Page 1: How to create a wordcloud at

How to create a wordcloud at

Type in the address bar and press enter.

Click on Create.

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Paste or type text into this box.

Then click Go. Note: If there is a space between words, it will appear as 2 separate words in different places in the word cloud. If you refresh the window, the text will disappear so it is a good idea to keep a copy in a programme like word until you have finished creating your wordle.

Use the drop down menus to change the settings until you are happy with how your wordle looks.

This is what my wordle looked like at the beginning...

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and this is what it looked like after I changed the font (Grilled Cheese), layout (half and half) and colours (custom).

You can also click on Randomize and a random font, layout and colours will be chosen.

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There are 2 ways you can add your wordle to your blog. You can take a screenshot, save the image of the wordle as a JPEG and upload it to your blog like a photo. Or you can click Save to public gallery to get the embed code.

You can choose a Title and Username for your wordle or you can leave these as shown here. If you add a Username, it is easier to find your wordle in the gallery at a later date.

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If you decide to add a Title/Username, make it generic. When I make wordles with my class, our Username is Room 3.

Scroll down to find the embed code below your wordle. Copy this code.

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Log into your blog and click on New Post.

Type your blog post then paste the Html code (make sure you have clicked on Edit Html).

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When you click on Compose, you should see your wordle.

Click on Publish Post.

The wordle that shows on the blog is quite small but when you click on it, it opens the original larger wordle. If you take a screenshot of the wordle and upload it as a photo, you can make it bigger.

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