



for Lent - 2019

Ash Wednesday, Mar. 6

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on March 6. There will be two opportunities for worship on that day:

12:00PM - This abbreviated service (30-35 minutes) will include a rite for Confession, Imposition of Ashes, and Holy Communion.

7:00PM - The full service, including all of the above, and preaching.

Soup Suppers Wednesdays, 6-6:45PM

A light supper of homemade soup and bread will be served each Wednesday during Lent (except on Ash Wednesday). While there is no “charge” for this meal, we suggest a donation of $3.00/person. Watch your bulletin for the weekly soup. Join us!

Following the soup suppers . . .

Midweek Lenten Services

Wednesdays - 7:00PM “Perfect Love Casts out Fear”

On Wednesday evenings beginning on March 13 and continuing through April 10, we will gather for Evening Prayer. Our midweek Lenten Series will have us exploring dimensions of God’s love for us and the love of Christ we share. There will be soup and bread offered in Fellowship Hall before the services and you are encouraged to join in the fellowship with each other to enjoy


some delicious soup. There are five weeks in Lent and the following schedule will be part of our time together.

Week one of Lent March 13—Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:1-3, 9-18, Romans 13:8-10).

Week two of Lent March 20—When Israel was a child I loved him (Hosea 11:1-12, Romans 8:35-39)

Week three of Lent March 27—Love immigrants because you were immigrants in Egypt (Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Luke 6:27-38)

Week four of Lent April 3—If I have faith but do not have love, I am nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-13, John 14:15-31)

Week five of Lent April 10—It was not because you were greater that the Lord loved you (Deuteronomy 7:7-13, 1 John 4:7-21)

We will be gathering during Holy Week in April for evening worship services. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be a service of the Word with members of the church community preaching. If you are interested in preaching one of these nights, please let Pastor Kerns know as soon as possible. Maundy Thursday is April 18, Good Friday is April 19, and the Vigil of Easter is April 20. Plan to join us for our walk with our Lord to his death on the Cross and his Resurrection.

Financial Statements End of the year (2018) financial statements are available on a table in the Great Room. These are both reminders of giving and important IRS documents. Be sure to pick yours up today.

Annual Meeting-Pt. 2 Sunday, February 3

(after the 10:30AM service)

The second part of our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 3, following the 10:30AM worship service. We will meet in the nave to review our ministry, programs and finances for the year 2018, and will begin to look ahead to 2019.

Copies of the Annual Reports are available on a table in our Great Room. Please do your best to read through these reports before the meeting.

The Annual Meeting is an important way to keep your finger on the “pulse” of our church family. Plan now on being with us!

New Council Officers

The following new Council Officers were elected at the January meeting:

President-TBA Vice President-Tony Wright

Recording Sec.-Alexa Sharrar Treasurer-Marilyn Book

Financial Secretary-John Potteiger

When you see them (and any of these other members of Council: Marlene Bayer, Deb Cernugel, Kathy Elser, Melissa Gebhard, Linda Guerrisi, Karen Holmes, Ed Holtzman, Lynda Howard, Brian Williams, & Scott Zumbrum), be sure to thank them for their service to our church family.

Snow Closings

Check for closings on TV Channels 15, 21 or 27, radio stations WHP 580, 97.3FM or 99.3FM, or ...continued on page 4

Breakfast Is Served! Sunday, February 17

Our Fellowship Team continues to put together a delicious breakfast (hot and cold items, breads, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.) for all comers between 9:00—10:15AM on the third Sunday of each month, and all for a free will offering. Be sure to join us for great food, and lots of fellowship! Remember, half of the proceeds each month will go towards a local charity. This month will benefit the Grantville Food Pantry. You have generously supported our quest in the past; we are counting on you. Thank you.

NOTE: If you would like to donate your time or a hot or cold breakfast item to support the Fellowship Team, please sign up at or in the Great Room.

Thank You . . . “To My Church family, thank you so much for the

thoughtful care package sent to me over this fall semester. It was a very thoughtful gift which was a great reminder of how blessed I am to have such a strong foundation in my life formed by you all and by Christ. Thanks and God Bless, Dan Getz”

“Dear Christ Lutheran Church members, thank you so very much for the incredible care package. I have already put it to use :o) and it came at a perfect time as I have three exams next week! I greatly appreciate all of the hard work that went into making those. Wishing you all the best, Hannah Hrobuchak”

“Hello church family! I just wanted thank everyone that helped send my Belgian care package. It was so unexpected and very nice that you thought about me. I’ve been enjoying all the Belgian snacks. I hope you have a great upcoming holiday season! Thanks again, Ingrid Hrobuchak”

“Thank you so much for the use of Fellowship Hall. Gabby had a wonderful surprise birthday party and loved the location. It was a great blessing! Thank you! Patty Frye”

“Dear Friends, on behalf of the Ecumenical Food Pantry, and those who benefit by your generosity, I would like to thank you for the generous contribution of 14 boxes of food which we received in December. May God continue to richly bless you! Jacqueline Young, Corresponding Secretary”

“Dear Christ Lutheran, thank you for your gift of $25 to Lutheran Disaster Response. In the wake of fire and flood, wind, drought and disasters of every kind, you have joined with the whole church to offer prayers, presence, and physical and spiritual comfort. Thank you for your gifts during the holy season. With the light and hope of Christ, The Rev. Daniel Rift, Director, ELCA World Hunger & Disaster Appeal”

continued. . .

”Dear Christ Lutheran congregation, thank you for your donation of $528.50. You have made a difference in a child’s life. Thank you! Pam Jones, Co-Director, Nutri-Packs Program CDSD”

“Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, thank you for your contribution of $60 to PAWS from your “Blessing of the Animals”. Please know that the success of an organization would not be made possible without the generosity of our supporters. The increase in adoptions, program development and project completion is a true testament to all you do for PAWS. Together we can make a difference! Sincerely, Sharon Sarno, Board Secretary”

“Dear Sisters and Brothers, thank you for supporting our work through United in Love: our 2018-2019 Annual Funding Campaign. We have received your contribution of $500. Know that you are changing lives everyday through the work of CCU (Christian Churches United!) With grace and peace, Steve Schwartz, Director of Development”

RECYCLED TEENS This is our group for the senior members (55+) of our church family and surrounding community—they will resume meeting on February 13. The monthly meetings of this group begin with a hot

lunch (at a low price of $6.00), prepared by our Food Services Team, served at Noon, followed by a brief “business meeting.” After that, some kind of activity or presentation is scheduled. This month, our entertainment will be Shelba Purtle, HandPan instrument.

If you have not yet made the meetings of this group part of your monthly schedule, make plans to do so now. Hope to see you on the 13th, at Noon!

Christian Ed Meeting The Christian Education team will be meeting on February 10th directly after the 10:30AM service in Room 3 (2nd-6th grade Sunday Church School Room). We will be discussing Mardi Gras and the Easter Egg Hunt. All teachers are to attend. If there is anyone interested in becoming a teacher, please attend! All are welcome!

MarDI Gras, MARCH 3

Come one, come all to Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras will be held on March 3rd in Fellowship Hall directly following the 10:30AM service. There will be games, food, burning of the ashes, and more! Bring along some friends to experience a fun time with a great church family. All are welcome!

Hilltop Herald-February 2019-Page 3


We have narrowed down our search to replace the heating / air conditioning system for the Sanctuary. We have agreed that the work be contracted to A. C. Rimmer of Mechanicsburg. A. C. Rimmer’s bid was for $26,630.00. This bid was the lowest bid of the three that we received and after seeking answers of all three bidders it was felt that A. C. Rimmer was the company to go with. We are hopeful that the work can begin in about two weeks of the signing of the contract and be completed during one full week so that there is no interruption in worship on a Sunday morning. We are also going to contract with A. C. Rimmer for the maintenance of our heating and cooling systems. If you have any questions, please speak with John Parker the chair of the Maintenance and Repair Committee.

We are asking for donations to support this project and the others that are being worked on at this time. We have tapped into our reserves to do the work on the heating system in the Sanctuary and would like to replenish those funds as well as continue to seek donations for the Capital Campaign that is still open and being offered. We have offered the opportunity to donate to the Capital Campaign so that we can move forward with some of the various repairs that are needed. We can only achieve fulfilling our needs with the Congregation’s help. Please prayerfully consider your help as we move forward to work on maintenance issues in and around the church.

Maintenance and Repair committee

Continued from page 1…

Snow Closings the web sites,, or In addition, you may call the church office to check if a message has been left on our answering machine. Above all, use good judgment - we want you here, but most of all, we want you safe!

After-Five Group This month we will meet for lunch at Noon on February 6 at Panera Bread on Jonestown Road. Join us for good food and fellowship. No reservations necessary. Just show up!

NOTE: There are a few 2019 Offering Envelopes remaining in the Great Room. Even if you are part of the Simply Program, there are other envelopes included in the set. Don’t forget to pick up yours today!

Coming Soon...

March 10 “Lenten Campaign”

In Support of the

Ecumenical Food Pantry

The Church and Community Committee plans to hold its fourth special Lenten campaign in support of the Ecumenical Food Pantry at Messiah Lutheran Church! We have identified a list of specific products which are always needed at the Pantry and selected one category to be our focus for six weeks; each of the five Sundays in Lent and Palm Sunday.

The suggested items for each week are as follows:

March 10 – Fruit juice (cans, bottles, or concentrate, as well as individual boxes) and canned fruit

March 17 – Cereal (boxes, bags, oatmeal packets, pop tarts, granola bars, etc.) and powdered milk

March 24 – Canned meats (tuna, chicken, turkey, spam, Vienna sausages, etc.)

March 31 – Dry pasta, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, and diced tomatoes, boxed macaroni and cheese

April 7– Peanut butter, jelly, and saltine crackers April 14 – Personal care products (shampoo,

toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet tissue, sanitary products) and individual cakes of soaps (FYI...Ivory soap, can be used for personal care as well as to wash dishes)

Kindly place your donated items in the designated area located in the Great Room through Sunday, April 14, 2019. As always, thank you for your very generous support of families in need!

Rest Eternal Grant Her, O

Lord . . .

B. Loretta Lowe, a longtime member of our church family died on January 13. A funeral service, Pastor Kerns officiating, was held at church on January 23. Please remember her children, her family, and all those who mourn in your prayers.

. . . and Let Light Perpetual Shine Upon Her

Hilltop Herald-February 2019-Page 4

Youth Happenings — Christ Lutheran Youth (Grades 7-12) February 10 - CLY Meeting, 6-8:30PM February 24 - CLY Meeting, 6-8:30PM

Upper Elementary Youth (Grades 4-6) Nothing currently scheduled for the month of


CONGRATULATIONS! Erin (nee Daniels) and William Siegfried on the birth of their son, William Joseph Siegfried, III. He arrived the evening of January 8 and his vital statics are: 20 1/4 inches long and 7lb

4oz. Mommy & baby are doing well; so are his proud grandparents, Sue & Paul Daniels.

NOTE: We are in need of one male and one female lay voting members for the Synod Assembly in June. This year we will elect a Bishop, Synod Vice President (who is a lay person) and a Synod Secretary. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to serve your church. If you have an interest or any questions, please talk to the Pastor.

Choirs, Choirs, Choirs ???

Both of our choirs are ready to resume rehearsals — our Handbell Choir will resume rehearsals on Tuesday, January 29 (Room 6—Bell Room at 6:45PM), and our Adult Vocal Choir will resume on Thursday, February 7 (Room 7—Choir Room at 7:00PM).

All voice parts are welcome. There is still plenty of time to include participation in one (or both) of these choirs in your personal ministry for the coming Lent/Easter season. Interested? Speak with our Director of Music, Gail Hrobuchak, if you have an interest or any questions.


This is a way for our children to be involved musically without even knowing how to read a note. Colleen Bartholomew directs the children, who meet to practice every Sunday morning at 10:00AM in Room 6. Please support this ministry.


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Annual Meeting-Pt. 2

Sunday, February 3


Christian Education Mtg

February 10

************************** Recycled Teens

February 13

************************** Fellowship Breakfast

February 17

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