Page 1: History of crime, drama, sport films


Page 2: History of crime, drama, sport films

CRIME FILMS Crime films are arguably the most complex classification of movies that reflect our ideology of moral order and justice, lawful and illicit, desirable and unworthy. Crime films mirror society due to its interplay with the complexity of real live events that satisfy the audience’s desire for mayhem, underdog characters, and a fallible justice system. The critical alternative tradition, for the most part, focuses on this aspect of the film; while traditional movies tend to emphasize heroism and the restoration of moral order.

Page 3: History of crime, drama, sport films


Sport films are popular because they cover a wide range of topics. For example you could have a sport film about Football (Goal) and one about baseball (Moneyball) and, although under the same genre they are almost completely different films. Sport films have been popular since they began. This is because they can attract audiences as sports are extremely popular.

Page 4: History of crime, drama, sport films


The purpose of a drama film is to move the audience emotionally. A drama film mostly consists of realistic characters dealing with emotional situations. This is because drama films revolve around trying to get the audience to engage with the characters.

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