Page 1: How to Detect Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

How to Detect Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is becoming more common with the hectic lifestyle of today’s world.

People are often unaware of this condition and it slowly transforms into a chronic

fatigue. There are many symptoms of this condition, but these are not directly related to

it. You can search online to find a specialist doctor in your area.

In our everyday life a number of stressors send signal to our adrenal glands which

produce stress hormones. A variety of psychological and physical demands such as lack

of sleep, relationship dynamics, financial concerns, family responsibilities, stressful job,

dieting and emotional distress activate our adrenals, which start providing hormones

such as adrenaline and cortisol in relatively small blasts of strength.

Adrenals are crucial to our health from keeping us awake, focused and alert throughout

the day and providing a little burst of energy while waking us up in the morning. The

adrenal glands become impaired in their ability to respond properly, when these are

required to sustain high cortisol levels constantly.

This results in affecting our short-term response to stress and decreases adrenal glands

ability of producing and balancing hormones like progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.

These hormones are vital for our long-term health and well-being.

Symptoms of imbalance in adrenal glands

Symptoms are basically a way by which our body informs us that it’s not getting the

support it requires. All the symptoms have actually no direct relationship with adrenal

fatigue, but a unique “aggravating pattern” is found when all these different factors are

taken into consideration. What you need to do is to look if these tendencies are common

in the behaviour of your body.

The symptoms to search for:

Energy: Lack of stamina, ongoing fatigue, always on speed forward, unable to stop, lack

of desire to get up and go, feeling wired and tired much of the time.

Weight changes and craving for food: You may see an abnormal gain of weight in

the thigh and abdomen area of your body. An uncontrollable feeling and craving for

sugary or salty foods.

Blood pressure: Fluctuations in blood pressure, either high or low. Light headedness

is generally associated with low blood pressure.

Sleep: You may develop an inability to sleep properly. Nightly wake ups and then

unable to go back to sleep will become common aspects. In some cases, people have a

sound sleep, but they wake up exhausted.

Response of immune system: you may get vulnerable to infections quite often. Also,

it would take a longer duration to recover from infections or illness in comparison to


Page 2: How to Detect Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Emotions and coping ability: People suffering from this type of chronic fatigue

develop an inability to face daily stress level. They have an overwhelmed feeling much of

the time, struggle to get through the day, anxiety attacks, unable to reframe ones


Thinking Ability: Inability to stay focused on one specific task, mentally foggy,

chronic racing thoughts and fuzzy thinking.

Hormones/Libido: Perimenopausal symptoms may get worse, low libido, decline in

sex drive.

Adrenal fatigue is not always the root cause of the above mentioned symptoms and

these can occur due to various other conditions. However, it contributes in multiple

medical conditions such as

Depression and chronic anxiety

Chronic fatigue syndrome



Premature menopause

IBS or chronic digestive problems




Rage attacks

With proper support and early detection can heal adrenal fatigue. Doctor can

reverse the toxic effects of chronic stress with proper medication programs. So all you

need to do is find a specialist doctor.

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