Page 1: How to treat yeast infection naturally

How to Treat Yeast Infection Naturally Can You Cure Yeast Infection?

Yes it is possible to cure yeast infection. But many women should know that they can get yeast infections for different

reasons. Some women can have a single contributing factor that causes their yeast infections and some may have a

combination of factors that can cause their yeast infection. Knowing the factors that apply to you is the first step in being

able to cure yeast infection for good.

Understanding What The Causes of Yeast Infection Are

Causes can range from sensitivities, tight fitting clothing and/or diet, to improper douching. Also general health and certain

diseases play a role. There can be a combination of things that occur together, so it's a good idea to find out what there are.

Understanding The Treatments For Yeast Infection That Are Available

Some treatments will only help with the symptoms, others may cure yeast infections for good. This is critical if you have

more than one contributing cause to your yeast infection. With the proper treatments you can find lasting results.

Finding What Will Work For Your Particular Yeast Infection Situation

Watching how your body reacts, this is important when you implement dietary changes. Truly knowing what causes your

yeast infection and knowing how to deal with those causes is part of the process of the curing your yeast infection for good


Using Yogurt To Help With Yeast Infections

How To Cure Yeast Infections Naturally Yourself

Now you can learn how to cure yeast infection naturally with eight

helpful self help holistic strategies. Understanding how your body works

and why yeast infections develop will help you prevent them in the future.

Below there are eight easy things you can do to help reduce yeast

infections and possibly cure yeast infection once and for all, using these

natural remedies.

The good thing is that these are natural ingredients and there are no

prescriptions or over the counter medications to fuss with. It might be all

you need! Natural yeast infection cures usually consist of several different

steps used in conjunction to eliminate the true root cause of the infection.

Healthy Herbal Douching

Cure Yeast Infection Naturally - 8 Easy Steps

1. Supplements that contain acidophilus or lactobacillus will help keep

the growth of yeast infections down.

2. Using a solution between one to two table tablespoons of vinegar

per quart of water for douching for no more than several days may

be all that’s needed to keep a yeast infection from reappearing.

3. A diet that is low in carbohydrates and sugar can help keep yeast

infections in check. Sugars are known to promote yeast growth.

Ways You To Avoid

Another Yeast Infection

Vaginal Yeast Infection Prevention List - Six

Things You Can Do

1. Try changing tampons and pads often

when you have your period

2.Try to avoid hot environments such as

baths, Saunas and hot tubs

3.Try to avoid tight fitting clothing

especially those made from synthetic fiber

4.Try to avoid scented hygiene products

such as sprays, pads, and tampons

5.Try changing out of wet swimsuits and

sweaty exercise clothes soon as possible

6.Try wearing absorbent undies like cotton

underwear and pantyhose that have a

cotton crotch

Page 2: How to treat yeast infection naturally

4. Eating yogurt that contains healthy bacteria (live cultures like acidophilus and bifidus). This kind of yogurt will get rid of

yeast. It may be used internally or externally.

5. Another well known home remedy to cure yeast infections is gentian violet. It can be found over the counter at drug

stores. Try using it once or twice a day. Use a thick pad because it stains very easily.

6. A freshly peeled garlic clove wrapped up in gauze used as a vaginal suppository. Garlic is well known to be an anti

fungal agent and is an excellent way for treating yeast infections naturally.

7. Traditional herbal douche for treating and curing yeast infections using equal portions of raspberry, sage and comfrey

with one quarter part golden seal. Mix this Cider vinegar.

8. Avoid tight underwear or clothes made of synthetic fibers, and try to wear cotton underwear and pantyhose with a

cotton crotch.

Understanding Yeast Infections

The Vaginal Yeast Infection - What Is It?

Yeast infections, (yeast is a type of fungus) is caused by an overgrowth of

the fungus Candida albicans. Small amounts of this yeast is always in the

vagina, but when too much of this yeast grows, you can get an infection.

Yeast infections are common, seventy five percent of all women get one and

almost half of all women experience two or more vaginal yeast infections in

their lives.

Signs and Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Most common symptom is extreme itchiness in and around the


Vaginal burning, redness, and swelling

Thick, odorless white vaginal discharge

Painful Urination

Rash on vagina

Painful Sex


Can I Get a Yeast Infection From Having Sex?

Yes you can but it is a rare occurrence.

How Are Yeast Infections Treated?

Yeast infections are usually treated with anti fungal medication such as

Oral medications

Ointments and creams

Suppositories that are inserted into the vagina

Natural methods such as preventive measures, changes to diet and herbal


About Douching And Yeast Infections

Douching disturbs the normal environment of the vagina

How Do You get a Yeast Infection?

Poor diet and increased intake of

foods that contain sugar

Certain medications like birth control

pills,and antibiotics

Diseases such as diabetes and


hormonal changes during your


Weaken immune system

lack of sleep




Page 3: How to treat yeast infection naturally

" All healthy women have bacteria and other organisms in the vagina. The balance of organisms and the normal acidity of

the vagina both act to prevent overgrowth of specific organisms, leading to symptoms of a vaginal infection. which can lead

to inflammation and further imbalance of the organisms normally present in the vaginal canal. This can result in symptoms

such as chronic vaginal discharge and discomfort. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and most

doctors recommend that women avoid douching unless specifically prescribed by a doctor. The body has a natural way of

cleansing the vaginal canal by itself. Douching is not believed to have any health benefits and may actually worsen vaginal

symptoms. "

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