Page 1: How do you learn best

How Do You Learn Best?*

NAME: Francheska David

Auditory. Describe a recent class situation in which you understood the material by hearing an explanation. You really got it! Rate how often this happens on a scale of 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Explain why you think you got it or why you think you did not get it.

Answer: last Monday my writing professor was explaining about how to find the main idea in a passage and how to find the topic. I was amused because I knew and understood what she was talking about there for I was always raising my hand and answering all her question with my greatest answer.

Visual. Describe a recent class situation in which you understood the material by seeing the explanation. Maybe the instructor used pictures or a model. Whatever she used, you really got it! Rate how often this happens on a scale of 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Explain why you think you got it or why you think you did not get it.

Answer: this class strategies for success teaches you how to manage your time and I always study from the power points that Ms. Mazzochi puts up for us to read and do our homework’s. That is a great advantage that not all teachers give to all students some of them will make us read it from the book.

Kinesthetic. Describe a recent class situation in which you understood the material by physically doing something. Maybe it was a science lab or maybe you constructed a model. Whatever happened, you really got it! Rate how often this happens on a scale of 1 (almost never) to 5 (almost always). Explain why you think you got it or why you think you did not get it.

Answer: during my last days of high school in my anatomy and physiology class my teacher made us dissect a pig. That experience made me realize that I was not born to be a surge, I wasn’t able to neither cut the fetus nor touch it. Experiences like this one always help me in the path of my career so I could pick and choose what’s best for me.

Environment. Describe the environment (climate, lighting, ventilation, sound) that helps you to learn the best.

Answer: i love chilly weather so when it comes to studying I always go to a quiet, chilly place that I can tolerate and be comfortable at. I like hearing music while studying but I keep it the music to myself and I always tend to be alone while studying or doing homework I don’t like to be interrupt.

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