Page 2: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen

It is never too late to make a new beginning for yourself.

That's right, every day is a chance to begin again.

Doesn't it feel good just to know that?

We all switch gears in life, from time to time, all the time. Whether it's in our work or our personal lives, we

change it up here and there because we can. And we should.

Being static isn't in our human nature. We can stay somewhere for a long period of time, but that's a choice. We're fortunate creatures because if something isn't working out for us, we can try something else out to see how that fits.

Or sometimes life throws obstacles in our paths. Maybe a career isn't working out like you had hoped. Or you can seem to get that project off the ground. Or maybe your businesses aren't grabbing the public like you want them to.

There comes a moment when it's time for you to start a new plan and launch into that new be-ginning.

Life, in fact, is a series of new beginnings. And with each new beginning, you become wiser and more adapt-able to change.

Time can wear you down, though, and you may find yourself asking, "Gosh, can I really do it again?"

I'm here to tell you, "Yes, you really can start again." 



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Page 3: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen



It's essential to your growth that you try all sorts of new things all the time. The reason we

don't attempt new beginnings is that we sit there and judge our choices. We think to ourselves, "What does this mean if I try this? What kind of person does that make me?"

We live our lives sometimes like we're a character in a story and we're really concerned about what some imaginary

reader thinks about us. Don't. No one is looking. Your life is a life, not a narrative.

We constantly question ourselves when change and new beginnings are the essence of being human.

Let me share a fear that I have with you. Now I've had this fear from very early on in my life. This fear has literally been with me since I could talk and form thoughts. 

My fear was a simple one. I wondered, "Could I ever do it again?"

Could I build this thing again? Could I do this project again? Could I run this race again? Could I do that well on a paper again? Could I give a strong speech again?

That's me battling with my self-doubt. Does it sound familiar? I'll bet you have had some form of that problem, the can-I-do-it-again problem, at one time or another in your life.

It's a strangely powerful fear if you think about it. Because it pops up no matter how well or badly you

do something. If you do something well, you get nervous that you won't be able to do it again as well as that last time. If you do badly, then you start to wonder if you're destined to keep doing it badly like that, over and over again.

Your mind seems to be fighting you at every turn!

But I've written about self-doubt and confidence before and the key is to stack up your wins and see

your life for what it is, a series of really nice accomplishments.

On the other hand if, for some reason, you're coming off of a failed attempt at something, then that's all the more reason to lace up your sneakers and get right back in the game.

Either way, you're entitled to a new beginning. So go at it!

Like I mentioned, my battle with self-doubt is constant. It's the dragon that I have to slay, day in and day out. I butt up against it all the time. But it's necessary thing that drives me.

Because I'd rather try something new and find out if I'm good at it, rather than let self-doubt keep me from ever leaving the house.

And when I begin anew, I realize that the nasty little fear of self-doubt is just a pause that's looking to become a stop. And you can't let that happen.

If you really want to live, really feel like you are alive, then you'll want to go charging

right at that dragon. You will feel like you are making definite progress going up against that enemy. And you'll win more often than you think.


Your new beginning is the very next thing that happens when you embrace it. 

Don't you want to see what a new beginning, a new you, looks like?

When you gain confidence and move beyond your self-doubt, you're answering that "can I do it?" question that's eating at you.

The answer is, yes, you can do it. You're doing it!

So don't think for a moment that the self-doubt will go away magically on its own. Part of embracing it is also un-derstanding that it will be a constant presence in your life. So invite it in. 

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Page 4: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen

You can't control self-doubt and make it go away, you can only control how you react to it. So

don't pull away and invite it to follow you. Go toward it and take that first step toward mastering it.

Warren Buffet, one of the wealthiest people in the world, talks about his struggle with self-doubt in

his book, "The Snowball". If HE wrestles with self-doubt, what chance do the rest of us have?

All that shows, however, is that people at all stages of so-called "success" experience it. 

So there's no way to pay for it to go away. There's no place on Earth that you can hide from it. It's here to stay.

The great ones among us, however, don't let it paralyze them. They rush head on toward it. They dust them-selves off and start again, wiser and stronger.


Can you start again? Do you feel like your time passed you by?

I hear this a lot. "It's too late for me to start something new."

I'd like to point out something about time: it is always beaten by experience.

Time doesn't matter. You could be a young and sharp 25 year old, but if you haven't enough sense to truly learn from your twenty-five years, you're toast. 

If you are 75 years young, you may think you can't start anew. But you have all those decades to draw from. Think about that. 

Experiences and the lessons you've learned, not years on a calendar, matter.

Sometimes when people retire, they don't know what to do. Their career is what's defined them for all those years. Panic sets in. What next?

You have infinite possibilities actually. Stop and think about it. This is a great place to be.

You're not stuck in some box. You are free. You're not chained to the same desk, the same situation,

that you've been at for the last twenty-five years. 

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Page 5: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen


The world is at your feet. You're retired! You can move on and begin again!

You can graduate to your life's passion. You can travel on a one-way ticket and decide to come home whenever. You can move your home!

There are people stuck in the same rut that would do anything to be in your position.

You can begin. And if whatever you choose to do doesn't vibe with you, you begin again


I know some of you out there are in the business world and you feel like you've hit a plateau. You're not gaining any altitude whatsoever, not like how you imagined anyway. You're struggling.

Guess what? Hit the reset button!

Turn around and fire yourself. And then turn around and hire yourself again. 

Hit the reset button in your life and your mental state, and start again with the fervor, energy and enthusiasm

that you started with when you first decided to take on that particular project. 

It doesn't matter if it was three, five, or ten years ago. Reset!

Did you know that Colonel Sanders, the white-haired face of Kentucky Fried Chicken, got started when

he was 60-years old? He had a restaurant, a pretty successful one, and one day he was informed that a highway was going to be built right through his restaurant. So he lost the restaurant. Gone. Busted.

He thought his life was over at 60. This is quite understandable. 60 is not the easiest age to be if you're looking to rebound from a debilitating event like having your business taken away.

But he didn't give up. He didn't let any self-doubt cripple his future. He hit on an idea that maybe you've

heard of.

He decided to franchise the concept of Kentucky Fried Chicken and use his secret chicken recipe. He went to peo-ple and said, "Here's my recipe. Just give me five cents for every piece of chicken you cook with it." And that was all.

The people doing business with him thought it was an awesome deal. So awesome in fact that he quickly

started collecting money from his 600 franchises. 

Do the math. A nickel a piece of chicken...

That concept turned him into a multimillionaire!

So I don't want to hear that it's too late to get started. It's never too late. Search your heart. What is some-

thing that you want to start? Are you looking to open a new business? Have you been wanting to write that book? Do you want to get some sort of training? Do you want to help build an orphanage? Do mission work? Are you looking to hit that six or seven-figure income mark? Or do you simply want to travel the world and try wine and cheeses in every country you go to?

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“Colonel Sanders thought his life was over at 60, but he didn't give up, now he is a multimillionaire.”

Page 6: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen


What is it that you really want to do?

Maybe you want to change careers. You're looking to make a complete 180 degree career turn. Maybe you're going from producing something to something else servicing clients.

Whatever it is, I can't begin to imagine, but you can begin to do! Here's your permission. Here's your proof. It's never too late to begin again.

Too many people wait until the new year to make big changes in their lives. They make resolutions, goals, and promises to themselves.

But you don't have to wait until the beginning of the year. The beginning happens when you begin.

You can do it anytime. Like now.

Do it because it's April or whatever. But do it now.

There are no excuses. A beginning is waiting to happen in your life. What's past is past.

Here is your chance to make your life what you want.It begins now. 

Until next time, I look forward to helping you arrive at your next intended destination healthy, wealthy, and happy!

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Page 7: How to overcome fear and make your dreams happen

Jefferson Santos grew up in Richardson, Texas and attended Texas Christian University and played football at the Naval Academy. Jefferson is like many entrepreneurs who just decided one day that he wanted to be in charge of his own career. However, at the age of 25 he was $1,100 negative in his bank account, $70,000 in debt and decided he was in need of a change. Through guidance, self-improvement and commitment he turned his dream into a realist. Jefferson is now a multi-million dollar earner and has a team of over 300,000 leaders in 30 countries and it continues to grow every day.

Jefferson’s goal is to help YOU arrive at your intended destination healthy, wealthy and happy.

Follow him on Social Media channels:

Or visit his page:


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