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    Class – I Sec.




    Dear children,

    The long awaited summer vacation is here. Summer is a time to relax, be productive and to get ahead. As important as it is to rest and enjoy, it is also important to continue to learn. Strike a balance between work and play and allow yourself to grow in the process. You can spend your time as you wish but make sure that along with enjoying and relaxing make this summer a time to learn new things, exploring the opportunities available.

    To enhance your learning we have planned enjoyable activities to keep your skills sharp and concepts clear. Use your energy and give a vent to your creativity. It will surely enhance your learning process.

    Relax, enjoy, have lots of fun and come back refreshed.

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    Some useful tips for summer vacation:

    Some do‟s and don‟ts during summer vacation:


    ✓ Drink lots of water.

    ✓ Carry a water bottle everywhere you go.

    ✓ Wear light cotton clothes.

    ✓ Have plenty of seasonal fruits like musk-melon,

    Watermelon, Orange, cucumber, etc.

    ✓ Drink a glass of buttermilk every meal time.

    ✓ Study for half an hour to one hour everyday.

    ✓ Explore various games.

    ✓ Enjoy your holiday trips. Don’ts:

    ✓ Don’t be out of the house in the afternoon.

    ✓ Don’t have junk food.

    ✓ Don’t watch too much TV.

    ✓ Don’t waste time in being lazy.

    ✓ Don’t dirty your place of living

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    Note: Label your holiday homework and submit in a handmade

    folder, put it in an eco-friendly paper bag made by using old


    All activities carry marks.


    Q1. Learn the poem “First Day at School” from MCB (Page 28) and revise all

    work done till date. Practice reading the lessons done so far.

    Q2. Arranging in Alphabetical order:

    Cut and paste and make a rocket as made in the given picture. Cut different colors rectangle shaped cut out and write down the names of the given vegetables(brinjal, tomato,cabbage, lady finger and radish) and then paste those cut outs top to bottom in alphabetical order. (Use black colored A4 sized sheet).

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    Q3. Cut a big rectangle on an A3 sheet writes a big word on it. For example

    WATERMELON and illustrate it. Now make as many small words as you can from the

    letters of the big word for example eat, not, owl...etc. And write each word on small

    decorative cut outs of any shapes from another A4 sheet. Attach these cut outs to the big

    circle using satin ribbon. You can use your creativity to make a vocabulary hanging

    attractive. Take the given word accordingly:


    Girls - PINEAPPLE





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    Dear Parent,

    We want our children to be proficient in speaking English. In school, we are trying to

    encourage the children to use simple words, phrases and sentences and we need full support

    and cooperation from your side too. We would appreciate if you adhere to the following


    Speak with your child in English.

    Encourage reading habits.

    Encourage Word Building and Picture Talk.

    Usage of these short sentences will help them in conversing in English.

    1. I have finished my work. 2. May I go to wash room?

    3. May I drink water? 4. Please give me pencil / eraser.

    5. I have not brought pencil / eraser / book. 6. Please open my lunch-box / water- bottle.

    7. May I refill my water-bottle? 8. Excuse me, please get aside.

    9. My food has fallen down. 10. Please check my book / notebook.

    11. Please shut the door. 12. He / She has spilled water.

    13. He / She has taken my pencil / eraser. 14. Whose pencil / eraser is this?

    15. Can I help you in the kitchen? 16. Please give me a glass of water.


    Q1. Draw any of the pictures by using different shapes on A4 size colored sheet. Some

    of the examples are here for your help: (In black A4 Size sheet)

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    Q2. Given below are names of few fruits. Count the number of letters and write them in words .Draw the table and complete it.

    (Do this in yellow A4 size sheet)











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    We are sure that all of you would have made plans for a fun filled summer

    vacation. We wish that you enjoy your long break with your parents, family and

    friends. Try to utilize your time in such a way that you are able to sharpen your

    intellect as well as tone up your body by doing exercises.

    Q1. Make a family tree of your family. By adding pictures to it and labeling them by their names as Mother( her name), father(his name), grandfather(his name) etc. You can make a family tree with the help of the picture given below as well as you can use your innovative skills to make it more attractive.( blue A4 Size sheet)

    Q2. As we all know that we are facing a pandemic situation right now due to Covid-19.Here are some fill in the blanks which will guide you what all you should do and avoid during Covid-19 situation. So complete it in (yellow A4 size sheet).

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    Guess the pictures and write them in the blanks:

    Q3. We have five senses and now in this question we will either draw/paste the pictures of

    3 things we can( see, hear, taste , touch and smell)

    Do it in yellow color A4 sheet

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    Here are the six steps to wash your hands. You should wash your hands regularly

    before and after meals is one of the best ways to eliminate bacteria, prevent sickness,

    and prevent bacteria from spreading to other people.

    Follow these steps whenever wash your hands.

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    Note: Paste this worksheet in your computer copy.

    Join the dots to complete the picture and colour it with yo ur favourite colours:

    Write about your friend COMPUTER- Computer is ____________________________________________


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    विषम -हहॊदी प्माये फच्चों, एक रॊफ ेइॊतजाय के फाद िो सभम आ ही गमा जजसका आऩ सफ फेहद इन्तजाय होता है। हभ कौन से सभम की फातें कय यहे हैं , हाॉ ! गभी की छुहिमों की । इन छुहिमों भें आऩको ख़ूफ सायी भौज- भस्ती कयनी है रेककन अऩने घयों भें यहकय । क्मोंकक प्माये फच्चों हभें अऩने आऩको कोयोना जसैी भहाभायी के सॊक्रभण से बी फचाना है। औय भौज-भस्ती के साथ -साथ आऩको कुछ भज़ेदाय कक्रमाविधध औय अिकाश कामय बी कयना है। आयाभ कयत ेहैं ,भौज-भस्ती कयते हैं औय ऩयूी तयोताजगी के साथ कपय से अऩने विद्मारम भें मभरते हैं।

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    प्रश्न 1:- स्िय गीत माद कयो औय अऩनी ऩजुस्तका भें मरखिए। प्रश्न 2:- एक A3 आकाय के कागज़ ऩय फयगद का ऩेड़ फनाकय उसकी ऩजततमों भें दो ,तीन औय चाय िणों के ऩाॉच-ऩाॉच शब्द मरखिए।

    प्रश्न 3:- एक A3 आकाय के कागज़ ऩय फादर फनाकय उसभें यॊग बयो औय दस (आ) की भात्रा के

    शब्द मरखिए।

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    International Yoga Day is observed on 21st June every year. Yoga is a powerful natural state that can inspire you in many ways. Let’s make Yoga an important part of our life to remain healthy.

    So, on a colored A4 size sheet, do the following:

    1. Perform any one Yoga asana on a mat.

    2. Click your picture performing that Yoga asana.

    3. Write the name of the Yoga asana.

    World Environment Day, observed on 5th June every year, is the

    United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and

    action for the environment.

    Going back to nature and connecting with it is all about living as naturally as possible, making most of the natural resources and energy available. For environment to change there have to be small efforts made and each individual counts and can help in this initiative. So let us all join our hands to protect environment in saving the precious natural resources ensuring a healthy future.

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    Making simple modifications in our everyday life, we can all contribute to the cause of environment protection.


    PEBBLE PAINTING: Student can paint pebbles of different shapes and sizes to create paper weights. From small to big, round to irregular, they can convert the pebbles into bugs, fish or even cartoon characters. Every creation will be unique and they love in expressing their creativity.

    DADDY’S DAY OUT: Father’s Day is observed on the third Sunday of June. So, this Father’s Day-

    Pamper your Dad Make him feel special in every way. Surprise him by giving him a card and a

    gift. Be a little chef that day and surprise him

    by preparing a mouth-watering recipe for him. An example of one such recipe is given below.

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    Little chefs at work


    Recipe time- Mango Milkshake SUnday with yoUr mother’s help.

    Ingredients used

    2 large ripe mangoes

    1 and half cups milk

    1 and half tablespoon sugar( according to your taste)


    Ice cream

    Ice cubes Recipe Wear your chef cap and apron.

    Step 1:- Peel and slice mangoes into small pieces, discard stone. Transfer them to a blender jar.

    Step 2:- Add milk , sugar( according to your taste) and ice-cubes. Step 3:- Blend until smooth and creamy and there are no mango

    chunks in it. Pour prepared shake into serving glasses, garnish with almonds and scoop of ice cream and serve.

    Enjoy your treat with your loved ones.

    And don’t forget to take yoUr pictURe with the recipe and paste it on a colored A4 sheet.

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    SESSION (2020-2021)



    Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Roll No: ________

    Section-A (Subject-English) Q1. Fill in the blank to answer the question:

    a) What do Anita and Rohan do on the beach? Ans. Anita and Rohan build a ________________________ on the beach.

    Q2. Write four lines on Myself:


    b) _____________________________________________________________________



    Q3. Fill in the blanks with articles(a/an):

    a) _______________ ant

    b) _______________ ball

    c) _______________ axe

    d) ______________ pencil

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    Q4. Write the name of the following pictures and arrange the words in correct

    alphabetical order:


    Alphabetical Order:-

    _________________,_____________,_________________,__________ Q5. Fill in the blanks with This/That/These/Those:


    __________________ dogs are barking.

    b) __________________ is a chair.

    c) _____________________ are my shoes.

    d) ________________ is a car.

    Section-B (Subject-EVS)

    Q1. Fill in the blanks: 1. The activities we like doing are called our_____________________ 2. I ____________________ with my ears. 3. Your mother’s father is your___________________

    Q2. Tick( ) the correct answer:

    1. I listen to music with the help of my

    a) eyes b) ears c) tongue

    2. Mrs. Amrita Shah is Meera’s ___________________

    a) mother b) sister c) father

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    Q3. Write „T‟ for True and „F‟ for False:

    1. Rahul Sharma’s family is a joint family.

    2. We have two ears.

    3. Meera loves playing football.

    Q4. Match the following:

    1. five sense of sight

    2. Dhruv a small family

    3. Eyes sense organs

    4. nuclear family Meera’s brother

    Q5. Draw and label the picture of nuclear family:


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    Section-C (Subject-Maths)

    Q1. Draw the shapes:

    (a) Circle (b) Triangle

    Q2. Fill in the blanks:

    (a)A triangle has____sides and____corners.

    (b) A_________has 4 equal sides.

    (c) 3 and 4 makes

    (d) 1 more than 8 is

    Q3. Solve the sums:

    (a) (b)

    Q4. Write the number names:

    (a) 9 - ________________

    (b) 7 - ________________

    (c) 5 - ________________

    (d) 3 - ________________

    Q5. Fill in the empty boxes:

    (a) + =

    (b) + =

    T O


    + 4

    T O


    + 2

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    Q6. What comes before and after:

    Section-D (Subject-Hindi)

    प्रश्न 1:- वर्णमाला में कितने स्वर होत े हैं? उत्तर - ----------------------------- - प्रश्न 2:- वर्णमाला में कितने वर्ण होत े हैं? उत्तर - ------------------------------ - प्रश्न 3;- बादल िहाॉ आिर छात ेहैं? उत्तर - ------------------------------ -- प्रश्न 4:- सबिा मन िौन ललचात ेहैं? उत्तर - ------------------------------- प्रश्न 5:- भाग – भागिर उधम िौन मचाता है? उत्तर- ------------------------------- --

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    Section-E (Subject-Computer)

    Q.1 Name any two electronic machines found in our kitchens.

    Ans. __________________________________________________


    Q.2 Name two places where we can use computer.

    Ans. __________________________________________________


    Q.3 Write any two works that you do on a computer.

    Ans. __________________________________________________


    Q.4 Observe and write any two activities you parents do on their

    laptop/desktop or mobiles.

    Ans. __________________________________________________


    Q.5 See and write what this little girl is doing on computer-

    A) Cooking cookies

    B) Watering plants

    C) Watching movie

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    सेंट थॉभस स्कूर ,रोनी कऺा -1

    विषम -हहॊदी अभ्मास कामय

    नाभ - --------------------------- हदनाॊक - ---------------------------- प्रश्न 1:- शब्द बनािर ललखिए- ऩव ------------------------ हव ------------------------ भव ------------------------ प्रश्न 2:- वर्ों िो जोड़िर शब्द बनाइए – ट + ब - ---------------------- ि + म + ल - ---------------------- स + ड़ + ि - ----------------------- अ + ज + ग + र - --------------------- आ + स + मा + न - -------------------- बा + द + ल - ----------------------

    प्रश्न 3:- चचत्र देििर शब्द ललखिए –

    ------------–------ ----------------------


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    --------------------- -----------------––--

    प्रश्न 4:- आ िी मात्रा लगािर शब्दों िो ऩरूा िररए – छ ता ि ला अन र ि र अच र प्रश्न 5:- वर्णमाला ऩरूी िररए – क --------- --------- -------- --------- च --–----- -----–--- -------- -------- ट -------- --------- -------- -------- त -------- ------–-- -------- -------- ऩ -------- --------- -------- -------- म -------- -------- -------- श -------- -----–--- ----–---

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    PRACTICE SHEET-1(2020-2021)



    Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Roll No: ________

    Q 1. Color the letters of your name in keyboard with red color.

    Q.2 Choose the correct option-

    A. Computer is use to book ___________________ on railway station.

    a) Movie b) Tickets c) Songs

    B. A computer is used to play ________________________ at homes.

    a) Letters b) Bills c) Movies

    C. Computer is a ______________ machine.

    a) Electronic b) Funny c) Slow

    D. Computer works very _________________

    a) Fast b) Slow c) Don't know

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    Q3.Find the given words in the puzzle below-

    Machine Bank Airport Chatting Office

    F M A O A F H Q Z

    T F B F I W M S C

    E R A F R S A F D

    D S N I P W C X G

    C F K C O E H S I

    E D S E R T I X Y

    C H A T T I N G O

    D W R Y I Y E R H

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    PRACTICE SHEET-1(2020-2021)



    Name:______________________ Date:________Roll No:__________

    Q1 Fill in the blanks:

    joint, together, tongue, see

    1) I _________________with my eyes.

    2) I taste with my __________________

    3) A family lives ________________

    4) Families can be nuclear or _____________

    Q2 Write “T” for True and “F” for False:

    a) We like to do different things in our free time.____

    b) We have ten fingers on our feet.______

    c) All families are small._______

    d) Your mother’s mother is your grandmother.______

    Q3 Separate the following body parts as singles and pairs:

    hands, neck, ears, head

    Singles Pairs

    Q4 Tick the correct answer:

    a) Each part of our body is

    1. useful 2.useless

    b) Nuclear family is a

    1. large family 2.small family

    C) I see with my

    1. nose 2.eyes

    d) Joint family is a

    1. large family 2. small family

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    Q5 Match the following:

    1. Listening to music Hands

    2. Smelling a rose Tongue

    3. Pulling a cart Nose

    4. Taste of sweets Ears

    Q6 Draw and label a picture of Joint family.

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    PRACTICE SHEET-1(2020-2021)



    Name:_________________________Date:________Roll No:__________

    Section –A (Reading)

    Q1. Read the passage and answer the following:

    It is a lovely day.

    Anita and her brother, Rohan are at a beach with their parents.

    Hey, let us build a sandcastle.

    Sure! I have a shovel and a bucket, too.

    a) Fill in the blanks: i) It is a _________________ day. ii) Hey, let us build a _________________________

    b) State True “T” or False “F”. 1. Anita and Rohan go to a beach with their parents.

    2. Rohan and Anita built a snow man.


    Q2. Fill in the blanks on Myself.

    a) My name is____________________________ b) I study in class _________________________ c) I am a_________________(boy/girl) d) I am ________________ years old. e) I study in ___________________________ School.


    Q3. Fill in the blanks with This/That/These/Those:

    a) ___________ plant needs water.

    b) _____________are frogs.

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    c) ________________ is a carrot.

    d) ______________ are balls.

    Q4. Fill in the blanks with articles (a/an):

    a)_____________ zebra.

    b) _____________apple.

    Q5. Write the following in correct alphabetical order:

    a) bus , coat , finger , apple

    ___________, ___________, _____________,_____________

    b) hut , summer , moon , train

    ___________, ___________, _____________, _____________

    c) r , p , w ,n

    d) z , a , d ,w

    e) s , q , h , r

    Section- D (Literature)

    Q6. Fill in the blanks:

    a) The staircase goes to the ___________________________ b) Anita has a _________________ and a __________________ c) Grandpa and Grandma will tell _________________________ d) Anita and Rohan will keep their toys in_________________________

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    PRACTICE SHEET -1 (2020-21)

    Subject – MATHS

    Class – I - ___

    Name: ____________________ Date: __________ Roll No: ____

    Q1.Do as directed:

    a) Write the missing numbers:


    b) 2 + 3 =

    c) 7 + 0 =

    d) 1 more than 6 is

    e) 3 more than 5 is

    f) 3 and 4 makes

    Q2. Circle the correct number:

    a) 5 + 0 = 3 4 5

    b) 3 + 3 = 7 6 4

    c) 2 + 6 = 8 3 9

    Q3. Match the following:

    Five 7

    Seven 3

    Three 6

    Eight 2

    Two 8

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    Q4. Match the following:

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