  • 8/8/2019 Human Design the Science of Differentiation


    Hum an Design

    The Sc ienc e


    D i f fe rent ia t ion

  • 8/8/2019 Human Design the Science of Differentiation


    In its personal value to you, Human Design is best seen as an experiment to be

    individually engaged in but as a construct, Human Design is a synthesis.

    The synthesis is made up of different pieces, some are anchored in thousand year old

    mystical traditionsfrom various cultures and others come from modern science. The term

    synthesis comes from Greek and is used to describe a process which combines two ormore pre-existing elements resulting in the formation of something new.

    The elements being combined that resulted into Human Design are the I Ching or the

    Chinese Book of Changes, elements from Astrology, Kabbalah and the Hindu Chakra

    system together with genetics, quantum physics and bio-chemistry.

    The main and unusual characteristic of a synthesis is that it transcends the sum of its parts

    and becomes something totally new. This means that, even though you might be familiar

    with some of its building stones, dont be carried away, Human Design is definitely

    something brand new and original and cant be compared to any of its building stones the

    same way you cant reduce the elephant to its tail.

    Although it is a synthesis of many components,for some of us, it is important to see

    that there is a theoretical, logical and scientific foundation sustaining the knowledge.

    And I think thats more than understandable given our western scientific mentality. It also

    allows us to see that Human Design is a firmly grounded proposal that deserves an

    objective look and criterion.

    Human Design is been scientifically researched over the last years, especially by its

    founder Ra Uru Hu ,Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf, an Austrian Dr. in Genetics, and many

    others which is something that brings a certain sense of stability to the knowledge and

    gives authority to its depth and correlations and interconnections with genetics, which are

    truly fascinating.

    Human Design has been quite surprising as far as some of its under laying physical

    constructs. It parts from certain physical premises, such as the mass of neutrinos.

    Neutrinos are an immensely vast amount of particles filling up the universe; they are

    mainly the result of nuclear reactions in stars such as our sun. Neutrinos purvey all

    objects in the universe.

    Just to give you an idea of their vastness, a trillion of them are actually passing through

    your pinkie at this very moment. The mass of neutrinos was something put forward by

    Human Design at the end of the 1980s and is one of the foundations of the knowledge.

    But it wasnt accepted by academic science until the end of the nineties when the mass of

    neutrinos was discovered through experiments in Japan. The fact that neutrinos have

    mass implies that they are able to store information, which according to Human Design

    turns them into the primary programming agents of consciousness in our universe.

    So, in some ways, Human Design was even ahead of scientific discoveries and is a

    knowledge that defends and defies the scrutiny of science.

  • 8/8/2019 Human Design the Science of Differentiation


    But when it comes to the hardcore physical part,at the heart of Human Design lays

    a theory called Juxtaposition Unified Theory which, as a theory, is very much in

    tune with the latest astrophysical theory called Braneworld theory.

    It is a very advanced and complex theoretical construct of our universe based on nine

    dimensions.In order to go into the understanding of it, one needs more than a rudimentary

    understanding of theoretical physics so lets keep it simple here.

    The theory addresses the common dilemma we so often pointed at as children: which

    came first: the chicken or the egg? The word Juxtaposition points towards the existence

    of two forces that stand next to each other. They do not become one but they do find a

    relationship, a synchronicity. In fact, the juxtaposition of two forces creates a third force.

    In very simple words, the basic pattern that lies at the heart of Human Design is that all

    life is a duality and has been so since the very beginning. With duality comes friction and

    out of friction comes life.

    And this is a basic aspect to understand because you will see it reflected in your ownHuman Design map where this duality that concerns your individual uniqueness is

    represented in the red and black information columns on both sides of your map and then

    placed inside of the BodyGraph.

    Do you notice also that we live out this Juxtaposition Unified Theory in all aspects of our

    daily lives? A man and a woman, for example, are two very different forces that never

    truly become one, basically they stand next to each other and more than often they create

    and experience friction out of which ultimately comes a third force, a child, life itself!

    If you show interest in understanding more of the cosmology and theoretical

    constructs that Human Design is based on, it is easy to be helped.

    The Human Design international community counts quite some people with a solid

    background in physics, genetics or related fields and who have helped a lot, structuring

    and exposing their understandings. They have been digging into the depths of these

    aspects of the knowledge and have made the information available. Courses are being

    offered addressing some of these issues in depth. But again, be prepared to go deep into

    physics, genetics and related fields!

    Ok, given this brief outline about the underlying physical constructs of the system,

    let me now address one of the basic challenges to our legitimately skeptic minds;

    which is the correlation between who we are and the time of our birth, a necessary

    ingredient in order to map your uniqueness.

    My experience in Human Design has taught me that this correlation between time of birth

    and the information being provided generally raises a lot of questions or confusion with

    astrology. This issue of birth time might even be an obstacle for some people given that

    they consider it an unfounded act of faith.

  • 8/8/2019 Human Design the Science of Differentiation


    Many socio-cultural traditions developed an extensive knowledge about the movement of

    stellar objects in our sky throughout the history of mankind; and we cannot discard that

    these cultures always considered the time of birth as crucial and significant.

    But on the other hand, one may be right in being skeptic about this point because it cant

    really be proven yet from a merely conventional theoretical perspective. There are

    correlations between our time of starting to play out a role in this programming field wecall the universe and the mass of neutrinos; but that, in and off itself, doesnt confirm this

    principle. And surprisingly, the fact that it cant be proven beforehand is also one of the

    advantages of the knowledge because it leaves our mind with a doubt it would like to see

    answered. Such skepticism is an ideal standpoint from where to engage in your individual

    experiment with your map which is crucial in order to make this knowledge valuable to

    you and in your relations with others.

    It is therefore possible to prove validthe correlation between who we are and the time of

    birth, but it is the individual experimentation with our human design map that can

    provide us the answer. And as with any logical doubt, dedication, experimentation and

    patience are necessary ingredients.The only difference and challenge here is that the road is one of individual

    experimentation; you are the scientist, the matter and the microscope all at the same time.

    Whichby the way I find a very unusual but authentic approach with a deep respect for

    our personal freedom!

    Just a last personal note on these theoretical aspects though.

    I find it appealing, revolutionary and even comforting that knowledge belonging for

    thousands of years to the world of mystics and exact science finally meet and click into

    each other in thesynthesis of Human Design.

    Both science and mysticism, especially for our world of today, are eachlimited in their

    understanding and application in our daily lives. But when brought together, that

    limitation is transcended. And I consider that the most interesting aspect of this meeting

    of two worlds which Human Design embodies. The result is not a bunch of information

    somewhere high in the sky and only accessible to elite of some kind. No, the result is a

    knowledge that we can all experiment with through the decisions we make that shape our

    lives. It allows us to come in touch with our sense of inner power or authority which is

    something that can truly be awe inspiring. It is a gift to be in touch with our inner

    authority and to make decisions from such space, instead of giving that power away to a

    million and one things, people or constructs outside of us and making them become the

    ground of our decisions!

    Human Design, as a synthesis, translates itself into the Science of Differentiation.

    When I was first introduced to it, its depth felt like that of mathematics: endless in a way.

    But whether we are aware of it or not, a Human Design reading doesnt really tell us

    anything we didnt already know or feel deep inside in some way or another. In that

    sense, what it especially offers is a language that allows us to understand better and grasp

    deeper who we are and how the mechanics of our unique energy are designed to operate.

  • 8/8/2019 Human Design the Science of Differentiation


    It names aspects of our nature so that we can become more conscious of them. As such, it

    is a knowledge that is alive in each and every one of us; and a reading allows that

    aliveness to be stirred up again.

    That is why to me Human Design is such an adventure, you can really relate to it on a

    very deep individual level and it is something that can set you on a journey that allows

    you to see the scenery you are really equipped to see.

    From my own experience, I can tell you that it is a very useful and enriching experiment

    to be in, that is a fun and original journey and that I therefore enjoy sharing it with you.

    As well, I would encourage any parent to offer these unique insights as a gift to their

    children so that their uniqueness is valued through a caring education that honors their


    I hope I have been able to give you a bit of a feeling for Human Design as the science of

    Differentiation, know that you can always get into greater depth through the educational

    options but remember that its true value for you lays within the individual

    experimentation with the synthesis. If you feel something for this experiment yourself,with pleasure I will take you through your own design in a personal reading. For booking

    and further information I would suggest you to visit my website

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