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How I Increase Domain Authority?

Domain authority is a measure of the strength of a domain name. It is simply a score (on a 100 point scale) which suggests how good a website will rank on search engines. DA comes from the company Moz, an online social metrics monitoring company. It is based on three factors: popularity; age; and size of the domain. If you are interested to buy new domain name then you must visit on my post how to select domain name for successful online business.

What is Domain Authority?

DA (Domain Authority) is a Moz’s calculated metric system which finds out how well a given domain is probable to rank in Google’s and other search engine’s results. It is mostly based on off data derived from the Mozscape web index and consists of Mozranks, MozTrust scores, link counts, linking roots, total backlinkprofile, and a dozen of factors. It makes use of machine learning model to find an algorithm that perfectly correlates with the rankings against thousands of other search results that it predicts against. Read More :- How to create a blog

What is the importance of Domain Authority?

With Google’s recent announcement of punishing quick-fire guest posts in the forthcoming algorithm updates, it has become difficult for content developers to rank higher with moderate content. Page Authority and Domain Authority must be used. Read More – Guest Blogging Sites 2016

What is Domain Authority vs Page Authority

Domain Authority gives one the ranking of the domain as a whole in comparison to other site; while Page Authority is the result of that of a single webpage under consideration. Also, PA changes across sub-domains of the very same base domain while DA is constant across the entire website.

How to increase Domain Authority of your blog

Read More – Link Building Tools

Page 2: How i increase domain authority

Days to expiry of Domain name It is not a very strong factor, but it is a deciding factor in the establishment of a good domain. It would cost a few bucks more, but will eventually help in the long run.

Get more links to your site This is the most favorable factor in a good DA. Aim to earning as many backlinks as you can, but make sufficient surety that they are form quality sites.

Diversify your links Instead of getting thousands of links from a few sites, try to get quality links from variable sources. This consists of links from various domain-extensions, geo-locations, and not interconnected sources.

Internal link structure This is an easily controllable and important factor. Make sure each of your post is linked to 2-4 other posts on your blog. Also, o publishing new blogs, link them with the older ones.

Remove bad links

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One should always keep an eye out for bad links pointing to your site. Use Google Disavow to ignore or otherwise remove those bad links pointing to your site.

Become an authoritative source in your niche Quality weighs more than quantity when it comes to articles. Publishing 4-6 high quality articles is more suggestive than 8-10 posts of mediocre content. Become a news breaker and ensure that the readers trust every page of your site.

Your website should be search engine optimized, as it controls and regulates things like where the link juice passes, how user-centric your navigation and content are, and how easy it is for search engine bots to go into your site. Also, your site must load faster.

Social media optimization Social media plays a crucial role in ranking your content on the Google search engine algorithm of ranking. Present your major blogs and posts on all social media platforms. Also try to make your readers share the content as it increases indexing.

Provide marketing to your content More will be the number of viewers n your site, more will it help you reach potential customers.

Make a clear link profile Forbid from corrupt SEO activities like site wide link ads, purchasing links, or linking from mediocre sites and do not go against the standards.

Make your site User-friendly Each and every aforementioned aspect for a good DA is worthless without the readers. If you want your site to be a hit, make your readers in love with it. Search options, quick access, increasing white space are some ways.

Patience is the key

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Domains don’t becomes successful in a fortnight. One needs to age them. It requires skillful patient work over a long period of time to attain a successful domain.

How to check Domain Authority The first out of the many checkers available online is the official “Moz open site explorer”. Here, you type in your sub-domain or domain address, and it will show the latest DA score. Mozbar extension can be used if you are using the Chrome or Firefox browser. A domain score above 50 is considered to be good enough. The result being logarithmic, it is easier to go from 20 to 30 than it is to go from 80 to 90.

Domain Authority Tools

If you haven’t focused on your site’s domain authority score, now is the time for you to use the checkers and find your DA result. If low, start working on the tips to get a great score.

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