

Pastor’s Corner

The festival of Easter is the oldest feast day of the Christian Church. Resurrection has been our central belief from the beginning of our faith. As Paul says in First Corinthians,” if Christ is not risen then our preaching is in vain and we are a people to be pitied (I Corinthians 15:12-14).” The resurrection is so central to our faith that we choose to hold our primary worship on Sunday, the first day of the week. It is to be for us a weekly service of resurrection, of Christ’s triumph over death. It is a most joyous event and the basis of all Christian hope. In the days and weeks following Easter, Christians make known to the entire world God’s triumph over death. This season lasts fifty days until the Day of Pentecost when Christ’s presence becomes embodied in the church. During this season we read the accounts of the appearances of the risen Lord, so we might share the peace the risen Christ offers to those who doubt. It is a time to share God’s peace with a hurting world. The voice of Easter cannot be silenced during these fifty days. Its joy cannot be contained in a single morning. We sing our praise to God for “endless is the victory thou o’er death hast won!” We hear the rest of God’s story as we move through the Easter season. On Ascension Day, we hear of Christ’s need to be heaven-bound so that the Holy Spirit might come and fill us. Ascension offers one last reflection on the work of Christ who “came that they may have life” (John 10:10). It is on this day that Christ’s promise not to leave us desolate comes true. As Christians we are Easter people. Our lives, our faith, and our hope are centered on nothing less that Jesus’ triumph over sin and death. What a wondrous gift is given to us on Easter morning! May the light of Christ, which no darkness can overcome, burn most brightly in your life this season. May you know the joy of Jesus, the resurrected one, as the light of the world -- yours, mine and ours.

HiLites Newsletter

Boonsboro, MD 21713



Published by:

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

64 South Main Street

Boonsboro, Maryland 21713

Office Phone - 301-432-2226

Pastor’s Cell/Home – 304-561-4482

Pastor’s e-mail: [email protected]

e-mail: [email protected]

Web site:

Pastor: The Rev. Ron Schlak

Editors: Mrs. Susan Brown

The Rev. Ron Schlak

The following members and friends of Trinity were included in our prayer list during March: Nancy Itnyre Karen Saylor Kristi Lescaleet Leonard Summers Dixie Patton Jean Carr Gene Walter Lewis Peggy Costion Jim Everline Mary Wolfe John Merhling Rose Sours Barbara Douglas Bill Hughes Carol Block Jeff Stewart Lori McLaughlin Laura McDermitt Declan Bennett Don Hair Rose Marie Ciprich Sarah Ellis Levi Vance Sally Baker Ross Cunningham Lisa Piston Jean McCammon Betty Swain Chris Kalmasy Angy Kalmasy Katie Kalmasy Mike Flores Richard Bennett Dylan Starkey Raymond Grove Jacob Matheny J.J. Bain Bev DeBaugh

Apr. 1 Cameron McClellan

2 Trinity Hi-Lites 56 years old 2 Paula Ford 2 Brandon Gonzales 2 Ruth Howell 3 John Clark 3 Jason Deater 4 Avery Smith 5 Connie Ford

6 Brenda Dellinger 6 Mary Ann Phillips 7 Robert Bidle

7 Jenny Garver 8 Susan Gahs

9 Mark Bikle 9 Carol DeBaugh

11 Josh Henry 11 Craig Poffenberger

12 Jay Metz, Jr. 13 Betty Swain 14 Hilda Harshman 14 Jeremy Holder 14 Kim Nally 18 Abigail Fazenbaker 20 Howard Boyer

20 Ryan Tribett 23 Thomas Schnackenberg 23 Naomi Summers 24 Martha Harshman 25 Jessica Doyle 28 Raelyn Hartman


ATTENTION Announcements for the bulletin must be submitted to the church office NO LATER than 9:00 Friday morning. Newsletter articles should be submitted into the church office NO LATER than the 20th of the month. SECRETARY AND PASTOR OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday 9:00 AM – Noon Friday 9:00 AM – Noon

OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHY goes out to Martha

Harshman & family at the death of her mother, Lucy


To Pastor Ron and his wife, Vickie & family at the

death of her sister-in-law, Dianna Slusser.

To Keith & Sarah Lefler & family at the death of

Keith’s mother, Jean Lefler.

To Kristy Smith & family at the death of Kristy’s

uncle, Al Fitch.

May God comfort them in their time of need.


Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr. 16 taken Apr. 23 Apr. 30 The above dates are open for flowers to be placed on the altar in honor or memory of a loved one. Flowers and appropriate greenery add a great deal to the beauty of our church.

The Men's Bible Study meets in the parsonage at 8:00 AM each month normally on the first and third Sundays. This month we will meet on the first and second Sundays which are April 2 & April 9. We always have room around the table for a few more men. Join us as we gather over pastries and coffee to discuss scripture.

Joyful Noise Choir

Children ages 3 and older are encouraged to participate in the Joyful Noise choir. We practice the last 15 minutes of Sunday school and sing to the congregation on the 4th Sunday of each month. Any questions, please call Jen Poffenberger at 301-432-0456.


Our Children’s Church Program at Trinity is a wonderful ministry to our young people ages 4 through grade 3. Children’s church is offered the 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month as part of our worship service. Volunteers needed! Please consider leading two Sundays a month so that we are able to continue this ministry. Thanks so much!

NURSERY SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP April 2 Theresa Foster April 9 Julie Hartman April 16 No Nursery April 23 Andrea Smith & Jean McCammon April 30 Jennifer Poffenberger Please be considerate to others when placing your children in the nursery during worship time. The nursery is for children age infant to 4 years old children 5 and older should not be in the nursery. Thank you for your cooperation to ensure our little ones will be properly cared for.

THE KNITTING & CROCHETING GROUP will be meeting on Monday, April 10 & 24, 2017 at 6:30 PM in the social room, any questions please contact Kim Nally, 301-432-4431 or email her at [email protected].

First Friday Fellowship

Friday April 7th

5:30 – 7:00 PM

Drop by for an evening meal and a presentation about The Open Table Movement, a program moving people from poverty to self-sufficiency through relationship. We'll make the hamburgers, you bring the fixin's!

RSVP to Kristy: [email protected] or 240-285-8894

Mar Lu Ridge Annual Spring Work Day will be held Saturday, April 8. We begin with breakfast at 8:00 AM in Agape Hall. All are welcome - we have jobs for all ages and abilities. Bring your work clothes and we'll see you there! Please let us know you are coming by contacting the camp office: [email protected].


Council has approved the church directory being placed on the church web page with a pass code so only members can view it. Please ask Kristin B. for the code to access the membership directory. Or, we can simply make you a paper copy of the latest update. Please just ask Cynthia Grills or Elaine Michael.

Facility Use Update If you are interested in using the church for an activity or family function, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. Please, review the updated, “Facility Use” info on the Web site. Review to see if the date you are requesting is available on the church calendar web page, as well as: the required deposit, rules, clean up, and other possible applicable fees. 2. Contact Steve Jamison@ 301-730-5062. He will review everything with you and have you sign the contract. He will then contact the person to place the info on the web calendar. 3. Double check the web site calendar within the next 24 hours to verify that your activity, date, and location have been reserved on the web page church calendar.


April 2 – Fifth Sunday in Lent - Communion Crucifer - Zane Poffenberger Acolytes - Owen Smith & Avery Smith April 9 – Passion/Palm Sunday - Contemporary Crucifer - Acolytes - April 13 – Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM - Communion Crucifer - Dylan Ellis Acolytes - Zoey Hutchinson Fantasya Roberts April 16 – Easter Sunday 7:00 AM - Communion Crucifer - Jared Tribett Acolytes - Haylee Hartman Taylor Williams April 16 - Easter Sunday 10:15 AM – Communion Crucifer - Donovan McClellan Acolytes - Alexandra Bowl April 23 – Second Sunday of Easter Crucifer - Nathan Tribett Acolytes - Brooke Iager Klaire Williams April 30 – Third Sunday of Easter Crucifer - Seth Hutchinson Acolytes - Grace Pippen Faith Hoffman


Trinity’s annual Easter party will be during Sunday church school on Sunday, April 9th starting at 9:00 AM in the social room for children kindergarten through grade 6. Miss. Deena’s class will meet in the nursery for planned activities. The children will enjoy a craft, games and egg hunt. Please bring something in which your child can collect his/her eggs.


Marked Easter candy boxes to place your candy donations/egg size goodies will be available in the kitchen and in the narthex. Non-candy items such as stickers, erasers or anything small to fit into a plastic egg make great egg stuffers too. Thanks for your donations!

Members and friends who would like to place a lily

or another Easter flower that is white, in the

sanctuary for Easter Sunday should plan to have

their flower at the church by 12:00 Saturday, April

15th 2017. Please have green foil and a white

ribbon. Please have your dedication to Susan by

Wednesday, April 15th for the Easter bulletin. Any

questions-- phone Karen Cunningham@ 301- 797


Palm/Passion Sunday

April 9, 2017 10:15 AM Our Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday begins with the reading of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem from the Gospel of Matthew, followed by our annual congregational procession with palms. The tone of the service then changes to the Passion of Jesus, his humiliation and crucifixion as told in the Gospel of Luke. Please invite friends and family to join us for this special service.


April 13, 2017 – 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday is the church’s celebration of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his twelve disciples the evening before he was crucified. The service will be in the sanctuary this year, celebrating Holy Communion in small groups around a table with pita bread and wine. This is a wonderful contemplative service; I hope you will attend!


April 14, 2017- 7:00 PM This service will be an ecumenical community service beginning at 7:00 PM at Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church in Boonsboro. Local clergy will assist with the service. Join the congregations from Boonsboro, Keedysville, and Benevola for this special service.


Easter Sunrise Breakfast

EASTER BREAKFAST will follow the Sunrise Service on Easter morning. You are invited to stay for this gourmet breakfast. If you are attending the second service, please come early before church and let your taste buds be awed. VOLUNTEEERS – Any interested men of the church can contact Jeff Grills ([email protected]) if they would like to help prep on Saturday morning, the 15th, at 8AM. We will also need your help Sunday morning immediately following the sunrise service to serve and to help clean up following the feast.

MORNING WORSHIP April 16, 2017

Come celebrate Christ's resurrection and the triumph of life over death at two festival services. The morning begins with our Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 AM. The service is a contemporary service with joyful music, the reading of the resurrection narrative, sermon, and the celebration of Christ’s victory with a service of Holy Communion. We then celebrate the victory of Easter with our 10:15 AM Easter Festival service with hymns, scripture, prayer, Holy Communion and the presentation by the chancel choir of a few pieces of Easter music. Please bring family and friends and join us for our Easter celebration!

The Prime Timers will gather for munchies and a movie on Wednesday, April 19 at noon. The movie will be “Sully” the story of US Airways flight 1549 “landing” on the Hudson River. The munchies will be whatever you bring-finger food or appetizers.


The 15th annual Jerry Daniel Landsman (JDL) 5K will be held on Saturday, April 22, on the campus of Salisbury University. Registration for the run begins at 9:00 AM; the run itself starts at 10:00. As a family, we are grateful to SAFERIDE for continuing to hold this 5K in Danny’s name. It has grown larger each year, and continues to raise money for a good cause. This has been a wonderful way to honor our son’s memory on the college campus that meant so much to him. We also appreciate those of you who have participated in the 5K and/or donated money in the past. If anyone is interested in running/walking the 5K, or in making a donation, please contact us for more details. Thank you, Jerry and Cathy Landsman


PLEASE JOIN JP’S CREW and help us to win the fight against MS. The walk is April 22, 2017 at the Antietam National Battlefield. The walk starts at 9:00 AM. You can register at or call 1-800-344-4867. If you can walk let Jennifer know and we will update the weekly bulletin with the walkers so others can sponsor you. If you can not walk and would like to make a donation please see Jennifer or other participants. If you have any questions you can reach her at 301-988-6626 or [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your participation and or donations.

A Taize style prayer service will be held at St. James Catholic Church in Boonsboro on Friday, April 28, at 7:00 PM. This candlelit service is intended to help people calm the distractions in their minds so they can listen closely to the Holy Spirit. During the service, passages of scripture are read slowly, simple Christian songs are sung, periods of silence take place, and some prayers are said. It's a powerful way to pray corporately and privately at the same time. The service will be held on the fourth Friday of every month throughout the year. St James is located at 121 N. Main St. in Boonsboro.

Vacation Bible School- Sunday, June 18th – Thursday, June 22nd.

REGISTER ONLINE at and click on icon Maker Fun Factory to be directed to registration link. Join us for a fun filled week at Group Maker Fun Factory where kids become hands-on inventors who discover they’re lovingly crafted by God. Kids will be buzzing with excitement each night from 6:15-8:15 PM, Sun.-Thurs. ages 3 to 11. Friends welcome! Volunteers are needed! Please contact Laura Iager at [email protected] or 301.739.4885 if you can help.

All women of Trinity are invited Sunday, May 14th at 9:15 AM in the social room for a special gathering to honor them. The Christian Ed team will be serving a lite array of breakfast items which will include donuts, fresh fruit etc. Hope to see you there.


Sunday School News Sunday, May 14th ~ Sweet Treat with Mom (9:30-10:00 AM in the social room). Sunday, June 4th ~ Sunday School Breakfast (9:00 AM-10:00 AM in the social room, bring a breakfast item for all to share). Sunday, June 18th - Thursday, June 22nd ~ Vacation Bible School – 6:15 PM-8:15 PM, ages 3-11 Sunday, June 18th ~ Dads and Donuts (9:30–10:00 AM in the social room).

Upcoming Dates to Mark on your Calendar A Community Ice Cream Social July 9th. Open invitation to Boonsboro and nearby residents to Ice Cream after church. 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Scoopers needed.


In the early part of 2016, Elaine Michael presented to the Outreach Team an idea for a ministry to Shut-in /Homebound members through which each of them would be visited on a regular basis by a lay member of the congregation. These visits would supplement the pastor's visits to these folks. The goal was to provide a monthly visit to each of the Shut-in/Homebound members by volunteer visitors who would spend some time with them; bring them news of Trinity via conversation, current bulletins, newsletters and devotion books; and make the team and pastor aware of any situation in which the older person might need support from his or her church family.

After a newsletter article and personal contacts about the ministry, ten volunteers indicated that they would be interested in being Visitors, though some were not able to begin right away. There were a total of 11 Homebound members, so it worked out pretty well for each Visitor to only have to make one visit a month, with minimal "doubling up."

Our Visitation Team started officially functioning in May. It should be noted that several of the Visitors had already been visiting with several of these older folks on their own prior to the start of the team. The Visitation Team continued to function throughout 2016, with the December "visits" being Christmas caroling, as arranged by Barbara Holder. This special holiday treat is greatly appreciated and enjoyed by the Homebound folks.

I would like to thank Melissa & Chuck Schwalbe, Susan Layos, Barbara Holder, Jean McCammon, Elaine Scrivener, Audrey Poffenberger, and Gene & Teresa Dayhoff for their interest in being Visitors.


Several of these folks have not been able to continue to serve on the team so we are in need of some additional people who are willing to become involved in this ministry. Thanks to Connie Mullendore & Larry Dalton who have agreed to serve on the Visitation Team in 2017.

If you feel that God may be calling you to this ministry to older folks, please contact Elaine Michael (301-992-1191 or [email protected]).









$ 47,248.25 $ 46,042.47 $ 3,635.00

We are currently $1,205.78 behind budget.



Allergies "I am in pain and distress; may your salvation, O God, protect me.” Psalm 69:29 NIV Allergies are unusual, irritating, and potentially dangerous reactions of the immune system to a normally harmless substance. These reactions occur in about one out of every three people. They will attack the respiratory tract, digestive tract, or entire body, but the type and severity of

the reaction will depend on the individual’s level of sensitivity to the offending substance. There are three categories of allergic reactions. Mild reactions are localized and include a rash, watery or itchy eyes, and congestion. Moderate reactions can spread beyond the original site of irritation and cause severe itching and difficulty breathing. The worst reaction, anaphylaxis, affects the whole body and is rare but life-threatening. Within minutes severe swelling will make breathing and swallowing difficult, and may include abdominal pain, vomiting, and mental confusion. Persons severely allergic to bees, shellfish, or peanuts should carry a dose of epinephrine to quickly reverse this reaction. Since allergies can’t be cured, it is important to determine and avoid the triggers for allergic reactions. Triggers can be environmental (wind, pollen, poison ivy, pollution), chemical (perfume, smoke, cleaning materials, latex rubber, medications), or foods (shellfish, peanuts, wheat, milk, soy, strawberries, eggs). In addition, do not overlook items from the surroundings like animals, mold, bee stings, or dust. Whether an allergy is diagnosed through the medical testing of a physician or the detective process of an individual, finding the source of the allergy is like solving a mystery. Be observant to symptoms and the activities leading up to them. Look for connections between a reaction and any changes in diet, environment, or product use. Also consider others and eliminate bringing potential triggers into public venues whenever possible. Through process


of elimination, irritants can be discovered and reactions prevented. (Source: HON approved References / Resources: - provides overview of allergies, diagnosis, treatment, and management of symptoms - general and allergen specific information reviewed by the site’s medical board and HON approved - site is specifically designed for kids with allergies


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 8 AM Men’s Bible Study 9 AM SCS 10:15 AM Worship w/Communion – 11:30 AM


4 9:15 AM Ladies Bible Class

5 3 PM Girl Scouts 7 PM Contemporary Choir 7 PM Support Group

6 1-3 PM Food Pantry & Micah’s Backpack 6 PM Girl Scouts 7 PM AA Meeting

7 First Friday

8 8 AM Mar-LU-Ridge Spring Work day

9 Easter Party - 9 AM SCS 10:15 AM worship – Palm/Passion – Contemporary Worship- Children’s Church

10 Knitting & Crochet Group 6:30 PM

11 9:15 AM Ladies Bible Class 7 PM Church Council

12 7 PM Adult Choir 7 PM Support Group

13 1-3 PM Food Pantry & Micah’s Backpack 7 PM AA Meeting 7 PM Maundy Thursday Service

14 7 PM Good Friday Service at Mt. Nebo UMC


16 7AM Easter Sunrise Service 8 AM Men’s Bible study 9 AM SCS 10:15 AM Easter Worship


18 9:15 AM Ladies Bible Class

19 Noon – Prime Timers 3 PM Girl Scouts 7 PM Adult Choir 7 PM Support Group

20 1-3 PM Food Pantry & Micah’s Backpack 6 PM Girl Scouts 7 PM AA Meeting



23 9 AM SCS - 10:15 AM Worship Children’s Church/ Joyful Noise Choir - Children’s Church Noisy Change Offering

24 Knitting & Crochet Group 6:30 PM

25 9:15 AM Ladies Bible Class

26 7 PM Adult Choir 7 PM Support Group

27 1-3 PM Food Pantry & Micah’s Backpack 7 PM AA Meeting

28 29

30 9 AM SCS - 10:15 AM Worship Children’s Church/ Joyful Noise Choir - Children’s Church

7 PM Taize Prayer Service St. James Catholic Church


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