\-!ei.i.thel conuitions iu1, roved ,.no. ene;liY ,,-ctivity incre, sed, the ·Bn' s dD.ily

p2trol~ oeg,;m to i1j[.ke .ore fl'8 -:;uent contLct. l~umercus smc.ll firefights took pl.:.ce :h the vicinity of Lib~i ty hoaci. ,S the en"',ilY urlsl.)ccess.full~ Ltte.\llpted to" closG'beroad. Hi: rine c&sur.lti.::s fro.,u thcs<.: i.·ct~cns "'Iere light; ·the ",ne,;,y lUod­ere.te.

11181 0;."0r~tion hulkncr e. S & ~ in Ante{ Valley W8.S l:ostponed, the dt:cis:i..­on \:e~s..,e.(.e to run a Bn (-) .:;1:U<3p 'c tride Lib;.;;rty HOLd. T ..... ;"urr-.os..;; of· this . oPdrcti~, coae·'ne.;ll0 L[..nok~, '~,.~ s twofolc.. 1st to insure unim~ eded .:lovement <:.'-"! long the roc,d and. 2nd, to tacot thi.:l Lasivility of lilovmg tr£ccked vt:hicles <~cro"s the t", to ro_d. Bot(l obj6:ctiv.:s vJElr·e cl",~rl.y &tttined, 8nd the c.oility ct: the Cornm"nd to control jllulti - unit o;.::rc.tions cnca <..gc:in ;'roven. .<·,1-thougll ~n<~ C<1Sllcl.ties -weN ligi1t, 01 n L0noke left nQ Qoubt th2.t 2/5 units

oould oovs' wi ih inpuni ty in ifue ~entral portion o£ the' TA6R.'-'Th~ ~ e1':feots ".~ on the civll~an populace wei'~' obvious. .,.. .

. lncr"a.std e,'lph.o.sis on the ~.:llf.rov0mcnt oi An Ho;.:. Combat Bise Deft:i1s~s, 1.6: •• ccnstructl.or of n.;;;v. bunk,n's, trench syste,n, fie;hting hohs end :i.rotective hol-.; l'[.id l£.rge diviciencis on 25 February }vhen th(; ~&se ",rns 'hit bj' 35 - 40 82rJin/60mm iilortc:.r rCU!1L.S', i,;ount",r - .;.ortLr fiN "-;':'.5 r8,pid. [..nci <jne::.\y fil":' ::oilenc.;;d ,,'Ii thin . c', f0~1 ;.1inUt0S. V2i!t.' .. t-,";; 1t'LS light. Of til;;:' 11 lli1c.rines v:ounGed onli 3 Nquired tj,;;d Ev<:.c ~.nd nonl: (;f !-.hes0 V"S selious. ..Juc .L;UC iJistrict Hos susti.ined 3 fF KIA's and ',2 \111".' s in th", 3r .. iOO c ttack. - .

'the BdtE.llon\ first [;:.C (1':-1) >'iDS fully fermed 6l!Q ec;ui:p.;;d by 28 Feb md reo.dy to join thair t i' uDit c'.t l~inh Ginh 0) on 1 ~:.&rch. .

F:;vruary t;;nd0'ii with nUJ1k;!'ous ~~l&ns :in .rogr0ss fer CO!i1i:Ul;r size sweeps into kno~':n cne:lV 2r0c,e. ooth eL[,t and ~!est 01' the ~ong Thu Ben. .


1. Troo~J Indroci:.rin2.tion: 150 n':::\fi Officers (nc. .,16n fro;n GOt,US und0I'1i,(;lnt in'struction/c~ppJ.icat.icn thro1.~gh thE.: 2nd on, 5th r·l£..rin0s troof·indoctrination program prior to being Lssigned 4uty "ith rifle co •• rpanies. The follo'in§; sub­jects -W:;3:re . r"'80nted:

HnncUing F01;l f S ",nd Ct;.ptur·ed !1)oCUl1l!-::)nts



. -- ....... ~--


• "di 11 rry

1. Yissions Fired


,'I. Tot",1 Uise:i.ons - 917

b. H & I Pissions - 718

c. Observed f{issions - 160

d. Unobserved Nissions - 39

Round s Expended




' TotcQ Rounds - 5,662


( 1) HE - 3,682

(2) l1JI' - 104

(3) nl - 225

(4) Sf'.JK - 144


(1) HE - 102

(2) HP - 29

(3) ILL - 1

d. 8 inch

(1) HH; - 279

B. ...$,. Mort,'ms

1. Missions Fired

( a) Total Nissions - 516

(b) H & I Hissions - 302

(c) Observed Missions - 214

2. Rounds Expended

( .'1,) To t.'11 Rounds - 3,511

---CO)~H:8~~2"~921-~"'~--"--~-t- ~~. __ t __ "'----·~_._ .-~----~. ~,~-- •

(c) lrJP - 127




Civil ~.ff ,drs Prof!r~~1 C'rient:>.ti0n --nd fuforE'.A.tion on the 2/5 T.'\OR - f..n Po">. Fr'ii firing, C"lrc And li'inten"'nee of H-14, V-60, 3.5 rocket, LVTfs', .45 C~.l pistol':lnd grcn.",des Field Hyp;iene (H8~t':lnd l;"lnrip) First ~.i(1 Code of Corcluct/UCl 'J Scouting Fmd !'c.trolling!r'IRp '1.e",.djng ';\E1bush Tochnioues Pl.,nning "DC''!. C011ducting ~·"trcls

Suppl~" de sciDlinc (e "Ire -mel :r".inteD"nee (' f clothing; "l1d c('ui TT1m~t) J.oligions<>nd Custons of Yl,VF Introduction to \rty iby lie .' in 1m>} Nine <md Eooby 'I'r.,.p School

2. }U6El Rifle School

50 officGrs '1nct r;ien 1<fETC sleeted fron the four rifle cOfl'l'1n;ios "r..d Hi1·:S COFlp"~:e in order th . ..,.t theY. w, uld g.,.,in the neccssr'.ry b".ck:~round to en..,blc ther: to instruct other 2/5 Nprines in the proneI' usc ;:'Ind 11;:'1.inten",ncc. of the H-16 rifle. 'The sur---jects presenter'! v-mrc:' .

Goner."l d:>y'.<>nd ch".rA.ct, riAtief, of tr:c vTC"'.pon T oT'encl..,.tu:rE::, dis"sseHbl~" ::'Inct "'ss€T'.hl",; to inclu0.8 'r"ctic".l '1.'nlic"ti0n Functioning m.'1.1functions :~nct :i.r:Jr,~edi,,,,.te "'ction ;:ight .,djustnent C~rf; r:>nf., cle"ning Shooting 'D sitions ( <tde l"uncher XIU48 Short fiL1":l depictiong the o;Jer<>.tion of the N16El rifle




T"ctic,-,.l \ir (Strikes)

(1) t'uaber of1cquests - 4

(2) . Number of Flights - 21

( A,) F '..c - 6 .

(b) Tr,G - 15

T 'J,e tie p.l 'iir (Spooky)

(1) Number of "Reauests - i

e (2) 1\Tumbcr (If Flir:hts - .3

• H~l,ICC1)Tt:q

(1) rumb'r of 1crucsts - 27

( !\.) Tro('Y1S l,ifted - 830 ,


(b). "'o"nds Lifted - 134,200

(c) Det'linees IN!"!ted - 40

B1'I1d ~1'l8' e Reauests- 1

(;,) Nunber of Troons }·iftcct - 50

,.e (3) OE Lif.1ison Recuests - 5

(p.) lJumber cf Flights - 8

• 11EDEV 'J~ S

(1) J1unber of1eoue sts - 80

(2) TrooDs"'.ted - 88

(3) Civili;ms Ev!"1,cu;"J,tcd - 59




1. Logistics

'3.. Gener"'l. During Indc,ondenco ~nd T,l1nokc. the units in the field.

the nnnth of Febru ... ry there ~,r€re t1,1D o..-,rr.<>tions,

supnlies thus en~bling

No signific"lnt ;:'lrob1cns' W0ro oncounterod sU'1Porting On O::x:r~.ti(:'n L"1no\c, the LVT's "rere T1re-lorl.den with

them to be self-~ust~inod~

b. Equipment.

(1) The nest significAnt probleM. ~rell is still thi"'rl. echelon rl.e<>dlino of vehicles due to the lack o£ spare parts.

(2) The housekeeping vehicle problen h".s l:>cen rUr.inished n01,r thrlt they exch~r:Gd weekIy-. Inc of the fr:'ur (4) vehicles i5')r(,5cntl~~ loc."I.ted

"l.t ~Tcng Son. There is still -'1 need, h0Hcver, for "r1diti('ln.~l vehicles. tit (3) Tr~ns"'OY't'l.tlon for su")'lies ink 'n Ho"'. h"s W':"l:r.'OVCQ t"c1'T'CnrJf'UBJjr

now tht'l.t Libe:rt3T RoAd is c)Joned. Convoys h"1ve hee!"' rurminr, int(' this ·"re". C'n n. dnily b"l.sis.

(4) :woucst fnr '1.dditicnrtl hc~.r1.s ;md livln!7 c:m"rtae, the of a 'Wltor to:'Ter, !'l. sh01V'e~~ unit, !IJ1d ~. n01o! l'1esslirl.11 is 7!EJnri:ing.

present tine se-ne of the 1"'.,<1,terials h~vc '1.rrivcn. for the Tl8ssh0.ll. is 51 ~tcc1 to bcg5n 10 H 1rch 1967.

2. Supnlv

ccnstructir'n rt the Con struc t io~.

a. nE:mcr~.l. During tho ncnth ()f Fcbru~.ry, Batt.~lion~ SUY)1')ly su~r.orted two C er",V('ns within the T'.oR. During this perin ,1 sur.'TJly rcnuisitioned 385 slit dncUi'1cnts with 12 cOrl'Jlctions. Of tho 385 dncunents subT"'ittcd, 17 \\1Br0

02 priority of which 2 were cnr.l;)lcted. C'n the 20th of this 1'1.0nth, n. Division Supply tc~m insrectcd the,!llion f)upply <'pcr.,tion. 1csults~ s"Itisf",.cto. with rUnor discropflncicso

b. Problel'1.S. Supply of Bl"nk Forns "nri St!).tirmn.ry W".s uns~,tisf .... ctcr:T.



• • 'JC1'llHHC 'J.T1rti:.

1. R:;o.dio 1el'\r Inc - 62 v~ still T"rim..,J"1t"~nit "i' COriPlUnicfl.tions. Down time fr)r J'H t:!nd gcncr'>.tcr tuning 1.v~S at Fl. rd.nirn.ul'tt· ThcTRC ~ 15 Van hM been r.C''\ITn r'C'1:'c

thru1 it sheu] d been due. tc; b":1 f,cno!""'!.t..' nc\'1 t;<mC;l"",ti'!' h~.5 }'ccn prl'cured. The TttC - 27 w~s un mrst cf the; t~c. RcphecT".ont pt'\rts lIlCr"C .'W!'l.ilt~blo so down time "r:'1.S .'1.t n minif1u1!l,

2. (1.(jner",.tor: Initi,.,J. ~rk bGg!!1Jl on t~.PPinr, intn civili~n f!enerr.t('lr. of P 1 cr>.blc slowing everything to P.n oxtent. Uivision Enrine:crs assured us th~t 'ID()thcr 20 K\V' 'fdll br riven to us in the nc~.l" future.

). Hire: Rewiring of C Imp' for 0', :'"Ilore C' fficient wire S\rstcT'" :i.s ,..,ell undert<rny. \ t'.ore strl'.tegic P:).."1.cer.1.cnt of hotlincs h'1.s been instituted, 'f.e,..,iring ~d. nl,.,.cc­

l"tcnt of telephohf;s for the defGnse. ncr:ir..~:tGr is·unr1crway,

4. l.=>.dio: Vcrylittlc 1st echelon m~.intcnancc h~,s been nr·ted. Prn,cr trl".ining h.'>.s been initiated. Proper technic!'l.l rep;>ir h",.f' resulterl in the c~librt't.tton anr'l nlignmElnt of tho rndio s.

5. N:J.intemU1c·e Md. 1cl1air: L.qck of rejl,l'dr p;:I,rts cc !'1tinuc s tQ ")fa tr j.i'~hlat. Intensivo tr.!:'!ininf~ in ~1l echclrns of n~inten~nce is now being c0nductcd~ ...

6.- 1"crscnnol: Too U!3,ny of the ~Em ~ rctp.tinC ~t the stine tiM.(;l. ~t'()grJu:1. n('iW

un<ioI'W"'Y to tr.'\do ~rsonnol t()teg:imont.

7 •.. (h'cr!).tions: r,11 C'l)'lLrntinns 11{(;1'O r.l.ccrm.plished ,\rith little 0):' nl" nrC"blcl1]s.

e e




• •


h. ·.YOrE.;.';'.;) 0.".Hy l11}. b~':~ of' "!"tient.$ S·."'3D

Total numbs::' ·o:f 1)"'tJ.8:yGS se~;n '(;\1:\.S :,:10;"-(,11

o. .::outine; ~e(Iic~i Co ''s (8. ), k~!~'m<·ti tis (b) 'ij~I

. (c :;;)ial":'hea (d) ~al" J:i.sor:l·'l'S (e) ,'~ tOjllaO'll,lisorder s (f) rm:C,lel~ sion l?oot

7 • ::jign~j:ic"::.nt (~iseas,-,)s. to <.:.he ar3a ;;one J.~eport() ~ t~1j_S 1(10nt:1

D.. Detrc8.1s .~.8fcl"r2.1:s




1 .. :-'-.W .. '. 1967

2g 696


72 27 11 09 10 00



• • IS:": -"'T

1. Gcne·r'1.l~ The I'1."ip f"ctor in the Civic \ction ;)lVIgr"':r1. rlur-ing this re'"'0rting pcricd h:~.s been l'lodicl'.l .".ttention f('lr the no();)le. Durinr: this nerion., NC ~xt(mri·

,-or". Olll" 1)"trol of 9 Hflmlots. This brings an' incroc" of three ('Ivcr the 1 "st period .• Those ".,tr01s t'1ke· 'c'n thc1.vcr'"'pe of f(,uI' "'. weck. "'0 "ls0 hflvC' 1'.reekJv visits tn trc H"'nlct IJhkfs, Vill"'1!f) Chi"fs,' '1.knr' 'tdth District Chiefs ('f 2 Districts, Due Due ~rid OU:'r Xuyen. TTe h'we rc-.chcrl. :'1. high nCfCrcc rf c0mn."t,.,bilit,r 1-lith these pC0'nle md tho;r h ·'V(~· on M"fiY ccc."s5.cns infr.TT!lf;n us of VC "'.ctivit;r. l'n onc occ"s~cn,,,, ViJJ~ 'l.g~ Chief nctifil)d us of A. brcby tr."1.'"'1:'lcd r":rcn."lc'i.c th(') Viet Cong h.,rl. pl.<1nt(·rl ("n the r.,,;J­rc ".0. en '1ncth8r ccc".sicm the 17ill,,[',· Chicf of Xuyen '1m infcrmed t!1e Civic \ctiC'n ;)'\trl,l of ;> VC 0ut'Y'st, th.1,t w"'s usr,c1. fer" '>.ssel"b1y "rc" for their I1U!htly visits tc the E'y'lets of Vy Sen (2) 'lnn. (3). These "re t1trr cX"T>"lcs rf the crr·;r,r.,tjrn !lpr1 gC0d '''ill thn,t 'xists beb.reen 2/5 "'TI,r the Victn"1)"1cf'c '6{)>'116 in this "'1'0". 2/5 ",1"ns to hwc" Crtmty F?,ir in Xuyon HC''l. "i11"1[;o, Duy Xuyon District c·n 13-14 11.",:rch. This 1.".ill give us"'n inro!1d ink this l' for future HodC.."n r.,trols.

2. Vcr1ical fssist"nce. The Fl'.tt!l.linn BtS "'''!:' r10ne ~. fjne irl--. in "'ssif;tirr;r the CiA \ction T'rogr"1rr. ~~uring this rE', 'Orting pcricrl.. The fnllowinr is "'. t,·t",l ~ r1i~.,1 bre7-(:r.lm of the Vietl'1?T'1csO "eerle tr0.!l.teci this r.tonth:


~~~ Xuyen 1'hu Vill'1.,,?o: 281 W-fIeri, 273 men, Xuyen 11hu Vilhge: 102 women, 104 T'18n,

( c) Combiner'[ Tnt.<).l: 1,696

. 119 rs(' n ,..,1 \ssist:,nco. This nonths results

( 8,) (b) (c) ( d) ( e) (f) (g) (h) ( i) (j)

20,000 Ibs cf rice 6,000 Lbx of bulK"'r $00 .lbs flour 23 C' of pO"rdC'rcrl r.ilk 700 C'll1S cf sl'11.,rl oil 250 Ibs of s!1.1t 100 1bs b<Jby clcthing 990 of 50'1'"

950 schcol kits 8,000 buttons

391 childrc'n, 545 chilrlrcn,

"5 fdle,·rs:

4. EV!l.cup.tkn ",ssist"lnce. This r'.onths r(1[:3Ults ".re -".5 f01101"8:

(a) 5 men (b) 2 women (c) 12children (d) 19 Tot."\l

945 "Tot?l 751 Tcbl

5. Public Ir1'rC''Vcrcnts The refugee h'lr'lcit of Th"nh Hy is 'v"1' - TXY':ul?.ted. This presents ,"1> hc"lth ~robler.l "nrl this t'roblcl". W"1.s 1 rC'ught tr the ",.ttention ef the rcfu .... f;ees by the Civil Iff.1.irs Unit. The :'JCC'~le h~v(; In''dc considcrf-l.bJe progress townrds thE) cleming cf the ~1'G,'l.

The me0.ic-.,l clinic h"'.s"l.ls0 b(:en 0ue mll.inly to the heln of the "rnJT Civi t,ction I1nit.

6. County Fqir \ctivities, "ccunty f" ,"l·~,S held ".t ;'hu ~h H~T'11ct, Xuyen Thu Vill.'1[-c" Due Duc District c·n 16 1'lJ1rl. 17 Fopru'ry. Tho ccunty f"'ir W1:IS highly succossf ul "nrl. "nother is J)l~nncd fer Xuyon Ho". Vill"'ge, Duy Xuyon Dist:'ict, suring the month 0f En.reh.



SECRJ5'l' • Sr.;(! TI0N III·.,

.~.t. 010600H 2nd Bn(-) (n6in) 1 5th I'~.rincs. COT'l1!'!.9nd Grnl Co:;1pl'lnies P: ~nd F C'!T'r:(W to the 9th Jhrines for rpcr"tiC'n Inde1)cndence. . . '" " . . .

. !'.t Ol1750B CoB( -) pcrjrI8tC't' ljofcnsc('T 927528) :received 4 rna Sl! firefrr-!,,) vic '. (1\T 929522) resu1t:ing in 1 U~PC 1'TI'"',; fire l~r",s returnod lIrith S.'·, I'Ind ,. "","nd lO6.liM., . .:'\ro'" ~I"S crocked ~,t first Jight; ul1:'1ble to loc~te :"1ny sign of enenv c"sun,Uies.

r,t .020830H ". T'lt e&D fro~ CoH (IT 92l~517) discovered a· .~f-26'1prlr; rir:p:ed ,"'5 '1. !'line; mine b1o\m in "'Il"'.ce.

2/5 (-) (R.ein) continues to u'l,rticip,q,te in Coo:r".tiC'I1 Inderonctenc0.

n 0217OJH, Co H pc:rjrleter defense ('\T925528) received 5 rds S I,~. fire fr('l'1. ( 'T 9335"3), returned fire ,.,/9Onrl ,?nd~./Hfire obs(;"Vcd 3 eneJ"'!,y flee to the· F,:'.st .' CA.rrying 1'1, body. . .


03000lH 2/5 (-) ("Frein) continues te n",rt~cip,,\,tc in ('l)er~tion Ihdcpenderce. e ,\t 032030HCo H/P1t/ CF:. (!,T 92652a) received 200 rds ~ / ~c fire fron ~m "'pp:roxirn"te ener:w FirctcPJll "!.t (~,T 932523). --Roturned 500 rds p/\ ",nd 1 90nm; . CnGT1,Y broke cont"lct. .

',t 032100H Co H/Plt!CB p,t (h.T 914516) ,received 2 rns of60r:-Jrr !mn 20 rds S/\, retu.rned 15 rds Hr: 8:Jnr,; P.t sane tmc hc:u-d "'O'TCf1cnt in the '\Afire. Tht"(':1.'f 4. H-26 grenR.dcs. Squ'1d sC4rchoQ lines unC1.ble to cst~blish cont~,ct.

040001H 2/5 (-) (Rein) continues to p'1,rticin:'\to in 0por..,tion Independence.

i.t 042030H Co H( -) CP ( 'T 926527) nicked un 5 8ntny in the ('nen "rith T:P8-21 . 10c.<!ted (AT 920532); fired 8 rds 81T1!1 in ;'lre!'.~so"r.-ched -'ro". t1.t fir.-st 1ight, iln­~,ble to find :,ny positive indic".tions •

.r~t 042135H :>. Sqd l.mbush frcr\ Co H observed 3 Emony at (, T 904526) ."lnd· c . .,,11ed in $:1mm with good covcr.<>.ge. Unl'1.blc to check ".re". hcc"1.use 0f "ir:t":'ncc -1";' l"lissir-n _

~t 042230H Co H( -) CB ('T 926527) received onc rifle r-rcn "'.de And 10 '!:'rl s .A/r.r fire i'rom vic ('r 927525); fired 8lrn:>l illun, un".bJo to ·obS81'Ve ono!"y •. No further fire received.

\t 05l100H I'l, Sqd ro'1.d sec fron Co H ('T 908005) received :'1T'nrox 50 rds· I./ir :fire fr0m vfeod line vic ('.T 01350.3). 'Ttcturned fhe 1"/.~'~ "nd c.,.ned :in 81nrt. Sc~rch­cd ~rcD. found 3 halos I'lnd evilioncc cnG:ry h"d lIri thctrl1vm. to tho P,(,l1the "st; un",blc to reest"'blish cont?,ct.

,~t 052130H, Co H/,Plt/CB (~:T 926527) cneY'W threw I Fr"g rrcn"1rk into ncd.:motcr resulting in 1 USEe: T'V, (r,Ton-:Bv"C). Returned 4 rds 60mrn Illun; se..,rcheo nrer!

!'I,t first light un~ble to recst"1.blish cont"ct vdenery.

".t 0609100, Co G/CP "1rC<1" (!'.T S203S7); "rhile giving .instructions on the F-72 (Law) H~rinc instructor lIms trying to coll..,psc wnn w/live round insicto it. '·TC".-

, - ·"":on- ex-i:orled -rc-sult:i:T-l:[:--in-LUSt[C-·wIAA~d~1l:y.act. .. '. . "':', . --,,": ~-- --;-------~ --- - "'- -- - -- --

;·t 061600H, Co H/Sqd/SP (\T 895'5~5} fOl1TIa q Victnro"lcse ";on,qnorl tr.ttil "r1th ~n 811 steol '"l1lnji spike in her <1nklc. Gorpsn .... n trc"toc. ltTOm,,\n "nd c<1.l1cd .<\. ~:cd wA.Q





At 07100OH, Co fr/Plt/sp (A.T 908504), received, approx 1,000 rds S/A and iJW fire from an estimated ·enemw.Sqd·(Rein) (AT 908501). Returned 200 rds S/A and 81Ilun; enemy broke coa.tact and fled to the west. U:(lable to persue due to t'ac'tical mission.

At, 071600H Co G/Cli' (fl.T '82,4,388). Tail assembly from an expended M-72 (Law) projectile explode d",when Marine dropped as~embly on ground. Results: 4 USEe vHA 1 s (Non-Evac), all were treated in CompBnY. area.

At 080145H, Co H/CParea (AT 926527). A Vietnamese woman was brought to CP hrea by her family and y.Tas~ treated by Corpsmen for a punture wound under her arm. Me~Zvac at first light. .

At 08143Q1 Co H/Sqd/SP (AT 917512)" Point man tripped a M-26 Frag grenade ~e. Re.sults: 3 us~ \~IAfs, all Med-Evac.

At 08193511 Co H/periulElter are," (Al' 926527) received 3 rds S/ll fire from (AT 926522) . Returned 1 (Law) and 20 rds A/VJ fire. Enemy fire ceased,

At 09124511, Co H/Sqd/SP, (AT 918514) disc.overeCi. two punji :rits mined r~/H-26 Frag grenades; punji pits were destroyed along w/:r:r ..... 26 k?renades.

AT 0912001, Co H/Sqd/SP, (AT 918518). VN male of military age attempted to run from patrol, VN wc:.s &pprehended. VN did not ID card, found a ve flag about 50 meters from his home. VN forvarded t'o S-2.

At 091330H Co H (AT 915515). lvl<-.rine w/defensive position fired on VC sniper. One round struck 2 ve. Priority Ned"':Evac reouested and completed. Investiga­tion conducted.

At 1207001 Co G reported OPCON to 2/4 for Op~r~tion stone.

At 1212001 Co f".Recon pacrol (AT 85937$) received 5 rds S/A fire from rear ruld left flilllks vic\' \Af 85B380) resulting in 1 USNC 1.1A. Returned 20 rds S/1;. fire and ? rds 60mm;secured L2. and requested Med-Evc,c. .' 'e At 121315H Co H/P1t/SP (AT 934524) received 2 rds S/A fire; returned 20, rds S/A fire and 4 rds 60mm.

At 1214501, Co H/Flt/SP (AT 933520) obServed 5 t:ineItW "ith ,weal-ons moving North East. Fired 20 rds S/1. and observed 1 enemy fall. Searchec ,Hea (AT 940523) and discovered pool of blood. Area looked' as if 1 VilA eVe) had been dragged off. .

At 121925H Co F(-) CB (AT 87236$) and VJhiskeY,Btry 2/11 qn OP (AT 814383) . observed estim.ated 50 cal M} fire approx. 50 rds from vic either (AT 885365) or (AT 879391) at Med-Evac he10 lifting off from Co F(~) position. Arty missions were c~led on both suspected enenw positions, the former "lith 4 WP and 20 HE and the latter with 55 HE rcis. Enemy 1".0 cee.sed fire. The hel0 did not sustain any hits.

, "

. At 13110CH Co H/Sqd/SF- (A-T 930520), discovered 1 H-26 Frag grenade mine set with trip wire. Nine was destroyed ;in place. .

At 131S15H Co H(-)/cB (AT 928527)' obsorved w/20 power' scope t"o enemy w/pc'.cks and waapons, (AT 930508). Fired one 90mmHE rd resulting in VC KIA (prob). Searched area and found drag 111P.rks. __




• "=.

l',t 131$35H Co H (-) 1GB (~.T 928527) obscl"Vcr. ,.,/20 ncWC1'" scopc s:ix CD.CT'lY in grey 0110 Kh;.ki uniforms w/p,,"cks T1GVing ~p (A,T 931506). Firecl. rm; 90rm rn.; ore:erved

cnc cnc".,y cr:\wlir[':; fired second 90mn rrl; rmeny dis"""'T)c "t'ul. "";sti!'''.to 2 'Ire f(I~ (Prob). Se~,:"ched ".ref:!; founti cvi0.cnce th"t 90rnm round h..,d irn""·"ctcn '1.t .,bove·. eneI"Y cocrdin'1.te;s. ..

~ , ,

r,t 141220H Co He -) . .l j ('T 908495). lih.rine set off C-'fl"tirn b"'C l"'ine' t'csult~ ing in onc: USI'C • T' (?7on-'8v'1C). .


·~t 150830H Co H/sC1d(+)/SP'for ro",d"s1· rl2en !'It ('T 011503) rec twr rrl.sS/.~ fire' frr,m ( '~T 905504). 1Wturned 10' rns sh. fire; UM.t.le tC' ·se . ."rch· ~re,:, due. to ""issi~l! •

.'.t 151245H Go H/Plt/Cf ( lIT 914514) .'1;prchcncted 12ye".r (lid boy inside wire ..,ttcJnpt-ing to stc<"l.l rifle ~ . Turned over to the 8-2 scctirm. for ~ctir·n. . .

···.t 160915H C/f'lt(":)/SPfoi. ro~ct s, 0 'een .found lxnby tr.'I,pped c"'nnonb.,ll COT 905475). BI01m in p1!C.ce by F:nfinccrs; h..,d '1 scconc.~.ry eJC!)lo.sion.

i~t 160955H E/Plt(-)/SP for ro"d S'!rcon ( (~T 911480) received 4 r:-1s S I,. fire. Sa.w [10VCT1cnt in hedGc'rev' .. nd returned 20 rds 3/\. fire~rid 2 rc1.s 11-79. :r.ncmy fire

• • 0

cc" sod; continued NS~J.

/,t 1613.30H (t.T 909491) J'W". H.-m6, Jw~ ~hn De;Ltn. 6, .,nr1 driver "rcrc ">nbushed by 5 to 6 cnCrlY .(',T 905491) .'..t 161350H " rlt fI'f'P Co H vr"'.sriisn..,tchcdw· the "rCl "; procoeded to cS~Grt ~bushed T,)"'rty to 'hu r.,,,c (6) ('~T 926527)~ .rne TTS!·'"C KIt, (the driver), "no 1USJ.:C'T\.

During ni,eht of 16 Feb 67, "n unk size enemy fnrcc dcptr0ycrt I''lilrN1.d brilip:,( ".T 90e481) l>1ith cx·')losivcs. ',t 170915H Co H ?It (-). S:'> l"/ro"d S1,TOOT:' confimod. "'nr'!. submitted rtPNlgc rc~rt. '\t I7101]H FIt (-) .,n.-l Vietn"T1eso buildnzor disp"tched friClill ~n HortBase to builc. b:T-'~ss for wheeled tr ... .ffic ., river.' ~\t 17I15SH <lirt c(Jr.mleted. .0

,t 170505H Co E(-) set-in bloc.kin~ position vic' ( 'T. A654B5) ."'nrl cOJl1l"lonced County A. Frdr ('')cr.,tion 5-13. .r

'tt 170950B Co H/Sod/SP found two Y-26 bcoby tr<'l.ns with trip Wires (AT 935525) !>n"1 (,\T 935524). Beth wore b10vtn in nb.ce.

At 171200H Co G chorpcd t;oCON from 2/4 to 2/5.. (,kturrect fr0!'1. r .... n ~trro)

~t 1806]OH - lS1130R Co H (-) &.cD l"loved to blk pos vic (~T 949514) fer subseauent S\'roen, H~pl1et L., Th'lP (1) (I,T 947516). l00720H PIt rec 025 rds S I~. fire from 4 VC ( r·.T 936511); rot 100 rds Sill. fire, cncrr.yfirc ce<>sc0.. 180740H II (IT 948514) rec Fr., ~/H fire ("T 947517). 10t 200 rds sll, 4 jT-79; c(';nttnucd tc ,."ove to blk Po,s. H"rine ste'ncd on or triggred unk exp device; 1 [It\, 2 Trr \, . "rounded Sqd

lc.,d::.r triu~cred "nother.-lcvice th"'.t cJC!)lcncd two. ft .,bove ground WOWldihf, fivE' . I'10rC If''rinE:s. god ::V".C (3 TI'I.\ & 1 KIA). 180900H CoH (-) S"lO~t L!'1. Th".r (1) while

gongs scunded liV"'rning. Found one l')"'ck 1."/eno'y GnclF.l';ntsj ('no det"inee (sEmt to­dist Hi':). 181040H rcc n:>prox 200 rd,s s/ ~~, 'Jr.'.r fire ( ',T ~47518); ret 600 rds sh

.m(l. ',/r fire, 10 1.'11",s, li 1,-79, 3 3.5. Enerw fire cC".sed. A.t this tine H-3!~ --------(\T--94S.,§24)-ohsorvcd-w.!bin.QCJJ1"J:s, 4._men (\T 944511). 1 rl"'n Blond c"l.uc'1si"!n Ho"rin,r;

light blue unifcrr: <1.nn. S'<>rl brr;\·m belt; other ·t:hrceoricht;.ls'''''cnr':lfi[!whitc,'khoJd· ".nC. bl'! T' J' s. Firerl 24 rde 8Jl"1rlj obsorved onerw run intC' trees· ~nd f"tll. Se .... rched "ro~ wino further contC'.ct.



• • rt 181023H CC'unty I;> .... ir ('T)(:.,.~tj. n 5-13 tc~in<>.tc~d ":0 '!"'c -) ccnr'uct~r1. return SW'cep to 'n Ho~ .•

rt 1908:30H, Co H /:1of'l0 St.oJoc"0/2 tl"'ct "nc. 'Snp.: (h.T' 912509) frunn one ~lmm ,.1"" round bur-ioC! in rc'."n. l"/'1ri:::ssuX'e t· 1"0 d,·:tnn"tor. Drstroycn. rdno in nl".ce ~nn. cr'rtinuen

f •. t lC)2255H Co H ('T 926529) received ]0 rrl.s Sl" 'f~re '~r<'1"> vie ("T 927522). Re­tumcd20 rds60r:lIn, 20 rds 81l!lr.1 "'nct 5 ]"('ls !llun. VC firecc"'sod.

,~t20105.3H Co E B",ld :'<lgle '\o!"l.S ~lc'~ted f0r tl0ss~.r~G insfi'~t5cn (~T 956425).\t 201255H F.".ld ?!)}Yle H"1.S inserted. .~t ')Ol<::50P p1.i8s~.'n cl'l")""lptoa.· JOQ h~p's .. f rice, ... ·~prox 2' tons 'tiare 0E"livel~ed tC' Duc Due Distd.ct. ·201550 ~'issioJ" COI'1.­

,,]oted unitextr"'cteel <lrrl returned to .~n En."'.

~.t·201530H· 2nel -'It '.Tls w!::'lt(-) r,o H !'c;turrinr: fron .tr.. PO'''l to '1m T,,,.c (6) nb:-. sc.rvc:d 2 va qtt(~r",r,t:in.f to bury .'" ~inc 5.n T,ih(~'ty io.qd.. (''"'fm fire on I:nerny witha

50 rt:'l.s 30 c".l. HG. '170 "ttc~"ted. to CSC"'.~. rne 'TG seen to :I'''ll.'T' 5 \-lith • lir:ht sec tanks"'nd 'sC'd. fron H '2/5 sG"rchorl "1:'("" "'nrl. fnunrt 1 VC KV, r,r/r.".ek, f¥.47'"lncldocUlncnts •. r.T's n(:rs0pnol <I,tt8l:'.ptocl to blot., -inc ltrithrtit success, ur:its' continued "'.ission "'fter J"I."rkinr.!1'1.ine "nd k"vinp " st:,curit37 olancnt with U. ..

,\t 2OISOOH ';0 H Sn 1'1nn ~ :'cv"nr: tr rlc"trr" rninc ohscrved 3 VC ~ttel~ltjnr. to rCl'Ovo bor'ly <>.t ('IT 910490).0T)om.:d fire resultinr in 3 va KH's (ormf). Co H [loved .... PIt w/Tigcrs into "'re~, te cJ.e"r ~r(:') "Dr'! f'o"'rch frr "fly ;'1.01"0 onc!1JT •

. :::ngs dcstrrycr\ ,8e."l.rch 0f"'rc"'. "'ovo"lo,l nC"> further' "fd.gns c,f (:'ncr'~~ in tho'lrc"'.. Units 'Y'cturncd tOb"'.f'.8 4 ~TC KIA's (cc·nf).

'.t .2116Q)H Co H c,onvoy security (.\T 920517); he·v'!. cf' crnvry received "1.pnrox ·lD rcls S/\ fire '1.S thcY1"oun(1(;d .... curve vic (AT 920513); returner'! 100 rs S/~~ fire ,111r'l 10 roum'rs.· 60r!r1 mort1rs into treelino. Sonrch treeline "'nn ff'unr1 3 l-rounded VN teen'1gers (2 Boys <lnd 1 Girl) ~ Invcstig".ti0n sholl1Te("l. w-.un':1.ed· ~1·T r,-.rerc hit by str,y rounds t'lfli'ilc stl1nrling behind tr'coJine r""om "rhich cne',')' fire C~P1EJ. e .'0 we<'t:;x;ns fo,ind. '!oundod brc-'ught to rn~ "'nr1 cv;"c'r1 tr. [T'''O}:' H""Snlt"l.

';.t 220345H Cq }i; ( A,T 912515) reccivcct 50 rrts nf S /~ "nei 25 rcurl.''!s'''utl'!11"tic "!C"'­J'0ns fire fr(:, , vic (",T 913514) !'osulting in cne U~~C TrI~~ 100 rrutinc Hed "v.".c "'t first 1 ight. 1cturncd 500 rrls S /~ <1nd 5 )"rls '60rr0:n T';rrt.".rs. '?orrutod :SCFB-4 to vic ("T 013514) !'I.rd ~ot~bush. No cC'nt'l.ct ~"'dEi. r".trrl !'Gturnoi tc CT'. l·kd T"Ir."Ie C(l'l "'l.:tcd".t 220715H.

,'t 220500H. Co F (W ge1399) req. one ')-,.erg. Yeel 'tlN<>c ff'r IJCTll S!'1~.'n.TT"V T'. 2]0 . 5007 usnc; dbr:nosis - fcod '''0is('ning. LZ for r~ed 1OVf'I.c vl."'.5 secured ."lnd J"'l!'l,1"ked with fbshlights. lIed :Cvr>.c ".r." S c('r"leted ,"l.t 220630H. Rn surgeon ,;ourn eyed te­Nong Son to :inVGst~g.,te C,llac.

~,t .22I0COH Cor:: (.'.T 938532) S-2 scrut with Co ? '1"trc.l founel .2 booby tr"pped . 1

Chi-con C1"cn<'td,es. Booby trl1.;rpod grcn"'eles ~"ore blmm in ;:>l<lco; l"":rked tree 3'2 fcot bff ground wjth "1, 211 slice.

l.t 22121SOrCcH C!v'.iB ( '.T 8894B7) received 10 rrl s. S/ :'~ fire:~' fire. 1;0 further cont".ct.

:'It 231115H .Co H CIT> (!\.T 8894e:?) received 20 tn 30 rrl.s s) \ "'rvl. 'Jr.r fire frr-n tl'colinc rosultjnp: in 1 U~W KIA. Fed IW'1.c HI~.S 1"Cguostcd. ~oturn(Jd 1'I.'"'prox 200 rds S/\ "'no .V- fire. Checked \1"0<",.




• • .\t 231300H Co E ClIP ('.T 884477)' spottE:d 3 vc ~'Tith Wf;<>PC'l"S Cl'0SSing rice C'''Irtct:lr •

ToC'k VC undor fire 1,lith 200 rds S/' fire. SC'lrchen ~r(;" .,fter cr-TIT)leti0n of 1 US"C KI,\ lied Dr;")c. ',t 231320H p'1:t.rol snottcd 1 VJ'T flccjnp: fr<":', vic (',r 891

488). Det!'l.incrl 1 VN !:'I.nd fOrl'J.,.rnorl to BnCI'. Fed ;:Y"c cOTrl.Dlc:ton. rI,t 231340F. SeLrched £1req. \-q.thou1i l'\JXther contp,ct. .

".t 231500H 2nd :;-:l't-, CoB, 1st ,\T Bn Cf'nvC'y (,T 915511) ricton"'.ted !'linE: between lead Ontos "'nd'2nd vehicle resultinG in nr.- TT.'1'"C c"su"ltics. "n~ nr' vchicul".r d"r'!1go. Visu'1,ll"chcckod ,'lrG~. Inrtic">.tions 1I-roro th'"lt rtcton"ting "'.evice V!'l,S

by c1cctric<>l CNW:.<:nct. Pine est:ir."I,ter1, to be Ie to 15 Ib ch,'"lrgc.·· Visu'!11y checked "rc'>, ,We', cGntinUEJ0 nission.

',t 231610H 2nd' It, Co B, Ist'T Fn, cnnvoy ( ',T 916510) rkton"tc: rl l"'ino to the rCRr of l.,st ('nt!) s in Cotlvr:y "'csuJ til",f in 1 TTSFC l:H (7:0<'1 ":v"'c). ('ntosCoI'1I'1pnrl­or tr'1nsfcrred to 6X6l Visu~.lly insnecterl ':'rc". 1Jekn'1tin;c: rlGvicG unknown. ContinuLd niss:i.rm.

r.t 231945H, Co IT. CPR ('T 92S52S) ohscrvc;r] 10 170 crossinr· Song Thu Pon rivcr, e south to nnrth in 5 bopts. 2 VC ~x'r P0'1,t. T00k VC unde .... fire ~ . .,rith 67 rrls Sln H:S nno 14 rrls 8).rrJn illun. Initi!l.1 volleJT ''''''8 direct hit. "'our bo",ts r1estr,-~T8r1 in "".tor; one: blown r'ntc DnY'th 1:-..,nk '·']'(:ro '" l'1 Cl lrr scconrl'''r:'l <,xnlosion r1estrC',~Ted it. I~inor e:xnlosions rr>8rvcrl in other 4 D".,ts. Tr"c("1"s "nrl sh cnntjnucd to cX'llode frr . .,',l'l)1'CX 15 rd,nutes resulUnr: in 10 lTr,VV (crnf).

/.t 2h0130H Co 1';, .,.,,:' ('T'O,l95l8) obS8rved 2 "!'red '7C C'·" ssing rice ')~r1ny jntco treeline. Took VC unncr fire 1'ith 20 r(1 s S ' -me' 4 rc1 s 6()mr". Due to t"tctic'O.l situ"tion ""\d rl:'rkn(;ss cc-ulrl, not svrch "11'C"1.

/,t 240945H Co Flt CIT ('·T 829354) received 15-20 rjs S/~, fire frrn w'est. FrOm 3 ve. Flushed \TC from tunnel c0nplex ,""t vic ('T 830351); rcturnecl50 rrls S/', 7 r,..1 s 60PlTI "1nd S6 ~rchcd , "r8" f<T 30 r'in: oct.,.inecl 1 VN. CC'!T)turc(' ID c .,rrl s, med­ic..,1 sUlJplies: ,"111ell tphlct with Chinese insc~ts. Tunnel cC1:-:;lex blov'Tl inpl.<>ce. C'1.l 1erl .,~ty .ni~sion rm VC reute of egrc~s. T'urserl VC. Detninoe !'In,1 c,-.':tu1'or1 m~,terin.l forvr~rr1;,d tc- C:-'. t,t 241255H rccciverl 10 :rls pI"; fr~r1 ",Tcst. 2 VC fro_ VlC ('T 82$35B) ." Returner! 35 rds S/ \. Mn cr!.llGd "lr on st"bcn. '.t 241310H or'krcrl '.ir striko. EJc"'rchc(l' ."rc'-' for 'JO Hin. pnd fnunri indic",tion th..,t Cl'lc.ny

fled Nest intc tree line. Continued r.1ission.

r,t 2418'30H Co 'G'crn vic (S 925525) roc. 5 rc1,s sniper fire froP1 vic ( '.T 932524), :itet 25 1'r's S/\ fire "nc1 sc,-,rchcd f'1'c'~; 1"1.0 evic-1oncc of cwny c<"lti(·s. D..csults 1 1T"'VC r.rI'~ (Non-W;vR,c)

~t 242230H T,mkcr with Co ::; C'.T 92552;) f\311 frnn t.<>nk ,luring relief fif w"ltch "no sufft. rod ."\ r4.08p Je"0 l"cc;r·"'.tion. rmerr oncy NBC l~Gd-~ ... "C' rcnuc sterle C01,'-)lctcr "\t 242335H.

tt 252310H 2/5 Cf1rc", the 'ir :'tri'] ,. r:l Due Duc District PC,'1,clou<>.rters receiver'! ~:r:lDrr:x 35-40 rrl,s of 81/82r:lJn~nr' 60rn ~crt"r fire fr0c1 vic ( ',T 849479). "'?,csults: 11 H,~'IC "1:','8 (3Ev?c). Duc Due sust",ined 3 :-'F YI'~ls!)Dn. 2,·TI"s. "',eturnc0 counter "''Crt",.r firo on VC ;lsn ,'>nn routes of C"1"CSS, 105 rr1s (105), 8 ros (155)

-3~trrl&JBJJJr_J:!~) •. .-e1l0);:uJ"ts: Direct hit on 1 VC port"'r T'('Isition. , - - --~------- - ---= - , -------. -----:c-- ~ __

/,t 260930H 2/5 CP "rc" 2 6Ck)n (~ud s 1'.rC"C fC'uvl "l,":::rGX 50 :'ctc:r8 81 T cllts.ic10 of perir'ct<r "$". r,suJt of 252310H [1.o1't'1r att"ck on nsn. ~·10'(l>.'Y! in T)l~ee by 'Pne.

't 2707,35H q security 'i"trol for 1'< ",-1 S' 'eel' tri'TCc1 "!!-26 to. no bC'oby ,tr",.l,).




• • Result9~ C'ne U~FC TTl' F.',d-:"'\r"lc. 0;, l.~noke.

Co H & G qontinue k p"'rtici:)"'.,tE: .in 2/5 s&:D

Co G" Co H Md Gle~1,mts of Co E continue to '''r',ici;-,,,,ta in r··1(3r.,-ti0n LFlnoke. --. .

. ----- --- ---


e .

DECLASSIFIED ---------~ -- ~-

• SECRET " . ...,. T)A1.T -;JV oJ

SfTTJPOf:?Tll·'G oocrr cErT~

Sitll;:l.tir.n ~~eT)Orts - ~To 53 taru Vc 81

D~v "lnrl Night ~.ctivities for 1 F,~b 67 to 28 Fcb 67.

D!'ly/Night ',ctivity Overl~ys for 1 Feb 67 to 28 Fob 67.

Fr8g Crder 03-67 (VJfOKE)- Cony 8 of 32 copies

?tIH RpT (~pt.J . IN l)E PC~ Dc N C EJ





"'-," 1


hag Order 03-67 (LANOO)

CopY.~sr of ~ Copies 2nd Bn,' 5th Marines

.AN HOA,VIErNAM ' 2418.00'H Feb +967

REF, (a.) Map: southVietnam~ .j;: 50,000, '~DAI'LOC)' AMS series. L70i4 Sheet 6640 'IV

(b) 1st MDR;Drl'ryPO 3Gl .. 66 . '(0)' '2l'iCi En, ry-t.:h- Ha:~:L")9S leisg 2.30535Z

'. '(d) 'g&; 1st '~i,mJ:i:Y"M:sg 24023iz Fob 67

T~e,?!on~., __ H

.'l'af:!k .. Or,sanizatj.on: No ohange :_ • r • ~ •


. a. Zrlemy Fo~~. See ourrent Intsums •

• , b.~icl1/liyFcrcO"s~;:'

-~ .

1. FMAW provides Air support· as required . .' ' ..

2. ~2/1I' d~ect support 0,

2. MISSION I':" .• ,

2/5 (-) (Re,in) conducts a, S&D Operation a.~trid,e Liberty Road 'to destro7 or capture enemy forces and equipment therein, thus insuring unhampered movement bei;-reen--,Phu I.i:."C (6) and, the' An' Roa ,Combat Base •

'r , 'a. ConceptofOperation-"!.=

1 •. On D~l one company mov~s a (Rein) Plt from the .An Boa Comba.t Bass to conduct sweeps vic (AT 878486). Plt maintains night pen. at above coord tp screen :moyement of CO( -) '(Rein) into' area 011 D-l)a.y.

2. At H-liour OA. D-Day one Co '(Rein) lllove~overland"and commences a-­sweep to the l~ in an area bounded on the east by Liberty Road and the west by the Song Thu'Bon~

One Co· (Rein) 'moves overland and oommence B a sweep to' the east and than north in area bClUlded on the west by Liberty Road and the east 'by .GL 94.

Orie Co blocks to the north from - psns vic My Loo (2) and Phu Doo (6)" (See Annex A).



DECLASSIFIED -- ~ ... -....;;- ----

C07TFD~:irn.JL • I:ODIFI ~D :-::IL:-.0~I~.':G L-~-:.:~:ORIL;::::D

b. CoR (Rein)

1. With a light section of tanis and two LVTP-S's attached, conduct S&l) Opns in area bounded on the east by Liberty Road, west by the SOng Thu,Bbn and north by Phu Loc (6) and My Loc (2) 01 1•

On D-l conduct PIt (Re~) si~e sweeps in vic (AT 878486). Insure PIt (Rein) is in psn to screen movement of Co (-) (Rein) ort D-~.

Be prepared, on order, to assume bCloekilgpositions in the ,\-lestern Quadrant of the Area of Operations.

o. CoO. (Rein)

1. With a light section'of Ontos and two LVTP-5'e attached, oonduct S&D Opns in an aneabounded on the west by Liberty Road, east by GL 94 and ncr-th by GL 53.

2. Insure sweep includes the high gL'mmd vic AT 9246 to 9448.

3. Be prepared, on order, to assume blocking positions in the Eastern ~drant of the Area of Operations.

d. CoE (Rein)

1. With a light section of. Tanks and 81mm Mortar section attached~ assume blocking pens in vic of l'hu Loe (6) and My Loc (2) m-' Ih·

2. Be prepared, on order, to conduct sweeps should tho enemy situation dictate.

:3. Maintain one sqd (Rein) on 15 min alert as the Bn Sparrow Hawk •

c. H&SCo(-)

l~ Assume responsibility for tho +ifle companie~ sector of the An Hoa ~erimeter Defense the night of D-l.

2. Maintain a provisional sqd (Rein) on 30 min alert for possible employment as a Sparrow Hawk.

f. 2nd PIt CoB 1st AT Bn

1. Attach one light scotion to CoG.

2. Ma~tain PIt (-) in reservo pOBiti~n at An Boa.

g. 3rd r-lt GoA 3rd Amtrac Bn

1. Attaoh two LVTl'-5' IS each to CoG and CoHo

2. Naintain PI t (-) in vic of An Hoa. for troop/supply lirt as neaded.

- 2 COl'L".:.:J 1: . .'::"2.. :.iGD:;:':?I.";D :::'L.:J'::'::. ::', J!.-::,o":'~::':ORnj,e;n

, ------;-----~--------- - .-- ,=---- --~ .




• h. let nt CoB 3rd Ta.r.k Bn .

• .' • I '; ,:t.·-. .. '!

.:.' .. ~. .:" '.':

1. Attach a light section of" tanks'to CoB • • i/:; .. " ',' .... .: ........ .

2. Tank l'lt (-) DS!COE.

i; Coordinating Instructions .. . .

1., D-Day 26 "feb 1967

2~H-HOur"" '0700 .

;. 'tOl> tresent Ii'ositj;ons

4. Direction of 1I.t'tac:k\.,·~'norally N0rth '" '

5. Lib~r.ty:Road:is ~ ftrec.oordinaticin l~e~:' " eoo~d:ina~~'~oi'tll,·:f'iree withadjacerit 'Un:i;t~Qoord 'f:i:re~ in vi~~ l'hu :Lri~f (6). sil:d~·'.:Lo'c (2) with CO C()Z~ .

6. Report l:,U"rival a.t l:'hasa Line :Boun,ty.\.<· ',L :

7. Atta.cluaonh ottecttve' 251BOOH.

e. Re-instruct personnel on procedures for requesting support.

9. ~ox A (pp,~ration Overlay)

4. ADMm:tarR.A1'IOl{. m"!;QQI$'ICS

a. Submit: spb't:reperts as required.

b. 3aoh Marino will oarry six (6) MOl's, two 'oani;ecn~.o.£: ,,~a,~er;pur1f'ioa­tion tablots and salt tablets.

c. Ammunition

1. Riflomen; 2 Bandoliers and 5 magazines,

2. Auto-Riflemen: ?:Bando.1,icrs ~d 5 ~gazines

3. Grenadier: 48 Rounds

4. Hand Grenades: (HE, WP,Slliokt3.,. @ci:,C,s). as, r~quired.

5. Dooolitions as required

d. Rosupply as necessary_

G. :Nac wounded to HAS

1. Re-instruct personnel as to procedures tilyolVing heat cases •

.... 3 -.





a. COIIlll1 IAW Bn Col. Monitor BnNets at H";2

b. :enOl' will be initially lCicat'ed at An Rca.


~. (Oporation Overlay)

DISTRIBUTION 1. plus: . CG, 1st Mil.RDIV (2). . 1st rlt CoB 3rd TkBn (2) 3rd ~lt CCh 3rd AmtracBn (2) 2n(~ l'lt CoB 1st j~TBn (2)

o ONP TIlB11T ill





011 rill H

~I' Hi UJ UJ

~Ii u ril 0


\ "



ANNEX A (Operation overlay) to Frag o. 03-67 (LANOKE)

Ref: Map: S,uth V;ietnam, 1:50,000 (!)l\I LOe) MolS series L70l4 . . Sheet 6640 IV

tI (;')(REIN) Time ~onc: H

1 (~;'J5 PI. ebl.lM1Y


'. ,., H /2Sl5


4~--~ mS'BIBU'ITON: (mSTRlBUTION) to Frag 0 0.3+67 .. , :

'., · 'Ii





~:i',i ,',,', ,'"," -r,..!,',",',! • :.; ,J i;--',,,' , I

AN HOA Vi.:S':'d:'\J"! 2l:',800h F,~:, 1067 +5)'-

~j PL8o~l'IrY


1 '

'~1 ~ ~ /1) r, \,.k;J ./;'1 1':) ", 1:(' L, ~.;,-, ,

V : . M. G. JACKSON JJ: ~

Lieutenant Colonel, U. S .. Hannes Co:r."f':' Commanding

• • • ., .i.

.I n ',1.~! ~.~ ';-' ""rr~' i, ,:,

o ril H ~ H UJ UJ

~ U ril o


/ o· •. - .• ~ \

• 1. £ :. . '. , .... <ft.· .•• 'o~, .• ,'·

'.; "l' ~ -... '. ,.'.~~ • \

9th Mar. Rtt8t.. '\' . Con.trol NQ. oo)!2-67 Copy No.-Z- o! LS :-::i";C: ::id:V.:,u"l.icn.? 5th Madr:es

1st };Im:'.iJ~8 ::::~~vls:1.on (ReJn) HW FPO San Francisco, California q6602

'i!.r~!isb I? February 1967 00'3'\4367

From: Commanding Officer; 2nd Battalion, 5th Harines Cormanding General; Firsu Mar.ine Division Commanding Officer" 9th Hnrlnes

To: Via:



Cor-bat Operations After ,'lction Tleport

( a)

(b) ( c) ( d) ( e) (f)

Haps: South Viet1'lAJ!l,~,YS (1:'50,OOO)-, 6540 I, b640~n:II" IV . 9th Hannes Op 0 1-67 . j

9th Harmes Regt 0 3100.1C 1st HarDiv bP 0 301..:...66' 1st Hat'Div 0 P02000.2C (c:P:OI) 2nd. En, 5th I~arines Op 0 1-67

SeriesL'i().l4 Sh~ets



1. Code nal'le, DJDFPRHD'PNCF) (Sea.:rch and Destroy). eop.6tm12~ 2. Dates of Operatiop. (OlJ.OOOH Feb 67 to 090900H Feb 67).

3. Location. QUlIl,TG N,~H Province, f"lr.~}J DUe DUe and 01T~1\T Dn IDC, SOUTH VIF.T!"TJ"M, bounded on the north by the S('ING 'IlU G!!\ on the east r.y the SONG THU BON cm.d on the ,,,,cst by the 1st HarDiv T"OO boundr.v.

4.. Control and Command Headouarters.

9th Marines

2nd Bn. (-) (l1ein), 5th Hannes

Co E, (Rein), 2nd-nri" 5th H::trincs Co F; (-); 2nd Bn:, 5th ~~arines Co H:; C-)" 2nd Bn, 5th lfarines Co A, (Rein); 1st Bn; 1st Matines Co B, (1ein), 1st Bn, Ist'Marines

5. Task OrganiMtion.

2nd Bn, (-) (Rein), 5th Marines Dot H(t.S CompMY Co E" ('f1ein), 2nd -Bn, 5th }farlnes Co F: (-); 2nd En; 5th }~arines Co H; (.;;.)', 2nd J:n, 5th Marines Co 1\, (1oin); !lst Pn; 1st Marines Co B, (nein),;lst Bn, 1st Marines


LtCol JA!1'<'S0N

Capt PI,'::i'scpr(!.

Capt r-n)iJPM Capt V~ Ca pt CT.rr-wINGlf ~}IT Capt Lt,I\'T

M~@~~~~~W~~[Q) I -------_J


DECLASSIFIED --.:f·7 - ----:;...


2 I Kg • • ~ '\,..

/ I

(1) Tactical rtir 1I.I'aS reuuested vin the 9th'Harines T~R Net. 23 /". fixed wing sorties were controllec1. by the 'Pn. T'\CT'. Excellent target / @@verage was obtained in each inst~nce ..

(2) Helicopters were ernploy"d throuphout the ccnffilct of the '0nera­tion. 29 1iftswe~'e required to move the TIn ( ... ) (Rein) intI"' the oper,"\Ung area. Two halos ".I"8c:'e on a 24 hour standby ::J.t fJlT FOA to sur-ply logistic support for the field units. Resupply WM controlled by the f-TST Team.

(3) Medical EvacuP,tion. TWc helos were on'24 hour stl'lnd by at IlN H01\.. All requests ",ere made via TA..11.··5 and no r1.ifficultH~s "rere en­countered in providmg' assistaJ1Ce within a matter of minutes

(a) Breakdown of Requests

1. Total number 37 ,g" Personnel Evacuated 90 3,. Det.ainees EvIlCuI'l.ted 09


b.' ARTn.tER¥" Btr.vE (n.ein), 2nr1. Bh, 1'lth Mp.rines. located at 't1T tT0~1 provided direct supnort to the Batta15.on. The ma.50ri'c;1:T ()f'Illissll"'ns were fired against sma::'l groups pn~!or indivictur,l eneI'1Y snipers. ~~08t lTlissi('ns were observed altho·' on occasion the ene!T\'{ t·I~1.S not" :I.lhen sU:Mf~illance was impossible on;3 volley norrnaily suppressectenenw f:i.reo In an effort to draw attention B:vray fran the intenrted J .. Zts, a pren was fired into ~"l-tenna Valley vic. (1'.'1'095370)0· .

( (1) nreakQo~m of missions firer'! nnri rruncis exnen<ier.:

( a) Hisslcns Fired 105mm S1mm Total Obs13l'Ved 612 22 634 Uno!Jserved 1 0 1 H&I 71 20 -21


(b) Rouncts Expended. 105l!lM . R1mm Total HE' 61'2 22 634 WI' 41 0 41 III 133 i 5 1413 SlU< 74 0 ~


Over half of the HE fired (31R) were H&I fires

// c. 1 st Recon pi"Ovideci recon supno rt in Dn~ ,/ operatir'ns.

d.~ Det, 3rd SF Bn~--::-direct -sup-rort;.


. ~ .. ~


adjacent to the ~.rel''' of

cIl!lOO~[L~~lliE~JE!ID \.

"·-'r--· 9,


& & • • e. net, 3rd Engr Fn- rlired~ supr-ort.

f. Dot, Scout Dog rlt - rlirect supr'(")rt.

g. HD team, 24J+th FsyH2.r Co - direct SU]""",orl.

h. Det" Coll and Clr Co, 1st Hed Pn - oirect su,."port. This unit was established at ,'\}I HO~, ?ndh~n<ile0 ~ll c"su;>lties evacuf',tecl fr0lJ'l the field

7. Intelligence

a( Enemy strength in the A,re2. of opemtirn Was cR,rrier1 by the 2nd Pn, 5th'Marines Cl.S '1 l1ain Force Battalion (V-25), elemtmts of thoR-20 ll!':.ttal­ion, the Q-14 ComplJny and local guerrillls.

~. Information obtain~d fro~ 't~he vhl'~p~rs'~ capt1.ire'(f ~.d\cUitreht~"~;~d " .. ~.~~ .. ~:~~,'~' y. ptr,rts indicate:

(1) fl Main Force CP area in the vicinit1r of (AT8204r2), unit de­signation unkno~~.

(2) The 0-14 Company was in the operntinn are~.

(3) Some NVA, were oper'lting in the onerRtirn area. '~

c. Enerrw ccntA,ct cnn~dsted primarily of sniper fire. CC1htl',cts were marie 1tuth one to thirty troops, using S/\ and '\/T'r fire. Gonta,dts '\<-Jere b :raken quickly by the enemy anr1 they withrirew most often to'the Northeast. The uniforms worn by the enemy vTere bl,'lck, green, !'1.Dr1 khRki.

d. The hpJIllet s in the C',rec, were chFlr;'tcte rize:1 r.y trench lines ?nrl ' fighting holes. HA.l1Y smn.ll tunnels 10 tol5 feetinlenpth 1,rere fouilri. One extensive tunnel complex ilT;'tS locP"tec1 at (~,T364514). This c0mn10x 1118.8

1 to 1! kllometers :in lenr:th. Fiphtj-ng holes 1'1ere sn~.ceri ?,1"'1"'r\lx:im~tely every 10 meters Cllong the surfn.ce of the tUl1f1el.

e. Very few people llJ'Orc found in the heruets in the oDer!>.tinn I'!re~. Some of these people ctesireri to reloc;'tte to nne DlTe Distr.ict Heil,~nu"1,rters, and the remainder. indicaten a 1esirE.~ to renll'!,in in their h,"unlets. The pea­

'p'le appeared to be in gr.on. health. There a"'pe~,red to he cubst~tia.l.·_f6oa !

av~dlA.ble. The !1ren ,vas reporterl. by the vjJJ pgers to hFlve h8en unrler 'ITG

control for two years. The neoples s;nnnath ie8 1"TP'l"8 'towr,:rn the Ire Aind not theWericM.s. The pred0m:lnFl,te rel:i:ptcm vm.s]rtfd'dhfgm..'~"-'1<"'::';;~" ','

f. Routes of cormnunicfl,tinn were foot trails -'1Il0 neJ'l-tv (Ukes. The strea'D.s \'lere at lovr'levels, mrl the pn.n:-1ies lHere dr,vinp 8.110'\<-r:i.De- for un­restricted movenent o rorticns . of the terrain ".re oren !illrl Allow for f;oorI • observi".ti<Jn nn1 fields of fire. .:\11 of the routes offer goon ,"lmbush sites.


g. l\t 08110011 C(' H lOC<1ted j.n the vicinity of (!\Tfi69519) ,mile cros­sing a rice pf;1.ddy found 1i1 UnknOloJ!1 type of booby trp,p with trip wire. The ctevice was blown in place.

At 081230H Co P lOCf.lterl' in the vicinity of (\T868502) found an hT' 'mine with a pressure type device. The mine 11as blown in pl~ce.

3 g



• 8. Mission. 2nd Bn(-·) (Uein) ,5th N,!j,rtnes, :in C0()j."G.:!n("til")n with 2nd nn(.,.)

, (Reinr, 4th Marines Clnd OrOON to the 9th ~1ad.nes, cf'n~,ucts Se~.rch <ll:l'~ De­stroy Operatkns in that portion of the nue nne nrea oounrleri 0n the North by the' SONG W GIA, on the East by the Sr.NGTHU nOH and on the Nest rIDti . South by the 1 st HarDi v T,\011 bounnp-ry, to locate .mel c1'tpture or rlestroy enemy forces, supplies ~nn equi~ent therein

90 ,Qoncept Of~Plti()ns. Commencing at L-h0ur on ~a.,v, 2n~ Pn(-)(T1.ein), 5th Marjness,atld 2nd }~n(-)(Rejn), 4th Hn.rj.nes ,:!-.<m.d by helibome aSs:? into .c\,esigr,tated HLZ's ann attack East pnd Nori:.heast in nssigned 7,OI\'s. A feint toward the I\ntenn.'1. Valley will b~ inititl.ted by a pre-L-hour pre1'"l of pc'Iten~ tiaJ. LZ! 5 in tha.t arca~ rrior to D-day, l'lecon elements wHJ. 'be inserted into Recen Zones'North, West an" South of ,the objective nren- t(") nrovide surv~ll1ance And,,' an order, C'!.nibush on avenues of apnroach ann egress from the objective arep-o besipnatect blocking forces win est.<>.hJ· Mn mn-in­tain blo eking' positions along ·the smn vu 0. H .and srm- TmJ, T"n~T, as rlirecten and, on order, be preparen t~ shift bl(jcks to insure sealinp of the object­ive area. 01\8 will be employed !'l.S needed. Direct sUr''''rirt m.Il he rirovid­ad by direct sU!J":l0rt bl'l.tterios, reinforciilp:~.rl,iJ 1elY Mrl orp~nic ~1mn Morl, located with blockin~ force units. C("'lncentrl'.tir-ns f'TI aVenues ('If approach and egress frcm the ohjective 1'1.%'131', will he pl'e-n1annen. in sun~rt of the major operlltinr: an~ 11.ec0n elements. Mc'!iti!'l1'l,"ll Mrect fire suP'!'Qrt will be provirleri by tank mid I\nti-tro'1..k units lOC,qter! vl:l:th bll'cki!1}! forces. Casuru.ties will be initially eva.cuated to!3.Chme:.1t c..ollectinR !,md Cleafing Compp..ny locA-ted at the B '\SAN EO'\. , .

a o CompMY E ! n~in) • ComJ11endn,p: at _ L-h()ur on Tl-dCW 1.<Ul0 in LZTX'VE • (AT799498)(See enclosure 1). Uncover LZ nni .estflblish rlocking J'Xlsitions. On oxUer, be prepl"1red to continue the attack to the w..'" ;mrl l·Tortheast.

b" Compp.l'lY.. B (li~~. On order, be prep::tred to ff'lll')~T t;r 'R; intI') L'7. n('\ilJl: and: to the Northeast in assigned 7.0.1\4

c. coinpany~. Clein). OncOrder, be pren~ed to follow Of) F' into L'7, 't10\~ and attack to tho Northeast in. assigned Z('l'\o

d.' , ComnaAV F 8. Estl;l.olish. bloekinf. f.0siti,'ns NL':' :r,..h~ur, Tl-dR,V a.long iE<', bank o'f the S0m THU DON from GS (r\1940530) to (~.T(,70500) •

.. ~ compf,'V H (-). Note: Although not- initi:!l.l1y ache~ul~d to nP.rtici-pa.te, Co H(,,:,wrt.s later giventhc missi0n to Y:-IQck along the ~ast h:mk of . the SONG T~U B01~ in conjunction v-rith C<"' F (-).

1'0. Execution. The Dl'l.ttalion W1'l.S p.J.erted for Clperatinn J:tIJT)Br'w,ml<:NCR on ~ //January 1967 and prelimin:'!.l'j1' planning beean~ (In 31 J;:lnu~r:.v 9th M~,rines

Operatif)n Order 1-67 was received n.nr1 the P-attalir-n nublisherl. its 1 OpeI"P,ti<'n Order that Sl'l1ne dn-yi. The Ope'ratkn commenced at L-·h~ur (011000H Feb 1967) as scheduled vdth the first elements of Compl'UlY E l~f"!ing: uncontested in LZ DOVE. Inse:r<tions continued smMthly· withcut enell'\V ccnt~,ct ann. all units were in the LZ ~d deploying by 01121 SH. Tlle 0ner<l.tirn nrogressecl . smOoth­ly with scattered light to medium contact throughout the Battalion ZOA.





• 01 (60)H, 2nd Br{,-) (11-31n) J 5Lh Ha:d.I188 'wIth ucr.~ UotJ", lJ stBn 1 st Marines at­tached chopped 'OPGON to the 9th ~'~a.rines<> . .' .

011000H. Co E and Command Group commenced helo insertion into L7. DOm (~T 799498)(See enclosure 1). Landing ~s unopposed and zone was secured by 011035R.

01 iOOOH; Go P :1.!:1. "blocking positions along eastern side of S(lNG 7FTT B(lr-r from GS (AT8659) to G3 (,\'l'8851).

01110511 CoB cQrr>lnE,m~8d helo insertion into LZ OOVB; 1:tftcomplete at 1130rI. 011215H Co A cormnen'~8d helo inserlicm into 17. DOVE l;i;ft complete at 123OH.

011230-H, All companies moving to assigned objectives along phase line Alpha (See Enclosure'; 1). .

'. . . 011335H, Co E located several small and one large unused cave vic (\T805464). Caves destroyed by Engineers.

01133511, Co B directed a;i.r strikes on enerrw bunkers And trench system e.t (I\T 8(2460). An ltO,'\.reported one bunker and most of tr3r~,h :~:\.r.e destroyect"

011340H-011430H, Co il,. conducted a sef\,rch of T \N PHU:\ (~) (,'.':"[50,47) and BUTT CHAl'lH (-;) (l\T8148).. Several punji pits And frea.~::'y" d:g t.",,,,ncnes were de-

,. strayed. One 35 yefl,r old' returned w/Chieu Hoi pass~ \'S 3.eGe.:inees were talcen for sCl~eenjng. One, a female, attempted to :!3uab a }fe..rine in the back.

011430H, COIS II.&B reached Msigned objectiv-es along phn.s6 line lllpha. ' Unit locations at this tim€; l.'."ere a.s follows: . Co A (fl.T807400), Co P (.~T831471), Command Group aDd Co E U.TS14770) ~

011510H Co F blocking poSiti0n obserVed 3-4 enemy in darl.{ unifonns and' Mr-:.. rying weapons moving ?.long the west bank of the 50}! TRfT EmT vic (~,T86449?). Arty was used on area unknown results since i'm.ter barrier prevented search ..

011750H The Dn(-)(rte:l.n) este.blished night "perimeter def-:'m.fiive position a.s fol101-rs: Command G::oup Md Go E (.\TB204,82), Co G (f..T8D7h77), Co B ,( I\Tft32 374). Co.F rEmained in ~mail:.bJ:IDCkmg.··pc5s1tioDs.

0t1855H Co D, (AT835472) received' 3 rns'S!''!. fire from (~T836470). Tletumed ~5 rds sl A enemy fled South. I

912220H Co D J?atrol received S/.!'. fire'while moViI1g into Ilrnbush site (1I.Te29 ... /470. 1 USMC KIAo No further contact"

.( I /

)' //

020730H Companies II. and B continuing Search signed ZOIl.. -

and Destroy Oper~tirns in as-

IillOO~U~~~W,u\E\ID j 5



• F • 020000H Med Evac comple~cr:l for U~f,G ETA. fro:n O;2,20H acti0n two llefugees and 6 detainees eyaced to tI.N HO!\. c,ol1ed.1.0n pc:lnt, Hclicorter received S/A fire while leaving Co ELZ (,\TG33473) ~ Security force returned' 100 rds s/!'., 6 M-79 rds anti searched p.rea (!IT?99471) pickell un one male, riga 4.0. Noi'uther. contl?ct.

020830H Co A, 3rd Plt, (ATB1548'7) picker! up 2 Viet males one with womens IDCA.rd forwarded to Cp~ ..

02014.00 Co A, 3m PIt (ATS194l!6) found 3 cl'tves in rtlkes cry.ves apnrox. 10' teet long. 4 feet high, I3]l.d 4 feet wide. Caves destroyed by demoli,tions.

020950H Co J\. Plt destroyed 1 250 lb bomb (.\T~54f15).

02100511 Co F blocking positir.'n received 5 r0S S/~ fire fZV'1"!. 2 enEmY; re-: turned fire and ctirected~rty fire on t-'l.rr-et (flT876514) wit" excellent coverage. 24 . 105 rds ann 2 T.\[-' expended. Est:iJlln.ted enemy T,.rrJi.~

Refugee collection point est!'1blishecl- H~J.1H DONn (2) (.\TI361493). nne nnc District notified to provide boats to ev.'lC refugees.. .

021330H Co F, (I\.T/390512), obser'ITed 1 enemy (~~T8905'i3) :l!l(\v:1n~ aJ.r:-np river: bank'm. threw wearon in river when he spottert MA.7'ines. EneJ!1y c~.ntured after chaSe. Pack, 3 carbine type mAg., 2 CHI C0}{ Ur3nnies t~en~ Jmemy eVaC to ITT. .

021300H Co B (AT848478) anprehended 1 male, age 30>l no In C",ro; eV<\.c to rear •

. 021400H Bn OF with Co E, commenced g,,"ree,D from (-\Te204S2) toW'.ro new JlC~i-tion (ttT8J9488).· .

021530HDn CF picked uo 3 suspects, ~~ Id'vt.o fir; HO~:-B'<!sejl.s(..

0215300 2/5 (-)(Rein) choped orOON of Co F to 2/5 (~ear). Co H w/Plt. Co F orOON to 2/5 (-)(nein), 'estctblished blockinr pos'ition in conjuction with Operation INDET'ENDENCE along Rastern batik' S0N(!. TRU f.l(\1\T '1iver as (h.T8750 to GS AT9052).

021600H Cc II (ATS60495) received 250 rds sf,l),~ r~.J'.,r fire from estimnteri J"la­toon enany (O\T861497)~' 'Returned 600 roe sift., '1./11r fire 10 M-79; 5 LtWs, directed air strike unable to se!>.rch A.rea d.ue to river b",.rrier.

021620H Co 13 (fl.TS57494) reportGd friGIloly ".rty 105 l'r" rd firect in SUPNlrt of CoD fell in Co B position 5 n~{c l'TH.

021615H Co A (AT51501), received 50 rns slri,V~rfire froJ:l\~T847495. Tle-:turned 200 rds 8/A, A/TrJ fire; 1 enemy KIA (Con!). .

021620H Co B-1 (AT852486) sp0tt~d 5 cn~ in'tree line (~Ta50492): Ope~ed tire with 400 rds S/ f.., AjTAI fh'e: 12 rds 6Ommo 1 enemy K!~.( rrob) •

. . 021700 est~bIishedperimeter positions for loc~l night and Co E {AT8391i88), Co A (fl.T345496), Co n (,I\T85:i440) •

.. ~ ...... ~ "~',-, 6


a.ctivities. Dn 01'


I • • O '7n(',iJ'C n. (i\I!'-", t.::.:"'.{.:,\ ~'ll.,:> to --:'1,--::'Irl .;,:, + ....... I; ~ ,I,.:i[ 1'''i'(-6 21 ,I'J" .') (i. \",.c5·<,;4;J·~.', !'vC8j .... ~'J. _' ,".,) ..J :('1.15 u, l ~.-: .. ".

1 'enemy w.:..l:.I)' 8.(~roS3 p~l.:icl;'{ opened i'i:C'<3 'W~bjil 50. rc~s. 81.'\) enany fall, 1 enemy' KlAn

( !{fF14854}). ·0bserved fl1jr;r fire'. ('bserved

021-715F'i' Go E( AT839487) ~ :rec'eived 75' rrl.$ s/.~., ,~.iI'rfirf? .fromestjm~ted '5 enemy (;\T8214.85)oRetumeci 350 Ms s/rl., V/N 'fire , 10 M79, 3 L~T\TS;. 2 3.5 fl:1 called air strike with·naplam tl,ml bombs; observed 5 enemynedpg SO.uth •. : 2 e.c'1emy KIA (Canf) ~ 3 .KIA ,Frob; 6 T~!IA Prob. effective).,'\[ s~a:rch ., area due to darkness~ . .

021745H'Cb A (~T~46495) .. reca1~d 350 r.rls.·~/'\~ fl./r-r fir~,froI\l (~TS5049.7).: Returned 1200· z:ds S/I\, Air" fire, 5 3.5 and,:22 M-79 rds, 10 LANe, rlirected Arty mission' on eneIl\Y' position. 3 enemy KIt\. (Cant) (borlie! rlrPju"'ed a14<'1.Y:) 2 KI~ (Prob), 2 USMC T'TH Med Evac ;", . . ' ;.;.

021750H.A. CP received 5 rds s/!\. fire. 1 USt~C'T\TH. l1etumed50rds.s/~· A/'I,! fire; enemy withdrew no futher contRct.

~ . . '" . , \

021000H En or (AT837487) Me.rines digging' J:X)sitionfoiJ.n0,: approx" (3) Ins medic~ supplies an"! documents; ij:,ems forwarden to '\N .·HO .. \ Base.;.

02223OH, received 9th 1<':arines Frag9-nrl. to":.Op 0 1 .... (>7.~. N? .~h~ge,f. con~in1,l.e Search and Destroy. operation ~s· pl::mned ...

0308300 Med Evacheli'copter received· severAl· hits f:::\Jl:- .I?Ji.€rn;y~ pr.,0unc:'!.fire forward of Co fl., positi('ln. '. Co ts· tr. Md,. D·· were nirecte(1. .to .c!'o.S$.T'hnf.'le '. Line Red and proceed to rhase Line Nh1te.. Co r., . c".irec·sed .'l.i!' strike on possible enemy: positions before cr.o·s.sing. river. 47 .. .vietnA.tnese"Te~ .scr&­ened; 3 detainees to be evac'd to' rear fOr intermg.'l.t{(>n by. ITT; reTnai.n-ing Vietmimese were rele~.sed·. .,,'. ~:' .,., '.'

031120H Co fl., 1st PIt (,'1.T'647496) received 3 rns 5/\ fire 'whU'e 'cro~sfug river. ~, SUppressedenerny::,firewith ·6Onm mort!'tr fire.m,-l· cont;i.nued. to cross; no' futher conti'tct. 'Se"'l.rch of1-l:rea vic (flTt11540 9) resulted in.f:ind:ing' 5 Vietna.l!lese hiding in bushFs, ages 16 to 50,-with ITlCRrds, 1 p,as · military clothing anrI bo~:ts; moved to lin cr. .

, "I ~ . ~

031255H C~ n, (AT855496) recei~d 10rds' s/r-",'iire." R.eturned ,?O,r<:ls $/'1. . and continued mission. ThroughQut the day spora~ic s/~ fir,e ~s .received from small units of enemy in the Patteli('Ds Z0L\ with the fm~ neeing the area: as' $'OO'n 'RS'- Harine fire tower ~ra:s ·brought. to beR,r. 'NumerC'~~s .Vietnl'lD\ese were picked up in the a.rea, the~e were screened .<lnti'sever:ti 1< eva.ctd to tJ:le rear for interrogation by ITT personnel. The ma.jority· were released. The'largest contact· was made when. Co P" ( fl.'rn56 502)' observed· .I'l.pprox 20 a.rmed enemyin:.gre·en uri"ifo:rms, with cffinounapect mat.eriAl on their. b::-.cks set.:.-ting up a: ~bush' position. " I'.n ai.r strike was: direct~d~ainst the.'hosti1e action, 4' enenw Kli\. (2 by ;,dr) and· 4 T~lIA.,., . . .

031345H CoB' at (AT864503) spotted 3 VC~rith~;"~fl-?~e-.,a1d fi'~d2~:_,S.iA. rds., arid' 40 6cmn. Called '!'tir strikeoSaw 2 VC .':;:1.],1.;, .i ;Vb fieri, North.' . .

/631500H' Co ,\at (ATS47 50n) found 1: VC I{T',\ in' bunk~ ro: .C~t~en P,r. ·.~cover· (1' /" VC KIA).' ," " ". .... . ,'."'''' ...... . .


-; ,','

7 ''',., 2 I 4

r§ f1::!!:!l = ~ = (~ ~ ~ cd ~ ~ 2)



• • ~ 03 i 5'r 5H Co D observed 3 groups of 40 uyD.i'ol"lned V<': fleeinr toward North-&est into treelin<:io Airst rik e e911ed involving 10 aircraft employtnp. bombs, napalm, rockets and 2Chm. r,o reported goorl on tqrget result:ing in 8 VC KIA (Con!) by napaJ.m. VC neel. into treeline vic (fl.TI15450~). VC hit again by air; Co r-... moved into se;:>.rch· are."!.; swept and founrl 2 VC KI!\ IS by

• air strike. Killei one VC th~t-fled, found extensive tunnel c~plex suh­merged with deep fip.hting holes, so~e entrqnces suhmerpe1 in water. ~Any caves also found Searched A.rea & Destroyed CA.ves & builkers. al­most destroyed. Found 6 CHI COM Grenades (11 YC KI.~).

031730H Co E.(AT957501) received 25-30 MS Sl\.fire vic"'('\T8564~7) A.S re­SUTlply helo came into LZ. l1eturnee!.·4.00 M.S s/fl nn'"l A../T"T, 5 M-79, 1 MT.,T. Helo IS used LZ as enent"r fire ceMed. forces esbblished night positions. . • JI'

040000H Co Ii continued ~n operation.' Command group, Co E ann Co ~ holding positions.

040900H Co A (AT863512) found villnge contli:in:i.n/t tUl'u'lel comt"llex 1()-12 ft. underground. 'funnels generl'l1ly follow hed~erow and treelin~; 'roots seen to re:inforce tunnels wide enoup,h for 2 men to st"n0 hhre-", 4 to 5 ft in height. In some .9.ret!s there wcJ.s about 2 ft of wl'l,ter" l1latforms huilt on top of air holes could have been for breathing or fighting; m,qny entrances cap,'lble of holding 8 to 10 men. Entire comnlex could hoJ.r1. ::o.")prox a. "Pn used C-S ga~; extensive l5ea."rch of cP"ves with no cont;:'l,ct Trrith enemy. A'liternpt­ed to blow some of ca.ves. MAny pun,i j . tr~ps and foot tr.<>.T"ls cont!'lining 50 cal ros. Found 1 sidewinder missile; Ff\J) notifier .•

At 051200HCo A (flT17525) faune!. ca.I11oun~p:ed CAve in river r,l!lnk, unrier wa,ter entrance. Cr-tve r-tpprox 3x4x4 found 2'VG hiciing in c!'!:ve. Me::liw' 'P~ckElge and black rJtSj turned VC over to Vietnroncse offici.."ls ~nr1. continuc'1 to sea,rch river bank.

At 051345H Co r: (ATi384514) rer:nrted nn CO helicopter receiver! 1'rd s/"'-fire from vic (I\T800515). lleturnei 50 rds S;'~L fire anti 12 6Ornm. No ''''further fire received.

1\.t 051530H Co ,\ (1\.T867528) ~.ssembled 200 refugees who were screened b .... nIh J£C Officials ann directed to vic (~76512). T10ats used to eva,c to nnc DUe Headquarters.

, n .1>'

At 051530H Demoliticm Team from engineers.'l.rrivcd nn cr. nestroyed cave and tunnel complex. - ,

Locnted followine turmel ann cave complex during days .<>.ctivity (t\Tf164514) 1 to 1~ KM in length, runs from' 4 to 6 feet· in height 8 feet un~er~round reinforced in ph,ces with 3 in bLll'"lboo :r:oles.There ""ere entrmees ~_r.out 15 meters and protective holes within huts connecte0 to trench lines. The tunnel ran in NE directi0n for 200 meters ann. m-"),de 90 tiegree·tum to the left and contfd 500 meters tack to the ripht in r,rr.: directinn. Tun:' nel in places was large enough for mqn 5 feet' [\ inches to wn1k upright. :mere We~ some portil"'ns of the tunnel, water Jll;:\,oe iinp11,Ssable and in other NE Fl.reas of tunnel there appeared to be ctigf;ir1gS. Exccwated dirt from turmel works was sCAttered behind various huts. No ,,,!,ttemnt wa.s

8 v




Wtt;-·· • • t.,r, ,_. 'i.4


~: :~ ~ l.' '_:" ..

.... , (,4, ,

TIJh en r1 e,n;:': f) j' ""A/:r:~':;:' ~. ';~~l ~1}···"· 11-:'1 po ", -"\ ('nn ._.l·J't..I.,.'y ., ....• ~ . .:Jet" .-

CiIj: (~JCpiosion . .3 ~~·e·ce .. -·~ -·_~t~~·."CL :').:~ ··t;~JD. 0 ~;l~·.,:'1,f:J;~("n[' {; ~).~irC't·rL~ t';H:\i'e::~ \'10'~;~C~~ estinr:::\~0d to be i 5 t ~ ;(~c .feet i~ ~·1C'"1~i{! }\:c ::t··c·'::jO,j/s, lfa,f~ ~~2./i8 ':::'n cr{:,cJ.·~ err·J'GS ::'l,t cer-ta,j.n points b8('c:lt;.~;·;,; (of e;u(;~r:="'/:''''-:: c<'c';)y '\-,:;~.:,p:J. r{I]Tn:2!'r,',cs cntl"8"nc0S had lC'!,rge punj~. ~tcJ.t(:;f. (:;1:. f'lO:')J~> ~!Yl }Jl"fY'tJ,Ol;;D ,i,'-{T lii1J.~~8 ~£':rtJ"\ fO:I~ tU(jjie1s 1 ltrl.lIl-boo snf:lice 1roJDS ,L1_l~;_,)(:', Y)}j,,:.r .':I,·,·L:.:'",):;.,,::.:; Gt·_(:i~a';_n~[l'Lg U:e slJ.f3!Jic:lo!1 t.h8.t illMY snakes mi;l;ht be i:1 C;j.'i(o ,o,:.1(l '~,u;,"me:L complex., 11:, is believert t}:qt~De'(;;'inrh}ex­c(')v(,;:c':::d anc_ dest:toy€ci is a 1-~-,.yG of the entire (;rnl'r:leJ~. (,\TO;i 6(')0) 1 VC v-ms killed jn -e:li.ljlosion. 1000 lbs of C-4 irffiS user1' to ci_0ct:r.oy· enti'<mce and tU".1nEl complex a':1Cl is est. that 1 h of the c0mpl€x '\Il'as rjes'~:r'0:re·i. There wel"') :Ln(':i~a:tion3 that pA.rt of the tim?Jel ·\JoT'3.S used fo:" sn ai'i -:;rc::I.ti()n or ho~ph:JlJ some l~h)dj_cal supplies, gauze- and eot"c.on l,ere fPlli'"10.' flJ_so found with -I VC KIi'. was a rifle th~,t was ~est:roytd during eknJfsion. ;'

I\.t 051550H Co A 1 st PIt (AT870523) l~aj:-jn~ walking flown trail stepned in Punji trap. .. Marine treateri, Med Evtl.c not reauired.

At 051735H Co n( t\TfJ905H~) Swept hamlet GIlING HG'\. (2). h!iA~~t·~1i~ht.lY for­tified with several small bunkers ::1nd fighting l:oJ.e13;, (l",'-'Ql'l,~te([ 1 l~I Cf'H grenade mine, destroyed 3 fighting holes and 2 f!.f'·~rl:i'1t.,. h::nkers.

At 051715H Co I\. (fI,T867523 to I\T863525) founn ev:Ld,~(w,s (){ ,1e'W' nunji t::--."\'DS

in area, found 2 VC hiding in caver. Se'3.rch 0-':: r:i:\"E{2"!.'Y':;.;"l(:i'~1 3 sur-ks':') boats and 6 C"'\ves w/uncterwg,ter e..ltr·qn:·;~~Q C~VC~; ;::(?;;:~--c"':/,-d, fo'md ~r;f.s~' of Medical supplies in hoUse, gas 1:,'islc M;:Y'l :3'~_l'r,ry ~~-,("'-(k; 1:7,tl'ie< i".Lo,;r. (J\T863535) old man indicated mhler1. 'P:!\t.E;, t.r:Lp v.-1.7.'''' .:L:/~·on;;:L.,-;(i. ~~~(l FCu1uced large secondA.ry explosi\,n on othel";id.~· of ga-r.e" L lie ~i:':.rE.C'1:;:'Qdb~r ~'p; 8 •

put aboardhelo 40 ID6L'"1, 100 women, 117 ChllQ?'t:'lt":~'~:l'J(lin [",3 ref;"lgseS.

At 051000H 71ivision Engineers (ftTE164514) while rielY.oJisJ1lng tunnel cOnl.?lex 1found 1 VC in tunnel. (late entry) 1 va XIA: (Cont;

At 060040H CoP (I\.T877521) received 20 rds s/A fire- from eS-C:'Li·lll'.teci 2 W:: in treeline.. Tletumed 2.00 S/A. end 10 M-79, rds~ .

,- :.

Activity for 06 February. Co T\ Dn l1eseI'Ve with 1 rlt security for refup:ees, 1 Plt security for l1':1gineers., .and 1. rlts9curity for OT'. . Co A, in blocking position along PL T1hiteo Co F l'I.ttacking North in '1,0"' • . Co H( ..... ) p!'Ovi~ing position east of S(J]\TG Th'li P(,N4


At o60300H Co E' ( I\T1S635iOj. 5 'TC ;approa~hed per:ilnetert p.n1 i,'ere' tp.ken under fire; Dlood trail indic1'\ted 1 Ire KIA (probLiTC :Ler-t, In c"tl"1 !'1.nrl VC gas mask.

At061200H Co n (AT8'77512) reported all refur;ees evacuated ~.~ross rive:e to DVC DUC HeadC]uarterso .

txt' 061210H Co D (AT077512) 1)j,~;{ecl dp 1 Vil';·}:·n·Y1es.::; ,d,t.h GHIfiiU H0I Viet­(namese appro x 25 oJ_rl i'J"Lr(·jar'i(>.~~ -~:) 'i.;:-· c,

At 061400H Co E (AT373528) V,; 3pottcdj e~,'·:::.:lf::-·h!l::-"t;j ~~.l'r'y-i::1P: ,weapon nno crude pack; fireci 10 rris _5/ 1\ ann des1jroyed tU11J)OJ.. :!"' :in 1 VC 1'TH .•

. --~[@ g .. 7 & II



f F 2 - • At 061400H Co ~~ (\T86S526) while seFl.rching, ~F's f('unti 1 Vietn;'!IDese boy hiding in c~ve (age 7). Jloy hA.rl 1 f',1:lS mr.!sk, clothing, 3 note rooks ~nd," 1 map. rF believe note book to he of mi1it~.ry value. rF's stp"te bey is son of VC. noy fOlWarded to cr b~r helo.

At ex) 1500H J)ivision Rngineers (AT864516) completed destroying tunnel complex 2,940 Ibs C-4 used.

At 06215011 Co H (1\'1'905525) received he.<>,vy volume of ~./!,! fire plus ~ ll.lmber of rifle grenades~ knocking out ractio~, nlum from 81rnm continued throu/?h­out night. Co H l-) was in block rSN.

At 070915H Co E completed sweep of 'Vilhge !tIT PTI,lH (.\T~64542) "dthout es­tablishing cont~.ct with the enemy. Co t s" E and 4 to continue sweep of a.s­signed areas and complete se.<l"rch of A.rea •.

At 071245H Co E (I\Ta65542) received 5 ras S/'1. fire' from due":!':~st of position. Did not return fire due to theprqximity of friemUY forces. 1 TTSMC r~rIA non evac. 071415H Co E (.\T877524) conducted prep fire, 6f'lnim n:p; rd-ll'lIldeCi --.

h short of target, 50 i'iltOOI tube' end 5f)() lBet~ t~II' tlJ!'!?"lt. ~j' 'tril:np' in 1 USMC T~IA Non EvM. Info on ammo m,<>,lfunctJ/",n as' follows, 60mm c~,se Ro, M-49 AZ/with fuse M525/let l1A 1-361..J<'-1/ charge 1/R1.1.

At 071445H Da.ttalion continued $-.)) Operation in ?rf\. nirection of attnck to the east. 071515H on order frcm higher He~dou~rters directir'ln of was shifted to northeast. eCI IS A ann E esbblish a blockinr: r:ositiC'ns vic MY HIEr (3) (~T9iJ3544) 1 Plt Co r commenced pA.trol alonp Northern" edge PL 1rJhit e vio (A.T(187 524) to the through built up -'\.rca (~,T913 533) • Go H remained in blocking position. /. '. ,

./ At 071iJ20H Co D (4.TG74520) received 100 rds S/A and r·..jf'! fire resultinp.: in ~ / 1 USMC lflA.. Tletumed 10 rds 6Onnn, 300 ros sf,\. Md Vw, 1~' rds 105rrun A.rly , and" air strike; enerrtY unit ceased fire; no further contact.

At 071630H Co n 2nd Plt (fl.Tr0'7526) spotterJ 4 to 5 nrmed VC; tnok ~TC un~er , fire; pursued' to h~m1et (flT90152E1) found 1 y~ KIA. in hut "rith fresh helOld

wound. Scout dog found hiding tunne). Md flusher'!. 1 VC frm it .. ' va re­fused ·to halt and Was t8ken under fire resultinp.: in 1 ,TC RH. r.<>.trol ~ulled 1 45 yeR.r oId'll1Clle iron tunnel anci detnined, nushed 1 W:fr<:'J!1 t):"ee line into rice p.q.ddy. VC refused to halt !'Ind was t~ken un~er fire result­ing in 1 VC KIll.; 16 to 20 ye::trs old dressed in bl!1.ek !"'JTs. 3 vr, Kn-

At 0OO405H Co D (A.Ta'77520) defensive position threw at movement in front of lines. 3 USMC returning on Ambush pA.trol were hit by frag­ments resulting in 3 umm NT}\. non-evac.

Pegm 1IIithdr.9wal to extrtl.etil"r'·: a.m. '.' .. " .

J\t OS1100H CoH"f~.T800509) 3rd Plt received 15 to 25 S/4 MS from 7 VC; ,'re­turned 10 to 15 Ms S/A resulting in 1 VC WIA.' . . At 001141H Co A (~869;19) "Thile C~S~ing rice p=trldy t~~nd booby trap, de-vice rigged with trip Wire; blown in pl~ce~ ,



711 At Oni230H Co r (\T~)6,1502) f"un,i 1 in pl:'.co.

Jlt OC1340H Cni (rm~61512) se'1.rchwl "',r!')!'. of tunnel cmplex. !~a.iority of tunnels Here destl'V'·yed. \ fC~1 entrr.nces rcM.~,iJ:'1, the cnnnectinr: turmels, het·rever seem tc hr>.ve been C'1ve0. in.

f.t' 01;16102 Cc Ii. (.~T(;4649t) rec:averi 70 rds sh '-'rid ~f,r fire fran est 10 vc, result5nt': in 2 USiTC r'!I\ with multinle 1,rnunnt>~ n.G(1uested eme:r~ency ~fed Ev,q,c. i1etumcd 220 ~jr'T ,'mti 175 S/1~ 20 t,r-79 ,'0 60mm ~nrl 24 rns 105mm HE. Enemy broke cont".ct '1nrl. rotroa.tE'~ to the ,,,,,est.. . \

,-~ L" . T • ' •• 4)0 '1-' • • .Q • .l~ ; .. ',.. ~ .• ', •. ~ .'. ".... " .,~.~~ .,"'.

".t 0, ,1 ,,20h - 090: \OOF, UD],t R crn"!ucto:'l· nJ ,.,ht ~.ctl.vJ.tJ,e.E' "')"o'r'"t", ~;s't(' "'X'I',r" c- ... ti0n .:..n'ct termin."tion of the 0ryer"t1.r.n. rTothtn,rr 0f s}0'nif:tc!>ncn ~:M'M durin€, this p<"rio'J.

Ilt 0911GnH Durinr cxtr~.ctjf)n of l" elements C'f r:r:!?!5 hell')s receiver!. SIlt' fran \vestern eri:'G of I.;: vic (i\T:~41 5(5) • I'no 1'1.010 '",1's h; t. !'l.:nn· sustr.1.~ !'len miner dem"l.p:e, no cRsllnltj.os. -/S run 071 SUS)')Octr: r1 OT'ormr n"'S;t:if"lP.

,~.t C'91130H 2!5(-)(Rdn)chf'pnCd frnm Ptr F!l"'i.n(s~ ti',D 1/1 cht'1)'nE')~. t(1 n!l,ront un:i.t 8.t th0.t time.

11. Rosults

a. Enemy 1. KB. (en?) 3n 2. VI}\ C'Y'r, V 3. 1:TH (CIl1F) 21 ~'"' TT'\ (~''1r'r) 11 5. :""Ps. ,. 6. Det'1inees 52 ? ChicU Hr i 5 C:. ~efur:e cs - 293 9. Civil 0cfGn0.. 2

c. Viscell!'1!18ous 1. rynCUJ'1cnts 2. Gremccs ChicC'm

. ''''t;';>~, ".

511b8 9


h. ~('tU:iT)tT'1ent "nrl ~'rG"1Ylns 1 ~ C~C'r.imc J1l<lp!>'z:i,nes 2~ 'TIj ry',cks 3~r-,.,s m::-sJrs 4. T'cC'ts 5. C~teGn COver

ri. Frienr1J y • rrT~.

? HT,\ 3

.. 15

3 1 1 1 nair 1

. 1!t." ...... ~ -~ ~ •. , t+.



. /


& -, • tit 120 1~~v:d_t=:·;~!"'a·~~=hY·2~~1s.l£t~~]2., ... ~Tc a(~t~~.l'~~:.JL;.·(:rtlC"D l.)J_~Ul 1:~raf; ~ov tbe ~:~.",:~~ talio:t1 D

There "T9re nc dit£'iculties enc'J;l~(Gered in the 8.dmir.i[l"C~:CA.ti1m of cas­ualty l'ernr!:j_ng.

;)" S· ... 'ppJ.y. }'1.11 EST team was a"t,t,iv.;hed to h~dle the resupnly require­ments ')1 the U~"it3 LY.t"VDlved< There was an HST teem with "I"?ifle Com-

. peny .me one te,;J;rn 1~]:;-,~"i each of the bm !lt~fo~~I: CP~s"The reS'J.nnly re­quest:; w2rehandledLy the HS'.l' teaol.ll ,v.!:th the C0PlP~ny via the ~;:>_ttali(1n CP iii t.he field ·t.o the HST-teAJIl at JU"J EO ;\"

'I';-m H-34 hslicopt.ers .-;.;ore used for resupply but NANG for refueling after !\bout three resupnly rtms.

h~.d to re-turn to DII. (See p~ragrdPh 15)

b" Maint·ena.nce~ There we~'e no maintenance y>roblems encountered. I. c. Treatment of casualties 2_nd evacuation and hospit::t.lizati(m. Initial

treatment of casualties was ;:>Ji!!l.:L,'.1istered 1.i'1 the field by the unit Corpsm~ and either returned to du"i:.y o~" eii-acup;ted by hclicopt,~l" to the Collecting and CleC',ring Platoon ~t, !~N BOAo Se!.'iO'l,:; inj1.;.:;. ... ies 8...'11 CA.Sex recl:ci:rjng S":lr-

:~<. or lengthJ:? me('~"icaJ_ ca:'~:'I,r€'re f'.1rther el< -(,0 the 1st ~·rc'1ic<u En. or NSf\. Hospitru. in Di~\lI'i I')?::. 'Ie::·;;:J. cast~1-"; ties 3\"ac".1ated to theG.i?O('; ~lt,.

were 51 Marines and 1;3 V:letncmese~ T.~ere were; S8ii 81'81 ca.sualties· taken directly to D11N:iNG "men t,he evacU;.1:i:,jng helicopter" mots lO"i on fuel.

d. Transportatio!:., All tranfC,p():ctuti0~i r.'''·,.':ir:r c·':l9"Y;>:r..i0D ri\rf;FPT":,mTii\~CJi:

was by helicopters ar,d e)..i!ept for n81'Jia"l. d8:.·~}",~ fr'()11 t.he :"'0C!:..~:l.reY.~.8I1t to refuel by going to UANA1~"Ci-t> tE€lj:'e. were no protl;~~J~G,

eo Communications. Primarily, all r~.dios 1./d.liZ8,~1 Here I\F/r:tG·-·25!s T1\.CP and FAC teams used,\N/PRC-41 J~ as 1'1e11 8.:3 .'\N/T'·?8 25 18. D"J.ring the operation the use of the I1C 292 was not necessary d"CW t;:, the e7.ce~~:i."n"3l1:v fine reception with the use of Ute' whip aJ,~ellr.t3. ~Flct al'l:·enna o l1eg­imental' tactical anrl admin. nets;;' all comp~ll1Y b.ctJr;p ... 1. l:cts, ..\n tactical and admin' nE)"f,S were est."tblished dt:ric.g '['::~le opElrii·t,i0n. In arln.itirm to these nets, air,"artlllery and the HST est",):llistlec1 nets. The only interference noted on cstA.blisheri nets occurj:'01 0;1.· tho '}3at t,9.li0n T!'I.ctical net. Atmospheric conditions woro CQnsirlered the causeo

f. Medical elffilu8.tion. The helicopter SL~"PPOr'0 for mer1ic!U eiracuA.tion .end medicAl. r-esupplYWM exceller..t throughout the opel'~:t~.""l1. no, seri(JUs, problems " .. ere en counte re do • l'1eclcap's "lere held in ;]cvoral hFllluets whenevlr i the tacticp~ situatirn permitted during the operation,

1.3. Special Eauipment and Te~~CJ!!~,. A prel:iminary fielrl. test was con­ducted during Operation DrDEPENDFJJeE using a pair of IIHil"€ itun.n.erS" for 1 locating underground tunnels, structures, ann. f(>r metalic ob,j eets. Sev­eral sets of ''l'lire Rudders" were ctSllivered t.0 2/5 fwd. Comm?nn. Group on ,the seventh day of the oper~tion. : 'The "Reserve CO!:1pnny ~.eived·a dbt~_il.M

/ explanation and demonstrf\ti0n and ~el"'e :Lss'J.erl t,.;.:) sets of h-ire rudders for' employment during the r€!!TI:)jnder of "the Op8Y'ation. nem~.ining two cmn::mies were issued two sets of rudders each, 'ria rcrmpply helicopters on 8 Feb ... · ru.aIjT. In that the operA,tion terminated ::;:t 0'1090011 Feb., these companies li'ad little opportunity to employ and field t·eG'C the \or:i_re rudders during

~/Operat~. Th1DEPENDENCE. Company B, 1/1., dB receive ann use the wire / : ... j " ....

12 $ ...... --DECLASSIFIED


• • r1.:ciders during the lllst dAY A,!ld a i;i.l: .:. ~., ,\.:;,~.,:.:,.c·,l·.(; <lI"~~7<~·;~:·f·;;\Tr:;:.·? ',,

on a yerbal report. of the C?l1'lPa..'1Y Cornrn rL,1ri-3'(';, 0u H J') I '1 ~;i-:'.e :i'OD.01.:Ll".g in .... terim conclusions are submitted:

,a. ~Tith a minimum of trA.ining,,· the qverJ>,.ge ~farine CRn (luickly become . proficient in the use of the rudder. .

b. Rudders lrere instrumental in locA.ting tunnels p.n<i 'tPT"c"'red in sev:­eral inst"lnces to indicate direction of ,the tunnels.

The nrin:inru.m tine ;lvaihble with the l-rire rudders prior to the concl~lston of the operation PrQcluded use of the rudders to loc.<>te multi-leveled tun­nel systems Bnd tunnel slope. In ;mticipA,ti0n of extensive future utilizA.­tion and testing, addition-"l.l wire rudders' been renuisiti0ned foT' use by all m~neuver elements of the RAttAlion9

14. CommAnders Analysis, The kill ratio ,qnd the lA.rge number of 'f'T'Y's tRken in this Operati<n is indic.<1.tive of the results which CRn be oht'1ined if an" area is completely sealed off. The rapid insertion of the 2nd Bn(~)(~ein), 5th lh,rines into An ;'tre!1. South of the LZ for the 2nd Bn(-) (Rein) J 4th Mp..rincs, forced the enemy to move in a Northerl;T directiC'ln since he W'lS blocked on the llJ'est by CJIG personnel from THUO~lG DUC S;? Ijrunp I'Ind on the b~T the SONG THU BON itself and 1/5 blocking forces on its e~stern h"tnk. In so de­ing" the enemy repeAtedly made cont.qct with H::> forces to the ~Torth suf­fering hcR.VY casu:11ties. His -"l.ttempts to move to the South \':rere blunt­ed by 2/5'8 sweep to the North I'nd NOl--thel'l,st I-1.nd ag~jn he suffered henv.1 casualties, Helicopter support and fire surmort cIJordj_naticn were exce·l ..... lent throughout the conduct of the OperqtiNl.. The SCClut-dOg ; nrolTed an invalu.::tble asset in flushin,f.\ VC from well concealed positirllls .'lnd in locating tunnel complexes.

Of special interest is the fact thA,t enemy fortific::>.tirms ,-rest of the SONG THU BON .were positioned to meet An -'l.ttl'lck from the By landing S1f of tOE:se positiC'ns, 2/5 completely negl'!ted their effectiveness .. In most inst~ces the fortific~tinns were well constructed p.nd showed th~t detailed pl?nning had gone into their positioning.

o Pr~ field testing of Nire Rudders indic~.ted th~t they ~.elsist in locating under ground fissures; further testing en future operl'lti(ms, hoTt."­ever, will be needed to determine their comnlete ~.nplic~bi1ity to the 10-cA,tion of caves ann tunnels.

The ease with which Co's .1\ <ma B 1/1 assJm.ilated themselves into the 2/5 combat structure is indicative af their high st~,te of tr:> ~d proved the feasibility of the interchAnge nf units without the loss of combat effectiveness. Doth comp"l.llies are to be COMmended. for ~. ,iob "well done".

All indications pointed to long term occup~ncy of the area of operations by enemy forces. Although civilians in the ::trea l~ere not openly hostHe and appreciated medicrll. treatment given at B \S 1'tnd Cl'·C there is little doubt that the VC infrastructure therein C0ntrols most of the lnha'b:1t;.mts activ­ities. A successful R&D progra:m e~ only be prosecuted when the VC hold is broken. In line with the above) I plan to conduct future operations in the area.

\~OO~~~~~@ J . -


.- .... _--_._----------DECLASSIFIED


• • 15., :lcccl'lmonrlatirns... It is reC0Jl1J\orr:.ed '~,P;"l.t in future ("IDeT'rJti01:"lS the,",r.i HO.\ B~s~-'thfl.t sufficiGnt'Vr-~8~ Flllnn An"" f:D.te:r-s he T';r1~.t this location to refuel helicoptf'T'S user' for resupi)ly ;:>]l0 cvctCU~t:i("ll').

This will el:l:rtl1rli~t@ the roC'uir<:nont i'0r helicopters to !'f-'tnM1 to the' Df'.P1ING are;:1. to refuel ,!)JJrI the nelp.,y inv01verl in su~no:rt ('If the ooer:1ti."n.


14 SEC~


MAP: VmT !-TAM 1: 50 ,000 $HBIJT 6640 IV 2nd Bn~ 5th Marines 01 February 1967







-+52 !



1 k.--",-,~--

'A'.~.~.! ! 1 '~., ,



• •. ~


. g'j




I . . ""-1--- 45







. 1~.ill:° YIT,T l--lftJ-f 1: 50, mn ,&flb~i..' 1S6;j.c 'i7 .,..' ,. 2nd En" l5't.hll!ari"'18s

03 FECFtiJ,m,r ';067


I .. '+--46

I I 8R


5.5' --J--.. I


~ F '.,;;. ·V"if':;; N ;'j::' 'i ~ ;'50 ~ om s~lr~~ 66;: .... CJ ~:v ~:c·_~: '".' ;':.> l'~·::,·~'ine~

- 04 :t1j)'"() ~q6'i .~~!"j

1 -,..---:-- 45




....... ,

"', '.

k ,,~, ''': .r· /!~

/- j ," /

/ .-.,


MAP: 'lTOO :HAM 1: 50,000 SHEET 6640 IV 2nd Pn, 5th ~~~;rine8 "

. 0"5 FF:B~TA'PIY 1967 D+4 .





56~. I I

..... -~--'





'MAP! vr.T NAM 1: 50,000 SHFET 66 !+O IV . 2nci P'J,3"~,1 :lJTa;"ines 06 :rE;~RI; I,;,"," 'i Q [;'7


t· 41


• ." .

-~.-~--. ... ,.

ENClOSURR (1) 7 \


/ .:

/ ./

, }lAP: VIET ~TA}1' 1:50,000 SHEET 6640 IV 2nd Pn., 5~:::·!1Y.a",i.ne5 "'? ~:Jli)'T 1"S,( ~ ;:/67 '. I. .J... _ ,~ .,." ..... ".. I


-+--- 46 I



• • i

5S I

~ i

.. -, ..

+' T'_

... . Ih

ENCLOSURE (1) , g SFoCRF.r .'

!... ,,"


~.. ., '.

• ... &.2

, . I s;-t




'I'·~A.P: VWT TlTI\~ 1:50,000 SlfF.JiT M40 TV

'2nd Fn, 5th }Karjnes (')Q . F.F:.R~T ~.'Qy 1°6'7 ., D+8

\ \.f \.

f ----, .. ~







/=£"B 1917 . . ~ :"'1tt,:~ ogra;o. p


I I i I


,. Conaet AftSIm, __

/' 4. Nan"aiS. .... 81/111." At. ot~ 2M lJnC-)('atdn) Sth )f.1"1nee 0enuN / er, ComJUlAa S anet , ()~! .., H\· Mudn. tor ~m"l lmPP'P'M.


,.., O1focaI o,.at.1on D.,..JlmCl ........ with .. beUl1ft et Cam~ I 111\0 the ~J"tiYe ... .

5. f.:ttc. et Weathel'f riO ...... ettect.

,. 'fI'fcne 6. ~1()ll. 7. lbne

7 • .,ltit Canon ne,ort.I 2 w/Co l • . 1 v/eo r', -' f wI~ .. H .. t.rall e.u1- ()fl Operation ~m;'F,NC!

8. Sooat ~ '1"...., ,'1' ... , 1 w/Ct, r. t vIr .. rr an. 1 vIr." F en 01*'t.ticn ~mJFnar.



• • 2/5

SIT !lIP '"

. . . 2. Pltmt "--.vI,.." D.1" ... ,,, W, '-" 1 Sq4 "i~ fP. , H

..,.(11 3.\ ARtoau

Ceuaw ....... rt.r I. 2/t; "OIl L on. ,. I 8Qtl(?) InI 4. Ala Icme I. en.

7. u\ c.-n ..",", a/14th Co E u\11iHl .. -.n auS- en OptnUaa DWPIOIalU. 1 yUh Co , in blMkmc 'POtd.U. In ~ ttaa INaPDIJIIl'ICI. 1 !n In CP.

.. ...\ sm.,.. . ! .. , .3,...... 1 v/Co Jl Of! Ope.ntiofl DlfII;"".i1'fl!l"'!~ 1 W/Oo Cat,,, .,JO. 1 W/Oo l! on OJ \tl,oa1d·nt tel" ~ tM.HliD!<''''(!r,

,. 2ml Bn(.)Clte1n), 5th Y.arinea .nt1m1a to ~dIII&\e 1m ~ tlcm I1 .... EIC!

"" ... ,.~'" ~', 1'-',,_



• 2/5

Sit. rt.p I 56

Per:I.oIl CoT .... ! OjOOOfH to o,324OC1f r.67

"--1t! Jamt1Ye ~tmm\al'Y't 2/, (-)(Wn) «>nt1nU18 to )IVt;UIlp&te 1."1 ~tien D1.~ar..

__ A.t 02111(H 00 n' Det .. _ d92S,2t Peetd?$lll , l"fe S/., tiro tl'Glt Am"23. return. n.,-. v/9r:«m an •• "", fiN Obsel'Tecf 3 '.~ enel41 ti" to the Baa\ e&rTint: a 'Do41.

Coaaw JUne 'hport 1. 2/5 !AOR 2. eM ,. :2.,.. f7) ~I 4. A. None B. One

4. a.t, c:u.-. 2 v1Vi Co !: ettl1'" as tran gut ... on Operation DBIi'IiifJlmr. t with Co , in hletkinc }1Nitiorl on O,....,uon Imlt­~, 11n~CP



• • Sl! !t?:t I 57

~ ........ O-tlX'Ot te o.t.t400 hit • .,

/ I. • .... u .. _..,t 115(-)(!e1a) ee1ib ... • ,.'14I1,..1D 0, ..... D_.~C. - l' • .,,. 0.. ."Pit/CS, at J!9~ "',,"WQ 400 I1Itt ~ ... f:i.N ,... ... ."..' ._ .... ~ at d'9,252'. n .... JOO ru ". _ • ,a.., • .." -.c. ana .. ttft.

a--; At O,itoOl ell BfPl1'i'C!I. at 1"'45~' ........ 2 fta ., "- aM 20 1"&8 ,., 1/ At ntuae4 1, rde n ..... , at ... tim4t uarcl My __ i Sa t.t&e

wt_ ftanv 4 .. 26 p....... Sqaari. .. 1IGhM U. •• d ..... ., zoe-.. -..u • .,ateot.

t. ..teat et "e.tlIa'l J{) .. .. 111 .. Report, 1. 2/5 'fAOB 2. OM ,. ~. Sq- (7) ... .. I.. Be" I. 0-.

.. nt 08l"ll0iU 2 v/CoB aUl1 ... _atl aulaee on o,...Uo. DDaDU).OI. 1 w/Co F III Dlk pea eA o,,,.UOIl IJI» •• &IIGI, 1 ialllCP

e ,. SOIet SIIJ.~r T •• , ,'i' ••• , 1 W/C I: on Ope:rat1/JD lID».}).CI 1 v/Co C at J'.1J{G SUlfG. 1 w/Co I oa 01' .100k.· .. UC tOll OpwaUoa lIl>if­IPDOJ.



/' 1. JlllftUft ~~ t/S(-)(leSa) ... t.1 .... II , .. Ue1patA 1ft Op ... tt •• m •• o.a

(Late _tel) It rIl2030II 0. .(.) CI A'1926S17 p1.fl1cM .. S eIIem7 ---18 tAle .,.. w1 tIb t.lae1r 'l'PSaI1 J. .. w. ''19.)2. t1r'ed e ..... a ,larA ••

IJ'U •• ' ....... at fir.t-li,Ja\ .. ltle tAl t1" alV fMMSitiY. 1'RtJ11-at4 ...

~ (La_ rat.a:r) At. ~. Sq' ...... tlw C. K e1laerrei ,~ ., .t. 1~26. AlJM 1'1\ aba •• area ••• " .. 18.' ctftl'lP _.~., tAl

_eoc 81" ........ e! fts\a_ aN IIdsnn. (t.te 1lta7) .t, CJUU)K c. 1(.) CD 1,""21 noel,.. •• lm •

. - ~ .. :ao .. A/W tJ.r. ft.oq Yi .. A'l'9t7S2S t:tr.r in • .. \de t.e ... l"O'e..... .. turtM1" tire rec.1 ....

At OSUOOH • Sq .... Btle fha Co H A1.'9ONOS reeeiYeti apr>'-,..-- 50,. A/W fire ~ trr ... UD" '9'10. U'9lJSO,3. !teW1"lle4l tiN wlSA

... called l1'! ~_ .. SearckH area folm' ) fidlt.illl h~lt19 aU .. 1-tIeace ...,. W nth ~ to u. Sntlaea8\ 1.UIaQle W Nellta_liaJ. ._taot.

i. Eftect et \leat" ••

J. Ce_ter tii_ NepWtt 1. 2/S 'l'AOft. 2. 0 .. 3. 2:JqIs (1) ~I h. A.!it. it On~

4. lit taran, 2 _/Co E uUU ... all mil culdee &\'l ~nti~1l DI.D'I:PDUDcs. 1 vlel! y. 1n Bllc: he Oil Opent1 .• " IN i)t',P~1lCr:# 1 .. JaCP

s. 5oe\1\ 3'II1.f''' '!\J_. .3 Te .... , l/n ttl Co 1£ •• Opi::!'atifln Iff __ 'DDIC& 1 wftk:; Q at. li'lHG $:IHO. 1 ,,/Ce H •• fP ~.i 11, fer Operaat.1o !JI'D:!f'P:mIB cr.



• 2/S

$1\ ftep 159

P.teet eo........ Q6Q:0fR t. ~~ 'rib if!

f ...... tlw ~ Nt 0S2'f:P. Co Pf/nt/Ca /'" at. A~5%1 .... til"" f 7JIfI8 n~ in. ".~ NmlUaw •

1 Ul'tfO l(!A flila 1ft.). 'Rei&uaed 4 ... 60a ~. ~ urea at tiNt. light., unable to NI8t.ab1:SA OOtltact. vI .....

/' -' QSC90, c. alCl 3'e&, at dI:!Ol87, Wile e1Y1na YDatruclJan / on the &.72 (Lw), JlfaJ"ln. ~r vas tl'f'1ul' to .~ VJII1 vI e live %WIld 1~ it. w.~ exJI,odtld ~tfng ill , tt~ ~ne)

2. r:tect of VerAtka-. !ble

3. C<I1nt .. Mine ftepollt:

1. 2/5 ZAmt 2.Cne 3. .2 $qda (7) J:na 4. l. NoM B. One

4. Ut. Cuaout 2 v/Co ! ut4.U._ as tall auld- 61\ ~ :nmm:Y~. 1 vICe. F in 8lk Poe on Operation :mlJi!m~!CS. 1in Bn CJt



• • 2/, ,

.' .... , PeI!!104 ~. oaoootIf to ~ ... "

t. 1U!'a\t". 8e I .,.. At C11~ 0. Olal at / A ..... t&U _~ ~ an ....... ~-?a(L.ctJ) ~ .. u.·'"

pl ........ Wub .... ~ ..... 17 ., ~ ~l,",-bl 4 ~ VI. (~. all .... ~ in ~ IlI"eII.

" 0IDt45H, Co pJOP ... at l~, a 'f1 .... ..., •• ~ ~,t.e or .... "'" hcl" ftIdl,. Ift4 tU ~ ...,. c.., .. n t .... ... )IIII'AIaIe ~ .... hep... WUl .. --'0 .t. thwt l!« to.

a. itt_ et liIIat.hePJ ...

,. ODuntw tiDe bportl 1. 2/5 fAot 2. OM 3_ 2 ~ (?, Ina 4. At, 10M It. 0-

J,. D\ CaaoD. 2 'fI/Ce J: ut.111 •• ". t.Pd1 .Ue. en ~t!Oft D1lm'ElII1DCZ. ,w/fio, in !lk PM 0)' 0perat1M nttZJI7(W1l!'~, , III BaCP



• 07(n\tJf .. (ff24I:I:M ,. '7

/' 1. fl ...... U" •• .....,. At. 06f&cur, Ce H/W'D/IP at A'1'S9SS1' t«*M .. n..n ...... u \rdl with In 8* ....... ~ .... 111 hw .2 r. 0DIpIDan v...t..I ....., .,. all .. a ......

A' O71<XJC11, Q, I/PlVSP at A~ noeiTM &PJftX f,OCO • /1/1" A/W'" an4 .taw ~Wn) ...,. at A~. ,...

tumtd 2Q) "'- 8/,.. • 81_ ..... bNk. ~t.o.ot .,. fl_ to. til. W",- tflllMe .. ,.,... .. ta taotdoal. atllldtdt.

e 2. !tted of W-.t.herl None

3. Counter JU.n. BIJIDI'

1. 2/' fAOl 2.CM ,. 2 Sq8 (1) "'" It. A. w.u B. OM

4e n~ CaNODl 2 wfet> It utiliz4id u tan I"!.des em Opeattm ~. t ./eo , in Dlk ,. on OperatioD DlI01tNtDIC!. 1 ia BnCP

.. s. seu.\ 8nipe%'''''' ,~. t _tll ~J:I an Operatien l'!1'8'I. UDat 1 v/CeJ G at. fI(',!1JJ 8'-~, 1 ./Co H on OP hloak1ng top ~

e1!·rtIJWID.C&. -





• • 2/5

Sit i8p 162

Pdod Co'V'eNIt a:)OOOUl to cm<Xli F'eIl '7 I. NfU"lI'&t.1ft ~I At O8t1a3QJ Co H/tbf/fP - - ..

./ at ""75f~ poInt man t!"1~ .. lI£46 "NI' al"«\&l.de1l1n. v/vt, 'NlN. :1n 3-UEBl. all W E'tae.

./ A\ '*"., Co H~ a.... A'l926'JZ'1 p~ , "-~/ •• - ts-ca A!')28S22. a.turn81 t (1..) ant1 20 _ t/'if fire. ~ fire .....' , . ,- - -

_ t\ 09t245ft. Cc B!sGrI/S? .. t m1~t4 C.",." tw J!ID'l31 ]d.ta 7 ~ ~ trag gNl.-, J'II11Jl JIlt.. WIN "tier" alae ..,/1'-16

gl" .....

2. Ifttota fII Wtt.ILtbet none

3. Count. X:!n. ~, f. 2/5 rACK 2. ~. 3. 2 Sq. ('1) In« 4. A. ~. D. (be

5~ '1 .. 6. ,... '1. ~ .. * '!let' ~ 'ft_"..,.. flh,,<JY "JII ~

4. nt CU'IOnt 2 v/eo ~ ut.UiPll _ tan &n1dte em flpeat!Q1 llmil;1'J;'lIPl!'.NC!:. , viCe F in mk PH an OJ*'l,ti (ttl mDf"l't.MP H, 1 !.I'l Bn Cl>

5. s.aout. Sr:d.per 'reaD» ,'rna. t wIer:. r t.m Operation nu1't!,~,,~ 1 v/Co G at ~1C1lG St- r,n t t vICe H OD rF to!" Opepat" eon nmr­tt.NI}JI,f,iCE

6. At ~ 0J)er8tion D1DEWN1t1!Cf, ~aW. At 091f~1 ebopped OPOON tJoaa 9th ~.apin_. C<a~ 1r. and , and ~Md ntwa" Ntumed to A!) P.OA C.ombat Bue.



/ • -:'/5

Sit rt"j ~3

Period 00YVed. 100001H to 102.40(1{ Feb 67

/. t. Nal'ft.t.i .... ~ At 0912O(J{ Co K ~ sp er-r-V!t:DTI.t.· . at A.T9H';5f~, V!1 mal. of m!li'Ul~ ~p, ~t+.ptM to run r~ ymtT'e1. WIl1 "'0 a~nd.'" TN dicll'lot hill" 10 eud. Pound 1\ ~ nac ~ 50 aetma tJlOli hi. hea.e. rw tol'ltC&l'ded to s-e.

/ At. 09t"CU Co R at. A.!915S'1. Jfar1ne v!4t4_iw pMliUo1'1 fi!"ed •

on VO.mpep. OM roun4 .\Jude 2 va", Pr!oI"iV'Med hao ...... ..w e aftd ccmpl.w. rn.,r.t4pUon ~.

2. If.feet of W ... ~f't lone

.3. Ccrunter Win. -.pori. t. 2/S ftOR 2. One ,_ 2 SqfIa (6) irl~ee1'8 4. At. None 13. ODe

5. flione 6.. Pl, 7. !one

4. [it. CarBonI t at 17. t on leave. 2 in tiel4.

5. Soou\ Sniper tea. t w/0tJ G 1 v/Oo r, and , v/Co H



• •

1. ~ ... .....,. JItcM

2. m", of ll •• tihert 'None ,. 0DtIa_ 11M _" 1. ", !AOR s. ...

e 2. Oft. ,. Mone 1. 2 Sq4 (7) ~.,J'II 'f. ,... 4. A. lone I. 0.

4. lit CaNonc , at. cp •• OIl 1 ..... 2 in'1e1L

,. Seoat. 9rd.".. '-. 1 vICe 0, 1 wfr,t-, '. 1 ,,/& R



• • 2/,

Si' ftept '" Tlmod. C......t. ,2CXX)Il1 to 12240CH ,. ",

/' 1. warrdt .... a..~ .:At '2t~Co ''''' . '.teol at (A""") NOll.. 5 rdJI sl A tiN ". ",U I.rld 14ft n.,.ke Yle (A'!I5IS:JIQ) Nn:tt.~ in 1 mE na. ~ 20 _ Sf'-· tift anti 7 NIt ~J • ...,... U tmd t'IqIIwt._ .. ...... .

.,' 121"" {'".o ~ nt • a ; ~~) ....s ... 2 • til. ti,.." .- ~.1IHIIl 20 ,. s/" tiN _If 4 ,. 60..

2. Ett"'.,......... r. odllllC ha. __ bel ....... '. dlt­ticul\.

3. ~"""' 1. 2/, fd 2. C8e ,. 2·3ctda (6, EAI 4.4. lone B. 0Ae

4. Kit eal'llon ~I 1 01\ 1..., 1 ./,"0 '. t ,,/r!r ('t. 1 vI". "



• • 2/5

Sir Re,z I 66

'eriocl C • .,erM. $J001H to 1324COR ,. 67

./ 1. Nal"l"atiYe ~al"T'l At 12131 Sf', cel'llllU);t HI Plt./sP at(l!934524.) rece1~ 2 rds sll fire r~ (_,",521). re­tumed 20 rds S/A ~d 4 ra 6Oaa.

/" 4t 1214SCF., Co Hhlt/sp (4'r9335.20) cbae1"Y'ed 5 enOtQ" tdtlt __ 'PD. . mo~ Noft.h ]fast. FirM 30 !'de ~/A and olteel"¥'erl f e't1G11JJ1' tall.

Se.rched a1'"ea (~T9405t3) mxf d1SGO~Nd lXJol of blood. ~"-'a leek_ A ;to it t WIA (TC) had been drag,'" elf. ~ ftt 13BOOR 00 n/fY''t/sp (A'r930520). dieoo'gel"Cd 1 7'~ Prag (:n-, It" m:b1e.a With tr!, wil"$~ -Mine _6 d..tJ'Oyed in 1l'laoe.

3. Counter )fine Repol"tt 1. 2/5 TAOI 2. an. ,. 2 Sq4 (6) _ • A. None B. lone

s~ tbt '. None 7 ...

I.e iit eu.oa Reportif 1 on 1 • .,.", 1 .. /00 F, 1 v/Co (}, f ",.to "

s. Seout Sniper Team, t Team w/Co H, 1 -Teall ",1sn ~'"', 1 Tea .,,/00





• • 2/5

Sit., 147

PeJ'iM o."""t 14000'R 1;0 14240QR Fola 67

/,,1. !lU'!"llt:1 .. Su.7.el"I' (tat. '!ntr,r) llt 121''-5ff ~·.,mW'!At . Co"" (-)/er. at (ATm2361!) Iml "Ihisker1ttl'Y '-/H en 01' at (.'rtUyt3)

o'lteeJ"IM ed.imateci 50 cal 14U fire IItJill1Ml1x.. 50 l"'f\ll vie tdth.r (~!'M53S5)cr hT!791)1) pt )Yedenc hele lit't~ eff frot!! Co '" (.) ltC8itior.. #l"ty mi8si~ne: '·rel"!! ea11~ (in both cu~.eted tIflemy n"Je1-tiens, the former with 4 ;'. ;m4 20 1m an" thE!' bttel'" with 55 ~ 1"I!e

er.n-.r I«i oeuf14 til·. and the helo did not suetldn prty hits • ./' At 13 UH ~ eo H (-) lea (A'1'9~527) oDeerv.,..d ",/20 power 800pe

./ tw enel!/y v/pa.$ and t/eapons. hf930~}. Fire4 one 90JIIn m: l"Ii l"ff8ultir.g in 1 VC KIA (proe). Seareh(ll.(t l:'Il"P.a todAY lind t"mtnd ~ matks ..

At 131835H Co tl (·)/e! (:''1'928527) obse1"Vf'ld ",/2f) ~ soc,. ./ eix .n~ 1,''1 ,gM(7 and kak:r.i \Ulifo1'ms w/tp.cke ~(\vin~ SlJ at (~!931SC6)

Fired one 90mn rd. ()bef!l"'Ied ODe e:-: fm1Y a~vl i.'1fC; fi l"t"!d f'll!ftOOd 90-rei, erH!IIl~' d18A.p~~red. Eat.:lm".te 2 Vf: KIA (~",b). ~"'.ll1"'(!hed aNa today and found evidenCf'! that C)OR1 round h ~d;-.etr." ,~t above enerr~~ coo rd mates.

/ At 14 f 22Q-1 Cc R( -) !fY..,'O at (A:1'90849S). J.f1lll'ine s~t eft' C-'b,tiN'! .' type rrJne result .lng in ene U$KC W!.A Olon ... ClM\c).

Counter Min. ;teport. 1. 2/, TA.f'R 2. One 3. 2 ~d. (6) Eng. 4. A. ~}f,ne r-. tronc

~. 0ne f:.. Pone ,. ('rJe

4. K'it ClU'BOn Report,: 1 Orl lenve ~ f w/Co !l', 1 w/co ...... 1 ..,,/("-0 if

5. ~oou:t ~iper Tea.'Ut 1 ~~m w/Co If, , ~. lI~n m:', 1 t~ w/ Co p



• Sit Rep I 69

Plll'1od COVendI 16000t11 to 1l24O(lf P. 1961

/ t. Natftti'H~' At. 16()q1" :J/Plt(-)!SP . . tor ......... p found. boo. tl'apped ftn1lOllball at(tr9OS\?5). ~ in plaee'tv encin ..... h_ a aeeol1d.u7 exp'oe1nn. . /' ...: :~5~.:m~P t!O:';:':'= r::u~~tW'l:-I~~ 2 ....... '19. ~4II1Y tift oeaNIIlJ oantimed K9f

a. It, .... of W.t.hert 'one

,. ~.iMR.po"'t t. 2/s f. 5. QM 2. ~. ,. Nan. ,. Iqtl (') --,i'on 7. a.. 4. A. Joae B. •

4e Ut. OaNOn ""I 2 .IBn cp. , v/eo (;. t ./00 I . .. S. s.o.t. SIdPH' ' ... 1 1 t_ wlBn CP, 1 _100 " 1 v/eo If



• 2/,

co, tet M A!mIY

att I., '"

..... 01........ 15m01R te t5~ ,. 61

/" ~ t5Ol3Clf Co H/&.rI.(+)/SP top Nad ....,. at (.,..,1,..,,' Me \_

... Sf'tiM rr- ( .. f90S504). , .. \Ufted 10 ?de pl. tf.,.., .... 'e tfJ .. "",,, eea:Nh __ <IDe to 1'daeica.

A At. t5t~ Co R/.et nt./eI>.t (A!9145t4) ........... ,~,... .. .,/014 'boT 1na1cIe wiN .tt~iJt« to steal. 1'!ltle. .,...... ... te

the 8-2 ... ial tor _tea..

2. Itt_a of Weathert

3. c.nt..p W1n. !eJ:ortt 1. 2/5 f'Aat 2.Qae ,. Sq' (') .. 4. ~. lone •• Won.

s. WoRe 6. 1l!OM 7, l1Qw

4. nt Caraon It...,,,, 1 on lea",_. 1 v/Co " 1 _/Co r.. ., vm. " 5. soaa\ snipe%' ,.... 1 t.. wIPe. ell.. ., _Ie. ,. , v/r.e "



eo, 1.t lOl?D1V

Sit !tep , 70

P-.!.od CO~f 170001'9 to ,'72lJ)CJf ,. ,,,

/ t.. 1aprat,1 Ve luana tTl ~t 161 '33C1! at (A't'9091l>Q1) '-J.'ft lIaa 6, Jaft man Delta 6, and Jfr1_ w-. aa.bed '" 5 OJ' , en.,. 11'- (Af905491). ~t 16t3SC11 a plt t'J"C!Il Co JT vas a.-,.te1\ert fftlIl 'be .,.. PI008ed" to .aert l!IIIbaIled JIIlJlty to "'"" tll'~ (A) ( _"'" "17). ODe USIC KIA (the <1ft"..). 1 lJSM'C w.r:l.

t'IllJlh1« m~t ot 16 reb 67, aR" ftP __ r.... .a1'llllrWd e n1lJlGlld b!IA&. at (A'l908ftB1) ldth taJiloeiYeS. At ,'"",'" eb • P1\(-) .. -.tread 8WHJ) .mt1PMtf ud ...... t.tred da.IIIICe ~. ~t· 17101" n\(-) Aftd. -n._ .. e bIIll4l.w a.""teh.-1 ,.. ... RnA ••• \0 bufJ.. )0"-_1 top 1Iheel .. t!'lltttc a.-. rift". At ''1''. _" ...... 0GIIpl.~ --- ...

At 1?OSOJt 00 1.(.) • .t-!n b1.dd.~ pGltit~r Yie (A'f~"") .. ./ ....... County Fur- o,.ration S.1,. - . ,/ A' 1?t195(E 0"1 H Io.d/SP found \., !ll-26 beobr __ ...... th t!!J> . 'MiNe _ (A'!9"~) ... (AI •• ' ... ,... blWl in yll" ...

At 1'112OOH Co ('} ohoA*l Of>COW ho,-n 2/. w a/5.' ," /

L Eft .... o~ W_theJ"t nene

,. Ocuntew 11M fteport.. t. 2/SfAOl s. ,.., 2. ... 6. None

e ,.. 8q4 (6) Inc 7. .". 4- A. ... ~. Ch ,

"- 11 t. canon a.;x>nt 2 "jBn 1]>. 1 'W/~ (; # 1 w/Ce If ~ ,. Seout 5Idper Team 1 '1'._ .IBn or;, 1 w/fJn '. 1 vloo If



• • 2/S

5-3 ~Cl '(tum

Ait l!ep ~ 11

Period Coy.N. lfl'lOllf to 1~400J1 Feb 67

/" ~ )farrati .. e s.-.!}.l"Tt -.t ltl)63OR-Ul1lOH eoJf(-) 5\1) moYId to Ilk. ~ ... ieeAT ?4'~) tor _sequent _p, H_let ~ ~l}( AT 94'15l6)~ 141720H ~t. reo. 25 !'de. ~/A. 4 v.c.{~~511) Nt .. :we rdata r5/A tire • ...,. .t'1N _dII4. ' lJ!k'fT4OH I Plt (,~'f 9485;\4) JOeO. )0. l/'tr rift (.t 94'51'1). !tet. 200 rd. 8/'_ ,. L79. 1Dftt.1na«! to move to fllk. n~.. ' ~ed , V.c. r'1W'Ib:c ~ertb {AT 9&6511), ope.,...ed t1ft. V.c. d!a"llNd 'fttt4)

.. tnellntt. l~ MG tie. Nt\tnc lfP 'POS. ~e ~ on OP • t.P1gNd __ .,ap. dft1_.lIX-4 2 WZ'. ~ecI aqd. leader U1.geNd

another 4....., .... t exploded two tt. atIoft·~ lfOWIdtn, ftw ItOft USMC. w.d ___ t, "'IA it 1 rIA). lS09QOFf eon(-) .-pit. La 1Iuap(1) ~. RIIJWlded 'W\II"fIirlg. round one 'fl- wIerrat' d~te. 0.-~ (tmlt to ~,·RQ).18l04<Jr fte •• ~ '~Pd. "

5/1.. A/.rtu. (.,. '47511). Nt. 600 :re.~/t,l~& 1ft 't_. 12 ~-.,.. '3.5. ~ tSre ae .. d.,· ~ tlti.thte F-3A (n 9AS'.) ~ v/btnoeular. 4 men (.A" '41.$11) 1 JrW'l ,eal1oul,.n ..,.,~ 1.1&M blUe u1f'Ol'l'! _ .. broWl belt. bkmcl other tb~ ()1"'1.fM'!W. we~ white, khaikl, em black ".118. l"1red:24 rd ••• , obHrnd enell7 ra 1Dt.o ttree.,> 1 rall. ~earched ~rei!l wIno ~ eonteet. ("-eIT lS)8'JOff~, ... rort) ,1/ C,;/<. I A~IiO q) Ius M C. K / R 7 USn,c UJ I '<-)

/ ~t l8lO~ ~ "ta1r rpention 5-1;4 tem1rn&t44, Qo1l:(_) eeJdaeW

. Mum...., to .AD Ro&.

.. wteet.a of w.ath.4n-~ ...

,. CouRt.? W1mt ~: 1. 2/S TAOI s. Tw 2. Cne ,. 5q4 (6) lDc

6. w .. 7. f.laN

4. l." B. One • ~. nal"!"atl" __ ..,.



/ 1. ..... 1W....,.. .. I" ~t CtM,... .....,. ..... ,., *' (d' tDJD9J ~ ~ . .. .. ......... ,. ... wi ...... t". """"ator. ..."" .. .......... «.m\ ....... ..

.. . ..... .t WMthwt .,1. -lJ' -~ bmft lnv It"" ~~w. .• ,...

f.. f:IJle 6. ,.. lit. f'8t • w. ~ ~ef!l ~ .. ..

.. I. CINoa "'ft. ,. Sa ..... 1 v/OM .. '"'U ~ .. ~

" J. -'-' ~ ,.., .··1 "..,~. 1 ....... teo". 1.,... .,,/tlolf. - ..... -... ---.. ...... p.dPcl. .. ~. ~ ...... ..... ..... ... .... ~ ,_ a:'. 1Dt'ra .,.. .... .



' •

.. WftMt., ~t ...

,., t.'JIIIIIn .. kSM ~t 1. 2/". :&. C. ).. 2.,. (6)",

s.~ &. NoM 7. 0.

4. .. -a.tlM • - let. Spot ~ 200ft" ... a. e .... ~t , hi!DC1'., 1 td\b C6P. _ '''''''1 .... -JUrola. .


t:J t>=:l I


~ 00 00 H h:j H t>=:l t:J

e \ - \ ,.! 'tfA" ~ ;1' ~ f" "~'llliIII tt:I,1r r I

- - -- ~~u .. , pJ r ""', r.. tJIJi itl l iI .. 0 II · :It' ~ "rei

_ 'I f !1!JjJ fl.!J·: fllf 1~fff i!l~al Jf~&tt. t!iPJ1 ' " · .~ ,'tt> l1r6'CI,- ~J Ii" 1 · ~ .. ..• If r a .. I ~I ~ $

1 , I 5.",ill it}~f ltli:: .., I' It r~'J,tri Ir ~ 'I !; In ~llrl!t ,1J· ~ ",I[ Iiall'l~ ,'1,· ('

; J, 'i.' I · I ,.11

8 S. • • • f I •


S -Il: ..

I~ () t'""I

;I~ '00

H h:j H t>=:l t:J

e L ...... ., ..... -,. ............ .. s. .",,­I. .. ,. ."'(')" .............. -


... '0... ....... 1...,.1 ...... 1 ... .

,. ..... ,..... 1 ... 91. IaC'It 1 .... wi ...... ............ l .. "'tJa ....




• •

•• .,.., or \({!Ia .....

S- O ........ .,...., .1.'" -r.tCI t. CIt ,. a aqu ('). .. A.-. I.e.

.. I1tc...~ • ,. -.tau.pao,,-,

... •

-,. .... Ie -T. -• lin ........ • ........ ... .-er_.- •• ..,'"

1.' .... 1 -/fM8, 1 -~, "4w/'llllll.P. 1 .,.,." 1 ., .... I wi ... .. 1 -I ...



• • • _ PI'".

.,.."" ,..... .................... ,.,

..., --

/" 1. .. .... ,... II»I (1JlII -n .it 2Jl_. IlIA PIt. ...... 1 ... 111 ... ., _. at (At 91Btl) ...... 1 ............ UIIII .......... _ld.oJA ....tu.- _ , ••• n'ts.. .. . ftIdANle ...... yteMllJ' ............ ..iMts.. .. .... ...... 1-.1' AIwUa .. ., e1aoWiMl ee. nrt.. ... ... 1IIIaW .. e .... JO .. IS 1 __ ..... "pnU,. ............ ...u..&_ .......

/ (J.AfI _), At IJlQ.OI !JIll Pl', -rc:., tat Jff .... ..,. .... at (Ill ,."., 111M ~t'l ... till __ et lad 0Id0II ia ..... ,. -.I,,, fa'_." ..... OarlPl ••• .. .t ... to 11'-'Irrll, 1. r'.......... .. ..... :l.1li ....... _t. . ......... . , ...... (WfJI .., .. tJ1,Mt .............. ,...,., at (14' ,.,.) / ".lI."'. " ....... _tla ... I'i ... , ~ -. ..... ill' ...... • W,....... ,..." .... tift Wl\11 " ..... . .... 14 ..... UJ_. IIdtJal 90111 ... u.ot lit- ,.. ... ..... ,.. ja ._, ... ltl.4Ml .... ..nil Mat ...... ...,.I' .... .., ..,1 .. £.- ......,.. ,t. ... ~ ...... , .. ta ..... 4 ...... _ .... 11/1 ... u.t to earl". to .. app!lU l~ .!aatee ...-lu.. fa 10 YG IlA .at.

a At .. ,..... 8ft-- tst ..... (.d 919511) Hr._ I - ... " •• UII." 11M peid6 ....... U.... '-It ,o, ..... tift dth .,

... 1/1 .. 4 ...... _ .. tMUal •. U .. , ....... <1."'. ' ...w ....... a11 ... .... ,/ At..".. Otr 11' .... (.14' lit".) ftOa1 .... 1,..., IU". hft ...... '.TO. n .... ,. ,... ..... ~ at ...... C- 1JOJ5l)


........ ,., r4a I/A • , ._ ................ r. ~ _ •

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!*ao • • 1 -tnnexl tA Inolesue (1) t.e !!:~n ortlW 3100.11

I~A8 r • .,. the preparau. • • t t.he lfarratift Slmaat'7

1. .,. L""ail ... SuDnu7 1. • seri .. • t 1Ibd't.,t _ CQn~ ••• ~ .. l.g1aa1 narr;lU.", AOOHnU .t the .. 10 the Centact Aot1oD ~ (AnMx I) and ethel" R4h N&Dlf10an6 ftWIte ..... by the ~ ...... 1".

a. Baeb lattaUen narrU1ve wU1 _na1st .t a IIIIri.M .I.a.rt par",rapba .. tUnc t.rt.h in ... h the wheN. __ • vbe. what. aDIl hctv .t the fl'enta be1n, .a...nbet. ~ ••• t ~ t.t.rat t_ entriea anI

t,t. 2119301 tM .. ,1t., Oe C .......... 2O-2S ....... 'an4 AW t1.n fIa 16.5 YC whU. IM.I'fIhlng .-t111lda ftoWt, ... Son (.) (It 02~). J1H ...... ,U. t'l.ar1ke4l ...,. an4 eftl1"an,.. a.lUl.te 1 YC Ui. 1 'fCCI .. 1 USMC wu. (ItM !Yae).-


.At. l2Oa4t8g a ..... sq'" aa.. 'ft.e (at 0)16.52) .,. ... vlth SA .", aDIIl ....... n an 8 un YO patnl. YO nttaDM SA fUo. &rill ..... _ntaot! lenlts , fC WJ 2 JC m (prMtbl..;t:r!..UM: III (.~). 'Ghl ... aa. 2 ~ belt. ana • ld6 sr-... ·








. 25/l"eifl ~39 ;S-7.:5 --c,;

~ ;;;E c:- G 5"""" ' ,-

" From:' Commandit.'1g General" Fleet Ha:rine Force ' " Pacific .' To: Comnand1ng' General, III J'liAF',

SUbj: Definitions to be used in submission of: data for the FTIiFPAC Historical Report (HIS'fREP)

" ,/ , ", . 7

(a) COi'lit]SJ'·lACV directive 320-l'; (ltd lJ5 July 1964 (b) COHU3!'1J1.eV' dlreeti ve 335-5-'; c1td 10 June 1965


(c) CO;<lUSJ'1AeV' message 260935Z (U) JUL 1965 "

Enel; (1) CG, Fi-lFPAC Infantry ACtion definitions.

1. 'Reference (a) ,establishes definitions to be used in preparation ,of COMU~:iACV' S US COt·'fl\W'IDERS DAILY srruATION Rt:rORi' (SITHEP)',

2. Reference (b) offers further guidance in SJ:.rP.}~P reportinp; and . reaffirms the use of the definitions in reference (a).

3. Refererlce (c) directed that row additional unilateral or service sitrep requirements imposed upon III ~'V,li\, should be addressed separate­ly from reference (b).-

11. The Ft·1[i'PAC HIS'lWP utilizes the types of operations defined 1.'1 ' referei1ce (a) with the following exceptions:

. .~ ,

a. 'AlI,ffiUSH operations are dist Infr,ui shed. from general SEAtlCH AND 'DESTROY AND CLEARING operations and recorded as a separate action . . '

b.' Only 'the fu..'1ctlon of GUARD AND F,sCOR'l~ opera~,ions related to squad and platoon size secU!~ty patrols 1s recorcled.

. '. ': "

'c. SECURING is considered to be a. phase rather then a typ0 of operation and as such no attempt is made at this time' to recorrJ. SECURING operations,

d. SEARCH M'D DESI'ROY and CLE.-mn;G operations conducted by squad and platoon size units are .recorded under the sjnglehead1ng of CO')lTi3AT

, J? A'l'ROL. .

e. SEIJtCH AND RF...sCUE operatlons are not considered statistically s1gn1f1c~t 3nd are not recoroed.


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5. Report to be used at the DJ. vj.:3ton level ,for III:::iI'l{3:P J.npt!.t r:l.£lve been designed at this lleadquarters and will be pror.lulr;ated. by separate correspondence. Hark sheet::; for the use as desireci. at tbe Rei!:imental and BattaUon level, \>."i11 o.lso be prov:Lded .. In (brc1er to in~'lure consir,tant rE~portinr:; it 1s rn.--mdatory that the definitions con­tained 1.'1 enclosure (1) ,be utilized in filli.'1t3 out thez€' forrns.' \l1h11e' an attempt hus been made to pattem these definit10ns after' those con­t;llned in reference (a) so as to avoid. dual repor"cin,o;) at the lower echelons, it nll.lst be clear that they apply only to HI~'iIREP input and should not influence reports required 'by other headl}unrters.



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.. 1. SEARCH AND DESTROY (SID): An offensive operation conducted for the pl"irna.r;y purpose of st::!eking out and destroying en€llV fOl:"Ces, in-

· stallatlons or resources. In search and destroy operations there is . no intention of rema1n1ng in the area to establish security. .

2. CIEARING (eLR): lin off ens 1 ve operat1on conducted for the prirr.aI'1J purpose of clearing eneIT\'! forces from an area "11th the intention of maintaining rriendly forces :In that area to establish security.

3. AlVli3USH (AMB): . An offensive operation conducted from a concealed .. position for the purpose of surprising and destroying enemY units

moving thro~ the area. .

4. c.9Ml3ft.T PATROL * (efJ!Bl: A platoon or smaller size SEA.1iCH and DESTROY or ClEARING operation.

· 5. PECONNAISSANCE PATroL (REC): A patrol which has the mission of securing infonrat1on concerning enemy strength, disposition, or installations within a specified area.

· 6. SECURITY PATROL (SEC): Patrols conducted to protect installations, , 11m1 ted areas, cargoes and shiprrents, or specific proj ects such as rice gathering operations.

.. "".",

* F.i..eld units may use the terms SEA..liCU and Df!STBOY and CIEARING for reporting squad and platoon operations so as to satisfy report requirerrents irrposed by other headquarters, however these actions will be recorded in the Fr1FPAC HISTREP under the single heading of . COJ'tBAT PATROL. . .

\" " .

. . . ' .

. .' " .


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