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LEDtiEllifil rSVlLLE, K?,, MONDAY, MARCH P, 1909


"If whiikj wRiin't colored," !

A cbemitt onn day anid,

"lU color voald bo wUtaiMlMd of boini ni."

"I care not whut ila color,"

Replixd hit friend vith laUKhter,

"It. wiiiild <)till cauKH B hondiiche

Jn the cold, gray morning »ftor."

Rev. Fatkar Jonot, who bM boon • pttiant

nifor with rbosattimfor Um HmIvo VMko,

to improrlDg.

Cbarlot Luklot. who hH botn vory low with

pneaqoilt «t tho hoM of hb lioton Ifn. Con

Faltoa, ia lapmlig aloflr>

MiBi Anni» Lde Kilvy, niece uf lira. Dooslai

MoDowall, bM aooapled a poaitioD witr D.

'.Hut 4 8ot dryiooda ator*.

Tha Rav. Father Onstantine, .S. J., who h.i*

been conducting; the hitvIiIi'M «t St. I'litrick'H

Chnrob daring tha illneu o( Fatbar Jooaa, de-

4lvaNd tB oloqMit tad fory Uipr«Ml«fe MrmoB>M 8nd«; 10 o'olook wmfn*.

.^^The biggsJt money navinjf oppurtiinity

OTer offered to Mayaville. We carry over

aboat 275 wiatar waight Orarooata. mnf of

thaa black, a color that ia alwaya daairabla.

"To torn then iato Caah" thay will be sold at

jot "oriB h iir* of th* re({ul;ir (.dllintf price.

This Bale will lut, proridad tha coats will hold

oat, 0Bt4 Mit SaMrday alRbl. lint

i-liat ekoiea. D. Bkhinobb A fa


None better than the bett

but belter than the rest is the

COAL!You buy from the Maysville CoalCo. Acme. Ivory and Agatite

Hard Will Plaster, Brick, Lime,Sand and Pbrtland Cement; also

Rough and Dressed Lumber.


To Heel OrmkM Mm—Court of

Appeals Reverses Judgment

Against the C. and 0.

Planing Mill Worli

a Specially.



.^BVFor Sale—Balled ^y. straw and fodder.

L. T. Oauki a Co , at Jh\ ofioa.

Mr. aad Mrs. Oabllahhava morad froa Waat

Third strei't to thi> handsome home of Hn.

Nora Brown mh Kast Fourth street.

Gofarnor Harris sigoad tha Rose bill Thors-

day girlng tha StaU of Oklo a geaaral Coonly

Ualt Looal Optloa Law,la agaet SapUabar lat

r Mkiwioter Clearance Sale of^

i Leggings 1^ RobesWe must turn some of our stock into- money.

Now is your opportunity. Our large and assorted

line of Robes and Leggings to be sold at cost. Wemust make room lor our spring goods, and besides weneed the money. Your chance to profit by our ne-

cessity. We iiave always been known fair and wide

1^ lor the variety and beauty of the Robes we carry, andIt yon are needing a large, heavy, Carriage Robe, now

y is your time. Our line of Leggings is high in quality

..A and low in price. This is legging season. Come in,

T and we are sure to please both your eye and pocket-book.

I Mike Brown,"The Square Deal Man,'' J

Dr. A. 8. Brady of Greenup is a candidaU|

The wife of Rowlaod Graea, eolorad, diad

, -for dalagaU to the Chicago CoBTeotioQ from gjin^ay aad tba raaaina were intarrM yaa-

4ka NiBlk DiatriBl. B« li aalkBaiutie Taft tarday ia tha UaysvIIla Cemetery

The DegrM Taan of Wyaadetta Tribe, I. 0.

B. 11., I* raqaaatad to b* M tha Wigwaa


promptly at 7 o^doek tWa atistat far ra-


Charles, tha fourtaeD-yaar-old soa of banker

C. D. Paarco. bnI with a paiafal acoldaat Sat-

«rday afkarMOi. Ba waa azarcistaa kla posy,

and ae ho turned into Third aHraat froa Bridga

the animal lost iu footing on ths brick straat

and fell, the boy aad pony goioR down together.

Tha fotaar tiaUiiad a broksn aokla, aateral

taath brokaa, aid • gaaaral ahaklit«P >ll

(iver Hi> wHii carried into IHn. O'Brien's

home in Bridge street, where herecaiTad medi-

' mi BttaBUoa.

mWHr—UNNIDT.^ William Haasoa, aged 26. of Helsoa. Uaaai

•«OBBty, and Mills Uartha Kaasady of tbia city

I married in Coviogtoa 8at«rd«y.


WUilM 0. U. banbar, agsd GO, of Uaaiaton,

.KaMaa.aBdlifB.lMM IMRrof. ie«d 40k of

Trinity, Lewi* ooanty, were married yaatarday

Mr. James W Lurtfy of the Clarli'H KuoPike in the Waiihint; neighborhood has just

rataraad from Calanhns, Ohio, whara ha par-

ckaaad a tluraahlag oatit

Notioe in Priday'n Lkdgbr tkat all spring

poetry ehould be hnl i fcir rfle.<«He antil the fir«t

robin come* to town. As robin appeared

Tbaraday. krisflBg aBaahlaa and aailsa,

apriag poetry waa released from .AlaL'i'Ti^

Keatocky When shall we three n i u^nin:'

Flirting with girl* in a buarding scbuul

placed under tha ban and is pnnlababia by a flna

of froa |6 lo $60 aadar a bill which haa beea

Introdooed ia the Ho^iie at Frankfort by Repru-

.siMitutiv.' J Ihil W'oudford. The bill is eHpuo-

ially fur the protection of papila at tha MiUara'

but fcaala OoSlaga.


lo the Ohio Now Soaldng the Valley

-48.5 Feet aod Still RWof

Tha Oblorlfar isBaaBatksr raapaga aad Iu

yellow watera ara now spread over ths low bot-

toas, aad raaohiag to tha top of tba baBkafrom

PiMabBigh to BfaiavUla.

Tha paayla ia tka towlaidi Iwfa baai foread

to Bova agaia, kak ovlaf ta Ika alii Mather

thara ia rary Utlia avOMaf.At MyafUlatka i^iksMdU faat and


IF YOU ARE. GOINGS«ajNBtoa pofto— ''*'[^]|^yj{j^*J[^'''

^^'^ ^ OOOO.

OMMln* New Vork BAHI'Y IIOSK,OMBla* Near York BAiti.v ruiDMi'HO,Oeaaln* New York BAHLY OHIO.ll^kaM Mw tb« bMt varlt»ti«« n>r tbto a««tlM.

mAMiron, Kr , Ma>eh Stk.—Ia rafaralag

tba tiBWrence (Circuit Court in the case of the

Chesapeake and Ohio va. Jerry Crank on tha

ground* of Instinotioa, tha Coart of Appaala

hnid^ Ibat, ladaf lectloa 806, «kara a paaaaa

ger was bointeroUD or iifT»n!iively drank to the

disKUAt, annoyance and discomfort of other

paseengers, tha coBdactw kad the right to

eject bia froa tba train at a piaea safa froa

dangor, but i( was improper mndiK't fo put a

drunken passenger on a platform, from which

ba fall aad waa iajarad.

The Court, Cummis^iioaer Clay writing, ra-

verHud the Koyle ('ircult ('ourt in the case of

Allai C. Stag ra. tka Board of Coaaail of Dan-

ftlla. Tka appallaat broaght adit for allagad

damagvH hy the building of a dam and the di-

Toraion of water from Uii river by a pampioK

atatioa to a ataad pipa far Ika aaa «f Ika ays-

tern of waterworks fur tba aaalclpality. It

was set up that sppnilee's statlo^ aad piping of

water had iaterfirad with tha raaalagof appel-

laat'a grlat alii, a abort dlataaaa kalav tka dam


The question of five years' limitstion from 1904

aa a bar to actloa wu bald act good. Tha re-

varaal Is oo laatroctioa.

!r-«~Sm')ke Masonlsn, 10c cigar for ."ic.

^VTake etocli in the Tbirty-eigbth Series

of LiBMstoaa BalMlag Aaaaaiatiaa. Booka


A couple of Mormon EMcriihave been in I.ex

ington during the Ia;it few days making a

house- to-hoaaa caaraBB for aoBTarta to thakr


•W*ir ynn h«*r mn Ileal or nrnii, plf»tiOl si» nm Eia*«»r, l*la»ls»ma aa. mm* M


Joreph Colliver, ased 82, wa* fonnd dead In

bad at tba hoaa of hia aoa, Bd. Collim, asar


Tha total ralaatioaof raal aBd personal prop-

erty in Kayatta aoMl|r far 1906 la plaaad at

raplain Cincinnatus D. Hell, one of the

moHt prominent citizens of Weataro Kentucky,

died at HopkiosTille.

Tba wkolaaala whiaby Ira of tka Tbompson-

Wildon ('oiiipaiiy aHHigned at Puducah, with Ila-

hiliti"s i)f $H;i).(t(N) and .|42..'f5() in assets.

MiBD Anne Uanley and nephew, Mr. i'aal C.

Haoley of Pari*, formerly of tbia county, have

gone to Nebraaka to be at the bedside of Mr.

James Hanlev, wtm ia -t' ,ti 'v i"

"SmokehoBsa''olgar beat sailer. SiflTlOOt

The Mt. Olivet Public School has oloaad far

tka pfaaaat tera.

f^fmh Flah raoalTad daily. Wa gfra

qaotatloo arary Moaday. Aaaa M. WaWaaa,

Raataaraat Royal, Market street.

A apecial from Guthrie, Okl^oma, aays:

"fraab L Bowa, a vataraa ar tka Spadik.

Amerieso War and the Boxer uprining, is trav-

eling over Oklahoma, looking for bis parents.

He left them in Mayaville, Ky., when the Span-

isb-Amarican War waa bagaa, aaliatad la tba

Twaattatb Xaaaaa, aad waat ta tka PklllpplMa.

Later be participated in the march of the allied

powers on Pekin and was shot Ibruugh tha

throat when climbing over the wall of China.

Whaa ba rataraad to Kaatooky Ub paraala had

left for tha Waat.


Jaal raeaifad. Bay bafore they advaaaa.

M, r. Ri-^si-M Co.

The Time I The Place I The Merchandise 1It ia time, oara is the ))laee and we anrely bate the merchaadiae. Jaat referring to the magniflcent line ot S|)rinK Clothing wc are display-

ing iiml r< tidy to fit out our Iriundn. Only the cream of the American manufacturera ia npraaented. Wp ran lit und please elderly mpn, »4tout

nifii, h ail iTicn,yoiinj; men hikI men who want to remain young. We have n sperial line for each and every one. \\>r tli«- Uilies who biivp young-

nieiM Id rliillii' WO iirtve H(iiled what is connideri'd the best line of Hoys' and Cliililrt ii'H CiothinR in this country. You will only tiiul this line in

the larger cities and at a price conaiderably iu excess of ours. All the newest noveitiex in Stiff and Holt Hats by the best uianulacturera. Our line

of Fancy and White Bhirta, Habardaah«rr,j|BM_cao_OB gooda atorea.

'I'lie nKs i' Mcn'.s iumI Hovs' sikh's ure only Hold here—the .Haoao, Wallcover sod W. L. Doaglai makM.Take a glance Ht our window ^iaplays and wee fur youraelvea.


All the new apriog ahapet are is.

/i^A beautiful line of .St. Patrick and £aa-

ter Post Cards at Sallio Wood's Drogftora.

Bradley Polytechnic Institute of the Univer-

aity of Chiaaea la enrlekad by tha a«a of

It is declared that Cincinnati's new eystem|$ 1,000,000 by the death of the founder, Mrs.

of watarworks haa greatly dacreaaed typhoid I Lydia Bradley. It ia expected the fund will

fever, wkiok la aow laaa fraqaaat tkaa at aay ylaH aa aaaaal laeoBM $76,000 to tba

time in tha history of the city. laekool.

0t'VoT a .-ihiirt time photos 2L ceots;

foorpnr>t orer MiaaSalHa Woeda'drat.

store. Turner & Lyie.

"Brewster's Millions" is now having a h%raa at Btch'a Thaatar, Londoa.

The Winrberter Chriiitian Church has BOW a

D. B. Chatham of Harrodabnrg aold sixty memberahip of about 600, a&d doriag tba paat

boshela of alevar Bead la Laiteitoa rridayat year a total at 16368.60 waa raiaad far all pw*$8.60 a baakal.


How to Save One Dollar.Buy a pair of $3^ Kid Gloves for f2^. Black and several shades of tan, in 12 and i6-button lengths. Made of

pique kid, which is extra heavy and durable; iapp/^d seams, 2 clasp, heavy stitching One pair of these gloves will

positively outwear two pairs of glace kid. They will stand the hardest kind of service with satisfaction. Regular IjiGloves reduced to i|>2j^.


A lew steps away you'll say the goods are worth ^1 and on the closest inspection you'll acknowledge you'venever seen handsomer material at i^i a yard. The fabric is cleverly made in that open but firm weave which is thesecret of its attractiveness. Colors—Navy, leather, black, gray, castor and Copenhagen. 44 inches wide.

RIVALS OF SILK.These glossy Ginghams make the silks envious so closely do they vie in lustrous finish. Full 27 inches wide,

exact reproductions in color and pattern of plaid silks, and only 25c yard.

H:iVe yon si-cii thi* ys^' ^Vhitc I'^ii.; iiretl M now si llm^ lur j;( \ ikP

1S52*W*Ja«t received, two earleada Northara

Seed OaU and Potatoaa. J. C. BvntlTT L Co.

'Sheet music Sc aapy at Garbrich'a.

Joha T. JaoksoB, akargad witk participatiaf I

'MoBBBtaatal Marray A Thomas.

A. Baaaatt, Prirata Saoratary to his

Tha hoaa of Aaroa GIfford. Joat North of I la tha baralag of tb« tobaeeo alaaaarlaa at I father, Coagraasaaa J. B. Baaaatt, aad Miss

Sardis, was destroyed by Are a few (l.tyrt af;o, Princeton during; the raid tW'> ycari a^ i. wa» F..Mther Mortoa, dsutihteruf Alvin Morton, were

the flames catchipg from a defective tlue in the 1 acquitted, the Jury being out but thirty|

married Sa'orday at the home of the bride in

kitebaa. laiaataa. ioraaaap.


Are eipeotad la • fbw daya.Tb«jr will makw jroayour ejf*.



STAMPS. Come Sie Bee HiveHome Journal













That's Right.


aaia us**






Page 2: How Save One

it. CVRBAN, MUHimr mttd CNvNtr.


iii> 1 M7*





FKl) \I(K-rKKsn'KNT,


ii( New York.

Tbk only regret about the mattor is that it

waBn*t Ollir Jamrh that was operated on.

Etxltn is reportetl to have agreed to irive

np Harry for a million tlollHrs". What a

pleasant way to make money.—Louisville


Ass the women of Kentacky so stuck on

the methods of ''men*voting" that they wish

to mix up in the disreputable basiness them>


The Democratic campaign seems to be made

np priui i}>ally of Billy Bryan, with an occa*

4iional picture of Minnesota's Governor. It is

to laugh.

Betam and Beckham would aouDd well.—WiQcbester


Sure; it would be all sound.—Winchester


"Sborktaby Ta¥t will be the nominee on

the second ballot if he is not chosen on the

first ballot/' said H. H. Kohlsaat, owner of

The Chicago Record-Herald, to The Washing-

toB Post.

Tbbre need be no great surprise if some day it ii^

pitmi bsyond doobt that the Oarden of Eden wae leally

located in Obio.—Ripley Bee.

We used to imagine th;it tlie Ciarden of

Eden was in tlie Hluoirrass State, but we agree

with The Bee that Ohio is ''it."

Tbb victory of the Taft forces was so com-

plete inOhio that the twoSenators were the worst

licked men who ever went up against a real

fight to a finish. If Fokakkh and Dick attend

the Chicago Convention they will have to go

way back and sit down. Gosh, what a drub-

bing tbey got.

AccoRDiNi; to Kditor Walton of The Ken-

tucky State Journal, four of the Democrats

who voted against Beckham ought to be bung,

General Basil Dukb and Geperal 8. B. Buck-

viB onghtr to go off and die and every Repub*

lican in the State ought to be shot. And yet

this pious Editor thinks he is a Christian and

indites short Sunday sermons for the guidance

of tilt' litigodly. \'erily the prayers of the

wicked availeth not.

The Conflict Betwten

Labor and the

Railroad Companiet.

Tbksb are anximn days for the 4d railroads

having terminals iu Chicago and for the rail-

road labor organiiationH which h>\\ v headcjuai**

ters there. Moth sidos

;in' Ticrviiii^ thctnsi'h »•>

for the <'oiitt!st over the

was^c scalt' which will

tnkf plncc this spring

aiid wliii li 111,'iy |)rcci|i-

it)it<* I lu' liii.'i;(!st lalior

war which this comifi'y lias ever known.

A }C!ir ;ii;o at the waye conftMCiiccs luild in

Chicago the men wcic granted advances in the

scale nnioinitiug to liJIOO,(»0(>,(K)(t. J>inco then

rates liavc )>ecn lowered iu many states and

tnitlic has fallen otf to such an extent that rail*

way managers declare tbey will be unable to

continue the "pro^sjierity'* scale of wages.

Tiabor leaders on the other hand declare

they will tight to tbe last ditch rather than

consent to a cent*s r^uotion in pay. This

])romises some lively sessions for the wage con-

ferences which will, take place in Chicago in


Headquarters are already being| establisheil

there by the engineers, Brenien, conductors and

trainmen, and word has been sent to all the lo-

cal Unions to select delates to a convention

which may be held at a later date.

In the meantime matters will be further

complicated by the investigation into the ques-

tion, which will be undertaken by tbe Inte^

state Commerce Commission, at the recent re*

quest of the President*

The seriousness'of the situation may be re*

alized when it is remembered that there are

now 4(\<>0() men ernploycd by the railroads

of the country. If any larije i)ortion of these

men were called out on strike it would paral-

yze commerce and probably lead to another

}>anic more disastrous than that of last fall.

A Law and Order League

has been organized at New


The Government has paid

^7,200 for the lite for the new

Federal Bnllding at Paris.— . • * * - —

l''rank H. (Jary was choseni

Senator fr(»m Soiitli ( 'nrojina to|

succeed A. C Latiiuer, deceaset

I i|§iiiwiiBgmiraroiTOgflin^iimKi3wiramaBC»3Riainnm


She wai exceedingly pretty and becomingly dressed.

In (act, she wan Hucb a "good looker" that she attracted

attentioD on Fourth avenue, where beautiful girls mayalwaya^ aeen. Men turned to look at her and to cast

admiring glances in hrr liircctidn.

"Is she not attractive?" was the comment o( a youngaoeiety man.

"(ice, she's the candy," remarked tbe policeman ontbe corner.

Everywhere she went she was admired, and all of (he

young men aii() many I'f the old heado smiled in her di-

rection. In fact, febe created a little bit of excitement,

and many were the epecolitioDS as to where ehe camefrom, what Biie wae doiog bsN aod how long abe wae go*

ing to remain.

"She is a newcomer to Louisville society," said a

young man who ia in a position to know.

She bore every evidence ol culture and good breeding,

and she appeared to be every inch a lady. Fassing tbe

Seelbacb, however, she met a oewSboy aeqoaintaoM andshe greeted him thus:

"Hello, kid; how do yon like my glad rags?"

A prominent city official, a splendid judnc of beauty,

who bad been casting admiring glances in tbe directioir

ot the (air one, came near (aintiuR.

"8tung again," he moarked, as he boarded a ear (or


rbi' Poitoffies Dvpsrtmeal ii anxioos to oom

plaislr rsviss tke pretsst (erm of sddrtssiog s

luttor. Postal sothoritlM state that if those

."ft.ilint,' mail woalil write tho name ot tb» State

t'KHt, cuuot; secoDd, towo third, itrtot foortb

•Dd the Diow of addrssssa lasti tks omiU kaad-

i»rs ooeld de tksir werk aliMsl keise la feat.

In the loed option election

held Saturday Platte county,

Ma, voted against prohibition

2,159 to 1,34 7- -* » «

It has been practically deter*

mined by the President that the

battleship fleet shall return to

the Atlantic by way of 8uess.

Archibald Maday, well known

to habitues of the Palace lintel,

(.'incinnati, as "the man iu the

wheel chair, dicul Friday, aged

08, and was buried this morn-

ing in Spring Grove Cemetery.

A Jury in Boston brought in

a verdict of guilty of murder

in the first degree against nine

Chinamen who have bisen on

trial on the charge of murder-

ing four Chinamen in that city

on August 2d last.

In Philadelphia, two Chinese

—.lung Jow and Mock Kung

will be h.'inged in Moyamensing

Prison Tuesday for tiie killiiifj;

of several of their countrymen

last siiininer during a jdstol bat-

tle ill I he streets of Chinatown

in that city.


Governor Charles E. Hughes

Saturday receivetl the indorse-

ment of the New York Kepab-

lican State Committee for tbe

Presidential nomination. The

resolutions, adopted by unani*

mous vote, commended Presi*

dent Koosevelt.


AT TN MW rMR iTinE:We alwaye had ireat aucoess BelHnR Walats, becaaee ws gave

our cnetomers good values. This seaHon we made special eKorts toplonHC tlH>ni Htill more, niid now |)laco before the pnhlir a great as-sortment, rHDnirii; in price from f\'.)c to $2.40. Home with shortsleeves; some with Iimik mIccvi h; nil liciiutitnlly Irinimod.

of it'irk V\' niHt<, ni l tiiip l^mkI^, ri'iiiiccd (rOj0^^j4|M|gh^|2C'


10 dozen aadies' Wrappers, bought direct from the maker,blue and gi ay mostly, cut full and roomy, well worth 11.49, OUrprice 98c.

r^MMMM-r^nSSSiB^Hftcks in iliirk (o)or^4gc. ^^^v^^^SPECIALS.

Very heavy Brown Cotton r>c. i

Ladies' Fast filack Hose 8c an(l lOo.

L4idiea' very flne Hose, (set bisok, 18c.

Best Table Oilcloth 17c.

Udies' Black Liele Thread Qlovea S9o.Wide Hamburg 10c.

Beautiful Val Lares 6c and 10c.DcHt Flonr Oilcloth 'J.l^c.

New i-iuK" in; fee them.,

New York StoreF. MAVS,






Janaanr l. i»oe $190,984.29

Jaaaary 1, leOT $888,85532

J»..r,l.ie08$3 17,0 16.40


To Depositors on SavingsAoooanu laat year


|We rsspsctfully solicit your account, large or smiH.,

I. A. BEEDJPriOldeBt i. N. KEHOE, Ciohiwr.

TO PRKPARB FOR YOVR SPRING PAINTING and PAPERINGOnr stock nr Paints and WMllpaper Ih new Jast from (hp fkctory,and we arc prrpared to do your work witb dispatcli. bh ho employskilled workmiMi. A 1*011 Ktm-k ol' ICOOFINO PAPKll, WINDOWGliASa and PICTrKK MOULI)IN'<i8 alwayii on hand. Oiv* M •call. We Klvn Ulobe Trading HtampH. Phone 4512.

It is the accepted beli^ that

Cou>;res!) will not ha able to

agree on any financial legiHla-

tion at tbe present session, and

nothing above the regular rou*

tine of bnsiness is expected

from either the House or Senate

faring the wdek.

The i-alling o£ an extra ses-

sion to ronsider the C'Otinty

Unit bill \» heiui^ sj)oken <»f in

Frankfort as ii certainty. Mem-

bers of the Legislature iu n pi*-

8iti(»n t(» know are i'<>u\ inceil

that such will he the course of

Governor VViilsou.

All Kincfs of^

MoneyMaton county people

made all kindi of rooneyiMt tummer. The; DPVerwere lo prMpwvut »« tbeyare today.


If your soodi andprlco are ri^lit thi'y williippnd nii'iiiy with you.You oaD re II 0 b t b « m

> UMoaah Taa Oaii>t Lao-aab Taanyli.

Stiindard Oil hearing will be-

gin today iu Cleveland.


Odtffellows Mill Meet at Their Hall

Tuosdayat 1:30 P. i.


Xii tTK and membiTg of IiijKulli LikIkb No.

lit, L U. 0. K., ar« roquMUid to nuMt at thuir

lid « Teaiiay at IdQ ePeloek'y. m. to at-

uui tbe fuiiiTiil of itroLiiiT John Blaaekaid at

tba retideoce at o'cleoli p. ai. —a P. rw, 11.0.


OOoM* aad aaaibaia of fUauM Lo4|a Neb

2T, L 0. 0. P., ate nyutUti to wmi at tkak

i><) Tu'S'iiy .it l:'AO n'cl.x k p.m. to at

tbe (uQeral uf itrutber Joha Ulaocbard

ol Dalaik La4k» at 2 o'eloek f. wl

A. ifoUooiiUN, N. 0.

aiBiua NoUoB, lioeroUry-

Congressman £dwards of the

Eleventh Diatriot scored a vio>

tory over Caleb Powers when

he had tht Committee to name

June 6tb as date for Cocgres*

oional primary. This would

teem to eHminatei Powers as a

candidate agpiDst Edwards. It

ia well.

The Woodford County Grand

Jury refused to indict certain

persoils for sending threatening

letters with cartridges in them,

warning farmers not to grow

tobaooD, bot the American To-

baooo Company was promptly

indicted for optratiag as a trust

or oombine.

Chicago police prevented

Emma Goldman from making

an address yesterday.

Nearly L'.DOi I ptjople of

bon county have rccomiueiuled

to (io\ ernor Willsoii that Caleb

I\)wer.s be given an uncondi-

tional pardon.

It is said in Xew York that

worry over her husband's fate;

has completely j)ro8trated Eve-

lyn Nt'.sbit Thaw, ^pd that abe

is iu tbe hospital.

The Uupul)lican»uf tbe Ninth

Congreesiuof1 District will meet

at Carlisle to select delegates to

the Stato Convention at Lonis-

viUe May 6th, to name dele-

gates to tbo Chicago Conven-



Born, to Hr. tad Mn. UjU Brebakir of Bel)

Creek, Saturday. » line v'-n





Paraeamph Is Daily Demonetrat-

Ing Its Marvelous Curative


At this time of the year, Cold In Tli*Head ami Nasal Catarrh ore most preva-K ilt. Many iisi rs of I'aracauiph are notBWjire that it will relieve ami cure tbeceaiiiiiciitH.

Don't (lose your stomach with no^^er-

ful (liuns wliiih alu.iy.s li ave .i aflcr-

i-ITci t ni\<\ in .1 it many instances dosi Tuius Ii.iini, hut try l'.ii.icani|ih. Vouwill hc-am i t .iMy d at the ri'sults.

T ikca .snuiU cjuantily on the cndof thefinder, put it will into the tio.stril andsnufi hard, so as to t the rt ini-dy upinto the channils ot tlu- lui.'-e and initil it

runs had; ij'' > tlic throat. Do this until

thi- I'h.mnd , ..• lur^- .ire oiKMicd; then

riih the i>n. . >>t the liose and foicheadthc'uruuKlily i'M^ly r.irucuiiiph freely,

aa thia will stimni ite tbe circulation, rc-

tnove congestion, ojKti the pores anddraw out the fevfcr and inflaounatkm brInducing tweating.When raracamph is uaed in thIs I

ner, it goes initnetliatcly to tba i

and iammad' utouibranca, cooling, aootii*

lag aad healing the aatna. It lUio kill*ttwdiaeaae germa.The principle of Paracampb ia diitct

contact It opena the porea of tbe akifev

one el tbe niediuma tbrough which thabody throwa off its impuritMa, perniitting

tba aootbing, healing oila to penetratedirect to tbe interior cella. aad nnoviag

The latest of tbe little victimsffi^'^I^J^^'^^uo"'*

^Thia treatment abould be repeated

everal tlmea and alwaya upon aning nthe morning and at aignt before rctii^ig.

After a thorouKb trial, if you are notI>erfectly itatiafiea >vitb the reiults, go to

of the CoUinwood school tire to

perish was Qlen Barber, aged

10 years. He died Saturday

from injuries sustained in his

leap from the seoond'Story win*

dow of the school building.

Tbe death lift is now estimated

at 174.

your dru>;)(iat and he will give you yourmoney tiai k..

i'aracaiiiph baa relieved many sufTer*

er8, and will cure without hanning. It

does Hot a.t many other renirdiea do,deaden the nerve*; but stimulates them•o they may perform their naturalfunctions.

Paracampb is told and recommcndeil by

J jjat. Tood & Son, Druuists.

Page 3: How Save One

11^»*< If wjinw'


ledgerMAY8V1LLE, KY.y MONDAY, MARCU 9, 1908.

UUt Akom .Kmod; U vliitlag ia Cincinnati

Dr. i. H. Stmitl iptM Stttrdagr m4 UDdifio LeilDf^ton.

Mr. ThamM L. vitittd r*l*tir«ii at

MfllMtbarg ImI week f

Mr. John Knir tf N«ir T«rk b tMUhrtlativM u4 frtotdi lar*.

Mrs, 8. B. Cbnon it vinitinK ber unn, Mr. T.

bMD, nA UmWj, in ClDolaatU.

UIm Florence Vimont »f MillenahofK It fit-

Itinc her sister, Mrs. W. A. MunzinK

Mn, Paddy Rjru WMOallad to CovtofttoD on

aeeoDOt of tho Mrlou llloeM of ber father.» _ -

Mr. i, M. Daobar wa« down from Vallay


Lawk mnaty, OTar Saaday, Tiilt<D( hit family.

Mr. aod Mn. J. C. Murray of CiooiBnati are

hara aa a viait ta hia fatbar, Mr. Jaha Marray.

Mr. Sam Rifff, faraarly at Graaanp aad well

kaown in thie city, now hae a flaa poaitioa with

the Armour PnckinK I'oirpany o^Cblotito.• «


In Bith County Ovtr Totaceo Quh-

tkm^Mmy Ltavlna Stitt


Molasses ^


Mr. Jim Larkiot of CoviogtOD wat up to tee

hit brattar, Cbartar, who baa baai iaagaraialy


Miaa Mattia Davii of Nuhtowo ia a gaett

•t tka hoiM of J. L. Naab aad family at Porta>


Mr. and Mrs. H. L Hamilton ran down from

Porttffloalb and Sundayed with thair parenta

aad May frlaada hara.

Mn. Prad Wolfa haa retanad to korhema at

Hilarva, after a visit to har telghlar, Hit.

Jaa Fister of Lexington.

Mr. aad Mra. Holowa Booldaa of Sardia tpaat

aataral daya laat waak with hia brothar. Mr.

Kaila Baildaa of Miliersbarg.

Mr. Daa V. Bohoa, oaa of Barrodabarg'a

(aaial Raatlemaa, wu In tha city Friday and

reaawtd acqaaiotaocM with The Ledgkr.

Mr. John C. Adamtoa of NubTillo, Teoa.,aB

reata from Wathiactoa City, atoppad olf bara

yesterday and is today the Ku<^st of the family

of Mr. t^aoLloyd DearGencantowo. He will re-

turn to spend tonight with bla brother, Dr. H.

K. Adamaoa. laaviag toaorrow for hia bona.

OwiNoaviUJl. Ky., Uarah 7.—Bondradt of

pour tanaata of tbia ooaaty who bavn poolal

their tabaeao detarmiaad to aali wbila priota

aro high Hiid tnnKt nf thpm had arraagad to

leave the State for the West. ,

Joha lanoaa mida aa attempt to mofo hia

crop bat wu stopped on the roaJ, and Waller

Sharp, business msnnifer fur ihn Sncidly of

K(|uily, has brought ali'^ut forty suits against

tenaata and faraara who am ia tha pool bat

bad aiilil ilifir tob.>cco, and is liitvitii; prepiired

hundreds of injunctions ngaiott those wbu had

contemplated telliog.

Tbataaaata ara mad, tha laadawaera are

are ni id and the I''i'iity people are mad, »nd

thraata of repriaalt and retaliation fly thick

aadfut• -


Paid For Tobacco By Amtrfcaa

Tobaoco Compaiiy

Tbomaa Whlaaar dali?arad bia tobaeoo crop

af 22,950 pounds to tha Amarioan Tobaooo

Co. lut week, getting tha high price of 16o

par pond. Mr. Wbiaaar ia a good farmar aid

alwat geu top price for hia tabadeo. Hk afop

brooght 13,442.50.

Jaoob Foaaoaoker alto aold a crop to Mr. /.

B. Eirkpatriek at 16c.

Mt. attrltng UaulU.

Mark THabIa haa a«4d to tba Amariaas Ta>

baeoo Company in thin city 12,600 pounda of

White Barley at 12 cents straight, while Tbaa*

dora Booth aald to Kirkpatriak A Clay aboat

12,000 poaada at 18 eaatt atraigbt. Both

arapa wara good.

if your doctor fully endoraea yourtaking Aft'a Cbtny Pectoral for

your hard ooogli, thtn biqr U anduae it. If he doea not»dieB do not

w ^ ih L Ai I , / I n take a aingle dose of it. He knowa

hia«*c/res. If. an proud of Ihtm. W» hm }^}^JPl??.^^^ JJ'ffifi,"*

HardCoughsia cewea^^w^tegtfa Io hiJo, fci^ough^n^olda^^^^Jg^








Too OM sea aanie M

W. H. RYDER.T W. Seooad Street. Pbbae m.


Cure GripGrip haa ooue to tbia country to

auty. There la not mnoh uae of ourexpatUtinfr on the lulanrythat r.>ll(>WM

thtH tr<Mil>le. TiM) niaiiy ptNtpIo Hli-«u(lyknow lUv atcoiiy ilmt k^'P oauNtMi. ITyou am IViarliiK piiiMiiutiiila and otherdiuiKeroua after efl'outa, plaaae tMiteour word that there la nottalmr thatwill help yon tinlolcer thM rBCOU'8liAX ATlVi: HHOHPHO • OnillN HTAni.iris. They aollMflSO wm bOB.TIIY TIIKM. l!k>l<t l>y

JOHN C. PECORDruMtot, MayBvilit, Ky.

State National BaoK.Uf MAVSVILlt, t).

couiiTKi raoovcni

Totfey'a<ju<>tAti(iii» By K. L. Manohr^'ler, Keyatone Commerolal Oo.

Prleesoi. .-eoted atvo'aioek ibts mofBln*—Hens, V ^ ~ 8c

Turkeys, ^ 9i to

Batter, per ft ^.....^...^^.^^..^toBiai<perdoteB..„......._ ike

RabblU OOo perdai.

/F you want to keep

"potttd," nod tk*

*dvtrti»nu*t$ inTntLrdger, They art apart qf iiayniUtfi

4 fjpn^A MAMMUf Mummmi


OBAt. U. PIABOB ihM. M. Kliptlaa.rMa/^




COMPANYNot Diily ielU the HRSTiind UROADRST eon

tract, tiut returim I.AKGKR dlvidenrti itnd thrrx'tori' liiHiiri'H at h l.oW m t oo»t. Th« iirw I90SIMilli'V »f TllK NORl'HWESTKKN tt u iiinrvel ofooiiiptetenrsK. It ouvum hh iimiiy of life's con-tliiKi'uuli'i. urobitl>le or possltik, as oaa tw nint byniODsy. U Is IlkD H will, nxovpt Uiat It providestbe estate that It distrtbutas. It ooataUs largeLoan and Cash falues. tt pro*l<iee AntomattoPaid-up or BvteaiM iMuraaee, aad for feaia-ttatemeot at aay UaM wtlkia VIVl YBAMafinr lapse.NO OTHKK c'om|iaiiv oBaia aa manv nr aa

v;trl>'d OPTIONS .>( s-'itleaailt, aadrr AN Y orALL of lu uoUui«» oomblaei, aa THE NORTH-W K8TRIUI oSert aader lit 0MB petloy.Kor tBTther taforaattoa apply to

N. W. COLE * 00

SAi&wAT vnca oabdb.


u>tt/u)ul notiet.

Fur WnHliliiKlon and Mew York,I .1 p. III., «10;44 p. SB.

rorKiciimuiKi, Old Point and Mertalfe,' 1 :aa p. m., >10i44 p. M.

t.oeal ror Hlnton.*aia:i a. III.

Local for Hantiiigtoa."OiS'^ a. 111., tai44 p m

For Olaelnnall, Indlaiiapolla, Bt. Iioala,Ohleaao, LoaltvllU, NMhtaies

Meoiphta and Weet«e:4a a. ui ,

'3 11 p. BS.

Local for Clnrtaaall.«a:ia m. m., t»:oa a. »., *4:ia p. at.

m THB LBOOSm lasida la

nil, nnd Is IhetoVMit* pope«

•f flio pwnpl*.

The Race For Representative

Succeed McKnight Resalts in

a I|ig Victory For tiie

Equity Mao.


The Last Soi|>iiieut of My

Big Purchase of New Cropla now here dirrrt fk-om the plantation where |irodnced. Theae itooda arcatrlcilr fanojri no better can b«* madr. Price SOo per Ballon.

For the Lonten eeeann I have a iilir anpply or fknof Dall-cetfBht Maok-rrel, illreot fWim Roatnn. in 10 and UO'iMtiind linc-ketM and Imrri lH, and osfuaell y 'U a alnKle fleh or aa many aa yon may want rroni Fn- parli

D. M. Ferry's Famous Garden Seeds, "w^h^rrto'^e^'lhrbli;Jnet r<H)el*ed; ft>r aaln hy the onnce, |iiiand. irallon <>r hnahel. When baylacvrffciatilea I alwaya iclve prefrrencM to Ihoae who hoy aMida of me.

New oiiatomera every day on my.flne brand* or lloaated CofT^ea and alftplrnmit aiul romp liMfk . Al w IVi'mIi . I niii moIp auenl Tor the nate of thai'MiiKiiiH "ltnrrii<K<<>>i Hall" htt-rl ( iit ( nfli 1 ry h |i(iiiii<I

;}oii will aomrt

acain. KIne ''<«« n Miipclalty ;<|iiaiii t Ixnt. Kliieat branda of HuKar-Ciirrd

Hama, BrrakldNi iincon and fiiiri.i Lraf Lard, made ftwm aelcotcd younxbona apeulaily lor niy trade; almi, (.'oantry-Cnred Hlokory>8moked Mama,bonldtTM and Itacoii, Kuaranteed to he clear of iiorax or other polaunouapre'ervaf Ive ho conimoiilv uapd on meata.

I'KiCI-T-X TION Kl.oril U aflll the popular lirHiiil. It alwayp K'vea aatla-anion. .My K'larantt'f kik-h with every harrt l. >a\y lti-niiH,aiip very heat,

attll Ko at :{Uc per itallon. Cut prlcna on all Canned Cjoodw continue. MyaUK>k la nnuaaally larpi> and atrlotljr Bret claaa. Ktne Teaa a apeoialty. I bayall klnda of Country rrodooe. aoch aa f oan nne In niy huaincNa. aucb aa But-ter, Kftira. Poultry, Hams, Bhouldera, .lowU and Hacon. All meata maat beKnarantoed to be cured without horax. I exienil the naiial Invitation to conn*try people i o innke iny hoiiHe their liendiiiiarterx wlicii In I lie city : you are sd-wnyH wi'icitini' \ I'tti'i « lilfH of all k I ikIh I ii HcnNiui; hIhii. Iriiii.- <il all klnda;Oyatera received dir«(!t from Baltimore, and when you want the Kennlne aeaiahlpped tony oal? la oMMh aeatad whara oaaubt, opebed •« yoar boaie.



Laat Sakarday'i alaotioa to eboMe a aacoettor

to Virgil HcKoicht Io tba Liwar Hoate of the

Kentucky LeKislature, waa, la many rosperts,

I na of tha moit peculiar raoaa ia the history of

Uaaoa eoaatj politiat. Tb^ faroiara wore

aatara at tba aitaatioa aad Rapablioaaa aaa*

bisad witb Dem'irrntit <<> umlin the election of

8. A. Bbaaklio, Democrai, almost naaDimoas,

ha dataatiae Obarlaa 0. Dacnaa, tba Rapnbli-

can nominee, by nearly 1,500 votes.

The result ib nnt n shnw of political itreoKth,

at the fight was made purely opoa tobacco

liaaa. Mr. ShaakUa waa aamad by tha Saelatr

af Bqai^ paa^ ia tha Daaoeratia aaatlaf

and be has carried nearly every precinct in the

county, incladion; three precintt io thia city.

Mr. Degmao, whoie fight wat made oo a "law

aad ardar" platfara, aad wbo bu baaa an«

anti-Equity ni in ;im far as signing up his crop

didato ever put up by a political party ia this

waa ooaearaad. aaaaMd to l^babiad ia the


The rr-suk iihnws rnnclunively that tbia

county is ao Equity ttroogbold, aod that bare-

after, roRardlaaa of polittaa, a oaadidata will

have to be io favor of tba Soeiaty of Equity.

Tba olaotioB io tba eooaty waa fall of ex-

oitaaMat, bat waa qaiat ia tha oity.

Balow ii tha tahalalad

Y'Ol'KdELF and family ought to cume to Williams & Co., Dru^giata, aa there ia an opportunity of our rendering you jot-i

the aervice needed in dealing in the drag line. Large addi-

ttona have been made to our atook on accoaotof a live busi-

iif '^s clemflndiDK it. We have metHtl requiremeota, and tbia immenftlui-incc^ daily h«H a('r<>'"<ionj< nf mmy new cnatomera. The country,( HLinlry tnwiic and villHi;es, (( «( tlu r with nnr own city, look to U8 ap

tliey mn to no (ithcr Hfiiirco of biiih les. The rase i- easily argued.

TIh' licHf line nf 'j.Miila in ihi ( it\ tiir I i im It i TP d « f i I ii

' . \Vi' haveen II tiii'r.i I..

! :i i ^; , v. i I'-i :i i I : > i :" lln ! ^ 1 1 ID' . .

1 ! ' u t ,vi





Kirst A ard . .

Sec'in.l Ward.Tliir.1 A'ar.l. .

K"iirlh Waril.

Kifih Ward .

.><ixtb Ward .


PlugtownDoverMinerva ... .


Germaatowa . .


Marpbyavllla . .



WeatMayaliek..Ea^lfa aliek...


WMbmgtoa ...

HalaaaLawlabarg ....



Oraagaborg •



» • a a • • «




po >





38 9890 7248 IOC65 1201U3 9(5

96 8350 11046 13029 6661 6916 11613 16523 161

62 1428688



61 8932 20O56 8868 4743 160

1.148 2,470






They are made of

first class mate-

rial and by ezpa-

riepced worko(i«ii

Tbay areth« kind

that waar wall

and ara satiaftto-

tory to the feet.






There in no lonL;rr any doiiht,

we think, that ^fip, ordinaryciihis and other al'fections of thethroat and air passages can uau-ally be stopped in the atart if theri^ht measurea are taken.

No one can queation the im-|H)rtance(of atopping theae ail*

inenta; lite itaelt may be the pen-alty for not doinK so.


is a remedy that, tiikeii |ir(iiii|itly,

will, in nearly every case, htopthese affections before they get atirm hold; and in toy oaa« theremedy will alwayt hMira Ihecure.

The remedy ahould b« kep| onhand in every home tor ionat*diate use when tbe symptoma ofa cold appear.





Get in Line andJoin

the Procession of



''SmokehouseAt every atand the cry ta "Smokehoaee.**

JOHN T. SMITH & CO.Mrs. Virginia Canpboll Thoapioa.tbadaogh-

ter of Alexander Campbell, foander of the Chris-

tian Chorch, and thw only woman who ever held

tbe otficti of I'ogtmaster at Lnuieville. died io

WaabiagtOB City Friday, aitod aboot 64. She

bad been employed in the Con^reKsional Library

for 13 years, tier interment nav at Belbeny,

W. Va., yaatarday, ber birtbplaeo.




Hiram Haadriokson, aged 44, died of poea-

monia yostorday moraiag at 6 o'eloek at tbe

borne of the family in Commerce street.

He was a wall koowo painter aod is sar>

Tired by bis aotbrr aad oaa siaMr.

The funeral will occnr from his late home at

3 o'clock this afternoon, with serricas by the

Rer. W. W. Akers of the Central Praabytarian



Mr. Joha Blaaebard. bora at Laobport, Nov

York, 9ixty rtii,'ht ycirs ago, died at 4:25 yei-

tarday at bis bume in the Fifth Ward.

Mr. Biaoobard waa wail kaowa tbronghont

tba oity.

Purinir tho War he was a momlier of Currpany

B, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, and he was also a

BMBbar of DaKalb Lodge Ko. 12, L 0. 0. P.

He ia survived by his step mother, two sis-

ters—Sirs. Rolls Owaas aad Miss Kstie Blanch-

ard—aod foar brotkara—Frank of Baltimore,

Okarlaa of Callforaia,Thoua aad Baary Blaaob'

ard of thi.-i <-ity.

The funeral will take place at i o'clock, stand-

ard time, tomorrow aftaraooa, tbe iatarmaat

In Mason County Re-

ported at Dover.

Masked Ifen Forced MeN

chaDt to Burn To-

bacco Canvas.

A S:itiirJa.T'.s dispatch from Pi ver annonncee

tbe first open felonious violatiuo of the law ia

tka tobaeeo treable ia Maaoa ooaaty. It aaya:

William McNott, general marcbaat, waa

"waitpd upon" ly a tand of marked night

riders tonight, tie had Jost received a supply

of eaaras for tobaeeo bade. Tbia did aot aitl

tbe sentiment of the grower*, who are in favor

of enttiog oot this year's tobacco crop,aad tboy

erdorad MoNott to take tha caavas iato tha

street, aatarata it with coal oil aad apply »m iti-h. Seeing that ram inKtrfn wan futile,

Uc.Nutt obeyed ardors, and the canvas went a|^

ia flames amid tba shoots of the erowd. Aftar

tba axoitemont eaatad by tba raldav bad nh-

nided several men t-alled up n McNult, paid hia

for tbe canvss destroyed and or/ered bim aot

to bring on aaotbar sapply. Bo will ' aot aell

bolag ia tha Mayariila Camatoiy aador tbe' canvas this season. McNntt is aa Bqatty mbii.

auspices of tbe HJ lfell )wa.

No flowers at burial.

Ml.<.< W.u y. I'li'KMN

Miss Alios Ficklin, whose illness was noted

ia Thb LiDon a few days liaoo,

homo ia Waat Poortb atraat at

terd.'iy n>>irnin^. her death beioK attributed to

tbe severe nervous shock following tbe demise

e( bar brethar. Mr. Bobart Pioblia, wblak oo-

eurred bat a abort time since.

Miss Picklia wu born Augost 21st, 1846,

in the booaa ia Waat Pourtb atraat ia whiob

PIMPLES'I tried all klndt nf til' . it rrmr1l.>ii whirh ttU*c.

Northern Seed Oatsand



Tbe passiuK away >f l!.;s ,;><ntle ^.pirit leivet

sarviring but thrse m«mbers of tbe family-

Mr. Horatio Pioklia, Mrs. Aaaa Lee aad Mrs.

WlUUm 0. Maekloford of Ohieago.

The funeral will take place from the family

homo at 10 o'clook toa^rrow moraiag, witb

aaivlaaa bytha Uv. 1. F. Chatham ol tka

fini M. E. Chorob, South, af wbiah denomiat-

UoB Miss PioUla bad baaa a mambar aiBte


Kr. ic wiiMa,MBlmM.,ll«wask.ll.ii

Best For

I ^^^^ The Dowels ^


C*nalii> t*b1ot (Ubpm 000.I or your nion.'y b«i-k

•lerlioc Remedy Co., ChicBfo or N.Y. HS





iiiiiiiiiiii M'liiliii' mil



Page 4: How Save One



Here's a /

Message^)f importitiH't' I irt'fiil

tlreSKT"* whii hit "tn'l' iit-"

of ntvli'-C'imfoit, W'v liHvo

juBt received .mr iit'w line

oi Spring Suits, built ouId* UMKt •tDctiont o(

fMhiou. Tber art notlike iinjthing you h*ve«ppn lipfor*. but some-fhiiiK entirely <liff«rent.

Fabric^ideKinn-, HtylinK.

tailoriag—ail up to tbe

tlO to I2S.


4 Co.

0AY9Vtr }. X Hr


HIh Nora Btmsoo i« oo the sick liit.

Mn. Joka luvarl liat ntoratd to barhomt

•t Pari». after a two wtaki'ttiv *itk ralatirM

at this place.

Hit* tlu7 £tta HamiDg gave • party Wed-

aadajr aigkb flararal attended aad all ro-

portal ateatlaa.

Mr. Klbcrt Hen»on it i sinter. Miss P'.'«je,

iaited Mr. U. R. Tboui|>^uD and wife of Mt.


Several from thin plac'' Ttti-n li' 1 the speak-

ta( at ttbe Fraaklia sob<><)llioude Thursday

iMln ky tka Boa. Hr. Keboo.

Ilr. Samael Cooper of SarJia baa mored la

tka koose reoeally vacated by W. R. Uallikia.

«ko pvekaaad a farm ia tbe Sardiaeommnoity

Tka American Sociaty of Equity beld a rally

Wadaeaday nigbt at tbe Konoard Ball. Sav-

«ral tpeakors were pres>'nt f >.u other Lodgea,

aaaly: 'Squire Lake Dye jf Needmore, Mr.

Ptm. Stapkaaaoa of Marpkyirille, Mr. Ray of

4hrdia, aad all of tham ipoke ia favor of Mr.

Aaaklia for RepreeoBtativa. Ooe tpeaker

dakied that he would bare a m.ij trity of fit-

hundred o:ght riders io tbe couDtv.

Katkoriae Coadlt is ill at bar home at

fHtb aa attack of laryngitis. ,

Catutrophes (>acb ae thofe at Collinwood,

4lkio, are poaaibi* in o«arly every city and vil-

laga ia tka Uaii«d States, according to Ricb-

ard L. Honpbrey. eoKineer in ebargaof the

atmcturdi roatertal,< unl laboratories of the

GoTernmeot. Uo decUres that it ia providen-

tial tbat mora of tksaa koloeaaata kava aot



of Msyaville Cltisaiu HaveIt.


Tb« Mod«m Btrangth OMaMr«ad BMjr BttlMw.

Maay poopla rf(kt bars la tkki vielaHy are all

run-do«a and hardly able to drag abnat—doa't

know what aila them.

la aiaoty Dlna caaea out of a hundred this is

eaasad by ovtrwurk, too alosa soalM«aat or

eoa'tiaosd strata aa4 worry

Uur local draggist, Jobs C. Paeor, tays:

"Such people need Vinol, our coil liver prepara-

tion witboat oil, wbiob oontaios ia a highly ooa-

coBtrata4 for* all of tka aadMaal ud alraiclk-

craatlag sIsBtala of cod liver oil aotaallytaksB

from fresh ooda* Uvar*. bat from whick Ika aae*

iea« oil bat kaaa allaiMlad u4 iMta ifoa


Vlaol earat eoadltkna Iflto tbis boeaaea to a

natural manner it iDorense," the appi-fite. tones

up tlie digestive orKsnii, oiakea rich, red blood,

iin I utrengtboaa ovary orgaa la the body.

Wo aak avary aaa. womb aad child ia tbia

vietoity wko it nia dMni, tirsd aad dstUltatad

to try Vtaiol oi aw afar la rstira moMf II It


John C. Pbcur, Druggist, Maysvilla, Ky.

Mr. Claada Q. Tollo, toriMrly of tkh

BOW loektad at daralaad, Okio.

Au.;ii-t \V. \lu(•hl^^the former official of tbe

Fodtutlice Ueparimeot at VVaahinKton, whn hat

aorvad a tara of soveral years in the Weat

Virgiaia PenitoBtiary at HoMdivilla» waa ra*

leased Friday.


Goes the Stella Moren tnd Tbrta

LIvM Are Loet

I'lTTSiii Kcii. V\ .March "th.—Three lives

were lost tooiKbt wheo the towboat Stella

MorsD, wltb two flata of coal, waat ovar Dam

No. 2 oa the Monoogahala river at Port Perry,

Pa., aad aank ia twoaly faat of water.


Joka Oei. aagiaaar.

Charle.' Lorain, derk-bakd.

John Buib, fireman.

Tha Moraa waa about to aatar tka look wkaa

the atroag earrent, due to the high water,

swung It aroond anr) hffor.' it cniM be con-

trolled tho vassal and tl:it« wera swept over tbe

dam aad conplotaly wrackad.

ff yoa iwCor from backaeka,

There is only one way to cure it.

Tbe perfect way in tu cure tbe kidneys.

A bad back meant i>ick kidneys.

Vailaat it, uriaary trooblaa follow.

Batifli Kidasy Pilla aro aada for kldaaya


Jaaaa Wells, living on Proat straot, Vance

fearg. Ky . says: ^"About one moath before I began using

Ooaa's Kidney Pill* ay back begin to ache and

ala and caaaed me a great deal of annoyance.|

I knew tbat if tbe trouble wa« not era licatMil it

ight prove fatal. Often whan 1 came bomsat night and waat to bed tka trouble wu so se-

vars tbat I bad to cnntiooally change my poai-

tioB, and during tbe day I ba t to pag« the se-

crationa every|ittle while. A frl'<nil advised* matotry Ooaa'sKidaey Piliis 1 procure ! them

aad the axe of one box ttntireiy cured me. I

Aave hail 11 ) aymptom of kiilney tr jublx .lioce

«ad give tbe credit to Doan'a Kidney Pills"

Plaaty mm* proof Uka lUa fNa Miynilla

yaspla. Call at J. Jaa. Wood * Sob's Drag«

alara aad sak^rhat tbair costomera report.

for data by all dsalers. Price 50 ceiits.

fastarMilbara Co., Baffalo. Now York, aolo

agaata for>«ka Uaitad SUtas.

Bsfktr tka »UM Pom's—aad take lo


Oaga aarka 48.5 aad rialag.

« • #The Ubiu haa behaved very well so far this

wlatar and spring. No Ions from lea aad ooa-

parativaly littlo froa kigb waUr.

« • •\ few day.4 ai;o the Pteamer Courier made

the run from the Ripley wharfboat to tha

lower grada, Abardaaa, ia Jial oaa kaw aad

llva aiaataa.• • •

The I'oal rity, with fourteen boata and

eight barges, and the Henry Lonrey, with four.

teaa koata, two modal barges aad oaa fftlgkt

bargo. ara oa tkair way dowa tka rivar.

• •

Tbo Oraoawaod ia aow la eoaaaad of Ca^tain Roy Hutchiaon, and the oiBoa ia ebarga

of Henry Halloway. Captain Hutobiaoa ia

fror:i Cntlettsburk-. and has been naaiag oa

boau plyiog tbe Big Saady rivar.

• t»

l^olonel R. H. Bolster of the Geological

.Survey, Washington, D. C, ia ia PitUbargh

aocuring data and Inforaatloa abiot tha oat«

put of the Twi-r* at tbat point. Tbe geologi-

cal Sorvey i» en<luavuring to work out a ficheme

of resarvoira to hold book tha floods, and Mr.

Boiator ia oaa of tkoaa at work oa tka propo-

sition.«> ie *

Nicb^laa Sootbera, who has been employed

aa a ^llaetor na the ferryboat plying between

Huntington anii Rockwood, 0., has bean noti-

fied that ho h 1.4 fallen heir to lands in the

South tbrout(h an autecedeot who married the

daogbtar of a Cbarokaa Indian obiaftaia, whick

amooBt to several mlllioa dollars. All of tka

membera of the Soutbara twtiUf ia KaatMkyaro aaid to be heira.

#i|^Bawaaa, Ptra lasaraaea. 'Pkoaa 480.

Mfs. S. Jewell Rloa woa tka ladyk Irrt prlaa,

a ^dnai<r kaad |aHt»<l fim, at a tard

KrtraiMMtad ky ir. Hfi. I. B. Kt«-

nedy at


at Ottlatiiketg % ftw dtyt

The liepblican Committee of thx Seventh

Appellate Distsict will meet at Mt Sterling

Marcb ITU aad doelara Jadgo E. C. O'Baar tka

Repabltoai aotitoaa, ae otkar ttdtdata kaviag

A disastrous wreck on the Southi'rn Railway,

aaar Paria, was prevented by »ch^>i\ boys who

draggad awty a laiga pola. which had been

blowa atroia tka traak tkortly kafora tka ax-

WiaaniaAfft. Maiok t, ilM.

oama.aaodta akatasaklypsit.. .M.iJt.««bil

Baiabat staaia, good to


Oommoa te (air,


Ooaam to (all.


Oooimou to tall,





Oeaaea aad large

4.aoeft tu





t.aUtt4 16



t.oaftT to

Seleolo'i. lu'diuiu ii'^i! beavy.._.St MA.Ooodtoobnioe packer*

Mtied paokers -

ttaga..M..M«.M.M ....MM.M..MM. 4..MM

OommoD t^oBoloe heavy aowi.,

litRht iblppers.

PiKi—llOfeaaad lets.


Qooi^ u> otiotoc

UommoD u> i,,,.,,

4.7U04 86


8W04 8t


3.7»^ 46

15 -'.^6.7^

-.i .Mldi 66



Btta Ugbt fatbalahan „

Oood t« ekoleahaavy...MOoaaoBto falr....^...^


, 0.i)UO8.VU

. 4.7»Ot-»

VLOUB.Wlaterpalaal ..





KtOWfVStfCbeaaaoaaMaoaMoaao ooaaaa

•prlag »a>aat...»..,..,...—.




kye,Nottbwoa«n«>ya,attf.„» „


Praaaea^b]rstaok,teaBdlea. It

Held stoofc.iosaog..,.. It .......


tpnagonHaas...._ ,



Spdag tnrkaya ........m.m.m.


Mo. I red, Den and old ....

No. t r«d wiDter

Mo. « lad * rMi................

Mo. I whtu......_,

No, I wbtte atsed,

No. S white

No. t yellow ,

No. S yi ilow..._,

No. i moed ......

No. S mtzsuWhit* ear,



9 ^^eee*

a •..AtMO.~.10 «...,


, 080 M>

WO tt

..MM ttO 90

..... fli oe....

!J> 066HMHO65HS6C66He66 '

(6 06761 06Stt

Vo. a whlia, Mw.Mclwhlto..^.iro.«whMa.M«..„.


tlM«....,11 «....

tt ail> JttlM


rhrtw«Hnnr.thy n. i.ii."''^"0

No 1 timothy M.(l(lOU.3.s

No itimotb; i2 fv(iois ~^

No.Stlmotby . II.00911.16

Mo. I elovermUed..>~..>...._ 13.&0O.

Me. I otaveralsad................ IS MO-Me. I olovar..._..«....«..,»^ is.soo- .


statb or Ono, Om of ToLaso, 1

Looaa OonreT. 1"'

Frank J. Obeaay aakaa oath that ha Is aenlor

partner of the flra of f. J, Ohehey * Co., doing

boslaesi tn the city of Toledo, county and (teta

aforesaid, and ihstsald firm will pay the sum ol

ONE HUNOKEU UOI.LARS for phcIi and every

oaie of Catarrh that cannot lie cured l.y tht* uaeof

Hall'rCatarrh Cure. KKANK J. CIIK.NKY.Sworn to tv'fore me and nubscrllipd In ni> pre

aanoethlstthday of Deoember, A . U . 1880

(laaL.) A. W. Gleason.Notary Pulillo.

Hall'i Catarrh Cure Is taken Intarnally and aot«

directly on the blood aad mucout lurfarei of the

syslsa. Send for leatlmon iaU frre.

V. .1. (•HENJ':Y .t (JU., Toledo, O.

Sulil liy nil l)riikr);>'«'!>. ^HTake Uall't Kamtlt Pills for oonallpatloa.



THE LEAD!You will muke a miHtakt} it' you do

not have your noir spring salt fitted

over a Corset of this make.All the new styles jnst in, .'iiid you

will lie delighted witli tlu; lit and wear.


lalBHWiee Corset Cs. tela Makora AS THE ROSE.


ROBERT L HOEFLICH, 'Warkel Street.

iM4«a' ITwISlMf flaom.Photf 174.


Our Prloes are the Ohea|>eat In City.

AilSoii SMreat, Waw aeeeiMt, dfayaWfl^. Kf/.

"Lives oFamKMTRotim vmr

The itury uf how Marshall Fieldania«Hi>d ht« tcri'nt fortuaa may bo toM Ida r»w wtirdi. ii« had semstataf to aeiiand advurtlied tt.

.4<lwr(«emenl* mvMf DWl AsmNM IHMfyymtoit MoM^.but wliMTMaer* MHM< j

lir AfcTliD-MANAORR-ror new braaeh ofVV 'Mirtinilnemin Mavivllle Write ri fi r. nr..i. TIIK M»)RUIS \VH(Jl<IC8A[<RiKirsiv I'lm-liiiiHil. Ohio. inar7lt

WANTKIi <;()<»K-At White lUII. Seoond•trci iimrXlw

WANTHI) - Hiiy to drivfl urnccry wagon. Ap-ply at SOI Eautr •

': Fourth itrpft.

xpOR RBMT^aot»a-4 MOM. taast avaaaa,f near Oommerse. Applyal MalaaaaFlChlaa Sten.

For *tak,Advrriurmrn/i findrr fAti /l^nrlina, nnt'eireMHM^

<in«i. 10 rf 'Ut rarh inturtimu, or to rmtt a wwiS

I^'^i'l! s\I,K f'l ANO -Call at 38 Wrsl Fourth•.ii'-.'t iDAriSt

IjliiK SAM". .srAM,l(l>' -No. I hrreillniidrartS. stitllli'ii. sound nnn n ifiKHl oni*; will iiell

ohnap or irHclr for Hny kind of atoo.k, Addreti U,W. UA VIS. Box 81. Mt. t'ajinel. Kv. mart Iw .

"ClOR BALR-HOTTSR-One and M storteat tF rooinn; gnoil oiiihulldlnitt: room for hone»nd iMtrrlm^e. Will m il I'hcap. Appiv to Sher-ninri llowM. (•oriiiT ( i-nii r ulri'i't iitui Koreat ave-iiiM'. siMli Witrcl. niMkr AiuRrlcan Tobaeoo Ware-iinuHc. marl Iw



Of Fine Clothing18 NOW ON.

. OC Per Cent, or 14 Qff.

LO Cash Onlyo


J, Wesley LEE, ^"^Sthes man

Second and Market Streets.

.iitverfimmenti under Mil itrndttiy ttiMriea /rea,^ il advtrlii^rt moat /tamteA tSt etpy

LOS'l - llorM) lllaokaad white spotted, withnhorl till, ni'nr Ornnenbiirir. ft M. WAL-

M^OI'OUIi. SiMli Wnnl, ^ timrTlw^

LOST I.OI.DIIAI'I'IN With lur'iunini. htoiii'i.

ri' iiiii' F"' urn t M -jiH ( 'iMirl htri'i'i mill l"'' re-

vmril. iiiHr? Iw

1(»ST I MI!l;i:i,l,A cliilirMhlui'iiliy.lintm'eni I' 1", I'urk. r r. »i li nr- and th« .SkatlDR

Rink Wttdlitttday. , rii>aie reiurD to The Ledgerotioe aad ohiliie. ' mar*l# •

rOST-KKYS—Two door keys Satiirdny mora.J nn: 1 11 ^tri'i'is of I'liv. Return to L ilfrrof-

II.-... l.isl I'll ItKOSMKK. iiiar« lw_

1<)-< l I.S i:cil.ASSKS In c»»i.. ti'iirliiK naineJ ( liri-li iii S. Miiii... I..'nv.'i'n Mi ...siniii' IHi-

\\ li-lin L- 1. 1, ! 1 ihI T I ,. iiM' |. ;iv.' atIII iiiftr4 I v»

IosT sriTCAHR—Pastsboaid, with -ttiswl.

J Dirnp liikiidle, oootalatnir waarUiK it|ipiirel;

Miincli', Ind . cloHi nK flrm'i nam" on shiiih; Iwtwfi'ti »'. mid <). SiK'I'in »iid wliarf l>ofti. K.'turnto Ml<H CAiilUK (J IIILli, Atxtrdfrn. O . Hiid re-

cclvi' rt'WHril m«r4 Iw

IU8T-1IGLT ULUKLE-Uoid, at frluceiaJ Blak leas riada

onioe, MM.a.ll;MBlfBB.'lader pleaae leave at this

mars Iw

LOST-BELT PIN-Silvpr, between MaikotHtreet and C and O Di'pnt on Seooad or

'I'lilril B'rfetn Return to Ruins Itros.' war-'hoiite.

IOST CIKK ItlTTON Willi Miisonlo em-i lili'iii III! It. Ui'iiiru to thla ofl1c«. Aaroa


LOST—Betweea C. and O Depot and Baya'Itroeery. fot for tall. I.llx-rai reward If re-

turnnd to I,ld» M. Walker, KIH Kmt Kourth atreet.

LOST-^L.AS.SR.S—Uold rlmmed noae glaaaea,oa weat taaoad atiaet, aear J W.JiebeM's

tfeosry. Water plaaaa ratara to tola

.OST-FCR OLOVB-Uitt head, oa Oenaaa.s towB pike. Return to UoaibUa's suble.

Found.AdvtTUttmmtt uiMler IhU heoMrgM advfrtittri mwal fumith fAe ee)>y,

li"^()rNI)—rA('KAGE-l)f Dryfteodaon Mt.Oar-I? iii.'l |iikc Kitidi-r citii k**' aame from WU-

I mill UvHii. I''.>rt'st uveiiiip.

LnuL'.ND-iiUNCH KEYt-Call at thu uflloa.

Tha Woodford Coaoty Grand Jary eooBseled

all aMnak to aaa taapefata apoaek aa tka to-

Tobacco Notes


LniNOiON, Kr., Varok 7tk—Stapkaa Stroaa

Had tAt bora today agaiaat Scott * Ma>

Kenns an.l th« Fayette Coanty Board of Control

allagiag Ibal be osros half tobacco crop pooled

witk tka Board aT Coatrol by SaoMk lIoCoBBa

withoot bla aeaaaat aad tbat he has not beea

sble to saoora aioaey rlgbtfully hia. Tbis is

tbu first a jit filed in tbe state by a grower

aitaioat tbo pool.

IV. F. POWERMfftl M|f£ VOV

Kentucky, 9 f l# WK,


'm •Mm iia.


KNIOHTH or HT lollN l lUKTa.

R«fiular rai'ctln)! iliik cvi iiiiiit «t 7:lti

All membeta requcated to he preaent.

L. Ci.Aas< PisBldsat.

PATKioTie oMsaa aoaa or 4Haai«A.

aflnlbraaetlagof WaahlDfton Oaaplfo.t ata, A E. BaiUtT:IOo'clookthUaveBtBC.

JoHM A. MiToiBU, PresUeat.


riKllitll KM AMl-MKNT.

Piaijah KiK-ampiii.-iit No. », I. <).(). K., will meetat 7:UI tliin I'vciiliii;. \ isitlni; PatrlaToba OOT-

diall) iiivH. il. .Ikutn BAIHa, 0. PJohn W. Tliompaoii, horll.'V.


l>n they Hay that ahout fomf Don'tm*tter bow h«ndaoiue yoB are, bowatadlona. bow titleotadt don't ntntttr

I m pantole, yo«*T« cot to


DRESS WfUTo win public a|>|ii-o\al. That'H raatlydone ir yoar clotbea are OretKbbaamtailorrd.Mtd It** MMllirdeMM • MOt*er«te prtoe.

OVERCOAT $18 Up IBvviiriblnc exolaatve but tbe prioa.

OlaMilaiK ana pvaaatac.


Makar o( the Kind of ClotlieaOantlawan Wear, o B. Maaoad.


Ntittt'd ini'etlnK of Mayivilla Lodge Mo>lt. F.and A. M.. tonlRht at 7:80 at MaSOalB TsaplS.Vimtlnt; llrothcrt liivlti>d. >i

ALLsalKObiailw. M.tiordon Sulaer, Seoretarv.

Sterling Silver Tableware

90o an OunoOsWe bave too many Teas. Deaaerta an.

Table 8poona •nil Korka in tbe iisbliiitHlluni and heavy weiKhta, tbat w ,

re Kolntf to uloiie out at thn very lu«prioe of (K>c Mil oiiiK-e. thelowfHi prlothat Htrrliiii; Nllv<-r whh t'vpr aold. TeiHiMtona y^..^.*^ u hci ami up, Blnioat ai

obeap aa you can puy plated ware.Obme in and aee |tbeae rare barKaino.



Are here. When you are ready please call and see them. We have somespecials in Ladies' Oxfords, in Patent Leather, Vici and Tan, for earlyspring at midsummer prices. Two prices, many styles of each, at $1.49and $1.99. Men's Patent Leather Shoes at Bluchers. Priced in two lotsat $le49 and $2e49 each.



mm <

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