


HOTLINEIssue 03 • March 2018

A Gates of Destiny Media Publication

G .O . D Youth









more inside. . .

Also Inside:Word of the Season Prayer PointsPartnershipPrayer Academy






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04 Supernatural Breakthrough The Platform for Divine Encounter 09 Accessing Your Prosperity Kingdom Keys Revealed

11 Youth On fire Keeping It “100” for Jesus Christ


10 The Senior Midwife foundation Birthing and Nuturing Destinies 22 DMCC “A Church On fire” Something For Everyone

16 Partner And Prosper Partnership, A Key to Success

18 Power in Your Mouth! Prophetic Declarations

12 THE PUSH of MARCH 2018


14 GOD HEALS CANCER! Documented Proof!

15 Delivered from Drug Abuse Alcohol Addiction and Gang Life

15 Restored Relationships God Heals Broken Families


24 Prayer Mountain Maternity Ward for Destiny

13 DMCC Bible School Study to Show Thyself Approved

25 Prayer Academy Raising Prayer Eagles!

25 Gates of Destiny Bookshop Anointed Materials for Breakthrough.

Editor In Chief Pastor Esther Kamba Associate EditorThandi Mazibuko

Contributing WritersAstrid GamboolNthabisengKediboneThandaCarol

Creative DirectorGideon Vilakazi

Graphic ArtistsBenny MalobaThami SamenteTumelo

DistributionGates of Destiny Multimedia

Printed BySisonke Print Group


Who is Apostle Paul Kamba?

Apostle Paul Kamba was born on 20/08/1977 in Mbale Uganda. He

is known as the fasting pastor, also referred to as (Yours Faithfully).

He has been married to Pastor Esther Kamba for 14 years since 4th

April 2004. He fathers four children Charissa, Debra, Gabriel, and Favor


Academics Achievement

Honors degree in Arts from Makarere University. Certificate in theology

from Word of Faith Covenant University. He has served and was mentored

by Apostle Martin Ssuna of World Harvest International Church-Nairobi

Kenya. Apostle Paul has travelled in many countries around the world

conducting prayer revivals, miracle Healing Campaigns and teaching in


He has written Four books; The Power Of PUSH, Glory Dimension,

Birthing Your Destiny and Prayer Arrows. These are powerful weapons

that are linked to Destiny and Prayer which people have testified to.

The secret of the great commission has been prayer, now having the

‘Prayer Chamber’ at the Headquarters of the ministry at No 70-72 Van

Riebeeck Avenue & Hendrik Potgieter Street Edenvale, Johannesburg.

There is 24 Hours prayer chain where the departmental leaders take

hourly rounds to keep the fire burning on the Altar. All our ministry

partners, members, PUSH participants are brought before the LORD



God spoke to Apostle Paul about the P.U.S.H. program which is a

prophetic platform to fulfill the Midwives mandate from God. This

commission was delivered to the Senior Midwife, Apostle Paul Kamba,

in 2008 over a long period of fasting and prayer-for 38 days. The LORD,

in a vision, instructed His servant to ‘GO DELIVER THE DESTINY OF HIS

PEOPLE’, and since then the Midwives Ministry started. In 2013, the

LORD spoke again over the P.U.S.H mandate, as an interdenominational

platform for the body of Christ to engage in prayer and fasting every

first three days of the month. The results authenticate the mandate;

people from across the globe and diverse denominations participate

in this monthly call.



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Welcome in the Push of March, the PUSH of Breakthrough. Micah 2:13 the one who

breaks open will come up before them, they will break out. Pass through the gate and

go out by it, their king will pass before them with the LORD at their head.

Every time God gives you a word it’s a promise and God doesn’t keep promises but

Covenant. It is your responsibility to go back in the scriptures and find out what to do

with the word and commit to the requirement. When you know what to do and commit,

it upgrades a promise to a covenant. When it is a covenant it commits God’s integrity to

make good his word upon your life. Breakthrough has requirement/conditions.

There is a natural breakthrough and supernatural breakthrough. There is a natural way of

restoring somebody’s life and there is a supernatural way. As a believer there are things

that you will never achieve naturally. In this PUSH we are looking on to supernatural


MARCH 2018




“the one who breaks open will come up before them, they will break out. Pass through the gate and go out by it, their king will pass before them with the LORD at their head.“ Micah 2:13By Apostle Paul Kamba


ways. As the body of Christ we are

begotten in the Kingdom of Supernatural

breakthroughs. Supernatural are things

that are beyond natural. There are keys

that lead you to supernatural doors of

breakthroughs. Matthew 16:19 I will give

you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven.

The supernatural has the keys and

if you don’t have them you remain a

victim in life. There are commanders of

the supernatural and the victim of the

supernatural. These keys are the ways

of God. Psalm 103:7 He made know His

ways unto Moses and His acts to the

children of Israel. The ways of God leads

you to the acts of God. And the acts of

God are supernatural.

The first key to supernatural

breakthrough is Prophetic verdict. It is

a non-negotiable key to supernatural

breakthrough. Prophetic verdicts are

divine opportunities for supernatural


2 Chronicles 20:14-17 the prophet was

speaking under the influence of the Holy

Spirit. When prophecy comes you must

direct your spirit to it for God to confirm

the word of his servant Isaiah 44:26.

Johashaphat did something in response

to the word of God in 2 Chronicles 20:18.

They had confidence in the word of God

that came through the prophet.

We are looking at few of the keys but

they are many, you can’t exhaust them.

Thanksgiving is one of the keys we are

looking at. John 6:1-14.That was one of

the events that happened supernaturally.

Under natural senses it was impossible

to feed five thousand people with five

loaves and two fish. In verse 6 Jesus

knew what to do. As a believer knowing

what to do is the most striking thing in

life. If you know what to do panic disap-

pears, not knowing what to do stress

is guaranteed. In verse 10 Jesus lifted

what was not enough for the people

and gave thanks and a supernatural

breakthrough followed, they were all

fed and had 12 baskets of left overs. So

thanksgiving is a key to supernatural

breakthrough. Thanksgiving is a spiritual

platform upon which the supernatural

is activated. Thanksgiving is an attitude

of faith to God. Complaining makes situ-

ations worse. By murmuring in any cir-

cumstances you cut off the flow of God’s

doing in your life.

Thanksgiving is a sacrifice-an attitude of

a heart. Psalm 116:17 I will offer to you

the sacrifice of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a key to supernatural

breakthrough.It is a spiritual

platform upon which the supernatural is.


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Leviticus 22:29 When you offer a sacrifice

of thanksgiving, offer it of your own free

will. David said in 2 Samuel 24:24 I will

not offer to God something that costs

me nothing. A sacrifice can stop calamity

upon your life depending on what that

sacrifice means to you. When it costs

you nothing it doesn’t move heaven.

Wherever you see the supernatural there

is a sacrifice.

Jonah 2:9 But I will offer to you with

the voice of thanksgiving; the talk of

the commanders of the supernatural is

thanksgiving instead of complaining.

Jesus refused to settle for less. Anyone

who doesn’t have the key of thanksgiving

will gravitate to natural feelings.

The key of Favor leads to supernatural

breakthroughs. Psalm 44:1-3 we have

heard with our ears, O God, Our fathers

have told us, the deeds you did in their

days, in days of old: You drove out the

nations with your hand, but them you

planted; you afflicted the peoples, and

cast them out. For they did not gain pos-

session of the land by their own sword,

nor did their own arm save them; but it

was your right hand, your arm, and the

light of your countenance, because you

favored them.

The key word in that chapter is because

he favored them. David discovered that

our ancestors by grace through faith got

supernatural exchange/replacement by

the ticket called favor. That’s why he was

calling is Psalm 106:4 Remember me O

LORD with the favor you have toward

your people. God has favor for his people.

Not every human being is his people; His

people are a covenant people. There is

a favor that is specific, that favor is for

God’s people. As a believer it is not how

you are appear but it is favor. When God

favors you, you live beyond natural.

The key of Giving. Mark 10:17-21 Then

Jesus looking at him, loved him and said

one thing you lack go your way sell what-

ever you have and give.

Ephesians 4:28 Let him who stole steal

no longer but rather let him labor, work-

ing with his hands what is good that he

may have something to give. Giving is the

key to supernatural breakthrough. Why

you must stop stealing but work which

is good by your hands to have something

to give?

Because Luke 6:38 says give and it will

be given to you a good measure, pressed

down, shaken together and running over

will be put into your bosom. As a believer

your life must not be defined by your pay

check but by the blessing. You work to

have a seed. You get there by giving, you

keep there by giving, and you grow there

by giving. Financial empowerment is

not an achievement but an entrustment.

Giving is not because you are rich. Giving

is an attitude. Giving is a requirement for

every believer.

David discovered that our ancestors by grace through faith

got supernatural exchange/

replacement by the ticket called favor.






ates of Destiny Radio

Station has been on air for

about a year now and it’s

still growing strong by the

grace of God. G-O-D Radio is a Christian

online radio station that is power packed

with great gospel music, live shows,

interviews, sermons and prayer. G.O.D

Radio is home to Revelation and Power, Healing and Deliverance & Signs and Wonders. Don’t miss out on prayers

times, testimonies, teachings and praise

& worship. You can also advertise your

events with us such as church gatherings,

concerts, prayer rallies, business, etc.


Tune into a great line-up of awesome GOD

shows every weekdays and weekends.

Weekly shows include: The GOD’s breakfast show with Lady Lu, Monday to

Friday, 07:00 am to 10:00 am, Living a balance Life with Esihle Siwela, Mondays,

02:00 pm to 05:00 pm, Reflection with

Tshepo Nakedi, Tuesday to Friday, 02:00

pm to 05:00 pm, The Identity Show with

Katlego and Ps Mulaudzi, Monday to Tues,

11:00 am to 01:00 pm, Shiloh with Astrid

Gambool, Wednesday to Thursday, 11:00

am to 01:00 pm as well as My Top 10 with Esihle Siwela, Fridays, 11:00 am to

01:00 pm.

ON WEEKENDS; My Story My Overflow

with Leah Khumalo, Saturdays, 09:00

am to 10:00 am, Motlatso – Fulfilment with Motlatso Seemola, Saturdays, 10:00

am to 11:00 am, The GOD411 Show with Katlego Ncwe and Oratile Joseph,

Saturdays, 11:00 am to 01:00 pm as

well as Afro Praise with Astrid Gambool,

Saturdays, 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm.

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our prosperity is in the

mouth of your prophets.

Those who truly hang

around prophets of God

don’t live in shame, poverty or reproach.

He said in Hosea 12:13 “ a prophet He

brought them out”

Consider the few cases below to prove

the above statement:

ABRAHAM - The scripture confirms that

Abraham was a prophet in Genesis 20:7

concerning Abimelech who had taken

Abraham’s wife; the LORD, God himself

appeared in Abimelech’s dream and told

him “Now therefore, restore the man’s

wife, for he is prophet”. Now Abraham

being a prophet, look at the prosperity

that Lot received due to hanging around

him, the Word of God says in Genesis

13:1-5, “then Abraham went up from

Egypt, he and his wife and all that he

had, and Lot with him, to the South.

Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver,

and in Gold. And he went on his journey

from the South as far as Bethel, to the

place where his tent had been at the

beginning, between Bethel and Ai, to the

place of the altar which he had made

there at first. And there Abram called

on the name of the LORD. Lot also, who

went with Abram, had flocks and herds

and tents. Lot’s secret of prosperity was

to be attached to the prophetic gift

upon Abraham. It still works today, it is

a divine secret and It’s a mystery. Many

believers, professionals, companies and

businesses that “GO WITH” the prophetic

gift in the Midwives Ministry encounter

supernatural open doors and strange

breakthroughs! You might as well partner

with us and enjoy the flow of prophetic

grace. If you decide to “GO WITH” us, get

our PARTNERSHIP FORM and fill it in.

When you return it to us you’ll receive

a PARTNERSHIP CARD from the Senior

Midwife. It is a prophetic mantle that

connects you up to the anointing of God.

MOSES - The Word of God clearly shows us

that Moses was a prophet in Luke 24:27.

Exodus 13:35 says that “the children of

Israel had done according to the

“Word of Moses” - the prophet and they

asked from the Egyptians articles of

silver, articles of gold and clothing; thus

they plundered the Egyptians”. Through

the prophetic grace the LORD speaks

a rhema to the prophets that in turn

when the people acknowledge and do

according to the “Word of the prophet”

the result is abundance, prosperity and

breakthroughs. It has been happening

several times to them who acknowledge

the prophetic gift here in the Midwives




...believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper.” 2Chronicles 20:20

Ministries; house bonds cancelled and

settled, tuition money miraculously

secured and strange business break-

throughs—You are next in line to testify.

JESUS - In Matthew 21:10-11 says “ And

when He had come into Jerusalem, all

the city was moved, saying “Who is this”

so the multitudes said “This is Jesus the

Prophet…” Seeing from scripture that

Jesus is a Prophet, He was and is an

agent of prosperity. Remember Peter was

failing in the fishing business, toiling all

night and catching nothing; then the pro-

phetic anointing on Jesus went to work

on his behalf.

In Luke 5:4 Jesus said, “Launch out in the

deep and let down your nets for a catch”.

At the end of the story Peter caught too

much that he extended the business to

others. The mystery with the prophetic

gift is that we receive directly from the

LORD, Rhema of what to do to get out

of the problem or to prosper. With these

mysteries surely I see you entering into

your financial Dominion!

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he senior Midwife

Foundation is a Christian

charity organisation

dedicated to providing a

platform for individuals to fulfil their

divine destinies by tackling poverty,

lack of resources and promoting skills

development and enhancement.

This was a vision by Apostle Paul Kamba

and Mother Esther Kamba, who continue

to meet people in hunger, in need

and lacking in resources to take them

forward. Having gone through the same

experience in the early years of ministry,

they understand what it means being in


Their life’s experience compelled them

and their team to start a charitable

organisation to educate the orphans and

provide accommodation to the homeless

as well as promote skills development

and enhancement of individuals for


The Senior Midwife Foundation is gearing

up for a busy 2018 with Programs ranging

from Youth Empowerment, Scholarships

to Outreaches that seek out true cases of

need that require God’s intervention of

Love and Care.

Pastor Esther Kamba is answering this

call to Charitable Action and is not

looking back but Trusting that The God

of Vision is also the God of Provision for

every Good work that is expected of Gods



TP.o Box 1416





Birthing And Nurturing Destinies.


JESUS The Youth ranging from 12 years of

age to 35 years are on fire for God.

The youth engage in a number of fun,

educational and spiritually uplifting

activities at DMCC. There is drama,

dance, music, outreaches and evangelical

campaigns all to the glory of God just to

mention a few.

Every Friday from 3pm-5pm, the youth

participate in various activities and are

taught the word of God by many of the

able Midwives and anointed care givers

at the church.

The Youth also meet every Saturday from

12pm-4pm during which they receive

advice, encouragement, mentorship and

motivation from Youth leaders and other

anointed counselors.

It as a mandate of DMCC that the

Youth On Fire maintain an invigorated,

refreshed and wholesome spiritual life.

As such the Leadership of the ministry

has committed itself to ensuring that

innovationativeness, skills and biblical

virtue is imparted to all the young people

that come through the church doors.

The Youth of D.M.C.C are always eager

and excited to share the gospel of Jesus

Christ that they have attained from God’s

word, Church leadership and Prayers

during every evangelical outreach.

If the Youth are the key to great

change and a better future, they need

to be guided, encouraged, advised and

natured in every aspect of life.

The Youth have pledged to keep the

fire burning and to let it spread to the

rest of theW world.

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USH is a unique three days empowerment program

that takes place at the start of every month

and It has been testified by believers across

denominations that there has never been an

empowerment platform which gathers believers from all walks

of life with a sole purpose of Praying and Fasting, that commands

such divine results and testimonies in our time. The PUSH PROGRAM is made up of 12 services designed by the Holy Spirit

to bring destinies that

are long overdue into



PUSH LAUNCH SERVICE: This is the service

that sets off the

PUSH, it is normally

held in the midnight

hour that breaks into

the 1st of every month usually from 23:30PM-02:00AM.

HOUR OF POWER: This is usually one hour of prayer that takes place from

10:00AM-11:00AM. Its designed as a prayer of agreement with

much focus on the prayer points in the Hotline.


This is one of its kind that happens between 13:00PM and 14:00PM everyday of the program. People take their lunch

breaks and they flood into the chambers to receive a touch of


HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE: This service is the “heart of the matter”, it’s the main gathering!

You don’t need to miss it for anything. This is when the only

meal “the blood and the flesh” which is

the only permitted

meal to be eaten

during this program.

It usually happens

between 18:00PM - 20:00PM


prophetic with

spiritual warfare

prayers, healing and

deliverance and

casting out demons and unclean spirits. It happens between

00:00AM - 02:00AM

IMPARTATION SERVICE: This happens on the 3rd day of the PUSH, during the 18:00PM

service whereby the Midwives transfer grace into the lives of the

congregants through laying on of hands.

Destiny Midwives Christian Centre bible school brings you an

opportunity to grow deeper into the knowledge of God. Register

now at the Ministry offices or call Pastor Goodwill, dean of Gates

of Destiny Ministries bible school on : 011 454 5341 OR email:

[email protected] for more info.

The first year students will cover a course of seven modules with

existing topics in this Year of “GREAT EXPLOITS” and Ministry

destinies will be birthed. The second year students are ready for

their next level of growth to unfold the scriptures and excel in

revelation knowledge. We value the Word of God in a great way.

The new students will serve in the ushering team or in other

departments as part of their practical experience. The motto

of the bible school is “Grow in God” (Gal 4:19). The courses are

accredited and the bible school material is of quality and high


P.U.S.H 20181ST- 3RD MARCH




The Word of the Season for the PUSH of March 2018 as Prophetically Decreed by Apostle Paul Kamba is ‘BREAKTHROUGH’

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y name is Mami Mosuki. In 2013 I was diagnosed

with cancer of the liver and theecologist gave

me two years to live.I started chemotherapy

from 2014 till 2016.Doctors said because the

lesionswere scattered on the upper and lower lobe of the liver

they had to do a transplant. The time I was diagnosed the

lesions were 7.1cm,then in August 2017 they were 3.1cm and

they had scattered again on the upper and lower lobe of the

liver.My uncle refused to sign the papers for the transplant but

my sister suggested we needed God’s interventionand I came to

PUSH of September 2017.I suffered abdominal pains and was

vomiting, from then I pushed every month and I kept on praying

to God for a testimony. When I went to hospital again the doctor

did a CT-Scan and the results came normal. The lesions had

shrienked and the liver enlarged. Glory to God!

<--- DOCUMENTED PROOF! We Serve An Awesome God!


And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testi-mony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Rev 12:11King James Version

The Healing Anointing on the Head of Apostle Paul Kamba continues to Flow to the Body as numerous Testimonies like these continue to be heard in every Chuch gathering.


y name is Themba Lukhele, mymom Pastor

Lukhele has been coming to push and through

her prayers I received deliverance from Drugs

and Alcohol Abuse. I was a Gangster and at

some stage I became mentally disturbed, and I ended up in Jail

for some years, God delivered and set me free, and I intend to

continue pushing until my life is fully restored….



y name is Wandile

Khambule; I am the Son

and the Servant in Praise

and Worship team. I am

coming from a family of musicians , we

write , produce and sing ,what has been a

challenge in my family is whenever one

of my family member goes to perform

a new song they die day before. Day

before my Concert I was on my way to

Braamfontein and while I wasparking my

car on the side of the road , a man just

appeared from nowhere and pointed a

gun on my head ,I closed my eyes and I

was begging for my life . Everything went

blank , all I can remember was seeing

Apostel Kamba praying for me and out

of nowhere the guy just told me I have

escaped then he said I can go… the

following day I was able to perform my

new Song and everything succefully went

well I thank God for the breakthrough in

my family.



y name is Astrid I am the

daughter in the house

of God, I thank God for

answering my prayers, I

have been trusting God to pay and cancel

my mortgage bond. After following

instructions from the man of God Apostle

Paul Kamba,I received a call from the

bank and to my surprise they told me that

they have cancelled my mortgage bond

as I no longer owe them anything, the

house is now mine and on top of it the

bank is going to refund me an amount of

R 11 000. Praise God!



y name is Lady Lu; I want to

thank God for reconciling

me with my father. My

Parents divorced when I

was 8years old and my dad completely

cut off all forms of communication.

My mom was an amazing single mom,

and raised us the best as she could. I

really hated my father and longed for a

relationship I never had. When I got saved

the Holy Spirit instructed me to mend my

relationship with my father. So I drove

to his house and waited for him to come

home. He kept on saying he doesn’t have

money; this disappointed me because

all I wanted was a father. So I continued

hating him, feeling rejected and angry

that he kept on saying he doesn`t have

money. I felt like a maintenance case. So I

continued serving God until God through

Apostle Paul Kamba preached on love

Force. The Holy Spirit started ministering

to me to forgive my father. He said we

should forgive and allow the love of God

to compel us to forgive and love. I cried

at the altar asking God to help me. After

a good cry, I needed to obey God. I didn`t

have my father`s number and it was a

mission for me to find it but I did. I called

him and spoke to him and forgave him.

For the first time in 36years I feel like

daddy`s girl. I feel loved and accepted

and it changed my life. Not only that I`m

free from hatred, our communication

lines are open. He tells me every day that

he loves me.

I want to thank God, for Apostle Paul

Kamba and his ability of teaching me the

mysteries of love.


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Gates of Destiny Ministries brings you a

rare privilege to partner with the work of

God. You can now unlock your finances

by becoming a daily, weekly or month-

ly partner. Partnership is a contractual

(agreement) relationship between two or

more persons who are working together

towards a common goal. Partnership is

not a casual relationship, it is a relation-

ship that requires consistent commit-

ment of a partner to meet the needs of

the people we are called to reach.

Partnership is not just a responsibility,

it comes with a reward. “Not because I

desire a gift: but I desire fruits that may

abound to your account” (Philippians 4:17).

As a faithful covenant partner, you com-

mit to a monthly gift of support (finan-

cially) to help us in the Mission and

Vision God has given unto us. We also ask

our partners to stand by us in prayer on

a regular basis, as we fulfil the vision of

DMCC Ministries.





With Your “Moses” On the Mountain, you will Prevail.





ACC NUMBER: 62623277309



—GOD, in this PUSH program, I have confidence that if I ask

anything in your name, according to your will and in agreement

with your plan that you shall answer me in Jesus’ name. (1 John


—FATHER, through this prayer and fasting I pray that your grace,

favour, and peace be multiplied to me in the full, personal, precise,

and correct knowledge of Jesus my Lord. (2 Peter 1:2) in Jesus’ name

—As I pray now, thank you for the answers to my prayers and

solutions to all my problems in Jesus’ name.

—LORD, as I pray strengthen me to pray to the point of my

breakthroughs and let all the desires of my heart be granted in

Jesus’ name.

—LORD, in this prayer program, let all the desires, plans

and expectation of the enemy be paralysed in Jesus’ name.

—LORD, as it is written, “seek and you will find, ask and it shall

be given, knock and it shall be opened”, Lord as I seek you in this

PUSH let me find my (Healing, breakthrough, promotion etc.) in

Jesus’ name.



Oh, God, How terrible art thou in thy

works! Lord, through the greatness

of thy power let all the enemies of

my career submit themselves

before me in Jesus’ name. Ps 66:3 


Holy Spirit, set me on Fire for God.

Lord, anoint me to pull down negative

strongholds standing against

my career, in the name of Jesus. 4.

I arise out of darkness into light, out

of weakness into strength, by the

power and anointing of the Holy Ghost.  1.In this year, I reject every representation

of shame and reproach in my life and

career, I declare that I will see the glory

of God over my life in Jesus’ name. 2.

Heavenly father, consider the threats of

my enemies and grant me thy power that

all enemies of my career submit to me in

Jesus’ name.. 5.It is written, “They go from strength to

strength; each one as they appear before

God in Zion”. Lord, as I appear before

you in this PUSH, increase my strength

that I may overcome every opposition

in my destiny in Jesus’ name Ps 84:7. 

6.Today, I receive strength and power

to move forward from where

I am to where God wants me to be

by the power in the blood of Jesus. 7.LORD as I pray, use the apostolic, prophetic

gifts and the midwife anointing to locate

and establish my destiny in Jesus’ name. 8.LORD, as I take part through prayer and

fasting let the midwife anointing perfect,

establish and settle me in my career

destiny in Jesus’ name. 9.LORD, as I take part through prayer and

fasting let the midwife anointing perfect,

establish and settle me in my career

destiny in Jesus’ name. 10.

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I blow the trumpet in the Gates of

Destiny, and I sound an alarm in this holy

mountain! Let all the enemies of my…

(Prophecy, business, marriage, finances…

etc.) tremble; for my season of exploits

has come, For it is at hand: A season of

darkness and gloominess in the camp of my enemies, a season

of clouds and thick darkness in the camp of my adversaries. Like

the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people I come,

I am great and strong in… (My business, my career, my family, my

marriage, my office… etc.), the like of whom has never been; nor

will there ever be any such after me, Even for many successive





In this PUSH program a fire devours

before me, And behind me a flame burns;

The months ahead are like the Garden

of Eden before me, And behind me is

poverty, sickness, sin and failure; Surely

my… (open doors, great exploits …etc.),

shall not escape me.


In this PUSH program, my appearance is

like the appearance of war horses; And

like swift steeds, so I run into my destiny

(financial, career, marital… etc.). 3.With a noise like chariots, over

mountaintops I leap, like the noise of a

flaming fire that devours the stubble, like

a strong people set in battle array.4.I declare in this PUSH program that,

before my… (Business, marriage, job,

finances… etc.), all my enemies writhe in

pain; All their faces are drained of colour. 5.

I run like a mighty man, I climb the walls

of limitation like a man of war; in the

month of March I march in formation,

And I do not break ranks. I will not envy

other’s testimonies because I receive my

own, they shall celebrate together with

me; every one marches in his own column. Though I lunge

between the weapons, I am not cut down, no weapon formed

against my prophecy shall prosper.


I run to and from in the city, I run on the

wall; I climb into the houses, I enter at

the windows like a thief.7.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

PRoVERBS 18:21

Lord bring to naught every evil counsellor,

their counsel against my good success,

shall not manifest in Jesus’ name. 11.LORD, I thank you, that your divine

power has bestowed on me all things

that are requisite and suited to life

and godliness through the full and

personal knowledge of Jesus Christ,

who has called me to his own glory

and excellence (2 Peter 1:3) in Jesus’ name.


LORD, I thank you for choosing me and

making me one of your own special people,

for calling me out of darkness into your

marvelous light. (2 Peter 2:9) in Jesus’ name.  13.

Thank you, Jesus, that by your death you

have brought the devil to nothing and

made him of no effect. (Hebrews 2:14)  14.Thank you Jesus for immediately

hearing my cry and running to my

aid when I am tempted and tried. 15.FATHER, I pray that you will strengthen,

complete, and perfect me; that

you make me what I should be; that

you will equip me with everything

good to carry out your will while you

work in me and accomplish what is

pleasing in your sight. (Hebrews 13:20-21) in Jesus’ name.


Every source issuing evil instructions

against my career, be evacuated to the

land of the wicked; be destroyed by the

earthquake of the Lord in Jesus’ name. 17.

By the word of the Lord, I speak double

restoration into my life in Jesus’ name.

I reject death and destruction; I shall

not fear the heathens in Jesus’ name.  18.

Every evil gate opened against my career

in my foundation, be shut forever by

the blood of the Lamb in Jesus’ name. 19.From today I receive joy and

gladness, sorrow and sighing shall

not locate my address in Jesus’ name.  20.

Let the voice of the Lord plant the garden

of my career destiny in the name of Jesus.21.Lord my God, rebuild every

good thing that the enemy has

destroyed in my life in Jesus’ name. 22.Every contrary wind blowing against

my career destiny, be confronted by the

whirlwind of the Lord in Jesus’ name. 23.Any power manipulating the ordinances

of heaven against my life, receive

the judgement of God in Jesus’ name. 24.Holy Spirit, I open the door of my heart

to you, come in and take up permanent

residence in my life in Jesus’ name. 25.Anything in my life that will grieve the

Holy Spirit, depart now in the name of

Jesus. 26.Any besetting sin hindering the move of

the Holy Spirit in my life be washed away

by the blood of Jesus. 27.

Lord, forgive me where I have rebelled

against your spirit in Jesus’ name.


Lord, restore me to fellowship with you in

Jesus’ name. 29.Holy Ghost, fill me with your

fire of revival in Jesus’ name.

30.I challenge every stronghold of

sin in my life with the fire of

the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name.  31.Fire of God, burn to ashes every altar of sin

and idolatry in my life in the name of Jesus.

32.Let the voice of God thunder against all

the enemies of my salvation in Jesus’

name. 33.Let the voice of the Holy Spirit

speak destruction unto every

darkness in my life in Jesus’ name.  34.Holy Ghost, breathe life into my

spirit, soul and body in Jesus’ name. 

35.Let the light of God dispel every

darkness in my life in Jesus’ name. 


I arise out of darkness into light by the

power of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name. 37.I arise out of weakness into strength by the

anointing of the Holy Ghost in Jesus’ name. 

38.By the power that divided the red sea,

let every situation in my life receive

the touch of fire in Jesus’ name. 39.

Holy Spirit, incubate my life in Jesus’ name.

40.I speak destruction unto every evil

growth in my body in the name of Jesus.

41.I release my spirit from every satanic

chain and padlock by the power

of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. 42O Lord, empower me to rise above my

roots and my foundation in the name of

Jesus. 43.It is written: By strength shall no man

prevail; every strongman reigning in

my family, be destroyed by the stormy

winds of the Lord in Jesus’ name. 44.

Anything buried in the ground to pollute

my destiny, I cancel your power and

render your assignment null and void by

the power in the blood of the Lamb.45.

20 • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • • 21

Leader: Evangelist Caroline


The Skills Development Ministry focuses on both male and

22 • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • • 23

Business forum

Leader: Mr Munetsi Chiunda


This ministry brings information and mysteries to the body of

Christ regarding wealth creation. The gospel is free but it is not

cheap. As we raise people of impact and honour, they must be

scripturally equipped to be movers and shakers in the economy

of this world. This ministry has a quarterly magazine with

detailed information. Deu 28:12; 3 John1:2; Deu 8:18

DMCC is a home of Signs and Wonders; Healing and Deliverence; Revelation and Power; A people who are great and strong are being Raised - Joel 2: 1 – 9

On the 20th of August 2016 the Evangelism Ministry

Department primarily a mentorship department was

launched. The purpose of the Department is to groom,

nurture and establish destinies of people within the

church who have been called by God into ministry.

The first year of its inception focused on making

disciples of the first time visitors who flock to DMCC

every Sunday. DMCC receives an average of 100 first

time visitors on a monthly basis.

A church is a community and lifestyle where families

are formed and bonds are strengthened. In this year of

Devine Encounter we have launched ministries which

are an extension of the vision to birth destinies and

reach out to surrounding communities. Following is

a list of the ministry platforms under the Evangelism



Prison Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Muriel & Ev Andile, Nelson


The Prison Ministry creates reconciliation between offenders,

their families and victims. We re-establish the offenders in

society and set them back in the path of their destinies. There

is life after imprisonment. The ministry serves as an incubation

program that focuses on counselling, building the individual

spiritually, giving them something to do with their hands and

glorifying God for the testimony of their life. Hebrews 13:3

Youth Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Wigan, Ev Maduo, Ev Zodwa


The Youth Ministry grooms and nurtures

youth from the age of 12 years to 30.

The ministry is sectioned into spiritual

mentorship, career guidance and

edutainment. The youth are the future

and it is crucial that from an early

age, they are given Godly counsel. Many

youth are sidetracked in life due to a

lack of Godly and practical engagements.

Christianity is a lifestyle and not an

imprisonment. Prov 22:6

Kids Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Winnie and Ev Evodia


The kids Ministry focuses on children

who are aged 8yrs – 11years. We develop

and prepare these children for their

teenage years. The ministry also creates

a progressive relationship between the

church, the child and the parents. Isa


old Age Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Phumzile and Ev Busisiwe Mapusula


The elders ministry provides a community

for elders in the church, whereby they

can share their wisdom, energy and

experience particularly as marriage

guides and mentors to younger couples

in the church. The ministry cares for the

elders mentally, spiritually and physical

health upkeep. Blessings and wisdom is

stored up in the elderly and they have a

very important role to play in developing

the church. Ps 44:1

New Believers Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Mulaudzi & Ev Rest


The New Believers ministry has been

formed for the purpose of equipping and

training new (and also) older Christians to

establish a firm foundation for their faith.

At a time when people have so many

spiritual alternatives, DMCC has a heart

to see believers at large, attain their God-

ordained destinies by communicating the

unadulterated gospel to both the saved

and unsaved. Hosea 4:6

Single Women’s Ministry

Leaders: Evangelist Maria


Single women’s ministry focuses on

single mothers, divorcees and widows.

The ministry assists these women on

how to manage themselves financially,

emotionally, spiritually, mentally and

balance their personal life (relationships)

and their children. It’s a support platform

for single women. This ministry works

hand in hand with the Skills Development

Ministry that equips women on how to be

self sustainable. Isaiah 54:4-5

Welfare Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Zanele, Ev Lindiwe and Ev Daniel


The welfare ministry distributes food

parcels and clothes to those who are in a

season of the valley. Hand outs are not a

solution but whilst we labour with you in

skills development, prayer and engaging

in mysteries for your glorious destiny,

this ministry assists in ensuring that

families are clothed, fed and children are

attending school. Hebrew 13:16

Skills Development Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Sharon and Ev Shamiso


The Skills Development Ministry focuses

on both male and female. It equips

unemployed men and women with

skills that will allow them to be self

sustainable. The ministry coordinates

handwork skills training and business

skills training for the church for the

upliftment of the saints. The trainings are

not only limited to skills but confidence

development and social empowerment.

Exodus 23:25

This ministry provides a support platform for all people affected

by HIV/AIDS and through the biblical teaching at DMCC, bring

them to a place of healing. Spiritual wholeness, manifests into

physical fitness. Abundance of life is our heritage. James 5:14

Street Ministry

Leader: Evangelist Nthabiseng


Many people come to South Africa

particularly Johannesburg in search of

greener pastures. On arrival, they find

themselves destitute and resort to selling

their bodies. This is Satan stealing the

destinies of Gods people and taking away

their self worth. This is not Gods plan for

his people. The street ministry focuses on

bringing the truth of God’s love to these

people, empowering them with biblical

knowledge and setting them back in the

path of their divine destinies. Luke 7:

36-39; John 8:3-11

Senior Evangelist Nana Zulu

HIV / AIDS Ministry

24 • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • Gates of Destiny Multimedia • • 25

Visit the DMCC church book Store for great Prayer Academy Resources and many other Anointed materials for your Spiritual Growth and Development.


1st Psalm 115:14 Psalm 37:25

2nd Psalm 34:10 2 Kings 7:6

3rd Deuteronomy 8:18 Luke 13:10-14

4th Psalm 24:1 Philippians 4:19

5th Psalm 68:19 Ecclesiastes 2:26

6th 3 John 1:2 Matthew 6:33-34

7th Deuteronomy 28:6 Micah 2:13

8th Proverbs 10:22 Matthew 16:19

9th Proverbs 22:4 Psalm 103:7

10th Psalm 145:15 Isaiah 44:26

11th Deuteronomy 28:11-13 Jonah 2:9

12th 1 Corinthians 16:2 Leviticus 22:29

13th Malachi 3:10-12 John 6:1-14

14th Deuteronomy 29:9 Psalm 44:1-3

15th Proverbs 13:22 Psalm 106:4

16th Zechariah 1:17 Mark 10:17-21

17th Isaiah 60:1-3 Ephesians 4:28

18th Luke 18:1-18 Luke 6:38

19th 1 Kings 18:41-45 Galatians 5:1

20th Joel 2:24 Matthew 15:21-28

21st 2 Kings 4:8-17 Matthew 15:29-39

22nd 2 Kings 4:18-37 Mark 1:40

23rd Joshua 3:1-4 Mark 5:21-43

24th Matthew 19:4-6 Mark 9:14-24

25th Proverbs 18:22 2 Kings 4:1-7

26th Isaiah 43:19 2 Kings 5

27th 1 Samuel 30:10-20 2 Kings

28th Ephesians 3:20 1 Chronicles 18:1-6

29th Luke 8:43-48 Job 42 :10-16

30th Acts 3:1-10 Ruth 3:1--18

31st John 5:1-11 Genesis 21:1-7

Pastor Sam ‘Prayer Coach’ Tegule leads The Prayer Academy @ DMCC





Destiny Midwives Christian Center is a spiritual mountain

where destinies are birthed. It is ideal to be in the labour

ward when you are about to deliver.

ISAIAH 66: 9“Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery?” says

the Lord. “Shall I who cause delivery shut up the womb?” says

your God.

“There is always deliverance, healing, salvation especially

for you that are lodging here. You must expect to have an

encounter with God,” - Apostle Paul Kamba

“In the Gates of Destiny, prayer is a mighty energy in overcoming the world, the flesh and the devil - shaping the destinies of God’s movements in our generation” - Apostle Paul Kamba

Gates of Destiny Prayer Academy presents e-prayer Academy which is a faith

based online mentorship, where believers subscribe in order to receive training

to become more effective intercessors, prayer warriors and prayer leaders

through the practice of praying skilfully through the inspired Word of God

with together with our Prayer Coach. Register with us now on : http://www.

Gates of Destiny Book Shop




ADDRESS: 70-72 Van Riebeeck Avenue, Edenvale, JHB, 1609


ACCOMMODATION TARRIFS1. We charge R700.00 for a bed and bedding in a

dormitory or shared room per three days of PUSH.

2. R1000.00 FEMALE GUEST HOUSE – Please note

that female guest house is outside the church premises

therefore you will be transported to and from the church

to attend all services.

3. R1000.00 MALE GUEST ROOMS –Please note that

male guest rooms are within the church premises.

4. We charge R100.00 administration fee that goes

towards the maintaining of amenities, such as electricity

and water. This admin fee is to be paid by all campers

staying in the non-paying camper section.

5. BATHING TIMES for ALL CAMPERS is from 4am – 6am.

WHAT TO BRING:1. Small luggage

2. 1 blanket

3. Toiletries’

4. Bible, notebook and pen.




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