
Food Safety and

SustainabilityH.What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing the sector you would like to specialize in at IE? What role do you hope to be able to play in this sector in the medium term?

IE Business School 2017 Spring Applicant

Carlos Yeh

Stunning Skyline?

Photo Credit: CarlosCarlos Yeh

The World's Biggest Petrochemical Complex: 2603 hectors and 53 petrochemical plants

located in Yunlin, Taiwan.

Photo Credit: Yunlin County Government

Formosa Plastics Corp’sSixth Naphtha Cracker Complex

Carlos Yeh


Photo Credit: Yunlin County GovernmentCarlos Yeh

Black Planet Award* 2009:Formosa Plastics Group and its CEO

*given to companies and people who destroy the environment

Carlos YehPhoto Credit: PTS News

ethecon Fondation

Photo Credit: Wenbin Qian @ Flickr CC BY SA 2.0Carlos Yeh

PollutionIn the area surrounding Formosa Plastics Corp's Sixth Naphtha Cracker Complex there has been a 30-percent rise in liver cancer cases and an 80-percent jump in the overall number of cancer cases. Studies showed that concentrations of eight heavy metals — vanadium, cadmium, man-ganese, nickel, arsenic, chromium, mercury and thallium — are higher.

(NTU Professor Chan Chang-chuan, 2009, 2015)


Photo Credit: Yunlin County GovernmentCarlos Yeh

Yunlin Country,where Formosa Plastics is located,is an area in the heart of Taiwan's bread basket, with agricul-tural output of US$2.2 billion in 2014. In the past, eager to develop its economy, the Taiwanese gov-ernment ignored the environmental costs, and overestimated the short-term economic benefits of industrial development. Pollution from industrial manufacturing has caused long-term damage to the environment and impacted agricultural output.


Photo Credit: Yunlin County GovernmentCarlos Yeh

Aldo Leopold once said:"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”

Photo Credit: Yunlin County GovernmentCarlos Yeh

MY OPINION"Land Ethics" is something we need to seriously consider since industrial pollution, pesticide residue, soil acid-ification and ground subsidence are having an enormous impact on the natural environment and agricultur-al production.When we take into account severe pollution, we can envision a future where the land is no longer able to support us. Land Ethic is a way to rethink how we coexist with the earth.

Carlos Yeh

Photo Credit: Yunlin County GovernmentCarlos Yeh


Food and agriculture is the basis of a country, and it is time for citizens to demand action and for the government to act responsibly to mitigate petrochemical pollution, use cleaner energy and promote agricultural innovation, so we can ensure the safety and security of the next generation.

Clean Energy Windmills

Carlos YehPhoto Credit: Yunlin County Government

Carlos Yeh

Agricultural innovation Adaptive Greenhouse

(This photo was taken whileI volunteered in 2013 for the Cheng Long wetlands international environmental art project.)


Carlos Yeh

I aspire to found an NGO dedicated to building a more sustainable Taiwan for the next generation.

IE Business School 2017 Spring Applicant

Carlos YehPhoto Credit: Yunlin County Government


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