  • 8/11/2019 Hippocrates - Aphorisms



    By Hippocrates

    Translated by Francis Adams



    1. i!e is short" and Art lon#$ the crisis !leetin#$ e%perience perilo&s"

    and decision di!!ic&lt. The physician m&st not only be prepared to

    do 'hat is ri#ht himsel!" b&t also to ma(e the patient" the attendants"

    and e%ternals cooperate.

    ). In disorders o! the bo'els and *omitin#s" occ&rrin# spontaneo&sly"

    i! the matters p&r#ed be s&ch as oht to be p&r#ed" they do #ood"

    and are 'ell borne$ b&t i! not" the contrary. And so arti!icial e*ac&ations"

    i! they consist o! s&ch matters as sho&ld be e*ac&ated" do #ood" and

    are 'ell borne$ b&t i! not" the contrary. One" then" oht to loo(

    to the co&ntry" the season" the a#e" and the diseases in 'hich they

    are proper or not.

    +. In the athletae" embonpoint" i! carried to its &tmost limit" is

    dan#ero&s" !or they cannot remain in the same state nor be stationary$

    and since" then" they can neither remain stationary nor impro*e" it

    only remains !or them to #et 'orse$ !or these reasons the embonpoint

    sho&ld be red&ced 'itho&t delay" that the body may a#ain ha*e a commencement

    o! reparation. Neither sho&ld the e*ac&ations" in their case" be carried

    to an e%treme" !or this also is dan#ero&s" b&t only to s&ch a point

    as the person,s constit&tion can end&re. In li(e manner" medicinal

    e*ac&ations" i! carried to an e%treme" are dan#ero&s$ and a#ain" a

    restorati*e co&rse" i! in the e%treme" is dan#ero&s.

    . A slender restricted diet is al'ays dan#ero&s in chronic diseases"

    and also in ac&te diseases" 'here it is not re&isite. And a#ain"

    a diet broht to the e%treme point o! atten&ation is dan#ero&s$ and

    repletion" 'hen in the e%treme" is also dan#ero&s.

    /. In a restricted diet" patients 'ho trans#ress are thereby more

    h&rt 0than in any other2$ !or e*ery s&ch trans#ression" 'hate*er

    it may be" is !ollo'ed by #reater conse&ences than in a diet some'hat

    more #enero&s. On this acco&nt" a *ery slender" re#&lated" and restricted

    diet is dan#ero&s to persons in health" beca&se they bear trans#ressions

    o! it more di!!ic&ltly. For this reason" a slender and restricted

    diet is #enerally more dan#ero&s than one a little more liberal.

    3. For e%treme diseases" e%treme methods o! c&re" as to restriction"are most s&itable.

    4. 5hen the disease is *ery ac&te" it is attended 'ith e%tremely se*ere

    symptoms in its !irst sta#e$ and there!ore an e%tremely atten&atin#

    diet m&st be &sed. 5hen this is not the case" b&t it is allo'able

    to #i*e a more #enero&s diet" 'e may depart as !ar !rom the se*erity

    o! re#imen as the disease" by its mildness" is remo*ed !rom the e%treme.

    6. 5hen the disease is at its hei#ht" it 'ill then be necessary to

    &se the most slender diet.

    7. 5e m&st !orm a partic&lar 8&d#ment o! the patient" 'hether he 'ill

    s&pport the diet &ntil the acme o! the disease" and 'hether he 'illsin( pre*io&sly and not s&pport the diet" or the disease 'ill #i*e

    'ay pre*io&sly" and become less ac&te.

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    19. In those cases" then" 'hich attain their acme speedily" a restricted

    diet sho&ld be en8oined at !irst$ b&t in those cases 'hich reach their

    acme later" 'e m&st retrench at that period or a little be!ore it$

    b&t pre*io&sly 'e m&st allo' a more #enero&s diet to s&pport the patient.

    11. 5e m&st retrench d&rin# paro%ysms" !or to e%hibit !ood 'o&ld be

    in8&rio&s. And in all diseases ha*in# periodical paro%ysms" 'e m&st

    restrict d&rin# the paro%ysms.

    1). The e%acerbations and remissions 'ill be indicated by the diseases"

    the seasons o! the year" the reciprocation o! the periods" 'hether

    they occ&r e*ery day" e*ery alternate day" or a!ter a lon#er period"

    and by the s&per*enin# symptoms$ as" !or e%ample" in ple&ritic cases"

    e%pectoration" i! it occ&r at the commencement" shortens the attac("

    b&t i! it appear later" it prolon#s the same$ and in the same manner

    the &rine" and al*ine dischar#es" and s'eats" accordin# as they appear

    alon# 'ith !a*orable or &n!a*orable symptoms" indicate diseases o!

    a short or lon# d&ration.

    1+. Old persons end&re !astin# most easily$ ne%t" ad&lts$ yo&n# persons

    not nearly so 'ell$ and most especially in!ants" and o! them s&ch

    as are o! a partic&larly li*ely spirit.

    1. :ro'in# bodies ha*e the most innate heat$ they there!ore re&ire

    the most !ood" !or other'ise their bodies are 'asted. In old persons

    the heat is !eeble" and there!ore they re&ire little !&el" as it

    'ere" to the !lame" !or it 'o&ld be e%tin#&ished by m&ch. On this

    acco&nt" also" !e*ers in old persons are not e&ally ac&te" beca&se

    their bodies are cold.

    1/. In 'inter and sprin# the bo'els are nat&rally the hottest" and

    the sleep most prolon#ed$ at these seasons" then" the most s&stenance

    is to be administered$ !or as the belly has then most innate heat"

    it stands in need o! most !ood. The 'ell-(no'n !acts 'ith re#ard to

    yo&n# persons and the athletae pro*e this.

    13. A h&mid re#imen is be!ittin# in all !ebrile diseases" and partic&larly

    in children" and others acc&stomed to li*e on s&ch a diet.

    14. 5e m&st consider" also" in 'hich cases !ood is to be #i*en once

    or t'ice a day" and in #reater or smaller &antities" and at inter*als.

    Somethin# m&st be conceded to habit" to season" to co&ntry" and to


    16. In*alids bear !ood 'orst d&rin# s&mmer and a&t&mn" most easily

    in 'inter" and ne%t in sprin#.

    17. Neither #i*e nor en8oin anythin# to persons d&rin# periodicalparo%ysms" b&t abstract !rom the acc&stomed allo'ance be!ore the crisis.

    )9. 5hen thin#s are at the crisis" or 'hen they ha*e 8&st passed it"

    neither mo*e the bo'els" nor ma(e any inno*ation in the treatment"

    either as re#ards p&r#ati*es or any other s&ch stim&lants" b&t let

    thin#s alone.

    )1. Those thin#s 'hich re&ire to be e*ac&ated sho&ld be e*ac&ated"

    'here*er they most tend" by the proper o&tlets.

    )). 5e m&st p&r#e and mo*e s&ch h&mors as are concocted" not s&ch

    as are &nconcocted" &nless they are str#lin# to #et o&t" 'hich is

    mostly not the case.

    )+. The e*ac&ations are to be 8&d#ed o! not by their &antity" b&t

    'hether they be s&ch as they sho&ld be" and ho' they are borne. And

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    'hen proper to carry the e*ac&ation to deli&i&m animi" this also

    sho&ld be done" pro*ided the patient can s&pport it.

    ). ;se p&r#ati*e medicines sparin#ly in ac&te diseases" and at the

    commencement" and not 'itho&t proper circ&mspection.

    )/. I! the matters 'hich are p&r#ed be s&ch as sho&ld be p&r#ed" the

    e*ac&ation is bene!icial" and easily borne$ b&t" not 'ithstandin#"

    i! other'ise" 'ith di!!ic&lty.



    1. In 'hate*er disease sleep is laborio&s" it is a deadly symptom$

    b&t i! sleep does #ood" it is not deadly.

    ). 5hen sleep p&ts an end to deliri&m" it is a #ood symptom.

    +. Both sleep and insomnolency" 'hen immoderate" are bad.

    . Neither repletion" nor !astin#" nor anythin# else" is #ood 'hen

    more than nat&ral.

    /. Spontaneo&s lassit&de indicates disease.


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    16. From !ood 'hich pro*es no&rishin# to the body either immediately

    or shortly" the de8ections also are immediate.

    17. In ac&te diseases it is not &ite sa!e to pro#nosticate either

    death or reco*ery.

    )9. Those 'ho ha*e 'atery dischar#es !rom their bo'els 'hen yo&n#

    ha*e dry 'hen they are old$ and those 'ho ha*e dry dischar#es 'hen

    they are yo&n# 'ill ha*e 'atery 'hen they are old.

    )1. =rin(in# stron# 'ine c&res h&n#er.

    )). =iseases 'hich arise !rom repletion are c&red by depletion$ and

    those that arise !rom depletion are c&red by repletion$ and in #eneral"

    diseases are c&red by their contraries.

    )+. Ac&te disease come to a crisis in !o&rteen days.

    ). The !o&rth day is indicati*e o! the se*enth$ the ei#hth is the

    commencement o! the second 'ee($ and hence" the ele*enth bein# the

    !o&rth o! the second 'ee(" is also indicati*e$ and a#ain" the se*enteenth

    is indicati*e" as bein# the !o&rth !rom the !o&rteenth" and the se*enth

    !rom the ele*enth.

    )/. The s&mmer &artans are" !or the most part" o! short d&ration$

    b&t the a&t&mnal are protracted" especially those occ&rrin# near the

    approach o! 'inter.

    )3. It is better that a !e*er s&cceed to a con*&lsion" than a con*&lsion

    to a !e*er.

    )4. 5e sho&ld not tr&st ameliorations in diseases 'hen they are not

    re#&lar" nor be m&ch a!raid o! bad symptoms 'hich occ&r in an irre#&lar

    !orm$ !or s&ch are commonly inconstant" and do not &s&ally contin&e"nor ha*e any d&ration.

    )6. In !e*ers 'hich are not alto#ether sli#ht" it is a bad symptom

    !or the body to remain 'itho&t any dimin&tion o! b&l(" or to be 'asted

    beyond meas&re$ !or the one state indicates a protracted disease"

    and the other 'ea(ness o! body.

    )7. I! it appear that e*ac&ations are re&ired" they sho&ld be made

    at the commencement o! diseases$ at the acme it is better to be &iet.

    +9. To'ard the commencement and end o! diseases all the symptoms are

    'ea(er" and to'ard the acme they are stron#er.

    +1. 5hen a person 'ho is reco*erin# !rom a disease has a #ood appetite"

    b&t his body does not impro*e in condition" it is a bad symptom.

    +). For the most part" all persons in ill health" 'ho ha*e a #ood

    appetite at the commencement" b&t do not impro*e" ha*e a bad appetite

    a#ain to'ard the end$ 'hereas" those 'ho ha*e a *ery bad appetite

    at the commencement" and a!ter'ard ac&ire a #ood appetite" #et better


    ++. In e*ery disease it is a #ood si#n 'hen the patient,s intellect

    is so&nd" and he is disposed to ta(e 'hate*er !ood is o!!ered to him$

    b&t the contrary is bad.

    +. In diseases" there is less dan#er 'hen the disease is one to 'hich

    the patient,s constit&tion" habit" a#e" and the season are allied"

    than 'hen it is one to 'hich they are not allied.

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    +/. In all diseases it is better that the &mbilical and hypo#astric

    re#ions preser*e their !&llness$ and it is a bad si#n 'hen they are

    *ery slender and emaciated$ in the latter case it is dan#ero&s to

    administer p&r#ati*es.


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    o! a h&mid temperament" and 'ith 'omen$ b&t others 'ill be s&b8ect

    to dry ophthalmies" ac&te !e*ers" cory>ae" and in some cases melancholy.

    1/. O! the constit&tions o! the year" the dry" &pon the 'hole" are

    more healthy than the rainy" and attended 'ith less mortality.

    13. The diseases 'hich occ&r most !re&ently in rainy seasons are"

    protracted !e*ers" !l&%es o! the bo'els" morti!ications" epilepsies"

    apople%ies" and &insies$ and in dry" cons&mpti*e diseases" ophthalmies"

    arthritic diseases" stran#&ries" and dysenteries.

    14. 5ith re#ard to the states o! the 'eather 'hich contin&e b&t !or

    a day" that 'hich is northerly" braces the body" #i*in# it tone" a#ility"

    and color" impro*es the sense o! hearin#" dries &p the bo'els" pinches

    the eyes" and a##ra*ates any pre*io&s pain 'hich may ha*e been seated

    in the chest. B&t the so&therly rela%es the body" and renders it h&mid"

    brin#s on d&llness o! hearin#" hea*iness o! the head" and *erti#o"

    impairs the mo*ements o! the eyes and the 'hole body" and renders

    the al*ine dischar#es 'atery.

    16. 5ith re#ard to the seasons" in sprin# and in the commencement

    o! s&mmer" children and those ne%t to them in a#e are most com!ortable"

    and en8oy best health$ in s&mmer and d&rin# a certain portion o! a&t&mn"

    old people$ d&rin# the remainder o! the a&t&mn and in 'inter" those

    o! the intermediate a#es.

    17. All diseases occ&r at all seasons o! the year" b&t certain o!

    them are more apt to occ&r and be e%acerbated at certain seasons.

    )9. The diseases o! sprin# are" maniacal" melancholic" and epileptic

    disorders" bloody !l&%" &insy" cory>a" hoarseness" coh" leprosy"

    lichen alphos" e%anthemata mostly endin# in &lcerations" t&bercles"

    and arthritic diseases.

    )1. O! s&mmer" certain o! these" and contin&ed" ardent" and tertian!e*ers" most especially *omitin#" diarrhoea" ophthalmy" pains o! the

    ears" &lcerations o! the mo&th" morti!ications o! the pri*y parts"

    and the s&damina.

    )). O! a&t&mn" most o! the s&mmer" &artan" and irre#&lar !e*ers"

    enlar#ed spleen" dropsy" phthisis" stran#&ry" lientery" dysentery"

    sciatica" &insy" asthma" ile&s" epilepsy" maniacal and melancholic


    )+. O! 'inter" ple&risy" pne&monia" cory>a" hoarseness" coh" pains

    o! the chest" pains o! the ribs and loins" headache" *erti#o" and


    ). In the di!!erent a#es the !ollo'in# complaints occ&r? to little

    and ne'-born children" aphthae" *omitin#" cohs" sleeplessness" !ri#hts

    in!lammation o! the na*el" 'atery dischar#es !rom the ears.

    )/. At the approach o! dentition" pr&rit&s o! the #&ms" !e*ers" con*&lsions"

    diarrhoea" especially 'hen c&ttin# the canine teeth" and in those

    'ho are partic&larly !at" and ha*e constipated bo'els.

    )3. To persons some'hat older" a!!ections o! the tonsils" inc&r*ation

    o! the spine at the *ertebra ne%t the occip&t" asthma" calc&l&s" ro&nd

    'orms" ascarides" acrochordon" satyriasm&s" str&ma" and other t&bercles

    0phymata2" b&t especially the a!oresaid.

    )4. To persons o! a more ad*anced a#e" and no' on the *er#e o! manhood"

    the most o! these diseases" and" moreo*er" more chronic !e*ers" and


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    )6. @o&n# people !or the most part ha*e a crisis in their complaints"

    some in !orty days" some in se*en months" some in se*en years" some

    at the approach to p&berty$ and s&ch complaints o! children as remain"

    and do not pass a'ay abo&t p&berty" or in !emales abo&t the commencement

    o! menstr&ation" &s&ally become chronic.

    )7. To persons past boyhood" haemoptysis" phthisis" ac&te !e*ers"

    epilepsy" and other diseases" b&t especially the a!orementioned.

    +9. To persons beyond that a#e" asthma" ple&risy" pne&monia" lethar#y"

    phrenitis" ardent !e*ers" chronic diarrhoea" cholera" dysentery" lientery"


    +1. To old people dyspnoea" catarrhs accompanied 'ith cohs" dys&ria"

    pains o! the 8oints" nephritis" *erti#o" apople%y" cache%ia" pr&rit&s

    o! the 'hole body" insomnolency" de!l&%ions o! the bo'els" o! the

    eyes" and o! the nose" dimness o! si#ht" cataract 0#la&coma2" and

    d&llness o! hearin#.



    1. 5e m&st p&r#e pre#nant 'omen" i! matters be t&r#id 0in a state

    o! or#asm2" !rom the !o&rth to the se*enth month" b&t less !reely

    in the latter$ in the !irst and last sta#es o! pre#nancy it sho&ld

    be a*oided.

    ). In p&r#in# 'e sho&ld brin# a'ay s&ch matters !rom the body as it

    'o&ld be ad*anta#eo&s had they come a'ay spontaneo&sly$ b&t those

    o! an opposite character sho&ld be stopped.

    +. I! the matters 'hich are p&r#ed be s&ch as sho&ld be p&r#ed" it

    is bene!icial and 'ell borne$ b&t i! the contrary" 'ith di!!ic&lty.

    . 5e sho&ld rather p&r#e &p'ard in s&mmer" and do'n'ard in 'inter.

    /. Abo&t the time o! the do#-days" and be!ore it" the administration

    o! p&r#ati*es is &ns&itable.

    3. ean persons 'ho are easily made to *omit sho&ld be p&r#ed &p'ard"

    a*oidin# the 'inter season.


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    ha*e their bodies moistened by plenty o! !ood and rest be!ore ta(in#

    the draht.

    1. 5hen one ta(es a draht o! hellebore" one sho&ld be made to mo*e

    more abo&t" and ind&l#e less in sleep and repose. Sailin# on the sea

    sho's that motion disorders the body.

    1/. 5hen yo& 'ish the hellebore to act more" mo*e the body" and 'hen

    to stop" let the patient #et sleep and rest.

    13. Hellebore is dan#ero&s to persons 'hose !lesh is so&nd" !or it

    ind&ces con*&lsion.

    14. Anore%ia" heartb&rn" *erti#o" and a bitter taste o! the mo&th"

    in a person !ree !rom !e*er" indicate the 'ant o! p&r#in# &p'ard.

    16. ed 'ith tormina" hea*iness o!

    the (nees" and pains o! the loins" this indicates that p&r#in# do'n'ard

    is re&ired.

    )1. Al*ine de8ections 'hich are blac(" li(e blood" ta(in# place spontaneo&sly"

    either 'ith or 'itho&t !e*er" are *ery bad$ and the more n&mero&s

    and &n!a*orable the colors" so m&ch the 'orse$ 'hen 'ith medicine

    it is better" and a *ariety o! colors in this case is not bad.

    )). 5hen blac( bile is e*ac&ated in the be#innin# o! any disease 'hate*er"

    either &p'ard or do'n'ard" it is a mortal symptom.

    )+. In persons atten&ated !rom any disease" 'hether ac&te or chronic"or !rom 'o&nds" or any other ca&se" i! there be a dischar#e either

    o! blac( bile" or resemblin# blac( blood" they die on the !ollo'in#


    ). =ysentery" i! it commence 'ith blac( bile" is mortal.

    )/. Blood dischar#ed &p'ard" 'hate*er be its character" is a bad symptom"

    b&t do'n'ard it is 0more2 !a*orable" and so also blac( de8ections.

    )3. I! in a person ill o! dysentery" s&bstances resemblin# !lesh be

    dischar#ed !rom the bo'els" it is a mortal symptom.

    )4. In 'hate*er cases o! !e*er there is a copio&s hemorrha#e !rom'hate*er channel" the bo'els are in a loose state d&rin# con*alescence.

    )6. In all cases 'hate*er" bilio&s dischar#es cease i! dea!ness s&per*enes"

    and in all cases dea!ness ceases 'hen bilio&s dischar#es s&per*ene.

    )7. i#ors 'hich occ&r on the si%th day ha*e a di!!ic&lt crisis.

    +9. =iseases attended 'ith paro%ysms" i! at the same ho&r that the

    !e*er lea*es it ret&rn a#ain ne%t day" are o! di!!ic&lt crisis.

    +1. In !ebrile diseases attended 'ith a sense o! lassit&de" deposits

    !orm abo&t the 8oints" and especially those o! the 8a's.

    +). In con*alescents !rom diseases" i! any part be pained" there deposits

    are !ormed.

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    ++. B&t i! any part be in a pain!&l state pre*io&s to the illness"

    there the disease !i%es.

    +. I! a person laborin# &nder a !e*er" 'itho&t any s'ellin# in the

    !a&ces" be sei>ed 'ith a sense o! s&!!ocation s&ddenly" it is a mortal


    +/. I! in a person 'ith !e*er" the become s&ddenly distorted" and

    he cannot s'allo' &nless 'ith di!!ic&lty" althoh no s'ellin# be

    present" it is a mortal symptom.

    +3. S'eats" in !ebrile diseases" are !a*orable" i! they set in on

    the third" !i!th" se*enth" ninth" ele*enth" !o&rteenth" se*enteenth"

    t'enty-!irst" t'enty-se*enth" and thirty-!o&rth day" !or these s'eats

    pro*e a crisis to the disease$ b&t s'eats not occ&rrin# th&s" indicate

    pain" a protracted disease" and relapses.

    +4. Cold s'eats occ&rrin# 'ith an ac&te !e*er" indicate death$ and

    alon# 'ith a milder one" a protracted disease.

    +6. And in 'hate*er part o! the body there is a s'eat" it sho's that

    the disease is seated there.

    +7. And in 'hate*er part o! the body heat or cold is seated" there

    is disease.

    9. And 'here*er there are chan#es in the 'hole body" and i! the body

    be alternately cold and hot" or i! one color s&cceed another" this

    indicates a protracted disease.

    1. A copio&s s'eat a!ter sleep occ&rin# 'itho&t any mani!est ca&se"

    indicates that the body is &sin# too m&ch !ood. B&t i! it occ&r 'hen

    one is not ta(in# !ood" it indicates that e*ac&ation is re&ired.

    ). A copio&s s'eat" 'hether hot or cold" !lo'in# contin&o&sly" indicates"the cold a #reater" and the hot a lesser disease.

    +. Fe*ers" not o! the intermittent type" 'hich are e%acerbated on

    the third day" are dan#ero&s$ b&t i! they intermit in any !orm" this

    indicates that they are not dan#ero&s.

    . In cases attended 'ith protracted !e*ers" t&bercles 0phymata2

    or pains occ&r abo&t the 8oints.

    /. 5hen t&bercles 0phymata2 or pains attac( the 8oints a!ter !e*ers"

    s&ch persons are &sin# too m&ch !ood.

    3. I! in a !e*er not o! the intermittent type a ri#or sei>e a personalready m&ch debilitated" it is mortal.

    4. In !e*ers not o! the intermittent type" e%pectorations 'hich are

    li*id bloody" !etid and bilio&s" are all bad$ b&t i! e*ac&ated properly"

    they are !a*orable. So it is 'ith the al*ine e*ac&ations and the &rine.

    B&t i! none o! the proper e%cretions ta(e place by these channels"

    it is bad.

    6. In !e*ers not o! the intermittent type" i! the e%ternal parts

    be cold" b&t the internal be b&rnt &p" and i! there be thirst" it

    is a mortal symptom.

    7. In a !e*er not o! the intermittent type" i! a lip" an eye-bro'"an eye" or the nose" be distorted$ or i! there be loss o! si#ht or

    o! hearin#" and the patient be in a 'ea( state-'hate*er o! these symptoms

    occ&r" death is at hand.

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    /9. Apostemes in !e*ers 'hich are not resol*ed at the !irst crisis"

    indicate a protracted disease.

    /1. 5hen in a !e*er not o! the intermittent type dyspnoea and deliri&m

    come on" the case is mortal.

    /). 5hen persons in !e*ers" or in other illnesses" shed tears *ol&ntarily"

    it is nothin# o&t o! place$ b&t 'hen they shed tears in*ol&ntarily"

    it is more so.

    /+. In 'hate*er cases o! !e*er *ery *iscid concretions !orm abo&t

    the teeth" the !e*ers t&rn o&t to be partic&larly stron#.

    /. In 'hate*er case o! ardent !e*er dry cohs o! a tic(lin# nat&re

    'ith sli#ht e%pectoration are lon# protracted" there is &s&ally not

    m&ch thirst.

    //. All !e*ers complicated 'ith b&boes are bad" e%cept ephemerals.

    /3. S'eat s&per*enin# in a case o! the !e*er ceasin#" is bad" !or

    the disease is protracted" and it indicates more copio&s h&mors.

    /4. Fe*er s&per*enin# in a case o! con!irmed spasm" or o! tetan&s"

    remo*es the disease.

    /6. A ri#or s&per*enin# in a case o! ardent !e*er" prod&ces resol&tion

    o! it.

    /7. A tr&e tertian comes to a crisis in se*en periods at !&rthest.

    39. 5hen in !e*ers there is dea!ness" i! blood r&n !rom the nostrils"

    or the bo'els become disordered" it carries o!! the disease.

    31. In a !ebrile complaint" i! the !e*er do not lea*e on the odd days"it relapses.

    3). 5hen 8a&ndice s&per*enes in !e*ers be!ore the se*enth day" it

    a bad symptom" &nless there be 'atery dischar#es !rom the bo'els.

    3+. In 'hate*er cases o! !e*er ri#ors occ&r d&rin# the day" the !e*ers

    come to a resol&tion d&rin# the day.

    3. 5hen in cases o! !e*er 8a&ndice occ&rs on the se*enth" the ninth"

    the ele*enth" or the !o&rteenth day" it is a #ood symptom" pro*ided

    the hypochondriac re#ion be not hard. Other'ise it is not a #ood symptom.

    3/. A stron# heat abo&t the stomach and cardial#ia are bad symptomsin !e*ers.

    33. In ac&te !e*ers" spasms" and stron# pains abo&t the bo'els are

    bad symptoms.

    34. In !e*ers" !ri#hts a!ter sleep" or con*&lsions" are a bad symptom.

    36. In !e*ers" a stoppa#e o! the respiration is a bad symptom" !or

    it indicates con*&lsions.

    37. 5hen the &rine is thic(" #r&moss" and scanty in cases not !ree

    !rom !e*er a copio&s dischar#e o! thinner &rine pro*es bene!icial.

    S&ch a dischar#e more commonly ta(es place 'hen the &rine has hada sediment !rom the !irst" or soon a!ter the commencement.

    49. 5hen in !e*ers the &rine is t&rbid" li(e that o! a beast o! b&rden"

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    in s&ch a case there either is or 'ill be headache.

    41. In cases 'hich come to a crisis on the se*enth day" the &rine

    has a red n&bec&la on the !o&rth day" and the other symptoms accordin#ly.

    4). 5hen the &rine is transparent and 'hite" it is bad$ it appears

    principally in cases o! phrenitis.

    4+. 5hen the hypochondriac re#ion is a!!ected 'ith meteorism and borbory#mi"

    sho&ld pain o! the loins s&per*ene" the bo'els #et into a loose and

    'atery state" &nless there be an er&ption o! !lat&s or a copio&s e*ac&ation

    o! &rine. These thin#s occ&r in !e*ers.

    4. 5hen there is reason to e%pect that an abscess 'ill !orm in 8oints"

    the abscess is carried o!! by a copio&s dischar#e o! &rine" 'hich

    is thic(" and becomes 'hite" li(e 'hat be#ins to !orm in certain cases

    o! &artan !e*er" attended 'ith a sense o! lassit&de. It is also speedily

    carried o!! by a hemorrha#e !rom the nose.

    4/. Blood or p&s in the &rine indicates &lceration either o! the (idneys

    or o! the bladder.

    43. 5hen small !leshy s&bstances li(e hairs are dischar#ed alon# 'ith

    thic( &rine" these s&bstances come !rom the (idneys.

    44. In those cases 'here there are !&r!&raceo&s particles dischar#ed

    alon# 'ith thic( &rine" there is scabies o! the bladder.

    46. In those cases 'here there is a spontaneo&s dischar#e o! bloody

    &rine" it indicates r&pt&re o! a small *ein in the (idneys.

    47. In those cases 'here there is a sandy sediment in the &rine" there

    is calc&l&s in the bladder 0or (idneys2.

    69. I! a patient pass blood and clots in his &rine" and ha*e stran#&ry"and i! a pain sei>e the hypo#astric re#ion and perine&m" the parts

    abo&t the bladder are a!!ected.

    61. I! a patient pass blood" p&s" and scales" in the &rine" and i!

    it ha*e a hea*y smell" &lceration o! the bladder is indicated.

    6). 5hen t&bercles !orm in the &rethra" i! these s&pp&rate and b&rst"

    there is relie!.

    6+. 5hen m&ch &rine is passed d&rin# the ni#ht" it indicates that

    the al*ine e*ac&ations are scanty.



    1. A spasm !rom ta(in# hellebore is o! a !atal nat&re.

    ). Spasm s&per*enin# on a 'o&nd is !atal.

    +. A con*&lsion" or hicc&p" s&per*enin# on a copio&s dischar#e o!

    blood is bad.

    . A con*&lsion" or hicc&p" s&per*enin# &pon hypercatharsis is bad.

    /. I! a dr&n(en person s&ddenly lose his speech" he 'ill die con*&lsed"&nless !e*er come on" or he reco*er his speech at the time 'hen the

    conse&ences o! a deba&ch pass o!!.

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    3. S&ch persons as are sei>ed 'ith tetan&s die 'ithin !o&r days" or

    i! they pass these they reco*er.

    4. Those cases o! epilepsy 'hich come on be!ore p&berty may &nder#o

    a chan#e$ b&t those 'hich come on a!ter t'enty-!i*e years o! a#e"

    !or the most part terminate in death.

    6. In ple&ritic a!!ections" 'hen the disease is not p&r#ed o!! in

    !o&rteen days" it &s&ally terminates in empyema.


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    mil(" her menses are obstr&cted.

    9. In 'omen" blood collected in the breasts indicates madness.

    1. I! yo& 'ish to ascertain i! a 'oman be 'ith child" #i*e her hydromel

    to drin( 'hen she is #oin# to sleep" and has not ta(en s&pper" and

    i! she be sei>ed 'ith tormina in the belly" she is 'ith child" b&t

    other'ise she is not pre#nant.

    ). A 'oman 'ith child" i! it be a male" has a #ood color" b&t i!

    a !emale" she has a bad color.

    +. I! erysipelas o! the 'omb sei>e a 'oman 'ith child" it 'ill probably

    pro*e !atal.

    . 5omen 'ho are *ery lean" ha*e miscarria#es 'hen they pro*e 'ith

    child" &ntil they #et into better condition.

    /. 5hen 'omen" in a moderate condition o! body" miscarry in the second

    or third month" 'itho&t any ob*io&s ca&se" their cotyledones are !illed

    'ith m&cosity" and cannot s&pport the 'ei#ht o! the !oet&s" b&t are

    bro(en as&nder.

    3. S&ch 'omen as are immoderately !at" and do not pro*e 'ith child"

    in them it is beca&se the epiploon 0!at2 bloc(s &p the mo&th o! the

    'omb" and &ntil it be red&ced" they do not concei*e.

    4. I! the portion o! the &ter&s seated near the hip-8oint s&pp&rate"

    it #ets into a state re&irin# to be treated 'ith tents.

    6. The male !oet&s is &s&ally seated in the ri#ht" and the !emale

    in the le!t side.

    7. To proc&re the e%p&lsion o! the sec&ndines" apply a stern&tatory"

    and sh&t the nostrils and mo&th.

    /9. I! yo& 'ish to stop the menses in a 'oman" apply as lar#e a c&ppin#

    instr&ment as possible to the breasts.

    /1. 5hen 'omen are 'ith child" the mo&th o! their 'omb is closed.

    /). I! in a 'oman 'ith child" m&ch mil( !lo' !rom the breasts" it

    indicates that the !oet&s is 'ea($ b&t i! the breasts be !irm" it

    indicates that the !oet&s is in a more healthy state.

    /+. In 'omen that are abo&t to miscarry" the breasts become slender$

    b&t i! a#ain they become hard" there 'ill be pain" either in the breasts"

    or in the hip-8oints" or in the eyes" or in the (nees" and they 'illnot miscarry.

    /. 5hen the mo&th o! the &ter&s is hard" it is also necessarily sh&t.

    //. 5omen 'ith child 'ho are sei>ed 'ith !e*ers" and 'ho are #reatly

    emaciated" 'itho&t any 0other2 ob*io&s ca&se" ha*e di!!ic&lt and

    dan#ero&s labors" and i! they miscarry" they are in dan#er.

    /3. In the !emale !l&% 0immoderate menstr&ation2" i! con*&lsion and

    deli&i&m come on" it is bad.

    /4. 5hen the menses are e%cessi*e" diseases ta(e place" and 'hen the

    menses are stopped" diseases !rom the &ter&s ta(e place.

    /6. Stran#&ry s&per*enes &pon in!lammation o! the rect&m" and o! the

    'omb" and stran#&ry s&per*enes &pon s&pp&ration o! the (idney" and

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    hicc&p &pon in!lammation o! the li*er.

    /7. I! a 'oman do not concei*e" and 'ish to ascertain 'hether she

    can concei*e" ha*in# 'rapped her &p in blan(ets" !&mi#ate belo'" and

    i! it appear that the scent passes throh the body to the nostrils

    and mo&th" (no' that o! hersel! she is not &n!r&it!&l.

    39. I! 'oman 'ith a child ha*e her co&rses" it is impossible that

    the child can be healthy.

    31. I! a 'oman,s co&rses be s&ppressed" and neither ri#or nor !e*er

    has !ollo'ed" b&t she has been a!!ected 'ith na&sea" yo& may rec(on

    her to be 'ith child.

    3). 5omen 'ho ha*e the &ter&s cold and dense 0compact2 do not concei*e$

    and those also 'ho ha*e the &ter&s h&mid" do not concei*e" !or the

    semen is e%tin#&ished" and in 'omen 'hose &ter&s is *ery dry" and

    *ery hot" the semen is lost !rom the 'ant o! !ood$ b&t 'omen 'hose

    &ter&s is in an intermediate state bet'een these temperaments pro*e


    3+. And in li(e manner 'ith respect to males$ !or either" o'in# to

    the la%ity o! the body" the pne&ma is dissipated o&t'ardly" so as

    not to propel the semen" or" o'in# to its density" the !l&id 0semen2

    does not pass o&t'ardly$ or" o'in# to coldness" it is not heated so

    as to collect in its proper place 0seminal *essels2" or" o'in# to

    its heat" the *ery same thin# happens.

    3. It is a bad thin# to #i*e mil( to persons ha*in# headache" and

    it is also bad to #i*e it in !e*ers" and to persons 'hose hypochondria

    are s'elled &p" and tro&bled 'ith borbory#mi" and to thirsty persons$

    it is bad also" 'hen #i*en to those 'ho ha*e bilio&s dischar#es in

    ac&te !e*ers" and to those 'ho ha*e copio&s dischar#es o! blood$ b&t

    it is s&itable in phthisical cases" 'hen not attended 'ith *ery m&ch

    !e*er$ it is also to be #i*en in !e*ers o! a chronic and 'ea( nat&re"'hen none o! the a!orementioned symptoms are present" and the patients

    are e%cessi*ely emaciated.

    3/. 5hen s'ellin#s appear on 'o&nds" s&ch cases are not li(ely to

    be attac(ed either 'ith con*&lsions" or deliri&m" b&t 'hen these disappear

    s&ddenly" i! sit&ated behind" spasms and tetan&s s&per*ene" and i!

    be!ore" mania" ac&te pains o! the sides" or s&pp&rations" or dysentery"

    i! the s'ellin#s be rather red.

    33. 5hen no s'ellin# appears on se*ere and bad 'o&nds" it is a #reat


    34. In s&ch cases" the so!t are !a*orable$ and cr&de" &n!a*orable.

    36. 5hen a person is pained in the bac( part o! the head" he is bene!ited

    by ha*in# the strai#ht *ein in the !orehead opened.

    37. i#ors commence in 'omen" especially at the loins" and spread

    by the bac( to the head$ and in men also" rather in the posterior

    than the anterior side o! the body" as !rom the arms and thi#hs$ the

    s(in there is rare" as is ob*io&s !rom the #ro'th o! hair on them.


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    4). in# comin# on" in the case o! a person a!!licted 'ith hicc&p"

    remo*es the hicc&p.

    1. In a case o! dropsy" 'hen the 'ater r&ns by the *eins into the

    belly" it remo*es the disease.

    1/. In con!irmed diarrhoea" *omitin#" 'hen it comes on spontaneo&sly"

    remo*es the diarrhoea.

    13. A diarrhoea s&per*enin# in a con!irmed case o! ple&risy or pne&monia

    is bad.

    14. It is a #ood thin# in ophthalmy !or the patient to be sei>ed 'ith


    16. A se*ere 'o&nd o! the bladder" o! the brain" o! the heart" o!

    the diaphra#m" o! the small intestines" o! the stomach" and o! the

    li*er" is deadly.

    17. 5hen a bone" cartila#e" ner*e" the slender part o! the 8a'" or

    prep&ce" are c&t o&t" the part is neither restored" nor does it &nite.

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    )9. I! blood be po&red o&t preternat&rally into a ca*ity" it m&st

    necessarily become corr&pted.

    )1. In maniacal a!!ections" i! *arices or hemorrhoids come on" they

    remo*e the mania.

    )). Those r&pt&res in the bac( 'hich spread do'n to the elbo's are

    remo*ed by *enesection.

    )+. I! a !ri#ht or despondency lasts !or a lon# time" it is a melancholic


    ). I! any o! the intestines be trans!i%ed" it does not &nite.

    )/. It is not a #ood si#n !or an erysipelas spreadin# o&t'ardly to

    be determined in'ard$ b&t !or it to be determined o&t'ard !rom 'ithin

    is #ood.

    )3. In 'hate*er cases o! ardent !e*er tremors occ&r" they are carried

    o!! by a deliri&m.

    )4. Those cases o! empyema or dropsy 'hich are treated by incision

    or the ca&tery" i! the 'ater or p&s !lo' rapidly all at once" certainly

    pro*e !atal.

    )6. E&n&chs do not ta(e the #o&t" nor become bald.

    )7. A 'oman does not ta(e the #o&t" &nless her menses be stopped.

    +9. A yo&n# man does not ta(e the #o&t &ntil he ind&l#es in coition.

    +1. ed

    'ith chronic diarrhoea.

    ++. ed

    'ith ple&risy.


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    1. In ac&te diseases" coldness o! the e%tremities is bad.

    ). i*id !lesh on a diseased bone is bad.

    +. Hicc&p and redness o! the eyes" 'hen they s&per*ene on *omitin#"

    are bad.

    . A chill s&per*enin# on a s'eat is not #ood.

    /. =ysentery" or dropsy" or ecstacy comin# on madness is #ood.

    3. In a *ery protracted disease" loss o! appetite and &nmi%ed dischar#es

    !rom the bo'els are bad symptoms.

    4. A ri#or and deliri&m !rom e%cessi*e drin(in# are bad.

    6. From the r&pt&re o! an internal abscess" prostration o! stren#th"

    *omitin#" and deli&i&m animi res&lt.

    7. =eliri&m or con*&lsion !rom a !lo' o! blood is bad.

    19. omitin#" or hicc&p" or con*&lsion" or deliri&m" in ile&s" is



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  • 8/11/2019 Hippocrates - Aphorisms


    4. I! a dropsical patient be sei>ed 'ith hicc&p the case is hopeless.

    6. Stran#&ry and dys&ria are c&red by drin(in# p&re 'ine" and *enesection$

    open the *ein on the inside.

    7. It is a #ood si#n 'hen s'ellin# and redness on the breast sei>e

    a person *ery ill o! &insy" !or in this case the disease is di*erted


    /9. 5hen the brain is attac(ed 'ith sphacel&s" the patients die in

    three days$ or i! they escape these" they reco*er.

    /1. Snee>in# arises !rom the head" o'in# to the brain bein# heated"

    or the ca*ity 0*entricle2 in the head bein# !illed 'ith h&mors$ the

    air con!ined in it then is dischar#ed" and ma(es a noise" beca&se

    it comes throh a narro' passa#e.

    /). Fe*er s&per*enin# on pain!&l a!!ections o! the li*er remo*es the


    /+. Those persons to 'hom it is bene!icial to ha*e blood ta(en !rom

    their *eins" sho&ld ha*e it done in sprin#.

    /. In those cases 'here phle#m is collected bet'een the diaphra#m

    and the stomach" and occasions pain" as not !indin# a passa#e into

    either o! the ca*ities" the disease 'ill be carried o!! i! the phle#m

    be di*erted to the bladder by the *eins.

    //. 5hen the li*er is !illed 'ith 'ater and b&rsts into the epiploon"

    in this case the belly is !illed 'ith 'ater and the patient dies.

    /3. An%iety" ya'nin#" ri#or"-'ine dr&n( 'ith an e&al proportion o!

    'ater" remo*es these complaints.

    /4. 5hen t&bercles 0phymata2 !orm in the &rethra" i! they s&pp&rate

    and b&rst" the pain is carried o!!.

    /6. In cases o! conc&ssion o! the brain prod&ced by any ca&se" the

    patients necessarily lose their speech.

    /7. In a person a!!ected 'ith !e*er" 'hen there is no s'ellin# in

    the !a&ces" sho&ld s&!!ocation s&ddenly come on" and the patient not

    be able to s'allo'" e%cept 'ith di!!ic&lty" it is a mortal symptom.

    /7a. In the case o! a person oppressed by !e*er" i! the nec( be t&rned

    aside" and the patient cannot s'allo'" 'hile there is no s'ellin#

    in the nec(" it is a mortal si#n.

    39. Fastin# sho&ld be prescribed the those persons 'ho ha*e h&mid

    !lesh$ !or !astin# dries bodies.

    31. 5hen there are chan#es in the 'hole body" and the body becomes

    sometimes cold and sometimes hot" and the color chan#es" a protracted

    disease is indicated.

    3). A copio&s s'eat" hot or cold" constantly !lo'in#" indicates a

    s&perab&ndance o! h&midity$ 'e m&st e*ac&ate then" in a stron# person

    &p'ard" and in a 'ea(" do'n'ard.

    3+. Fe*ers" not o! the intermittent type" i! they become e%acerbatede*ery third day are dan#ero&s$ b&t i! they intermit in any !orm 'hate*er"

    this sho's that they are not dan#ero&s.

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    3. In cases o! protracted !e*er" either chronic abscesses or pains

    in the 8oints come on.

    3/. 5hen chronic abscesses 0phymata2 or pains in the 8oints ta(e place

    a!ter !e*ers" the patients are &sin# too m&ch !ood.

    33. I! one #i*e to a person in !e*er the same !ood 'hich is #i*en

    to a person in #ood health" 'hat is stren#th to the one is disease

    to the other.

    34. 5e m&st loo( to the &rinary e*ac&ations" 'hether they resemble

    those o! persons in health$ i! not at all so" they are partic&larly

    morbid" b&t i! they are li(e those o! healthy persons" they are not

    at all morbid.

    36. 5hen the de8ections are allo'ed to stand and not sha(en" and a

    sediment is !ormed li(e scrapin#s 0o! the bo'els2" in s&ch a case

    it is proper to p&r#e the bo'els$ and i! yo& #i*e ptisans be!ore p&r#in#"

    the more yo& #i*e the more harm yo& 'ill do.

    37. Cr&de de8ections are the prod&ct o! blac( bile$ i! ab&ndant" o!

    more copio&s" and i! de!icient" o! less copio&s collections o! it.

    49. The sp&ta in !e*ers" not o! an intermittent type" 'hich are li*id"

    strea(ed 'ith blood" and !etid" are all bad" it is !a*orable 'hen

    this e*ac&ation" li(e the &rinary and al*ine" passes !reely$ and 'hene*er

    any dischar#e is s&ppressed and not p&r#ed o!! it is bad.

    41. 5hen yo& 'ish to p&r#e the body" yo& m&st brin# it into a state

    !a*orable to e*ac&ations$ and i! yo& 'ish to dispose it to e*ac&ations

    &p'ard" yo& m&st bind the belly$ and i! yo& 'ish to dispose it to

    e*ac&ations do'n'ard" yo& m&st moisten the belly.

    4). Sleep and 'atch!&lness" both o! them" 'hen immoderate" constit&te


    4+. In !e*ers 'hich do not intermit" i! the e%ternal parts be cold"

    and the internal b&rnin# hot" and !e*er pre*ail" it is a mortal si#n.

    4. In a !e*er 'hich does not intermit" i! a lip" the nose" or an

    eye be distorted" i! the patient lose his sense o! si#ht or o! hearin#"

    'hile no' in a 'ea( state"-'hate*er o! these symptoms occ&rs it is


    4/. ;pon le&cophle#matia dropsy s&per*enes.

    43. ;pon diarrhoea dysentery.

    44. ;pon dysentery lientery.

    46. ;pon sphacel&s e%!oliation o! the bone.

    47 and 69. ;pon *omitin# o! blood cons&mption" and a p&r#in# o! p&s

    &p'ard$ &pon cons&mption a de!l&%ion !rom the head$ &pon a de!l&%ion

    diarrhoea$ &pon diarrhoea a stoppa#e o! the p&r#in# &p'ard$ &pon the

    stoppa#e o! it death.

    61. In the dischar#es by the bladder" the belly" and the !lesh 0the

    s(in2 i! the body has departed sli#htly !rom its nat&ral condition"

    the disease is sli#ht$ i! m&ch" it is #reat$ i! *ery m&ch" it is mortal.

    6). y"

    do not readily reco*er$ the dan#er is less 'hen the disease is co#nate

    to the constit&tion and a#e.

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    6+. In 'hate*er diseases the eyes 'eep *ol&ntarily" it is a #ood symptom"

    b&t 'hen in*ol&ntarily" it is a bad.

    6. 5hen in &artan !e*ers blood !lo's !rom the nostrils it is a bad


    6/. S'eats are dan#ero&s 'hen they do not occ&r on critical days"

    'hen they are stron#" and &ic(ly !orced o&t o! the !orehead" either

    in the !orm o! drops or in streams" and i! e%cessi*ely cold and copio&s$

    !or s&ch a s'eat m&st proceed !rom *iolence" e%cess o! pain" and prolon#ed

    s&ee>in# 0a!!liction2.

    63. In a chronic disease an e%cessi*e !l&% !rom the bo'els is bad.

    64. Those diseases 'hich medicines do not c&re" iron 0the (ni!e2

    c&res$ those 'hich iron cannot c&re" !ire c&res$ and those 'hich !ire

    cannot c&re" are to be rec(oned 'holly inc&rable.

    THE EN=

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