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KPI Collection

Other HR FunctionsKey Performance Indicators

Benchmarking ApproachA

Firm-wide KPIsB

Function and Process KPIsC

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This Collection Describes OpsDog’s Benchmarking Approach and Comparative KPIs for HR Functions

A. OpsDog’sApproachtoBenchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • Describes OpsDog’s library of benchmarking KPIs and outlines our typical

benchmarking approach

B. Firm-wideBenchmarkingKPIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 • Reviews OpsDog’s most popular KPIs for analyzing overall organization size,

structure and operating effectiveness. These KPIs are useful for identifying relevant peers.

C. HumanResourcesFunctionalKPIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 • Defines KPIs used by OpsDog to analyze the procedures and operating

effectiveness of functional areas within the human resources organization.

A. Employee Relations E. Planning and Analysis

B. HR Generalists F. Internal Consulting & Compliance

C. Expatriate Administration G. Shared Service Center

D. HR Information Systems

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OpsDogApproachtoBenchmarking• Describes OpsDog’s library of benchmarking KPIs and outlines our typical

benchmarking approach



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What is Process Benchmarking?


Process benchmarking, sometimes referred to as performance benchmarking or management benchmarking, is quantitatively comparing groups of sequential work activities, known variously as “workflows,” “value streams,” or “business processes.” These “processes” are not the traditional assembly lines that follow documented procedures to produce standardized, tangible products. More often, the term “business process” refers to virtual, less obvious, assembly lines spanning multiple knowledge worker organizations and producing loosely defined, even ad hoc, outputs or work products. Examples include: Order to Cash [for fulfillment processes] and Record to Report [for accounting processes]. Ideally, process benchmarking enables comparison against a widely acknowledged industry standard or industry leader. In practice, this is never straightforward because these processes are highly obscure and few, if any, such standards exist.


Internally [i.e., inside out], process benchmarking is used by managers to assess operations as objectively as possible. These quantified measures are then used to target areas for improvement and set tangible performance goals. Externally, [i.e., outside in] process benchmarking is used to compare the firm’s activities with other firms, sometimes with firms considered to be industry leaders. Process Benchmarking is also used by investors to help identify ‘hidden value’ that might be exploited through deployment of capital. Examples include: management buyouts, activist investments, takeovers, and private placements. Private equity investors have been known to send observers to count a business’ customers, cars in the parking lot, and similar process performance benchmarks to predict earnings or evaluate operational efficiency.


Process Benchmarking can be divided into three broad categories, based on peer groups:

a. Direct competitors – Firms that offer similar products and services to the same customers and markets.

b. Similar industry – Companies active in the same industry that do not compete “head to head.”

c. Out of Industry – Businesses from any industry that may perform similar processes with comparable activities and outputs.


1. General Characteristics: Basic info used to provide apples-to-apples comparison

2. Activity Checklist: Compare tasks and activities performed to further apples-to-apples comparison.

3. Organizational: Compare headcounts, structure, reporting levels and centralization.

4. Process: Compare volumes, cycle times, customer service levels, work quality and accuracy.

5. Expense:Compare expense as it relates to employees, operations, technology, etc.

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What is Process Benchmarking?[cont.]


Benchmarking of goods and services has existed in business since time immemorial. It is known simply as “comparison shopping.” Process benchmarking, however, represents a relatively new approach to business performance measurement. The term “benchmark” has been attributed to various guilds and trades, the earliest being cobblers. According to legend, early shoemakers marked their customers’ foot sizes on their workbenches. The more recent and likely source, however, is land surveyors, who continue to use the term and the practice to this day. A “benchmark” for surveyors was a chiseled horizontal line in a stone that held a leveling rod. This was the measure against which altitudes at other locations were determined. The benchmark was compared to a known altitude, typically mean sea level.

Even today, careful observers can find benchmark icons painted on streets near construction areas: a circle divided into black and white, checkerboard quadrants. Historians and biographers have recorded numerous, perhaps apocryphal, examples of process benchmarking observations requested or conducted by the early titans of business: Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Ford and others. However, the Xerox Corporation is generally credited with the first formal, institutionalized application of process benchmarking. Facing imminent collapse in the early 1980s, the company looked outside and discovered that it spent twice as long as its Japanese competitors to bring a product to market, employed five times the number of engineers, generated four times the number of design changes, and ultimately incurred three times the total design cost.


Multiple surveys indicate that an increasing number of companies are using tools that involve process benchmarking; however, these efforts are generally not producing meaningful, measurable improvement results. One survey indicated the companies are most likely to use benchmarking for writing their mission statements and designing their customer surveys. But few companies harness the quantitative power of process benchmarking for performance measurement and best practice identification. Another survey indicated that only 15% of the surveyed companies’ benchmarking projects resulted in implementing new practices. One reason: Little, if any, comprehensive, standardized documentation exists for the business processes that companies seek to benchmark.

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Our KPIs collections comprise a standardized repository of the most operationally relevant performance measures for a wide range of organizations and industries.

This HumanResourcesKPICollection is drawn from the Support Group section of our Organization-based collections.

KPIs included in the collection have been selected and grouped on the basis of practicality. Over the years, these measures have proven to be the most feasible to collect externally and the easiest to administer for internal operations management.

OpsDog “reuses” these standard KPIs on each of our consulting engagements. This approach enables OpsDog to refresh the data comparisons on a continual basis and avoid redefining costly, one-off comparisons. Similarly, our clients find it helpful to standardize their own internal performance measures and align these with OpsDog’s KPIs to enable cost-efficient external comparisons.


Organization-based collections Industry-based collections


• Finance

• HumanResources

– Benefits & Compensation

– Recruiting & Training

– OtherHRFunctions

• Marketing

• Information Technology

• Corporate Services

• Compliance/ Audit

• Legal

• Internal Improvement Teams


• Field Sales & Support

• Customer Service

• Contact Centers

• New Product Development

Supply Chain Operations

• Order Management

• Procurement

• Materials Management

• Production

• Distribution


• Financial Services

– Insurance

– Banking

– Broker/Dealer

– Investment Management

• Media Services

• Information Services

• Health Plans

• Telecommunications

• Utilities


• Pharmaceuticals

• Chemicals

• Food Production/Processing

• Paper/ Packaging

• Industrial Products/Appliances

• Technology

• Print and Mail

• Consumer Packaged Goods

• Retail and Distribution

• Oil and Gas

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OpsDog’s Approach to KPI Selection

Avoidenterprisecomparisons—OpsDog focuses on specific “nuts and bolts” level, quantified comparisons of well-documented operating tasks, routines and ratios. We avoid wholesale comparisons of companies or business lines. Such efforts can rapidly evolve into broad, subjective discussions of qualitative, overarching business philosophies and strategies.

Focusprimarilyonoperational[notcost]comparisons—OpsDog limits cost benchmarks to 20% or less of the total KPIs used in any comparative analysis. Both internal and external cost data frequently include allocations and chargebacks that cannot be unbundled for normalized comparison within a reasonable time frame.

Targetworkactivitiesandcommonroutinesforcomparison—Business processes and organization structure vary significantly both across and within comparable peer companies. However, the tasks and sub-routines that comprise these processes and organizations are remarkably similar. OpsDog targets these common elements for comparison.

KeepKPIstoamanageablequantity—Most external peers considering participation in a benchmarking effort will tolerate only a small number of readily available KPIs, typically less than twenty. Prioritize KPIs into several groups to ensure that a small number of essential KPIs are gathered first during each interview. A longer list of “extra credit” questions can be posed to peers willing to spend additional time on the interview. Similarly, internal operating measures for day to day use should be restricted to a concise number for each area—roughly 6–10 essential KPIs.

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Firm-wideBenchmarkingKPIs• Reviews OpsDog’s most popular KPIs for analyzing overall organization size,

structure and operating effectiveness. These KPIs are useful for identifying relevant peers.


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Firm-wide KPIs


1.TotalRevenue Total firm-wide revenues as reported in annual reports.

2.TotalOperatingExpenseTotal firm-wide operating expense as reported in annual reports.

3.TotalEmployeeHeadcountTotal number of employees at end of year.

4.TotalSalariedEmployeesTotal number of salaried employees at end of year.

5.TotalHourlyEmployeesTotal number of hourly employees at end of year.

6.RevenueperEmployeeTotal firm-wide revenues as reported in annual reports, divided by total number of employees at end of year.

7.OperatingExpenseperEmployeeTotal firm-wide operating expense as reported in annual reports divided by total number of employees end of year.

8.OperatingRatioTotal firm-wide operating expense as reported in annual reports divided by total firm-wide revenues as reported in annual reports.

9.GeographicLocationIndicates regional scope of HR department [e.g Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia].

10.NumberofBranchesIndicates total number of branches located within region.


11. TotalHumanResourcesExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for corporate human resources, divided by total revenue.

12. TotalHumanResourceExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for corporate human resources, divided by total operating expense.

13. TotalCorporateHumanResourcesExpenseTotal amount budgeted for corporate human resources department.

14. TotalHumanResourcesEmployeesTotal number of employees in all human resources departments, as reported in interviews.

15. RatioofTotalEmployeestoHumanResourcesEmployeesRatio of total employees to number of human resources employees.

16. HumanResourceExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing human resource services in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

17. HumanResourceExpenseperHumanResourceEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing human resource services in 20xx divided by the total number of human resource employees in 20xx.

18. TotalEmployeesperHumanResourceEmployeeTotal number of employees at end of year 20xx divided by total number of human resource employees in 20xx.

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T H E L A B®

S E L F - F U N D I N G B U S I N E S S I M P R O V E M E N T

Firm-wide Metrics (cont.)

Firm-wide Human Resources Characteristics (cont.)

13. Total Corporate Human Resources ExpenseTotal amount budgeted for corporate human resources department for200x.

14. Total Human Resources EmployeesTotal number of employees in all human resources departments,as reported in interviews.

15. Ratio of Total Employees to Human ResourcesEmployees

Ratio of total employees to number of human resources employees.

16. Human Resource Expense per Employee

Total dollar expenditures in providing human resource services in 200xdivided by the total number of employees in 200x.

17. Human Resource Expense per Human ResourceEmployee

Total dollar expenditures in providing human resource services in 200xdivided by the total number of human resource employees in 200x.

18. Total Employees per Human ResourceEmployee

Total number of employees at end of year 200x dividedby total number of human resource employees in 200x.

19. Management Levels within HumanResourcesNumber of management levels in corporate humanresources department from department head to lowestmanagement level(e.g., from Vice President to Supervisor, inclusive).

Vice President





Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

4 Levels Total


19. ManagementLevelswithinHRNumber of management levels in corporate human resources department from department head to lowest management level [e.g., from Vice President to Supervisor, inclusive].


20. NumberwithinEachManagementLevelNumber of human resource employees within each management level.

21. DirectReportstoManagementStaffAverage number of employees who report directly to each individual management-level personnel.


Firm-wide KPIs

22. FunctionswithintheHROrganizationYes/no KPI indicating functional areas within human resources. a. Benefits/Retirement b. Compensation c. Experienced Recruiting/Staffing d. Graduate Recruiting e. Training and Development f. Other HR services g. Expatriate administration h. Employee relations i. Termination j. HR generalists k. Planning and Analysis/Reporting

23. NumberofHumanResourcesEmployeeswithinEachFunctionalGroupNumber of persons employed in each human resources functional group including corporate and business unit employees. a. Benefits/Retirement b. Compensation c. Experienced Recruiting/Staffing d. Graduate Recruiting e. Training and Development f. Other HR services g. Expatriate administration h. Employee relations i. Termination j. HR generalists k. Planning and Analysis/Reporting

24. DepartmentOrganizationThis KPI identifies whether the human resources function is centralized or decentralized along various lines.

a. Centralized: All functions are performed within a central, corporate, human resources department b. Corporate oversight: A central, corporate, human resources department coordinates and oversees corporate-wide human resources functions; divisional offices carry out daily functions c. Mixed: Human resources functions are shared by a central department and the business units d. Decentralized: Human resources functions are performed by the individual corporate business units

25. NumberofHumanResourcesDepartmentsThe number of human resource departments within the company, including corporate and business units.

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Phase I: Shell Document

Firm-wide Human Resources Characteristics (cont.)

20. Number within Each Management Level

Number of human resource employees within eachmanagement level.

21. Direct Reports to Management Staff

Average number of employees who report directly to each individualmanagement-level personnel.

Firm-wide Metrics (cont.)

Level IndividualManagers

No. of DirectReports

1 1 6.0

3 10 1.2

4 12 15.1

2 6 1.7

22. Functions within the Human ResourcesOrganization

Yes/no metric indicating functional areas within human resources.a. Benefits/Retirementb. Compensationc. Experienced Recruiting/Staffingd. Graduate Recruitinge. Training and Developmentf. Other HR servicesg. Expatriate administrationh. Employee relationsi. Terminationj. HR generalistsk. Planning and Analysis/Reporting

23. Number of Human Resources Employees withinEach Functional Group

Number of persons employed in each human resources functionalgroup including corporate and business unit employees.a. Benefits/Retirementb. Compensationc. Experienced Recruiting/Staffingd. Graduate Recruitinge. Training and Developmentf. Other HR servicesg. Expatriate administrationh. Employee relationsi. Terminationj. HR generalistsk. Planning and Analysis/Reporting


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26. TotalEmployeesperPCorTerminalTotal employee headcount at end of hear divided by both the number of desktop personal computers and computer terminals.

27. InteractiveKiosksYes/no KPI indicating whether the company’s human resources utilizes kiosks to provide information for employees without desktop access.

28. CorporateHumanResourcesWebPagea. Yes/no KPI indicating whether the company’s human resources utilizes an open access human resources web page for internal/external communication. b. Yes/no KPI indicating whether the company’s human resources utilizes a human resources web page only accessible internally.

29. AutomatedPersonnelFilesIndicates whether company’s human resources have invested in information systems, not only for storing personnel information, but also for automated personnel workflow. This KPI excludes resume processing systems, but may include the following: a. Brand b. Automated or semi-automated performance reviews c. Automated or semi-automated compensation reviews d. Benefit notifications [to individuals] e. Time sheets auto-forwarded f. Expense forms

30. AutomatedEmployeeInformationCallCentersYes/no KPI indicating whether the company’s human resources have invested in an automated employee services call center.

Firm-wide KPIs

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CSectionInsuranceFunctionalandBusinessProcessKPIs• Defines KPIs used by OpsDog to analyze the procedures and operating

effectiveness of functional departments in Insurance

A. Employee Relations E. Planning and Analysis

B. HR Generalists F. Internal Consulting & Compliance

C. Expatriate Administration G. Shared Service Center

D. HR Information Systems

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1. TotalEmployeeRelations[ER]Headcounta. Total number of FTEs devoted to the ER function at end of year 20xx. b. Total number of FTEs across HR performing ER-related activities at end of year 20xx.

2. TotalEmployeesperEmployeeRelationsEmployeeTotal number of employees at YE 20xx divided by the number of employee relations employees.

3. TotalEmployeeRelationsExpenseTotal amount budgeted for employee relations for 20xx.

4. TotalEmployeeRelationsExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for employee relations divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

5. TotalEmployeeRelationsExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for employee relations divided by total revenue for 20xx.

6. EmployeeRelationsExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing employee relations in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

7. EmployeeRelationsExpenseperEmployeeRelationsEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing employee relations service in 20xx divided by the total number of employee relations employees in 20xx.

8. FunctionofEmployeeRelationsIndicates the primary function of the ER group within HR. a. Legal counsel/general advisory b. Performance management counsel c. Risk management [e.g., protect company from legal ramifications of disgruntled employees] d. Policy determination [e.g., work/life issues, flexible work arrangements, severance packages] e. Other [please specify]

Employee Relations

9. BackgroundofERPersonnelIndicates educational/professional background of the majority of ER staff. a. Legal attorney b. HR generalist c. HR consultant d. Other [please specify]

10. ResolvingIssuesa. Yes/no KPI indicating whether managers receive assistance from ER when problems arise with employees. b. If yes, under what circumstances: P = Performance issues I = General conduct issues R = Request for flexible hours/days C = Career counselling L = Litigation potential cases [e.g., harassment, etc.] O = Other [please specify] c. If no, what resources exist to aid managers in handling situations on their own: I = Intranet B = Booklets S = Shared service center G = HR generalist/liaison O = Other [please specify]

11. AvailableResourcesIndicates resources managers utilize on a regular basis to solve problems with employees. I = Intranet B = Booklets S = Shared service center G = HR generalist/liaison O = Other [please specify]

12. TypesofIssuesIndicates the types of issues that managers require assistance in to solve problems with employees. a. General guidance [e.g., how to appraise a poor performer] b. Detail guidance [e.g., “Walk me through a typical conversation”] c. Policy issues d. Special situations e. Other [please specify]

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Employee Relations

13. EmployeeRelationsTrainingYes/no KPI indicating whether there are training opportunities to learn about employee relations issues regarding any of the following: a. Performance management b. Work/life issues [e.g., flexible work arrangement policies, etc.] c. Sexual harassment d. Age/race discrimination e. Candidate screening/interviewing f. Poor conduct resolution g. Other [please specify]

14. MandatoryTrainingIndicates which, if any, of the following training sessions are mandatory for: 1. Managers 2. HR generalists 3. ER specialists a. Performance management b. Work/life issues [e.g., flexible work arrangement policies, etc.] c. Sexual harassment d. Age/race discrimination e. Candidate screening/interviewing f. Poor conduct resolution g. Other [please specify]

15. ERTrainingOutsourcinga. Yes/no KPI indicating whether employee relations training is outsourced to a third party. b. If yes, this KPI indicates approximately what percentage of training courses is outsourced.

16. NumberofCasesNumber of employee relations cases/issues reaching an ER function in any given year.

17. NatureofCasesIndicates the type of cases/issues that are typically handled by ER function: a. General employee work/life issues [e.g., flexible work arrangements] b. Serious conduct issues [e.g., sexual harassment] c. Potential litigation cases d. Labor disputes e. Other [please specify]

18. AdditionalPartiesInvolvedA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether any of the following parties are additionally involved in resolving an ER-related issue: a. HR generalist b. Manager’s supervisor c. Internal legal/compliance dept. d. External legal attorney e. Compensation specialist f. Benefits specialist g. Other [please specify] B. If yes, what percentage of all ER-related cases requires involvement of additional parties.

19. NumberofLitigationsOn average, the number of ER issues resulting in litigation engagements per year.

20. NumberofSettlementsOn average, the number of litigation cases that are settled.

21. NumberofLawsuitsOn average, the number of litigations resulting in lawsuits per year.

22. LitigationClaimsIndicates primary claims of litigation cases. a. Unfair termination b. Unfair compensation c. Sexual harassment d. Age discrimination e. Race discrimination f. Other [please specify]

23. CycleTime–ResolveIssuesOn average, the length of time, in hours, it takes to resolve an employee relations issue. a. General employee work/life issues [e.g., flexible work arrangements] b. Serious conduct issues [e.g., sexual harassment] c. Potential litigation cases d. Labor disputes e. Other [please specify]

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1. GeneralistHeadcountIndicates where the generalist headcount and compensation resides. a. Central HR b. Business groups c. Other [please specify]

2. TotalHeadcountTotal number of HR generalists, both in central and business groups’, HR departments for 20xx.

3. TotalHeadcountbyLevelTotal number of HR generalists, both in central and business groups’, HR departments, by level of HR generalist, for 20xx. a. Senior generalists b. Junior generalists c. Support/administration staff d. Other [please specify]

4. TotalHeadcountbyOrganizationTotal number of HR generalists, by type of organization/business/region supported. a. Central HR b. Business groups c. Regions d. Support business functions e. Revenue-generating business functions f. Other [please specify]

5. TotalHRgeneralistsExpenseTotal amount budgeted for HR generalists for 20xx.

6. TotalHRGeneralistsExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for HR generalists, divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

7. TotalHRGeneralistsExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for HR generalists, divided by total revenue for 20xx.

8. HRGeneralistExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing HR generalist services in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

HR Generalists

9. HRGeneralistsExpenseperHRGeneralistEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing HR generalist services in 20xx divided by the total number of HR generalist employees in 20xx.

10. TypeofBusinessYes/no KPI indicating whether there is a significant difference in generalists’ activities between those supporting revenue generating businesses and those working with support functions.

11. PercentofSupportStaffTotal number of support/administration staff as percent of total number of HR generalists staff.

12. TotalNumberofManagersTotal number of managers, supported by HR generalists, for 20xx.

13. NumberofEmployeesperGeneralistOn average, total number of employees supported by one HR generalist.

14. PercentofGeneralistStaffTotal number of HR generalists as a percentage of total number of HR staff.

15. CompensationMethodIndicates way in which HR generalist compensation is determined. a. By central HR b. By the business group supported c. Other [please specify]

16. CompensationRangesIndicates typical HR generalist base salary, by level: a. Senior generalists b. Junior generalists c. Support/administration staff d. Other [please specify] 1. Under $30K 2. $30K to $50K 3. $50K to $75K 4. $75K to $100K 5. Over $100K

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17. IncentiveCompensationA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether HR generalists are eligible for incentive compensation. B. If A is yes, then this KPI indicates a range in which yearly incentive compensation amount would typically fall. a. $1K to $5K b. $5K to $10K c. $10K to $15K d. $15K to $20K e. Over $20K

18. HRGeneralistOrganizationIndicates the way in which generalists are organized: a. In central HR b. By business group c. By type of business function [e.g., support vs. revenue-generation] d. By region e. Other [please specify]


19. GeneralistReportingIndicates generalists’ line[s] of reporting: a. Head of HR b. Head of business group c. Company’s CAO d. Head of region e. Dual reporting between central HR and business group f. Other [please specify]

20. PrimaryRoleIndicates what the primary role/function of an HR generalist: a. Strategic partner to the business b. Employee advocate [e.g., work/life issues] c. Manager confidant/advisor d. Protector of the firm against litigation e. Other [please specify]

21. HRGeneralists’ClientsIndicates who the primary clients of HR generalist are: a. Employees b. Managers c. Business group heads d. External company clients e. Other [please specify]

22. Generalist’sActivitiesIndicates primary activities of an HR generalist, by an average percentage of time spent on each: a. Employee counselling b. Strategic business advisory c. Manager-employee arbitration/counselling d. Policy questions answering e. Paper processing/administration f. Other [please specify]

23. SpecialistActivitiesYes/no KPI indicating whether generalists are involved in any of the following HR functions, by an average percentage of their time spent on each: a. Recruiting/staffing b. Expatriate/relocation administration c. Employee relations d. Voluntary terminations e. Involuntary terminations f. Compensation administration g. Benefits administration h. Training and development i. Other [please specify]

24. OrganizationalDevelopmentYes/no KPI indicating whether HR generalists are involved in any strategic organizational functions: a. Organizational development b. Resource planning c. Management reporting d. Other [please specify]

25. BusinessDecisionsYes/no KPI whether HR generalists are actively involved in strategic business decisions, by participating in any of the following: a. Regularly attend senior business management meetings b. Spin-off/buyout/restructure decisions c. Expansion/building new business decisions d. Other [please specify]

HR Generalists

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HR Generalists


26. GeneralistBackgroundIndicates a typical generalist’s career background prior to the current position. a. Recruiting/staffing b. Compensation planning c. Compensation administration/analysis d. Benefits planning e. Training and development f. Organizational development g. Outside of HR [e.g., analyst in the business] h. Other [please specify]

27. GeneralistEducationIndicates a typical educational background of a generalist. a. Bachelor’s degree b. Master’s degree c. Ph. D. degree d. High school diploma e. Other [please specify]

28. LengthofHRExperienceOn average, the length of time, in years, generalists spend in HR prior to their current position.

29. LengthofHRServiceRequirementA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether generalists are required to have served a designated amount of time in HR prior to becoming a generalist. B. If A] is yes, then this KPI indicates the length of service requirement, in years, in one or combination of the following functions: a. Recruiting/staffing b. Compensation planning c. Compensation analysis d. Benefits planning e. Training and development f. Organizational development e. Other [please specify]

30. GeneralistKnowledgeRequirementsIndicates types of knowledge/skills required for an HR generalist. a. General knowledge of firm’s structure and operations b. Detail knowledge of firm’s structure and operations, by each business c. Detail knowledge of specific business group’s structure and operations [e.g., strategy, products, etc.] d. Detail knowledge of specific business group’s staffing requirements [e.g., type of people, skills, etc.] e. General HR knowledge on policies, structure and administration of various processes f. Specific HR knowledge about most HR functions and their administration g. Specific employee relations knowledge on how to deal with sensitive situations [e.g., harassment issues, personal problems, etc.] h. Specific knowledge of termination procedures i. Other [please specify]

31. GeneralistTrainingRequirementsYes/no mandatory training is required for all HR generalists.

32. TypeofGeneralistTrainingIndicates types of training courses offered by the firm specifically for HR generalists. a. Description of each HR functional area and its operations b. Handling specific employee relations issues [e.g., harassment, discrimination, etc.] c. Handling terminations d. Handling general employee complaints/problems e. Introduction to rules, policies, and procedures f. Business restructuring/redeployment issues g. Organizational development/resource planning issues h. Other [please specify] i. None

33. GeneralistTenure–AverageOn average, the length of time, in years, generalists serve in this function.

34. GeneralistTenure–CurrentOn average, the length of time, in years, current generalists have been in this position.

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HR Generalists

35. CurrentLevelofExperienceYes/no KPI indicating whether there is a substantial disparity in the level of HR experience among current HR generalists.


36. PerformanceAppraisalAuthorityIndicates who evaluates HR generalists on their performance. a. By business group managers b. By head of HR c. By head of region d. By other HR generalists e. By HR specialists f. Other [please specify]

37. PerformanceAppraisalCriteriaIndicates criteria used to evaluate an HR generalist’s performance. a. Responsiveness b. Reliability c. Communication skills d. Relationship management skills e. Business advisory skills f. Other [please specify]

38. PerformanceAppraisalMethodIndicates method used to evaluate an HR generalist’s performance. a. Percentage point for each skill b. 1 to X scale c. Low, medium, high categories d. Essay-format description e. Verbal feedback f. Other [please specify]

39. FrequencyofEvaluationIndicates frequency with which HR generalists are evaluated on their performance. a. Annually b. Semi-annually c. Quarterly d. Monthly e. Weekly f. Daily g. Other [please specify

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Expatriate Administration

1. Expatriate/RelocationAdministrationActivitiesIndicates whether expatriate activities are performed in-house or by a third-party vendor. a. Analyze staffing needs abroad b. Develop policies c. Assess staff/job matches d. Develop expatriate packages e. Arrange host-country visits f. Assist in home search, school search g. Provide host-country support while settling in h. Procure work permits i. Conduct cross-cultural training j. Locate/administer spouse programs [e.g., education] k. Process international payroll l. Perform administrative tasks [e.g., processing paperwork] m. Assist with repatriation n. Other [please specify]

2. RelocationServicesOrganizationWays in which relocation/expatriate services/administration is organized. a. Centralized b. Decentralized by business unit c. Decentralized by region/location d. Other [please specify]

3. AdditionalPartiesInvolvedinRelocationIndicates parties, in addition to and/or instead of expatriate/relocation services, involved in expatriate/relocation administration, performing any of the following activities: a. Benefits b. Payroll c. Compensation d. Audit e. Legal f. Financial g. Tax h. Employee relations i. HR generalists j. Vendor management k. Other areas [please specify] 1. Payment processing 2. Tax counseling 3. Policy/relocation package counseling 4. Coordination of vendors 5. Other [please specify]

4. Relocation/ExpatriateServicesInternalStructureWays in which relocation/expatriate services function/department is structured internally: a. By lines of businesses b. By case managers c. By individual cases [first available representative] d. By region e. Other [please specify]

5. TypeofRelocation/ExpatriateAssistanceTypes of relocation/expatriate assistance/package provided to employees, by type of relocation: a. Lump sum for moving expenses b. Cost of living allowance/adjustment c. Housing allowance d. Home finding e. Temporary living reimbursement f. Reimbursement of moving expenses g. Tax consultation with specialist h. Lease cancellation assistance i. Physical move assistance j. International assignment premiums - mobility k. International assignment premiums - hardship l. Educational allowance for children m. Spouse career services n. Language courses o. “Look-see”/familiarization trips p. Networking assistance with other expats q. Cultural training r. Time off from work due to relocation s. Trips home t. Other [please specify] 1. Expatriate Relocation 2. Repatriate Relocation 3. Self-initiated Relocation

6. TotalExpatriate/RelocationHeadcountIndicates the total number of employees staffed to expatriate and relocation administration.

7. TotalEmployeesperExpatriate/RelocationEmployeeTotal number of employees at YE 20xx divided by the number of expatriate/relocation employees.

8. TotalExpatriate/RelocationExpenseTotal amount budgeted for expatriate/relocation for 20xx.

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Expatriate Administration

9. TotalExpatriate/RelocationExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for expatriate/relocation divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

10. TotalExpatriate/RelocationExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for expatriate/relocation divided by total revenue for 20xx.

11. Expatriate/RelocationExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing expatriate/relocation in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

12. Expatriate/RelocationExpenseperExpatriate/RelocationEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing expatriate/relocation service in 20xx divided by the total number of expatriate/relocation employees in 20xx.

13. LevelofSpouseSupportExtent to which various support options are offered to a spouse of an expatriate employee. a. Language training courses b. Work permit guidance/administration c. Career guidance d. Lump sum allowance e. Partial income replacement f. Networking assistance g. Job finding assistance h. Education reimbursement/allowance i. Other [please specify]

14. TypesofBenefitsTypes of benefits provided to expatriate employees. a. Global plan b. Headquarters-based plan c. Other [please specify]

15. NumberofPoliciesSupportedTotal number of policies maintained and administered by the firm’s relocation/expatriate services.

16. TypesofStandardPoliciesIndicates which, if any, of the following type[s] of relocation/expatriate policies are employed by the firm: a. Business trip b. Short-term assignment [e.g., less than one year] c. Long-term assignment [e.g., over one year] d. Permanent move e. Trainee relocation f. Menu of options from which employee/manager chooses g. Other [please specify]

17. CommunicationToolsIndicates tools available for prospective expatriate employees for making informed decisions about their relocation. a. On-line reference guide b. Website c. Policy manual d. Consultation with relocation vendor e. Brochures f. Consultation with relocation expert g. Database/network of references of other expats in the relocation area h. Other [please specify]

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Expatriate Administration

18. InformationProvidedIndicates the type of information provided to prospective expatriate employee through various communication tools: a. Expatriate assistance packages/options [e.g., tax consultation, housing allowance, etc.] b. Rationale for each option [including numbers/calculations] c. Home base benefits [e.g., investment schemes] d. Benefits comparability between home and expatriate location e. Market competitiveness of the program f. Prospective work environment g. Perspective manager h. Cost of living i. Policies and procedures [e.g., dress code, holidays, flexible work arrangements, etc.] j. Career opportunities at that location for expatriate employee k. Career opportunities at that location for expatriate’s spouse l. Tips for childcare/education m. Language courses offered n. Cost-effective ways to move o. Cost-effective ways to exchange money p. Tax tips q. Housing information r. Payroll information s. Policy change updates t. Key contacts for further information u. Cultural tips v. Tourist attractions w. Other

19. InformationOrganizationWays in which the above information is organized and presented. a. Summarized in key bullet points b. Written out in comprehensive sentences c. Presented as critical/“must know” vs. non-critical information d. Other [please specify]

20. MediaofPresentationMedia in which the above information is presented. a. Firm-wide email system b. Intranet c. Website d. Newsletter e. Periodic notices [e.g., semi-annual update] f. Other [please specify]

21. InformationUpdateFrequency with which expatriate information is updated to most current standards. a. Once a year b. Twice a year c. More than twice a year d. Once every few years

22. FormalRelocationProceduresYes/no KPI indicating whether a formal process and procedures are used for sending an employee to an international assignment: a. Identifying position/skills to be filled b. Identifying appropriate candidate for position c. Determining appropriate assistance package

23. EmployeeSelectionCriteriaCriteria used in selecting appropriate employee for an international assignment. a. Cultural fit b. Family size/age c. Level of expertise/skills d. Years of experience e. Potential for permanent move f. Other [please specify]

24. CycleTime–EmployeeSelectionOn average, the amount of time [in weeks] it takes to select the appropriate employee for an expatriate assignment, from the time the need is identified until employee is selected [excluding employee’s decision time].

25. CycleTime–DecisionOn average, amount of time [in weeks] an employee is given to make a decision regarding the requested relocation.

26. CycleTime–ApprovalOn average, amount of time [in weeks] it takes for a self-initiated relocation to get approved: a. By manager b. By HR representative c. By relocation expert d. Other [please specify]

27. Cost/BenefitModelYes/no KPI indicating whether a cost/benefit model is available to and used by managers to help make decisions regarding relocation assignments.

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Expatriate Administration

28. ElementsofCost/BenefitModelIndicates elements considered/included in developing cost/benefit model of an expatriate assignment. a. Compensation adjustments [salary, incentive compensation, etc.] b. Benefits adjustments [home, host, both] c. Tax adjustments d. Cost of living adjustment e. Support services [e.g., housing allowance, language training, spouse support, etc.] f. Other [please specify]

29. ExpatriateConsultationYes/no KPI indicating whether an employee has a chance for a detail consultative session with a relocation expert prior to making his/her decision.

30. TopicsCoveredinConsultationIndicates types of topics normally covered during a consultation session with a relocation expert. a. Relocation/repatriation b. Homefinding c. Contracts/vendors d. Immigration e. Settling in services f. Tax issues g. Pay delivery/information h. Benefits - home/host I. Overall compensation package o. Other [please specify]

31. LevelofNegotiationYes/no KPI indicating whether each relocation assistance package/option is a subject to substantial negotiations with a prospective expatriate employee.

32. FormalProcedureforNegotiatedPackageYes/no KPI indicating whether a formal procedure is followed if expatriate assistance package is varied from standard due to negotiations/special circumstance, etc.

33. LevelofApprovalforExceptionsIndicates what level of employee must approve an exception to a standard expatriate assistance package. a. HR generalist b. Immediate supervisor c. Department manager [supervisor’s head] d. BU’s senior executive e. HR’s senior executive f. Other [please specify]

34. DecisionMakerIndicates who makes the final decision on employee’s expatriate assistance package when negotiations are involved, by level: a. Current manager b. Assignment location manager c. Relocation expert d. Other [please specify] 1. HR generalist 2. Immediate supervisor 3. Department manager 4. BU’s senior executive 5. HR’s senior executive 6. Other [please specify]

35. AssignmentLocationContactYes/no KPI indicating whether an expatriate employee has a single point of contact for logistical and other concerns at the assignment location.

36. CycleTime–HomeSearchOn average, amount of time [in days] it takes for employee to find a home at the assignment location. a. New locations b. Established locations

37. CycleTime–GettingEstablishedOn average, amount of time [in weeks] given to an expatriate employee to “get settled”, from the time he/she arrives at the location until the time he/she starts on the job. a. New locations b. Established locations

38. Follow-upServicesTypes of support/information services offered/communicated to expatriate employees during their time on relocation assignment. a. Changes in home base benefits b. Tax filing reminders c. Compensation rationale/methodology d. Advise on the home base or next expatriate opportunities e. Payroll and compensation changes/updates f. Policy changes g. Security updates h. Contact changes i. Other [please specify]

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39. PayDeliveryMethodMethod by which expatriate employees are paid while on assignment. a. In U. S. Dollars via U.S. bank account b. In U. S. Dollars via local bank [on assignment location] c. In home base currency [if different from U. S. Dollars] via home base bank d. In the currency of an assignment location via home base bank e. In the currency of an assignment location via local bank f. Split into home/host currencies g. Headquarters-based only h. Other [please specify]

40. FixedTermPackagesYes/no KPI indicating whether company utilizes a fixed term after which relocation packages are terminated [e.g., after three years at location].

41. TaxEqualizationa. Indicates ratio of tax-equalized employees to total employees b. Indicates ratio of non tax-equalized employees to total employees

42. RateChangeProtectionYes/no KPI indicating whether an expatriate employee is protected by the firm from incurring rate change charges when

43. NumberofInternationalLocationsTotal number of international locations [cities] to which expatriate employees are relocated.

44. RelocationServicesLocationWhere in the firm’s relocation/expatriate services/administration is located. a. Part of Human Resources b. Separate relocation/expatriate services department c. Handled by individual managers d. Handled by individual HR generalists e. Other [please specify]

Expatriate Administration

45. PrimaryRoleofRelocation/ExpatriateServicesPrimary role of relocation/expatriate services provided by the firm: a. Advisory to business [e.g., cost projections, etc.] b. Advisory to employees [e.g., cost- effective ways to move, etc.] c. Administrative [e.g., process vendor payments, calculate employees package, etc.] d. Vendor Management [e.g., establish/maintain vendor relationships/coordination.] e. Policy making [e.g., determine costs/range of expatriate policies; qualification criteria, etc.] f. Program/cost management g. Other [please specify]

46. Benchmarking/BestPracticesResearchYes/no KPI indicating whether the firm actively engages in benchmarking/best practices research for expatriate/ relocation services. a. As a participant in other studies b. Sponsor a formal research by contracting a vendor c. Initiate its own formal research d. Conduct informal surveys/conversations with peers at other firms e. Other [please specify]

47. CustomerSatisfactionYes/no KPI indicating whether expatriate/relocation services unit conducts customer satisfaction surveys/analysis for the following employee groups and frequency: a. Managers b. Current expatriate employees c. Former expatriate employees d. General employee population e. Senior executives f. Other [please specify]

1. Annually 2. Semi-annually 3. Bi-annually 4. Monthly 5. Randomly

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Expatriate Administration

48. DegreeofSupportbyExpatriateStatusIndicates which of the above assistance options are available for employees with each of the following expatriate status: 1. Less than one year 2. One to two years 3. Two to three years 4. Three to five years 5. Over five years

49. StandardPackageOfferYes/no KPI indicating whether standard expatriate packages are offered to employees with the following expatriate status, by level: 1. Less than one year 2. One to two years 3. Two to three years 4. Three to five years 5. Over five years a. Analyst [professional, entry-level college graduate] b. Associate/supervisor c. Manager d. Vice President/Senior Manager e. Managing Director/Executive

50. PolicyDeterminationWays in which relocation/expatriate policies are determined. a. All policies are determined centrally, applicable to all regions b. Each policy is determined by region, under central guidelines c. Each policy is determined by region, no mandate/ direction from central d. Policies are determined by individual managers, on case by case basis e. Other [please specify]

51. PolicyAdministrationWays in which relocation/expatriate policies are administered. a. Centrally for all regions b. By region c. By department d. By individual manager c. Other [please specify]

52. NumberofExpatriateEmployeesbyAssignmentOn average, annual number of firm-wide employees relocated internationally due to one of the following reasons: a. Business trips b. Short-term assignments [e.g., less than one year] c. Long-term assignments [e.g., over one year] d. Permanent move

53. NumberofExpatriateEmployeesbyStatusOn average, annual number of firm-wide employees with expatriate status, by the following length of assignment to date: a. Less than one year b. One to two years c. Two to three years d. Three to five years e. Over five years

54. NumberofExpatriateEmployeesbyLevelOn average, annual number of firm-wide employees with expatriate status, by the following level: a. Analyst [professional, entry-level college graduate] b. Associate/supervisor/professional c. Manager/Mid-level manager d. Vice President/Senior manager e. Managing Director/Executive

55. NumberofExpatriateEmployeesbyYearsinServiceOn average, annual number of firm-wide employees with expatriate status, by the following number of years in the firm: a. Less than one year b. One to two years c. Two to three years d. Three to five year e. Over five years

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56. PercentofExpatriateEmployeesSupportedAnnual percentage of total number of employees with expatriate status financially supported by the one of the firm’s expatriate policy, by the following length of status: a. Less than one year b. One to two years c. Two to three years d. Three to five years e. Over five years

57. NumberofEmployeesRelocated Total number of employees relocated/moved last year due to the following: a. Domestic relocation b. International relocation c. Regional transfer

58. PercentageofRelocatedEmployeesSupportedAnnual percentage of the following number of employees relocated last year financially supported by the firm’s relocation policy: a. Domestic relocation b. International relocation c. Regional transfer

59. PercentageofSelf-InitiatedRelocationsAnnual percentage of the following number of employees who moved due to self-initiated relocations: a. Domestic relocation b. International relocation c. Regional transfer

60. TurnoverRatesforExpatriatesOn average, percentage of expatriate employees leaving the firm on annual basis. a. Current expatriate employees - manager initiated relocation b. Current expatriate employees - self-initiated relocation c. Repatriate employees [within a year upon return]

61. NumberofEmployeesinRelocationServicesTotal number of firm-wide employees involved in relocation/expatriate administration process. a. Function-specific b. Outside of the function

Expatriate Administration

62. OutsourcedOptionsIndicates which aspects, if any, of the following expatriate assistance options are outsourced to third-party vendors. 1. Policy determination 2. Employee counselling 3. Administration/processing a. Cost of living allowance/adjustment b. Housing allowance c. Home searching d. Tax consultation with specialist e. Educational allowance for children f. Spouse career services g. Language courses h. “Look-see” trips i. Networking assistance with other expats j. Time off from work due to relocation k. Trips home l. Costing projections m. Payroll/payment processing n. Temporary living reimbursement o. Other [please specify]

63. PercentofExpatriatewithConsultationSessionsOn average, number of expatriate employees who receive a consultative session with a relocation expert prior to making a decision, as a percent of total annual number of expatriates, by the following category: a. Manager-initiated relocation b. Self-initiated relocation

64. VisaProcessingIndicates the point of expatriate administration process at which an employee’s visa is submitted for processing. a. After manager’s decision b. Immediately after employee’s decision c. Upon employee’s signing of the commitment letter, if required d. During administration of employee’s relocation e. Other [please specify]

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Expatriate Administration

65. VisaProcessingLocationIndicates where visas for international assignments are processed. a. Central HR b. Relocation/expatriate group c. Separate department d. Regional department e. Employee’s BU department f. Outsourced to third-party g. Other [please specify]

66. ReasonsforRelocatingPrimary reasons employees relocate to international assignments: a. Career opportunity b. International experience is required for advancement c. Personal/family experience d. Interest in the assignment location e. Other [please specify]

67. ReasonsforExpatriationPrimary reasons for relocating an employee to an international assignment: a. Lack of appropriate local talent/expertise b. Bring home-base expertise to other locations/ fill skills gaps c. Ensure consistency in controls and process implementation d. Develop global management capability/ run operation e. Other [please specify]

68. AssignmentGoalsFirm’s primary goals and expectations of relocating employees to international assignments. a. Develop global leaders b. Develop global expertise c. Develop process/function consistency across global locations d. Develop global view of firm’s operations e. Other [please specify]

69. RepatriateEmployeesTotal repatriated employees, expressed as one of the following: a. Number of repatriated employees b. Percentage of total number of expatriated employees

70. JobGuaranteeforRepatriateEmployeeYes/no KPI indicating whether repatriated employees are guaranteed a job at home base upon return

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HR Information Systems


1. HRInformationSystemActivitiesIndicates activities that are performed in-house by MIT function. a. Maintain technology systems b. Serve as technical support c. Enter/manipulate data d. Ensure data integrity e. Create data reports/models f. Develop applications g. Implement security checks/systems [e.g., fire walls] h. Manage vendor relationships i. Other [please specify]

2. SeparateInformationsSystemsGroupYes/no KPI indicating whether peer company has a dedicated IS group within its human resources department.

3. NumberofHRISPersonnelKPI indicating the number of IS personnel employed within the human resources department.

4. ISEmployeesasaPercentageoftotalEmployeesTotal HR IS employees divided by the total number of company employees.

5. RatioComparedtoCompanyISPersonnelRatio of HR IS personnel to total company IS personnel.

6. RatioComparedtoTotalHRPersonnelRatio of HR IS personnel to total human resources personnel.

7. ISDegreeofCentralizationKPI indicating how the information technology department is organized. a. Centralized: All IS functions are performed within a central, corporate IS department b. Mixed: IS functions are shared by corporate and divisional offices c. Decentralized: All IS functions are performed by the individual corporate divisions

8. Corporate-levelISServicesYes/no KPI indicating human resource functions supported by the Corporate IS department. a. Internal HR transactions [i.e., transfer/terminations] b. Payroll c. Performance evaluations d. On-line corporate policies e. Imaging resumes/applications f. Benefits processing

9. OutsourcingIndicates whether entire management information and technology has been outsourced to a third party vendor.

10. UseofOutsideVendorsYes/no KPI indicating the types of HR information technology provided by outside vendors. a. Benefits administration system b. Data centre set up and maintenance c. Web site administration d. Information security [e.g., fire walls] e. Other [please specify]

11. ExternalConnectingYes/no KPI indicating whether external vendors connect to company’s internal HR systems.

12. ExternalConnectingIssuesa. Indicates who manages third party vendors. i. HR IS department ii. Human resources iii. Other [please specify] b. Indicates who manages information security. i. HR IS department ii. Human resources iii. Other [please specify] organized.

13. SystemTechnologiesIndicates which technologies are utilized by the company/external vendors connecting to system. a. Internal web site [e.g., Intranet] b. Client/server c. Lotus Notes d. Email e. Remote access to HR database f. Data warehousing g. OLAP tools [e.g., Business Objects] h. Other [please specify]

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HR Information Systems


14. ApplicationTrainingIndicates who owns responsibility of conducting training on HR-specific applications. a. Training department b. Third party vendor c. CBT via the web d. Other [please specify]

15. HRISDepartmentBudgetApproximate HR IS department operating budget for fiscal year 20xx.

16. HRISExpensesperCompanyEmployeeTotal HR IS expenses divided by the total number of company employees.

17. HRISExpenseperHRISEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing HR IS service in 20xx divided by the total number of HR IS employees in 20xx.

18. TotalHRISExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for HR IS divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

19. TotalHRISExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for HR IS divided by total revenue for 20xx.

20. HRISBudgetasRatioofTotalBudgetTotal HR IS budget for 20xx divided by total company budget for 20xx.


21. HRSystemsUsedYes/no KPI indicating which HR information systems are utilized by the company. a. PeopleSoft b. Dun & Bradstreet Software c. TesserAct d. Custom e. Other [please specify]

22. HRSystemsCustomizationIf company uses an off-shelf information systems product, this KPI indicates the extent of product customization necessary to use the product effectively. 0 = Intranet 1 = Booklets 2 = Shared service center 3 = HR generalist/liaison

a. PeopleSoft b. Dun & Bradstreet Software c. TesserAct

23. ISMethodologyKPI indicating the extent to which system development and project management is carried out. 0 = none 1 = low 2 = medium 3 = high

a. The extent to which is published, full life-cycle development methodology is in place b. The extent to which the HR IS department employs project management tools c. The extent to which there is a clear reporting structure with clear accountability d. The extent to which HR IS objectives are aligned regularly with corporate objectives


24. SeparateEmployeeDataManagementFunctionYes/no KPI indicating whether company has a dedicated employee data management function within its human resources department.

25. StructureofEmployeeDataManagement[EDM]FunctionIndicates how EDM function is structured. a. EDM activities for entire region performed in one central EDM department b. Separate EDM departments exist in each branch c. EDM activities are shared between one central department and individual branches d. Other [please specify]

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26. EDMActivitiesIndicates whether EDM activities are performed in-house or outsourced to a third-party vendor. a. Enter/maintain data b. Create data reports c. File/maintain hardcopy files [e.g., salary letters, performance reviews] d. Write/send out reference letters [e.g., banking, housing, employment references] e. Manage vendor relationships f. Other [please specify]

27. ResponsibilityIndicates departments for which the EDM function is responsible for maintaining data. a. All departments b. Compensation c. Benefits d. Payroll e. Pension f. Accounting g. Expatriate administration h. Staffing and recruiting i. Training & Development j. Other [please specify]

28. DataEntry/MaintenanceIndicates how data is entered/maintained in system. a. Data is scanned into a database b. Employees enter/maintain their own data on-line c. EDM department enters/maintains all data manually d. Data is fed into main system using computer telephone integration e. Other [please specify]

29. DataIntegrityIndicates controls that are in place to validate data integrity. a. Electronic b. Manual data checking c. No formal controls d. Other [please specify]

30. ValidationofDataYes/no KPI indicating whether original certificates are required to validate data [e.g., educational qualifications, marital changes].

HR Information Systems

31. DataReportsIndicates party responsible for creating data reports. a. EDM department b. HR IS department c. Business unit managers d. Other [please specify]

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Planning and Analysis

1. LocationofPlanningandAnalysisFunctionIndicates where the planning and analysis function resides. a. Separate planning and analysis/reporting group b. Within central HR c. Within corporate office d. Within each business unit [e.g., each conducts its own planning and analysis] e. Part of financial/accounting department/group f. Other [please specify]

2. OrganizationofPlanningandAnalysisFunctionIndicates method by which planning and analysis/reporting function is organized internally. a. By business unit b. By region c. By function of reporting d. By difficulty of reporting/analysis e. Other [please specify]

3. FunctionofPlanningandAnalysisIndicates the primary function of the planning and analysis/reporting group. a. Produce general headcount/EEO reports b. Produce expense reports c. Produce compensation reports d. Produce performance appraisal reports e. Track HR’s performance measures f. Track each business group’s performance measures g. Perform high-level analytics on various reports/ information h. Other [please specify]

4. ClientsofPlanningandAnalysisGroupIndicates primary clients of planning and analysis/reporting group. a. Human Resources management b. Mid-level managers within business groups c. Heads of business groups d. Company’s CAO e. Other [please specify]

5. TypesofReportsIndicates the types of reports produced by planning and analysis/reporting group. a. Personnel/staffing/turnover ratios reports b. Expense tracking reports c. Simple staffing analytics reports [e.g., source of hires by level; compensation by level] d. Complex staffing analytics reports [e.g., correlation between attrition and productivity] e. Performance measurement tracking [e.g., personnel productivity, backlog volumes, etc.] f. Other [please specify]

6. Source/ContentofReportsa. Internal data b. External data c. Analysis [e.g., comparison, implications] d. Plans and agendas e. Other [please specify]

7. TypesofReportFrequenciesTotal different types of frequencies with which reports are produced: a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Quarterly e. Semi-annual f. Annual g. Ad-hoc h. Other [please specify]

8. NumberofReportsTotal number of planning and analysis reports produced at end of year 20xx.

9. TotalPlanningandAnalysisHeadcounta. Total number of FTEs devoted to the planning and analysis function. b. Total number of FTEs devoted to planning c. Total number of FTEs devoted to analysis

10. TotalEmployeesperPlanningandAnalysisEmployeeTotal number of employees at YE 20xx divided by the number of planning and analysis employees.

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11. TotalPlanningandAnalysisExpenseTotal amount budgeted for planning and analysis for 20xx.

12. TotalPlanningandAnalysisExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for planning and analysis divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

13. TotalPlanningandAnalysisExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for planning and analysis divided by total revenue for 20xx.

14. PlanningandAnalysisExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing planning and analysis in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

15. PlanningandAnalysisExpenseperPlanningandAnalysisEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing planning and analysis service in 20xx divided by the total number of planning and analysis employees in 20xx

16. TotalNumberofManagersTotal number of managers supported by planning and analysis/reporting group.

17. AccesstoInformationA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether employees can access planning and analysis information/reports. B. If A is yes, then this KPI indicates means by which employees can access planning and analysis information. a. Intranet b. Hard copy c. Call center d. Liaison e. Other [please specify]

Planning and Analysis

18. TimetoProduceReportsOn average, total number of hours necessary to produce reports: a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Quarterly e. Semi-annual f. Annual g. Ad-hoc h. Other [please specify]

19. TotalNumberofStandardReportsIndicates total number of standard reports produced in 20xx.

20. TotalNumberofAd-HocReportsProducedIndicates total number of reports produced on ad-hoc basis in 20xx.

21. DegreeofAutomation–ProductionIndicates whether reports are produced manually or automatically. a. Percentage manual b. Percentage automated

22. InfrastructureIndicates percentage of planning and analysis/reporting group’s time spent on each of the following infrastructure issues: a. Building new capabilities b. Improving existing capabilities c. Evaluating systems purchasing options d. Evaluating outsourcing options e. Solving technical problems f. Other [please specify]

23. DedicatedInfrastructureStaffYes/no KPI indicating whether planning and analysis group includes staff dedicated specifically to infrastructural issues.

24. StandardFormatYes/no KPI indicating whether all reports are produced in a consistent standard format.

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25. Supply/DemandA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether there is a high demand for ad-hoc reports on a regular basis. B. If A is yes, then this KPI indicates ways in which demand for ad-hoc reports is managed: a. By seeking approval from requester’s supervisor b. By seeking approval from head of planning and analysis/reporting group c. By identifying objective and priority of request d. By standardizing/specifying criteria for ad-hoc report request e. Other [please specify]

26. PerformanceMeasuresA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether any performance measures are utilized to track productivity and effectiveness of planning and analysis/reporting function. B. If A is yes, then this KPI indicates the types of measures utilized: a. Volume produced b. Backlog volume c. Volume per employee d. Cost per report e. Time/cycle time per report f. Infrastructure costs g. Other [please specify]

27. DatabaseCentralizationA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether a single database is utilized to produce all reporting. B. If A is “No”, this KPI indicates the types of databases used for reporting: a. Accounting/general ledger b. HRIM system c. Applicant tracking system d. Other [please specify]

Planning and Analysis

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Internal Consulting/Regulatory Compliance

1. NumberofHRConsultingStaffTotal number of HR consulting staff, including corporate and business units.

2. RatioComparedtoTotalEmployeesRatio of total number of HR internal consulting employees to the total number of company employees.

3. RatioComparedtoHREmployeesRatio of total number of HR internal consulting employees to the total number of HR employees.

4. NumberofExemptConsultingEmployeesNumber of exempt HR consulting employees, including corporate and business units.

5. NumberofNonexemptConsultingEmployeesNumber of nonexempt HR consulting employees, including corporate and business units.

6. TotalInternalConsultingExpenseTotal amount budgeted for internal consulting for 20xx.

7. TotalInternalConsultingExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for internal consulting divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

8. TotalInternalConsultingExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for internal consulting divided by total revenue for 20xx.

9. InternalConsultingExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing internal consulting in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

10. InternalConsultingExpenseperInternalConsultingEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing internal consulting service in 20xx divided by the total number of internal consulting employees in 20xx.

11. AreasCoveredbyHRConsultingYes/no KPI indicating those activities and functions carried out by the HR consulting group. a. HR initiative development b. Oversee separation process c. Performance consulting: Meditation of problems with employee’s performance d. HR policy interpretation e. Discrimination investigation f. Strategic business partnering g. Other [please specify]

12. HRConsultingActivityBreakdownKPI indicating the percentage of time the HR consulting department spends on the following activities: a. HR initiative development b. Oversee separation process c. Performance consulting: Meditation of problems with employee’s performance d. HR policy interpretation e. Discrimination investigation f. Strategic business partnering g. Other [please specify]

13. NumberofHRInitiativesNumber of HR Initiatives generated in 20xx.

14. SourceofInitiativesKPI indicating the source of HR improvement initiatives. a. Customer generated b. HR self-initiated c. Headquarters or executive initiated d. Directive to general staff e. Other [please specify]

15. InitiativeApprovalProcessKPI indicating the average length of time, in days , it takes to approve an initiative for implementation.

16. PercentageofInitiativesApprovedOf the initiatives generated in 20xx, what percentage of them were implemented.

17. HRInitiativeTeamSizeKPI indicating the average number of HR consulting personnel assigned to HR initiative teams.

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18. SeperateComplianceGroupYes/no KPI indicating whether the company has a dedicated group within HR handling regulatory compliance issues.

19. AreasCoveredThis KPI indicates which issues are covered by the compliance function. A = Affirmative action M = Minimum wage O = OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Act] E = EEO [Equal Employment Opportunities] F = Other federal laws S = State employment laws

20. LegalBackgroundPercentage of human recources staff with formal legal educations.

21. RoleofComplianceR = Reactive: Deal with issues on a need basis P = Proactive: Act as a preventative measure before issues surface

22. NumberofPersonnelKPI indicating the number of HR personnel handling the compliance function..

23. RatioofComplianceStaffRatio of HR compliance personnel to number of total employees.

24. NumberofComplaints-InternalKPI indicating the number of complaints filed internally in 20xx.

25. NumberofComplaints-ExternalKPI indicating the number of complaints filed against the company with external agiences in 20xx.

26. RatioofComplaints-InternalRatio of internal complaints to the total number of company employees.

27. RatioofComplaints-ExternalRatio of complaints filed externally to the total number of company employees.

28. TotalRegulatoryComplianceExpenseTotal amount budgeted for regulatory compliance for 20xx.

29. TotalRegulatoryComplianceExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for regulatory compliance divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

30. TotalRegulatoryComplianceExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for regulatory compliance divided by total revenue for 20xx.

31. RegulatoryComplianceExpenseasperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing regulatory compliance in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

32. RegulatoryComplianceExpenseperRegulatoryComplianceEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing regulatory compliance service in 20xx divided by the total number of regulatory compliance employees in 20xx.

Internal Consulting/Regulatory Compliance

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Shared Service Center


1. NumberofEmployees Total number of employees employed by the shared service center in 20xx.

2. TotalEmployeesperSharedServiceCenterEmployeeTotal number of employees at YE 20xx divided by the number of shared service center employees.

3. TotalSharedServiceCenterExpenseTotal amount budgeted for shared service center for 20xx.

4. TotalSharedServiceCenterExpenseasPercentageofTotalExpenseTotal amount budgeted for shared service center divided by total operating expense for 20xx.

5. TotalSharedServiceCenterExpenseasPercentageofTotalRevenueTotal amount budgeted for shared service center divided by total revenue for 20xx

6. SharedServiceCenterExpenseperEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing shared service center in 20xx divided by the total number of employees in 20xx.

7. SharedServiceCenterExpenseperSharedServiceCenterEmployeeTotal dollar expenditures in providing shared service center service in 20xx divided by the total number of shared service center employees in 20xx

8. NumberofManagementLevelsTotal number of management levels in the shared service center, from the head of the center to the lowest supervisory level.

9. NumberofDirectReportsperManagerAverage number of employees within each management level.

10. SharedServiceCenterOrganizationIndicates method in which a shared service center is organized. A. By region B. By business C. By function D. By tiers [e.g., tier 1 simple transactions, tier 2 – specialists] E. Other [please specify]

11. FunctionsofSharedServiceCenterIndicates functions performed by shared service center for the firm. a. Human Resources b. Accounting c. Financial d. Facilities management e. Legal f. Audit g. Payroll h. Management reporting i. IT/network administration j. Vendor management/administration k. Other [please specify]

12. HRFunctionsofSharedServiceCenterIndicates HR-specific functions performed by the shared service center. a. Benefits administration b. Retiree administration c. Employee relations d. Financial data transactions [e.g., marital status changes] e. Non-financial data transactions [e.g., address changes] f. Visa processing g. Recruiting administration [e.g., new employee data input] h. Training administration [e.g., classes enrollment] i. Relocation administration j. Separation administration k. Other [please specify]

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13. SharedServiceCenterCustomersIndicates the primary customers of shared service center. a. All active employees b. Retirees c. Managers only d. Business group heads only e. Functional heads only [e.g., head of HR, etc.] f. Other [please specify]

14. SharedServiceCenterActivitiesIndicates primary activities of the shared service center. a. Answer inquiries b. Process administrative transactions [e.g., benefits changes] c. Run management reports d. Manage vendor relations e. Supervise IT/network administration f. Reconcile general ledger g. Administer/issue payments [e.g., vendors, travel expenses, etc.] h. Process resumes i. Other [please specify]


15. CallCenterA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether shared service center maintains a call center. B. If A is “yes”, then this KPI indicates types of functions served by the call center. a. Human Resources b. Payroll c. Vendor management/administration d. IT/network administration e. Other [please specify]

Shared Service Center

16. HRFunctionsofCallCenterIndicates HR-specific functions served by the call center. a. Benefits administration b. Retiree administration c. Compensation administration [e.g., stock awards eligibility] d. Employee relations e. Financial data transactions [e.g., marital status changes] f. Non-financial data transactions [e.g., address changes] g. Visa processing h. Recruiting administration [e.g., candidate/resume input] i. Staffing administration [e.g., new employee data input] j. Training administration [e.g., classes enrollment] k. Relocation administration l. Separation administration m. Other [please specify]

17. CallCenterOrganizationIndicates the way in which call center is organized internally. a. By function [e.g., HR, payroll, etc.] b. By activity [e.g., simple vs. complex inquiries] c. By tiers [e.g., tier 1– simple inquiries, tier 2– complex inquiries] d. By business e. By region f. Other [please specify]

18. NumberofCSFsIndicates total number of customer service representatives employed by the call center.

19. CaseManagementSystemA. Yes/no KPI indicating whether call center utilizes case management system to provide answers to all incoming inquiries. B. If A is yes, then this KPI indicates the way in which a case management system is organized: a. Routed to a specialist in call center b. Routed to a specialist in the shared service center c. Routed to a specialist in corporate office d. Other [please specify]

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20. SpecialistResponseIndicates the way in which a specialist responds to the inquiry. a. Routes the answer back to CSF b. Calls the inquirer directly c. Other [please specify]

21. NumberofSpecialists–TotalIndicates total number of specialists: a. In the call center b. In the shared service center c. In the corporate office d. Other [please specify]

22. NumberofSpecialists–byFunctionIndicates the number of specialists serving each HR function: a. Employee relations b. Benefits c. Compensation d. Recruiting/staffing e. Training and development f. Other [please specify]


23. NumberofCallsTotal number of calls received by the call center per day.

24. AverageTimeperCallOn average, the amount of time it takes per phone call: a. Simple inquiry [e.g., case is not necessary] b. Complex inquiry [e.g., case is logged]

25. NumberofCasesAmount of cases opened per day: a. As total number b. As percentage of total number of calls

26. CycleTime–ResolutionAmount of time, in hours, in takes to provide an answer to the inquiry from the time it was logged until the time specialist responds.

Shared Service Center

27. SubjectofCallsIndicates amount of inquiries in the following HR subjects by percentage of each: a. Benefits administration b. Retiree administration c. Compensation administration [e.g., stock awards eligibility] d. Employee relations e. Financial data transactions [e.g., marital status changes] f. Non-financial data transactions [e.g., address changes] g. Visa processing h. Recruiting administration [e.g., candidate/resume input] i. Staffing administration [e.g., new employee data input] j. Training administration [e.g., classes enrollment] k. Relocation administration l. Separation administration m. Other [please specify]


28. BenefitsAdministrationIndicates benefits processing activities performed by shared service center. a. Short-term disability b. Long-term disability c. Expatriate medical benefits d. Medical benefits changes [e.g., healthcare provider] e. Retirement benefits changes [e.g., 401[k]] f. Open enrollment g. Retiree medical benefits h. COBRA enrollment i. Lost/denied medical claims j. Death benefits k. Life insurance l. QDRO m. Other [please specify]

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Shared Service Center


29. Recruiting/StaffingAdministrationIndicates recruiting/staffing administration activities performed by shared service center. a. Process vendor payments b. Compile/distribute new employee welcome kits c. Schedule candidate interviews d. Generate/send turn down/offer letters e. Maintain/update job posting [e.g., candidate status] f. Coordinate on-boarding/background checks g. Process candidate expenses/distribute vouchers h. Other [please specify]

30. TrainingAdministrationIndicates training administration activities performed by shared service center. a. Enroll employees into courses b. Maintain enrollment database c. Research/process materials copyright issues d. Order training materials e. Arrange logistics [e.g., space, equipment, instructors, etc.] f. Process invoices for logistics g. Process invoices for external instructors h. Compile and distribute course evaluations i. Compile and distribute pre-work materials j. Process chargebacks k. Other [please specify]

31. RelocationAdministrationIndicates relocation/expatriate administration activities performed by shared service center. a. Process candidate visa applications b. Maintain/update expatriate compensation, benefits, and payroll information c. Distribute information to expatriate employees d. Process extended business trips payments e. Process temporary housing payments f. Other [please specify]

32. SeparationAdministrationIndicates separation administration activities performed by shared service center. a. Process voluntary separations b. Verify separation information c. Compile separation statistics d. Conduct/compile exit survey or interviews e. Other [please specify]

33. DataTransactionsNumber of transactions processed per day. a. Financial [e.g., benefit change] b. Non-financial [e.g., address change]

34. PercentErrorsNumber of transactions resulting in errors, as percentage of total number of transactions. a. Financial [e.g., benefit change] b. Non-financial [e.g., address change]

35. TransactionRoutingProcedureIndicates the way in which information to be updated reaches shared service center. a. Email boxes for each HR function b. IVR c. Live phone call d. Other [please specify]

36. DataChangeNotification–FinancialtransactionsIndicates who is responsible for notifying shared service center of data change for financial transactions. a. Employee b. Employee’s manager c. Head of business group d. Other [please specify]

37. DataNotification–Non-financialtransactionIndicates who is responsible for notifying shared service center of data change for non-financial transactions. a. Employee b. Employee’s manager c. Head of business group d. Employee self-service e. Other [please specify]

38. CycleTime–ErrorIdentificationOn average, how long, in hours, it takes to identify an error in data, from the time change is inputted until the time problem is identified.

39. CycleTime–ErrorResolutionOn average, how long, in hours it takes to correct an error in data, from the time problem is identified until the time it is fixed.

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40. CauseofErrorsPrimary cause[s] of errors in data transactions. a. Poor attention to detail b. Lack of appropriate training in relevant function c. Lack of appropriate training in the relevant software/technology d. Lack of experience e. Incomplete or unclear data from the appropriate data supplier f. Lack of standard procedure for supplying the data g. Other [please specify]

Shared Service Center

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