Page 1: How to Improve Your Credit Score with Credit Cards

How to Improve Your Credit Score with Credit Cards

Utilizing the power of credit cards, you can answer the question of how to improve credit score.

Your credit score, as we all know at this point, ranges somewhere between 300 and 850, and is presented to you typically by one of the three major credit bureaus, whether it be Experian, Equifax, or Transunion.

Utilizing the power of credit cards though, you can actually take on some tactics that will allow you to increase your credit score.

So let’s say you have, for example, five credit cards in total, each with a credit limit of roughly three thousand dollars across the board.

If you carry a balance of two thousand and five hundred dollars on one of those cards, but zero on the rest of those cards, you will actually do more damage to that credit score than you think.

You see, if you have a card that is very close to the credit card limit on that particular account, you will see your credit score take a dip.

You can utilize the other cards that you have in your name and with your finances to spread out that balance across all five cards. This will keep your balances well below the credit limit, and give you the opportunity to make a bunch of timely payments to the credit cards, helping boost your credit with good payments, and creating separation between the account balance and overall limit.

The worst thing that you can do and should avoid doing is closing the credit cards, as it is actually worse for your credit score to close the cards. Use the cards you have been approved to use for your benefit, and start raising that credit score over time. You were

approved for them for a reason, use them. Check this out for more information.

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