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  • 8/11/2019 High Magick


    HIGH MAGICK: The Elemental Adept

    by Suba ([email protected])

    I dedicate this paper, to all those aspiring adepts, who have ought through these illusionso every!day reality, to get where they are now. i salute thee, or thy grace, strength, and

    courage! or we are a dying breed" and the day is near, and when we will be needed the

    most. So stay strong brothers and sisters, #eep to thy ways, or the harvest is near.

    In special than#s and $ove, i send my energy out to you %ovin, or your insights and yourriendship. &or in you, i ind a close bond, and a strong ally. See you in '001. men...


    &or some reason beyond my understanding, i ind mysel writing down those things i

    have come to eperience in my wor#. *verything i write within this paper has come downto me, through the ancients, as well as, rom direct contact with the elemental orces and

    intelligence+s. *verything i write down, has been thought out, meditated upon, reined,

    and perected, to the best o my #nowledge and understanding. i as# no one to believe,nor ollow in a robotic way, anything that is said in this paper. &or isdom comes with

    eperience, not through reading. The only thing i do as#, is that you allow your mind to

    rela or -ust a moment, as you read this wor#, #eeping your thoughts silent, so that youmight come to hear that inner voice once again.

    i do not claim mastery over this or said rt, nor do i pride mysel in having the power to

    move mountains, stop the weather, or cause ire to all rom the heavens. It is only the

    simple things, such as moving towards perection, reining mysel through contact withmy higher sel, being opened to beautiul things, coming to #now who i am at each

    moment, controlling my lie, #eeping rom being consumed by this vampire society, as

    well as, thousands o other long lost powers that humans have lost as a whole.

    i owe this wor#, greatly to the many masters, whom time has blessed us with their wor#s.&or it is their #nowledge and courage, that brought them unto their own wisdom, and

    unto their own perection+s. Than# you, or leaving us the #eys to open the doors within,

    as well as rom without. Than# you...

    i will not draw out this oreword, with long drawn out words" only those necessary to

    weave out those unworthy to attain, to this or said rt. eware, or this wor# is not orthe dapplers who believe they can gain some material treasures, or love, or power. This

    wor# in its sel, is not or those who simply wish to tal# with elementals, and learn theirways. &or this wor#, will blind those with an ego, destroy those who are aint o heart,

    and taint the souls, o those who go into this wor#, or selish reasons. So #now this, all

    those who step into these halls o deptship, there will never be, a turning bac#" or oncewe enter into the mysteries, we either ascend, or lose our minds to insanity" there is no

    compromise. /ow, as to those who read or nothing more then curiosity, i hope i nothing

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  • 8/11/2019 High Magick


    else, you come to learn, the insanity o the agicians ways, and come to understand

    another aspect o lie, while receiving a seed, that might one day be water into a tree. I

    nothing else, at least this will ma#e a good iction boo#, to put upon your shelves.

    This wor# is only the beginning, o a lie time o wor#, which some have come to call,

    The 2reat or#. This is what the 3abalist call, uilding a oundation, al#ing uponthe Tau, or 4uriying al#uth" our 3ingdom. This wor# is only the beginning, o what i

    have come to call, The 4ath o the dept, or 5igh agic. There is no veils i hide, norillusions i set. This is the truth, as i have come to #now and live. i am not out to mislead

    anyone into believing my way, is the only way, or in truth, my way is only that, my way.

    i am not here to write about general magic, sorcery, witchcrat, voodoo, or anything, othat nature. To!day i write simply, those things i have learned and come to practice upon

    my own path towards perection. &or anything more then that, would be alling to the

    side o stupidity. These words, are not meant or you to believe nor ollow, only to beta#en with a grain o salt, ta#ing only that which might apply to your own path, and

    throwing the rest, to the way side.

    e are all shining stars, with our own solar systems uni6ue only to us" So lets learn, what

    and who we are, and travel the 7niverse together. &or there is ininite space or all thingsto eist, it is only us, who need to see that which is there to see.


    &or all things come rom the elements, be it in their purest state, or combinations there o.

    To the ancients, there are our elements" ire, earth, air, and water. These our, comingrom the one, made up o the our, epressing its sel, through the harmony o ten,

    through our. The elements ma#e up, all created things, be it stones, metals, plants,

    animals, angels, daemons, gods, devils, iends, phantoms, as well as all other createdthings. They are up in the very heights o The 5eavens, and the very depths o 5ell. e it,

    within the inernal, terrestrial, or celestial realms, be it the spirit, chaos, or lie, the

    elements lie therein. Its through, coming to #now, and seeing their essence, or to those

    who would rather use other terms" their sybological and archtypical ormations othought, that empower us to utili8e their virtues, and abolish their vices. e human are

    uni6ue, in that we have the ability, and the will, to use all created energies conceivable

    unto us. or as we come to evolve urther, we will come to be, opened up to moreenergies. 9ne o the many belies o the agicians, in regards to why the more subtle

    energies are not readily available to the common person, is that those energies, would

    come to be abused, and in that, create an imbalance in the etheric planes" which would

    unleash unoreseeable #armic repercussions. s it is, there is already to many children,who dapple in the lower ormations o the subtler energies, without any real #nowledge

    o what they are doing. So lets learn together, how we may come to shape the elementsaround us, creating our own magic carpet to ly upon, and to ascend to the higher heights.

    9ne o the irst veils, laid over our minds, is that o the lesh, which traps us into

    believing that we are only the lesh, and some chemicals bombarding together, creating

    all that we #now as lie. e it true on one level o lie, that that is what is happening, the

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    veil is that, we ta#e it as the whole truth, and not -ust part o it. ll that is needed, to reach

    past this irst veil, is to push our conscious perspective but an inch, and in that inch, we

    will start to see the other sides o the stic#, which stands in the middle o our rooms. It istrue that it is not easy, in act i it were easy, most would have already come to do it. :et,

    being grown to ull maturity, in our present day society, not only bloc#s us rom these

    truths, but it as well, #ills those who teach it. &or so, in my understanding o what hasgone wrong in our past, is that one has to give up all they have, to reach such heights" be

    it their amily, wor#, children, property, money, and everything else, -ust to get through

    the pillars, and then, when one has gone through the doors, one will have to give up, theirvery lie. So then, what hope is there or lie, i this is what everyone needs to do, to

    reach the higher truths. $ie would cease to eist, as we #now it or sure. i do not claim,

    that this paper is or everyone, nor that everyone who applied themselves, would reap any

    real beneits, i can tell you, that i you wish, you can continue on with your daily lie,while doing a wor# li#e this" or i did it, while 5olding a orty hour a wee# -ob, hanging

    out, going to the movies, playing with #ids, wal#ing dogs, etc... i did everything i always

    do, the only dierence was that, i slowly was transorming into a better person, while

    starting to control my lie, and then coming to control my surroundings. i started to rela,my time was more mine or en-oyment, or no more was i haughted by thoughts o wor#

    at home, or worries o the uture at wor#. 5ere i am, inding the light in my -ob, indingen-oyment in everything i did, and leaving behind those things i did not en-oy. ecoming

    more conscious o mysel, breathing or once, and many other things. &or there might be,

    a time in your lie, when you will come to decide upon continuing on ward, or stopping atwhere you are at" but worry not, or years will lie ahead o you, beore that choice will

    have to be made. &or now, do what you can to better your sel" or that is all we can really

    do any how" anything else, is simply a bonus...

    /ow, it will not be easy at irst, to believe in the elements, much less the beings that

    reside upon those planes o eistence. :et, in doing certain eercises, and meditatingupon lie, one will come to understand, and then believe, rom ones own eperience, what

    our ancestors rom all cultures, have spo#en o.

    Through using our ills, we burn with the ires, devouring all impurities that hold usdown. y using our emotions, we dream the dreams, lying upon the astral waters o lie.

    y our intellect, and our thoughts, we can soar higher then any bird, and with our

    strength, and patients, we can be as the mountains, which stand the tests o time. ycoming to #now ourselves, we can do many things unbelievable to the common person,

    and in that, we change the world or the better.

    e are who we are; &or they say, that the divinity lies within us, and it only ta#es but a

    second to reali8e it, and be enlightened" i say, the divine seed is within us, and thatdivinity is potentially within us, i only we come to puriy ourselves, and come to earn it

    by rending the veils that lie beore us, or this is the truth, even beore we can thin# about

    enlightenment. y building our oundations o the elements, by puriying ourselves o

    our lower animalistic natures, and by planting the seeds o truth within us, we may thencome to build our temples within us, while transcending each plane, till we reach our

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    enlightenment. That i anything else, is what i desire, in accomplishing my wor#,

    anything less, is pointless.

    The main tradition i ollow, is the 3abalistic path, o transcending the tree. So i you eelput o, simply because o the names i utili8e, #now it is not so much the names we use,

    but the powers we give them. So, ta#e up your own tradition, and your own names,placing them where you deem worthy, and become strong in your belies. &or i am not

    here to ight over words, but to learn the truth, and come to ind as many companionsupon the path o light, beore the dar#ness entangles us in its+ webs.

    The *lements are the building bloc#s o lie, without them, all would all, and even

    without one o them, lie as we #now it, would cease to eist. &or through theintermingling o the elements, comes lie. nd within these elements, while in their

    purest states, resides chemical compositions, -ust as within our own minds, whose ocus

    is at present, beyond our scientiic measurement, and o which contains consciousness

    and intellect, -ust as within ourselves. Those in time have become to be #nown and

    named, as the *lementals. The conusion in regards to the elements, and the elementals issimply to clariy. The elements are the our orms o lie< epansion, contracting,

    circulating, and grounding, these our, in their simplest orms, create everything we #nowby combinations. y determining the dance they vibrate at, will determine the orm they

    will ta#e. /ow, the thing in regards to humans, and their uni6ueness, is that they are born

    rom the elements, conceived with the celestial virtues, born into the inernalrealms(though higher then or say!5ell), and given the seed o the 7niverse, to plant and

    water as they wish. This being their git" to do with as one deems right. 3nowing o

    course that to violate other energy balances, will only bring down ones inevitable

    destruction. So, o course humans, have a more comple consciousness, with a lot morethoughts o things, other then what one vibration would have. nd yet, to say that each

    vibration does not carry its own orm o intelligence, is to completely deny our presentstate o science, in regards to consciousness...

    /ow the *lementals are beings, wholly made up o an element. They, in their own

    ormation, can only reside within their own element. t times, one might come to see the

    elements at war with each other, as lighting ighting through the air, stri#ing the ground,

    or ire burning the earth, while water puts out the ire. ll o which, comes in the end toinds its own balance. &or nature always see#s balance, and when there comes to be an

    imbalance, she does what it ta#es, to rectiy it. It is through our conversations with the

    elementals, that we slowly come to learn how to ind that balance, and how to use theelements within our lives.

    i will not get into to much detail here within this paper as yet, but will move into other

    things right now. 9ur interactions with the elementals, will slowly transorm us into

    higher beings. /ot only will we once again live in harmony with them, but they will helpus transcend, and leave this earth, once and or all. &or o course, most believe the

    elementals are either igments o the imagination, or so wea# o a things, to be unable to

    eect us. :et, in their very essence, they inluence all that we do. &or be it in the astral

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    mind, the emotional mind, the intellectual mind, or the physical one, their vibrational

    re6uency, eects us all. It is up to us to name them, and then beriend or con6uer them.

    There is a dierence in tal#ing with the elementals, as within the woods on mushrooms,and when then in ceremonially invo#ing them. &or one, it is truly dangerous to call upon

    the elementals, in ritual. &or not only, will they play simple tric#s, li#e hiding ones tools,#noc#ing over ones incense, and putting out ones candles, they can, and will bring out

    ones worst vices. They are no toys to play with, nor stupid or wea# beings, easilyenchanted and controlled. &or they are, the very essence o lie+s building bloc#s, they our

    the consciousness o the elements themselves. They are not to be commanded li#e other

    beings, but beriended and overcomed. &or the moment you try to bend them to your will,will be the moment you will come to understand, -ust how destructive the elements can

    be in ones lie. 3now their aults, and overcome them, beriend them, and you shall

    receive their virtues, #now them, and you shall in time, #now lie.

    The *lementals are very uni6ue, and strange beings. They will help you accomplish your

    wor#, or in most cases, it is in their interests, as well as your own. The strangest thingwith these beings, is that you must come to gain their respect beore they will help you.

    They are not li#e the angels, who will help all those in need, nor the daemons, whom ibound, will do what ever the person or persons pleases. /o, the *lementals are strange in

    that case. :et, in coming to #now them, and living in harmony with lie, one will come to

    beriend them.

    $ater in this paper, i will go into more detail in regards to the elements and theirattributes, or now i want to give a better picture o the, 2reat or# . &or this wor# that

    i give unto you, is only the beginning, to an ever spiraling ascension to peace, love, and

    light. The ollowing are simple meditative 6uotes, to help one come to see what the 2reat

    or# is all about Thou

    whose glory is 2reater then the wings o the winds, whose power and splendor shinesupon the heavenly mansions, descend and be present unto our house> I humbly desire and

    entreat you that i ever I have merited your presents by truth, honesty and purity, that Thy

    will come orth in Thine eternal orm here and now to converse with me, one o yoursubmissive pupils, in and by the name o the great 2od the &ather, where in all Things

    continually sing 4raise. men. 5aving done as such, incense and bless with thy holy


    ith the crystal ball now, one can in6uire a spirit to show there ace or communicate withyou within the ball, you will see, and come to en-oy...

    3nie< The tool o air. That which cuts through the illusions o lie. 4ierces to the truth.

    anishes by ear, all spirits whom it is directed towards. The dagger which digs within

    our minds, piercing our inner depths, our intellect. hen consecrating the #nie, one is to

    be in the circle acing the *ast, 5aving already called the our 6uarters.

    Then one is to recite the ollowing prayer

    So ater having ta#en those things away that caused me harm, i came inclined to cleans

    my body o those things, which have been building up since i was a babe. The program i

    have personally used is the ?leans and 4uriy program. It matters not which you desire todo, the idea is to clean all those things that bloc# you rom gaining access to the more

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    subtle things o lie. &or lie is based upon parasitic relationships, everything eeds o,

    some other orm o energy, and in saying, some o those things we consume, have had

    certain energies that desire to live, by eeding o our energies, which being stored withinour stomach and intestinal tracts, still resides with us. It is these things that we wish to

    abolish and destroy. Thin# about it...

    Through puriying the body, mind, and soul, we come to gain bac# lost energies o ours,

    which then could be ocused on transcending our leshly prisons or a while. &or the moreenergy we have, the stronger we will be, and the more control we will have in ruling our


    hen we wal#, tal#, eat, or sleep, it will all one day become sacred. So when eating,practice right consumption, conscious breathing, and en-oying its ruits. It is always good

    to banish away rom all ood and drin# its impurities, and bless and charge it with good

    healthy things. So as with the drin# i try to always bless it with the con-uration+s o the

    water as spo#en o earlier, and or the ood i say the ollowing prayer

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