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Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Development• HRD: A set of systematic & planned activities designed

by an organization to provide its members with necessary skills to meet the current & future job demands.

• HRD is a process by which employees of an organization are helped in a continuous & planned way to:

• Acquire & Sharpen their competencies(knowledge, attitude , values & skills) required to perform current or expected future roles.

• Discover & exploit their inner potential.

• Bring about an integration of individual & organizational goal.

• Develop an organizational culture of trust, openness, team work & collaboration.

• HRD: A set of systematic & planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with necessary skills to meet the current & future job demands.

• HRD is a process by which employees of an organization are helped in a continuous & planned way to:

• Acquire & Sharpen their competencies(knowledge, attitude , values & skills) required to perform current or expected future roles.

• Discover & exploit their inner potential.

• Bring about an integration of individual & organizational goal.

• Develop an organizational culture of trust, openness, team work & collaboration.

Human Resource DevelopmentHuman Resource Development

Need for HRDNeed for HRD• New HRD departments or strengthening of existing

HRD function is necessary due to the following reasons:

1. To support the structural & Strategic changes made by organization to promote its growth & expansion.

2. Recognition of importance of HRD & its implementation by the top management.

3. To prepare employees to respond to increasing problems faced by the organization both internally & externally.

4. HRD is needed to bring about system-wide changes

5. HRD is needed to develop a proper climate in the


6. A mechanism for continuous organisational and individual renewal.

• New HRD departments or strengthening of existing HRD function is necessary due to the following reasons:

1. To support the structural & Strategic changes made by organization to promote its growth & expansion.

2. Recognition of importance of HRD & its implementation by the top management.

3. To prepare employees to respond to increasing problems faced by the organization both internally & externally.

4. HRD is needed to bring about system-wide changes

5. HRD is needed to develop a proper climate in the


6. A mechanism for continuous organisational and individual renewal.

Need for HRDNeed for HRD7. Implementing a new policy

8. Implementing a strategy

9. Effecting organisational change

10.Changing an organisation’s culture

11.Meeting changes in the external environment

12.Solving particular problems

13.Technological change creates requirements for training and development

7. Implementing a new policy

8. Implementing a strategy

9. Effecting organisational change

10.Changing an organisation’s culture

11.Meeting changes in the external environment

12.Solving particular problems

13.Technological change creates requirements for training and development

GOALS OF HRDGOALS OF HRD1. To enable the capability of each employee as an individiual in

relation to his present & future role.

2. To develop the dyadic relationship between each employee & his/her superior.

3. Integration of people development with the organizational development.

4. To develop team spirit in people working in an organization.

5. To develop the human resources philosophy for the entire organisation & get the top management committed to it openly.

6. To develop cooperation & Collaboration among different units of the organisation.

7. Maximization of learning opportunities of individuals in an organisation

1. To enable the capability of each employee as an individiual in relation to his present & future role.

2. To develop the dyadic relationship between each employee & his/her superior.

3. Integration of people development with the organizational development.

4. To develop team spirit in people working in an organization.

5. To develop the human resources philosophy for the entire organisation & get the top management committed to it openly.

6. To develop cooperation & Collaboration among different units of the organisation.

7. Maximization of learning opportunities of individuals in an organisation

8. To maintain the overall health of an organisation.

9. Balancing of change & adaption.

10. HRD is needed to develop competencies.

11. Create environment for the trainees conducive to their character building.

12. Promote a culture of creativity, innovation, human development, respect and dignity.

13. Provide opportunity for development of different level of employees

14. need based training programs 

15. Prepare newly inducted staff to perform their work with high level of competency and excellence.

8. To maintain the overall health of an organisation.

9. Balancing of change & adaption.

10. HRD is needed to develop competencies.

11. Create environment for the trainees conducive to their character building.

12. Promote a culture of creativity, innovation, human development, respect and dignity.

13. Provide opportunity for development of different level of employees

14. need based training programs 

15. Prepare newly inducted staff to perform their work with high level of competency and excellence.


Challenges for HRDChallenges for HRD• Changing workforce demographics.

• Competing in global economy.

• Eliminating the skills gap.

• Need for lifelong learning.

• Need for organizational learning.

• Changing workforce demographics.

• Competing in global economy.

• Eliminating the skills gap.

• Need for lifelong learning.

• Need for organizational learning.

HRD Process ModelHRD Process Model• HRD process should use the following

four phases:1. Need Assessment

2. Design

3. Implementation &

4. Evaluation

• HRD process should use the following four phases:

1. Need Assessment

2. Design

3. Implementation &

4. Evaluation

HRD Process ModelHRD Process Model

HRD Subsystem & InterventionsHRD Subsystem & Interventions• HRD subsystems or HRD interventions/instruments are the tools ,

which are used to spread the HRD efforts in an organisation.

• Some of the mechanisms are as:1. Role Analysis

2. Performance appraisal

3. Potential assessment

4. Career planning

5. Review discussions

6. Training & Development

7. Communication

8. Job Enrichment

9. Job Enlargement

10. Reward

11. OD

12. Quality of Work life

• HRD subsystems or HRD interventions/instruments are the tools , which are used to spread the HRD efforts in an organisation.

• Some of the mechanisms are as:1. Role Analysis

2. Performance appraisal

3. Potential assessment

4. Career planning

5. Review discussions

6. Training & Development

7. Communication

8. Job Enrichment

9. Job Enlargement

10. Reward

11. OD

12. Quality of Work life

HRD Subsystem & InterventionsHRD Subsystem & Interventions12. Grievance Mechanism

13. Human Relations approach

14. Workers Participation etc.

Various HRD methods when properly designed & implemented, generate a number of HRD processes which in turn make people more competent and the organization more effective.

For example: Role analysis indicates the key functions associated with each role

& key competencies required to perform the job. Job rotation develops the general management skills and empathy &

understanding towards other job roles.

12. Grievance Mechanism

13. Human Relations approach

14. Workers Participation etc.

Various HRD methods when properly designed & implemented, generate a number of HRD processes which in turn make people more competent and the organization more effective.

For example: Role analysis indicates the key functions associated with each role

& key competencies required to perform the job. Job rotation develops the general management skills and empathy &

understanding towards other job roles.

HRD outcomesHRD outcomesFollowing are the various outcomes of HRD:

1. Training makes people more competent.(skills , knowledge & attitude)

2. Greater clarity of norms & standards.

3. More Commitment towards the job.

4. Great trust & respect for each other.

5. Greater collaboration & team spirit which results into synergy effect.

6. Problem solving capabilities: People get equipped with problem-solving capabilities.

7. Lot of Useful & objective data on employees are generated which facilitate human resource planning.

8. Participation develops in workers a sense of achievement, belongingness & pride for work.

Following are the various outcomes of HRD:

1. Training makes people more competent.(skills , knowledge & attitude)

2. Greater clarity of norms & standards.

3. More Commitment towards the job.

4. Great trust & respect for each other.

5. Greater collaboration & team spirit which results into synergy effect.

6. Problem solving capabilities: People get equipped with problem-solving capabilities.

7. Lot of Useful & objective data on employees are generated which facilitate human resource planning.

8. Participation develops in workers a sense of achievement, belongingness & pride for work.

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