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IntroductionIn the present competitive business world, Human Resource Management is an important for any type of organization. Day by day, human resource management is becoming as a part company management. By human resource management we mean that it is a process of recruiting, selecting and developing people at work. Human resource management can be distinguished from personnel management in terms of some key issues of managerial activities. By improving management of human resources with the technology can be used successfully. Perfectly human resource management ensures the success of a business organization at a large extent. Although the basic and key functions and practices ofzare almost same and common for most of the organizations of the world, but still many of them may vary from country to country to country and organization to organization.The functions of human resource management highly contribute to the purposes of any organization. There are some common terms of human resource management which are very important for an organization like employee recruitment, training and development, performance management system, labor relation and collective bargaining, employee benefits, motivations, etc. Strategic implication of a human resource management environment, at present, is a common concern for each type of organization. And managing those issues, human resource management practices are musts. For HRM practices, there is a legal and ethical perspective that is essential to follow by the managers of the organizations. Human resource management significantly benefits organization and Millennium IT is a remarkable example of it. This assignment will be made with an eye to Millennium IT.

Task 1:Understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management.Some say that there are no basic differences between Human Resource Management and Personnel management. These experts say that the two terms HRM and Personnel management have no difference in their meaning, and can be used interchangeably. Well, there are many experts who have come up with many differences between the two.

Personnel management is regarded to be more administrative in nature. Personnel management basically deals with the employees, their payroll and employment laws. On the other hand, Human Resources Management deals with the management of the work force, and contributes to an organizations success.

Human Resources Management is spoken about in a much broader sense than Personnel Management. It has been said that HRM incorporates and develops personnel management skills. It is a Human Resources Management that develops a team of employees in an organization.

Personnel management can be considered as reactive, in the sense that it provides concerns and demands as they are presented. On the contrary, Human resources Management can be stated to be proactive, as it pertains to the continuous development of policies and functions for improving a companys workforce.

Whereas personnel management is independent from an organization, the Human Resources Management is an integral part of a company or an organization.

One can also come across differences in motivational aspects. While Personnel management tends to motivate the employees with compensations, rewards and bonuses, Human Resources Management tends to provide motivation through human resources, effective strategies for facing challenges, work groups, and job creativity.

Personnel management focuses on administrating people. On the contrary, the prime focus of Human Resources Development is to build a dynamic culture.

P1.1: Distinguishing between personnel management and human resource management at Millennium IT.Personnel management is a traditional approach of managing people in the organization. Human resource management is a modern approach of managing people and their strengths in the organization. These administration officials will focus on employee welfare and labor.Human resource management focuses on acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources in the organization.Under personnel management, personnel function is undertaken for employee satisfaction. Under human resource management, administrative function is undertaken for goal achievement. Human resource management is concerned with all levels of managers from top to bottom. Personnel management is a routine function, but human resource management is a strategic function.

P1.2: Assessing the functions of the human resource management in contributing to Millennium IT purposes.Human Resource Management functions have a variety of main activities, e.g. deciding what staffing needs, recruiting and training the employees, ensuring they are high performers and also dealing with performance issues. Human Resource management is based on the well-organized utilization of employees in achieving two major objectives within an organization and other type of organizations. The first objective is to effectively make use of the talents and abilities of the employees to get the operational objectives that are the key plan of the organization. Along with understanding the objectives of the organization, Human Resource management also look for to make sure that the individual employee is satisfied with both the working environment, the reward and benefits that they receives.Human Resource can be described as the organizational function accountable for obtaining and maintaining qualified employees. In today's complex environment, fulfilling that mission is a major contributor to an organization success. (American Management Association 2000)In each organization, there are some functions addressing the purposes of the organization. Since human resource management is a vital and essential issue of organization so HRM has also some functions like recruitment and selection, performance, training and development etc. (Huselid & Becker, 2011). To address the purposes of Millennium IT, the human resource management functions arent playing very important role. Millennium IT has be a very fair and specific employee recruitment policy. Millennium IT always try prefers quality rather than quantity. Recruitment policy isn't highly contributing to Millennium IT to ensure todays lucrative position in the market. Millennium IT has be some expert trainers by whom it conforms the effective training and learning session.

P1.3: Evaluation of the roles and responsibilities of line managers at the Millennium IT in human resource department.

Human resource planning (HRP) or workforce planning is one of the classic human resource (HR) administrative tools in the estimation and identification of HR requirements used to meet the organization long-term objectives and economic opportunities. It is therefore defined as the systematic process for analysing the organization needs on how many employees are needed and what kind of knowledge, skills and talents is required in order to satisfy the organization needs (Armstrong, 2009:486)Line managers of Millennium IT should be very responsible in terms of helping and problem solving in the daily operations of their subordinates. Based on the culture of Millennium IT, there is a strong relationship between the line managers and their subordinates. This relationship helps the employees take Millennium IT as their own organization. And by dint of this relationship scenario Millennium IT is now at this level.

P1.4: Analysis of the impact of legal and regulatory framework on Millennium IT human resource management.

From the very beginning of 21st century, business organizations and its activities are governed by a very specific and effective institutional regulatory framework. This regulatory framework influence the overall activities of business organization. And human resource management is a key issue to be influenced by regulatory framework. Regulatory framework is notably influence the human resource department when company goes for international operations for business performances (Preuss, Haunschild & Matten, 2009).Millennium IT is very serious and sensitive in terms of discrimination in human resource management practice concerning the ethical and legal perspective of legal frame work. Human resource management department of Millennium IT is also influenced by legal framework in terms on labour dispute, labour relations, labour rights, compensation, employee work environment, organization attitude towards its employees etc. The another area of human resource management to be influenced by legal framework is equal employee opportunity. So the impact of regulatory framework of Millennium IT positive as Millennium IT always try to achieve the best by its commitment to fulfil the rules and regulations law and ethics.

Task 2: Understanding how to recruit employees.Understanding the ways employees are recruited is very elementary part of business related knowledge. If managers have not proper knowledge about recruitment process the overall and ultimate goal of anyorganizationmay not stand aligned. Understanding how to recruit employees means the knowledge of hiring and selecting proper and appropriate employees for an organization (Windolf, 1986).

P2.1: Analysis of the reasons for human resource planning at Millennium IT.It is said that, a correct planning is half of done. Human resource planning refers the process and technique and determination the needs of an organizations human resource. Planning is must for any type of organization. Without proper planning no activity can be performed perfectly for maximum cases. Since human resource management is a vital factor for organization so importance of planning for human resource is very essential.There are some important reasons for Millennium IT planning for human resource planning. Some of those reasons to be discussed now. Firstly Millennium IT always tries to make the linking between organizations strategy to human resource planning. Millennium IT also needs for planning for assessing current human resources, determining the demand for labour, predicting the future labour supply, finding or searching the needed employees, matching the demand and supply for labour. Human resource planning helps Millennium IT to manage its human resource effectively and efficiently.

P2.2: Outline the stages that Millennium IT can adapt in planning human resource recruitmentFor human resource recruitment there are some standard stages that can be adopted by an organization. Those stages are almost common for medium and large size of organizations. But for achieving or availing competitive advantages in terms of human resource many organizations are now a days practicing at those stages in somewhat different ways.Millennium IT is very well known and famous brand in the business world in terms of its good will in terms of employee selection process and employee and employer relationship. For this Millennium IT has to adopt some recruitment stages effectively and efficiently.Two major stages of Millennium IT recruitment of employees are recruiting sources and meeting the organization. Firstly Millennium IT is try to maintain by its recruiting sources by internal source, employee referrals and recommendations, external searches with advertisement, employee agency, school, college, university, unsolicited applicants. And meeting the organization includes resumes collection, some final remarks, viva voice and finally the recruitment is occurred.P2.3: Comparison of the recruitment and selection process at Millennium IT with another organization as John Lewis, M&S or Salisbury etc.Recruitment and selection process is one of the major issues of human resource management.The ultimate success or failure greatly depends on recruitment and selection process of any organization (Lloyd, 2007).Recruitment and selection process varies organization to organization and country to country. Some differences are observed between the recruitment and selection process of Millennium IT and John Lewis, M&S and Salisbury. From the background of Millennium IT it has been known that Millennium IT follow a very fair and non-discrimination for recruitment and selection process. Corporate governances are fully followed by it. Beside that it tries to select the active, smart, communicative people. Millennium IT recruitment and selection process starts with advertisement and ends with practical or demo session. The significant differences are seen between Millennium IT and three others mentioned above in recruitment and selection process in terms of internal selection, hiring people for final selection process etc.

P2.4: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in the above selected organizations.

If we try to evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in above selected organizations we can say that the recruitment and selection process of Millennium IT is very effective compared to others. The process or technique followed by Millennium IT ensures the equal employee opportunities. Suitable and required employees can be selected by that way. One the other hand for other three organizations there may internal selection process that can result bellows the expectation performance level.Millennium IT never prefers nepotism in terms of recruitment and selection process that ensures the effectiveness and efficiency in terms of performances. But there may be some problem arises since a few moment observations by test and viva may not always work well. In this regard internal recruitment and selection process sometimes work well since by this technique corrective recruitment is possible at a greater extent.Task 3: Understanding how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them.Rewarding employees is considered as the another most important issue for motivating employees and retaining them. Employee motivation and retention are two important key for the sustainable development for an organization. The organization capable to motivate and retain its employees by proper reward system must be benefited in terms of cost minimization and sound employee and employer relationship in long run (Kuvass & Dysvik , 2009).

P3.1: Assessment of the link between motivation theory and its reward with and application on Case study.Normally there is a strong relationship between reward system and motivation. Motivation can come from many ways. Appropriate reward system is one of them (Kiyani, Akhtar and Haroon, 2011).From the above case study it has been seen that intrinsic needs results the strong motivation for the employees. The intrinsic needs are the needs of the individual needs. Human being, generally, have a number of key psychological needs including the need to feel that employee can do something wells, the need to be a part of group, the need for respect and encouragement from others. Those needs may come from some certain issue like promotion, making decision, contributing to a team, doing variety of tasks etc. Millennium IT is such an organization that has a strong commitment to meet these needs by job rotation, employee engagement, employee involvement in decision making that always create a strong link between employee and employer.

P3.2: Research and evaluation of the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay with special reference to Millennium IT as my scenario.There is a close relationship between job or performance evaluation and payment. But payment strategy may vary organization to organization and country to country over the world. In some organizations job or performance evaluation is only one criterion to determine the payment. And it is true for small retail organization for the maximum cases. But in case of large size based corporation other factors with job evaluation may be considered as very important issue to determine the payment or compensation.Based on the scenario of Millennium IT it has been observed that, is three methods of job evaluation are seen like ordering method, classification method and point method. Ordering method also known as ranking method generally consisted by both management and employee representatives arranging job from highest to lowest order.

P3.3: Assessment of the effectiveness of reward system in different contexts with our references to Millennium IT.

According to the experts of Human resource management four types of reward system are there practiced by the organizations. They are consecutively intrinsic versus extrinsic reward system, financial versus non-financial reward system, work place issue: job enrichment, performance-based versus membership-based reward system. The motive and goal of each organization is not same. So one reward system is effective for one organization. It varies organization to organization.If we try to assess the reward system of Millennium IT it can be seen that Millennium IT is following the intrinsic reward system that is very effective for this organization. The employees of this organization are so much pleased to this reward system. The characteristics or features o intrinsic reward system are very helpful for its employees as this reward system includes participation in decision making, greater job freedom and discretion, responsibility, more interesting work, personal growth opportunities, diversity of activities. These all features are very helpful to motivate and retain the employees of this organization.

P3.4: An examination of the methods adopted by Millennium IT to monitor employee performance. Comments with suggestions.Monitoring employees and performance management is one of the key factors in human resource management. Without proper monitoring and performance management a firm or organization cant see the ultimate success in future (Van Herpen, Van Praag, and Cools, 2005).When we try to examine the methods adopted by Millennium IT to monitor employees performance some questions may be very helpful to examine it. Those questions should be (1) is the method perform well? (2) are there any fruitful methods more effective than that of it ? (3) How actually is works well?Getting all the answers from the practical scenario we should have a look to Millennium IT approach to do it. We can see that Millennium IT is very eager to engage its employees in decision making, to job enrichment etc. The purposes of Millennium IT are being achieved by doing so. Now we can think if this organization takes other methods to monitor its employees then what will be the real scenario? The answer can be very pessimistic. So it can be said that the method followed by Millennium IT is working favour for it.

Task 4: Knowing the mechanisms for the cessation of employment.Cessation of employment is a very sensitive issue for an organization in modern and competitive world of cessation. Although cessation is not expected any more from an organization but still this scenario is occurring in some organizations. Cessation can be occurred by the termination of any organization or minimizing the labour costs or any disputing or unfair means of means. Cessation of employment is more sensitive issue because of labour law and labour rights.

P4.1: Identification of the reasons for cessation of employment with special references to Millennium IT in general.As I have mentioned there are some specific reasons behind cessation of employment like termination of business operations, minimizing the labour cost, unfair means of employees, labour dispute etc.When we see the reasons for cessation of employment with special reasons to Millennium IT it is to mention that the cessation rate of employment of Millennium IT is very low. For the maximum cases cessation of employment in Millennium IT was occurred for fraud and highest absenteeism rate of employees, financial distaste in early stages of its operations. Besides that cessation of employment was seen in that organization because of very poor performance in terms of customer dealings, customer relationship maintaining. Among the reasons mentioned above financial distaste is remarkable specially for Millennium IT and for most of the organizations. Recent world economic crisis is the suitable example for it.P4.2: Research and description of the employment exit procedures used by Millennium IT and the comparison of it with any other organization of my choice.Employment exit procedure is the next step of cessation of employment. It varies organization to organization and country to country. But the rights of employees must to be ensured by each type of organization. The employment exit procedure system should be very fair and specific. According to the labour right organization must ensure the fair means of employment exit procedure (Standing, 1988).Employment exit procedure of Millennium IT is very exemplary for other organization. Firstly it inform the employee formally about cessation. Secondly it gives time to employee to put his or her argument against the step taken by organization. If employee is not able to put his or her argument in his or her favor, organization formally inform him or her finally. Then Millennium IT fulfill all the requirement due to the employee. Then a cessation card is sent to the address of employee. For comparison we can put an example of Wall-Mart. But many of the retail shops dont match with the procedure followed by Millennium IT . For example we can see mention the name of Wall-Mart. The exit procedure of employment of Wall-Mart varies from that of Millennium IT in small extents in terms of providing information providing.

P4.3: Consideration of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with special reference to Millennium IT .Maintaining the regulatory framework at the time of cessation of employment is very essential for corporations of the business world (Grubb & Wells, 1994). Each and every organization must have to follow the terms and conditions of cessation and exit procedures of employment.When we consider the cessation arrangement of employment in Millennium IT it is seen that the cessation procedure of Millennium IT match all the requirements of legal issue. Millennium IT never try to violate any terms and conditions derived from legal framework. From the background of Millennium IT it is known that, Millennium IT never tried to skip any articles and provision of labor law and labor rights in terms of cessation procedures.ConclusionIf an organization wants to gain full benefit of human resource management it should follow all the sections of HRM. In a small retail organization there are may be a few persons are recruited for its daily operations and performances. Here an autocratic mode of the owner is observed. This type of organization is not more concerned about Motivation factors for employees since it can be stopped any moment or any time. Millennium IT never prefer nepotism in terms of recruitment and selection process that ensures the effectiveness and efficiency in terms of performances. From the background of Millennium IT it is known that, Millennium IT never tried to skip any articles and provision of labour law and labour rights in terms of cessation procedures.Millennium IT itself has a legal advisory board that always deal the legal based issues and provides the fair and specific consultancy to take the necessary steps.References

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