Page 1: How the countries in South East Europe are dealing with DWCP’s P.  Morgado  de  Carvalho

How the countries in South East Europe are dealing with DWCP’s

P. Morgado de Carvalho

Dusseldorf, 6 November 2009

Page 2: How the countries in South East Europe are dealing with DWCP’s P.  Morgado  de  Carvalho

To realize ILO and IALI’ s objectives to achieve safe and decent standards of work in every country, it was established a regional alliance of Labour Inspectionsof Southern Eastern Countries, Azerbaijan, Ukraine

(Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzgovina, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Srpska Republic, Brno District and Ukraine)

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Decent Work Country Programmes and RALI – What brings them togheter?

COMMON OBJECTIVESenriched knowledge and better

understanding of the positive national traditions and experiences

assistance in resolving cross-border problems

publication and dissemination of materials facilitating the activities of the labour inspectors

development of a reliable and efficient system for rapid information exchange between labour inspectorates

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Regional High-Level Conference 25–26 May 2008, Sofia

organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria

participation of representatives of the ILO Training Center in Turin

Joint Declaration in support of the initiative for regional cooperation

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1st Regional Conference of the Labour Inspectorates25-27 September 2008, Sofia

organised on the initiative of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria;participation of IALI President, representatives of ILO and 12 Labour Inspectorates.


State and Trends in OS&H and Labour Inspection in South East EuropeA New ILO Approach to Labour InspectionProblems and Challenges in the Development of the Labour InspectoratesWhy Regional Cooperation in LI is Vital for a Safe and Fair Globalised World

First Regional Conference and

Regional Alliance of the Labour

Inspectorates of Southeastern Europe, Azerbaijan

and Ukraine

1st Presidency of RALI was decided to be held by Bulgarian LI

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

Objectives for 2009:

Acquisition of key skills and broadening labour inspectors’ knowledge on integrated labour inspection through training on five basic modules:

Preventive Methods of Inspection;

Social Skills;Occupational Hygiene;Technical Safety and Hazardous

Substances;Tripartite Collaboration

ALSO: Study visits on specific topics Provision of training on topics

covered by SLIC’s annual campaign.

First Regional Conference and

Regional Alliance of the Labour

Inspectorates of Southeastern Europe, Azerbaijan

and Ukraine

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

Results and outcomes:

Joint seminars and other events

RALI website (by the initiative of Bulgaria)

Focal points appointment in development

Training for 21 labour inspectors from Bosnia Federation and Srpska Republic on OSH and on integrated labour inspection (that took place in Bulgaria)

First Regional Conference and

Regional Alliance of the Labour

Inspectorates of Southeastern Europe, Azerbaijan

and Ukraine

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

Other conferences:

• Tri-partite Regional Conference, February 2009, Tbilisi, Georgia

Presentation by the former Presidency of RALI within thematic area II – ‘Ways and Means of Forging Better Cooperation on Combating All Forms of Human Trafficking between Law Enforcement Authorities’

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2nd Conference of the Regional Association of Labour Inspections, Azerbaijan and UkranieRepublic of Serbia7-9 October 2009 (RALI LabourInspections, IALI and ILO experts)

Main conclusions /1• development of joint

guidelines for the purpose of creating and further development of integrated/coordinated labour inspection system that will be implemented through modern planning, new training programmes

• continuous cooperation with ILO and IALI is more than necessary

• policies, systems and programmes on occupational safety and health should be established, with legislations, supervision of compliance with laws and social dialogues as key elements

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Conferences:2nd Conference of the Regional Association of Labour Inspections, Azerbaijan and UkranieRepublic of Serbia7-9 October 2009

Main conclusions /2

• new training courses for labour inspectors, programmes and plans, as well as campaigns in Labour Inspections should be carried out and implemented in accordance with relevant ILO Conventions and EU Directives, for the purpose of promotion of capacities and effectiveness of Labour Inspections

• agreement that Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Serbia will be the coordinator of RALI during the period of forthcoming year

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

Work in progress• provision of assistance to continue the process of ratification of ILO OSH Conventions and for harmonization of the national legislation with the EU Directives; • fair and objective performance standards to be developed in the labour inspection services and relevant measures to be taken to ensure that they are equipped with the capacity of collecting, analyzing and disseminating all available OSH data. • a ‘focal point’ in each member state of the Alliance, to ensure coordination, information exchange and to monitor and promote the national-level implementation of the common regional initiatives.

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

Work in progress

Third Conference of Regional Alliance of Labour Inspections of South Eastern Europe, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, will be organised by Labour Inspection of Azerbaijan on the 2nd half of 2010

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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspectorates (RALI)

The Alliance will contribute to the achievement of ILO and IALI goals on the promotion of the implementation of their policies and activities, namely DWCP

Within our Action Plan IALI , IALI will continue to contribute to the strenghtening of this important regional alliance and to the development of further regional alliances in order to have Labour Inspectorate systems in a process of continuous improvement .

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