Page 1: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•

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. ' .. ..

I ... ~by. became a Valentin" en . William .Frank ' force o( tlio For~~ or- cia Saturday returning Monday. in th~ On plus~, ~nd long before tbo lr-

:. . . tcr,lng lralO t'heaplrltortbc o~oa.ei6n Sager, G L. Ulrick, W. 0. MeDon ... fi~e was called out Sunday evenin~~e Dr. Holmes of ·Alamogordo Wllf enabl~~~ acta were pwod they be-. .Tbel&dii!J.·wero .givD.n ro..d bO.ltlJ, ah.l,'Ar.L JwUa~d ... J!, E,airb~~k, Yi· ~extingWah A fu.eJn. :tha. . . in J.U.t:wcek. ; . . . . .. . .. . gan.. psnnln~ down. .• mqm~r'f t<?' th.o ,

.·. tb·O gentJ~en white he~rts fo~ the };{~ Reily. Harrv 'Dawson, Bell, o£ l'araons, but.' luckily the oC admlatnon of the Tem .. t

w-----~: · _ ,. . .. -~- . _iq J!ng~ri~ ~o.!~ lf.i~h m

• . , ted he'art·ehapod nprons, tbe three

•• • ' .. . . •

eo me • A~li..nrun:in_g~t • .X~ntj~c. ( and".&- 1t!;w vlclnlty .. ~d.tbtuh~wer .ottalnlol- _ .. . . . .baa the ~WA.Y- eastertL .

. . , · .. · nQvelt~.Jo~ ~~irt~~ J~~~~· much ~~~~-~~i,;bt ba':'e t~_ponJ!e~.t~ !'j)~S .. • ~ ..

1 . .n-~: or . scorecards were funny pictures · fUtd. otbens tion ~ ~pu~t .. . .. --~•n4 h~ 10 ~tJtehood. ~nd c~cry Uma ·u·""·-,-- --·~ ·~~ · cmtciif11rlmlnx · · d b ik io llta tan eli fivo mlltltl · or convcnsauon ·L!I bandctl

• , ; ·~ tbt.oil!fll~ ·olimat,}t~le]Q~P_,llie. _ -1~~ by -~$1.WI up the may ~ake up aom~ mprning in th :r~q~011, ·. · .. · . · · btt~t ln WP,bington you CAD tea


- ' ·'

;1fqio~ kept rec:! beam KfuW!ng.. . ... QQmplcto wcture. 4s the. ~ardgamc . ., the penalty ror Mrf. n. F. Adauntsl• confined to And~m or Cam·r!i'On·b&C:k the uno~: Mtf ~t~-~,'(t~·~f?Jck ·~n pro~• tb,.: .. fortunatct ouelOIII.n~in_lfi,.•dng~resP.npin« berbod witliX,.Giippe •. ; wjUlngllt·~ner into a.oornerora-.

. . .JbcJy&lu•~ nu,mJ?Ct (lf ~1tltl a eut · · tQ ~o~l}~r! ~~tP f:tw ~vero1 -.nd.J~tly. ~ .. · _ . . . An inob· oteolF'-ffllJ.bettSunday (llloat ~pdla:r. or.U1o CJI)ln&11 wh_ore • c _ _:.&lwt~"and erwn-:_!'!~~~att<r . . . . ~ . . . mnil tbe,·~~o.~_!)[tJl~ : ..... ·-··--

tbfl lady ud. ~-1_-_n. ~u~ript.itm charged them ld· · ud L&ugl_1l and Ricli~n hu ~u. o.tdercd peo~lo • . . t*'oola~ in .. ··to any ma~lie:~poriodtealofhfe The btgtJtti. ~.-. wi~rif;ra "•~ dt.conUnueth!Utth4 15tb.Jilat. . to bJS thinking apparatus. "You

• . choice .to thfl I at~ ~wtno,r-. M._ S~ mt~l:iiaud &nd Yr. eatllfr no ~ne residing in· LOCAL AND PERSO.NAt' canjt Jgnore ". ptopld bloeeed witb . -Perb•}lt bere:l~ may · · · · :ca:troa-- · .....

. ' ~

oford~r tn .augeaHhat a blue ~ncr Mr. Holmes,_ tlieir Ranch" d)CU"ed tg ~~~ ~ -ItA b. Wctmoro Is in t~e cf~1· bu &ven to modal man; Wt Ute . botnshould.have been glven to the ..,_, Po;tmaster. HoweYer Mr. Samuel Hatty Damon len Wednct· and death .for t·he people or our

hu •gret!d to help · . ""

. . . ·. . . . . . . . - · • cHUifC!J. tha~ aet~ee · h Hust. wt.i5~r!o-wn from Nogal , • • • - • Wb the loet._ap~ndage to tb~ ~on· The ll?ll'le Mission Society will Mr. Beard at. the window. "" . Wedne$dn • cgale has ~ado ll~m hsten to tfungs key .-N~cneauo*d&a, bu~pn&M -·twtth M- J-u-· c---·--- -~- t ---.. ~......-clt~-a~-'Ji-fi ·u-· ... - .. LY. ~ .. - .. -. ··-· .. - --- .. tAkea Luuc to .read, and

. ~ • . to thft t' b .... moo_. . . .m.. 0 n . anrun1 nex Mtse a ont. an ... T. ~ n e -Dr. Robt. Draney of Oscltto wu for the more potent teaa.on tl1a~ he 2. _. _ ·--· were g~ven · b w; ~ 0 ~m: Thursda~. All tnember~ are re- of .White O~b. Wflte JO!ne~ an mat- Wednesday and Thursday~ has ha<J.Iotc~~fl !!_htJ_AYA,ttment.!L __ o .

. ~ -.. -· ~ialblt I t e . on ey ac anele~i= ~~m~~~ lh~"! W!JI ~~~j JtaT~!d:!::tFi~;~t::~~: r . , El p· . H:·d d him are so forceful to . • •

. .

g-Ager. f the nohrea.te The- Jr&dies of tb~ ·Borne .. bridal w~r" aecomp·anied rom . 1!0 e nes ay.

. . . -· ~~~rfl:w~.b~i~t~e~'';o~a~k~s~W~e~Jd~nes~· ~d~~ay~tr~a~na:a:!c:t~in~g!ti. ~~~~{ii~~ifififif~it.~rnJ-··-------~-,

come Md help llll·-il!li.&e rn(Jtiet-=Joi tTte riew HiPn.

• A.,g®.~ time ls .wured •. · . ~·- » ;

--~ ----

· · -· · ~.' · · -rorm.'fi!'~~t·t··\ttt·~,~=~,1~n,~t1~~~ne-~<');:r-· .. ~··~tc:O __ UN'2.:. fi'~·· ~~..::..=..=..~· ..... ~· f.·, rici ,,t~f'las~ttntJh:)L-Il• ~~~~~=~~=:~~~~~~~~~!,~ i--. -· ~-..

UW';~tifa~~~ ~~r~~.! .. i mnee~ , ~, ... t , .....

:uo·t ~ll;anci$oo:-Dut-Anr who,hu a- meat on a buei11~1& v •.• ., tJliiiJ

· niirktlt at; vis~ted'-bil.!nm· · ·

. Wlli . .· .•. ·wt..·A • .. - - -- ·nDw, . . :r:·

a~ Oapit11n ibig. week •. · . 4 edlies~ilay ~ . . ,

. . . . - .

' • • . . . . '· .

Page 2: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•



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SUUSCRIRTJQN .AA1es •.. · . . . :

·• . . , .. . .. . ,

• .. ON F. YEAR. J.. Mw&JK.C • fl50 51X MON'I'HS,.Iil Aif•••w ~ -~

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.· •

• PHONE NUMDER z.t ' · ' •'

· f'RtDA¥, FEBRVARY"~f7. 1911· · ~ .. · ---·· Ha~:t>n-1:,\'"·Ule·

• • . . . . . ' . BOOST A. BIT ..: . ,.. · .... - .

' --··-· -- tl .... • . ........,_ •• • l

• •

.. A nice snow fell Sunday..:Qigh:\· · · :Af'U~J Mae Gilmore is · quite sick: l~r.J1•b0l'



r· -• • •


~ .

' . '

·deny tb~t W~l\lth and epecllll interesta have becomo a · - -·trcmcn~ows-power in--Controlling -national -i'tr~1rs. antU

:. - -: .. na-tlonat·lf!gb:lallonf .abd . ~hat ·~he ~Yotig~1 ~veryday · : . . .... :,.., _ ~ nM ~it _wlt~tl~ tlie~~·r~e~l and lett out _of · . ·

; · · The ·ropubtiran l)t\rtr·c•mo into being ~--~~~-~~~~~~~---~~~

' • . - .... - - -

.. . - lot~gor i 'lltandpaU(;rti'' · tl ''progt~tv·es.'~ Th• ·old . , _ · .. Jijt}\6 ttrepubUc~nu ·ehoutd .bo ~ood cnClUgb. 1mtJ und•r -·c. --~-..,----· tll•rnr.m~ ~t·~~•ltt-Oti~~n~Ugnmc·nt·~orJ.Hitttottc· ron1r. . · :. . · t~·•n• M(lottlbltdr wlio -,mrntd l1.:r itwltielble in b•U.lo._ .

-. ··~ifUIDOS~· RIPPL'ES· '' . ~-·rr\'a

Mrll .J. V; 'tully spoilt Sunda)'. a\ A lt.ot · . "' · ·

1. - ".

. '

and :Jrmod w\lh mgumcmta thnl eb~tUd ~- unl\nawt""' . tlt\tl potMee tbl\·t.:abould b1"1ie1pfQ11 bone,\ an\1

..,..n ~uu·J· . 'ttl~- movam.ont f~vor ~~ \htJ rl&Ms of-t ...... ···; »~!.v • mn\- to TqlatoU \.

' . •

OIIAS. P .DOWNS.·Clerk;.­HI!l'b R Wright, Deputy


• ' ·.

•• . .

. . ,. "' •• j,, '

A-i~:r.e'",.:.·· ·

• Sl~fLE . ,,. ,( :-· . ~ . . ' . ~ . . . . ' . ~ ', . ~ ! . . f .

' . . We.cala.g\veyou first class work

. . tf you .furnish the clothes. Let US'do your Dy-eing,€leanipg,R&r · · pairing and· Pressing and We -will guar~n.~ you sa.ti~fac'tJon. -·

. • •

Fine riding and • F'ttat clw bug· 'and .

. . • •

. •

:All the People AU theTime -

<----~- - -~·-~ -~- -- ... -- ~----,.- -~~~-------~-"'-. . .

--------- ----~------- _,. - - --

. -~ . .

~- .~Carr.izozo .... • •

• ~· ~ .. / . . ' ....

-_ -J~ble ·~_>S~ppli~ ~ ·wi~_dJh~. :·.Best.: :the..,".Marl(et: :Af£ords .. ·

. . ' "' ,• . . .

~-·---:----- ~ " ~---· ....... , . .

. . . '-+·•·--<J'"··

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Page 3: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•

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hol'l~pow•tt llotorlak-.Oli; not It,.• oiilT i ,u..t

Yoii nifiht Ju~te ~1 the ila Yottnc .. l'rleria-..;..t 'Wont br'

airtnlth ot·the anteUt - . . - - .. -. - . ! •

tbiiJ Jj -CIOIIO plaCe 1kfn if de Up the the ~~~t:tloii tare• ·pan of water, 1J1 wble&. a The ore hail ·'been o~nerl tot some. roda ba•· b6ett r'"tted -.olik · ow~un: •· ........ "' • .. ,,. .•. ! • + ·~~ · ~tri« the: ~alues sfo1t' .bet.: .. It,ht~c-PJitJI. 9.\lt.Att tjje 'Jf~t{.toU, ·-+- M.4 J!.~.P.le · 'ft'bo: 4<J · ••· W~t:J~ltM• ·

~eai, . ct{ip·. anti brown and .10~ ~nt to &at &tons JUat ,abOUt .., -w.n McGuire . .£ co., teaisfilK. trpm

tom or · ,tbcf tlttt·1'oot ·aoilt ·· ·l(tJj~ .-mmes­

towi:i. hlh'e cut' a 11treak

bol~ wtti. · han to plck out b<ntea< u thoa1f whO u. · alwat• 'trJbll CO •. ilf . · . 'f)teaae otn~rs. •

· .. · · · · -1iauaaau Wltti Boana. · liiia anr one tlied cooklbir llauaapa

• ore efghteertlneheS'.to two

to $it t~et ton 'rhtt abpu1d w ·· ·

Ne~w landwfohd. .rt~:l'-' :4·eU41lOU.ii· aanctwlcatt-. , •1:1:1~

. lc)Oij . tll_lllr!

• ~ I : . I

• • ..

• ... { : •'

. . ..-"~ ~--..

• Colobratfng.

that vntil'



• •

Cla~rrJ Tteea ~t ar.ain Pricet -~ . . . Wrlle l(rl' Uit, .J'tl!4 t'!•l•• •

· · lottue. &t><Ja, J'lnnfll Fntt . 'I'rllet, flm•lll"tu tt, .

• 'JIUtra· ~-c•~tr ... ~.-'"'--lnhlrrilllltuut :Nurkrltr; •

-- ----.. -· Whether f'or Butineat-or . . .

··Pleasure · - . ~ .,. --- "" ··-~ --~ '"" -

TRA. \'1!111 vu,: ' The Denver & Rio Grande·

Railroad ·~~~e 8oeaie £1•• ·ol th W•dll" .

•• tto t9ur1· ac1vintace

h• t«d ou•ne... ot



·• .

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Page 4: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•

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' . . • . · TH. l!tO.DJI~I Of': ;FJFTEEN . HAVE

• •

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. . -· _ .. ________ ...

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· ·faril'llol_ton l• PJ"'t;]::ftlng'oo . . JVrlllDICO~t! reotut. ~~ W.TIDr' at•eu. ~ ,-. ~ Uou ot Ol'et i.QOb, the· tcrinl wllt .at C>ii!le1ioi4·an eltotf.OJl to "bO~aeli

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·~ ,~ -givesinstantreliefhom:l"h~ · -

(' '-~ ' 1' '· .

• . . .. - . - '

.M* tlw •we~ ctiaP bltl -of. . ... ' . .

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Page 5: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•


• ... •

- ---~ ..,._ ~--

--~- -- -- ~ ---

• • . " . . • . # i . . • . ~

··SOme .. ·February . Special~ ... . . . . ..: .

-,_. -. --------......,;· ---·;;;--·-· -----................................. -~·· ............ .....,. ______ iiiiii _________ -:-· - < -'- ·- - - "' •• - '" " ____ , __

.. •• • . .

. . •

.. ma • .. '- .

C-'h -.-arm former 25c ·each -. J

·--- -- ~-- ---- .

-now •

• •

Charm Brand .Pure jelly; ;n I Ooz. Tumblers ·former --'---, ,.C\-~, __ ..., __ .... -_-:_ ~~-p-~~~:-~~pnce-~15c,. ~ow .3 ..... for~c __ . --------~ ....... ~-·,. ~·-1 ~-------~·

. -. . . k~ -- ....

-~ ,. -- ~-::':' __ ,_ - ' .

. ·' ' '''


-- .. ~- _____ ,



" ....

.4 .... ,_.

. •

• •

.. Sunrise Mince.: _Meat, lib. Tin~ Can$, former price

- if3 .. • •• ' . -> • - -.--<------~---~ "--

-.. • •

• ;·

• , . ..

-- - - - -- ---- - ~ -

·~During ~s.~month:there wnlbe -a SpOCiai- _,

. .

•. -•

·tO td{lke~rOO.h · f~t--n~~ Spring SrOCk tO ar .. . . r . • . . . "

. live early in. March._ -.. _, . ·. ~·- :. -· 4

. . . . . . . . . -- . - ,- .. : . • ~ . . . . . ·. . . . ·- -

. . . . . . • ' ., ..... ' . . . ·~.! 0 •

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·~ ··- -. " ~ ~"" - .. ,._ . • • 1. . .. .. J'OH'r 'E · DliLL

• . ~ • I . J . ., ' . II-•

iOfield. &-Bell: ·


.. Oh·o . UIJ ~ wn ~he rest •

l,romptea~ Dellvcry in· tho City · ·



. . ,, ~ .

Periodicals, St~tiOJ!ery, ~ig~~s, · .. Candies and Mens Furnishing~·· ..

: ... --~CALL ANbSEE OUR INDIAN BLANKETS AND CURIOS. . · ..., · ... : . ~ " .

• • • 0


\ .

• :_,. ______ .~ _.~_-· __ __ ::__-.: -~-:-; -- -:-=~ ------::~·- ::- .-. ..:.:.:!~::::... -_-_:-··:.::.:_=~~--:::_-:_:._:~~--~ ""':' --~~- :0~~--:~_ ..._ ---~~><F -- ..... - .

- ' ery B. GA.:VI & BRO., Proprietors

All kind$ at Bakery Goo&. Your patronage solicited. '


THE--EXCH;ANGE.- BANK . _. ·- · UU:Ittlt .. ]tEJOltJUCI , .

o.n . of the··· Qdd. Accorda Borrowers evety Aooomtriodation . ··

, . . - - --·-- Consistent -wlthSl\fetyi; ··-··-· · . .. .. ·- -.

~ . - .

. OlGAUS !~:- ClGARErtES . r:t = TOBACCOS

·- POOL .HALL -~

. . ..

' ' . ~ .

• . . -·



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,.-.. • • ~- .. -~ .-'".',......,-,,. - ~ ·-·--;<-, -. •·r-·----~ -·-- ---l- ~.,.,~ -- '. ___ ,_......,. -~·-- ·- ~-..--"

• • • • • • --- ... ··~~-- -~~ - -~·~- " • • • ·- •• - v f. . . . ." -

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Page 6: I' • , · ' •,Ito •"l?' ' ' • --~ • ·' -• .. • .. • H . -• . ,. -' -' ' ' ' ~ ·•

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. ._

. . . .-;.· ~ ~ . . '

,. ' . .

. ' ' ' . . ~ .

. . . . . .

. arrange4·.e~at;tn .Eng,raving Firro·· whereby oi'dt}i's' recei~~t,.oilr offic·i{ wiJl

. receive t,ho s~~e· c~rcf~ a~te~t~~p:·~~d.::the-· same ·low prices t)la:t J:i~ cu!ltomary m. the ..

'1·~··•·---~ •

• ··We ·can g-ive you ' .

··on em

··' · :.. fJW.e. ,yill be plcMed to _send you ~t:Yl.e cnrde ·to trelcct from-dn.d apecjmcns ·of a.ny

,.,i d· f this rT ... · . • - · · · · · · . . ·-·-~ n. p . . wo -~ . t]Ct\11 or wd te Qs ·

" . .

,., . ~ .

.. • •

. ' ' ~- •

• • ••


... .

• A\Jto Send F.QI' Prices to ' .


Agenta!or DIAMO!(I) & GOODUICH 1'lltES . C.AP.I.JA;ft'~NEW.M£Xf.CO : ....

. '

fuU clilr10 of



Biltlt~· .. -~····a. . . . . . ·, ' . . . .

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..... -. •"' -~ - ... OC>tch re~~rnlld tQ. the Jnat

lnutiL I~ • .

. . ; ·lii.ll'"~~;!l;!~~utcl:~p a lio~t •1fhree .Dlilea'·ot ~copper u· wqr)(~ qt· tr.olloy Una from 'Beacon •to Pony

· sulcJ!, CrlPP.le Cr,e~k, Colo., hall bQen .. ~ \ll,lllltf>:l, ...... • ,_...._,._______..,..__,..~.,.,-- -~" ~~~--t-~~1--~ .. ---:--·~ ........ ---.:~._,.--~._..J

. a ~ltMn on th&' ZOO<foot llWei ' · · .GEN!;RAl-• '

f.F~~~~J~~~~~naa~ ~~''"""'S.D., PO,nii~yl'vl'nfa,

' (lrown w4arr or allescd cxtort!ron · a number ot farmers

·,hat 1'. ' . .

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. . CONSTIPATION~TR'{ IT :FREE '\ . • ----- • •

llmpt• way for any family to :rttaln \1\ • ~cl f\t.alth ~ all ija membtn.

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'· . "it-··--~------·-.. ·- ___ ~-CKAIITI!ft VJ, lct_~~,~!ri'~~--~~L--l

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At tlllf·paat tour o'clock wo Kin'• . ., "'f"• coner· I -..r4. 1'1 clon1t bollleYeH ·. ..rou wont It bent. No oDe could

• Uqu JL Tiler• wun't a •oul ,.rt ot tbe except lhe ~lief.

' '

~i=ij~i:wif put liar· to fJ: tbt 4!!nJ Bbo wu bl.a.learful tam.­,.., .u4 J waa -ela4 •nou&b- to bel •btt to ahut 4oor oD ber. Tam Uarb}· IOD- that w.. bla b&me-bolped nut to ancS wantoil to ..... -. -== iii JJut l ial4 It would btt ot

I. • •·•1u1 t~ ret-up and ret-the bre1•kf1•1L

. ·- ~ -.. ---"t-·--'-·--.-------, .. - .. tJoalrt--blm- -to--.d& :p1Ail&H::oo1rinl~ttt~ll•lliof

'Waabtn.:, - ·- . - --.-.1 dld riot co t& 1leep at oneo. I

"' on the chlntx.eov«~rcd dlnn .In ., Bella'a drC!aaln« r.oom and aUired at

. - • J I ~. •

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tho {l~cture of her with tho 'flololfl UD• ·· llornoiilfl~. T coUliffi"[ · ifo wlfal ffieire"f~ · -· ·

"'•• about Della to lnaplro auch untb'• tnr: dnotlon. but I bad ta llthnlt that

·abe bad looked haudaomo lbat •night.

tlltJl]Utt UOUDd' bfmaolf w[Ul No 0110 wu dre•~ except. aitd all• ba\1 been up tor all Mur, tooktnt. • t:a ialaOOC and 'UG1Ur tho c:omors ot Hl!i ud arountt Uii llott

$e-.reh.a eollal'. Whtm alle· u ,w all . .&pJa:

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me here." . . . iJzu ,aape~ but. I P.Y•llltn A lf~~ IDe sfanre, u4 he .aw&llowod bard.

"On the C!ODU'I.r1," be Bf4. ~~~ ..1 woUld be the laat

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. . 4.00 Pqr Gallon

*. ~, S.eipps' ~~e~ Always -on· Tap.


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., . ~When ,-ou~-aRJ ii;t:CJrri:zo~o, res~ and din~- a~ ~~".';. ~-- .. .

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ner-.. frpnttlle :.returq ~Ill ailcritT f)f ~--~ : . LERO~(R WADE .. ,; . :i.' · .. Ptef... Li.neo!Jt: Co11nty 11pou the originnl BIJlll:- · • . . · . ~ · . · · . ~ • ·

Qr rnol\:fissu;t}'lignl.!is~ ~~\~.-dt:fqMnn~ itrtliiq · · ATTQflti~Y: Ati!l ~QYN$~~op AT- UW . ·; ~ ' · · ·

ra~,.-Ail filed heroin, that process rnnnot .. · · · : · · · · . · • ' - · . )!tnycd, lll.19tttho[,t CA~fi.IZOZO ~ . . _ '-' .•. _ _NEW .MEXICO . Ulllll.\1 Jll!lriucr by Ill\ omrct OIJlPQWCrcd to . • oAU,. '''"" :.~; •• ,·.·;--= ·; :::, .. ; - ...

There(C>lrc It lfl. tJmt 'l'he ~:1tlm~b-~::::[

l•nr-nl··~~~~~t~11t n~o:~~u:~fl~c~d:1,n~~ .. ~n1d-~-~<~l~l~rc~o!:.t~c·'d~~~~t~l~-,ru-~t~lft··~.:~P'H~rsJCIJANN1anCI'Stflf<~El0Nf""~.:.~ :"-· ""'""'-"''"""'· "" .. ~

2-3-11 •

to ·in

Otttn•JN • • T. C. 'l'I-LLOTs0:-1,

ltt'gi!ltt'r. ...

PhollQ No. 2$. •

OffiCE J,tl tHE E~CHANGE BANK BUILDING •. .. . . ,


ltv~ l1ull~ or adQbo with rock ldundll·· Uona.


. A. UUCKS •

on, •

1.\.H .. Harvey­lft.sura:nce

, Agl!n~ For El<'VM · OC 'the llcst Com•

-_- p:tnies: t~Tro/tlto·· --.. -----: nnd Arcidcn~. .

: ---..--...l.Atilitoutiltssro-nE-8~ -:--: - -----~· ~-- - • L

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- .. -izttRRJZOZO OUTLOOK · . . <:1ARRtZOiO~ . . . - . ~EW )I~XJCQ. . · Repairs-. · · ·y

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· c* VAN $CHOYCK &. CO. · .·C'xatun;_z:o··

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::· . .St~t:son J-:l,ts~~$4.~·$5~-:$6.: ;·.· •

. · -Thoroughbre.d ·. ·· abi~$3. . .0.0-.$3'.50:·· . . . • ' I .• ,. ''" • .

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,. -----:·-_...,, ···-- · SinceritY~Clofnes~$l2~50·to ·$~0;·--·· 1- • • ll '

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HUMPHREY BROTHERS • - • -- -w _., ->·-••·-· ----~ ~ _..__,_......_ ..--- ··~ • - • ·• ~~• - ~- -~.__,.,~.~~,......---• -- -~ ~ --=~ ,.

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1m on a striotly . 'X' ou will . . ye a · ter teat tlie power

· k of pennies" ... ; .. . ·- . . ·. •

~~.CL~!,L.~li\m!!.~::!U ~cu.·~N.(}_~· BUll.:'+--


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. ply Jnu·ness .and or dq·,te--~--------.:..--,i---"'t""'--------......:.:_. ____ ~...;......;·~· _......, ___ ~ palrlng-of· .eitbQr · u well u repair-

. ing or f)boefl .and hoota. - ''"


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-·ply fhe J>eople·. of··tnls -vi~lnliy -wtth their ·re· . ---··=--.."-=-"-..

. . remen . than we \have ever heen-iri .. .the. -.. -.-. are · n y recei\'lng ·"~'

and we would respectfully ask that you com~(·· in. and examin~ ·out: goods,. and compare our

• .. ~- - ~ - .- _h, ... ~ ~ -

~. " . . . .... -·vtclntty." . ·· ·,. . - · · · • ·-


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