
4 • THE AME^^ ' , ,/,,,,:;,, ,. ... '

fi i i J j i i eaten. The Mosaic law merel y or- prop het , who was expected to visit his Urn ou prayer book , makin g 1511 inch effort * for.' the , conversion of the Highest of all in LeavMi'ng Power.- Latest ;U.'S;Gort -Report 1 'Inp AmPr rRn Sfflfi llfil daiu s, that no .leavened bread should people this evenin g. pages of printed matter , sent into the Jowb are suoOTssful in ^pnl*. a, amall . • . 6

. . . . "-'" : ' ¦ 'V^^^ 'l^'-g^ :I lib nil lUII L UII lOIUbllU i l ,J oca ;cn or k t in Bi ht durb „ the i\\u observance also 'conn ects ua world , all ou Jewish matte rs; all sine* ^^PWlwtV^^tov^^inoiiw. , ¦ flfcM i^ - , , - ,¦: ,¦ ¦' - ,. ,^; >;. ¦, ¦ . . * lW% tf &MM&9; V&<*to\:^7-—-—— — seven days of the Passover week: The "ith the whole Imu se of Israel through Ju ^/A*i0 "• Wiei£'> • - - - *"»«»¦. reafl QU f tmcof i.« „ot stated . It ccr- ono hundred and more generatu ins.up opened its first meeting m the.cit y of cant ; Cbri stiau enterpris e pan be^ em- ^I^EM ^mMP 3a^i 1 A^MiglMlMM^I'¦ ' .¦¦ " ~TT tainl y was no more hygienic than the to the ten t of Father Abraham wait- Cleveland Meanwhile the 80-called ployed in otber rd ireotions far more pro- ' .:wMj ^PliM^M ^rMP^a'* m Wwm^^&ti&rtH ^&^Wi '&m.'LEO WISE & CO. , oatj of the Ininl s is. The reninrk- ing on his guests. Remembe r the orthodox or conservatives have-slep t; Atably, among nominal Christi ans, for '^' ¦ ¦i^ W| ^ '^ mB'v' l '^ ««*j^*^S'| -'PDaL M n*M a«d P Bo«.rr oB«. abl o cxtcn»ioii of all these laws to glorious pust of the house of Israe l the sleep of the righteous or ^™- m W n

~v »u IV - V, that ri gorous severity , na practiced and bo uni ted wUh it in spirit ,. Thi, - .at 1 .vl^^l^^^N^ 'Otbee: M. W . lor. J? ifth and Vine ata. „ow >,j8 certtt j„j y the product .of ages is the idea of the I'ftssoycr observances , what they do or leave undone , - thei r Jews, and Christians and in any field of TT. ; - :; ^i '¦:-*^£!*&'mv*UBw;&. mj SS^^' T' f '-; ,,„ ¦

, ., rt „ , „p lon A of asceticism and unreasonable nunc- to this we call your attention and wish time is overy they melt as the .snow effort; whether it be religions, or seonlar, i!-l ;.; ' • ;. - " '. - ' .> -L i^ ; ,- ; ' • ; :, ABifi©aU at»lSEII\EWjBrMCincinnati , o., March 26, 1896. tiUou gnc83 ) which ,nat )c Jo y,eilg 0f b y- you ai i ¦ " . ' ¦: -<>. ^ ^.w|-«-^^:

tria iis j rtm rt -o-,. - . ¦ . : ¦ ., :¦: ..., ',• . . . ¦ - , -^ : . , ; ^^ff- - - - ¦¦-¦¦¦ ¦ -¦¦¦¦ j ;;; ' ;;; ;;; ;,bum) .. locondoiun mHii matter »t the laws toone biblical law , us for instance , »o- Dr.. hno» to Souftw^toere , is ha«J ^ : {;lWanaaw iak ; is no worse however ride Anglo-Saxon and Danish anowtors nmniiinv censured lus^eorton V of th ftr-o»t office at Cincinnati , ouio. the commandment not to seethe the • - ¦ i.ning. len or ue,OJd:cam p,^ in the forests , of North aermait y and oonpeptio a pf derignihia&edDeter mlh. •«im?pRipnn\ ' pp ipf ptr YTiR - - u im kid in the milk of its mother ; or " BitOTiir.Kii boi> " is an English East all along the Atlantic coast: you rather better , as nothm ^

W™ . . . . . 0 ™>° entirel y new laws, as for instance tcrn ) for the Hebrew rimy 4cW , as ""» fi^[

the w-^tetm ^^. mendac ity and doubtful use of trust th ^ih^t

oar oivU Ubert y


derive d ;^.^*jj ^tjrjjjg ^tt .

^Klin M nun . IU Mr - - - - SI 00 »«* drink "J ™" ¦*«* * «* is .-F ellowshi p" the English equiva- Swe^uno ^ £S we are advised by the exist- " J aSJ -^SS ^^

1 '"'— prepa red (or manufac tu red ) by .Je ws. ' . " /» sit ana weep upon the ruins of their fact we know of a number o f ' con- — "d^batb s of According * to the Thorah of Moses, lent "T "»,' The " "timento - Jerusalem , while this conferen ce* has verted . Jews'''who 'are mainta ined by Stemp? we? mldc. £XS the prui. refnte i these ;jtb i& SSld^,mp^wr

o,Un?T "r^fh«r r'^., the Israelite may eat anything ou expressed i» these two terms are much grown up to 139 members , all reform- fu^s suppliea . by Chris tians ,, w^itowthak .MMri H-.Mrtf . Pert f*«..^h ' «¦ PaMOV01. t "leavened bread , and older than the Kng hsh language , older ers, mor e or less. '?. " ' ' : records Af o thift ,- ndul tery and a rtght with the prtao lple: of orderly, and , ^^:nAwt ^,m»xi ^«Qd:Bala.itat™ lor DISW.AT advebtisemknth ibh.1l. j Hrik nuv liever 'aM which has not a'8o than Christianit y, for , the former " y^ , ¦ '"¦ ¦*¦ '" ¦ ¦'"- feW . minor " ofienses. {However ^the Bystematiogoverhmen twasipade^, motion sn .....v n on appiicHtion . arin , , y ueverage wmen iiiw twi

. . . ¦ • -'¦• •' ~n . ; 'nu • r ™ ' ij° t- 1 A ' i 1

years ago on the hills of Palestine by the and philosophers dp not yet fight ¦*» orr ¦ — reached the vinegar fermentation , be ™" ?£"" ," 11 ,""»i * *' ?v. " r>u TflK ¦¦&»**,*.>*¦¦¦ semi-conser vative Chri st an , world has been often told. JhUton of Israel, under the inflnenoe of against ^ MlSntmb i theorfes'c witk - arinT.r S^TM t'ifi!- lt teor , wine or any alcoholic liquor , the latter ocwrs frequentl y m the Old organ it8elf> preparing ito readers for all-out lthese1jackalsl.ahd as it. al-: the code of law promnlgated for>j them ments:partineht:to;.the ^nbjeot. , ; TheVAMEKirAN L.IUKLITK only aa paia matt er , ut u The Passover feast is ordained in the Aestament as in. the sense 01 remaie the coming election of members to the low's them Wiexist'we ' must conclude by, Moses, l and under: < the . immediate think ,find anduniform dyuyi.otit.oo wj, . Law to the end " that thou mayest ra "te, friend companion. Why does Mhj^«&baf tfunc lltf^Aui


«n*hta h^r jsssoj; ^' j^ ** '.. , , .inv nf thv rr«in r r out G. S. maintain these sentiments arc "Lf.-f „ii Tp~Li:»^nf A ^k U„ wante them ' V ' ¦ ! . ; • - - cdates. ; The first republican government .wmlqi.taenM .aeJ r/peu. !arA>:dipped( . a8ia U<>w»i>i; a. r»r ui> rfTertii« la this remember the da> ot Uij going out

^-j , Chli8tia b,.,- If he does not pW^-all Iaraelites of ,one, city ac want s tnein. . , > . .. .. . . .. . .. : , ;. dh earth was . the federal commonwealth at the tlme of, BpitHOiuBi:and Musa ensip.ppr, oar r«»drn will wafer apoa bom the irom Egypt all the days of, thy life, onbinaiiy . c.iiiisiian .. ^ " ¦¦»* aoe^ noi e0t&ing:to -th.B Austrian laws; fonti but ' -: ' i /;,3>v , '¦ ' ".. - ' „ » >.' • :;:

¦¦ \\, -r: ; l - : 0f '¦&&&,. an organization wonderf jJly in poison'and ;gailK:^'V; ;^l, ^'- :airertiw M aid the pabiiifcen. b7 au iiag ta»t they We unders tand thU to the effect that Knp^' Mepr ew^enougn, -ne . ougnt at one c0ngregation' rehear se8; the reac- m^TaOTinmav vvTTnfinn liKB ,that Of.oar owh'^nerioan .IJhion toi: :-V ltwbyj »o m^•>«.ib»ad nrtiMmeBti B tk«A M EKi0ANiSK A8LiiK. wo re »nite «mrr Telvcs agai n with the least to know Oreek and Lati n , where tionarv ^easures of the preseht Wuh-- * *

IG?T AOAHreT EBIIOIO TJ8 day, for it .was a federal Onion of twelve throug h the qnagn dre of .animosities, of: —~ ^ . ¦ whole of Israel up 'to WO O veamof these terms also exist. cil and its vestrv 'in this article -the ^i-^^^fflW;^.!i ;v , ) . .,; !i distinct separate, mdependentdemoora : gronnaUes s-andi repu ^ve^fpharg es, ofAdvenimmcn'U of .congTcgation B. unlew other - a" ' ' c„„t^ft ™ Z.mdi7„H,,l . . . . c„ aDv *"i-;"68

¦' «/n ^n,B aiB°^rtne ,: , : , ., ,; v: - : ; .- ^ , ¦' ; - .

¦ . ;, .- .. . ;. , ; ;. , ; , dies—independent of¦;eaoh other for the which Spinoza was ;tba ., object ; towardswi.seordevd , are «>t v*luniforml y t^ortupy u the past , bym

bo s are symbols alter — ¦ _ ivciiJCii comes also to speak about . the $., i BOHOBfl ra OJt>A8HIKOtOK. , " purpose bFlocal > self-government . •^^bnt the end of the seyehteraUj^andra t HZ^old ^di&i^rTM.r ^'for ^ ««. and are valuable as they serve the , I» another column will be. found a Babbinitial Seminary which was open- .^^

"^?- . :, *™ . ^°^!i

V:J ^ nnffinto oStion ?for the :general begtanlng of itheiightee nth jbeiuury :: itlamtoia two doiian foteach ineertiou , without pur pose for which they were estab- further report 6f the .proceedings be- edayear ago or "so in Vienna ; ¦ We ^'There was anoth er gathertog on 16th defense and the common ,: welfare,' not will sufficer .to give ai few .'SpebimenB oft^irf ^nSadoS .re wdW to'b^; iished , impressing one with the idea fore; the Judiciar y Committee of the translate that 'passaEC literallyi: :-" It Im^injihe Judiohtr &mmitfcee rooms merely a confederaoy ot states or tribes , ^hte^ntwersy ^ aip \. ^.- . .

. tbiaj ^ d .w^eTgiTiiig their

ord.«. . H they or sentiment they were meant to rep . National Hduse pf Kepresent at ivesat j8 high time tbvbre ak at:last with ' °?^h?L?*«*o*.Representatives,, to. dis- but avtrue .federal unipnjif.all the ohild- Ofo o^eimost« n«^y»aA anddo hot wiah to har e the advert tomeut iniiertcd T . „.• i-.„ .„„ . .. Ar««„ :^ \ «f«T, Ti,i. >..„;, ne : ?!,- ?^<.£> It ¦¦."*"" ~ " , -l: r. '^~, " ' : — ;¦ 1, " ouss the qnestion ol deforming the Con- ren of Israel into one people/ , t , : ; quoted controversial works : is Christian^' ^ xSSS ^' ^'SfSS t 1 ; > ¦ ' i u ? T ' I S

lin?t01';- The *" ±°

f th.e *ref: he reaction which, : thanks ^t p . the Btitn«on V;it Vas- piacticanf a camp ; FoUowing ,the histo ffl data alluded . jbrtholt ,sboood vO/.;3ft« ;ttw GrWlv^ordm. *e pubUahcr. when giving their iaw we cat no leavene<l bread on Pe- onable ^fanatics upon the ^princip les indolence of the enlightened andvre- ai^Biliiff^.«ben.:i-Wf C;'ciwM^iatnta V to by^bis emtaent speaker , would it not iwiMz. Herbert of Ohetbnry ,: Thotmvs" ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' • ' " ¦ - sach , and that is all which the Law on which our liberties ' are based goes forinatory portion ¦•'hi. the , cpngrtga, ' shouted on arti cles of;faith" which they, be proper , in these days of; excitement , Hobbes, and Spmoza ;-The disserta tionAocotintB of weddings and burials win be demands. bravel y on , and the noise is altogether tion , nestled it^^g} ^b&«J

^S iSSbS dSelf hi SS 't ^ *tifS£ ' if ^ SmZ1 ^^Snio rns^s^^ S8&g$8&^&£2&; &i%g££3^&$^r^i^iSn^ SS ^ -^.jMinai fl^


nfc ™bU» decidwl . -it ib ft biblical .the- .attackip g. - --forceB.. ; J he . secular pohcy , works for : debtedne ss. and many other points found Bnt vhb t i t e r mia BtMdictmW*auiia e!ra,-i»gtn wiu ' b^bii.hL°d i ^ commandment : to; eat a.


of unleav- press shows its estimate of the move- shown , by the Kabbinical Seminar y

bnt it^^is the work of a society called The in ancient .¦:Jaws , but ;no snggestion is Blessed) ;6>t^o;-who sboiUd rather beutb 'MT tor im ¦'" °rde r oI "ubBcrlpMou ' 'Bn' ened bread and bitter herb , and to ment by a silence which might safely establish ed a year 'agp - under the pat- NatioUal Keform Association j the :.ob made to incorporate suoh a plan in the called J/a/ed »c»«:fthei;Cursea )f; ;beoansepay e year. (j rink f01ir jj„pS Qf wine' t|o thc- Pii'schal be called contem ptuous. It may be r6naW 'bf,thecbhmiratibn ";,:' , - Ki8''-iiii iM to .ot thlia6niaty" aB wt .-forth' ;their . national 'bMiBtitntIon ;:;:7. '-/ - - ;= - i:;, ' ';. :«v:. ;; .¦;¦ that .earth whloh;by:divina cnrsei»filled~ ' . . . . - • ¦ . • ¦ ~~- . ¦ , ¦ wn-v ifp imi) .'mpiil in tln> fiimilr nniv riplit but wp r'nnnfit 'afrhr d 'iV fallow «t :*..L ;<, nn .^.,nv :^7f 0 ^i 0*„-^ ^..i constitution , are: ; •' to maintain t' lirulian i American joitiinens, by birth or adop- with thorns (terra gpitio ta),' has produced¦&3&aS&£E& S tS iJltS^Si

AS£ «"? vfS||R %®j t3S%%p m^iS^ZSSm &&j 3&£2S2SgiS J^aSBSSSSSSfflfiH;:.]..-. in: roqucf-t of the puWJ uhLT. since the destruction .01- -the temple stake. ±j very J eiyish organization in since re orthodoxy, resurrected vfrbm the government touobing the '.Sa6fta (Ai stitntioii; : of the United States will find Jew. but was then /.^peUed ; from, the '¦ ¦ niiil alta r in Jerusalem. This won th e United States should have had its grave bv the, fury of anti-Semitism , fcne! mstitutioh of the family, the relig ious its pleading elements ¦'; fbreshaddw ed: ; in syhagog because of the monstrous opin. ,MB. BAHVELW 00LDBEBU. certainl y another symbo lication for representati ves ' - in Wasni 'ngtoii to ap- where we 'had buried it vears aeo «'«"»««? wtiediieaf ion, the baM iyand public the fnudamentai features : of t ions which he uttered conoernih g Jada-th. ,«roiari, Wradit. * ,,. «. the ' pu'riiose of -remembering; the exo- ^nr before the Judiciary Committee V "' ' V ' ¦ ;" ; '.';- " ¦¦* ¦ ' ¦¦' - . -.4 ^'"' mora ^

asa^oted by



«or;frq ^

ism,:and finally he : hM V<»nAiisedJ iim.^ ;me Tegninny acrreane« oaaine ni repre. i . i .v . . t? ¦, -r - J ¦ .- , .- . , . - • . ;> . ¦¦ . . / ¦ . .

¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ., . - . * . * ¦ • - « . , . , » ,» : : and oMcr kindred evils, and to secure first a theocratioal one.-. The people, - as self to belong to the Christia ns. I -kno-vrHnt*u,. and Corr e.p,,„u.n«of an . oron, dus - fropi igypt apjl . to pieserve that .9 protest against , even thei considera- ¦:-; Th^^ -t;t^^-thii -foiui Buoh an amendment in 'the ^Constitution aU are aware , were divided into 'tribes . ndt thiSh^atyartificea ^mdtdeSe£ 'pawieatioa. , who j. now tr»T ,.uiBB. id beautiful iniuil y gathering at the fest^ tion oi such questions , as the amend- ^T } £S i„ H^ ^° bf

the United State s, as will declare the which ; formed small republics , like our tibns.V '-bae oaa see ihere','VaayS Kort- : Vthe sooth i« nati.orite .i to1 ooii.ot mone, ive board ,'to sing, the , pniise of God , ments offer ed are revolutionary. The ot : ^. i - k .181108 P1, •'•« ' 4aa >8m? *?,r *ne natioh 's alleg iance to Jaus Chmt- and its States , ,but they were ail united under holt in[ another Tplaoe i '.'the extremelron out accoun t and to r.o.ipt for ..m.. rejoice and bniov together all the good representat ives of the Union of Amer- teaching and cultivation of . the una- acceptance : .of: . the " moral laws one head. Here we have the , federal infamous teachings of¦¦¦the ", wicked man

JXWIBH CALKHDAH which God: has given. This is the ican Hebrew Congre gations came; but duh erated Judaism , whose rays' of ot^e r€ system; spi^giugvfrom ^e/nnio of -teachings

that deserye;, the ;flames^ Pfj iwiBn oALitnii aa. „ . , : .,;„ ' „i,:i- ?„ » i,„ o„,i0„ „.,„„ „-„-/,ifci,- ,_i i u 0„„a «.„Tr, Ti.»L n lieh t should penetr ate this and many so, indicate that ; this is a Chris tian na- separate independent , bodies; A very hell. . . . . And yet this aoonrse d hypo-. ¦¦¦ ¦ .

¦¦. i iiM rBBT; :: ^;

¦¦ •;: . ^ .¦ -• - . -W-.!; we celebrate th e, Seller r^nc- norther was heard ^m The ^on- S ,

C0™;S ^Sanda y, A(Br. 29......PasBover, l»t dv. , tuall y, which is and has been obsel-ved gregations outside of the Union have oiny ^ugrepw»ns, iwu no .iacwry ip tutions and ,nsages of our: government of states , under a general government/ he dare s assett that he haa taught-hoth-Saturday, Apri l^......PaBaoTer, 7th day. in nil J ewish ihmilics ' the world over no organization and the Jewish orders Proauce sna iiow, npiioxy ana , yawning 6n an undeni ably legal basis in the fun' General national assemblies , as1 with na ing whioh ban injure piety, good morals ,Fridav 'ifar l La» "b Omer

0n' yM' ' It is a custuni niul no more, but it is seem to find that nil thei r energies are bigotry of extern al piety. pray mg^^

m/. modern day

s,, decided on war and and the orthod ox tr aiuiag of youth ." (8) .^ Wedn^a MaV iLNew Moon , Sifan ^ a beautiful one , symbolic not only of needed in the strugg le for existence. PoslT#s.;; Th^science ; of - ; Juda r > :.W^nthui vwas ^

T^d^befpre the an- peace.; ^Every

^oity had a judge chosen

Among , the nnme ^Monday, May lLPente eost, (Shebuoth Vl,o -iviwliiB hiit nlin -nf th'p ' fiiihiK ' life ' ' • ¦¦ ¦-.:¦¦ y ^vv '.o- ¦ ism shall be free in its researches / not dienoe, I asked Whether the , usages were by the heads pf families. : to thi«mot the> France ; who , opposed .vSpinosa, Hnet , .Fri day, Jfune 12......»New Moon , Tamnt . "ie e

1X0^"°. 'l-)Url;!,M?P. or me iaiuu \ nie , .' ¦ . . , . ,¦. * . •¦¦!¦

¦,, ¦. . . ., : .¦ ;- indeed unbridled as is now fr^rt iient- to be in accordance with Baptists , Cath- essence Of Universal , Buffrage?,ThB soil Bishop of Ayranohes ,. was , one ,:of theSunda y, June 28......Fa«t 61 Tamnz. the domestic felicity of our peop le up Kkiht veara ago - the commercial iHv^J l? tuI ^iil^J a,J kl^iHL olios. Unita rian s.V Episcopalians, Methor was only given in nsafrnot , man -had most learned and respected. , Brit he too 'SatnjxJay. Jn Iyii WeHr Mocii. Ab. \ in the mothers Sarah , Rebecca , Rachel counsellor I Simon in Berlin - bur - J ?ne ca«*;

^e *



,s "e.P18.06 diets , Presbyterian s, Lutherans , Second no .'further : individua l right 1 thereto. : speaks of hiaVin 'hls1 Daimkratio Evan-# 8anday, Jn ly i9 .....Fart ot Ab. _ and Leah. ii.i«2* th a . tI a™ u '„^ ^;ii!c wl, for learning; : it must be free in its; in- Adventists , ;>i Spiritualists , ( Christian Every seventh year it had to rest , after JSi ahd in theiwork ^TCbnar rffa Ra- -^&^kf "" ^w\^ ' ""rle>r wemu«t rcfer to u neciiiiaritv ? Scientists' or . which , of the nnmerou s a ajki ke^^r^-^i .1 T. T

¦¦ 7i } - "'A.. ? ; -1 ¦* P*pt ??V, taming the cuneiform . inscri ptions nce it' |8 no drilli ne Iround no other bran ches of the ohuroh - they de- became void and the title reverted to the Bpeoti "Whe n I' foundT him' on mv :^Ota ^ Uowln ft 7' m

the ancient Chr istemlonK

The Iru jt known ;as . the . correspondence !of S0f sin^es lSSS sired to establish by cirUrlaw; and in, heirs of those to whom it was originaUy w^.:'he saysf ^-Ivdid : not' «?»«, ,uDwrTea rouowing aay. . . supper us. desciilied in the Gospels was Asiatic princes ' with a king of Egypt £f£^.i^K^i" n S^!«S:

TM ^aattention to the New Testament 's assigned. In these days of severe social this fbolUhTand infamous manTwho '.de- :!.; - = .", ¦ • ¦ . v .- , , ¦ , ..,. ¦ , . . , - ¦¦ the Paschal meal. But t,here was no K.0O years B C' and presented them

bann ?r , th? busiueis and the orhce teachings which say : "If a house be dir trials , bur financiers ,I / agricult uralists served to be fettered with ohains and to¦ -nDD ' Piischal lamb on the table, this seems to the Berlin ' Mu««uni ^ Slv his ?"&¦*$ rthe ^ie^aiP


u- vided


itself , it- cann ot ?stand ^ and tax legislators m^y; draw same les-

be soonrged with rods. ^; ' -.' ¦'... -J - i.: toKe nroof to th*. pffi.(.t thflt thP scpri#. ' t - g? museum. Jj ateiy_ b Cation. ". : We subscribe to this cen- Mark lii.^ 2n.: • ¦ ' ¦ . ; . ¦ .- : , , . - sons, from the era I refer, to. but I do ; V lind-Me , <ioebtidn to the books inPA880VEB OP 3666 A. M.; ; S^gK ^Sed tiS^S SOn ' JamCS S^°U' Kf6?


sure of the ; seminar v by the NeH zeit, V I have italicized some . words in the not cite thehl ^opromote ^ any theologi

cal tnSSn^ri ^oh^u^a^^¦' .. . ' , : > . , ?t tVe *?a" is transcn oea . ther e, not museum another old : Babylonian li- ^s-u m\f>ht i.avR :X„.J written for declarati ons of the . constitution of .the revolutions.: There , are some other oir: { In^ta ^ndoalnmniation s icr m«.The messenger of iprin g,: the first !n

t,ra,e when-^full moon after ^he vernal equinox , lnnb .WMtl1e . 1na. 1n object of thatpieal , chieny archives of temples inT ello in gj ffSj?® £SS '^< ^W^irri« rirI tyha™

qT^ ^ M

,^S'-T!!iWSKJ ,Sn''H£ v^J &to^^&rtb™- *the lBth 'day orNissau beihgle iirsr but

f me t^

duy of theiassover week , bwursSun- f^en ^troy d andi

the Paschal Telle whs actu &ly palled^Lagash, and MNDOlf ^« SEW JV ^ ^e?S5oTstoPPed at the deolara °f ^ ;:,:, : ;;,-: ^

eh F^Boh ^^arient ^mor , , ,.la^nexV tbe

^^rdbg^ ^fbsaic ftw ;& ^;pr ^U^ the .reflsya

^( those the ca Sr i&^liSX^'^.S -"W^I8T

? °?, ?PIF?^8 sSwrn orl Sa^allyhaexpres:ceding evenS v£ Saturtl a^even^ °M wrJfei «, WpcciaUy the H ytiop - T^e princm al iritetest cont lected *l& „ , - f e..:, v^SV.' , -A . V Wv^ctSst^ A r l :VV . :^~-

y ; ses his abhorrence oif the doctrines of the ¦uSFSS if is1h ^3gc;

ebf tic^selected the P^spve^eib? tSable SU^ightinto a state

^^^^ ^^ UnWtete JxS ttS?? ; i,y : : By ^ Fr.,d.ata U,;Bra . ;;; g^ J ^SS^SSS£y-spring to us in this northern latf tude ;. 1 ^PP

61*- , But it is difficult to see 0f civilization i'30O years B. C, which Hous ton ,,Tex., wntes ,. - _ > ; , ;: . - 2J ^r the Discontinuance ' of the W ( Continued V ¦ i : ¦ SSffl ^ "^in Palestine , however , as is evident wh y they, changed that ^eerful sym- they disclose , and it wasI - .' in kind ex- -The ReVr pir/H. : Adlpr, Chief ' r^bbi. tlonam ar^

on the Sabbath. ;:;

• , tv

' - ' We7 sSld; hbwever ^be very much "

irom Uviticu s x?iii, ' lO, it was the posium of the aj icient flebrew s^o so acUy M presupposed in Genesis in the S^^K^S

8 ii^alPla lS?- - "' i9?B ?n > - .:., .:, ^' :

£^&/ mis&StweSl ink ^' beginning of the har vest time. There somber , , melan choly and mpurnful a time of Abraham , who migrated west- %™1?Df Aelhrions : The CuiL nr ths 4%ot a^ National ^ rJabbath Rest BiU : V ^Tt^m^habv^rMmu y the ^a's teachings oould give offense only, and then k passoveSvas the messeh! deathbed scene.and "

of the in- w^^ger of redemption ,: the natal day of *«»* imleavened ^ake the flesh of more, that alphabetical writing wa^ and could ^ot^,so^ta,more :

oW ' ^.:|or^niform pivo Soza^nAs tTside^S ffi ^^Sse^^^^liberty . tho birth day of Israel as a Chri st . which they should always con- known centuries before Abmhams manner , than to call 0^natio n free and independent, the Bume > nnil "f the wine the blood of This librar y upsets thb hypothesis of ^^^rf ^^Ta1" 5 • g^Sd.


m&S ^


teH^e ^J portaht idei of, his' phUosophy . but brao ^d^u^ews^riedK^^memorial day of.God's justme govern- Chri st which they . should : always , the legendar y & : mythica lfchamcter Kf^l^S^ffi hso t atffi ^ u^ uS ^PS SS^£a &b1 ^ S/SS^jj ig the affairs of man. For on this ^nni. >\ e can think only. of one 0f the patria rchs' story in Genesis.;; earth. Axmdon would be the place to att»« W ;:-'Vooiaid ^lte. : '-. -- a*t««bii ^S^ Fa ^^W i 1SS^^ aB S^

T'S^ &^day Israel went out of Egypt with explanation which «. .&»:. The Syn- ^__ _ , : . . - . ' , rebuild :the N tiird Salomonio Teniple, amou ^art i^u^-and - apprehenslo Swtchfto^lts^ubuoa ^n-^n faeclieihTXnda riSSe ^.inl ift*d hinds nnrl tbn Fo-vnH nna optic Gospe s were writ ten after the n„ an tM ir i „ 0*™™, p„uu: ^

'e There is no telling what Israel could ao- is elt ' that any . action by. Congress J«,7 hkrlonlv blen eritrnsted ^ to?a -few 1^

,om9-tno B aF * W-^0?'^ t ¦ ,.uplilted hands , and the iigypnans 1 , 1 . , . Dar Solomw Stiebel , Rabbi of 0Qmpii8h with a leader that ^ wbnld stan d at . ; this* ^ time. would ' -create ' dis- } ndr in^mS,ri^thT ^ fehol n S :: Bayle and Spmoza are far, apart as thebune d their dead. As such Ae Pass- J e

S^necS? ^over day is still celebrated the . world cording to his story ot the lite , words yean o] lh He was a gradua te of Rah- arising from hot having one, more so on matter be postp oned.'in fact if ever any ¦ffi ^iiffl ^ml^rS' iS metfeods and objects of their researc h. :over , wherever Israelites live tru e to works and suffering ^ of

Jesus. Paul g R. llambergeVs Yeshiba in that account , than it;cto ;be , from> any report J s^made, it wUl be adverse^ to In- Kre SvSSTh^^God and His law. worked among the Gentiles exclusive - ,Wurzburg a mm 0f erainen t charac , «*er cause , for : Hav ^we, not

all one elude religious regulations in any pubho which in the 2W^^^^The exodus from Egypt according h- He brou ght to them_ from Jeru,

and feVe]y disposit ion, more of a fa^er ? Has »ot one

°™ated na ' i lawV . ; V air , appearnow as indiswhaabUv com; ^ ^^J^^ gto scriptural chronolo gy occurred 1500 ««l«m n"t onl y the doctrines but also u]ar $t/r th J n of a cejebrate d .- Whenever Jewish ;Americans .find "Q: ^ZVZT&Ji ^. nftt ,on °on,M the 'liSS''^ii*'i3&& estee& an^d^reohites

It^at: the same , .yeArs B..C. in round numbe r , hence many of the J ewish customs. The 8^olari a need for a riatio. ial "temp le, it * will In th ^ oVT^hind Falsehood for;th e Pla ffiaASKe^oaaK:i:ib« years ago. One hundr ed gener- ayinposiura at common meals, in which „ , . be built on American soil. .England : - good or evil aide." ' \ ™Ch ^tiSnblM wirration ^ and yet acknowled ges allegi-is

y have Wded one a^ther the re igious and socia elements were .^fif ,^& *$$ £

l£ -wi

th :all its

liberality Vdoes not Ifibrd :;0ne^\ &e.pious,orators ' said! . this re ^S3no ^ ffi ^S^ffl ^m^/rice that memora ble day, and , the well , balanced , was also one of the S i^ g^ ^ ' the freest; scope for t Jew ish develop, country ^ Uberty i sprang from teachings the frigidity of Krenoh ,


to- f 'f. ^M to ^ Am t/children of Isr ael still celebrate the Jewish customs , „8 * evident from § ^ S^^^it&S ment. It stilf main tains

a union of of the S-aritauB . yhich must ba Mlowed gether vith . ^the emottonal ^m h ,of ^JeJJ ^JSjofSie mln. horui tal dav of that nation the bir thdnv the Mishna in Herachroth . Pau °* ^vna

in Russia , Uied ffilarch ». ¦ ¦. ¦ ¦• ¦.

fl , , , . :%k;oh nlace* all it; >we wanted to remai n a Christian Oerman mystirasm, and the rigidity ..of *%!£°??g.^^ ¦ w hlmsonher ^ onre andt k tZj L i * ar L a

e DinncmX introduced those common meals Among the rabbis of all. Russia ; Gah- thu rcn antl stote , wmch. places, all cmAtTT , T answered that "I could not , mathematics together with the mystical JJ SS i ila^ f ^ SS ¦?i ^J


0aCe ' ¦ amonTS convfrt s Turtho< ^Tx cia, Buckowine and Hun gary the de- non-conformists more, or less at a d.s- make a lengthy reply as r Jhb& SdSScTStlinnk the Almighty for these preciou s "?m0°e na converts , iiut th ose ev . » acknowled ffed au- advantage. We most , emphaticall y- imder such laws and practices , it would might reject , dispute , refute this gran- l?,0 "0

^boons, that miraculous revelation of heathens were too well used to their ^SJL"^"gj: l8t Inerated shen- disagree witt our corr espbnefent.. ' be BaMssary to bore my tongue with a diose wor ^.livine provi dence iustice and crace sacnficii d meals , which were quite dis- ^7 fl,nd "ie ™°8t venerated shep- * ¦ 1 ¦ ¦

red hot iron rod , as that was the penalty logical sequence of thought .depthof snb- wA°v^1 Khalfof' natio iia 'Tbwt J iSirK orderl y and noisy, so that Julius berd in Israel. TWis one. remark - ¦ . - - : . • - •.. - . , . . ¦ ¦ ; . ¦ . • inflibted in pur suance of laws at tempted jeSt.niatter , clearness ^f presentation. !S*;S%^ ^ B0 Me eS-i f i T ™ Ti- J a * 1 P ' C^r nrohibited th ose meal^in Rome able "feature in his decisions which WABSZAWIAK 'S DILEM MA. to be revived. " Applaiuie and laugh- TheipnbUoation of the ^.^nal fref 'dom. This hundretb gener- l-tser promoiteu tn ose meals in itome , „_ bli h j he decides ab __^_i • • • ' -terl ;. '-

¦"' ¦ . ' " .- ' ¦¦ have thbught , would have hewBsarUy deaTOr ? to ^ation still sings the praise of the same and exempted expressl y the Jewish nave bee« PuD Il8netl ' ne ^^8 (al . . " v^ V^;; - / . ^.J We can earn lessons from poets. eYen made ah epoch^2 the history oTsffi ^ /J ^T^^ ^^MGod, while afl nations have chan ged common meals from that-i nter diction. ways (nbipS never ifiOinS) inclining

Hcrman _ War szawiak . is a baptized Jk**By %a, whS^rote : ism, Tbis^bweyer, was nbt , the^ase; ^ i ^r^o^uRS Us. their gods and their religion-some Paul hirase f tells how disord erly those to the least rigorous aspect of the law. Jew '.wh° for »»x years has been work; (.ChrW ^,;hllTe burn ,d each olher The £tt ^did

not correct ; . the 'opinions fSj^ ^ r^hM gauldid so^ore than on«-singthe praUc common meals were among his con- The last we have seen of him was the gj fj«^^ fvemon

oHhe Jew sof . ^


'lhe : ft S^» Stffi taS S^ 'of God in the same ancient tongue . veF^ H'°, »«empted to remed y that decision contrar y to the rigorous rah - N?T

to Christianity, and re- That all tE.

BApost « would have done a.

efe|S?Kd&a., did their fathers at the RedW evil by making of the last supper so binate of Je. usalem, that Sie agricul- ceiving liberal s^s of

money to

carr y - , - they Jld. but hti ^verthe ^;i:v.t« years ago, and proclai m like somber and melanchol y an affair , to turist s of Palestine need not observe ?« !>» work - , «'« ."W» haf

Ui a^li'S^A!f ^lJ ^



2l after ite appearance the aSrTwert P^W^them ^-The ^rd (Jehovah) will counteract that hea|hen hilari

ty and in ourday s the laws concerning rtie

^ *$ SdSrluS ?ainS ^rei gn for ever and aye," while no other dissipation which expelled the relig- Sabbatical or seventh year called She- ^;^T ' SL!S sitetooite what learned

and strict

ad- Ss^H^nd aid Welt nation can tell with any degree of mus element from the common meals, mittali. We do not think that Poland achieved when makin g :statemehts

^to herehteta the dominant f«^ ^crtainty, where its cradle stood , or The writers of th6 Gospels made facts can show a scholar and a liberal mind-

^l"!DB d4P e8' N?/ ™m

Tt?ne$Z P™* ™'

^"SSTL " f \ v' Kate ^^?^^what lapguag e their ancestors spoke of Paul' s means and measures. With ed man equal to the deceased Rabbi Schauffl er . vice-president ; . of the

^City ^"Ofoa ffi ^ K^SriS ^rk > ' ™*'Miwdif In every J^^^SThu sthe peopleoflsrael only remSined the Hebrews however .the Pasch al meal Isaac Elkan an Bpector. Mission and Trac Society . probabl y branch Ghristtanl ^>*** §°^

bejuPPres8ed.; ;Xiy ^sibly.^too.he

^^a^2?S'iSteSthia four thousand years an unb roken as every other common meal retained . «a 2. ff X*?i°Jet

ft1' ?e considered ^s

J^2£^SS&S S^ S^: %S\>&*§^ w^mSSJn»; ^rdimunity of one hundred and more'gen- its original character of blending The Year Book of the Cen tral Con- farep f the plund er, and tells a 2Vt- here >> the golden rule. ; 3e

that ^hatei Wn^.alwtofs^lf..rations in all climes and zones of the harmoniousl y the religious and social fer£ nce of American Lbbi , 1895- ?««« "P^ter that VTarszawi ak "is an

^:{^ yru^ :m^w_ bSSS^^SS^S^S& an^ndsjuinselt ito *h«^aJWd, .habitable world so the ancient ^aees elements. Like tb« Meziman they re- 8c|« has Lfn mai>d taall the m L mcorrJ glble. ».ar aud^ that he has Temple.' on the

^origin ^f ciyU. liberty. the flood of attaolM swell^to-unUmite d ^uTh^o



^^f.^der-crid .ytoSrcontem^Ses^ tained also the . **r in its original Sof^S.t0

U ^uuH h'E* mis rhan's duty to consider himself as character . b k thia tj ¦

u contain8 ¦14p7 page8 had received trom Scotland. Where- Moses oh Moun t Sinai: ; He ft Holl ^dTS ^S wMoh-Sever/assimUates ^e temporal toone of then , who went fortl ffro m Another ancient feature of J ewish octavo , and shows at its close in al- T

86Ven J TI T1 *°\r \Z* made a p int ';that "Israel ^vas 'the ^ tot Sp^SJ^eSu ^^ uS tbe ^terhal . Bayle ^np ^Egypt ' ¦ Thus with every returnin g character is retain ed in the Seder, phabetical order the names of 139 clergymen who had

^been on War sza- federa l 8°S^.^h ,

elve ffi S ^rJlSS ^^ ^b^fflSA we celebrate that region wit? Father Abr aham went to the three Members composing ^the " onference . 3 UK « tS'names's SS ^SST&SiO^SS W

'SSl ^ 'SXf ethe whole of Israel , nil souls that are strangers and urged them to stop at The 67 pages opening the book con- , Se " J hev nubliS a card dis m»tota ^eda ^minerVe which bear s

^an„w on earth , with all that were since his tent. He offered them the best he tain the precee &mrs of the conference Krff J ^Lj ^nJ

8^? S th« close.iresemblance

^to civil Uberty. . He ggg Jgg^*™»' £&£?**?& dfffied. irmay-l»:-|i™r^WtoloO O yaars . up to the day of Fath er had r,nd stood by them ^o wiiit on them at Rocheste r , N. Y. , together with all ^5^^^? ^Al.rah am, an annual r r -union , which and to speak to them in the most pc- the reports , opening addresses , memo- "Savmu T' ?? i" H ' I >l Sf^oS ln6

WMflLS TffSS wui. aW will not hea^frtvela«onaSy a^28V&te B«i% aSflolal ffi-,,;ythlF^oplr -liv.n^lo,s or could lite and 'kindliest language . The Is- rial Jdress ^ eminently well and ac- gj t^


"Sfif &iSSJS f ti&&J& f f i J r%£j £3&f c-E *£ ffi? ^*" -°yk8 T"-

lvlcl)ratc - rae I ,te of l°- day °Pen8 hi3 Ke(ler Per cl,in tcl V arrange d bv the Hon. Seen- fjLSrW " aft/r ^llih S„ n? sloh'ahd wrong are : born ot fraud ahd SS^ fSat iha hTB, ^ .Sr«? Voltai re sneak s of Bpiuoza in exactlyThe symbolic olaervn iices prescribed formances with the invitation "W ho- tar v. < Uia rles 8. Levi , Rabbi , the edi- ^iSSi,*^,Bn# ?"a

mw f^

ood-,' It ia beflt ling, ho said , that Zf tZ^\ f *'

t ilS ^tXs ^ thSe

way aala ^in the Law for the IWvit day, he- ever is hun gry let him come in and tor 'of thi s vo lume. He deserves spe- tiTlt ft 'H Lnrt Z S rff S 86^

1.^'Vrt ^drtL


^Sation « W by tM& be enter ed.; b^^'tbe honeslyA\«» the sacrific es up-.n th e one altar eat; whoever w needy let hiii> come „> eiul recognition F„r the work done so n c i. V f T P fu ffi rfm S Z«l *°L ^rae Hn ^ *«* iu »?"« «* his- hetero- ; of his sentiments 'and ^thia - P™gjT ^JS,ir ih« Lord , are the l'aschal lamb , and eujov the IWhal meal fexactlv as well. " Fn.m and after page «» to 1 451 Pf' .^"ftler ami . the seven other

^ SSSt ^' J^SS dos

* *« Retimes assumes the mien of

Sh^ter '^Tn t ^S wfnZfs.he unleaven ed bread , and the bitt er Abral ian , did without knowi ng " of papers , sermon* andJectoresdelivere d ""m,^t,^1° *\"M 'Se prinSp'leTof S^Uib

fend ^reutTr ^re'C, &^&%uf i2S ^£&herb , one lamb for eac h household or what race or faith his guests might be. Uore the conference and lar ger au^ & . vSfc 1 K g

" • After payingtribute to the inestimabl e ^t^ ^^SSR fuleS ihel itui ^ te very bad .tw ,. , if ono have too ic W enters to The earl y Christians up to tl.o sixth .liences follow. These five pap ers New ark who know how missionary aer vice of (srael to humanity In the oon- avnd

8dee J



n« nevertheless disdains .J^:^^;q^ito

- |B | aphio»<- ,»Hume a whule lamb or kid. The and seventh centuries larg ely made make a good sized book of rich in- P af

t8Fare run ,U. that C'V /

hat SWo^th ^snl^%hr8nlker co u0'^0"" 08 «amined m0

" ^ aokn %J ed«ed no^Vf ^^^^unleavened bread and hitter herb the beet use of this invitation and eel- formation for pul pit and press , '' u °/ ^l ™ 1" » SS?» i h , S wo f ^




°J S r 2\ ? ^££Sa^ ^2ot^.r

« only to be eaten with the Pasch al ebra ted the IWer with the Je ws in Four 0. the YeJr Books areP

now wftha ,lurn ,sh the neCefiSar -V ffhere - S acSw Sgl ouf ligation toln.nlv—as we eat now bread or crackers sp ite of the priests. The Pascha l menl out. They contain a remarkable Lwnb';..™ ~f .1 r,ftM iW iif V , e ^a?1 fo,rour ' ""^l0?!


tlp^and Home kind of bitter or shar p herb Cannot be lawfull y taken withou t chapter of American Je wish history, *Peakl .u? , °.f . lho. POfbi hty of our intellectual euhghtenmeut ..we have stan j ™ ^K d^

all iudivW- end. Voltaire also express ed this opin onwith our roas ts-without the lam b the wine , the Israelite to this day places a besides a hu ge number of elabora tei f*™™]^\ tbo'DK forced ™\of th «

^^SXS&x^SSt Z T1 texistence- ^7 to Tml of Spinoza *^»^™!»*?i. I,r ,ad and tlu- herl, arc also symbolic , goblet of wine on the table , for the ports ,treati es, essays, lectures and ser- £"»""£»d

£ dN° T\Un savs " ta ^l 'SS^^-HoWS the »«_*! the Wr0r °f bi° P^bological g^"en

been quoted. They run

asIm t the Law .lor ? not prescribe that stran ger that may come in , and it re- mons of eminent literary merits -. Que g; » co-ordination of individual freedom with • » ., , ' ¦ , , . . T .. 1 „ «.i .u teint.hey should be eaten , and so the Hab- mains untou ched' till the ceremonies can ill afford to lose any one of these B™n his perma nent retirement from orderly and syatematlo governme It ^J ^YZ Q^rN IUv ^r « trt kU ¦ "^•mr '" Vbimc al law ord ains the eating thereof with the meal are closed. In after 561 pages To this must be add ed 450 Jfe ^S^'

t^i B2M* -^Z t!^SL! ^£^- "ware S- S^u ™»«w wC^iuT ^sn«aK TaaviS'ma'. sathhlt , wUtrt «^. bK^^rSii tlrV'^M67?1 ' Sd ^,;K,

JtbRru,ta mrad^-°, ^J 19 P^of reports from the Chicago Con- & tff AiS&SA $&$^**&A8Z: Jfflrt^J^t^ttffS: iW«ff 5SS» ft?^52 ¦im- tun e when th f Paschal Jamb was filled goblot the cap of Eliab the gross of Rel igions, and 400 pages of society. Experience has proved that all berty of ours (•had its*origin among our IsbaBlitb. ' «n»™.qing. x.M. ^aope^ou^

j. . ' l

¦ /

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