Page 1: Horror Movies Posters Analysis

Tagline‘Based on a true story’ tagline like this is used on poster by the produces to scare the audience and give them a sense of the film being realistic. It allows the audience to feel that it may be possible for them to be possessed by seeing an image. Also, the purpose of the tagline can be used to attract more audience as they will believe that the story is based upon a person who experienced what the character went through.

Main imageThe poster follows the convention of a typical horror movie for example it includes dark/dull colour and has dark lighting which helps to create a fear of the unknown. The close up middle shot image which is used in the poster is very effective because like the title, the image focuses on the concept of ‘possession’. For example the image showcase the physical possession as another person’s hand is seen crawling out of a woman’s throat and covering her eyes. Also, the way the hand is heavily edited with effects makes the poster more visually effective and makes the audience jolt. As well as. the strong grip on the woman’s face indicates how much control the person has over the woman which follows the typical horror movie convention as the female character is always seen as the victim and is portrayed as a weak character.

TitleThe font of the title looks like it has been scratched out, suggesting someone is attempting to hide a secret. Also, by using the white font as a title when the poster has dull colour, helps to stand out.

Tagline‘Darkness lives inside’ is referenced to the film and by looking at the image on the poster; the audience are able to have a clue as to what will happen in the actual film.

Release dateThe red colour is being used to highlight the date of when the movie is coming out in the cinema. However, the date is placed at the bottom of the poster who shows how the producer wants the audience to be attracted to the main image more than when it is being premiered.

Credit blockOut of the whole thing in the poster, the credit block section is the only bit which has small fonts which indicates that the credit block section is less important in the poster. However, the purpose of credit block to credit all those involved in the production of the film.

Page 2: Horror Movies Posters Analysis

TaglineThe tagline is a rhetorical question which is directly involves the audience. Having the tagline at the top of the poster can catch the audience especially if the font colour is bright however, they have use a colour which is not very bright instead the colour is faded.

Main image When you first look at the image it looks simple however when you stare at it for few more seconds, you will start to recognise that on the eyes there are screaming faces which makes the image to look distorted and it confuses you making the audience to linger longer on the image.The image is very effective yet scary as it hints what the film may be about as like the title, the person is seen holding a mobile. The screaming faces makes the face look inhuman also if you look closely you can tell that it is a female mouth which follows the traditional of damsel in distress approach of a horror movie.

TitleThe title font is big and clear for the audience to see also since the font colour is in white it helps to attract the audience more easily as the poster background is black so the title draws the audience’s attention directly.

Colour blockThe colour block which is used in this poster follows the convention of typical horror movie poster colour scheme for example, white and red font colour and, black background. Despite that the heavy black background helps to make the image in the middle to give more attention and makes the audience to look straight at the image.

Release dateThe release date does not stand out compare to other movie poster, this is due to the font colour being not very bold and bright instead like the tagline font colour, and the release date’s font colour is faded. Usually release date are made to stand out to aware audience of when the movie will be coming out however, in this poster the editor has instead made the image to stand out more.

Page 3: Horror Movies Posters Analysis

TaglineAlthough the tagline is just a welcome message however when it comes to in terms of horror films, message like that usually hints a form of danger that is linking with someone’s life and you are not aware of what will happen next.

Main imageThe villain is holding a machete and wearing a mask which are both a typical convention of horror films, as every villain in horror films conceals their identity and use a weapon to kill their victim. The way the villain is standing and looking ahead gives an indications that the person is waiting for his victims to come to him as the tagline ‘Welcome to Crystal Lake’, it tells that if anyone walks in his territory, they are likely to be associated with death or murder. The dark surrounding of the location in the background helps to further emphasis that the place is deserted and that no one will be able to get help. Also the eerie atmosphere created with effects on the background is very effective as it can make the audience give a hint of what might occur in the film. Behind the villain there is a glow of light seen which symbolise that there is hope for some victim and they may be able to survive and escape from the villain.

Release dateThe date ‘February 13th’ is a relation to the name of the film ‘Friday The 13th. The release date and the title is in red font which grabs the audience’s attention first because the colour used in the poster are dull and dark.

TaglineIn a poster when it includes tagline like ‘From the producers of…’ with a popular horror film, this causes people on wanting to watch the film because they may have like the film made by the producers and may want to watch the new film as it is by the same producers.

Use of colourThe poster contains a lot of black in the background surrounding the villain for example at the top of the frame and at the bottom which makes the audience’s attention to go to the villain standing in the middle. The use of black and dark colour surrounding the villain foreshadows the evilness which will take place.

TitleThe font is simple yet very effective because of the colour red being used which is useful to use as it can help to attract audience also the title stands out in the poster since the poster is very dark. As well as the title being written in red font follows the conventions of the typical colours which is associated with horror films.

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