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Page 1: History of  EMU


The genus and species names of the emu are Dromaius novaehollandiae.

Emu-birds are members of the ratite family along with ostrich, rhea,

cassowary and kiwi.

Emu are prehistoric birds that originated about 80 million years ago in


Flightless, but they have strong legs and run very fast and can run up to

speeds of 30 miles per hour (50 kilometers per hour).

Emus are also very good swimmers.

Wings are only 1/10th the length of its body

Brown in color;

They have 3 toes; the underside of each toe is flattened with a broad pad.

Two main calls: a gutteral grunt and a throbbing drum.

Emu's were imported into the United States from the 1930's through the late

1950's as exotic zoo stock.

Today, the exportation of live birds and eggs is prohibited from Australia

Exports of processed emu products from Australia, however, are on the rise as

emu begins to gain acceptance worldwide for its unique qualities

Emus are raised throughout the world and have adapted to a variety of

conditions ranging from the cold winters to the extreme heat

Normally Emu's lives up to 40 years.

Bill is broad and soft, adapted for browsing and grazing.

In nature, the emu's nest is a shallow hole by a bush. The nest is lined with

leaves, grass, and bark.


Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrata

Class: Aves

Order: Struthioniformes

Family: Dromaiidae

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Genus: Dromaius

Species: Dromaius novaehollandiae


Emu grow to be between 5 and 6 fee tall and weighing between 45 to 60 kgs. This

makes the emu the size of most humans as adults.


      The emu-bird lives in the grassy plains and dry open farms.


Fruits, flowers, insects, seeds and green vegetation; love caterpillars. Ingest

large stones into gizzard to aid grinding process.

Emus requires 6-10 litres good water daily

Emus requires 3 times food per day like humenbeings.

 Emu Birds – Reproduction

Emu-birds become sexually mature at 2-3 years of age.

Female Emu or hen begins laying eggs, male Emu are attending incubuation.

The emu egg varies in size and color. It is usually dark green, averaging 5

inches long and weighing approximately 600 grams

Artificial incubation is often conducted at a temperature of approximately 97.5

degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity that varies according to the

climate. Average incubation time ranges from 48 to 52 days.

Emu can be productive for as long as 20 years, laying between 20 to 30 eggs

in a season

The female lays from 4 to 20 greenish-brown eggs in a clutch or group of eggs

laid at one time

The male builds a nest on his territory and the female joins him when

everything is ready.

Breed-in period is from October through March.

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When the male starts incubating the eggs, the female moves away and she

pairs with other males.

However, a few may stay with the male to defend him. The mature Emu-bird

females lay an egg every 3-5 days.

The eggs are dark green to blend with the grass.

The male waits until the female lays at least 9 eggs and then he starts

incubating them by sitting on the nest.

He incubates them for 52-56 days and doesn't eat or drink during this time.

When the eggs hatch, he eats the eggshells to get his digestive system going

and also to hide the evidence   of the chicks from the numerous predators.

When the chicks hatch, the males drive the females away and attack anybody

who approaches the chicks.

He takes care of the brood for 5-7 months and then the bond breaks down.

Chicks of Emus are cream colored with tan and brown stripes allowing them to

hide in the grass.

As they become 6 months old, they acquire a chocolate brown color. Only at

the age of 2 years do the young Emu-birds become colored like adults.

Emu can be productive for as long as 20 years, laying between 20 to 50 eggs

in a season

Additional Emu Facts:

Emus provide a red meat, similar in taste and appearance to very lean beef,

that is lower in cholesterol but higher in protein than beef.

About 18-22 kgs of meat can be obtained from a mature bird.

Emu provides unique penetrating oil

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Emu's unhatched Eggs used for craft works

ORGIN: flightless bird, native of Australia (imported from USA originally) SIZE: At birth, 8 to 10 inches tall; Adult, 5 to 6 feet tall ADULT WEIGHT: 45 to 55 kilos                COLOR: Brown, black and beige. Chicks are born with stripes, which they

start  to loose around 4 months of age. Mature birds have blue necks and mottled body feather coloration. There is no color differential between males and females.

HEALTH: Generally robust, hardy TEMPERAMENT: Curious, generally docile, occasionally fight among

themselves  during breeding season. SOUNDS ASSOCIATED WITH GENDER: As adults, females will make a

"boomin" noise. Males make a grunting noise similar to a hog. LIFESPAN: 35+ years BREEDING METHODS: Mated pairs BREEDING AGE: Starts at 18 months to 3 years of age PRODUCTIVE YEARS: 25+ years EGGS PER YEAR: 10 to 60 INCUBATION PERIOD: 48 to 52 days PRODUCTS: Meat, hide, oil, feathers and eggs

Emus (pronounced ee-mews), are the second largest member of the ratite group of flightless birds. They are the national bird of Australia. Emus are native to Australia and were originally imported to the United States as breeding stock for American zoos. They have grown in popularity very quickly as today's premier alternative livestock for the American farmer. In India Emus were imported in 1996 for commercial purpose.

It is believed that the emu is a survivor of prehistoric times and dating back some 80 million years, roamed the outback of Australia. The Aborigines tribes relied upon the emu for their existence. The emu provided them with food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual sustenance. The emu will now play a large role in the future of Indian agriculture too.

The expanding emu inventory in the India is domestically bred. As research and sharing of knowledge increase, the Indian emu is emerging as the industry standard. The Indian breeder market is vigorous and can be made profitable for small and large participants


The EMU'S Habits                                                                   TOP

Emu are curious and docile. They are about 8 to 10 inches tall at birth, with black and white stripes. As 3-month-old chicks, they turn nearly solid black and change into a tan, brown and black mixture as adults, some having a bluish neck. The feathers are downy, with no stiff vein running through the center.

The mature Emu is 5 to 6 feet tall and normally weighs 45 to 55 kilos. They are

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flightless and strong runners reaching ground speeds of up to 60 kilometer per hour in short bursts, covering about nine feet in stride.

Emu adapt well from temperature extremes in excess of 100o Fahrenheit to below zero degree Fahrenheit. No diseases have yet been diagnosed as common to the species. They can exist on a simple diet and require a lot of water, drinking 4 to 6 liters daily. They also will play in water or mud.

Great Advantages Of The EMU In Agriculture                  TOP

The Emu hen can be productive for 25 to 35 years or more and may lay 10 to 60 eggs in a season. A hen may lay as early as 18 months, but normally laying begins at 2 to 3 years old.

Pairs normally breed from September to February, usually producing one egg every three days. Incubation time is 48 - 52 days and the percentage of eggs hatched is approximately 65 - 90%. Chick survival rates on emu are excellent. We cannot over emphasize the hardiness of the emu. These birds have been traced back 80 million years.

The emerald green egg normally hatching in about 50 days produces a chick, which will walk within hours and run within days. The chicks achieve rapid growth, gaining their height by one year of age. After six months, the birds have shed most of their chick feathers for the fluffy, elegant feathers of the adult. For most climate conditions, the birds need shelter during the first few months. The birds are a very hardy and adaptable bird.

For today's Indian farmer, emu farming offers an alternative cash crop. You can rear the emus in non-fertile land, which is not good for agriculture. With minimal investment in facilities and land area, excellent feed conversion ratio, and an established worldwide market evolving, the emu will provide a stable cash return to its' owners now and in the years to come.


Products Of The EMU

Penetrating Oil                                                                    TOP

The oil is rendered from the fat of the emu collected mainly from the back and the rump. Each emu can yield an average of 5 to 8 liters of deep-penetrating natural oil. This complex, primitive oil, properly rendered, is non-toxic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory. It is an excellent moisturizer and emollient, soothing and softening the skin.

Long known for its healing and penetrating properties, emu oil is well suited for cosmetic and pharmaceuticals. For thousands of years, the Aborigines have used the oil in the treatment of muscle aches, sore joints, inflammation and swelling. Today, the oil can be found for the family medicine cabinet to the professional sports training room. Emu oil helps to build healthy skin, and in burn creams, helps to calm the tissue beneath burned skin and restore elasticity. Additional oil applications include skin and hair care products, sunscreens, and perfumes.

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Because of the primitive nature of the oil, important university and private research is currently underway to fully determine the oil's benefits and applications. The potential of emu oil is virtually untapped at this time.


Meat                                                                                        TOP

Emu meat is 98% fat free. It is a perfect alternative for the health-conscious consumer who does not want to sacrifice taste.

Emu is a red meat better than beef in both taste and appearance. It is higher in protein than beef and lower in cholesterol than chicken. Emus are raised naturally containing no chemical additives or preservatives. Emu meat gives red meat lovers what they want and health-conscious consumers what they need.


Leather                                                                                TOP

Emu leather is exceptionally durable, beautifully detailed, very supple, breathable leather perfect for designer apparel, handbags, boots and other accessories. One hundred percent of the emu body hide has an attractive full-quilled pattern. The surface visually shimmers due to the raised imprints left from the feather follicle structure. Emu leather has the ability to accept and enhance any color dye.

Fashion designers find the skin from the legs as a suitable substitute for certain hides from endangered species because of the wonderful reptilian texture.


Other Products                                                                    TOP

The emu is a totally marketable bird. The emu feathers, eggs and toenails are being used as creative jewelry accents for fashion items and uniquely in craft goods such as backgrounds for fine artistic paintings. From a consumer perspective, the emu represents a natural resource useful to an unprecedented standard.


Right Foundation is Everything                                          TOP

Kalpataru Emu Managements & Products believe

"You need to start right or don't do it at all."

We only want success stories in this business, not failures. Raising Emu can be a very profitable business if you get started right. For foundation stock, one should not consider only the "cheapest" birds on the market but should try to buy the very best birds available. Your foundation stock will determine years of yield so this is an

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area you do not want to make a mistake. Many times a person's success or failure is determined by the foundation stock they get started with. Start with the best, and then try to improve on that if possible. It is important to buy good genetics from reputable farms.

With your foundation stock being the most important thing, feeding is the second most important thing that will contribute to your success in breeding emu or any other type of bird or livestock. It has been our experience that it may take an emu bird more than a year to begin laying at their normal rate when removed from high quality feed and placed on lower grade feed. Birds will consume larger volumes of a nutritionally inadequate diet than of a sound balanced diet, making the cheaper feed the more expensive. Productivity will suffer with a poor diet. Given adequate room to exercise, birds will usually eat only until their nutritional needs are met. There are some good ratite formulation and foods on the market that have proven track records. We cannot over-emphasize the need of a good, sound feeding program. It will put rupee in your pocket.

After beginning with the best foundation stock you can find, feeding the best ratite feed available, one should now focus on the birds environment. Safe fencing well drained pens, shelters, clean water and large areas for exercise is imperative for healthy birds. Emus are not polygamous and must be bred in pairs to do their best. Some have done well with colony pens, though the bird normally lay less eggs per season but for sales of breeders this scenario will not work since you cannot tell which pair the egg may belong to. Normally, we run one pair per pen and our pen size measures 10 by 50 feet. In the past we have gotten by with 30 by 100 but it is not recommended. Our pens are eight feet tall and are constructed out of 2 x 2 inch chain link. Each pen contains a 10 x 10 foot shelter and top with one solid side. We keep our feeders under these shelters as well as provide straw for them to lay their eggs in. If there are no trees for natural protection we will plant some fast growing ones. We also have a chick facility with ample space outdoors for chicks to exercise. Our yearlings have their own pen with ample space for exercise. KEMP feels environment in emu ranching is like location is as to real estate. These are just a few examples of the considerations one must make to be successful in beginning an emu operation.

Start up Cost                                                                          TOP

Foundation Breeding Stock:

o        Breeder Pairs (30,000.00 - 40,000.00 per pair) depending on genetic background avg./above avg. birds.

o        Unrelated Yearlings (8,000.00-10,000.00 each) depending on genetic background avg./above avg. birds. 

o  Unrelated Chicks 6-10 months (6,000.00-8,000.00 each) depending on genetic background avg./above avg. chicks. 

o        Unrelated Chicks 3-6 months (4,500.00-6000.00 each) depending on genetic background avg./above avg. chicks.       

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Facilities:                                                                               TOP

Cost of the BirdsFencing Shed Water/ Feed SystemFeed PlantFeed storageResidence for caretaker Incubator & HatcherBrooderChick Pen

Annual Expenses:                                                                  

Feed Adult Birds   (1 pair)                                              4220.00

Medical Expenses (1 pair)                                                200.00


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EMU VS CATTLE                                                      TOP

The early 1996's brought in emu farming to the INDIA. The recognition the emu as a producer of the following products has led to full-scale emu operations throughout Southeastern India. Current demand for an analysis of the emu industry would not be complete without the inevitable comparison between it and the cattle industry. Consider the following:

The emu possesses meat that visually resembles and tastes similar to beef. However, in testing for cholesterol, fat calories, carbohydrates, and protein, a standard emu serving shows results which are equal to or better than chicken.

The leading reason for the passionate interest by Indian Farmers and US ranchers is the significant numerical difference in offspring. Cattle offer one offspring per year, but with the emu, the hen may lay 20 to 60 eggs per year when managed in a farm environment.

Normally cattle require several acres to several hundred acres; emu pairs can be successfully farmed, bred and raised in areas, as small as 5 gunttas. They are simply too small to economically raise any other animal.

Cattle offer basically meat and leather as a by-product. In addition to these two products, the emu offers beautiful feathers, which can be harvested, from the live animal while the toes and eggshells are used in arts and crafts. Most importantly, the emu offers highly penetrating, hypoallergenic oil much sought after for cosmetic and medical applications. The compounding effect of these multiple components, coupled with the many offspring of the ratite hen, result in a commercial dollar yield substantially greater than cattle or any other livestock.

The emu is reproductive for a minimum of 25 years, in contrast to the cow who has virtually completed her reproductive years after 10 to 15 years of age.

Annual financial returns in double digits for the cattle industry are exceedingly rare. Even more rare is a yield approaching 15 to 20 percent. During the present breeders market, returns are well in excess of 100%. Highly conservative U.S. Achieved in the mid 1990's place the annual return to be in excess of 75 to 100 percent and expect double-digit returns once the slaughter market started.

Interestingly, many of the early emu farmers added the emu to existing cattle farm/ranch operations to supplement their cattle operations (i.e. Increase their cash flow). Plus, many emu farmers today still raise cattle and emu side-by-side in adjoining pens. With both animals being relative docile, they often enjoy standing or bedding side-by-side with only one fence separating them.


Why should anyone raise Emu?                                            TOP

Emu are one of the fastest growing livestock industries in North America. Raising Emu offers a high rate of return on investment. They are very tough, hardy birds

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that adept well to most climates and conditions.

Docile, curious and easily managed, Emu do not generally show any aggression to humans, even in the breeding season.

Emu do not require elaborate housing and do well in modified older farm buildings or shelters.

Emu do not require prime farmland to be raised. Marginal land not suited for crops can be utilized. Fifty to sixty birds per acre are acceptable. Emu ranching is an efficient, environmentally conscious way to raise livestock.

Emu are not as labour intensive as other traditional livestock. Emu can be raised as an additional farm enterprise to what is currently being done. Retired or semi-retired people can easily manage a good-sized breeding flock.

Emu are excellent converters, 2.5/4 kg of feed to 1 kg of gain. Adult Emu consume on average .500 to 750 gm. of feed per day. Commercial feeds are readily available at a cost of approx. Rs 2000 per year per bird.

Emu are 96% usable. Products include Meat (a low fat and cholesterol red meat), Oil (a highly penetrating, non-toxic moisturizer), Leather (a soft, supple, durable hide with a very distinctive quill pattern, used for the high fashion industry in products such as jackets, boots, belts, gloves, and accessories), Feathers (designer evening vests, hats & trim, fishing lures, and high tech environments for delicate cleaning), Eggshells and Claws (can be carved into jewelry and decorative items).

For more information on the industry, please contact info @kemppl. net or [email protected]

KEMP offers the finest quality emu breeders, 2 year olds or chicks. The breeders they are out of are 25-40 egg layers and weigh around 45 to 50 kg. Arrangement must be made to pick-up chicks or birds at our farm area. Under some circumstances we may be able to deliver them to you for and extra cost.


After Sales Support                                                                TOP

You will not be left in the dark if you purchase from us. So many times sales have been made by emu farmers and then when the purchaser faces problems and don't know how to cope the seller is nowhere to be found. We are always ready to offer assistance for any need that might arise concerning your birds. With our experience in raising emus, you will be able to find answers just as long as you need them. We will continue to be your source of information and should we not be able to answer your questions, we will find someone who can.

We can also be your guides to incubation procedures. As well as point you in the right direction for good educational books, magazines, etc.


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Who Said You Can't Profit?                                                 TOP

We are always in touch with the emu industry and where it is heading. We expect you to make a profit and we will show you how. What ever we find out that is to your best interest concerning this industry and how you can make money, you can be certain we will inform you. If you don't make money we don't make money because we are in this together.

We realize that many, many, more emu ranchers are needed to keep up with the coming demands, so we all need to work to find buyers/investors who can see the future of the commercial industry and wonderful opportunity to profit from it. Please feel free to give us a call or E-mail us. Let us explain how you can profit greatly from the emu industry.

With the rapidly increasing concern throughout the country for healthier diets, the popularity of Emu as a meat-eater's delicacy is rapidly growing stronger. As it is added to the menus of some of the finer restaurants and meat counters from coast to coast, people are beginning to discover the delicious taste of Emu that pleases the meat eater while offering a healthy alternative of low fat and low cholesterol. Internationally emu meat is quickly becoming one of the most requested of the red meats now avail


Emu Meat Taste and more...

No It Doesn't Taste Like Chicken!

Although it offers most of the health-conscious advantages that have been so popular for chicken, it is compared in taste and preparation more favorably to beef. According to the Food Marketing Institute Report of 1993, over 60% of U.S. consumers are currently seeking healthier diets, but they don't want to sacrifice taste. Emu meat is perfect for this growing market.

Emu is very lean (97% fat free) red meat, similar to beef, in taste, texture and appearance.


Comparison Chart                                                                   TOP

  Protines (grams)

Calories Cholesterol(mg)

Fat Saturated Fat


Emu 26.4 120 65.2 1.92 0.68 5.6Turkey 25.2 120 81.6 1.84 0.68 1.6Chicken Breast 26.4 124 72.8 1.36 0.36 0.8Catfish 20.8 128 65.6 4.88 0.96 1.2Fish (Cod) 20.1 193 49.3 0.8 0.13 0.43Bottom Round Beef

22.8 256 74 17.7 7.36 2.4

Venison 23.9 143 N/A 4.5 2.8 N/A

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It is higher in protein, vitamin C, and iron than beef, lower in cholesterol than chicken. Since Emu can be raised naturally, the meat contains no chemical

additives. Emu meat gives red meat lovers what they want and health-conscious consumers what they need.

KEMP has got the certificate from Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University regarding the sample of Emu meat, which was certified 98.56% fat free.

Chefs of Five Star restaurants praise Emu meat for its ability to absorb a variety of spices and flavorings in preparing gourmet dishes.


The Exciting Secret of Emu                                                   TOP

Emu oil is one of the most exciting and vital products generated from the native Australian bird known as the "Emu." It is the oil that is attracting serious attention from both the medical profession as well as the cosmetic industry.

Emu oil is receiving worldwide acclaim for outstanding performance in the three major areas described below. The Australian Aborigines have known for centuries that the oil possesses very special properties, which explains its role as a traditional Aboriginal secret medicine.


Arthritis, Muscle & Joint Pain                                                TOP

One of the most remarkable attributes of emu oil is the effectiveness it has in comforting stiff muscles and joints. Emu oil is currently undergoing testing in Australia and the United States for it's effectiveness on Arthritis pain as well as it's ability to heal sprains and bruises caused by sports and other activities. The fact that it is natural and has the ability to provide relief without any known side effects provides a tremendous advantage over other drug related products.

Professor Gosh, Director of the research lab at Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital explains, "Laboratory experiments have confirmed that emu oil does have the ability to reduce inflammation of the joints." Emu oil naturally contains a high level of linolenic acid, a substance known to ease arthritic pain. This coupled with it's ability to penetrate quickly and deeply could easily explain its effectiveness. "This is not witchcraft, these findings are supported by scientific evidence" states Professor Gosh.


Burn and Scarring                                                                    TOP

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Emu oil has long been found to be effective on burns of all types, from sunburns to first and second degree burns, readily alleviating the pain (in most cases within 2 to 3 minutes) and dramatically reducing the scarring and blistering.


Wonderful Skin Moisturizer                                                   TOP

Australian Aborigines have long used Emu oil as a skin moisturizer to reduce the effects of the harsh Australian sun and aging on their skin. Claims that emu oil has unique anti-aging elements are currently under study with very encouraging results to date



Attractive Emu Leather  

Attractiveness                                                                        TOP

Emu leather is an attractive full-quilled pattern that comprises 100% of the durable hide which has a natural beauty all its own. This unique leather is capable of accepting many dye colors. It is one of the most attractive leathers currently being utilized in the fashion industry. Supple, beautiful and exquisitely detailed, emu leather is a top choice of many designers selecting dramatic reptilian textures for their products.



Product Uses                                                                          TOP

Eloquent emu leather attire as well as other unique emu leather items is becoming more readily available as supply increases. Emu leather is well suited for embellishing designer apparel, boots, wallets, handbags, hair accessories, jewelry and many accessories.



Breathable Leather                                                               TOP

Emu leather is very easy to work with. A breathable leather making its manufacturing into diverse accessories a big plus for future growth.




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