
PowerPoint Presentation

How to Make an Apple Cobbler Gather your supplies..... Baking Dish

Baking Spray

And your Ingredients! Boxes of White Cake Mix

1 Can of Apple Pie Filling

1 Stick of Butter

Cinnamon for Baking

Pre-heat Oven to 350 Degrees

Spray Baking Dish to Start Baking!!

Pour one box of cake mix into bottom of the baking dish and spread it out evenly.

Pour Apples on top of the cake mix!Final Steps of Baking

Pour final box of cake mix on top of the apples. Then cut up 1 stick of butter and put on top of cake. Sprinkle cinnamon on top!

Put cobbler into oven for 50 minutes! Time!!!Take cobbler out of oven and let it cool, then eat to your hearts desire!

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