Page 1: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

In interfaces we trust?

Dr Simone Stumpf

End-user interactions with smart systems.

@DrSimoneStumpf #HCID2014

Page 2: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

A slippery term called trust.

Trustor’s dependency on the reliability, truth or ability of a Trustee.

Risk or uncertainty means that trust may be misplaced.

We use a number of cues to assess trustworthiness which shape trusting intentions and actions.

Page 3: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

[Oosterhof & Todorov]

Who do you trust more?

Approachability and dominance shown to matter in trust.

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Which do you trust more?

Research of trust in tools and systems is in its infancy.

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Some systems nowadays are smart.

Use implicit and explicit feedback to learn how to behave using complex algorithms and statistical machine learning approaches.

They might make decisions automatically without user control; they are autonomous.

They might personalise themselves to a user as they interact with a system instead of following static pre-set rules.

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Why do we trust in these smart systems?

Previous research has indicated that the following aspects seem to matter:

Reliability of the suggestions, especially the predictability and perceived accuracy.

Understanding the process of how the system makes suggestions.

Expectations of the system and personal attitudes towards trust.

[Dzindolet et al. IJCHS 2003]

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Explaining makes system transparent.


Intelligent  Agent



What are the effects of explanations on building (correct) mental models?

[Stumpf et al. Pervasive Intelligibility 2012]

Page 8: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

Building a research prototype.

rating scale common to many media recommenders, as well as by talking about the song’s attributes (e.g., “This song is too mellow, play something more energetic”, Figure 1). To add general guidelines about the station, the user can tell it to “prefer” or “avoid” descriptive words or phrases (e.g., “Strongly prefer garage rock artists”, Figure 2, top). Users can also limit the station’s search space (e.g., “Never play songs from the 1980’s”, Figure 2, bottom).

AuPair was implemented as an interactive web application, using jQuery and AJAX techniques for real-time feedback in response to user interactions and control over audio playback. We supported recent releases of all major web browsers. A remote web server provided recommendations based on the user’s feedback and unobtrusively logged each user interaction via an AJAX call.

AuPair’s recommendations were based on The Echo Nest [6], allowing access to a database of cultural characteristics (e.g., genre, mood, etc.) and acoustic characteristics (e.g., tempo, loudness, energy, etc.) of the music files in our library. We built our music library by combining the research team’s personal music collections, resulting in a database of more than 36,000 songs from over 5,300 different artists.

The Echo Nest developer API includes a dynamic playlist feature, which we used as the core of our recommendation engine. Dynamic playlists are put together using machine learning approaches and are “steerable” by end users. This

is achieved via an adaptive search algorithm that builds a path (i.e., a playlist) through a collection of similar artists. Artist similarity in AuPair was based on cultural characteristics, such as the terms used to describe the artist’s music. The algorithm uses a clustering approach based on a distance metric to group similar artists, and then retrieves appropriate songs. The user can adjust the distance metric (and hence the clustering algorithm) by changing weights on specific terms, causing the search to prefer artists matching these terms. The opposite is also possible—the algorithm can be told to completely avoid undesirable terms. Users can impose a set of limits to exclude particular songs or artists from the search space. Each song or artist can be queried to reveal the computer’s understanding of its acoustic and cultural characteristics, such as its tempo or “danceability”.

Participants Our study was completed by 62 participants, (29 females and 33 males), ranging in age from 18 to 35. Only one of the 62 reported prior familiarity with computer science. These participants were recruited from Oregon State University and the local community via e-mail to university students and staff, and fliers posted in public spaces around the city (coffee shops, bulletin boards, etc.). Participants were paid $40 for their time. Potential participants applied via a website that automatically checked for an HTML5-compliant web browser (applicants using older browsers were shown instructions for upgrading to a more recent

Figure 1. Users could debug by saying why the

current song was a good or bad choice.

. . .

Figure 2. Participants could debug by adding guidelines on the type of

music the station should or should not play, via a wide range of criteria. [Kulesza et al. CHI 2012]

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Researching a music recommender.

[Kulesza et al. CHI 2013]

Between-group study design on depth of explanations about how the system works, free use over a week from home, then assessment.

Deeper explanations helped to build a more correct mental model.

Explanations also helped with user satisfaction and success in adapting playlists.

Usage of the system did not help; in fact, it can cause persistent incorrect mental models.

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How much do we need to explain?


Intelligent  Agent



How sound and complete do explanations need to be?

Page 11: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

Researching a music recommender.

[Kulesza et al. VL/HCC 2013]

Lab-based between-group study varying levels of explanations’ soundness and completeness, then assessment.

Could make explanations less sound but reducing soundness led to users losing trust in system.

High levels of both combined are best for building correct mental models and for user satisfaction; completeness has more influence.

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What of the system needs explaining?


Intelligent  Agent



How can we explain system behaviour in the best way?

Algorithm? Features?


Page 13: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

Lo-fi and hi-fi research prototypes.

[Stumpf et al. IJCHS 2009]

[Kulesza et al. Vl/HCC 2010]

[Kulesza et al. TiiS 2011]

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Explaining smart components.

Process is best understood if explained through rules, keyword-based explanations second.

People struggle with understanding machine learning algorithms e.g. negative weights.

Features used better understood than process.

Similarity-based explanations are not well understood.

Preference for explanation style individual to user.

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Explaining smart suggestions.

Showing how confident system is of correctness of suggestion gives user cue to trustworthiness.

Carefully balance amount of explanation against usefulness and cost in assessing trust.

Indicating prevalence of system suggestions in relation to what the user has provided also useful.

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The way forward.

What is a good way to measure trust?

How can we personalise explanations?

How do explanations differ in high-risk versus low-risk systems?

What further cues can we gives users to assess trustworthiness of a smart system?

How can we prevent disuse or misuse?

Page 17: HCID2014: In interfaces we trust? End user interactions with smart systems. Dr. Simone Stumpf, City University London

Thank you. Questions? [email protected]

@DrSimoneStumpf #HCID2014

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