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Healthy Lifestyle

Be the best you can be. Your health is priceless.Created by: Gina Morris© Gina Morris April 5 2016

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Products Causing Health Issues Laundry soap Hair products Talcum powder Dish soap Cleaners Make-up Sunscreen Lotions

Weight loss Vitamins Cereal bars Bug repellent Air fresheners Scented candles Sports drinks Juice

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List of Health Issues Cancer Diabetes Obesity Learning

disabilities Hearing Sight

Dementia Birth defects Death Breathing Skin

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Fact or Fiction*You will need to decide for yourself and your own family. What I will state here is from my own research and in some cases personal experience(s).*CBC News has done numerous documentaries on Toxins in the environment. They have interviewed scientists and doctors. If you go to YouTube and search up Toxic brew part 1 & 2 and another video called Chemical Alert Poison in Your Personal Care Products. These are just three videos I recommend you watching. Being educated is so important. I have done my due diligence, now my job is to pass along to everyone what I have learned over the past few years.

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It is easy to see the differences in some things in life yet others are quite hidden to the naked eye. Some things take years to show up. One thing we cannot miss is the increase in cancer in children. Unless you have been living like a hermit you can’t help but notice that cancer rates have increased drastically in children over the past ten years. We can also see a huge increase in obesity in children and adults.

Think about this problem.If you are in your 50’s like me you would definitely see that there is a serious problem. You may even wonder what has caused these problems.

Products and food are the issues.Corporations do not always fill you in on ingredients.Your health and your families IS at risk.But that can change.

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I’m not trying to scare you, this is for your information to use as you choose. Babies are being born with toxins in their system, we are passing along to our unborn children toxins through the products we are using and the food we consume.

Your skin is full of open pours so it can breath. When you do your laundry the toxins are on your clothing, bedding, towels, and anything else you wash. You can’t get away from these toxins unless you change your laundry detergent to something safer. The shampoo and conditioner you use absorbs into your skin, just as much as the moisturizer or sunscreen you use. The floor cleaner leaves residue not only on the floor but in the air you breath. Your environment is so full of toxins and you don’t even notice them any more. Until you change to safer products.

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Challenge your family to make a difference like we did. Change your whole home over to green products that are safe for the environment inside and outside of your home. It will only take a few hours for you to start noticing a difference. You can’t just change over a few cleaning products you need to change ALL of them. Even your personal hygiene products, laundry, and even food.

When we changed over we switched stores to make it an easier, most cost efficient way to do this transition. Make-up, cleaning products, laundry, vitamins, coffee, and so much more got tossed out and replaced with much better products. Our family now feels better and we are saving hundreds of dollars every year by shopping from our own store.

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SAVE & EARN We are currently looking for customers who would be willing to try the products for 90 days. This is risk free, 100% guaranteed, simply switch stores to save money on safer products. Your family already purchases shampoo, conditioner, laundry soap, toothpaste, coffee, vitamins, cleaning products, allergy, soap, bug repellent and much more. Let me and my team of experts help you and your family have a healthier lifestyle. Email: [email protected]:

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