Page 1: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately


• A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately 1 year. These episodes last for a few weeks and then resolve. Recently, though, she noticed similar symptoms in her knees and ankles. She is finding it harder to get of bed in the morning and harder to complete her work duties due to joint pain and stiffness. The stiffness lasts several hours before improving. She also reports malaise and easy fatigability for the past few months, but she denies any fever, chills, skin rashes, or weight loss.

Page 2: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately

Physical Exam

• Vitals: 120/70, 82 bpm, 14 br/min• HEENT/Cardio/Pulm/Abd exams normal• Skin: No rashes• MSKL: blt swelling, redness, and tenderness of

PIP and MCP joints, wrists, and knees

Page 3: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately

Differential Diagnosis

• Rheumatoid Arthritis• Osteoarthritis• SLE• Hypothyroidism• Viral Polyarthritis• Reactive Arthritis

Page 4: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately


Na 140

K 4

Cl 100

CO2 22

BUN 20

Cr 1

Glu 95

Ca 9.5

Total Protein 7.6

Albumin 4

Total Bilirubin 0.7

Alkaline Phosphatase 71

AST 25

ALT 40

UANo microalbuminuria or RBC



Page 5: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately


• Note: You can see synovial inflammation and ulnar deviation. The thumb exhibits Boutonniere’s deformity with PIP flexion and DIP hyperextension.

Page 6: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately


• Chronic lymphocytic and plasma cell infiltration (blue areas) beneath articular nodular proliferation creating a pannus that will eventually erode the remaining articular cartilage

Page 7: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately

Gross Picture

• Swan neck deformity showing PIP hyperextension with DIP hyperflexion

Page 8: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately
Page 9: HPI A 35yo receptionist presents to your office complaining of intermittent episodes of pain, stiffness, and swelling in both hands and wrists for approximately

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