  • 1. #INBOUND14INBOUND 14 RECAPStephanie LussierPrincipal Inbound Marketing Consultant, HubSpot

2. Stephanie Lussier, Principal Consultant Started at HubSpot as a consultant in 2011and has consulted with 200+ customers toimplement inbound marketing Services Product Specialist in Email and theContacts tools. Presented at Inbound 14 on branchingworkflows What you may not know: I studied abroad inCopenhagen to research for my undergradthesis 3. AGENDA Takeaways & Inspiration New Tools & Features Q&A 4. INBOUND 2014 broughtus together and inspired us. 5. Here are a few takeaways from ourINBOUND keynotes (and beyond) thatare sure to help us all become evenmore remarkable thinkers. 6. GUY KAWASAKI@guykawasaki 7. Changing your mind is asign of intelligence, not amistake. 8. Have a standard that you hirebetter than you in your functionalarea -A players hire A+ players. 9. SIMON SINEK@simonsinek 10. Great leaders would sacrifice the numbers to savethe people. When push come to shove, numbersnever come to your rescue people do. 11. When we look out for eachother, those we look out forwill look out for us. 12. MARTHA STEWART@marthastewart 13. Successful people have passionand a curiosity to learn. 14. "I think of the brandas an insertion ofvalue, to give itsubstance andmeaning." 15. MALCOLM GLADWELL@gladwell 16. When you look atsuccessful attempts attransformation you willsee an act of reframingthe problem that makesthe revolution possible. 17. What set Steve Jobs apart over andover and over in his career is thatburning desire to get something done. 18. SHIZA SHAHID@shiza 19. Look within yourself,find whats holding youback, and remindyourself that you arestronger than anythingyou are afraid of. 20. There are no superheroes.Theres just us. 21. Instead of selling,you educate and inform.David Meerman Scott@dmscott 22. We need to stop thinkingabout retaining clients forthe sake of keeping them,and instead think aboutproviding them with servicesthat transform theirbusiness.Peter CaputaVP Sales, HubSpot@pc4media 23. Be more human and make everythingwe do about relationships. Lets stop thestorytelling and start the storymaking.David BerkowitzCMO, MRY 24. Its hard to get anything across unless youdo something bold.Brooke HammerlingFounder, Brew Media Relations@brooke 25. "The amount of information marketers cantake advantage of and use much less likea creative occupation and much more like anengineering occupation."Larry BohnGeneral Catalyst Partners 26. "Our goal isn't to shovecontent into inboxes, it'sproviding somethingworth reading.Anum Hussain, HubSpot 27. You cannot build inboundovernight, but once yourein the lead youll be verydifficult to catch.(provided you keep running) 28. HubSpot Marketing & Sales Platform 29. New HubSpot ReleasesTo Help You Take the Lead 30. New Features by Product LevelFeature Basic Pro EnterpriseCalendarCampaign WizardEmail Dashboard & OptimizerSocial Inbox EnhancementAnonymous PersonalizationAttribution ReportingList AnalyticsWorkflow Branching LogicRevenue Reporting Get a Free Enterprise Trial 31. GROWThrough a MoreEfficient Team 32. CALENDAR 33. CAMPAIGNWIZARD 34. SOCIALINBOX 35. GROWby OptimizingWhat Works 36. ATTRIBUTIONREPORTPROFESSIONAL & ENTERPRISE FEATURE 37. REVENUEREPORTENTERPRISE FEATURE 38. EMAILOPTIMIZATION 39. LISTANALYTICSPROFESSIONAL & ENTERPRISE FEATURE 40. GROWBy AdaptingTo Your Customers 41. ANONYMOUSPERSONALIZATIONPROFESSIONAL & ENTERPRISE FEATURE 42. BRANCHINGLOGICPROFESSIONAL & ENTERPRISE FEATURE 43. Speaking of adapting to customers 44. A year ago, we launchedA smarter kind of CMS 45. Content Management System 46. Content Optimization System 47. HUBSPOT COS#NEWHUBSPOT 48. HUBSPOT COS#NEWHUBSPOT 49. HUBSPOT COS#NEWHUBSPOT 50. SPEED MATTERS.1 second faster load times = 7% higher conversions#NEWHUBSPOT 51. Weve made the HubSpot COS 50% faster#NEWHUBSPOT 52. Some of the best ideasweve ever had,We actually never had. 53. YOU had them. 54. 143 of your ideascompleted in past year! 55. TELL US WHATYOU THINK! 56. New Features by Product LevelFeature Basic Pro EnterpriseCalendarCampaign WizardEmail Dashboard & OptimizerSocial Inbox EnhancementAnonymous PersonalizationAttribution ReportingList AnalyticsWorkflow Branching LogicRevenue Reporting Get a Free Enterprise Trial 57. Try It For Yourself!

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